"wpiffTli'T r r Good Goods 7?ff feMdSi Good Goods "fflfep Spi z&s- irine Suits of the better sort Don't linnglno tlmt bocattso wo npcnk enthusiastically of tho now suits Hint they nro highly priced. Whon you bpo thorn you'll consider tho prices very llttlo. Quito loss thnn you oxpectod to pay, $11.85 to $40. HimiOXH Now ribbons tlmt nro crisp nntl lustrlutts. A host of fnnclos. Drrs (Jon stripes, chucks and figured ofTectn, You will bo nblo to find lidro just what you want nnd tho prtco will bo very modest. Qiinl Itloa tho vary best. TODAY ONLY Our 322 Consecutive Wed nesday Bargain Special For our mid-week special wo coino forward with a lino of LAUNDRY BAGS Tan color, 17x2C Inohos stamped with floral design, top Is facod with material to match silk drnwBtrlng of contrasting color. Every Blooplng room should contain ono of theso bags. Worth 30 cents, but for Today only I cC No phono ordors received. DltKHH GOODS Dress goods aro tho prltno con sideration now-a-tlttys. It Hhould bo whon you consider that Easter Is so lato and tho warm weathor will roqulro a chango of fashion buforo tho end of Lout. Our de partment In tho router of attrac tion on what's now and good, and nowhero olso will you find such a comploto showing and Mich small prlcos. First Floor. DAILY CAPITAL JOUILVAL, SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH fl, 1007. WOMEN WHO ARE ICKLY And anxious to bo mado well again should commence taking Jlostcttcr's Stomach Hitters. We guarantee ev ery bottlo of the genuine to bo pure and In taking It you havo tho posi tive assurance that having cured others, It will cure you, too. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Will strengthen and tone tho entire feminine organism nnd cure Hack, nche, Sick Headache, Cramps, Dlzzl-ik-mj, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Chilli, Coldi or Irfifirlppe. rllwv it W T l HIIiKH Tho collection prosonts' lavish assortments In nil tho varloua groups novelty Bilks, colored tillku, black silks. Tho colored silica offer every tono nnd tint tho now sensonn smllea upou. Tho silks for waists nro In almost end less varloty. Hlnck nllka nro In ovory grndo and wenvo nnd width Spring Clothes Tho spring bringB out n new thing both In material and design. Tho colors, too, como In for their shnro of consideration. Ono of tho novoltles Is a now cont model, 33 Inches long, form fitting nnd has French pressed sldo Beams; no vont. Vest Is thrco buttoned, lapnls trimmed with whlto braid, making a most bnndsomo suit for spring wear, Como In tomorrow nnd let uh show you tho now things. OXFORDS Whon you'ro rondy for spring footwear you can't nfford to over look our Oxfo rds. No ono could wish for bettor stylo and moro goodness, Sco tho now shnpes offering nt $3.50 meet her sister, Mrs. S. Moyers, of Los ngeles. Thoy nro guests nt the Wlllatnttto Hotel. Ex-Socrotnry of Stato F. J. Dun bar left yesterday for Portland. In a week or so he nnd Mrs. Dunbnr will go to California for nn oxtondod pleusuro trip, and particularly for tho health of Mrs. Dunbnr. Thoy will than return to Oregon whoro they will locnto permanently, o do that. It should bo done by tho street commissioner. If ho does not do It tho city council Bhould order him to do It. What Is the use of pay ing road and street taxes If tho streets built by abutting property owners ato not cared for by tho city? Nothing to prevent Snlcm being made the "Home City Beautiful." Speaker Davoy In tho Statesman, gives tho city council some extend ed instructions on how to transact business. His ability In handling the legislature makes him an authority on the expediting of public business, and Mayor Rodgers nnd the city fathers will do well to study his hd vlco carefully, and learn how to push business and' oxpedlto tho passage of bills. And it can bo said, with out hurting their feelings, tho city council Is composed of man who do not know it all In tho way of parlia mentary procedure, and nro wlllllng to loam from tho right source. Weak'VVoi CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for the Public Schools nnd tho Family Circle. CITY JNEWS A Collection of Important Para graph for Your Consideration, Tito River Tho rlvor Is nt (hu 5-foot mnrk. Other World Tho lecturo on "AHtrouomy" at "Willamette Insl night for tho pur )oso of raising funds for tho fntulno uffcrrs In China was heard by a largo and appreciative audlonoonnd was u success as nn entertainment iu well as financially. A neat sum m received nnuVwIll bo sent to tho proper authorities nt once. Tin loo turn was given by Profor Tillman of tho choir of ohoiulNtry. ills Korvlces with tho ninolilno wore do siated. Front JeruMleni A now lot of small dollies, collars mid laces, alio fan chains, On sale tomorrow, 3 to C p. in., corner of Oak and Winter. it Altwny' Tribute Mrs. Jenu Morris HIIU, the phre nologist, went to Hukuuh yesturduy afternoon for n week's engagement nmoug the heads of tho students nnd othur bright pooplo of that city Wli made many frlnmU in Albany. Her lecture were bright nnd liolp. (til ami her road In km very conwluu. tlous, displaying splendid discern ment nnd a thorough understanding of tho art of aharacter reading. Per haps better than that Is tho advice given, of a high standard, palling for tho best there l in a person. Al bany Democrat. Will Hell nt iv Hnerllhii If taken at once, In order to In vest In homo town, my 80-acru farm nt Liberty. Address J. II. Daniel, Eugene, Phono 1344, or sco J. C. Johnson, constnblo tit Salem. 3-C-2t Jerusalem (Jowl BoiMra. Wiggins' nd under city iiuwh department today. o Personals People Going to Newport This year can bring tho agate they And homo and havo them pol lined at any time ot tho year. Wo have a now up to dote plant for grinding and polishing agates and havo knowledge and ability to do good oik Try u when you havo ajate to poiuh. We will guarantee alhfaclloa or will not ask you to y ui a cent for the work. A. L. llrown wont to Marlon today on business. Joa Adolph enmo up from Qorvnts this morning. Attorney II. J. Digger la In Port laud on business, John Dorcas left today for a busi ness trip to Woodburn. II. M. Dranson left this morning for a business trip to Portland. Dr. Z. M. Pnrvln, of Portland, ar rived In tho city this morning. Ralph Rader has returned from u visit to his homo In Portland. Mrs. J II. Johnson nnd daughter have gone to Portland to rouble. Mliw I,ula llrown has returned from short visit tit Woodburn. It. 0. HiinUr will return from n buslntMu trip to Albany this even ing. Mrs. 11. 0. Ollbart. of Salem. Is In tho olty an a visit Ilugwi Regis tor. MIm Albertlno Munim went to Portland tday to visit frlonds aud relative. Miss Maud Watson returned last night from a visit In Saleiu.Kugeue Register. W. 11. Downing, president of tho statu fair board, 1 In tho olty on business. Mr. and Mra. W. 0. Simon havo Keno to Olympla, Washington, to visit relative). F. II. Dayton, tho eye specialist, of Salem, waa Iu tha olty today. llugono Register. MU 8arah Wolf aud sister, Miss Hniina left today for Portland, whoro thuy will reside. Mrs. J. A. Rlohardson and Mrs, A. H. Dodd loft this morning for a visit In Portland. I Charles Doreas. tho wl.ktiewn position with tho Mitchell, Lowls & Stnver Co. Mrs. A, T. Jones of JoffOrsou Is In tho city vlHltlng her Hon who Is ti Btttdont In tho Willamette University. L. W. Robinson, who tins been visiting his brother, J. P. Robinson of this city, left yestordny for Seuttlo whoro ho will Join his wlfo. Ooorgo Meyers and Harry Albort loft this morning for Newport on business pertaining to tho skating rink which Is to bo oroctod nt that plnoo. Dr. Clayton Ransom of Turner was visiting Bnlom frlonds yester day. Hu Is a graduato of tho Wil lamette University modlcnl depart ment Lyle Lewis went to Albany this morning to nttond tho government Inspection of tho mllltla of that placo. Ho Is muslolan of Company O, of Albany. Mrs'. L. W. Pottlngnle. who has been visiting her pnronls, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Edwards, and other Sa lem relatives, loft today for hor homo In Sacramento. Mm. Ed. Hlrsch has roturned from Portland, where she went to Tho fntulno conditions In Central China nro Bald to bo growing worse. The transport ThomnH lms sallod for Manila with the Tonflt roglmont of negro cavalry. The fashlonnble color In London nnd Paris this year Is sulphur yel low. Hermnn Lown, of Edmunds, Wash., savod four girls from drown ing by rescuing thorn from tho wator by good swimming, nftor nil woro upsot In a skiff. Ho will rocolvo ono of tho Carnoglo mednls. In the RuiMlnn parliament, called tho Dotimn. the opposition to tho Cznr Is In full control. Senator and Mrs. Fulton have loft Washington for their homo iu Ore gon. . Stato appropriations In Idnho will roach a million dollars. Portland mon nre planning to so cttro tho location of a glass factory at that city. Over 800 sawmill employos on rollod In unions ut Portlnnd havo gained a number of concessions In tho way of bottor hours and wngos. Smiles The stork lights oftonost nt homos without doorplates. tho Norwich Union Fire Insarance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agont Ontce with Wm. llrown & Co., No 139 Commercial street Johnson, on South High streot, Is grading his streets. Should bo stopped. How oan Wliinmetto University possibly put up a JBO.000 adminis tration building without u stnto ap propriation? Yet that Is to be dono. South Commercial stroet should be put In order, ns Walter Ruck nor has fixed It along his property Property owners are not required to It Is hard to separate the func tions of ono man holding several Jobs. Thus, with tho best of good will, wo cniinot keep sopnrrtto tho uttorancos of Editor Dnvey nnd tho nets of Sponkor Davoy. ho plays n double part ns that of Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde, In tho famous novel nnd play by that nnme. In ono moment ho Is all-powerful, nnd tho next ho confossoa Inability to perform. Tnke this: "The Statosmnn ngrecs with tho Portlnnd Journal thnt ONE OF THE GREATEST MISTAKES OF THE LEGISLATURE WAS THE FAIL VHE TO EXACT REVEXUE-RAIS-IXG LEGISLATION. Tho house pnssod ono bill thnt would hnvo add ed half a million to tho rovenues of the stnto, but It was boaton in tho senate, nnd Governor Chamberlain's family organ In this city holpod all It could In the dofont, gloating ovor It tho noxt day. 'Wo refer to houso bill No. 87." Salem Statesman. Tho wall of Sponkor Davoy Is a compllmont to Tho Cnpltal Journal. If a llttlo nowspnpor on tho outsldo of tho legislature had moro Inllu onco thnn ho had as speaker In pnss lng bills or dcfontlng them some thing wob wrong. It could not pos sibly bo that tho defeat of all tho revenue monsuros was duo to Tho Capital Journal, when tho big Port land dallies, tho Statesman, tho speaker nnd tho Btnto tax commis sion wero nil arrayed on tho sldo of that bill. Editor Dnvey gives Tho Capital Journal credit with having too groat a sny-so, and tho sponker too little. Tho houso was nblo to hold up senate bills and to forco tho sonato to do Its bidding on many matters. Why was not that power Invokod to savo tho "half million" effectively In other matters "not for revonuo bill? Ho did uso his powr rovouue." Need vino "" Vvcr tonic ele r G vuauty and st There nre him,iM.i. -. Salem weak, thin. , I.18"! ""h.ia to fall prey to any dlsew. A member of the G w -, Co., aays such women aeri r .. ...., iaung and itrccjv Vlnol Is not n patent but tho.niedklnal elcmwicf uiu-uwuionni cod liver oil m ly concentrated formtaa fresh cods'llvers -the useluoQ Inntod and tonic Iron added Til la la .,!... I. . -... . .,,,, ,t creates ani; tones up tho digestive orpsi, ncn reu uiood and repuw, ncs3 with strength. Wo ask every ctk down nervous and aged peso bniom to try Vlnol on our pr to return money If It dwi aot fit them. G. W. Putman Cc, elsts. Vrt YVl.lt .... ,un.. ioiiiu u are sole 11 for Vlnol In Salem, it is nowfo at tho loading drug store u w ovory town and city In ti Look for tho Vlnol agentr u w town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Att: Cured Lumbago. A. D, Canmnn, Chicago, writes Mar. 4, 1903. "Having been troublod with Lumbago, nt dlfforont times and tried ono physician after another, then dlfTorent ointments and llnl monts, gavo It up altogether. So I triod onco moro, and got a bottlo of Ilallnrd's Snow Llnlmont, which gavo me almost instant relief. I can chotr fully reclmmond It, and will add my name to your list of aufTorera." Sold, by I). J, Fry necessity In the hygienic care d i person anu tor local tret: feminine ills. Asavruhitic trermicidal. deodoriilntr nd la qualities are extraordinary, Tort at Dructrlsts. SarriDle free. Aii The R. Paxton Co., 15oitoa,J(ta I ' Institute nt Marion. Thero will bo a local tciclml Btlute held at Marlon Em March 9, beginning at 10 o'etafe m. Letters hnvo heen Mat est I County Superintendent MooMtti teachers setting forth ti tM tho mooting nnd tho ntcwtM Inc nresent Ho says: "Daw stormy weather keep 701 1 Rain or shlno tho meetlcvl hold." The program will Uui lews: "Uso of Dictionary In lb i School" E. T, Moores, "riftiirnnhv" Mnrwret Ss "Grammar" D W VIU Afternoon, Program Pupils Marloa "Principles of Greatest Divisor" T. C, Jory Ko.knni MnnneemcntM-h ' fJnnn. "Tho Effect a Good Schooll Upon tho Community' -B. T ah aw. Phnno clrls have many 111. .i,iv, ih.r mke some W" Ih a healthy and happy lt"H Ring up for Rocky Mounim i Sold at Dr Stone's store ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Over Ladd & Rush's Rank. Salem, Or. NEW TODAY For Sale Hotel well located, fur nished throughout at a bargain. A good chance for tho right party. Also first olasa piano Addrets "E" care Journal. For Sale A S-ye.ir-old brood mare, dark brown, heavy built, gentle and good farm mare, at Keoler sheds, near bridge, 3-G-3t Wautcil. Hoard and rooms by man and wlf.v. Must bo cbxe, in. Ad dresa box 491, Salem, Or BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Stato mi UfMtfty SI, Sdbui won wau, U making a rouud-up In ' ' h Aurora district ."'" To work at Mr. and Mrs. Arjhur ooaen ,lo,! went to Newport today for a few day rwrcAtlon. Profeasor F. B. Carlton received by eiprf4U a doxen fancy chicken from Lebanon this morning. Cottage Vr Salv Driving team, i wmi Qj, weight 1160 pounds. Price f 5(H) Inquire at HOT South Thirteenth lrcL s.6t. Mm. Addlo &t-ag who has beea Fir lfcat Thr.. vuitiag uaiem mends Mi this taorn Ib for her tiowe In Portlaad. Fr4 Cerll left this wortg for PwIUm. wiser k aa acwteJ a furnUhed room for light houwkwplas; with batk nd phone, Inquire at 4S6 Norta Ubrty itrwt Phoae 14 OS 5-6-3t TheCyclingScason Is AAm And wc are now fully settled in our new tocatk v-ourc street, and invite you to inspect our 190 of bicycles, which include the i RACYCLE, YALE, CORNELL, PRINCEfl AND VANTINE PLYER What's the use of walking when you can get ( these wheels on easv navmontc tiw at t25. V $35, $40, $45, $50 and up. Old wheels taken in exd BvL wiS SJJ1' G- J" 0r!Sr stckfea J5 SLTr UUMVC OKyfX ". 't frttt th mw lca, 447 v rliwic 368 Prank J. Moore, MMrlHWHMMMMMsWMMsMIWMMMsassmssissiii :