DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WKDNKSHAV, MA11CII tt, 10 :, i DR. EPLEY,S CHORUS A SUCCESS 4IIH li i MH i H H 1 1 1 1 1 i I Ml H 1 1 1 i 1 1 M II 1 1 1 H I II I n -'A Pillar of Fire" Given Last Night in the Christian Church. Nonrly 500 people woro nt tho First Christina church lnt night to onjoy tho production of 'Tlllnr of IHro" by Dr. lilploy and his chorus. Tho singer wore costumed In vory npproprlalo nnd attractive costumos, .nd sang with good effect. There wan places In tho production Hint tho chorun possibly could havo boon motto unioothor and the climaxes utrongor had they hnd tnoro tlmo for rolvcnrslng, hut, to tnko the enter tainment n n whole, It was ono of tin west local talent productions ttUit haB over been glvon lu tho city Wti many n day. fho churcii was not Garishly hut vory prettily decorated 'with palms, which stood nt olthor -end of tho stage, lloforo 8 o'clock tho program began with tho children of Israol lu tho production assumblod to honr tho promlso of God to Jacob. Mlioy wore garbed In tho coslumo of nu oppressed pooplo, being Horvatitu -nnd desplsi'd. ItoV. D. A. Krrett, Mvho eang tho incssngo, on well an eovcrnl other nolo parta, huu n rich Yuasn volco, nnd sang with dlstlnct nens nnd volutno. Ho was dressed ns xa prophet, with a largo nposlollo board, which gavo him aoino trouble, tit, considering that It was nu Im promptu offort to tnnnngo a hoard, -us ho has none of his own, ho did troll. "Tho Rtnrn on tho Jordan nrn Shining Tonight" wiw offoollvoly ren dered by Dr. Kploy, who, owing to tftio unnvoldnblo aliHciico of Mr. "Wtmgor, rendered several of tho ton or boIoh almost Impromptu. In nil, .Mr. Kpley, an probably no ono pros -out could havo ilono, nang with ii prod-Ion and expression which nt onco mitrked him out nu being Ha loin's host. Mr. Duulnp uung In good volco tho lonor nolo "Tho Promise of Jacob. "Tho Answer" or Pharaoh" wna taken by Ivan Martin. A very Trtflty contrnlto nolo wan "Tho liven ing Moon," rendered grnoefully npd feelingly by Miss Nellie Hykon. "Now We Turn to tho Camp," which wan possibly the most illtllMilt nolo, owing to ltd unusual modulations. vhn well rendered by Mrs. (Jhnrlton. Mm. I). A. Hrrett Bnng "Tho Heeds or (ho Hhophurds" in excellent voloo. nnd won the uppltiuHo of th wuull vnce. Tke "IIvviiIiik Bleep" song wan rreltv with tho ooloretl llghta, but whh hardly up to th standard r iIih way It hae been hmkUmmI at trluHtrimU. Tk qiiMrtel, duet ami mxtt work whs among the bt number of th urogram. The clilWIrwn'a chorus wm one of the favorite number), mm wan dem uiinlmtetl by the appliuiw. The whlldrtm miik "I It Wr to tho l'rntnliMHl Unlit" while the senior chorus slowly marthhd. Thin scene. Uth the light erfeet, was the mot nltrnrllve part of the whole. l'rnnk t'lturclillt and Chwiter Cntlow were noooiiipniilsU. and played through the production lu perleot milium, lu fact their partu could not have heeti done better. Dr. Hpley U lo be oougrHtulnted upon being able to get auoli u large number of voice together, mid per fect thorn lu the manner that whs shown Inst night. INTEMPERATE HABITS INCREASE THE LIABILITY TO CONSUMPTION, f The Hiiiccptlhllity of (Hoplu to tiilM-rculoNls Is Jiwt about trebled by liili'inpcmfo IiuIiKh. TIiIh In tho tliiinto of scientific mm. Tho iII.xomho In not caught n you catch Hcnrlet fever or Hiiuillpov but by genus from dried sputum' getting Into (lie lung. If our IhhIIoh lire strong nnd healthy Hits gerniH are reslslMl Mirrwwfiilly liy (he operation of nature; If weakened mid deplete, the germ Mill make headway, and death In inevitable, iinlenH proper meth ods of euro hid followed. Temperance lecturer could well ninke line of these fnclH. Xeglecled colb m uIho a prolific xourco of consumption, us they leave (lie lungs In n peculiarly recepdve condition for (lie tuber cular genu. A Hlmple remedy, which Is wild to break up u cold lu twenty-four hour, and cure any cough (lint Is curable, can Ikj ob (alnetl from nny good pn-M'rlptioii druggist at nmiill cest: Take one-half ounce Virgin OH of I'Jiie (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine nnd eight oiiiiccm of good Vhlky. HtuikVs well and take In tens piHiiifiil ilose every four hours. To nvfild HiibstltiiHon, it Ih best to itircliiiso (he IngretllentH nnd prepare tho mixture youmeir. The Virgin OH of Pine (Pure) hIioiiIiI bo iniri'linmtl in (lie original lialf-ounro vials, uhlcli are kc' curely sen led In n round wooden mm', wldi riitfmvetl nrnpiier, -.villi tho name Virgin OH of Pine (Piuv), guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act, of Juno W, l()b serial niiinber -151, prepared only by Iieiich Chemical Oo Cliicliinntl, Ohio plainly prlutttl thereon. Thero are many iiuik Imitations of Virgin (HI of Pluo (Pui-o), which nro iut out under similar names and stle of package. Never ncreiit thewo as n nuhstitiite for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as (hey will Invariably produco nausea and never ffTect (ho desired rosuH. f-M I I I I H I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I H-i party should havo no future In Ore gon. Republicanism Xot to Hlnme. Tho work dono by men like La Follettc, In Wisconsin; Hughes, In Now York; Doncen, In Illinois, nnd rinvornnr Cummins. In Iowa, enow that thoro nro mon In the Itepubll-, can party who do not bow down to corrupt machine rule. Mr. Drynn, In his aJdress before tho Washington and Oregon legislatures showed that honest men, animated by Intolllgont public spirit and a propor regard Tor the Interests of tho party to which they belong, wore movod by the name Impulses. Tho loud-mouth partisan clamors from n selfish stand point of making a little temporary ndvantage out or his political activ ity This claw aro novor ab to rise above partisanship of tho nar row typo. Tney aro noi uopuuiiciiua nor Democrats. They aro tho foes of good ordor and good government. They disgust tho honost middle class of taxpayors by party trlckory It Is time for tho substantial mid dle class to save tholr proporty from the Huns and Vnnduls of party politics. at)H8MMHaiMtfti 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL hit ijjg1 During the entire month of MarchliT'Ly bie saving and would pay you to maL elr?feii d S further weddings, birthday or annivern; rfcr I SILVER DEPOSIT WARE also in this snl :' new cue aira latest aesigns, and finest quality ni 7' and sHver deposit ever shown in Salem SimJ CHAS. H. HINGES, 4 I f a . jeweier anu ypucian, 1 23 fnm . Easy to find. Next door to Capital Rani ,,wwist ismiwiim,, XOIITir HKXI) AWAKK. "BQ.000 for XorthteT: "North Bend J. Coke. H: Hiiiimiii i in in DISCUSS COUNTY TAXES Silverton Fanner Ad vocates State Tax League. UiIh Htnto In general, and tho tax payers or Marlon county In particu lar, to do something. Should llko very much to see this subject dis cussed by people who know how. 0. U. IIATTEUKUO. The )uggestlon or Mr. Hatleborg that an orgnnlratlon or taxpayers bo rormod Is a goad ono. Something Is necessary. Tho mnjorlty or tho dom inant party him grown so largo that (he inachlno Is easily organized and .New Independence Hank. Tho First Stnto Dank or Indopen donco, Oregon todny Hied articles of Incorporation with tho corporation department or tho Btnto, and It Is un derstood thnt tho now institution will begin buslnoss In our neighbor ing city within a few days. The capital stock of tho now concern Is to bo J'jn, 000, and tho Incorporators nro t C. Patrick, A. P. Horor, V. A. Messner, Fred N. Stump, Win. Itlddell nnd M. Morwln. "aices g4 "Buy Your Ticket to w, F. H. CBttnboll mi Coos Bay lint. - ,. uooa . cosn'oitTixa words. Many a Salem Household WBj , Thorn So. To .have the nnin. .j ... i,n,i i., :"."""" IU I ...... , .evumvea, lolmu "tu ,rum nnnoyms, daB-trou How lo Ilcinaln Voung. To contlnuo young in hoalth. and strongth, do as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, McDonough, Ga. did. Sho says: "Thrco bottlos or Hloctrlc Ultton cured me or chronic liver nnd stom ach trouble, complicated with such aa uiihonlthy condition or the blood that my skin turned rod ns flannel ineelH with llttlto resistance. In the J I am now practically 20 years young- Some Live Suggestions by nn Enter prising Little City of Coos. At Its meeting Inst night tho North Bend Chamber of Commorco dis cussed tho transportation question 'Sain. nnd decided to lay tho matter boforo tho Southern Pacific Company. An appeal will bo made to hnvo the Breakwater put on the Portlnnd run, and other steamship companies will bo urged to havo vossols touch this port. North Bend will alBo bo ndvor tlsod In tho Pacific and Sunset mng nzlnos, tho chamber having decided to run a full pnge ad In each of tho ar? disorders Is enough tonsik, abovo publications. I kidney Bufferer grateful. To A hntr-pngo was taken In tho Ore-;now th,s Breat change os gonlnn's Immigration Issue, and win, brought about will prore coai nppear on March 11th. Quito a number of slogans havo boon submitted. But tho chamber hnB not yot awarded that llfo mem bership. Tho following are tho best thnt havo boon submitted up to tho pres ont.tlmo: ""dot In Step with North Bend" Itov. Burkhnrt. "Seo North Bend First" -C. S. Wlnsor. "North Bend" tho Home of Op portunity" ThomnB B. Jamos. "Follow tho Loador North Bend" Thomas B. Jamos. "Put Mo Off nt North Bend" Thomas B. Jamos. "BO.O00 in North Bend In 1915" F. H. Campbell. Says County Court Is Respon sible for High Taxes for Years to Come. j mum-, wuii iiiiuu rusistance. in me ji am now prncucauy zu years young- "i came, I Saw North Bend, nnd tni.luliii nt-.. li...... ....... ....i ix nr Minn liwfnrn I tnnlf l!1fr(rln Mlltnrn Gtnv..l" 1.' n n.,.,...i.r.n vO".kM. v fci.u.u MUJ1 Ulll IJI1U IJtflll- . " " -"- .-..-..- --....... mujvu .- . ... ..4lllflil.-ll Hd. Jeurnal: statement and Judgo Scott, In IiIh oxplnuutlou In tho ocrat lu tho lowor house, and yot on mutters llko the normal schools and the railroad eommlsslon, to ho ap pointed or removed by tho gover nor thnt Uepuhllonu hnuso wits nl moHt ovcnly divided. So with other inatteni of great linportnnco. When '.I... 11 i.n I in nuiiiiiuuiiiiH uiviueii nuuoRi ev I can now do all my work with cam ! and nnl"t in my hunband's store " Uunra:it,,i"l nt .! C Peny, dr'igglst. Price BOc. "If T V North Bend V Will Strty" It S. Ook-. "North B.ud for Progiv'su' ii. J. Coke. lng words to hundredi of reauors. P. Pratt, proprietor of tb t ront livery stable, 268 proU j bniom, ore., says. "Doani Pills nro a remedy of exa merit and their valuo deiermu Known to nil In need of a-reas uncKacne or kidney trouble, 11 suffered from a deranged ititt j tho kldnoys and hear through my back nnd lolu tlaj went to Dr. Stono's drug Am ! a Bupply of Doan'a Kidney PCx received prompt and effetilrei almost from tho flrct doieulh! short tlmo I wns In such goodeo tlon that I didn't foci anr w to ubo thorn or any other remeJ; j tho kind." For salo by all dealers. Prlct 1 conts. Fostcr-Mtlburn Co., Bifri Now York, solo agents for tkjCilJ States. , Honiombor tho name- Doui-il tnko not other o ok. m "x acs. s: j. . We Offer You Exceptional Advantages for Your Checking Account A eheekliiK account Is a ) toiuallc met h o4 of glvlug you nt al Hum a oorreot record of your daily bulu. FlgortM re ewot tho amount ytiu wilte on tk face of u cheek dot not vary. In order to be no rurnte It your iuouy matttvni, lay by cUxk,alwa. Wo invite )H)ur neeouHt S(em SUtt Bank L. K. PAGE, PrttMt E.W. HAZARD. OmIO Weekly Cunllal .lonrnut nt i."ui, -.,,.... '..... .. .. .. i .. " winy u snows inni mere is n strong 2 1st. Mtwme to labor under the lm- rerorm olemeut, evon In the doinl prMlou Unit tho taxpuyiiro oC-thli I,B"1 lrty. A lender who would b autl-inachlne. or nntl-graft, or ejll It wlmt you plwiMt, would have car ried the whole orKanliHtlon tho oth er way, nud It might have been a illaerot rult. The tMxpMypm' or KHHlMtton. If It in be kpt out of uouuly blame the oounty eourt for all (ho tnxwi thm' have to pay. Now, wo do not hlnme the oounty court for all nor for any tliHl Is rtMiiubl: but w do blHin them for tk ex- irerooly high county tax now ooUoet- r "n,lB nt lw lUHehlne, mid could m1. Th mvotrI uuiity'i wpportloa- ttlOMt Of iU Stilt UX U bMMl OH th HiMount ouch eoNHty exiHiiids on IheiuiHilvoji. m If our county tux Is high our aiiportloniHMtt of the state lax will he litKlt In proporlloH; thorefoie, w will Uav to blame lae oounty court If our proportion or tho Mint hum are high, in 1910 a new apportionment will be made, based on eaoh oounty' expenditure from luot to 1910. Then such amounts h now are collected In Ma rlH county will figure in the ctimpu ttttloH. If the oounty eourt expend at tho Mine rnto tor the next two year, wlwt will our pwiportlon or til (Kate tax be from If) 10 to UU&T However, we will not forget to blame the rHt coUMly court for any hlk preiHirtlim or our vtnto tax lu the years 1910 to 1JU. When John II. Soollt wne Hint n.klng for the of lluo hu now tUU he made people be lieve that he could and would run Marlon county with 110.000. From his late statement It appears that the Hvrago for the last ten yeum was nearly JSI.000 mutually. I) widen this large uh cv"iwt in eah. tho writer of this knows ixMlttvitU' about soma private property the name Judgo Seott has taken for be coNduetad with an lutelllgttnt pro gram bank of It. would uv all right. The lHovemeut should start In some towu like Silverton. hut the protee sIohuI polltlclmis who want political liowcr merely for the purpive of get ting places and pushing grafts should be kept out or It. Dlivx't Primary Nut to Hlnme. Tho direct primary has abolished the political hose, but It has not uhollHhad the uunulng. ph-dge-breaking politician, nor the inachlno The machine Is composed or those who live by polltlunt plunder It Is fed by those who get power lu the name or a political party, and Hum) use the power not tor public business mu ior personal onus, this is u cold, hard saying, hut It U true Abraham l.lnoolu was a politician and when he wuu olected Preeldont he built up a political machine He orguulad ItlH oablnet and his prin cipal uppolntmonta to carry out a certain program, but It was a pro gram that ho had fully and vlearly laid before tho people, and his ma. uhlne was for the pnrpoe at keep lug his pledges made on hla cam paign. That kind of a machine I nvopwiry. ThU Is n machine for the i i puuue nooule. Tho naonlu nm uiaiin.. use without any MmtHmMtteN wUt- flHlM ltf Um irt,leBet(l of wtch,ne ever, and ha heard aUimt mow. lMuler)l aml mit tJtw H The people now m to be Alklng'j r-l,rWttnlaUinw. wy t0 d good deal about high taxes, unit tUu u W1U rt 9f of u wondering what to do t get naform. e,,,,,, to RBt lwMUw, .,-,-..,. v- ..... .uHRW ,u. lUooll, dRyt ,UttR wh0 MM la k lliik nnliuad rif tt AAllittl am. 1 1 via stttit ...... itiv iftiv-irw w (iv v'cV wunc m mm (he state leeifJaturo with men ro (gitnlleAM of purU' connection, who lkm)vM Hiy some taxes, ant) who otiierwUe havo a reputation for koa ( aa.) guod common . In or der to aroinpllh this a state tax INtyvr lvugHO skould he ogaHtd. witk branehim. If p6lbUi, In every vutlag preluot In the Hate, I'ak lag lato consideration, the lat levy fur ibo expend Itu res la Marlon oounty, inoro than 9130,000, and tho last appropriation ot the Mate legislature, pearly $4,000,000. tt MlCHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING 4lt, ,MM 4 C. . tttrt' i . I. Stnatt Dressers Young Men are, as a general thing, the smart dressers. The up-to-the-moment young ma is a sort of a lexicon of clothes, style and correctness. . He knows what's what, and gets it But goodf it, the newest colors,pat- terns, etc., are not enough; for un less that snappy, jaunty appearance characteristic of OUR SUITS-is there it isn't what the young man wants. Our success in pleasing young me is not just " luck," it's due to our knowledge of what the young m wants and our ability to Tprovwc for him. Prires alwavs reasonaW Did you ever notice how 'ntaw young men come nere Tor uw THERE'S A REASON FOR IT. political pledge were hung to the tiearott treo. Traitors to the people wero not allowed to pU the game a second tlmo. Whether we win ev er return to the heroic ds re main to bo seR. It l to be hoped Mr. lUttftrUorg win Ve able to get tho farmer and taxpayer Interest ed. Aa a rale, they woe to lato It 1 none too soon to Uegtn treating a public fttttlment tbat auil wrst the managetuent ot peune affairs out of (he hand of a conwirncele and (vekle maohUe, and l( tney lu SNAPPY LINE OF f URNISHIN' When VOU COIW fo Ihic ctv.rv frkH Finichinac vou cc the Fountain Headif or style at moderate prices. If ib d new enmg out,:you7ll be sure tolfind it here. Come in and sec our Spring Hat Show; you needn't buy unless you Spring RORFRT; SprS Best $3.00 Hat on Earth Sty'6' Styles etst on nsmaltuni- tb Mnimiiin- mwaoUhtliaoforthoUipayeNOf.' ,a lho huu,, .JArty tUat Salem Woolen Mills Sbm