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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1907)
JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, 3IAnCII -I, 10Q7. DAILY CAPITAL Food p( i i GREAT MONOPOLY BROKEN. Farmers Free to Mako Alcohpl Un ilcr New Kill. We are Well Prepared TO MEET THE HPHINO. WE HAVE AHHKMIILED VAHT QUANTITIES OK 11101! ORADE '"-MKXTs' HITF AND VI ICED THEM AT LOW HUAliK 1MHCKS. THIS IH H111MFU.L OF WANTED MERCHANDISE, n" L" ivmmmLhAmm that in collecting our hprino d&playh, we have surpassed all prkwois emouts. DECIDEDLY THE BETTER SORT OF GOODS AT THE OTHER KIND OF PRICES. WEDNESDAY ONLY H $i Bft ?Vijitlm2W ''XJ JH i OUR n!KS CONSECUTIVE WEDNESDAY HARAIN SPECIAL For our midweek upoclnl vv www forward with a lino of LAUNDRY BAGS Tnn color, 17x20 Inches, stamped with lloral design, top U faced with inntorlnl to match, nllk drawstring of contniBtliiK color. Every sleeping room Bhotild contain ono of thoso bags. Worth 30c, hut for Wed lies day only Nono Bold until 8:30 a. in. Wednesday. No phono orders recolvod 19c Spring Suits of (he better sort Don't Imnglna that bornuso wo apeak onthuslnstlcally of I ho now suits that they aro lilithly priced. When you boo thorn you'll comldor the- prices very little. Quito leiut thuu you expected to pny. $11.85 to $40. SHIRT WAIST SAD IRONS Mndo oNpoclnlly for Ironing ahlrl waists full nickel plated; uuincuauiu iwiiiiuu, iao CA bout Iron yet produced 3UC RIIIIIONS Now ribbons that aro crisp nnd liiBtrloiifl. A host of fancies. DroB don Htrlpos, cliooku and figured offootB. You will ho ublo to nnd hero JiiHt what you want and tho prlco will ho very modoHt. Qunl ltleM tho very boat. HILKH Tho collection presents Invlsh nBBortinouta In all tho varloiiB groups novelty Bilks, colored Hllks, black ellks. Tho colored Hllku off or overy tono nnd tint tho ,now soasons bihIIob upon. Tho Milks for waists aro In almost end less variety. Illnck sllka aro in overy grndo and wonvo and width. DREHH GOODS Dress goods aro tho prlco con Bhlorntlou now-ndayB. It Bhould bo when you consider that Eaatvr Is so lato and tho warm woathor will roqulro a chango of fashion boforo tho ond of Lent. Our de partment Ib tho center of attrac tion on what's now and good, nnd nowhoro olso will you find such a comploto showing nnd such small prlcos, First Floor. OXFORDS When you'ro roady for Bprlng footwonr you can't nfford to over look our Oxfo rdri. No ono could wish for better stylo nnd moro goodnnss. Soo tho now shapes offering at $3(50 I A fi i W v i A d p4 M ?emtf$ Spring Clothes The spring brings out a new thing both In inntorlnl and doslgn. Tho colors, too, como In for tholr shnro of' consideration. One of the novelties Is a now cont modol, 33 Inchos long, form fitting nnd lias Fronch proBsed side sonms; no vent. Vest Is three buttoned, lnpels trimmed with whlto brnld, making BUlt for spring wear. Como In tomorrow and lot us show you tho new things. Shirt Waist Ironing boards Designed for Bhlrt wnlsts pat ent devlco for nttnchlng to any table sinnll, compact Just the board you'vo wanted G5d i CITYJSEWS A Collection of Important Para Kwphs for Your Uotuulrrntloii. Canto From tho Country Many country peoplo roplonUhud their grocery supplies Hnturday at tho new Court street store of II. II, Rattan. Thuy aro pleased to do this, Cor they And thoro a now, wollso loctml and up-lo-dato stock. floUlHg llrttrt With each performance. You will Jtnd tho crowd at tho Kllngor Orum! ovory night. HfMvrUl Open Minting Halem Grange has a spcolal opou mooting Wednesday. March Oth, at 10 a. hi., Commercial hull. V1h1 Account Approtwl- Tho final aecount. of J. II. Urliues s administrator of tho estate of Miriam O. Ulckrox, deceased, has been approved, and the sum of tCU.lo was ordered to be divided squally anions tho following- ieo oat Laura l'earson, Edna Hod, W. H. Illckcox, Albert Hlckcox. Frank Hlckrox, Gwendoline Finney, a II lllckcox and Robert lllckcox. People Going to Newport This year can bring tho agate thuy And homo and bavo them pol ished at auy time of tho year. Wo avo a new up to date plant fur KtlnJUitf and polishing agate and havo Vnowtedgo and ability to do good work. Try us when you havo agate to polish. Wo will guarantee alUtacllon or will not ask you to jay u a cvut for tho work. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Hear tho Evening Kh'p Hong In tho ' 'l'llliir of Flro." Colored light effect. Koo "In Utah" At tho Kllnuor Grand tonight. It Is good. To Colled Not' V. O. Johnson vs. V. II. Van Clouvo Is tho tltlo or a suit tiled In department No. 1 of tho Marlon county circuit court to collect a note set forth In tho complaint to have been executed by tho defendant to tho plaintiff in 1005 for 1300 bearing interest at 0 per cent. Tho said plaintiff asks Judgment against tho defendant for f 300 and Interest from duto of tho Usuanot) of tho note to gether with 50 for attorney's fees, and tho costs and disbursements of tho suit. Continuation of Hair Tho sale of certain property be longing to tho lloppel children, minors, was this morning conrtrmed. and Utile Roppel, as guardian, was authorlied to mako duo conveyance of property so so)d. Not ho Tongue of Ftiv llut tho "Pillar of Klro" at tho Christian ohuroh Tuesday nlxht. Final Account Accept! Tho final account of the estato of O. 11. Miller, deceased, has been ap proved. Thoro still remains 16337 37 to bo distributed among the heirs. Upon tho administrator complying with this order ho will bo relisted, and tho eslato closed. iiii o A Short Imw. Tho shortetit bill Introduced at tho lato legislature ta by Frwrain of Multnomah. Hero it Is: Ho It enacted by the people of tho stale of Oroni SKtlon I. Dor aro horoby dwlared lo be per soual property." O-- M CVlUtfel at Cautery. There was slight collision be iweea tho 8, I. Co, yard euslno and tho elrctrle car ihtt ruas lo tho at teruoo trala at 3:1ft. Tk car was kurt M4H bt svo yt44r were tJw4. Kllverton FerHoniils. Mr. Hlwood Mlkel of Gorvals, Or , was In tho city InBt week. Mr. Paul Woods, of Howoll Prnl rlo, made n trip to this city last Sat urday. Miss Mabel Thomas visited In the city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Russell, ot this city, made a business trip to Port land lust Wednesday. Mr. Albert Oodfrey wont to Port hind last Friday. . Miss Jennie Darkhurst, who has been at Portland for a couplo of weeks, returned to tho city Inst Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Junu Drake returned to tho city last Tuoaday, niter a short visit In Portland. Mr. Vnnhouser mndo a trip to Woodburn Inst week. Mr. Lewis Johnson rondo a trip to Portland last Thursday. There will be a grand ball given at tho W. O. W. hall next Saturday ovonlng. All Invited. Bleeu and Ueuno Haack and Miss Alta. Datenport returned to tho cltyi Lighthouse Washing Powder U PACKAGES FOR 33 CKNTS THU MKST AND CHEAPKST. Now that tho legislator have gone you will be cleaning up and you will find this powder great held. For a short Una w will make this BPKCIAL OFFKK. Moir Grocery Company X, W i Inst week .after a few months In Sn lem Mrs. T Davenport, of Portland, vlslU'd In tho city Inst week. Several of Sllverton's young poo plo uttendod tho dnnco given nt Prn tum Inst Snturdny evening. Tho P. M. O. club gnvo u rccop Hon nt tho homo of Miss Jsnnlo Dnrl: hurst Inst Snturdny ovonlng. The evening wns spent In playing curds. Itefroshmenta was sorvod nt 11 o'olock. Those present were: Misses Jennlo Darkhurst Jennie Cooloy, Nel lie Cnvondon, Faye Hlbbnrd, Gruco Wolcott, Gortrudo Wolcott, llyrd Cooloy, Paulino Mnschor, Myrtle Dunnolls nnd Flodono Wolborno; Mossrs. Dick Down, Frank Wray. Chostor Wolcott, Wallace Cooloy, Ilurlay Smith, Hohort Forbes, Honry Woar. o Found ai iASt. J. A. Harmon, ot Llxemorc. West Va caya: "At last I have found the perfect pill that nevor disappoints me; and for the benefit ot others at fllctc'd with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say: tako Dr. King's Now Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 55c at J. C. Perry, drug. Cist. Washington March 4i The dena tured alcohol bill, which went to tho President for signature, will have tho effect of breaking the Standard Oil Company's monopoly of this now fuel product. Under tho provisions of this bill Individual farmers will be permitted to manufacture dena tured alcohol for their own needs or for sale In large or small quantities. As the original bill was drawn, de natured alcohol could only be pro duced by largo distilleries, and. tho Standard had completely monopo lized the entire product. It was to preserve this monopoly that Senntor Aldrlch endenvored to amend the pending bill but, to his surprise, n largo majority of the sen ate turned against him, nnd his amndmont was lost. Senntor Ful ton, who had received many appeals from Oregon farmers on behalf of tho new bill, vigorously nttacked tho Aldrlch amendmont, as did other senators from tho Northwest, except Ankeney and Hoyburn, who stood with Aldrlch and ngnlnst tho farm ers, llcyburn making a Bpecch in fn vor of the nyieudment, which would bavo prohibited Individuals from manufacturing denatured alcohol. 00 "CentofAUD 8U,t f U,,d,8r! Rockefeller Has Family Troubles. Now York, March 4. John D. Rockefeller left hurriedly this after noon for Augusta, summoned by message of the scrrous illness ot his daughter, Mrs. Harold F. McCormick who Is 111 since tho birth of her daughter somo months ago. Dr. Digger nccompnnlcd him.. D1KD. DELL. At his home. Jive tnllos northeast of Salem on tho Silver ton road, Saturday, March 2, 1907, Captain Miles Bell, aged 6S years, of heart trouble. Captain llell was a retired steam boat captain and an oldtImo and well-known resident ot Marlon coun ty. He leaves a wife and several children and a wldo circle ot friends to mourn his death. The funeral was conducts hv Rov. P. S. Knight from the Qlough undertaking parlors this afetmoan at I o'clock. M1TOMA Near Independence Sat urday, March 3, 1907, a H. Ml toma, a, Japanese, aged 37 years. Tho funeral was conducted ,v Rev. I. a KulRht from RlKdon'a un. dertaklng parlora this morning at 11 o'clock. Tho burUl took place l tke 044 Fellows' cemetery. New Y. M. C. A. RulldliiK In 'Frlxco. Tho new building for the San Francisco Y, M. C. A. Is to be erect ed on tho site of tho destroyed struc ture nt tho northeast corner of Ma son nnd Ellis streets. FIvo hun dred thousand dollars haB been se cured for tho erection of this build ing, two hundred and fifty thousand of which wns donated by John D. Uockefoller. Tho building will oc cupy tho entlro block and, besides three stores on tho Ellis street sldo, will bo entlroly devoted to tho asso ciation purposes. Tho gymnaBluni will occupy two floors, and thero will bo several handball courts on tho roof. Tho swimming tanks will bo 75x30 feet. It will contain nccom modntlons for 5000 momborB, and tho boys' department will accommo date 3000. vThoro will bo accommo dations for 2000 in tho educational dopnrtmonts. In all respects this will ho one of tho largest and most complete Y. M. C. A. buildings In tho Unltod Stntos. It will probably occupy two yonrs In construction. McDougnll Uros. aro tho architects. o lhvnks All SjK'od RecordH. G. II. Cu'rtl83 has shattered all spocd records by tho phenomenal time of ono mtlo In 0:20 2-5 mndo on an eight cyllndor motor cyclo, at Ormond Bench, Florida. This low ers tho mark made by .Marriott In his 50 horso power Stanley stoamor, whon ho mndo tho mllo In 0:23 1-5. Tho highest moohnnlcnl speed previ ously attained was by a Gorman elec tric car which mndo it In 0.28. Tho best authentic tlmo over mndo by n locomotlvo was on tho Plant System In Florida, In 1901, when tho mark of 0:30 flat was reached. A duplicate ot tho light eight cyl inder englno with which Curtlss mndo his terrlmc speed was ono of tho most Interesting exhibits at tho recont Chicago autoraobllo show. This duplicate englno is a part ot tho equipment of tho Mattory airship. Men of affairs and children with tto! "" ie ume to ew evil Is added that J ? ." M ular living aa a '"Ml cannot stand ,... 'I,,8i on it. The abusTS stomnr.h dn, -. "ey -rk of d.geSMo7r.Hl ments and the poison Mm!!J' WholO BV9fo, Wrtti( weight and bwomJat1 attack of wi. :.prtkH encountor. "awn, Did it ever occ nr .. . that stomach of your,, tT hnlllq H,r ..,-.-. W Ul v...v luuis. hnf l. . you force it to tako , ij " """lutiui, mcest .4 k . tor assimilation Into ,. v?1 wonder U r&iii. -t "" - 'vucia nncn ..- Wo crowd It with st-v. ..7 llrrlinfr, lt I..,.. . . "W " juires c h .i. ... acids, and expect tho itomici Jl ... uin. n, cant a0 1L ,1 All over the inner lamefj hiuuiucii aro giands which uie juices necessarr la .. Tho entrance ot food int .v.". ach Is tho slngal for these (luJ uo uioir worK. The mors tl nnd tho moro Indlcestlhl. ts. . er tho domnnd unonthm.,i. tho muscles of tho wall adjot&jj iiuiiK oi mo ions of hijiH tjuiuv, Dni-i'uuuaiB ana un crammed Into this little fo mill, nnd then wonder. If rw i why you aro dizzy or nanwyj constlpntod. Don't bhun stomach or curse your fate thtt should be born so unfomniti! yoiiraolf and apply the reneJj First, get n small pwhpl Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I ono hftor ench meal and it hit They uro not a medicine, bat i( tlve. Your stomach Is worncxtt needs help, not medicine. Dyspcpsln Tablets will do tit i that tho stomach falls to do. Tb enough power In one- grata cf i art's Dyspepsia Tablets to k 3000 grains ot ordbjay fool,; needn't fear that anything yoi i will remain iu your stomach, i gestcd. Stunrt'B Dyspepsia TaMrtn rout tho poison because they i tho cause food fermentation. nro nnturo's own cure for dji Tho host of troubles djw father of ennnot be numbenO n henlthy stomach It the all health. SeUo your opportunity worso conditions confront yw. today for a freo trial pb Ohi.,11, nvannnitlil Tlblttt 9 will bring your stomach rellrf.f- Stuart Co., S3 Stunrt D!df., Mlnh Tho 50 cent sixo Is for sale itH druggist's. rw.,. .-,! for Kdsrtf Secretary H. W Stone. cfa M. C A., Is not satWBN . .rir nt ho loclslature HCI n,i Miirh. ho says, ai '. mnn hovinc money and pWtJl Jlttlo for the people, ana ti. ...o.f nr mnnil esiiuw" complished. Portland Tt!r; BORN. .. i.. tisR Ferry and Fourteen i1 lom, Oregon, mib 1907, to Mr andHt-'1" er, a son XT.Lt. Vmttm W rranx m""- k j u: - - jj 139 Commercial" Old Trusty Incubators Better get In line. Tho best Incubator on the market and sold at a reasonablo price. Guaran teed In every respect. Free Test Your money hack If not exact ly as represented and they fall to do the work. Sweet Peas Now Is tho tlmo to plant awet peas for the early bloon. Our stock is the finest crown an4 pleases all. Wo bavo any color that you want D. A. WHITE &SON 255 Caw ratal SUns. liMMlM. "manf.Y TO ,"IV" TlIO,t, OTer La" fcBurtjJ, NEWTON . j A MS" I Waattouuy v - , draft nors --- ,,1 a arsi-cia- "- 0, not less siu A,jm bo blgh-BTade -i Conner. WUUW 'Nnrwry Cosipor, , joBTwcmJJ. . --H te Jl OB TW--j ststssiisiB- - j-JT Br .J Fer SiOc Wxel' a -5 .i.vaJ throuaw '.. tnzzZri ," car J-,'