TWMif--- i A TL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAltCH 8, 1007. NO. no. rsliER MONEY THEN LEAVES HER Bilyeu Granted Divorce on Grounds 0f Desertion-Mrs. yvooas Gets Divorce . ti.h " -(Special.) ,. .- mod a woman for a ;; w.H.Bur K fife. ho waB gn,m lU,adge Galloway's court yos- . . This was tho lan- f. .. Mrs Dllyeu when ho L.. ..rhe-Just after sho had L 1100 raised b mortgaging Cniren was granted a dlvorco Mtilj of desertion m"'"" ... ..,,. ttmt tho nlnlnttft ....- nnrn mnrrled In this fcrti 7. 1901- u wns Hhown ti( defendant naa sum ' .. .. m. it when tlio two m Hilng In Portland during ...v.tnnis nnd Clark oxposl- mb progress, and shortly aft- j bdaced ner to inoriBunu LtcrllOO and send tho money to Btart a barber shop In Orogon City with. It appeared, however, from the plaintiff's testlmoncy and nlso thnt of her father, F. D. Denny, that the de fendant hnd not used tho money for hhls barber shop, but hnd forthwith written his wife a letter whoroln ho was said to have Informed his wlfo that sho was too good for him, and that they should part. A few days later tho defendant, It was testified, wont to Los Angeles, where ho is re ported to have lost nil his money playing tho rnces. Tho plaintiff was awarded the custody of the child, ns prayed for in tho complaint. Weath erford & Wyntt were attorneys for tho plaintiff. I la tho caso of Viola F. Woods vs. J. L. Woods, Judgo Qnllowny Inst 'evening made an order granting the dlvorco and taxing nil tho costs to tho plaintiff. Mrs. Woods was also given tho custody of tho children. A Printer Was Iil-scovcreu. L&jhm Wash, March S. Hircblng for a cat In an ittd wlno cellar under tho taloon this morning, Ro- 1s!th found tho body of II. Al f.iorlnter from Vancouver, B. lit diiappearcd two wooksngo. I crldcntlr crawled In whllo at(d and died there. o- irrr llonllug Tournament. w, March S Tho Portland test of tho western bowling i tournament has determined tattle will not get tho next mooting. Senttlo has summonod moro boostors. Utah, Idaho nnd Montana aro well represented. Thero was a successful noisy opening last night a Father Hears from Kidnaped Sou. . Dover, Del., Mnrch 8. It Is re ported liero today that Dr. Marvin has received n letter from tho kld napor of his 4-year-old Bon, saying tho child is Bafc, but convoying veiled threats of what will happen If tho money Is not forthcoming. There Is much mystery about tho case. Mar vin donles ho received tho letter. Tho police rofuso to discuss tho Bamo. HICAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE NEW SPRING GOODS NOW ON SJALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT finrlnv-a .it-LiLt.! . .... . . ... l -r r.- v...., oi no,v Koous is iim grainiest in mo uisiory JiieCUwso Store, tho assortment you luwo to m-loct from is groit - "" " iiiuic-ii uf any iiuuM on mo i'uciiic v-oum. ju tare yon money. ig Gloves 1 hnjth gloves in kid and -. - au wane. Wo havo 1 the rlcht nrlm. -i .... m aad white ogc "c 9, 11.98, J2.50 i'New Jackets 1 Ktttl M , . ' "T ot ww Jackets and silk iiT. ywnere. and as , , v prices. uaies' I eoati, M 98, C.90, Silk Waists wongtho pretUet JOB I.IJ I ttt. j ,a,u jour .jy Wilfully trimmed. nk valau..3.50 SilkWafels Ife1"'"' 1 .t3rthflCo,,lerlBB iMt, " M quality. .-14.50 WARNER'S RUST PROOF Corsets on Sale Here. New Millinery This Boasoo wo can show you a grand and oomnloto Hno of high class millinery. Nov la your tlmo to make a wo aro open Ing up every day how creations from New York sad Chicago. Wo havo this ocasoa oao of tho best mlllnera on tho Pacific 'coast, n young lady that caa design and make for yoa ftsy class of hat you want at about fcalf what you havo to cay elaovaere. Trimmed haU, $1,C0, $2.50, $3.50, t 50 and up. ' ( II mi- Ladies dress Shoes Perhaps yoa do not know that tho Chcago Store does a terribly big shoo dhIm. Teat Is true aad If you see tfte Mgk-claw shoes we carry aad tke low price we ask for them yoa will also bo a cus tomer. Flae dma shoes, $1.49, $1.98, $2.25, $2.50. . New Silks Beautiful dcw silks in every class aad klad. Boaaaa stripes, Dresden dcalgas, poftadots, fancy plaids aad dalaty cack, silk dots and hundreds of others at small prices. MTT OMOWDfa ITOWB. Ctntr wt 6M4CmrtMT$ ALCOHOL MADE ON THE FARM Three Cents Per 100 Pounds for Freight 1500 Miles Washington, March S. Ot groat lmportanco to tho wost Is tho houso bill amending tho act rolating'to de natured alcohol which has just boon passed by tho senate. Tho moasuro wont through by a voto of 65 to 1, Sonntor Pettus being tho only one In opposition to its passage. Tho bill, which now goes to tho President nnd which will bo signed by him, hns for Ub object tho relaxation ot tho gov ernment Inspection In tho munufuc turo ot denatured alcohol,- which Is Intended for ubo In tho manufactures nnd nutoB. Tho amending bill was drawn to satisfy tho complaints of westorn farmers, who pointed out that tho act passed Inst year was so framed as to deny to them tho bene fits which tho legislation prlmnrily was designed to confer. As Boonns tho bill recolves tho President's sig nature fnrmors may ongngo In tho manufacture of dunnturod alcohol with which to drlvo their pumps and other farming machinery. . Juckson O. Cook, of St. Paul, Minn., who has boon hero for several days, Is an enthusiastic ndvocnto ot a groator fodornl activity In tho de velopment of tho country's water ways. In n published lutorvlow ho said: "Wo can no longer tront our rlvors ns moro sowers, but must consider them ns great arteries for tho trans portation of Blow going freight. It properly improved they could bo used to carry tho products of mino, fnctory and flold for distribution among tho mnrkots ot tho world. I am told that with tho Mississippi wntorway Improved, flour may bo shipped at a profit from St. Paul to St. Louis for tbreo cents a hundred pounds'. Tho present railroad rate Is about seven teen or eighteen cents. This Is Just an oxamplo ot tho offoct ot water transportation on rates." Mr. Cook'B statement endorses ful ly tho nrgumont of tho National Riv ers and Harbors congress that nnvl gablo watorways will do moro to ro duco freight rates than nil tho laws that can bo enacted. Through tho efforts ot this organization tho pros ont congross hns passed tho grontost appropriation bill In tho history of tho country for development work on rlvorsnnd harbors. It is now seek ing to Increaso Its membership, so ns to crystalllKo tho present sentiment Into a groat national movement, nnd to that end Its secretary, Captain J. II. Ellison, of Cincinnati, hns Issued an Invitation, copies of which have found their way here, to organiza tions, both stato and commercial, firms, shippers nnd Individuals throughout tho United tates, urging them to join. Exposition matters attracted con siderable nttentlon hero during the last week. A bill appropriating $750,000 in aid ot tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition at Soattlo passed tho scirnto In splto of tho op position of Senator Halo. Tho Maine statesman's opposition drow forth n cauHtlc robuko from Senator Piles, who reminded his eastern colleagues that whllo congress had given $28, 000,000 In all In aid of expositions, only $480,000 ot that amount bad beon spent west of theRocky Moun tains. Almost at the samo tlmo Postmastor Qencral Cortolyou was approving a deslgu for ono and two cent postago stamps commemoratlvo of tho Jamestown exposition. Tho ono cent staAp will havo for tta prin cipal figure a vignette of Captain John Smith, whllo tho two cent stamp will doplct tho landing of tho first settlers at Jamestown. They will bo on salo at postofflces throughout the country on April 26th, the. dato of tho opening of tho exposition. E. II. Harrlman, tho railroad mag nate, passed through Washington this week and took occasion whllo hero to pay some left handed respects to Pre8ldnt Roosevelt nnd the inter state commerce commltslon. Mr. Harrlman was on his way to Hot Springs, Va., whoro be will sock rest at tho Homestead Hotel. Tho rail road kins undoubtedly needs It, after the grilling he received at tho Inves tigation of bis methods by the inter state commerce commission. It is expected that tho supremo court yet will bo compelled to pass upon the right ot tho coambwioB to Inquire Into transactions concerning which. Mr. Harrlman refused to dlvulgo any Information at tho hearing. It la nltogethor probnblo thnt tho recent 'war senro" engineered by President Roosevelt, was really for tho purposo of advancing tho naval bill. In, any ovont, now that tho bill hns been passed providing for two big bnttloshlps, thero hns boon no furthor mention ot tho recent flurry with Japan, nnd the navy department has issued n posltlva statement thnt no moaslures are being taken to rc onforco tho Pacific fleet, Deforo tho settlement of tho San Francisco question alarming rumors by scoroB woro nfiont concerning tho sorry condition of tho navy In eastern waters nnd the existing danger, in caso of war, to tho ontlro Pnclfla const. Pooulinrly, or not, no ono hears thoso rumors today. Thero Is a sncnklng suspicion thnt tho "war senro" was tho "big stick" In mas querade. A. B. Stlcknoy, president of tho Chicago Oront Westorn railroad, ono of tho very prominent railroad men who advocated tho passago ot tho (Continued on pago three.) ADJOURNS, UNTIL MONDAY The Defence In the Thaw Case Concludes Its Testimony RUEF STILL IN HIDING Believed To Be Camping: at His Summer Residence San Frnnclsco, March S. Abo RuofMs still missing, but a well- , defined rumor Is current thnt tho prosecution hns a good clew to his whereabouts, nnd that Dotcctlvo Uums Is closo on his trail. Durns Is mlBBliig slnco Wednesday. All ot Ruef's employes nro being shadowed. Watch Is kept on his summer resi dency and lntlmnto frlonds of tho boss. This resldonco Is located near one of tho Day cities, and Ub cxhU enco M'as not lcarncrd of by tho prose cution until Thursday. Whoa Dunno's court opened UiIb morning, Ruot again failed to nnswor when his name was called. Coroner Walsh waH ordered to tako tho stand, nnd wns soverely cross-oxnmlnod by Honey, who attempted to show nogll genco nnd prejudice on Walsh's part. Walsh said ho looked for Ruof nnd couldn't find him. During tho exam ination Shortrlggo, ono of Ruof's at torneys, rofusod to oboy tho court's ordors to conBO from Interrupting, nnd wns declared guilty of contempt nnd was sontonced to 2 1 hours' Im prisonment. At the conclusion ot tho examina tion tho court declnred Walsh Inulll clnnt, negligent and Incompetent and announced thnt another elisor would bv appoplntcd this afternoon. Now York, Mnrch 8. Dolmns this inornlnjg olllclnlly announced that tho dofenso rested Ub caso. Jeromo ro quosted adjournment until Monday, to which Dolmns agreed, nnd ad journment was taken. Tho Countess of Yarmouth will al so bo cnllcd by tho state. Tho coun tess know much of tho couple's so journ In Europe. Thaw Is vexed by tho delay. Ho returned to his coll nnd fumod. Ho abused Joromo for causing what ho called unnecossnry delay. May McKcnzto to Testify. It Is reported that Evelyn Thaw will bo called early next week to In troduco certain loiters. Sho cannot bo' recalled In rebuttal of her own testimony. It Is announced May Me Konzlo will bo tho first witness for tho stato. Evelyn Thaw' was sorved this morning with a subpoena command ing hor to bo prcsont In court with nny lotters oho may havo written by Wblto, nnd othor naporflfl which Jo romo specifies. NO REFERENDUM. HONDURAS INVADERS SUCCEED In Scattering the Forces of the Nicaraguans San Salvador, Mnrch 8. Dispatch es todny sny Dontlln la pursuing tho scnttored forces of tho Nlcaraguans, Thoy declnro tho fight nt NnmnslQua Is really n victory for tho troops oC Honduras, who captured a number ot x prisoners, nrms nnd munitions. This light, howovor, wnB moroly a Bklr mlsh. A izoncrnl bnttlo Is expected to foflow, both sides having largo ar mies operating In tho vicinity. , i Hnlvmlor in Hlcgv San Salvndor, Mnrch 8. Prosldont Zolnya, of Nicaragua, has Issued n violent proclamation against Hon duras. Tho Guatemala nnd Salvador nntlonnl assembly hero has decreed Salvndor In n stato of slego, so as to bo propnrod to meet nny" cmcrgonoy. MONEY DISAPPEARED. Rut HulfTi'ciiMiry Oftlt'lal AhhuRoiI' i .Reporter. Wanted by tlni U, of O. Pmddont Campbell lit Town, U. 8. QUIETLY PREPARING FOR TKOUIILK. EhtnldlHliliifr Recruiting Stations for the A nny iii All Cities of Any Hlw. Albnny, March 8. President Cnmpboll, tho nblo head of tho Uni versity of Oregon, wns in tho city to day. Ono needs only a fow minutes' talk with him to get tho "Oregon" fover, and to nppreclato tho efforts of tho university to build up an nil Oregon school, which will bo a croJlt to tho statu. Mr. Campbell was hero on account of tho reported action ot tho Linn County Crnngo In reference to tho roforenos of tho U. of O. bill. nnd went out to Lebanon this nftur noon to boo Sonntor Miller nnd tun ers. Ho thinks thnt when tho people imdor Btnnd tho ronsoim for not seg regating tho Itoms of appropriation thoy will not pormlt this to bo an In centive to calling for n neforonco. Tho board neods a Inttltudo In tho uso of tho mouoy. It Ib propoaod to furnlHh u budgot showing Just bow ovary dol lar Ib oxponded, nt tho proper tlmo. Mr. Campbell statoa that this stattf ban thu smallest appropriation of nny In tho United States for its stato unlvorslty, and bollovos ther Is Jus tlco In plnclng every dopnrtmont on n footing equal to thnt of adjoining stntos, so that thuro will bo no need of Orogon students going nway for spoclal studios, and It Is oven pro posed to moot tho demand for corre spondence work. Chicago, March 8. Ooorgo W Pltzgornld, tho tollor of tho sub treasury from whoso cng $175,000 disappeared, wns this morning ac quitted of assault upon tho newspa per mnn, Harry Friend. Fitzgornld accused Frlond of Insulting his wife, whllo In pursuit ot news. Arelilo Roosevelt 'Hotter. Washington, March 8, Archlo Roosevelt Is butter this morning-. Dr Lnmbort, nt S:30, Bald: "Archlo-1 nil right. Ho Ib Btrongor; good pro gross, Indeed," Tho President wns-nt tho bedside at Intervals, taking tlio saiuo precautions as thu doctor against Infection. Dr. Lambert ChlB afternoon oald tho condition of Archlo was very, satr Isfactory. . . i Funeral Notice. Mo Tho fiinornl service of tho 'lnto, Mrs. Anna Roth will be conddctod' from tho family residence, on North Summer nnd unlitcs nvenuo and from tho Oormnn Uaptlst church by Rov. Wllllnm Schunko assisted by Rov. W. II. Bollook, tomorrow nt 10 n. nt.; burial In ueo Mission cmetory. Killed In it Runaway. Quthrlo, Okla., March 8. -P. J. O'Moarn foil botweon tlio wheels and tho body of his buggy today. Tho horses run away and IiIh body was torrlbly mangled, nnd ho will not live. Women Opposo HufTnige. London, March 8.A petition bonrlng signatures of 21,000 women was proBotitod In tho commons, pro testing ngnliiHt woman's suffrage. Eugene, Mnrch 8. That Undo Sam Is preparing for trouble In tho Far East' Is plainly shown by tho es tablishment of recruiting stations all over tho country, whorovor there Is a company of the national guard or a city of any size. Moreover, the men who are now recruited are at once sent to tho Philippines, while they woro formerly onllstcd in tho rcglmcntB In this country. Tho es tablishment of Btations In tho towns has benn made so as to attract as lit tle attention as possible, for though tho government may bo preparing for trouble it does not want to bo known as making extrordlnory efforts for enlistments. Just tho full extent of tho success of Serjeant Weed hero has not boon told, but It Is said that five or six men have quietly enlisted, Tho men recruited In Oregon go to Vancouver first, but Insldo of three or four days they aro sent to San Francisco, whero they take the first steamer to the islands. . o Cldcflfto Markets. Chicago, March 8. Wheat 76 tf 77H, corn 47CH7M. ots, 421&0 42. Dr. J. P. COOK MOVED TO 814 LDXJWtTr BTRJHrT, WKKKK Kit WILL MNN ALL OLD AXE) KKW PAXIKXTff. FOR AXT DtMUSR CALL OM MR. COOK. coxwmurATioK Erety Time a Ctown ot Set of TcetH Goes Oat of My Office Somebody Has SnYtd Some Money. Thte is so ptnt a fact tfcat it i afmoet ntedlM tojrepeat it, fwtfwfcat it most pleastet; afMHrftlw: mat ter to the arfrfttioaa! fact that tbere is evc ay -Hon aWt tfce stfality of fee work. We do oly tie most scknttftc itisty, aa oat prices ate ot waly low, fat tiiey are als tie same to evetylwHly. St tke beatftifffl DUmomi Ring U Tfcompsoa's wfaUaw wkkk we skalTijiYe away. It U tke ftaest erer. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Mmtk Bastllnf. Tke PJaUm PifttMet. Si f I I' m ft