,j twfrW utfoartMUcMBfeVW DAILY CAPITA!, JOUIW& SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, lOt Tho Modesty or Women . .... .i.m .hrink from jl ft !K!fSi 1L W Makes the finest, light- W m . . m it l w 1 est, best iJ lavon hot -breads, cake and pastry Renders the food more digestible a. id wholesome r "3tITCS5TlncKJBKl ABSOLUTELY PURE noYAi oaxinq powoen co new yohk. CLERKSHIPS COST $20,517. About 0r:e Thousand Dollars More in 1905 But the Legislature This Year Saved $5,940 By Cut . ting Out the Investigations The legislature of 1907 uhi not aa oxtrnvngaiit with olorkhlre as 100. Till your the senate Mioitt Jl 1,478; tho houso this year spent 1904 1; to tal of bulU house, fao.ftn. la round number the olerk ooiJl 11000 leetthnn In 1U0R. Tho senate of 80 member luul HU moro employe tUuu lh houso with tiOtuoinuur. Hnch tfMmtor had u private Btoiiographer. In 1906 tin) aennle tpent SIS.0B0 for employe, mul tin house $0400, or ft total of iai.H0. lu 1U0I both houses apuut B40 on epeelul luva tlgntlng committees, TliRt waa mil out hy th iirwwnl legUlutm. Hi'imto 14iiiplo)oi, V O. Grant ohlet ulerk.,.. J. P. Huut, nst. ehlef V. It IorlU calendar. . . . . Frank Motler. reading W. H. Moyor, Brt. at arm. U. o. Onus, doorkeeper.... V, a Gardner, wall olark. . . Will Cola, page Vlrll ParKor, page Joo llallouk. page Prank Roger, messenger. . . 8. U Muorohead. ehlef olerk 4S8 171 300 io it 304 80 SO SO 10S S Coiiimltleo ClorkN. Illennor Gardnoc- A. McOullooh hi. Ifll UoIiIiIiih 11. 8. llliiKhnin O. , Johnson Agnes I'luiu Kitltti Madron Juslo Mnorohund !. 1 OhU ICIIu Hotiultx T. B. Medloy Mr. T. J. llntonl Walter Koyoe Hllxnliuth Kenton . ... J. B. Vim Wlnklo A. V. Hunch II. M. TomllnHon Rose Bohnilnnon F. M, DeNoffo Oiirrlo Dawnnoninn Mr. N. HtiwoU Cloika mid Stenographer. Mr. II. A., Convoy Mr. N. 10. TufTonl C. II. YouiiK Mn, II. N. llgiwn Wnyf llookatt Hthel Cottar G. J. MHloiuty tloo. O. Cloodnll II. B. Nell John Cool ! 11, llrown Mary U. I.oiik Janata llooth JWHMtlA HoMiMlorf t. . ClYr 1'roHk Ollmoii Ghiy lyoook Qorrlii Hurat Prntik .Mlihllotou Mm. aiinu Pulton JimHlto Miliar C. 11. llYHIMI FruHWH Mullt Jwh MoCluro 11. M. lirtiwnttl Ima Ulreli HH MtlHti'MI KellU Iwmi Unfiuaud lHk MlM J. K. Hlovln Wc Offer You Exceptional Advantages for Your Checking Account A cbwkluK Hccount U a ) tewatlo motUod of bIvIub w t all time a wirrvct rt'WJrJ of your dally luuluoii. PiKUrva aro xaottUo amount yH wrll on the face of a ouaoV 4e4 not vary. la orJor to ho ao wrata la your money maHor. yy hy ck&ck. alwaya. Vt IyHs iour aecount. SsJmm SUtt &ualc Koran A. MoQlnnls ..,.' 62 Lcnnlo Scoloy i,00 Mrs. T. JJuford ....' 52 Itoglna WcBt 124 Trafton Dyo ... fvv Ethol Cotter 24 PJorenco Irwin ; 48 Carl SchortrldRO - 21 Scott Morris j" 102 Itoglna West 9 Nora Congers 17 Mario Ooodchlld . . , 9j OtiBulo llooth 102 It. It. Uyrnn " J. M. Whipple 102 H. 11. Hnlnoa 10J h. U Matlhous 102 13. fi. Pollock 12 Mary Kngleton 12 Annlo Solomon I.02 Miranda Franco . . . 12 . -in? j. w. Mooru ; -- Flora V. ,McOnllon 102 Loin Jlorrln 102 t'aul Mcllowor 12 M. U ItusHoll 3? Carl Porclval 12 CiibbIo Crawford ' ! thfl tu tt- rurally akcsUiom shrink fr,, todcllcato qaej.uo ... Iw, t ? essential In ft t Utod. It I women. Yrt, w'P ordca than let better to Mhmlt w 1. 1 oro Mc the disease Brow a nd si hH IslhataooftontlM " for nolhlnK. the annoseco ww -- , h in Tho??rdrw'ravorlwPnrlp- nrnl BV Dr. IV ra ' ...... .t... n.ira ri-ciauon o -"" the cxamniaiiui" which daM?H).TS&.ri..r. u no othnr and local lrf rjSEjkUEHS rmt ini.Dukuniy and t, niw!ia liclos. It i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ! FOlt ItENT For lU-jit Threo lurnisuuu iuum for light housekeeping with hath and phone. Inquire at 486 North Liberty street. Phono 1403. 3-G-3t FOR BAIaB Totnl . ,?9044 MiiHlrnl Comedy TnlIit. Whnt 1b tho ronl nttrnctlvo pnrt of r inimical comedy. Thoro nro many atiBweiB nnd Htlll no ono can wiy JiiHt what It Ih that inakort this form ol ontortalnmont. Tho ono which car ries you from tho enros of buslncsa to tho dollghta of lnughtor aurt on Joymont, whon Murray. & Mack como to tho Grand opora Iioiibo UiIb Tliura- dny ovonlng, Mnrch 7, wo will have tho real ovent of tho Bonaon so far as miiHlcal comedy Is concorncd Tho company I? a largo ono nnd among tho cant will ho Gladys Van (His Plxloy, Gortrudo Hutlodgo.llohby Harrington. May Gnhrlol ,Hno .Ham ilton, Florence Cordolla, P. J. Kane. 170 ' 2J1 L - '&&A$m.: U3 KD 30 SOB 13 llil 10 170 10R 2 OB 24 126 U06 170 mo SOB 210 123 201 201 21 HI 102 102 170 ISO 20B 104 210 301 201 US fenui. 7;rps-. It i, strictly non-?.!,W!r.S-t.all IU Ingn-dlont. f r,,rVr. d on It bottlo-rnpt.eri cow belg prints on i habit-fi.rmlng "'S Tnd SS?llv lacdltliKil root drT r.ntolU. .Tuition has tho full entering Into IU ww I , thf STi riSESn. and strongest of pro ?LlS ondorwrnenuof Its lugn-dlonu, m h! fraud n a iihlot wratiwd The mot InlolllKsiit women now-a-dayi miM on kiwwlnu what they tako as inM leC mvnd of opening their mouths ill e k lit of young bird and gulping d.-vf w,u everU offered thorn. "Favorite Pre- makoi weak women Mrong and stub Ti'k A Mlleal Adviser H scatrrr ffSS M V bP Wf; Vinfalo N. Y.. l oncwent stamps for pa- JlllI'Ul". ... ,,., ... I,.lwti1,l. 1 1 f Mrk nil Md 1 1 he Doctor, f reo of charge by kilter. All wwh enmmunlcatloM xro ..ill aiirn'dlv ronrtdwitliil. 1 Tm" aPli'aMiia Pellets. Inv Icornto Mid regulate stomach, liver and Iwweb Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bother with having It done nt homo again. Tlmo was when overy family could not afford to send tho washing to a lnundry, but times havo ohnngod so, too, 'iavo the methods and prlcoa. Today vou can better afford to send the ruinlly washing horo than not to Auk about our prlcos on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono 'M. lUIMOII S. Liberty St. For Sale. A flvo and a six-room house, with from one to six lots with each, well located In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schcnofleld, 21st and Marlon Sts., Salem. 1-28-tf Salem Iron Works. xw. chlnlsta and blacksmith " facturora of all klnda of J machinery. Hop and tan Z atovos, etc. Manufacturer Balem Iron Works Hop pre n For Saks A complcto box manufac turing and planing mill plant. Ad dress E. Durkholder, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf For Suit Hotel well located; fur nished throughout at a bargain. A good chanco for tho right party. Also first class piano. Address "E" caro Journal. unintcior aim BullderA. J , , vUUHttur ttna u -.uioutu use. n pay you to see me hof... " build. Satisfaction mm Call at 415 Court .i,J I?1 "utJJJi, MtU G44. ggWAND BETONTMIASi) GOo iccond-Ibma Cfl2T ! Dought and Bold, alo rj--: stovea and cooking ntenffli, ! es, granlto and tinware of aiiiu i Glvouaftcall. O.L.McPtiJi South Commercial 8L i.u For Sale A C-yeor-old brood more, dark brown, heavy built, gentle and good fnrm mare, at Kcolor sheds, near bridge. 3-G-3t For Sale Driving team, C years old, weight 1150 pounds. Prlco $200. Inqulro nt 1107 South Thirteenth Btreet. 3-C-3t l'H YSICI AX S AND Dr. 1). IJ. GrillUi, tlieSftSS Morphine All drug and u,w habits, which ho cures la I fo No monoy until cured, in j St., Salem. Ore. Phone SCS.Mi jjoyena, Business Manager. For Sale. 34-acro farm north of Garden Itond, ono mile from city limits. Well Improved, 10 ncros of hops, good house, nil kinds of small fruit. Inqulro of C. W. Yannkc, Fashion stables. 3-1-2 w For Sale. 12 or 15 good houses, woll located. Ono liouso on East Oak street, two lots, bearing fruit trees of dlfferont varieties. In qulro or J. C. Schultz, 747 South 12th street. 3-D-3t OSTEOPATHS. Dr. D. H. White Graduate oil vllle, Mo., under founder et teopathy. Room 21, Bn Dunuing. uommorciii total Phono 87. Residence Mill nnd Twenty-first Sti. 589. Treats acuto and tltt diseases. Examination free. 1UM For Sale. Four-horso powor Btcam onglno and drill press, lino shaft, with pulleys and belting, also four-horso powor locomotives with tank. Sold cheap If taken now. Prlco nltogethor ?75. Inqulro of Herbert Gnmblo, cornor of 17th and Forry street, Salem, Or. 3-5-1 w U K.PAGO. TUll .. 111.473 llaiuo lluiplojuei mul Clurk. W, I ThQWIMVll I 4S8 W. 1. nrafitr SflS NV. ii. Harry sua, John WlUaoomhi 3c .P. 11 UttllH 0i .11. l. Fonl 14 H. I icmK.... ld P. A. MullW 19B K. O. KltlrldRO S3 P.. H. MSMN 82 Joy Uonw S2 , Maria DV)' 0 W. H. Mnumvy 210 'Caloa Hborhard 2B0 i . M. A. r'tsum . 2B0 JGao. Nuitnor 250 UoHton llowtnan . 80 Clam U. Irsuaoii 2Q0 Mary Payna 200 IHiarl llolma ..... 200 KIlaMahaa ... -. 1K Ann O'Urlon .. .. 200 CUUhi llunhor ..,..,.... S00 Clam Fttter . . , . . . . . . . 200 Adl Qalaa 200 b. . wmiw ..... sa Mi D. Hf aimr , , . ,......, S8& lr4aa IVyi t,irt 0m't LtMAtb ,. lit Fred Halliard, Francis Trumbull. Walter 8. llowar and many othera tif unto. The ohorua HiIb aeHiwii bun beau aelocted from various cltlea and can truthfully Ih callwl "TIib Chorua IJaaullful." The fuinoue four danc Ing Matora eured b Mr Mack from the Royal opera homo at Her Itu will positively ba uaen at each and ovory porformanee. The lit tle wonders wero to have been seen In llanimerataln'a New Grand opera In New York, and Mr. Mnek U under a heavy bond to their parent for their safe return to tholr native land. The production la mounted with the moat modern aceulo and electrical ef fiHits. the oostumoa worn by the cast and ohorua aro the acme of the mod ern modiste, and a dellitht to the feiiilntuo oyoa. Tho mimic of tho show U catuhy andUiuotul and many nuuibera oumpose the program. Tho eomedy or tka stars themselva Is all new, aad aa of yore they retain tholr lunrata Uiureator of the Uugh- liiM habit. v2 Saxctl Her Sou' Life. The happiest mother In tho little town of Ava, Mo., U Mrs. S. Huppee. Bhe wrtlea; "One y&nr ago my son was down with auch aerlous lung trouble that our phyatclan was uu able to half him; whaa, by our drug Rial's advloe 1 begatf Klvlag blm Dr. King's New Dtaoavery, and 1 soon noticed. UnprovewaMt. I kept tula treatment up for a taw weeks when ho was perfectly well. He has work ed ateadlly atneo at carpenter work. Dr. King's DUeovery sttved hi life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure by J. C. Perry. druRsUt; See aud f l. Trial botlla fr Garden Seeds ! We have a largo stock of Garden Seeds In bulk. Our seeds are all l'JOG crop; no carry-over. OXIOX SKTS. Ask for small onion sots. You got throo tlinsa as many to the pound. PI Hid) SHHIKS. Fancy Ulueatam Wheat, Chavelln Uarlay, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa. Flold Peas, Imd Plaater, otc. Distributing ngonts for Coulson'a lgg Foods, Coulsou's Chick Foods, Coulson'a Condition Powders. The largest wholesale nnd retail dealers In the city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato street Leo Abblo. C. R.; A. L. Drown, F. S. PLTTMEEE8, Theo. M. Rarr Plumblog, tot i and Btcam heating and tii 164 Commercial street. Main 122. 1-11 IS. J. Petrol Plumbing, item gas fitting. Successor to Km Murphy, 220 CoaunwtUl 'Phono Mala 17. Central Lodge No. 18. K. of P. Costlo Hall In Holmnn block, cor nor Sloto and Liberty atroots. Tuesday of each wcok at 7:30 p. nt. H. W. Haxard. C. O.j W. I. Staloy. It of R. and S. DRAYMEN. It. O. Cummins Successor to 1 Cummins, express, dellTery i transfer llnv. Prompt strife I our motto. Furniture tsd ; moving a specialty. Stud it 1 South Commercial strett. 175. Resldonco phone Sit. gASH AND DOOS FACTOU rraak M. Brown. jUauHenw sash, d.wrs, mouldings. AD k'i houio finish and htxdwwi I'ront street, bet. State ul ' WANTED. I rMMSgBS)tWlMii Gold Dust Fiotiri .Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Moots evory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Fraxler, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension lnsuranco; 12, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agonts wanted. J. II. O. Montgomery, supremo organlxor, Dox 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R Ryan, Bocroctary, 546 State street. Wanted. Hoard and rooms Vf nnd wife. Must be close it dresa box 494, Salem. Or Girl Wniited-Hotel. -To work t The OjUtal Journal glea moro latoriuatlou to the taxpaywa about tho tax-eaten than all the other awtaHkr ia Oregon put together - i. o- . The Texas Wonaer, Cur all kidney, bladder and rhoumatio trouble; sold by all druf sttts, of two months' treatment by tnall for ft. Dr. E. W. 1UU. 293 Olive street, 8U Louts, Mo, ad tor tentlmoalaU. Sold by Steele's iw itr. iw-lyr OA.aYV3aecXJk Made by THE 8YDNBY POW Etl COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. 1 Made for family u. Ask your f gTCCtr fur it Hrsn and eborti I arwayt on band. P. B. Wallace -fVVxCJSl i jaatinejija MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jessen -TeacVer of pi ano, touch, technlch, interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced studonta prepared for public appearance. Residence 658 Center St. Tel. Main 526. 2-2S-ttf MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ex pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave order at Geo. C. Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr f. w'Miit.Mi To work lot vtirnnrv Coninany IaqsWj ilco on Twelfth street . ,..H wunini to llur Heavy or weight 1400 pounds " J. Conner, Willamette hmj Help Wantl. A iolta Pjf for work la nursery ' ing, Quaker NWei. road, raone vv Our meat rW -l street bas own """;-. t.... nmrfd 1-' we aro ooiwt v, j., rr euatomers. ProoplJ the best of meats or . or phono 199- P-R-j w.Htrd stenosrapoI P-! n woman trUhW" change the flr cLLi eronces. Add iJ-JJ Capital joui caro O. C T. CO -STEAMtRS- l03ONA AND ORUGOXA L1UTE VOKlLXSn MONDAY. YCDXES. DAY AND FRIDAY AT 19 A. M TUESDAY, THURSDAY ANB SATURDAYS AT :09 A M. Oit CXMRYAUD TUESDAY, THUHaWAY AXW SATUHAY AIKUT f, U. P.M, BAU5WDftAt Concrete Work. Get my prices oa aldew&lks, curbs, septic tanks aad cemeat work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-claM. Mj Ward, Highland add. PhoBe SS9. 2-11-tf BUTTERiUT BREAD It Is worth more than any ether bread, yet the price W m higher. For sale at your groeer'a, CLIFORNIA KAKWtY. Thomas & Cooley, rrep. Dutte WewJerelfc Ft wtstaa. liquors and elwurs. We ! tb celebrated Kettefc aa4 OaMaa whiskies. Cool a4 retraefcVac r I Want to Huy !0 next" . . ,ki draft horses "- .& Will pay a - rt not Jess "-" d risjlH be high-grade and w winsmetts """, uonuci, ! ri.ut 7,ntWA Waatwl"- rf JriM for morcaauw "'ir' .... Territory atT-kj toaulLlfdealr.! ued ax a'Tjeiilm ESfci, ftVBUK9, --- . " maiier, SaIeV- SALEM WSrST MTX" i ii -- 9 ' ara r i Cftihkf z&mzz ifcw'i 4j fPJe 9CaMss9a m vt a