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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH H, 1007. BK5 I tStlT3 BKjt I X2S a J IV M ' ?Ie JxZLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbA I'an "IHWi.1 i it " --fT jft in" Danderine GREW MISS LEWIS' HAIR AND WE CAN PROVE IT The Great Danderine Never Falls to Produce the Desired Results TV TISS Lewis' hair was ery thin nnd it was less lKan two feet in length when J-'-1 the began using Danderine She coys her hair and scalp are now (airly teeming with now lifo and vigor. That's the main secret ol this Brent remedy's success as o hair grower. It en livens, invigorates and (airly electrifies the ItalP fjlands and tlSBUQS ot the scalp, causing unusual and unheard-of activity on tho part ot these two most impor tant oignns. resulting in a stronuous and continuous growth of tho hair. The following is a reproduction ot Miss Lewis' last letter: January 3, 1005. Dear Doctor Knowlten: - You know I told you in my first letter that my hair would not reach much below' my shoulders, and that all ot it together only mado one tiny braid. I am sending jou my photograph, which I had taken at Stevens Dros. It tells the whole story heller than I can tell it. . Everybody I know is using Danderine, so )ou sea I am doing something to show my appreciation. Sincerely ours. (Miss) EVA LEWIS. UtMt Photograph of MISS EVA LEWIS 8872 Hamilton Avenuo, Chicago DandorlnO makes tho scalp healthy and fertile and keeps it so. It is the greatest scalp fertilizer and therefore! the greatest hairprodUCing romody tho world has ever known It is a natural food and o wholesome medicine Tor both the hair end scalp. Evon a 25c hottlo of it will put more gonuine lifo in your hair than a gallon of any othor hair tonic ovor mado. It shows rosults from tho very start. NOW at nil druggists In threo alios, 25 oonU, GO cents and $1 . por battle rpi" To liow how quickly Dnnderlnr acts wo will send fHrf , a largo hanipl" lr o !' it cum moll to tiny one whe jpnils this HilTi'ttkriiirlit to tin1 Know Hon I)nn drrlno Co., Clitcnco.wltli their UtttUO ttllU OUQtl'SS HUU lOconlStt silver or stamps to 1'uy postage. MNTY COURT UCLAIMS at February Term Marlon County Com missioners awing Is the official publication record ot claims befor tho county commissioners' court p February torni, 1907, with bound allowed, bills continued. rcordlng to tho records in tho ot the county clerk: Roads and Highways. M&Jaquct $ 2.50 LD .75 35.00 .75 1.50 13.50 11.50 G.00 1.50 .75 35.G2 77.30 Groves, J F Hall, B F Uorrlck, D. B., Jr, Janz, R J Kestor, TO Knight, F D Lang, L . . Landon & Son . . Lais, JO Llndsoy, EM Moris, OI Mortenscn, Wm Murphy, J E McCorklo, MA Neal, Bort Neal, WW Nocdha'm, I C Pattern, A L I'opo, Carl ". Popo, TL RnsmuBsen, N P . .. Rossoll, John Robertson, A E ..,.-.... Rowland, E L .....'.,... Sapplngflold, II Stowort, AD Slcwert, DA Simmons, Grovor Shrivo, A L Shllts, T M Smith, W II Spauldlng Log Co a Stelnor & Borgor ....... Tyler, C E Wongor, C C Cap Imp Co 3.00 3.75 7.50 25.00 3.00 1.50 2C.0.0 .45 4.50 .75 2.25 40.00 4.40 17.80 13.00' 22.00 59.G0 S.45 2.25 4.25 1.75 5.75 .75 27.00 2.70 6.00 1.50 57.25 4.30 10.00 .75 72.87 1.C0 3.00 5.00 7.68 Church, J II Bridges. Lambert, LS $ Richardson, W Y Circuit Court. Brown, Theo $ Churchill, Mrs E Byrd, W II . . . onnui, ii ii Lupor, Mrs LIzzIo Lupor, Jns O MInto, II P ..,..'. Allen, R D Esch, Wm . . . : Horner, Mrs Gibson, DW Baumgartnor, J La Brun, Chns Pechncr, M S Long, Tom Long Kato JSalchcnburgcr, J Culver, W J Esch, Wm Lupor, J A .......... Shaw, Royal Qulnn, Wm Alton, R'D Durbln, F W Skiff, Mark Wilson, Bon Armstrong, S II Long, ThomnB Salchenburger, J Long, Kato , Mlnto, II P . 2.00 48.75 3.95 5.40 2.20 2.20 ...MO o on 2.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.80 2.20 2.20 5. GO 5. GO 3.G0 3. GO 3.G0 2.00 2.00 2.20 9.20 9.20 2.00 G.20 G.20 7.G0 5.00 7.G0 7.G0 7.G0 G.20 f Some attractive dishes are made with Lard. It's like serving indigestion with a sugar coating How can you expect digestible the world far superior to" lard or j to be made from a product ob- cooking butter. jd from swine? It isn't reasonable Cottolene is a vegetable, not an exPt And yet many people keep animal product. ? lard an enemy of good For your stomach's sake, us ftjfaoatlirough ignorance of some- Cottolene for cooking. You'll never go H better. It doesn't pay. Your back to lard. Cottolene is never sold r your best friend, and 'twill in bulk it comes only in sealed white ry day for you when it goes tin .pails with a red label and band. In yu. the center of the label is our trade CetkUne is the product which will mark a steer's head in cotton plant '",". it is the best and pur- wreath. '"u snorteniHg medium in Take no suDstitnte.. W COTTmi fftZ wncmUA GRAND PRIZE (ttgtat iitJL'eHr M tW cMkiiir fU at th COTTLE?"" EEt ! ---,c mmmt UKANU nuzE. JUm' UAJM rk, ttf ' NZrJVTk riltut rtr tiifct tUa rt" U far PET ! JI MfMs f k w mmmm " 9 tmr C8' Gffi from the Sunny South Hnycs, FT G.G0 Goray, J P 12.40 Settlemoir, J H 2.20 Pender, A E 8.00 Harris, W M D.G0 Monto, Hester 14.40 Monto, J 1G.40 O'Leary, Dr. N 9.60 Bird, W M 10.20 Beach, Amos 9. GO Moore, H L 9.60 Reovcs, II E .k 9.60 Lefler, Geo 10.80 Pomroy, OS . . . . 10.20 Pomroy, Mrs Allco 10.20 Hayos, Taylor , . S.20 Shophnrd, Bon 7.6"0 Shcphnrd. Mrs Bon 7. GO Esch, Wm G.00 Horrlok, Jr, B B G.00 Kent, Bort 10.00 Scott, R H 9.G0 Tttckor, EM 8.00 Campbell, M. J 8.00 Robinson, Mrs J D . .-. 14,40 Robinson, J D 14.40 Lupor, Mrs . 4.20 Lupor, Jns ' 4.20 Esch, Wm 4.00 Allen, R D 4.00 Burnell, Maud 37.G0 Martin, C F 4.20 Chase. E S G1.40 Cullum, Wm , 44.00 Thnckor, Sam 4 1.30 Moorchousc, R 42.20 Rhoda, Art . . . , 42.20 Hecnnn, Jas 44. SO Moorehouso. A F 42.20 Welch, John .. 44.00 Clark, W T 43.00 Koneke, J6h"n 43. GO Peudloton, 0 10.G0 Pendleton, Pearl 10.G0 Church, J II 38.40 Taylor, A J 59.G0 McClonry, T J 43. GO Slaughtor, WW 1G.40 "Upmeyor, E E 2.20 Esch, Win 2,00 Lupor, J 4.20 Lupor, LIzzIo 4.20 Tttckor, EM 2.-0 Pooler, A J 2.80 Motntt, A T 2.20 Robinson, J D 14.40 Robinson, Mrs. .ID 14.40 Miller, A A 8,00 Martin, C F 2.20 Culver, W J , 8.50 Elliott, N D 1G.50 McGllchrlst & Son 8.35 Horrlsk, Jr, B B 10.45 McCallen, H 4.40 Stevens, R L 2.85 Cunvnt KxpeiiKcs. Allon, RD 10.00 Barr, John 2.00 Culver, W J 10.00 Dragor, D O 10.00 Uorrlck, Jr, B B 1.75 8cott, John II ...'. 0.00 House Fur Co GO McNory, John II 3.00 Mooros, Ross E 49.04 Mooros, E T 1 1.35 Paton Bros 31.20 Pac Stntes T & T Co 31.50 Riohardion, W Y ,... .88 Rice, F J 1.00 Rodgors, Goo F 177.35 Statesman Pub Co ........ 1.50 Stolnor & Burger C.00 Western Union Co : .GO .ItiKtlro Court. Rutherford, R A ........ 1.90 Mengonnlor, FA 1.00 Hnycs, T F 3.35 Beach, Amos 5.90 Wcbstor, D 10.70 Johnson. J C 20.90 Will, Alllo '..... G.70 Krnus, Goo 6.70 Lundlno. A 6.70 Goble, 11 C 6.70 Miller, Sam 6.70 CrittonJon. Chas 0.70 Blossor. Ott 6.70 Hlggonbotham, O P 6.70 Blaknoy, Lewis 2.00 Brown, Thos 26.00 Earl, II L 3.00 Knight, MO . 2.00 Osborn, J II . . , . , 2.00 Gllbort, W P .'. . 2.00 Grler, J B , 3.00 Porter, J it ...,, , 2.00 Smith, Alva . . . u, . . 2.00 Hayes, T F 3,00 Ogle, Chas L 2.00 Buschlet, J J 2.20 Pond, F h , 3.00 Sponrer, Geo A 3.00 Webster, D 12.80 Johnson, J C '. 18.C5 Culver, J W 1.70 MInto, HP 1.70 Manogco, J B 2.10 Stum, Thomas 4.60 Hlller, Geo 1.80 Brentano, JTTB 1.70 Court Houmj Expense. Duron & Hainlltpn I 11. Go Cap City Trana Co ........ .GO Globe Sanity Supply Co.... 9.50 Hansen, AM ..'.......,.. 11.00 Hughes Co., John 20.05 Lammo, John H 8.20 Manley, JW ?3.50 Pac States T, k T. Co 7.60 Portland Qen Elcc Co 6 C.7 0 Salem Water Co 14.00 Pr. Claymer, Geo W ........ . , $107.74 HarrJt,JW, ,.. 1.6 Hughes Co., John 5.00 Johnson, Oscar M 12.30 Pac States T. & T. Co 1.50 Roth.& Graber 5.00 Ryan", R R 5.00 Whlto & Son, DA 3.25 Salem Woolen Mill Store, . . 54.00 Asstnt. mill Col. of Taxes. Beer, Molvln , . 6.00 Elliott, ND 50.25 Coroner's Onico. Clough, AM 5.40 O. C. etui O. N'oodhnm, I C 17.40 Goulot, W II 19.60 Klwtlon Expense. Hicks, R M 5.00 Rice, C O 7.30 Iternnlers Olllce. Horrlok, Jr., BB 13.25 School Sttpt. Olllro. Roland, Carrlo E 50.00 v. Fruit Inspector. Armstrong, EG 74.40 Insane. Culver, W J 3.50 Jail. Culver, W J .....? 79.45 Lewis nntl Clnrk Fair. Mlllor, GB , 10.00 ALCOHOL MADE ON THE FARM DO YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM EVERY YEAR! If You Do, You Arc Doctoring the Symplons and 'th& Disease Remains in Your Blood How to Cure It. (Continued from pago one.) fodcrnl rato bill, Is In Washington thtB week nnd has called upon Presi dent Roosovolt. Mr. Stlcknoy sees In tho Increasing activities of state legislatures a real dangor to tho con tinned prospority of commorco. Tho dlffrcnt states tiro framing lnws for tho control of corporations that are not In accord with tho federal stat utos, nnd tho result Is an unsottlod condition of affairs that Ib detrimen tal to business prospority. In touch ing on tho Bitttntlon as it applies to his own road Mr. Stlcknoy said: 'Our, road, for Instance has to tin with tho stnto commlsson In lown and anothor, say, In Minnesota, and on top of that tho fodcrnl commis sion In Washington. Tho absurdity of It Is In tho fnct that our entlro business In a unit, nnd all of It Is la torstnto commorco; It cannot bo sop. nratcd. Tho Intorforonco of so mnny dlfferont commissions Is burdensome, and, as I snld, dooa tho public no good." All or tho lnrgor business ontor prlsoB, dealing In Intorstnto Com morco, nro ctufrontod by tho snmo unsatisfactory conditions. It Ib tho hopo of tho administration that ovontunlly a comprohonslvo fodornl law regulating tho corporations will bo passed, and tho enactment of theso stnto laws Ib certain to hnmpor any wlso nnttonnl suporvlBlon. , Novor again will Undo Snm net as keopor to a herd of olophants. As tho result of his oxporlonco In Im pounding four or tho big nulmnls at tho port of Buffalo, for tho reason that tho ownor declined to pny duty, olophants havo been plnaad upon tho froo list and now any htunblo Ameri can cltlzon mny enjoy tho luxury of an olophnnt so far as duty Is con cerned. Tho olophnnts woro milzod by Uncle Snm, who oxpectod lo (lad ready salo for them. No bidder put In nn appoaranco nnd for sovernl months tho paohydorms havq boon revelling In hay nnd other delicacies at tho oxponso of Undo Snm until It was foarod that tho United Stntoa tronmiry surplus would ho in huIII- olont to moot tho bills for fodder. In dasporntlon Assistant Soorotnry of tho Treasury Jam oh H. Reynolds Is sued an ordar that tho hord bo re turned to tho original ownor with the hlosslngs ot tho govornmont, and that hereafter elephants might wan der to nnd fro aoross tho boundary lino without any fear of being taxed. This conversion of Mr. Reynolds to tho theory of freo trndo Is causing more or Icbb joy In tho Democratic camp. Thoro oro atmost as mnny wnyB ot treating rhcumnstlsm ns thoro arc doctors. Most of th08o trcntmonts arc dl- rooted at tho symptoms nnd nro con sldoreu successful If thoy relievo the pain and stiffness. But tho blond! has not boon purified and tho rhou- mat Ism is Bttro to return, especially nftor n season of exposuro to cold? and dampaoss. Tho patient goca through thla oxporlonco year nftor year nnd begins to think that every thing Is being dono that can bo done. Thla la tho mistake ot a multltuttct- of sufferers. Tho only way to treat rheumatism Is through tho blood. This Is tho- jnothod of Dr. WIlllnmH' Pink Pills thoy not only cloanso tho blood ot tho Impurities which causo tho dls cnBO but build up and restore tho broken down system. Mr. John Rlloy, of Cazonovln, N". Y Bttfforod from rhoumntlsm nn was unable to got relief. Ho thora gave Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla a trlat nnd wna pcrmnnontly cured. "Itv my work na a blacksmith," ho nnysk "I am exposed n groat dool to changon of tompornttiro. Ono mlnuto my work is nonr tho forgo and tho noxt It la In n cold part of tho buUdlng. Somo tlmo ngo I noticed that mr health wan breaking down. Tho Bymploma woro genornl physical woakness, loss of appetlta and nor cousness. I couldn't begin to do iv hard day's work. "It wan evident thnt my blood wan weak and Impure. I ucennto no bet tor ns tlmo went on nnd finally thla. condition of by blood with tho con Btnnt exposuro, brought on rhouma tlsm. It was ot tho Inllammntory kind and wns very painful In tho- Joint, enpoclnlly ot tho foot ant wrists. Many days I could hardly walk and Buffered Intense pain, X took to my bed sovernl tlmoa for a. day or so and onco (or six weeks, "I continued In this condition tin--til a fellow blasksmlth advised mo to. try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. An I had gained no help from othor tront- monts,I decided to give them a trlnl. Within a reasonable tlmo I noticed thnt I was gottlng hotter nnd In a fow. wookn I was cured. That tho enro ls pormanout Is shown by my not having IohI n day at my trndo slnco than. I can truthfully sny that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills put mo on my foot again'' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ar'o In vnluablo In disease of the blood and norvos. Thoy havo curftd aunoiulit, aftor-effoots of tho grip nnd fovursfc general debility and sick homlachoM. dlzzlnuHS, norvotis prostrntlon antt have accompllshud woudorftil rnwults evon In partial pnnilysls and locomo tor ataxia. A valuable booklet, "DlsoaNOs oC tho Blood," containing fuller Infor mation about rheumatism and othor dlsoase of tho blood will, h sotrt froo upon raju&t. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro sold by all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt of price, 50 oonts. por box, six boxos for $2.50, by tho Dr. Wlltlumtt Modlolns Company Sohonectndy, N. Y. -MOO Howard, flOO. Tho roadors ot this paper will bo pleasod to learn that thoro Is at least on dreaded dlseaso that ldonco has been able to cure In all Us Biases, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo lit tho only positive euro now known to tho medical frntornlty, Ca tarrh bolpg a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall'b Catarrh Curo Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patlont strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nature In doing Ita work. The proprietors have so much taltb In Ita curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list ot testimonial. Adlrcs V. J. CHENEY k CO., To 140, O. Soli by all drugrlsU. 7Cc Take Hall's Family rills for con tIftloa. Not Accepted. New York, March 8. It was ro- portvd that tho half-mile skating ro- ord of 1 mln. 15 3-5 sec., made by Morris Wood at the Saratoga akathig rink on Monday night last, will not bo accepted. Nobody would cortlty as to tho measurement ot tho course . o- Saved Her Hon' Life. Tho happiest mother In tho little, town of Ava, Mo., Is Mrs. 8. HuppA. Sho writes: "One year ago my wv was down with such xorlous luug troublo that our physician waa tut ablo to holp him; when, by our drug gist's advlco I bogan giving htm Dr. King's Now Discovery, nnd I soon noticed improvement. I kept -thlj treatment up for a few weeks whutt ha w.a perfectly well. Ho has work ed steadily slnco at carpenter work-. Dr. King's Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed best Cough and cold curo by J. U. Perry, druggist; 50c and 1 Trial bottle free. OAKVOXZiL. iMIlUllllMltaldlMW m i ft