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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1907)
- ' -p ? ; wrMfifrfffr v DAILY CAPITAL JOUR.VAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 5. 1007. BMta ..CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG 3HOFERW BROS., Phers " Proprietors thk journal stands for proohiiss, ilkvklopjiknt, (;ovkhnmi:nt. and no dkgkadkd labor. GOOD WHAT IS MAKING GOOD? Under tho heading "Republicans Always Puro," nn editor undertakes to road a tectum to porsons who nil undor tlio condemnation of being Republicans HOX from prJnolple but "FOK TIIHIIt OWN PKH80.VAL EKI)S." Ilo poaks of mon on harbor bonrds and holding plncaa in state Insti tutions not belni: loyal to the Hopuhllcan tlokut, etc. Thut Ih not tho question ut issue rulsoil by Governor Hughos, of Now York. Hughes says if tho Hopuhllcan party Ih to havo a future It must put men In office who will always "make Reed" In administration. Tho weak point In Oregon has been PROCLAIMING LOUDLY ABOUT HKPUHLI 1JXSH RUT NOT "MAKING GOOD." S'uro Itopubllcnnlsm would scorn to ho according to Govornor Hughes, Jwjnolcunlsm tlmt "mnkes good." Republicanism Hint tnoroly keeps out of tho ponltontlary, but allows UtHolf all kinds of liberties with tho appropriations and TIIK KNACT TMISNT 01" RAD LAWS IS NOT MAKING GOOD. A Republican governor who would do Just what Govornor Chamber lnln bun boon doing, In vetoing grafts and enforcing ndhorenco to tho 'constitution would bo making good. Such states as Iowa, Now York, Wisconsin and other leading Repub lican Rtntes havo Hopuhllcan governors who nro fighting tho organized ;grn, nnd tho mochlno elements within tho party. TJIKY ARK MAKING 'G(K)l). Would tho iilachlno editor uphold a Republican govornor who would xiso lits yojo power nnd rofuso to soil out tho stnto Intcrosts to organized tplundororM, or would ho oppose such n chief executive? WOULD 1110 tllKLP MAKK GOOD? In till stales whero ono party Is nll-powurful tho mnohlno grows nrro iRUiil nnd corrupt, nnd nomo powor has to bu Invoked to secure Its ovor 'HhniWi or nt toast check tho Inlluonco of organized grnft. An organization of tho leglslnturo that Hooms to bo simply keeping StepuollcnnlHtn thoorotlcnlly puro, nnd LAVING IT TO A DMOCRATIC ajNKCirnvi; to protect thk pkoplk is not rkpurlicanism. Tho Republican party has no future along Hiobo linos In Orogon. It 9nast put mon In tho highest mid lowost offices who "make good," In ovory 'flrtnll of administration. That kind of n Ropttbllcnp governor would ho doing very much as Gov 4nnor Uhamborlnlu hns done, and tho pooplo would uphold him In his 'tvurk AS LOXU AM IIK DID IT IIO.VKSTLY AND PKARLKSSLY, Hopuhllounlsm as an abstraction Is a m-re theory of govorumout. Its purity and business value to tho people depend upon the character nnd Integrity of the mon In public office. It depends as Goovornor Hughes says, on administration that "makosgood." Tho Capital Journal has contended stoutly for two things: 1. TRK'RIGIIT AND IUTY OK THK PRKSS TO OIUTICIKK THK XKOISLATUHK. 2. Tho right and duty of the governor to veto uuy and all btllH that pre tiuesllonable in policy or oxtruvagant In atnotiut of legislation. HVo uru ready to give tho, legislature oredlt fer: 1. For holding down lh clerkship graft. 2. 1 uttttlug out tho perfunctory luvufltlgntliiK aoiiimllUtt. 3. For rttfrulnlu(r font Junkets to all parts of tho HUttu and oollsot Imt, mileage , 4 Kqr respecting UiO will of' the people In aluotliiK IfnltiHl Stntee Srf w$yvan THE IEST REMEDY ' For cat, barm, brntttt, orei,Killi,tirbed wire coll nd ail buru of sua or bent It Dean's King Cactus Oil the onl liniment tbtt henls without acar. XSc, Me., tl, mod is ilici. Accept no ubaUKiU. Bold br G. W. Putnam Co. 135 N. Corn. St. Salem, Or. MARKET QUOTATIONS "Mnko Snlcin o Good Market." Home SALEM .MARKET. Hunnjorm. lr For oimolltig tho froo looks bill. InureashiK tho porniauoiit approprlnUoiw for lnfiMLiillorii,aiul dpurt inunta. nnd In InorouiliiK tftlHrkw, WITH A YIIRY IM1W IIXCUIPTIOXS, WAH AN HRROR. Tht vto by ihH Kuvrruor or uvr n million ilollani of this cIhm of ! IflnUoit w lh only way to protect th paopl. IT WOULD IIAVK 1I1CKX GOOD KKITIILICAXisM FOR A RIIPUR. SM GOVIIUNOU TO if.WK RONU Till 8AM It THING. WILL NOT COMIt TO TRIAL. As wm aXuaeUd tho Ran FriiuoUco IhhhIIm-h will not coma to trtut. Tho lander, vhos trtut on eharg of xtortln, wax seliwtulMl to b Bin today, has Med an application font writ of hulions corpus, on the Krwtnd that htf was IIIokhIU' ItHprlseHwl mid POR Tllll HltASOX THAT NO INFORMATION WAS FILIID AGAINST HIM IN ANY COURT, and that one nwinbur of Ui Jury whisk roturmwl the IndbMnjwt wan Incom petent Ih Mrvo. This Is n tihitm. Immuis thw skol rnrr of a hoodltr it hh tufonnH lliin nirnlHAt him. Thus tin the oHMIhuU who raw tkM p ople Ih Ufs hhiu of polttlw UHIFKAI'D JIJSTIPII RY THCHNKWHTIHS. Tho sllptitfry ortiHltml wlMimtnt Ih polltlm not only dvtlw Uiw law but wtlps tUrnuKh thp iumIiiw of lw eouru. - o MORK FORIIST RILSHRVIIS. Tho lrldnl luvH ruihttd throuKh n)HrgiNMy of thirty. two gov rament forit rotorvtw. UK HHLIKYUS THAT UK IS PHOTHOTINO Tllll INTHRIiSTS OF TIIK FUTUHK GKNHRATIOXS. At tho saiuu time It must not b otrl(Hiktl that the grattt frauds IIAVK 1IHHK MADK IMHSIRI.U RY CRHTU)N OF I'OUltST RK. KHVItS, Tho luouopolltntlon of public lands hns bon the or I am of tho OMttury. ad will huve to bo undone some day not far In tho future. Tho mutt Prwttdvnt will bo eteoUx! upou th Imuo of breaking up th QHv)duti of millions of ncros by oornoratlona and flrnw, nnd throwing thoso holding open to tho nattier. - - nlto ongngomont. Its success tins boon so marked that tho English rights havo been sold nnd tho play will ho produced In London next season. It will ho rowrttton, how ever, and Anglicized by changing tho nationality of tho charnctors and tho lncallty of tho sccnos. Tho Incidents which follow tho efforts of a young man to spend ono million dollars within n year In ordor to InhorF sovon millions nioro would Interest nnd nmuso tho players of any nation ality. David HoIubco has another cold mlno to his credit In 'Tho Hoso of tho Rancho" his newest play. It has now Bottled down for n long run that will contlnuo woll Into tho next son Bon. Thoro will bo lio occasion there for Interrupting Its run to tnnko wa for tho presentation of n now Uelns co production. Tho beautiful Sttiy vosant thonter which hits been erod ed by Mr. Ilolasco wllf bo competed next fall and will bo opened by David Warllold In a now play. It Is to Mr. Warllold'H credit that although ho could contlnuo appearing In "Tho Music Mnstor" for ninny sensons to como and koop up tho record ovory whero of having drawn tho biggest receipts over gathered by ono pro duction, ho prefers to glvo tho public tho bonoMt of his talents and dollght thum wfth now characterization's and oxcollunt bits of noting. no LUtt'ii And romnmhor tho noxt time you suffer from pain -caused by damp wouthor- when your head nearly bursts from neuralgia try llallard' Snow Llulmtnt. It will euro you. A prominent business man of Hemp stead, Toxns, wrltes: "I havo used your liniment. Previous to using It I was n great sufferer from Rhouma tlflin and Nuuralgln. I am pleased to gay .that now I am free from those complaints. I nm nur I owe this to your llHlment." Sold by D. J. Fry. o- , Stelncr's Market. Dealers In fish, came and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. State street. Loral Wholesale Market. Wheat 57c. Local wheat 65c. Oats 40c. Uarloy $22 0 $23. Flour $8.25. Mill foed Bran, $19.00; shorts, $21.00. Hay Cheat and clover, $7 $8 per ton; timothy, $10 per ton. Eggs He, Hens lie; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 13016c. Dutter 35c; buttor fat, 35 Wc, Onions 90c por cwt.; pota toes, 83 085c per cwt. Hops Choice, 14c; prime to choice, 1313 He; medium to prime, 1012Wc. Chlttlm bark 5, 6c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5c par lb. OrangOB $2.75 $3.00. Lemons 1. 00 $5.00. Retail Market. Flour $1 por sack. Bran 65c per sack; $21 por ton; por tun. Hay Timothy, 65c per cwt, cheat and clover, 50055c per cwt.; $9.60 por ton. Oats $1.35 por rwt; wheat, 80c rolled barley, $26 $28 por ton. Eggs 20c. Apples $1.Q0 to $1.50, according to qunllty. Huttor Country, 35c; 'cronmory. 40c. Livestock. Cattle 1100 1200- lb stoors, 2Hc, Lighter stoors 3 4c. Cows and heifers 900 1000 lb, 3flc l Stock hogs 66Uc, Hogs 175 250 lb, fat, $6.00 $6.25. Shoop 6 c Lambs 5c. Venl Dressed, 6 8c Hogs Dressed, 8a Just One-Hal We Have selected oat abotst ti Hundred suits of remnant lots and row offering tfcem fot 50c on dollar. Now is the time to get a suit ion one-half its value. Cotton Crop of Oklahoma, Washington. Maroh 6. It Is oetl-,l,,M ''" Tie. POHTIiANI) MARKET. Wheat Club, 70o; valley, 70c; I G. W. Johnson & 0 Wc Send a Spring Greetii SPRING IS HERE, SURE ! The Robins, our new Oxfords, the Busting Baki handsome Tans, the fragrant Verdure, our sweX Tin Pumps and Slippers all are messengers of Spring. Our store is full to overflowing with the choicest f wear for Men, Women and Children, that World's Best Shoemakers could produce. Our prices are always reasonable, and we stand I of our Footwear with a guarantee of satisfa Wc trust that wc shall have the pleasure of serv you this season, when you're ready to buy. SALEM'S BIG SHOE STI iHftt-d by tli bureau of agricultural thut Oklahoma and Indian Territory will rnlstt 1.000,000 halwi of ootton th ynttr. ThU means $110,000,000 imid In eimh In about oii-lmlf th Kogrnihlol arn of th statu, or almost $60 par ouplta to ttvwy man, woman and child. Th cotton Is running from 36 to 97 ptr cnt Hut. The Ntnpl Is good and IhU wwithor conditions have btam favorable to color. Thr uro grout eomplalnU of the scarcity of ears nnd laborers and to relieve tho prawiuro railroad companies uio moving both bnled nnd seed toUon In open lint cars. o TO CURK A COLD IN ONK DAY. TsV LAXATIVE I1ROMO Quinine Tablets. Drugctsts refund money It It falls to our. R. w. GROVK'S slcnaturo on ch box. He Thf Nnv Vork TluvUon. IguUed as k girl of the mouatulH is That Ihoro Is still plenty of matr-! caught by Major Dale. Bho outfits ibil to bo Kallurd for n play when! him. however, aud returns to tho tx)uls K. Bhlpman "Ou Parolo" mauslou of hor father. Thlthw th a iritBd ht lh Mtsdestlo for tho fortunes of WAt carry Dale and he' o KmivU .3'X-C3M.3:U. MMUMTHHi-KgariBagK ilrst time. Tho story U treated from tno ConftHirMte taudpolnt and from wo faiorablo rvcpllon yiih vlilch t vm rtved In oltlM both lu th north and Hiuth no one ran bo hnrd to my justly that one aide has bew prMMAtua Ih au uufalr light hi tho vMjienv ut the uther. Tho cu of ! Uy U laid lu Vlrtnla with Onm Wforx Rlthiaoud. outuuibr 4 uv ih CSottfUrato forw. It t ro HrkKbU Iww Lihs'ii rmy U ble wwwuiMte ultu H outside MmU. Majr Dale, of the Federal rmy, tt to find and Intercept Vttt maa wku la oarryin ihmkm UmUKU tka swamps sad UroucH the inuiHs uopatanoe in tier now sur roundings. Then cornea a bnttU of ll between lh Klrl and the nm vr. he tryliiK to Idimtttfy htr as th dUpateh larir and she uIhk all a iMaHv arts U irwv hr Hrrvt. Wkll k Hhku& at hr 4aiitattoa she falU in Uvo with him. The ma jor ts takH ttrltoitw. In the last set utter I,ee has virroadorKl o dowi tht pjrl but to the major. To inaktf ww for Rlohard Many 0ld at th Now AmfcttMlatfl, "Hrew tet' MIUIoh" was rompolU'd to tuot lato auothvr theater. Kor- tunately th djvirluro of tho '1'h HypocrltM'troHi th Hudsoa UeaUr MwtiwR IIhm, Coustaaw PHck', kamo aWut Ih time to &aoto too rrtltfd vtaenl daughttr, play to wov rlgtit I tor at ladeft Is your Employee Richer Than You Are? V, If W U NjlnK n lutlo rvg. ulaHy out of LU xKvs anil c rumuUtliiR m fiuul In tho SavIuks Rank, Mhllt," jwu am kinuutttiK all )ou wni, A larup Imiuno will Ktvp jou ikHr If ttu hhumI K nllt A tuuR liutune will make juu rich if you ko ivtrt of R. lilt you to mu n wxIuks tic rwuut with u, Sr4t Departmemt CU4UINjiiMaIBmk OiA Choloa white, $29. Mlllstuff tlrnn. $17. Ifaf Timothy, $H$15j alfalfa, $14. Vetch $7.60 $8.00. Potatoas 90oG$!.00 pr cwt. Poultry Rons, 13H014cj mlxod ohlekons, 12 13c; droil chickens. H C 15c; turkeys, llvo, 17fl7Mis; turkeys, dressed, lS!0c; Boose, llvo, 9 10c; ducks, lC18c; plKOons. $1.00C$1.0. Pork Dressed, 66Hc. lleef Drossed. 5 W C ft c Mutton 6 7e. Hops DeiOVJo lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 29S3c; astern Orogou, 13lSc. IX)aL TLMK TA11LK. Tilt CrU of BonUtera PciAo Trains I OREGON SHOE COMPANY. The ha Ksfect at Satan Ftbrwary . 1M7. TowmiJ Portfaad. iso. 16 S;3S a, m., Orsjon Ex pre. j No. IS 8:30 a. m., Cottass drove Passenger. No. 13 ;:4S p. m., Shasta Hx press. No. 145:38 p. m., Portland Ex- press. No. 333 Arrlva Hit! . m . part 11:38, Portland fast freight. No, 328 Arrlca 10:40, depart 11:38, way freight. Toward Sn FraocUco. No. 1111:18 a. ra., Shasta Ex pras. No- 176:33 p. m.. Cottago O.rov Passenger. No. 15 ;5$ p. ., California Ex press. ?Co. 131:31 a. m.. Sao Francisco Exprt&s. , v""5" n' Portland fast rroight V 99K lrl. . - . . -. .,,.u iijfc a. depart at 11:38. way trelzht. Buttor raacy ertamnrr. sjuo 5c; storabutur, 18 28c Mokair J1J. .t HIGH GRADE Of GROCER1 LOW PRiCED Every item at a savins. These offers make it that this is the place to supply youc grocery nee, ft here and save on whatever you buy: Olympic Cake snd rVH Flour . ' ' Hard Wheat Eastern 0rj riour .. 1 gal. Longs MPl & ', M gal. Long Mtpte wr ft gal. Long SaratoU JJ, iqt. Long's 5301 1 qt. Jar Home CbJ ". Raspperries , ,j 1 qt. Jar Home W" J Regular 2 ScMarmtl4 nna jniu " ..,. s-io jar ui'v- Long's Jellies and J - Premium Jelly s- J 3-m Black and Wbltt J Figs ... Evaporated Apple Petlto Prunes. 30 French Prunes. 5 . -. i zsi Italian l'rnn, - -.dJ eat Toaited Oj Trial paekaBeJff-i-! Ift-tb can White Asparagus. .25c Fancy Malno Corn, 2 cans... 26c Extra Standard Corn, 3 cans. ,2 Bo Standard Com, 2 cans ...... lCc 3-lb can Solid Paok Tomatoes ' cans ,, ,,26c Extra Standard Tomatoes ,.10o 2 cans Solid Pack Pumpkin, 2 cans 25c 3 cans Solid Pack Squash, 2 cana 25c French Peas 20c Extra Stttod Peas, 2 cans.... 25c Sifted Sugar Peas ioc Sugar Peas, 3 cans 35a Early Juno Peas, 3 cana....25c Lake County Strlnglesa Beana 15c Extra Standard String Beana 10c Standard String Beana, 3 cana 26c 1-tb can Baratarla Shrimp ..10c 3-lb can. Baratarla Shrimp.. 20c 1-lb can Depo.dablo Baking Powder (Special) 35c 2-ros Minced Clams 25c 10-lb AVhlte or Yellow Corn Meal 35c 1 gal. Pancake Drips 60c 10-ox. Best Savon, 10 bars . .25c W.A.Irvin&0 203 Commercial Street Phone 66