Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 05, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    "fflgfcXpnwT "-jgrrn'?' "''
,V$$frr v " wm "flf
" ft c-
, T VDIia' FiMVl t!jjiiiijiLrMi:u ulum. n. HUSK IA
w Vitirons cut full size, ax extra go
sriuxa SUITS.
A largo and satisfying nssort
.,t of new spring styles, mado
IlilJi nd the new strlpo effects
L .. also showing the advance
l,ts In women's and misses Jack
", ta the new pony styles. Early
loosing U earnestly avlseed.
And endless variety of now
fMhtuffs In dotted Swisses,
-ait, ainmies. i" ..
.rlipd checks, etc. Tho
ijntest and best selected Btock
,rer ihown by this store. Como
ta tnd look them over. You aro
! welcome.
A Tilt assortment of new spring
rttbom. Tho most popular nro
clildi and broken checks In unob-
tnulre patterns and In both light
ul dark colorings on white
pounds. Flounced riunons aro
ilio popular.
1907 spring styles ready for
your Inspection. An Interesting
Mndo of a sheer finished
lawn trimmed embroidery and
val Insertions; either long or
short bIcovo styles. Most stores
would nsk $1.50 for this waist.
OUR PRICE $1.00.
Another shipment of dainty
white undcrmuslins just reached
us. Any of your undcrmuslln re
quirements enn bo filled hero and
now. Never boforo nt such an
ndvantago to you. Special efforts
on our part give you special In
ducements for buying, Tho qual
ity of tho goods this Boason sur
passes anything yet brought to
Salem. All mado under best of
sanitary conditions.
Rail Breath, K'Hnwkiug nud Spitting
Quickly Cured Fill Out Free
Coupon Relow.
idav. March 4
I )rtoa' favorite young actress.
Miss Margarita
A Story of Mormonism
Prices, CTenlngs, 1G and 25c.
ifanrj Opera House
JX'0. 1 COItDRAV, Manager.
Tliuivtiy Mjjlit, March 7th,
The rnmoiis Originals
lurray & Mack
I Their lucoimmrablo Cast:
camuiu; ritj.udge
MAY (nillMKi,
M mu:Y
w:n oilmahd
1. J. K.l.K
1 Real Singing and Dancing
ononis of Naturo'a
le Thursday at 9 a. m.
0 73c 50c, 25c.
"My New Discovery Quickly Cures
Catarrh." 0. E. Gauss.
Catarrh is not only dangerous, but
it causes bad brenth, ulceration,
death and decay of bones, loss of
thinking and reasoning powor, kills
ambition and energy, ofton causes
loss of appetite, Indlgostlon, dyspep
sia, raw throat and reaches to goner.nl
debility, Idiocy and Insanity. It nooTIs
nttontlon nt once. Cure It with
Gauss' Catarrh Cure. It is a quick,
radical, permanent cure, becnuso It
rids tho system of tho poison germs
thnt causo catarrh.
In order to provo to all who nre
sufforing from this dangerous nnd
lonthsomo dlseaso that Gauss' Ca
tarrh Cure will actually euro any caso
of catnrrh quickly, no matter, how
long Btnndlng or how bad, I will send
n trial pacakugo by mail frco of till
vcost. Send us your namo and address
Linn County Council of tho Pat- totlny ftnd the treatment will bo sent
rons of Husbnndry hnvo sont n letter you by roturn'mnll. Try It! It will
nnd resolutions to Governor Cham- Jfbsltlvcly cure so that you will bo
borlnln, endorsing nil his vetoes, and wo,comod ,n8tond of s"ncd by your
iriumiB. v;. . UAUoa.auni) ainin. at.,
pnSS MnrnhnU. Mlnli. PHI nut rminrm Un.
.-.,.. w....... .-..v... . w.. wBw(
Ployes on Uo pay roll at present.
Tho condition' of tho school is very
good. All of the escaped boys have
been recaptured with tho exception
of four.
Tho payroll of tho Oregon sol
diers' homo at Roseburg for the
month of February amounted to
?6GC69. This covers oxnonan nf
employes and mnlntonnnco of tho
place. Roport was filed by Com
mandant W. II, Elder.
? 4, 9 13. 9 9 covered tho expenses of
tho University of Oregon for Fobru
nry with G2 oftlcers, Instructors nnd
employes on tho pay roll,
Tho St. Agnes foundling asylum
at I'arkplncc, flics a payroll for Feb
ruary of $529.50.
Superintendent Jnmos, of tho pon-
tcntlnry filed his pnyroll for Febru
ary amounting to nn oven $2000,
covoring salaries nnd mnlntonnnco
of tho state prison nn,d Its employes
nnd inmates. Out of tho C49 prison
ers, only ono Is reported an being 111
enough to bo In- tho prison hospital,
and tho gencrnl health of tho men
Is better than It has ovor boon.
Readily Relieved By This Sim
ple Home Mixture
Endorse the Vetoes Admin
istered by the Governor
By the City Council for the
month of February
D. W. Gibson, marshal ....$100.00
condemning tho official froo
bill, nnd demanding tho referendum low.
ontllo $125,000 Stato University ap
propriation for nnuunl support and
mnlntonnnco -or thnt institution. Tho
letter Is signed by Mno Palmer, sec
retary, and is nddroasod "Donr Gov
ernor." It la understood efforts will bo
made to got mass meetings of farm
ers in Marlon and Linn countlos to
uphold tho legislature, but so far
nothing has been hoord of thorn. Tho
governor's olllco U In reoolpt of
many lottors commending his courso
toward the leglslnturo.
This coupon Is good for ono
trlnl packago of Gnuss' Combined
Catarrh Curo, mailed froo In plain
pnekagc. Simply till in your nnme
nnd nddross on dottod linos below
and mnll to ,
C. E. GAUSS, fiODO Miilu St.
Marshall, Mich.
iS.? dftj: of i,a. o7.
, . ia onhalf Bhare In
mtur th flr -..,, "
Wheeler & iui a,,
bW'V, D. Wheeler will
l,IWlttlt him .. k ...-
f; the new arm on a
m. i
.-. Klin A in t 1. L.
for thMr .
44 "ll Mill..,. . . .
tood, at right prices.
3-2-3 t
Grand Program nnd RofrcHlumnits
to Re Serml Tuesdity Evening.
Tho forty-third anniversary of tho .
order of Knights of Pythias will bo J
celebrated at their castle hall by
Central lodgo Tuesday evening, at
7:30. A beautiful and nppropriuto
program will bo rendered, containing
tho following numbers:
Anniversary Program.
Instrumental solo, Miss Blanche!
Address, Governor George E.
Solo, Prof. E. II. Anderson.
Chronicles or the Pythian order,
L. R. Stlnson.
Address, Frank S. Grant, Port
land, t
Recltntlon, "Damon nnd Pythias,"
Miss Margarita Fischer.
Duot, Misses Vernan and Ediyi
Refreshments' will be
w. A. Mooros, rccordor .... 100.00
A. O. Condlt, city attorney. . GO.OO
J. M. Martin, street com. . . 7G.00
Frank Meredith, city trens.. . 30.00
M. II. Savago, flro chief .... 80.00
W. II. Phillips, drlvor GO.OO
E. L. Townsond, drlvor .... 00.00
W. C. Smith, health ofllcor. . 10.00
L. R. Murphy, pollco 75.00
J. A. Folnnd, pollco 75.00
C. N. Churchill, onglneor.. 80.00
F. A. Rurkhnrdt, hosomnn.. 10.00
II. L. Nutter, do 10.00
J. L. George, do v 10.00
R. M. Under, do 10.00
C. V. Ncison, do 10.00
A. O. Nnco, do 10.00'
'Win Iwnn, do 1 0.00
Petor Grnbor, do 10.00
W. C. Robhnn, do J0.00
W. "ll. Philips, do 10.00
Win. Iwnn, asst Btreot com. . 50.00
noil S. Drake, do 50.00
Sol W. Drake, labortr 1S.00
RUN Alloui-d.
C. J. OluiHtud, wn8hlng....$ .S5
Slogmund & Pugh, spanner .50
Snlom Iron Works 1S.CB
10. KiigU, typwrillng .... 4.S0
T. F. Wnlkwr, 7100 lt8 hay 21.30
a. v. v;oiuui( imoh nuvanouii a i.xn
W. II. Uurkhnrdt. stationery S.2B
Spauldlug Lumlior Co RC.27
O. W. Ynnnko, coal to flros COO
Hero Is n prescription thnt anyone
can mix nt homo. Any good pro
scription pharmacy can supply tho
Ingredients named nt little cost; be
ing composed of vegotnblo extracts,
It Is hnrmlcss nnd Inoxponslvo. Most
of nil a docs lta work wqll, relieving
oven tho worst forms of blnddor
trouble frequent urination, back
ache, kidney complaint, and by Us
direct notion rid tho blood nnd sys
tem of wnsto mattor nnd urlo acid
which causes rhoumntlsm.
Hero It Is; try It Is you suffor.
Fluid Extract Dnndollon, ono-lmlf
ounce; Compound Knrgon, ono
ounco; Compound Syrup Snrsapa
rllla, thrco ounces.
Shako well In n bottle nnd tnko In
tenspoonful doses nftor each meal
and nt bedtime.
A woll known locnl druggist Is au
thority for tho Btntnmcnt that ono
weeks' uso shows good results in
nearly every Instance, nnd such
symptoms ns Inmo back, frequent do-
alro to urinate, pnln in bladder nud
even chronic rhoumntlsm nro gonor-
nlly rolloved within n few days, tho
pain and swolllng diminishing with
onch dose.
Many u Salem Household Will Find
Than So.
Muit Spand $50,000 on Its .Eltctrlo
Light Plant or Abandon It.
Tho authorities of Illoomlngton. III.,
aro confronted with tho dilemma ot
abandoning their electric light plant or
spending $50,000 on ItH renovation. A
committee or tho council recently
broached the subject to tho local trac
tion company nud found that n con.
nldcrablo Having could bo effected by
contract lighting, but some members,
for reasons of their own, prefer to ro
tain tho city plant nt nny cost.
Tho plant cost $100,000 and hns been
In operation since 1880. Its bad man
agement Is shown' by tho Increase In
operating expenses from $58.-l7 per
arc per year for tho period of 1890-1)1
to $uTi.-17 for tho period of 10020(1. al
though thin cost should have materially
decreased on account both of tho Inrgo
Increase of tho number of lamps and
of the Improvements In tho art during
tho laxt llfteen yearn. Tho total an
nual cost pur lamp during tho last five
yearn was about $100, a much higher
(lguro than Ih charged by tho private
companion of IlllnoU operating undor
similar oondltloux.
They Have Been Filed for the
Month of February
The salary lists of somo or the
state Institutions are being readjust
ed. Many or tho omployos will have
tholr compensation Increased. Tho
regular day for state boards to meot
was Monday.
Tho SupttrlHtcndontM,
Tho superintendent's report of the
stato asylum reports for February
shows that thero nro 989 patients
under treatment at tho present tlmo.
served Lv and 172 employes. Seven patlonts
me rytman slaters. AU Knigms, woro dlchnrged during tho-mpnth or
lormer and visiting knights ana '
r not EX-
lT J. "' tii i7. "!"
I.X jlT.T " ""
' f wi-i10-
- Mir
friends aro Invited to attend.
DoH't CompUla.
II your cheat pains and you are
unable to sleep because or a cough.
Buy a bottle or Ballard's Horehound
Syrup, and you won't have
February, threo escaped, two being
returned. Stephen Lane or Clacka
mas, and WUllam Randall, or Mult
nomah escaped and was not recap
tured. Fifteen patients died during
the month and 33 new ones were re-
Tho patients
anylcelved In that period
COUgh. Get a bottle now and that dlBchnrced In nerfent health and con
i -- - --
A cure ror
Mrs. JJ
Texas, writes: "I can't Vest' Kett, SteveD' Edward V
for Ballard's Horehound !80n Frad Clemons and Jessie Wo
cough will not last long.
all pulmonary diseases,
say enough
Syrup. Tho roller It baa given me is
all that is Bececsary ror me to say."
Sold by D. J. Fry.
Public officials who expend all j
their energies finding flaws', Ioop-j
anything accompliabe4. They talk
tor hours about halr-tpllttiag wat-
tra that aosMMtat te oihUm, while
city kUtwU atlll.
dltlon are: E. O. Omley, Carrie
folk. Tho condition of tho institu
tion la shown to be In excellent
shape, and tho general health or the
patients abovo the average.
OUkt OJMdal Report..
Superintendent Looney, or the
stato reform school filed his pay roll
for February, amounting to f 912,
covering the salaries of the officers
and Qt-ployM, aa the raalBteaaace
or tk iHtUvtioa. Ttwre are 19 eat-
To hnvo tho pains and achoB or n
bad back rocomved; to bo entire.)
freo from annoying, dangerous urin
ary dlBordors Is enough to make any
kidney sufferor gratoful. To toll
how this groat chango can bo
brought about will prove comfort
ing words to hundreds of Salem
P. Pratt, proprietor of tho Red
Front livery stable, 2C8 Front Bt .
Salem, Ore., says: "Doan's Kldnev
Pills aro a remedy of exceptional
merit and tnelr valuo doservei to b
known to all In neod of a romody for
backache or kidney trouble. I had
sufforod from a doranged stato or
the kidnoya and hoavy aching
through my back and loins when I
went to Dr. Stone's drug store ror
a aupply of Doan's Kidney Pills. I
received prompt and effective relief
almost from tho first doso and in a
short timo I was In such good condi
tion that I didn't fool any neCenslty
to use them or any otbor remedy of
tho kind."
For sale by all dealors. Price CO
conts. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for tho United
Remember the name Doans and
take not other.
Advice From Ono Who Know About
Municipal Utlllti.i.
Martin R. JeiiHeu, ex-trentou-or of
Norwich, Conn., gives In tho Now I.ng.
land Magasluo a cold blooded account
of tho municipal electric light plant of
that city, which will rather surprise
those who have read tho glowing ac
counts rurulHhed by Mayor Thayer.
Mr. JeiiHeu, after allowing crory pos
sible credit to the city, shows thnt
with only fi per cent depreciation tho
net loss for tho tlrt thirteen months
was about $10.72.1 and estimate thnt
tho Iohs on the Hccoml year wilt not
fall far below -1,000. In closing he
"Rxumlnntlou of local municipal ac
counting covoring a period from 1807
to 1005 convinced me that cities con
ducting tholr affair through unpaid
nnd untrained coiunilnloneru run hope
lessly Into debt, because appropriations
are over-pent.
"To those contemplating going Into
municipal lighting undor Norwich con
ditions I would say 'Don't!'"
H Suggest. Industrial Dospotltm t
Dr. Lyman Abbott
In a sympathetically discriminating
editorial Dr. Abbott, editor of tho Out
look, sounds rt needed noto or warning
at this time, when socialism, like the
camel lu tho fable, has already poked
Its head under tho folds of tho Ameri
can 'ring. Spnce permits only tho fol
lowing excerpt;
"Wo dissent from tho method and tot
some extent rrom the doctrine of stata
soclnllsm-that Is, or that form of so
cialism which would uinko tho stato
fho chief If uot tho solo employer oC
Industry for two roasous;
"State socialism assumes that the
evils of society nro primarily In tho or
ganization of society, so that If tho or
ganisation were changed tho ovll
would disappear. In fact, society nev
er will bo better than tho Individual
who composo It A sound ship cau
novcr bo mado of rotten timber. In
dividual reformation nnd social recon
struction must go on together.
"Stato bocIuIIrui assumes that all
functions of society Bhohld bo carried,
on by ono organisation namely, the
stato. In facL society can better per
form lta various functions by separate
organisations. Putting the church ua
der state control did not make a frc
church. It la more rroo since It has
boon taken out rrom state control. Put
ting Industries under stato coatrot
would not make tho Industries Tree.
Tho Industries or the Free Stata eC
Kongo are under state control, and In
dustrial despotism Is nowhere la the
world so tmd as It Is In the Free State
or Kongo. Tho socialist repllea that
socialism assumes a democratic state
to orgnnlxo aud carry on democratic
Industries. "But lu Bsmnnlng thnt the
stato will bo democratic when the
strong men or the state nro Incited by
covotousness ns woll as by ambition to
control tho stato they nssumo ns true
what history proves to bo raise. To tnkp
inuusiry out or tlio Hands or n Carne
glu nnd put It Into tho hands of a
Croker would not make Industry rrce.
although Crokor woro kept In power by
popular huffrago nnd Carnegie were
"In estimating1 tho value of socialism
tho student should keep clearly lu mind
this distinction between Its spirit, Itfl
doctrine and Its programme. IIo
should not bo ready to nccept Its pro
gramme merely becnuso ho bollovci lta
doetrlno nud admires nnd nhnrcs hi Its
Archbishop Ireland Speaks Out on
Publlo Ownership,
In nn address before tho Society ot
tho Army of thb Tennessee, In re
sponso to tho toast "Our Country,"
Archbishop Ireland said:
"It Is thu day of iituplus. Seldom, If
over before, In tho history of human
society wns there greater need or pru
dent wisdom on tho part of would bo
teachers, of patient rolloctlou on thu
part of tho listening manses. Tho
greatest responsibility lies on nil to
movo slowly, to think wisely, to avoid
all peril of leaps into tho dark.
"A chief panacea put boforo us H
eommoiiowiiorshlp. through olty. stato
or nation, of tho chief agendo of pro
ductivity and or tho trniiHportntloii
hither and thither of thu results of this
productivity Let all bo on their guard.
Common ownership lu one dlreetldti
leads readily to common ownership In
auother all tho more so when the pur
pose really hold In mind by tho many
Is to grasp wealth without much xr
soual effort, to dmtpnll others In milk
ing up one's own deficiencies. And In
there not serious danger therein of
weakening individual ninhltlou-whloh
has been in America particularly the
groat stimulus to tho wondrous mate
rial development with which the coun
try has been lilossed)"
Alice Kooovclt Wedding
Was something to be recorded in thu
annals or history. Herblne has been
acknoweldged tho greatest or liver
regulators. A positive cure ror bil
lons headaches, constipation, Chills
and Fever, and all liver complaints.
J. C, Smith, Little Rock, Ark.,
write. "Herblne ts the greatest liv
er stestlcJae known. -Have used it
rot years. It 4ee the work." Sold
lyD. J. wn;
Now that tho legislators havo
gone you will bo cleaning up
and you will flud this powder
a great hold. For a short time
we will make this SPECIAL
OFFER. Moir Grocery
Ml ftlntt 8C
City Ownership OrflcUlt" Words
With a drain of Salt.
The testimony of the mayors of ell leu
operating utilities mid thu superintend
ents of municipal plants Is not neces
sarily tmworlfcy of credence, but It
should bo given only such weight
would bo accorded to tho voluntary
testimony of a baukmpt who refuses
to produce his books for expert Investi
gation and offers Instead the balance
sheets ho has himself prepared. Then
Is scarcely a city In America that keepi
Us books In such a way that tho real
financial condition of Its municipal ex
periments is readily ascertainable,
while the annual reports might usually
be taken mi models by u get-rlt'h-iilck
The reluctance of rlt. o'Uelals in
adopt tho system of uniform account
ing prepared by export accountant!
under the direction of the National
Municipal league creates a presump
tion that those olllclaU have excellent,
though perhaps not statable, reason
for avoiding a system of accounts
which would make Jugglery Impossi
ble. The Rent Payr Foots the City Rills.
It Ik ull very well to talk about tho
benefits which aro conferred upon tho
public by tho cheaper and more effec
tive service which municipalities may,
according to theory, render lu compar
ison with prlvato corporations and
'about the advautagu accruing to labor
In tho way of higher wages and short
or hours, but In tho loug riyi somebody
hns to foot bills for tho city, and tho
taxpayer In the long run U everybody
who my rent.-New York Bun.
LsJen's Disquieting Discovery.
Loeeoa baa fouud that It hi jwytfig
iwr cent sew fee smMIss; faaisiw
to IU jwWte utility pleat than; fke ite
te yrtvet pafttsei-ltw iiim,