Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 05, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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.:r V "W
iring Suits
of the better sort
Don't imagine that bocauso wo
apoak onthu-Iiutlcnlly of tho now
aitltn that they uro highly priced.
When you 100 than you'll consider
tho prlcos vory llttlo. Quito los
than you expected to pay.
$11.85 to $40.
Now ribbons that aro crisp and
luutrlotiK, A boat of fancies. Drew,
don Mrlpos, chock and figured
offocti, You will bo ttblo to find
hero Just what you want and tho
prlro will bo very modent. Qual
ities tho vory best.
Our 322 Consecutive Wed
nesday Bargain Special
For our mld-wcek special wo
cotno forward with a lino of
Tan color, 17x26 Inches
Btamped with floral tleolgn, top
la faced with mntorlnl to match
silk drawstrhiB of contrasting
color. Kvory sleepInK room
should contain ono of thoso bags.
Worth 30 cents, but for '
Tomorrow only I "C
Nono solfl until 8:30 n. ni. tomor
row, No phono ordorri recolved.
I) reus goodR nro tho prlmo con
nldoratlon now-n-dnyji. It Bhould
bo whon you conBldor that Raster
Is so lato nnd tho warm wcathor
will require a chatiKo of fashion
boforo tho end of Lent. Our de
partment la tho center of attrac
tion on what's now nnd good, and
nowhoro oIro will you And such
a comploto showing and such
Btnall prices. First Floor.
Tho collection prosonts lavish
assortments hi nil tho various
groups novolty silks, colored
silks, blaak silks. Tim colored'
silks offer ovory tono nnd tint tho
now sensonu smiles upon. Tho
sllkrfor waists nro In almost end-'
less vnrloty. Ulnck nllks nro In
every grndo and wcava and width
" CherrHBlossom."
It Is a proverb of Cherry Blossom
Land that n healthy stomach is the
bash of all strength. Good nature
also recognized as of great importance.
The Japanese as a neo pie are remark
able for their health, endurance, pa
tienrc and skill. i.t,i
The cherry tree Is tho most highly
prked of a1 in Japan. It not on y
gives forth a beautiful blossom but the
wild cherry tree furnishes a bark whicn
is most highlv prized in medicine.
Wild Cherry
(Ih-umts Vinfniiana).
Spring Clothes
Tho spring brings out n now
thing both In material nnd design.
Tho colors, too, como In for tholr
slinro of consideration. Ono of
tho novoltlcn Is n now cont model,
33 Inches long, form fitting and
has Fronch pressed sldo scams;
no vent. Vest Is thrco butto;icd,
lapels trimmed with whlto brnld,
making n moHt hnndsomo stilt for
spring wear. Como In tomorrow
nnd let us show you tho new
Whon you'ro rondy for spring
footwenr you can't afford to over
look our Oxfo rds. No ono could
wish for bettor stylo and moro
goodness. Soo tho now
shapes offering at SJJ
Statkb Dis4
Which is an
authority on medicines, mvb of tho
properties of thi' Black Cherrybark:
" Unitinc with n tonic power tho
m .1.1 ! .!. ..tin. aarl
ii en ii i ni: irriiuuuii iw
nervous excitability.
Ai1;uiIp1 to die treatment oi uisensea
Tho "Mlkndo" has just been pro
duced at Baker City by home talent.
Salem has escaped the Mikado and
Queen Esther for some years.
The peoplo nrc Intelligent nnd
know what they want, but It strikes
us thoy would Hot bo bunkoed' tfulte
so badly If they did not fall down
boforo every fellow who can holler,
leudest: "I nm a Ree-publlcnn."
A man you wouldn't hire to man
age your private business may bo n
good follow to look after public busl
news, but ho generally Isn't.
r D T w
IIM of YoP I,Ics ,
i yrnmid Pile Curn , " k
- '"""dZM
. Pollclos of delay In public Im
provements put teamsters nnd labor
ing mon out of business. About
$2000 moro should bo spent on sur
veys, but nny .attempt to build
streets or bridges should be Indefi
nitely postponed.
Information about public business
'. . .i I. .IM.ttl... r( tlm fifnitv
Itl WHICH HI''" '" "ui"V " ".'- ""
arh or of hr vatem." Another au
thority, Ktv.iS AMCItlCAN DlHPKKSA
rour'savs, "it gives tone nnd streiiRth
to the Bvsteiri. useful in fovcr, cough,
and found excellent in consumption."
This ingredient is only one of several
very important native, medicinal root3
in Dr. l'ierr' tlolden Medical Discov
ery. This is a remedy which has en
pyed tiie public approval for nearly
forty vears, nothing w or untried
about It, ha cured thousnnds of people
ni (iinn rlironic. weakening diseases
whirh "are a couipnnied bv a cough, Ld ,mbllc situations.
.....I. ..a lr.,T.oliltlq rtiul inninlniit con- '
itmntion. More thnn that, bv reason
of tlie othnr Ingredients, Bfoodroot,
Mandrake, UnUlon Seal, and Queen's
root, all of iho medicinal virtues of
which are -scientifically extracted and
combined In Dr. Tierce's Golden Med
ical Discover', remarkable cures of
Jvspppsia ainL stomach disorders have
been accomplished.
Nearly fortv yars apA Dr. Pierce
discovered that chemically pure glyo
nno of proper strength io a better
olvent and preservative of tho active
medicinal principles residing In most of
3iir indigi'iMiia or native medicinal
plants than i alcohol. As its use is
entirely unobjectionable, while alcohol
is well kiioun when used oven in
iraall portions, for a protracted peri d,
to do lasting injury to the humnn sys
tem, especially in the io of delicate
women and children, he decided to
use chemically ptnt glycerine instead
of the usually employed alcohol in
the nrennration of his medicine).
He found Hint tho glycerine, besides
Somo of tho aldermen aro alarmed
about putting an Insurance agent
out of business, but think nothing of
tho city buying teams and wngoris
nnd putting ' teamsters out of business.
o jjq B lining entirely harmless, possesses in-
' -f I triiui-- ni".licinal properties of gieat
WtHHr value. Ite nutritive properties, Dr.
Ai Collection of Important Pnr
graph for Your CoHMliU'ratloH.
VM of Fit
At tho Christian church tonight.
A (Irwit CtoHVCHk-HW'
To tho person who orders tho fam
ily provisions, Is Farrlngton & Van
J'H-tton's nmrkot store, because hero
you can order your groceries, vege
tables, meats and flah. Phono Main
New O flirt
Tho local electric oompnny will
jhmju occupy tho Murphy comer on
Statu nnd Cummerclnl strevbt for
nMro purposcu. Tho building Ii
being renovated and remodeled and
will bo very suitable nnd convenient
HHnrtor. This will greatly Improve
tktt nppenratico of that comur whluh
htL boon vncuut for many month.
Tho company ban n lease on tho prop
rty whoro tho oar burns aro situated
for two years, thoroforo thoy will
nuke no chunco In thut duparttneut
li TakCN Two Hour
to hear tho "Pillar of Flro"
the Christian church tonight.
ValHfAl Injur)-
Klmor Dane had thu mlsfortuna
lat evening whllo practicing In tho
TllUr of IW tihorun nt tho
Christian church, to fall on un uloo
trio light Rlobo nnd lulllot tt painful
cut on hi rltsht baud. Ho Immedb
tly wont to Dr. Hvrd who found
thst bu urtory had tiwn pv'iietrnted.
Thn wound wan drosuvd aud Mr.
l)o rvturnvd to hU ponltlon oh ten
ro, and says that he will bo thero to-
Might alto. Th worst feature of tho
accident ho says la that ho will bo
prohibited from playing baso ball for
several wcoks.
Celumbus Oct tt Through Public Own
rsblp of Elsotrlo LlghtlnB.
Tho latest munlclpiil plant In n large
city to glvo tho grand balling ntgu of
distress Is tho electric light plant of
Polumbus, O. Thu director of public
Mrvleo naked Inst Juno for nn addi
tional bond Issue of MO.OOO. For ob
Tlous ronaona the city fathent were
bashful about lumping this question to
the voters. Now, however, Director
I.lttl say that If tho money U not
rorthcomliig tho pMant will bo thrown
out of bulnc and tho J&VUMX) al
ready oxpeudetl lost, lie adds that thu
plant Iw wholly Inadeimato and that
the city Is paying n private company
at tho rato of $73,000 n year to light
tho MtrceU that would ntherwUe bo
left to tho tender mercies of tho moon.
To show how ensy It Is to drive the
wedge of exH'udltur and how thick
tho butt end la In comparison with the
thin edge- that appears In the original
"estimate" tho following tlgurea are
quoted from the lnt annual report of
the tnmtiH'M of tho sinking fund, all of
tho bonds mentioned being for the
erection and eiUlpmeut of the electric
light plant:
rc l, tor jacoo
April t, 1W1 UbKO
Jan. 1, IWl ItLM
cniKiren who rcfuso to tnko castot
oil will tako It If IIkhI In this way
Tnko ono cupful of milk, ono of mo
lasses, a half cupful of sugar, two tea
HpoonfulH of ginger, ono teaspoonful of
soda, n half cupful of castor oil and
flour to roll out. Cut In shapes nnd
bako In it quick oven. Ono or two are
M good as u (Ioko of oil.
Kllrhrit TorrrU. . r
Tlio most soiled of kitchen towels will
beconio sweet nnd whlto with this
treatment: Cover with cold water, put
them nt the back of tho stove, add one
tnblesKHnful of shaved cnstllo soap
nnd tho Julco of half a lemon. Let It
como to a boll gradually, and repeat the
process, itlnso first In tepid and then
In cold wnter
It Is well to know that brooms ot
green straw d not wear ns well as
those of the natural color. Moro brooms
an' used in the kitchen than almost any
other part of the houic, no do not buy
green ones under tho Impression that
thoy will outlast Iho other
To rvmovo thoso distressing whits
rpotB on your jiollshetl mahogany, rub
gently with h white Annuel cloth mois
tened with spirits of camphor or oveu
fan de cologne If tho former la not In
tho house at tho moment.
Old fashioned armchair may be
brought right up to date by covrrlug
them, arms tibd all, with pretty flow.
fft-d chllltx. ttrwtminn nr ilanlm t-
Cot. A itoi (.KO brown, green or dork ml.
Bj- J. w Hveoo,
Aprlt u JM leemtilciliiK) M.aw ,.,,, . .-.,..,.. ,
--. , -. , . t tv v. ..IU. irB lor
Pierco belicws. for suriiass those of
cod liver o:l, entitling it to favorable
consideration in all cafes of incipient
consumption and other wasting disease.
It is an invigorating, tonic altcrattvo
and owes its virtues to Naturo's vege
table garden. Dr. Pierce is only tho
mi . n i iscientmo par
NaUirCS Garden, donor who
. . I knows how to
combine the plants given us by Nnturo
to euro our dioas.s. This prcpurn
Ion is of pleasant taste, ngrees per
fectly with rebellious and sensitive
stomachs, nnd is exiremelv effective In
restoring tone and vigor to the emiro
system. It cures iullnininatorytrtniMi's
of the stomach as well as indigestion
and dyspepsia arising from weak
stomach. One reason why it restores
the health of run-down, palo and ema
ciated people is because it tlrst throws
out the x. fins from tho blood through
the liver and kidneys. It then begins
us reconsira?uve work in building up
flesh by fl.t making good, rich, red
Tho "Golden Medical Discovery" is
made In n laig lalMirntorv, thoreughly
eipiiuped with everv ctentitlo appliance,
at Buffalo, X. V. Qualirled choiuists
are in charge of the laboratory, with
nearly n score of skilled physicians nnd
Burgeons ciiilol to jwmtiiiixe. doter
mlne and prescribe thoso remeilUs and
other means of cure am seem best suited
to many thousands of cases of chronic
diseases which come before tliem for
treatment eaoh year. It costs you noth
ii? to write to Dr. It. V. Pierce- tho
bead of this Institution, nt Buffalo, N.
Y. and get an accurate medical opinion
In your special case and wholly without
V 1.
-- 'oiKage iki,t inn 4J
Half of (t, ...- ,0 frote-.!
matter. Whether )0Vr ' B4
- ui mics is alraon too ITS'
ng for any 10rtaI (o l J
are fearfully tantaiiIed Z, '"'
ablo Itching or whether L?
i a mouerate m.n . ... "!
Is positive rellof .. ..?'
Pyramid Pllo r,' "" 'toB,hJ
You need nnt ni.. .
jo ourselves say about
Homedy. Wo want it to ,L
Itself. Wn .nl .... ' "mi ts-
, " 'u to send for,
. n., VUUav, ni th...
ous Pyramid Pile Cure Wt.
to prove theso nif.io . .
,lvlllcm, .. .
sonnlly, so that you w,u fM, ,b
The Capltnl Joiirnnl breaks the suit yourself. "J
record for giving tho public reliable ," Pyramid Pllo Cure ha. ,..., .
w,.c( r , .... . . M,t
w.DV ...... U4 mi.s Known We Pfn?
Instnnt relief can bo EotttaljM.
Ini (lin nm.vnl.... t. ..
...o ...... .tiuuij ryraou Pfc
Cure. It Immediately rfdacw.
congestion and swclllne. .... .
" "- m
sores, uicors and Irritated pirU.
Tho moment you start to '
your Buffering ends nnd the emit
your droad disease la la sight Km
Is ono of tho many thousand kfic
wo got about this great cure
"I hnvo been a terrible snlertttfl
piles for fourteen (14) yean
during nil this tltno you canhirciJ
Idea of how many kinds of mtil
I trlod. But I found no relief iti!
"Now, nfter trying but one
ment ot your 'Pyramids.' I im f
j froo to toll all sufferers of thudmJ
fill dlscaso to try this raedicise-t
Pyramid Pllo Cure. It will ct
whon all others fall Sincerely jo
Gcorgo Branolght, Schcllborg, K
Tho Pyramid Pllo Cure It ptt
tho form of "easy-to-use," e;
mado Btipporsltorlcs. Tbty
soothing, painless, Instant a&d m
A trlnl treatment will be scat
onco by mail, In plain, sealed
por, without a cent of eijx-H
you, If you send your name tad
dress to Pyramid Drug Co., S3
mid Building, Marshall, Mich.
Aftor you recelvo the sample.
can get a regular slxe pacjaft
Pyramid Pllo Curo at your
glstt's for 50 cents, or If be I
It, sond us tho money and l
sond It to you
Why should not
modol city.
Salem become n
On top of buying teams, wngorts
hnrnoss and grndors tho city should
nlso upon n llvory stable.
Prepared for the Public Sehoola
and tho Family Circle.
Archlo Roosevelt, tho third son of
tho Prosldont, who baa been III of
diphtheria, Is recovering.
Tho Prosldont, by proclamation,
hns ndded 17,000,000 (teres to tho
national forest reserves.
Tho railroads of Nebraska hnvo
ncceptcd tho two-cont rnto law a
nctcd by tho legislature
Tho army of Honduras hns now In
vaded tho borders of Nicaragua.
California cities report n great
scarcity of laboring men.
Tho supremo court of tho United
St at en hns decided that states may
onnct laws to prohibit tho uso of tho
American flag for advertising pur
posos. Appropriations by congress tho
past yoar reached n total of $919,
94S.G30. An explosion ot 1000 pounds of
dynamite today at Mt. Carmol, Pa.,
killed ono man nnd wounded ton,
nnd causod n loss of $150,000.
All efforts to roloaso tho great
Puget Sound Btonmshlp, Dnkotn,
that wont ashore in Toklo harbor
have failed, nnd tho vessel will bo n
totnl loss. Value S3.000.000.
Ten mon woro killed nud nino In
jured today by an explosion h '
atono quarry at Chihuahua, xc
Tho Presldont has reapp
Judgo "Wlckorshain federal Ittfi
Portland street car emplojw '
hnvo been with the compaaf
years or moro ore to recelrt
cents per hour.
. c-
Phnno elrls havo many 1H.
For which they tnko some Mtfl"
i, n tiofiitiiv nnd happy glrlr"
Ring up for Rocky MountalaT!
Sold at Dr. Stone1 store.
Total M VOJ0
In view of tho prevent 'request for
IH0.O0O more the use of the word
"completing In the laat Item wema
unfortunate, tboush It proUbly gave
momentary solace to the taxpayer.
During au luvetl;atlon held In June.
1000, the ruottt araaclug tgnoraure, In
competence and extravagance were
brought to ll.ht, but (be original cou
ovrjlv. when working aruund tb
hou- T-- thf-ia nd re- :li lik.
Norwkh Uakm Fke
Inifacc Sockty
Frank Meredith, RealJent Agent
Gftlce with Wm. Brown & Co., No
159 Commercial etreet.
People Going to
TbU year ca bring tho ngatr
they find homo and have them pol
Uk4 at vy llmo of tho year. We
siave a new up to date plant for
"ftrladlng anil polishing agate end
kave knowlodso and ability to do
S4 work. Try u when yoyi have
amate to pollah. We will guarantee
-HtMactIon or will not atk you to
JHT m ct for t-e work.
SMIt mi UbmtySk S4m
tract waa not, a (hat Important docu I MHNPV TA I All)
ment had beea "lMf from the city rc- wllUI IU LUAll
ord. Blundera In planning and con. ' THOMAS K. KORD
tructlon are alleged that would have Over Ladd k Duh'a Rank. Salem rv
causcsl an hoaret elei'trtclan'a or arcbl- " . .. i iimi'i. '"""atW.
tect'a apprentice to ang bl beea for
ahaiuo If he had perpetrated them.
aad the Inspecting euglueer of a Urge
Philadelphia Una Mated that hi com
pany wa at that time Installing n
plaut of approximately the aauie ca- i,ot..
parity for ? tuopo, less than the sum i
sow asked to VompleteH the plaut on
which m000 h.v boeu lavished.
The rommeut of the Itrooklyit KagU
Minx fur on Chemeketn. be
tween Capital and Commercial
Reward If left t Journal offlce.'
ta, "o simply can't marry butmes
to lwlltlcs," and the Uwton Advertiser ,"r tv'- or 15 gooj house,
aiMt H located. One house, on Kt
"Of coure It la eaay enough to ay Oak strict, two lot, bearing fruit
that the people of that city abould have trev of different vri.i i..
IlearuM etumgk from the failure of pub.' qm of j, a gchult 7i ,,..
lie ownership evurywbew elm to kej Jsih .iw bvnuU, 7" Soth
ot of iw dangenH a. veutww, but the " ira"- 5-5-3t
writing of badly InfonMed tbeorlaU vvv- k tiur.i.n . .v..
liroheWr rte4J.OlitVHa a they , ,-2it7B,i ' f tWm
kve dec4v4 okf vmmwMtK "M "a mn Pw". bft.
ote ec HM mw4ctui owaeraktp WUH P"e" nd belting, also
m4 Vrt over I Hy tke ve. four4ioro power locomotlvo with
M tanlr Ui-.1t v.. i. ...
. ot. vwv. ii iea bqw,
IVIco together 175, Inquire at
Herbert Gamble, corner of Uk
ar4 Ferry tret Salem, Or
par' -r - mr v ' "mm '-m
TheCyclingSeason Is On
And WP. arP nnw flflli zoHtA in rutr nPVV
447 Court Street and invite vou to insiwt our 1907 m
of bicycles, which include the
WaW'c frh P .n,: A ortnflttf
tie wheels on easy payments. They go at $25J
yiD, w, ws, i0 and up. Old wheels taken in exenw
We Have USt rpnivJ a U JriV A ioat u ii.i - l fartarV. aw!T
wi fM(y exchve btcydc twiwe. Dem'r f-. --w ,-- 447 O
Frank J. Moore. Bm