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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1907)
c - ri, !'! DAILY. CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, 0R8GOK. THURSDAY, JLYRCH 7, 180?. s: h -Sri flu &S1 it nt It fkt 1 00 19 i o lave bctor No sense in running from one doctor to . Va QaTa tfon hct nh trisan int m yaiiuinvi. "jwiww uiw w-.i ww, iuwu oLHiiu uy Shim. Do not delay, but consult him in time m.1mi irrtu n cfr!r Alr hie nnlnlnn r9 Avor Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as ne says. W ho ereti t W publlth the formula oral! ovir prtprtloa. - .T ; ?i. J. C.ArerCo., IjOlTtll. MlM. .ETTER AB0U1 OREGON Mr Description of Life in lus ir..i u11l4tnttft toeceauinut iimu... Yauey r, ,AM U-'r fro,n "' tcr Mr Fr d J- "upw-i, " '.mo Sal m from Blanmrk. N. D., ltr the past year, aim ...- 7" . ... ci.mii He Is tno pros- fcW""' 7 .. rr LBinagcrof tlio lOKonaiim . -itdbclDBaJounKiiui"""" . . nf nlianrv.i-- fcaaa K '" i,m,t, "' "", L f riles a "J reauame nnu mu L .ivhThc Journal takes gront hurt la remoduclng to give Its Un io impression oi n "" - i7.i. 1 .a It !r Sun- S! a, i' i i - r, tai a rainy tiny. I ccmciuuou t bv ,n.o could not ue mora iu- Ht c turned than In dropping n ,wroa whkh I trust you may rocm 't in tlu columns of tno t-t 1 am prompted in doing so i;r 5-ouc.h quests I have had b' -i f'om several Illtnark :i!3fl b-'-K information ro- rllttj tMi f.i.r of roses ami Ijjuna''- Willie we have hail. Hi' j j untoments of old rosl- :'AS "ii tuiorr loucn oi winter ,ir "nn hi many years pre- x. a"'iut wnai uiMinrn iuu- irr-'.l to at the near approach 7T.B8 ta N"ih Dakota. It Is very ini;i" m Hi r.iin. mill evefvtllllli: a ilio graxi and shrubhory and a few days ago I Wiom. pansl.s that were bloom- I is tv up '" air. During our liKT.-e latT weather, wa hnil ' ',, . with a slight full of i-i the smalt boys and glrlB If if jitri with the novelty, but uH oo muih too soon to suit . i' " norio too mmm to suit mo. fioi 14 bow that the fruit grow ler a rrinuture opening of tho I: l:J with the possibility of n 14.' f .1.' Clod .M wiiii Id seem strange to ' ' in H;ikota to seo open ', ration on the street enr ! nun woi king out of doors i liii-, but Huch Is the 1 and ou ntver see a ' iioi .v.iie gMing nioiig :'ln,i; onto Hinlr ers ' a- ilut the, will drop til- rut iiu' on climate hore, '-', w..:mg to match It Hgalust in inp world. It t very 'U n wmt.r and sum . . Jmec s.'i dtKie8 In t" R iig ti. low 30 dogroos 'X, M. ' nboo. zero in winter. In summer tho son brcozo tempers the heat, so thnt tho nights nro cool, nnd In winter tho nonrnosa of the Pacific ocean, with its Japan warm current, modor ntos tho cold. Tho beautiful Willumotto vrtlley is protected from the hot winds In the summer and tho cold winds in tho winter by tho Cascade mountains on the oast. Snow is soldom seen; hall has nover Injured tho crops,; so I nm told, nnd tornadoes nnd hurricanes are unknown. Lightning Is of rare occurenco nnd novar doos damage. Occasionally distant thunder is heard In tho mountains, nnd tharo Is no aiioh thing ns" hoavy or light thunder storms, tho former bolng accom panied by quch heavy downpours of rain ns in Hl-mnrok. Our rninB nro gontle falls, r.-.dn person who lives here a short time gots used to tho light ruin, nnd in tho winter tlmo you will seo far moro women and men on tho stroots whon a light rain is falling thnn you will whon tho aim Is shining, with n lonst touch of frost in the ntr. The seasons are not so mnrkod hero as In tho snmo lati tudes east of tho Cascades and Rocky mountains. In renllty, wo mny say wo hnvo only two tho wet nnd tho i dry. Tho latter Inst from nbout tho middle of Juno to the middle of Sop- tombor, only tho necessary amount of rain falling botwoon July I nnd Sep tember ir. This onnblo tho crops to ;l:ien nnd bo harvested without dam age cr hurry, nnd yot tho dry wonth- er does not Inst long- enough to in jure the crops In tho least. Irriga tion Is absolutely unnecessary In any mrt of this volloy. Tho rains hogln usually In Soptomber In light show ers. Tiioso increase in tronuoncy so thnt In Octohor and Xovombor tho soil Is In such condition thnt It can ho readily plowad nnd socdod. By Jnnunry 15 wo have had our heavlost rains, nnd from nbout that dato they usually docroaso until they censo nl- togcthor. Our rains nro nolthar con tinuous nor heavy, and nro tho vnl loy's host frlond. As I said boforo, wo pnBS so gradu ally from one sonsou to unothor, thnt tho chnngo 1b scnrcoly perceptible, winter changing to spring nnd un til m to the wot soiuou, If it may be colled wlntor. In my fdrntor Icttor I hollovo I gave you n monger nccount of tho benutlful Ilttlo city Jn which wo ro slde. Salem, tho stnto capital, also county sont of Marlon county, hns n iKipulntion of nbout IB, 000. It is flunked on the west by the Willam ette river, upon tho channel of which two Heels of stunmars operato daily between Salem, Portland and mnny Intervening towns thnt dot Its navi gable length. Tho Southern Pacific railway linos run ton trains dally through the city, nnd nfford continu ous means of Intercourse with tho centers nnd markets of tho wholo fintimsh itJ PIHU. feS'rorAs- jriiwaodRpfiuia IkStefudsorilBowbcf IXMIWI 3DfesHnnrivi.P,.t- jfej-Conlalnsnctilier WtHhn o.-M-n., rAltcOTir few ( tr tfirttsl.. . n.Dtartlca, 'LOSSOPSitf," Srfr.. .vfe te r K-T3r VtlfVSL, ASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AAlf I jfi In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA twe Mva eMar, tmm country. Salem Is tho homo of tho stato government nnd has all of tbo purely stato edifices within, or closo to her bordors. Oregon has been no niggard In tho erection of her public buildings, nnd Snlem has tho bene fit of tho charm lent bjv tho presence of theso splendid structures, a mat ter of adornment nnd convenience, to which sho nnd Marion county have contributed a benutlful court houso nnd a lino modern city hall, and to this list may bo added tho handsomo nnd commodious fedoral building, practically complete, except tho last touches to tho beautiful grounds sur rounding tho building, which was erected at a cost of $110,000. Salem lacks nothing In tho way of commercial investment that should appear in n city of her scope. All linos of business nro represented by stores, warehouses nnd displays that would do credit to a city thrico her alzo. And her commercial rating Is one of tho objects of her especial pride. As an educational center Sa eom has won distinction, and seeks further prcstlgo. Sho 1b tho mother of tho Wllalmotto University, found od hero flfty-nlno years ago. Her public school system Is nmplo for her needs, being supplied by flvo lino buildings, and a, corps of competent teachers numbering moro thnn forty. Besides theso advantages, there nro nttmorouB prlvnto acadomlcs nnd schools with curriculums ndjustcd to tho various professions, arts nnd trndes. Her localjndustrlcs nro hond od by ono of tho finest woolen mills In tho west nnd on tho Pacific coast. Sho hns numerous fnctorlcs nnd me chanical plants. Sho hns gns mak ing facilities, which shares tho light making facilities of tho city, with an electlo lighting nnd power system of modorn appointment nnd enpneity. And sho has n system of wntor stor ago and distribution for local use and consumption, and tho wntor ns to purity cannot bo excelled. Wo hnvo a largo Ico manufacturing plant hero, which supplies tho needs of nil with Ico during tho heated term, thcrcforo wo may enjoy this cooling commodity without being compollod to withstand tho rigors of cold weather for Its means of pro duction. Tho streets nro served with car lines run by oloctrlcty nnd which. rench to ovory point In tho vicinity. Snlem hns wldo nnd woll-kopt thor oughfares, tho business nnd metro politan rcsldonco streets bolng from 99 to 105 feet In width, lined with mngnlflcont shndo trees, bohlnd which clustor tho beautiful homos built upon mansion .nnd cottngo linos, ns tho (nates and means of tho ownors hnvo dictated, but contribut ing on mnsso to tho general adorn ment of tho city. And thoso thor oughfnroB nro equipped with ndo quato nnd substantial soworngo, which lln'ds outlot In tho curront of tho "Willamette rivor holow tho city. Churchos of all denominations hnvo buildings nnd congregations horo, nnd tho frntcrnnl orders of tho coun try aro represented by nourishing lodgos, whllo soclotlcs of local growth nnd olcvntlng toudonolos nro in actlvo oporatlon at nil times. Salem has ono of tho best Young Men's Chris tian associations on this coast. Tho local govornmoiiis of tho olty, coun ty nnd school district nro all careful ly organized and ndmlnlstorcd, nnd committed to pollcios that compre hend tho public good nnd sorvo tho tnxpnyor In ovory posslblo way, tho -pnrtlsa spirit d.nnlt bsnnonnoaua non-partisan, Jmslnoss spirit and basis bolng conspicuous In tho hand ling of tho peoplo'u affaire; a condi tion thnt Is fast bringing taxation down and advancing property valuos and personal wnges to a point com- meusurato wrth tho expectations of a pcoplo ttiat keeps in closo and con stant contnet with public adminis tration. SaJcm hns wonlth, culture. brains and ambition. Sho ha all social advantages. Sho is hospital, receptive, progres sive and nggressivo, and fools Just prldo In licr numerous yours of de velopment. Tho honest strangor Is welconia hero with cordiality and a deslro exists hero to keep him or hor within our midst for tho good of tho Individual and tho olty at large. As Oregon nrown, bo will grow her capi tal olty. Tho dovelopmont lu ovory nook and corner of this Btato adds to the prosperity of Salem. From present Indications Oregon Is bound to grow into a great, popu lous and prosperous state. No coun try on earth nurpoBses in natural re sources, tho territory within hor borders. Surely naturo to this sec tion has been most kind. Life is short at most, and why should it not bo tho aim or mankind to live whoro he can enjoy tho closo contact with naturo, at the saino time reap tho benefit In a -financial and commercial way that Is to he round lu this vast, growing country. Tho resources of this section aro yet to b brought to the reallMtioa of waakfail, a4 hor Uail tliey Im tkw brewekt out by th Mi oT gfafK Um uKWtnaliy '.TJFtf JLHWWB Accidents H Happen! And when Ihcy do hiiitcn jou new! n ' go od llulmcnt and need it at once Al- wnyn. keep eu lined a bottle ot PROF. DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL ThU rreat mngnetlred. t.oothlne nnd benling remedy speedily cure all buns of man or beatt and nlwnys Heals Without A Scar It nu-ii cuts, sprain, bruises, sore. KwelllnKf, lameness, old vroundt, lum tmi.'o, ebupped band, trust bites, otc , nnd if tho Ktundard remedy for barbed wire cuta on nulmalM, harness nnd suuldte Knlls, (.crutches, urease heel, . caked dJilor. Itch, nmnire, cto. II heals n wound from tho bottom up and Is thoroughly nntUeptlo. KINU CACTUS Oil. Is wld by dtupitliits In l'.c See nnd $1 bottles. J nnd 13 decor nted cana. or sent prepaid by tho manu torturers. OIJJUV & McUAJD, Clinton, Iowa, If not oblalnnble,at your druu I lHt-. Accopt no Subatltiito. l-or m1o by O. W. PUTNAM OO., Brnggtsta. SALEM. OK1KIOX. 185 North UommeroUU hb it presents itsolf, nnd with ovory thing in his favor, vory light taxa tion, ns Marlon county Is nbsoltitely out ot dobt, nnd demand for nil thnt ho produces, ho should seo his ef forts nnd thrift rewarded fur beyond his most snuguluu expectations. As nn Indication of successful business prospects, It materially mnnlfests itself to tho writer, who Is closely connected with tho local rotnll Inter ests horo, nnd who Is In tt position to rondlly soo tho demands of tho people. Our business has boon vory succossful, and a splondld future promlsos. I should fool much grntlfUd to sou my old frlonds lu Illsmnrek, nnd tho latoh-strlng Is nlwnyB out whanavar thoy mny ilud their wny out to this soctton. This leavos tho family well, and with n deslro to bo kindly romem borcd to nil friends. Vory slncoroly yours, P. J. UUPKUT. i ' $100 Howard, $100. Tho roadora of this paper will ho pleased to leurn thnt thero Is ut least on dreaded dlsoaso that solenco has been nblo to euro In all I in stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cnturrh Curo is tho only posttlvo euro now known to tho iuodcal fraternity. Ca tarrh bolng a. constitutional dlsoaso, requires a constitutional troutmont. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon Inter nally, acting directly1 upon tho blood and mucous aurfacosof tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation ot tho disease, aud giving tho patient utrength by building up tho consti tution and assisting naturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors havo so much faith In Its curative powers that they offejr One Hundred Dollars for any enso that it falls to euro. Send for list ,of testimonials. Address P. J. CHENEY & CO., To lodo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Tnko Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Wild Rose Flour This Is our high grndo brand of Hour suitable fur all pur poses. Out ot It you can make the lightest lont bread nnd also th finest pastry. It Is giving bettor satisfaction than ever this year ntnl is without u doubt tho host family Hour on tho mnrkot. Qlvo It n trial whon you want flour ngnln. At All Grocers House Cleaning Time cMuti B B B Trndo Mark Ornor n package ot this famous health aud brain building flour nnd enjoy Bomo good old fnshlonod New England Drown llroml. A chnnco at n right hot loaf will make you think you nro lu Boston. With Allen's Helf-rlHlug U. II. II. Float you can mnko broad Just like tho Purltnns usod to make. !M1 Pnncnko Flour Is also a puro food; self rising and all ready to mix with wntor and bako on n hot griddle ALLEN'S BBB FLOUR CO. Pnclllc CoiiHt Factory, Ban Jose, Oil, Eastern Factory, Llttlo Wolf MIUh, Mnimwn, Wis. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR "Will treat you with Oriental horbi tnd curo tiny dlseaso without operation or pain. Dr. Kuin is known evorywhoro in Salem, and has cured many promlnoit people here. Ilo has lived in Salem for SO yeraa, and can he trusted, lie oios ntftuy medicines unknown to white doctors, and with them can cure eatarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rbeu mfttlem, stomach, liver, ami kidney die OAJOfl. Dr. Kum makes n opcet.ilty of dropsy and female troublos. His re medic euro privato dieeaaos when everything else fails. Ho has hundreds of teatl inoniaJe, and glvca consultation free Pricea for medicines very moderate Persona in the country enn writn fo' blank. Bend stamp. If you want somo extra fine tea, got it from us, DE, KUM BOW WO CO., 107 South High etreet, Salem, Oregoa Don't run a rumpso on us. Ore gon Orlauo. Does that refer to tho now vay of railroading a normal school appropriation through tho legislature? V.timii i n w.t i ti vamlmmltmmmLtmjy Tho season Is hero for cleaning hnuso nnd whon It Is dono you want your plumbing put In ordor. It thoro Is anything wrong with your rnugo or wntor tank, sower, water pipes or gas pipes send word and an oxporloncod men to put It In ordor. A. L. FRASER -2BH Stato Street. Phono liltf. -s r AtlMAMf S Peter Piper's Son Stolo tho pig nnd ran nwny with It. Why steal moat whon our prloca nro so low? Try ts ntid ho convinced. E. O. GHOSH, Phone i:ut 1170 Ktnto Ht. ..'.--ynr m CatUarj I hVi'.n rufta to mill tho snmo euro Is used In the handling nnd selection of our lumber, and nlso saves you money. Conio anil soo us about prices. (lOODAI.E liUMMKIl CO., Ynrtli Near Depot. TO CUKK A COLD IN ONK VAX. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine TattloU. DruggisU refund money If It fails te cure. B, W. CTROVE'8 signature on each box. 21c. CASTORIA la lhU $Mi. OkUtMtL, ' tPb ggaJ a kH BBBMBaaBaa M HUgM JJ Of Spent wisely is tho source of much satisfaction. Why not spend a little of it wisely now buying groceries of U8T Baker, Lawrence & Baker taccesftois to Harritt & LawTMc., A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send stamp for ParticulMrs and Testimonials of tho remedy tlut cIcat Ue Complexion, Itemovoa Skin ImpifocUojui, Hakm Not Ulood and Improves dm Healtli. If yea take BEAUTYSKIN Ix-jwiHclal rtnults are guaranteed or Humey refunded, CYIIOHKSTEK CHEMICAL CO MtUlum Place, PWbMWil, Pa, H. S. Gile & Co. Wholesale Groecrs and Com mission Merchants In tho market nt all times for drlod fruit and farm produce of all kinds. SPECIAL Wo ht.vo for sale a fow npplo pnr Ing nnd siloing maohlnou; equipment for n large dryor; will mnko a low price. The Fasfcion Stables roraorly Blmpson'a HUhlec U-to-dato livery anl ab Hoe Funeral turnouts a epoeklty. Tally bo for pleniea and excursion. Phone 44. CIIA8. W YANNKH, lVop. 247 and 240 Hlfh StrMt. I OA.lV9SKXJa,. l AH! lit! ttfliaWIFABICH FEMILE munmiumtpiLU. A ttn, Cuiik Slum fc hmMu Hiwhiim, Nflll IIIWN II Mil. 'I hxllHO ' (kiln. ChiuM r lUMf Ibfk4t ki ,Mi4 (WllJWMb", WulMWaauttl,tolttllM kaa,tu,t4. m,im rw liM,iaM4l,i4MiM lM,UmM4KMHtelllll UNIT(0M(0IC4lCO..aT4.UMUTl.r. r5od In Sakm by Or, 5. C Sfom ' INDEPENDENCE HTAQIS. Dally except Sunday. leaves Wil lamette Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nectr with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at 0:1C p. in. Loaves Inde pendence at 8 a. in. Phone Main 170. RALPH BUDLONQ, Manager HOlXIBTKn Ktcky Moiintain Tea Hwto A En; alatfeto Ut Bj Ptolt. Erls Qiilnn IUtlib avl X M(j VIor. X r .JtoforCmjt i ;, l UfOillon. J,ltl. n4 ICuny Tw.' Jt i -iptf i-"m; inspuni UUxm) JU.I U'Mtu, I ujr- a, ItoweU, Udlm t t-jtnt. J1 ra .' Ju.B . N Mouarr,8 biff Cv '" )fcv,'4MU, f , 1 ftf RTi -TtJrirtf n-c i( i i M ! ' . y