1.-ff Ti 'n,-vir :jhk . --: ;, '".- ;'"- ' "-t "? i A TL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. - " . ii znrrr"- ," i i nl ut n SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1007. i NO. B8. iyggpr"9"vP3F tBERS BOLD IN Mf ftOSUW ....Dniknf the State Ky for $20,000 LjUrchJ-Wmiethoof. eMosco University wero r . ... ih. fhnncollory to- Uirned men entered and r..wmnn They Hrod in I ,.j ?n.ooo and escaped, I. ...... t nf nollco nt tho lie l"'b fa police have surrounded -tnltr andre searcinuB u.. iP- KoMttl I"T Hank. . ntr la.. March 7. Rob- I, morning dynamited tho lie Farmers' Savings uanK, Lnnl thousand dollars. ti?ed. Five hundred dollars Limed where the rouuors i ire fence. A posso Is I tie bandits In a light snow. GKOItGE SORENSOX TESTIFIES. In Ilcnnnnn Trial How Syndicate Lands. Washington, Mnroh 7. George Sorenson, land agent at Portland, Oregon, was called to the stand to day In tho trial of Dinger Hormann. His testimony tended to show conspir ncy to purchase lands In Oregon. Questioned as to how his "syndicate" acquired certain Btnto lands, witness replied: "Somo allotments cost us one dollar, somo wore given to us. others wc got for the price of a glas3 of beer." k . WENT PAST PACE. ENGLAND SCOTLAND UNITED M Humor Alxmt Hint- self. if 3 March 7 Sonator nm ho has ncceptod the tf general counsel for J. J. th Great Northern Railway. Mill offered me the posl- l.lil, but I didn't accept it. I heird from Hill since ubw'ntcly no truth in tho 1 1 didn't leave the senate for IT o nldrtit's Son Wonc. irton, March 7 Tho Whito !i!ti that rchle had a sink- it, bst Is better. Roosevelt W Dr Lambert, of New Tome at once. Archlo has m torn " Lambert caught I train for Washington. Fato of a Woman Who Liver to Ex ceed Her Income. Paris, March 7. Mrs. Dole La tham, said to bo tho .daughter of a magistrate, shot and killed herself beforo a mirror In lavishly furnished apartments this morning. Slio left a note saying she was in financial dif ficulties. Tho woman waB a clever artist, and cntortalncd sumptuously. She lived at a rate to exceed her Income. Emperor Again Dines With Tower. Berlin, March 7. Emperor Wil liam dined with Ambassador and Mrs. Charlenmngo Towor today. This Is tho fourth tlmo that his mng esty has dined nt tho American em bassy slnco Mr. Tower hnB been horo. Tho senson of court entertainment Is now nonrly over, nnd tho emporor Is beginning his spring trips to vari ous parts of Germany. Ho visited tho naval station nt Wilhealmshavcn yos terday and took part in a smoking concert at the ofllcors club. It docs not appear to bo settled whether his mnjesty Is going to tho Mediterran ean this year. o Chicago Mnrkcts. Chicago, March 7. "Wheat 7C 7G, corn, 47, ots 42 42. fllGAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE IEW SPRING GOODS NOW ON SfALE N EVERY DEPARTMENT Sfrint'f exhibition of nw irnml. I- iv. i..... i .i. i.. I "" i f,iMiiui-ni. in inn iiiniury fCfcifiio Store, the assortment you lmvo to select from Is jrrent " """" uuuicu oy any iioumj on the I'mcMc Const. te yoo money. Gloves I" Ufllth rloVoi in kl.l nml P- Wd White. Wn hnv.. rlRht prices. iMUlt f4nhiu st ,J fHI. U98, J2.50 5' New Jackets ! e .how the pret. w e u.i... . ... . -- j".eu ana silk Vl toau, U 98. J6.90. Sc Waists L0" the Drettie.e Tr uu your J "U prices, in. ?" I3S0. Phl. ' "tttmiy trimmed, JJtU.. IJ.50 iSifcW;, !&? nkMt ?X7- Coniiderinr , iu ,. - " hmZ. ...H are ... quality. .so I WARNER'S RUST PROOP Corsets on Sale Here. New Millinery This Benson wo can abow you a grand and complete line of high class millinery. Now is your time to make a selections wo are open InK up every day now creations from Now York and Chicago.- We havo this season one of the best mllinera on the Pacific coast, n young lady that can design and make for you any class of hat you want at about half what you have to pay elsewhere. Trimmed hats, 11.50, J2.C0, $3.50, $4.50 and up. Ladies dress Shoes Perhaps yon do not know that the Chcago Store does a terribly big shoe bnalneM. That is true and If you see tae alga-claw oboea we carry and tae low price we ask for them you will also be a cus tomer. Fine dreas shoes, $1.49, $1-98, $2.25, $3.50. New Silks Deautiful new cllks In every class and kind, Roman stripes, Dresden designs, polkadots, fancy plaids and dainty checks, silk dots and hundreds of others at snail Prices. lty of England's national debt. Scot land feared for tho existence of her national church nnd of hor tlmo hon ored Institutions; nnd then, too, there was to tho north of tho Tweed a widespread fooling of loyalty to tho exiled Stuart princes, who wore ftwnre that the truo sourco of their strength lay in Scotland. if na rnrwl 0tnnk A !( iln1 For Two Hundred Years by !i- brought nbout thov union o't scot- ACt Of UnfOFl TlliStlC aild ,nnil nml EnB,nnu. which was rendor Dnrtt UJ.M tr)rmi.r tj4 4.- w' possible only by sacrifices and for- Rose were Firmly Tied for bonronco on both 8ldcgi th0 ngroo. Centuries. mont, whllo accompanied by many I rogrots and reservations ualng uovor- 'tholo88 regarded both In Edlnburg London, March 7. Whllo Ireland and in London as on tho whole as is straining every norvo to bring nlr t0 on0 B,o s to tho other, abouta ropeal of th elegislatlon unit- Tho commissioners appointed to ing hor to Great Dritinn in 1S0O, elaborate tho act of union began by Scotland Is not far behind tlmo. To- eliminating two rocks upon which day marks an extraordinary land- previous attempts of tho nnmo kind mark In Scotland's history as it cclo- hnd been wrocked, namely, by agroo bratss tho 200th anniversary of tho ing to leave- to each country its own union botweon England and Scot- church and its own codo of laws land. JTheso two sources of difficulty being Both kingdoms regard tho event rniovcd. tl" remainder of tho ngrcc as a causo for national rejoicing and niQnt "arrowed down to four main nro emphatic- in tholr belief that tho no,ntB noly, tho succession to tho union contracted Just two centuries crown trnde' tnst'on "J tho coin ago has contributed not only to tho B,tlon of tho futuro parliament, grnmluor of tho British omplro as a Tho 8cotch commlsslonora ngrood "to whole, but also to tho prosperity of tho d0"1 of tho English that tho tho two parties to tho ngraeniant. latter'8 nct ot succession sottlliiB the crown upon mo iiosconuants oi wuean Anne, nnd, fniling tho Protestant Iioubo of Hnnovor, should bo extend ed to Scotland. The Scotch Uoubo pnrllamont and tho Scotch privy council were abolished and Scotlnnd rocolved forty-flvo soats in tho Eng lish house of commons nnd sixteen For, It UlaBgow is today second only In Gront Britain to London In point of population, wealth and commer cial importance, superior In those re spects ovon to LIvorpool and to Man chester, It Ib owing to tho romoval of those restrictions of trade which oxlsted urior to tho union, nnd which would bo tho inovltnblo consequence Beata ,n tho hou" of ,onl8' to w,llch of any repeal of tho union now ox- hcr ropresentntivoB woro to bo eloct- istlng between Oront Britain and Ire- a nt tho ueKi"lng of onch parlla- lnnd. Indeed, nt tho prosont mo- raent 1)y th Scotch "00r nH0''cl mont when Hnnirnrv. follnwlnir tho for tl,e Pnoao at Holywood palaco oxamplo of Ireland, Is clamoring for i ,n ouoenco to a Bummons from tho Independence nnd for separation from Austria, as indlspenonblo to hor economic and political dovolop- ment, nnd when Norway has Juat crown. Tho national debt nnd taxn' tlon wero adjusted by tho Imposi tion In Scotland of n moderato share of tho land tax, by the extension to i.i i- -....... . .. ..,.. Scotland of a Dart of tho reBiioiiHl- from Sweden, whon secession, lnfnct,,bmty for t,,Q "lonal debt of Eng 1b in tho air. It is well worth whllo ,,Bnd' wh,ch ,n thoso JnyB n'tcd briefly to review tho lessons taught I t0 8u.uu0.000 by tho nti0,)ton by tho two hundred years of union ot n uniform rato of customs and ox- betweon England and Scotlnnd. C,B0 dut,0B for both k,nB,,oms- Dut nt .. . , , . ... I tho principal point wns'tho removal ui vuiiiDi:, iuu iti ai. biuji lunula mu mmt aaowoMi moml OMntr tf wjpWip vy w .x99 agreement between tho Tlilatlo and tho Rose was whon Jnmos VI of Scotland succeeded to tho crown of England as James I, a succession brought about by tho sagacity and presclcnco of Henry VII, who, when nearly 100 yearB previously ho gavo his daughter, Margaret to James IV In marriage, foresaw the oventunl of all trado restrictions botween tho two kingdoms, tho establishment of freo commercial Intercourse) between Scotlnnd and a country such as Eng land In which wealth was much more widely spread anJ tho admission of Scotland to tho samo ndvuntngon and privileges as thoso enjoyod by Eng land in trnde with foreign countries. union of tho crowns, nnd prodlotod ' Und boon r(mch0(, , tlQ com. that U would provo an ncaulsltlon of imlHRlnnnrq llin -.. wn- ,,. mltted to tho Scotch und English parliaments. In Scotland tho ma jority In favor wna II, tho votes be ing 110 for nnd CO against tho ratifi cation of tho troaty. At Westmiustor tho opposition was considerably smaller, and on March G, 1707, tho uct of union between Scotlnnd und England roaolvod tho royal sanction and tho slgnaturo of Queon Anno. Slnco thon tho representation of Scotland In tho houso of commons STOCK MARKET EXCITING Harrlman Getting Ready Gather in a Few Wore Roads to New York, March 7. At tho open ing of tho stock markot a reaction followed tho oxcltomont of yostordoy, Reading and Canadian Pacific slump ing threo to Tour points. Posslmlsts say tho end Is not. yot. Lnwson Bnys UNWRITTEN LAW IS UPHELD In Case of the Strothers Brothers by Virginia Jury. Ottlpoppor, Vn., March T. Tito Jury lu tho Strothers caso returned n verdict of not guilty ut lis 10. Thoy woro out 40 minutes. This la tho, case whoro three brothers shot a mart who married their slater nnd thon led; It mnttnrB llttlo whothor Harrlman a Hfo of debauchery with othor wo- or Frlok is responsible, It has tho samo offoct. it is not clenr yot which controls. A rally followed tho slump. men. Tho acquittal vordlct for all three. Is taken as n ROCKY FELLER Now York, March 7k Tho nowa of tho acquittal of tho Strother brotlv ors was taken to Thaw. "I am migh ty Kind to hoar it," Bald Thaw. Ills Ifnco brightened at the nows whoa romlnded thnt tho Virginian's do 'fotiBO was tho "unwritten law." "I s YOum iiko 10 ion you wuai i iiuuk rDOWri ummt ,l m,t ,ny nttornoys won't lot VjiU T" U mo," said Thaw. IJudgo CoinpllnuMitH Judy. Tho Judgu cumplliuontcd tho Jury Will Have to Stand Suit in :,po" ,,t9 d"c,",1onI- " t0,l,V! J"ror? . . . to return to tholr homos. Ilo hopod rCrJCral LOUrt they would llnd tholr homos lis thoy left them. Ho said ho was glad to 'kkuow that tho chastity ot women St. Louis, Mnroh 7. Tho Stnndnrd Would be uphold, and no punlahmont Oil Company and Rockefeller must glvon to lnon for M)lns the InvndurH stand trial in this city. Four Judges 0f t liolr hom. or tno Unltod States circuit court aro Hitting lu the cane. It was this morning decided thnt a govornmout ouster suit can bo brought to 8t Louis for trial, rogardlcss of what portion of tho country defendants may have legal residence Thoro nro seventy dofendnntH, Including Rock efeller, Rogora and Flagler. o ticluulU'lliu'f Cumcm. San Francisco, March 7. Mayor Schmltz today entered n plea ot not guuty to'lhe? four Indictments charg ing him with tho Ruof extortion, Tho enso was continued until Mon day. Tho conspiracy case against Ruof and Ms chief comos up this af ternoon. If Ruof falls' to appear he will forfeit nn additional $5000. Hmf Ktlll In lllrtlngv San Francisco, Mnroh 7. Al though tho coroner was delegated last night to llnd Huof, thnt oiUclul has mndo no moro progress In locat ing tho fugitive than was mndo- by tho sheriff, Tho roronor admitted', this morning that hu had lioun un ablo to secure a single clew that1, might lead to tho discovery of Ruot'sn wheroabouts. Ha refused to say what efforts had boon madu to find Ruof.- . o Btrongth to England. For tho next 100 years after tho accession of Jnmos I to tho throno of England, Scotland retained her own parlia ment, and, though owning nlloglanco to tho samo king, was deprived of the prlvllogo of commorcinl equality, bolng trentod by England in nil mat tors rotating to trado and Industry as u foreign country, tho attempt of tho king to govern Scotland from Londoit through n Scottish parlia ment naturally furnishing abundant linn been crailnntlv IneroiiRixl from opportunities of unfair interference forty.flvo to MVenty.two ' members, on tho part of offlcious English mn- Bcolnnili aa m9tMonQd ubovo. was lsiers in ocouisn nunirs. rinnuy More Umvrlttt'ii Iawv, Souora, Cnl., Mnrcli 7. Tho Jury In tho enso of George Scott, charged with innnslaughter, lu killing Tom Connolly, at Tuolumne, January Gtlt, It is rumored that Ruof wns seen ' hrought In n vordlct of not guilty nt Portland. Or., this morning, n s,'oU (ol,ll(J '' w'fo ' on"'" w'tl1 ' route for Cnnnda. It Is not coiinnnod .Connolly, mid shot through tho door.. shattering Connolly's hip. Ho dlod.' a week later. (i Mjike (Jmnd Hush. Sonttlo, March 7. Tho Inbound Madison street car Jumped tho track at Ninth avenue this morning and, ran down tho steep hill to Sixth. Mrs. Jumos Brnokett. wife of a ran oh er at Bother, Wash., was thrown un der tho vliools und ground to death. The othor passengers Jumpod, but none wero seriously hurt. n Admit Jury III. Wallace, Idaho, March 7 -Thoro was no agreement of the Jury In tho Adams rnso up to noon Two Jurors aro roportcd III from tho strain They Wiint Immigration, Washington. March 7. According to Romiparto'H opinion, mndo public today, tho Southoru states luivo boon violating tho Immigration laws .by prepaylug transportation and othur wlso assisting tho entry of forulgji Immigrants to thoso stains. tho situation become so intolerable that tho 'wo kingdoms were rapidly drifting back to tho bitter enmity which hnd prevailed prior to tho union of tho crowns, and at tho bo glnlng ot tho ISth century wo And English merchant ahlps being seized In tho Forth by the Scottish govern ment In retaliation for tho selzuro of Scottish Bhlpping in tho Thanca. Shrewd and patriotic statesmen on both sides of tho Tweed became allvo to tho danger and convinced of tho necessity of a. closer union between tho two kingdoms; and King William in particular devoted all tho closing years of his llfo to accomplishing this end, opposed In the matter at every step by Franco, which knew by hor experienco of the past that with Scotland as an enemy threatening tho northern frontier of England much of tho latter's importance as a too would1 vanish. Nor did Franco constitute tho only obstacle to the union. English manufacturers and merchants were Intensely Jealous of their Scottish rivals and bitterly op posed to tho removal of tho restric tions placed upon them. Tho Idea of granting their Scotch competitors the same advantages which they themselves enjoyed was abhorrent to them, and all their Influence was em ployed to prevent anything of the kind taking place. Tho Scotch, on tho other hand, did not relish the Idea of tho loss of their national In dividuality by merging their history In that of EagUuA, They felt that it -would Involve the Increase of tax ation ani a snare in tb rjHalbll- loft at tho union In tho enjoyment of hor soparato systom of laws and leg al administration. But tho laws of England and Scotland havo boon lu many respects Hsslmllattd, tho crim inal law of tho two countries being almost Identical, although tho nuth ods of procedure nro In many re spects different. Tho court of Mis sion, as tho supreme court In civil cases Is called In Scotland, dates from 153f, and was formeJ on tho modol of the parliament at Paris, and Is held at Ediuburg. It constats of thirteen Judges, acting as an inner and an outer house. Tho Innor houso has two divisions, with four Judges each, the first being presided ovor by tho lord president of tho whole court and tho second by tho lord Jus tice clerk. In tho outer houso flvo Judges, called lords ordinary, sit in Bcparate courts. Appeals may bo mado from tho lords ordinary to either of the divisions ot the Inner house, and If the occasion demands, tho opinion of all tho Judges of tho court of secslon may bo called. Ap peals may also bo made from tho court of session to the house of lords at Westminster. Tho lord Juatico , (Continued on pago six). MOVKD TO S4 LIHJaHTT HTtUUtT, WHKKJC Wt WIL& MJCHT AIJL OLD AX XHW r-AYIKMTS. FOB AXY mmuam call ox mi. cook. C0KSULTAT4OX 409 IIoimIuiiih Army ItcpHlnr. San Juan. March 7. Another bat tlo between Honduras ami Nlcnra gunn troops has boon fought. After threo hours' fighting Honduras wan driven oft with big loss First Spring Opening 1907 Friday and Saturday MARCH Gifc aarf 9t. Salem Ladies and everybody is in vited to inspect our vast and elegant stock of PATTERN HATS TAILORED HATS Ami evtrytUag new nnd mrt cUfoc ate tma era irjMwa m tM waomHy wue at ! Lmm mmy it an. 1 MISS M. D. EVANS jk ftfct B Joe Meytra Jb ' Sit. tii Hi r fcd u : t i i ! -U