Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 05, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    -m'-ftrr- fVMft'
l.: r
jiUtwwiwwiflii'ifimr i i
. ... .. i. t nfcil i nill1lii raiWarfMtmarnMlftfn11-r"f"""-
, i
JvU i AJj
Baking Powder
Absolutely Pvte
Mnkmm dttUaiaum, h&althfui food
A fiurm, armmtn of iarfmr Poweimr.
A cam of Royal Baking Powder contains many
more teaspoons luli of baking powder than a can
of the heary acid-laden phosphate or alum powders.
ANlum ClnlniN Allowed.
A Thorn llroB, on t in on I..
V, Til, Drown, moldings
Balfour, Guthrie & Co.,
Hour 420.00
TinJw, Uiwioiice & Ilakor
Krocerlofl 111.74
Jt. Dosey, nnptholQtim .... 82.00
Duron & Hamilton, fur-
turo .,., 89.35
CapItHl Imp. Co,, llmo . . 115,35
CapltAl City MlllH, MiibIi.. 03.22
Tnpltal Drilff Co,, ilrinja,. 30.25
Commercial Crcnii) Co.,
.butter 252.50
VoWlch, Geo, nioiits .... 124G.-4G
J. k FIUb, OKRM, DhIi, etc. . 230.00
'Oil A Co., chcoso m 35.00
"HocAlnlo Lunihor Co,, posts 12.50
A, .1, linger, cowh 113.00
J. '. Horrltt, icrocorles .. 18.70
nJU Irwin & Co., shoes . . 108.00
VA H.' Lnniport, harness . . 22.15
ir T I...... n ir
4. it. i.wuiu!, iiuiiur .... loo. -in
, lllormnn MoURiir, Itnlr .... 130.25
V. K. Miller, liuttor 120.60
Molr Orocory Co 20.81
I. IC. Pnno, cowb 150.00
"Pulton UroB., stationery . . 87.82
M. J. PoUsI, pliimhlnir ... 158.87
Iron Worku, cnstltiKH .... 40,07
llrooin workH, hrooms .... 80,00
A. T. BuviiBu, liuttur .... 04.00
L. II. Holiultz, euKB ...'... 21.47
flponor Ilnnlwnro Co 07.00
SpntildliiK l.uinhor Co. .. 30.40
fltolnur Murkot, ogga .... 11.70
Tlllson & Co., seeds 00.70
Tho ToRKory, shoos 2RP.06
):. H. Toliiinn, cowh 1 10.00
Wai'ln. I'cnroo & CD., linnU
wnro 112.83
Wellor Ilro 71.01
Yokohama Tea Co. ...... 30.23
J. It. Whltnuy, printing .. 120.11
11. II. llurrlok, survoyor '. . 8.0D
C. A. Murpliy, labor J00.00
CW of
Clothing 277.87
Cowh .... 372.00
Drugs 180.25
Disinfectants 110.03
Dry goods 408.47
Eggs 235.20
Expenses 400.54
Furnlturo , 110.55
Fuel 1030.00
Flour 438.03
Fruit, dry 183.04
flood - 07.20
QliiBS .... J2.15
Ilnnlwnro , .... 182.40
Lumber 171.01
Lnrd 13C0.C0
Mcnl N 07.03
Coul oil 8. CD
Pnlntu ' 10.10
Printing 120.11
Poultry 10.73
Plumbing 101.00
Ulco 31.22
Hugnr ...... , 200.10
Byruj 371.84
8nlt 21.81
Buinll groonrloH . ." 214-02
Bonp rfnd polnsh 00.40
Ton 50.01
Tobncco . , 104.00
Vinegar 15.S0
Miscellaneous 80.50
WVIMOiuun Cniitly Man, of Mm-xli-Hold,
Wedded to Hiilem (llrl.
How Municipal Ownership Works
That Fins Old German City.
Io tho Editer:
Sir Noticing your Interest In nil
mutt era pertaining to municipal own
ershlp, I trust tlint It will extend to
tho following statement of nn actual
occurrence of some three or four yenro
ngo on the munlelpnl trnrmvny of Mu
nich. Oennntiy.
A grand fnlr wnn being held near the
statue of Ilnvurln, which Is In one ol
the suburbs of Munich. Thin district
In reached by n munlelpnl enr lln&
which pnssca through n thickly nettled
residential district, the ninny Inhnb
limits of wliUh nre dependent on the
enr line for their dully trnnxportntlon
to the renters of business nnd Indus
try nnd the faetorle In which thej
work When the populace nnd country
people from surrounding towm swarm
ed out to the fnlr they boarded the
curs in great numbers. '
But there is nn ordinance strictly
limiting tho number of persons whe
shall ride on n enr at one tlmo to tho
seating capacity nnd possibly n few
others, say the standing capacity of
tho renr platform. This ordinance tin
populace entirely disregarded In their
grcnt anxiety to get to nnd especially
from the fnlr In the evening.
As n popular punishment for tlili
unheard of disrespect for tho police
ordinances the authorities without fur
ther ndo took nil the cars off tho llne
nnd proposed to keep them ofT for
somo weeks. Popular Indlgnntlou,
however, was so great that the cars
were restored to service on tho line
after only three days suspension. Thin
wss dono by calling to the attention of
tho bureaucratic minds of tho muiiM
pal authorities tho fnet Hint In seeking
to punish tho patrons of tho fair they
wcro Incldcntnlly depriving nil the In
habitants of n largo district of the
city of any transportation means of
reaching their dally work.
While this may be nn acute exam
plo of the overbearing- nttlttide of Ocr
man olllclnls, still I enn testify from
personal oxperlenco ns n traveler nnd
student In Germany that It Is but Il
lustrative of their general ottltudo to
ward tho public. I presume tlint thl
ottltudo must come from tho extent
to which government enterprise enters
Into nil branches of service In Ger
many, although nppnrently not with
tho overwhelming success with which
some credit It. For lustnnee, the aver
age eost of n ton mile of freight on the
govrnment mllwnya of Prussia was
1.278 cents ns compared with .7J5 cent
In the same year for the railways of
tho United BtntCH.
From Supreme Court for
Horses That Were Killed
Near Chemawa
Th Wa'.r Supply of tho Stnte's Two
Largeit Cltlei.
The. largest cities of North Carolina
nro Wilmington nnd Charlotte. They
nro nbout the same size, but pnwnt n
Mni iiriiiiiriinittit " smsn s . t ormony.
::' . '." T".--
I'enmiH ii)tHriinttnt aon.oo
Intlrmiiry . . . . 1ST.TT
KmtirlMi Tbi'lr I'i IcuiN.
. (Cooh Hay Times, Feb. 15.)
Win. W. Taylor nnd MIhb MIiuiIo
19. Wlllnrd woro married last night, shnrp coutnist In their witter supply
February 1 IUi, at tliB First llaptlst
eh ii roh, In tho pnwHiiuo (if u tow In
vited frlniid.
1). V. Thurston porformvd
llukery I07.SS
I.Himdry 38.1 (
Kngln I'Hoih I IS, OS
Turin. gnrdtH Hint dairy . . ill. Oft
Stnble v SO.fiT
Bowing rouni 341.11
Center building 190.82
Cnrpuntor shop 1.18
Tailor uliop 0S.SS
l-'nelory S82.S0
OKloo IT. IK
Huel Oottmto 0.00
Drug more iso.Sft
CottHge farm 1TT8.8D
Kltohon nnd dining room . STftS.OS
HopBlis 48b. SR
1xPiihwi ...... 010. OR
Total 10731.34
Ihlttvr IU.M
UlnnkotH 41.70
tloott, hm, uto 1S7.K1
lleon 4S.Tfi
UruotuB and brtuhoa .... 13.3$
Hook mill BUtlouery .... 10.30
Ueddlng (hair) , 130. SB
Coffeo ...... .......... 131.43
Crockery, ota 53.53
I'lio iiiinouuoenieiit of
th wtddliiK la ii Hurprlm to the
frlVHila of tho eouula, na It waa not
gtniwrnlly known tho wvaut waa to
take place. .Mr Taylor la it niambwr
or tho llrm of IIUlyr ft Tnylnr, otm
ducting ii OtMtdy factory nnd Btbri)
on Front Htraol. lie U on of tho
wU-ljnnwn bunlnw man In Mursh
flelil. and him many rrlemU In tho
olty. Tho bride wua n nulanlivdy In
tha atorv. Hhw ciimu hero from Bu
lam IhbI November.
Wc Offer You
Advantages '
Per YourlCkeckkg Accotwl
A PhooklnB accouut U & B)
toiiintlc method of giving you at
till time a corrMt record, of our
dally buwlniva.
Flguro are xaot the. amount
you wrltt? on the face ot a check
doe not vary, lu order to he ac
curate, la your money matter,
pay ly check, alway.
W Invite your accouut.
Young Hound Over.
At the prullmlnury examination
held ul luilepuiideuoe yoMtwHlay K
M. Youiik wuii bound over In the uum
or moo.
J. A. Ohmou aiipenred nn oouneel
fur tho derendniit.
Mrs. Clara II. Furguvon want to
liidotieudeuee ytMterday to take the
Uwtlmoii) In the preliminary oxnml
nation or K M. Young
- o
Wilmington Is served by n private
cnuipiiiiy, which has recently, under
tho direction of nil eminent engineer
lustulloil n filtration system. Not n
dollar lu bonds hns been IhhuciI by the
elty for Us copious supply of pure soft
Charlotte lmught out Its water com
psny seven yi-ers itgo and built n new
plunt at eoimlderable e.iKnne It tins.
Iinwevof. Imhu foreml to return to tho
nkt pumping station nnd souno of sup
ply. as tho water from the new plant
Imh heou declared unlit for domestic
use. Incidentally water bonds to tho
amount of $W)0.ooo mvo Ihmmi Issued.
The ('lmrh)tle cltteen jmys a higher
water rate than his Wllmtnctou nelch
tMir nnd then steps over to the tnx of
flee and pays his share of the Interest
on $o00.000 bond As well as a share of
tho tnxos formerly paid by the water
company. Mere is n vivid contrast be
tween polltlo.il nnd private management.
SUm SUt Bank
J L, JC P AGJ&, Pirn
Thote light, and dollshtful bis.
culls, whlQh are tho dolleht ot
tho housekeepers' heart are th
products of
Epflty'x Perfcctkxi
Bjtkinjf Pawakr
Tr It and he convinced.
8oms Familiar but Valuable Truths
Driod Up In Naw Ralmsnt.
HxjH?rlence Is said to bo Uio onry ef
fective teacher. Most people want to
get It for themselves. Only the wise
are willing- to take It at second hand.
Tberw Is an added excitement lu skat
lug en thin loo when the hole is ntlll
unhealed where another bov disap
peared. Newspapers and th imltee cannot
Veep people, out uf poMey uliop. and
the dealers In giveu good Htill ttudrus
tomers after these many ywir We
UiHtli nt the "hayseed autl a yearlntw
paier our walls with mining uhU wr
The I we know about the game the
surer we aro of winning
Ono city gayly dous the mu hir
of municipal ownership, while unother
airuKBiins io rni ltelf froo4 its
stinging foMs. Wo are still a young
nation. As w grow okler n will uo
bo so ready to pay aealpr pruv for
tickets that ar not Uonorv,! at the
Ltaisd For Thrs. Ytrfc
Tho Kleetrieal World rtvonl the teas
log of the tuunMnal Ilckt mui ....
plant of Hlloam Sprtugs. Ark for $000
j-r . iue Hiani .swt Siiui ...,i
the dty ha t0 (Mr '5 ,Hr ivut Interval
this retital proUdea for uly tw fifths
of the Intereat eharg. As ino plant
ass Uvn lu operation only snt yC
the Urpreelattou of $i8,rtx bown br
Iho rvutal value. Bgurea out at 7,5 Mr
tent a year.
Tha City SupplUa th. Wattr.
Aa esctianjw ttatu ttxat th board of
aklerwea of llurllnrtoa ,.. .,,
H atat borU of bealUt br refthtI
pi IWlc fauca la tt city wlk
wmla that tk mi u -J, .l
Commlsaloners King nnd Stntor
mny sit with tho court nnd honr nr
gumonts, but tholr nnmoB do not go
Into the cnptlons nnd records of the
Biipromo court, this wnH oruorou
todny by one of tho Justices.
Thero was qulto nn nttendnnco of
attorneys when tho court enmc in
nt noon, nnd hnnded down tho fol
lowing opiniens:
Wins n Cow CnM
Krwln SofTort vs. Northern Pn
clllc Itallwny Company, for cow
killed nt Dear Island. Judgo Mc
Urldc, nlllrmod. Opinion by Enkln
Soawnrd & Lovolnnd vs. Pnclllc
Llvo Stock Compnny, appeal from
Judiro Dnvls. Malheur county, nf-
flrincd by Judgo Mooro In fnvor of
M. M. High vs. 8. P. Co., appeal
from Judgo Clolnnd, holding Mnrlon
county circuit court, rovorscd nnd
now trlnl ordered by Bcnn. C. J.
Uold'B horses escaped nnd got on
truck by employes of compnny loav
Ing opon gnto to trnck. Cnrson &
Cannon for plaintiff, lllnghum nnd
I.oltor for dofondnut.
Tho High dnrhngo Btilt whb won by
plaintiff 011 co nt tho hands of 11 Jury
for the full amount sued for horsos
killed. Hut Judgo Uiihoii, who triad
tho t-nso, granted a now trlnl, In
which tho railroad company won.
The Btilt of Chnrlos Scott, oxecu-
tor, vs. M. ChrlHtonnon, nppounnt,
whb nrguod todny by Frunk Ilolmoe,
II. J lllggor nnd Chnrlos Corby.
During the entire month of March Tu" '.
big saving and would pay you lo maknr!!!!!
furUier weddmgs, birthday or annivprcaT"
SILVER DEPOSIT WARE also in this SS?l lresl
new cut and latest designs, aid finest nn-jJ 1
and silver deposit ever shown in Salem.
t jmkm uuu vpucian, 1 23 rnmm7'i
i Easv to find. Next door to Caoifal r,i. ommcf!
I'lesenlable I'erfoi'innnce Was
(iiteii,ut ll' KllngiT (iiwid
Uist Mghl.
pnny Inst night In their first np
penrnnco In "Utah." Tho piny con
tains many strong dramatic sltun
tlons nnd Is intorspcrccd vtth humor
enough to balnnco tho heavier parts.
"The story opons with tho rolense
of Daniel Strong from Btnto prison,
whoro ho has served throo yonrs for
robbery. Ho strongly protests IiIb
Innoconco, nnd Is supported In hU
bollef by his promised wife, "Fnlth
Fnmum." Her father does nil in his
power to discourage tho love of the
young people, nnd around theso two
forces rovolvos tho numerous stir
ring situations.
Tho love affair of Frank Farnum
nnd Grnco Caldwell and the attempt
of Dlshon Cannon to have Grace
"senled" to him In polygamy also
sdrvo to furnish somo Interesting
and nmuslng moments. In tho ond
nil the tnngles nro straightened out
and tho young lovers aro happy. '
' A small but nppieclnthe audience
greeted tho Margarita Fischer Com-
Such for Divorce
W. L. Smith vs. Grnco Smith Is tho
title of n suit filed In department No.
2 or the circuit court. V. L. Smith
nllogos that his wlfo, Grnco Smith,
took tholr two children nnd desert
ed him on Fobrunry 12, 1000, and
has since rotusod to como back nnd
llvo with him. Ho thoroforo nsks
tho court to grant him nn nbsolttto
divorce Tho parties to tho suit
woro married In Kentucky. F. A.
Turner npponrs In tho enso ns attor
ney for tho plaintiff.
Instead of Issuing bonds on South
Commercial street tho city council
should takq stops to protoct tthnt
street from being ruined. Whoro It
has been driven on common senso
would sny IUI tho gullies so no water
enn stnnd lu them.
"OTEfc Aitmv
Sled Ikck, Portland
O. D. Frazler, Portia
Chnrlos Llghtfoot, PortU6l
-. ". ruicKsnank, porlu.
v. Fuller. PortUna
C W. Cottel PortlaEi
P. A. Foott, Independenct
J. ". Kauffman.
T. W. Doll, Cleveland, r,
H. Wondt, San Franchco.
. i. f rice, Portland
W. S. Spencer, Portlmt
V. E. Frazler, Portland.
H. O. Hnrnon, Portlant
W. L. Campbell.
C. E. Adams, Salem,
Wnlter Lyons, Albany
A. A. Mnybell.
W. A. Robertson, Portlatl
G. E. Berry, Alrlle,
J. M. Sebrlng, Alrlle.
A. D. Wnggoner
E. J. Davidson, Portland
Frank S. Grant, Portlanl
Glenn St. John, Eugene.
J. W. Landeth, Portlind,
H. A. Townsend
C. D. Sellwood, Xcwberj.
A. Sandlg
John Valentine, San Fran
V. E. Impcy, Denver
It. W. McLeod, San rratrfa.
A. W. Tlhlway, Imlepecdw
J, F. Dlnieear, Aurora,
H. M. Mnrtln, Rosebnrf.
Chnrlos Hnnnlford, JerKj
J. T. Penn, Spokane
Cf. E. Pottrntz, Ml AwL
Chnrles li. Stclsralth. Ca
O. 13. Fritz, Duraml, Wli
Hnry 13 Davis, Aurora, III
'tVSa a
V9 Ji. kttJAmiJ
(WVM' " "x
VAvvva. i y'K
S IT. HTV1S 1 & TJ3
M Wt w7S c- aVai
V f f
kssa - .i
I 1.
.Trtssj itsttMiHjTy
Smayt Dttssets
Young Men arc, as a ger
thing, the smart dressers.
The up-to-the-momenfc young i
is a sort of a lexicon of clothes, st
and correctness.
He knows what's what, and gclsi
But eood fit. the newest colors,
terns, etc., are not enough; for
less that snappy, jaunty appearance
characteristic of OUK 5UI 15-isir
it isn't what the young man wa
Our success in pleasing youngi
is not just " luck," it's due to
knnwfpdro nf what the VOUftgl
wants and our ability to provkte.
lor him. Prices always reai
Did you ever notice how njq
young men come here tor ciwnw'
When you come' to this store for Furnishings m
the fountain Headif or style at moderate prices. "
is a new thing out, you'll be sure tojfind it here.
Como in and sec our Spring Hat Show; ywj needn't buy unless y
bpnne PflRFDTQ Spni
Styles Best $3.00 Hat on Earth Sty'"
Salem Woolen Mitts S
--- -" -r nn( 1