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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1907)
"; -rr "ripf fvv-5rrt-fr"Tew "" r I, fff3i t"K i -i f T9 sjfi;f'"WTWh; V DAILY CAT1TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON", MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1007. SGFf A Strong Tonic Body uuiiaer Blood Purifier Great Alterative - A Doctor's Medicine Without Without Without Without Without Without Alcohol I Alcohol! Alcohol! Alcohol f Alcohol! Alcohol J.O.AttCo., unrcii, jiim. NORMAL FIGHT NOT ENDED. . Mcnrcr l'lnns. VS March 4,-Tho final kt X. ntans for tho consollda ,h.f Lone Consolidated l oI .... nnd tho Cananea- C-sJS; i-5!r:;Ti,ama. P. ItfJobBU. i .--;- .. i! taken iou " , to tho shareholders of. ""LV LnnanlM of tho ,TSnee for the stock of CrttDe-Cananea v v. or.. . ... . hniH cood until L ! -?- L time of tne orgum - ..Cinanea copper m...,......,. , U ttpltalixctt ai uu.uwv.-w, tOO shares oi ui -' ....v nf ho new company are i mnVp tho exchange, he balance Is to remain in the . ,.. atnpk Issued. 1.500,- dirti are to exchanged for tho ... .!... nt tho J 10 per cent itock of the Oreeno Consolidat es company outstanding at atlo of ono and one-half shares n(,ind tho 1,000,001) win bom- td for tho 600,00" iuii imiu . ., , tin stock of tho n&tn nonmany outstand- the ratio of ono and two-thirds Passaic; Ferdinand Poggonburg, Lelderkrauz club, Now York, and Dr. L. L. Mini, Now York. Tho matches aro being hold under tho auspices of tho national association of Amateur Billiard players and thoro aro over 1000 spectators in cluding many women. Tho tourna ment is open to all nmatour blllinrd nlayors in tho United Stntos who have" attained at least a grand aver age of seven nt 14 inch balk lino,' two shots in, anchor barred, in a tournament with recognized amateur players. q " COMFORTING WORDS. Many a Snlcm Household Will Find Them So. ftOO Howard, $100. k readers of this paper will bo Led to Irarn that there Is at IcaBt knaded dlseaso that scienco has i rile to cure In all Its stages, hut Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ii the only positive euro now i to the medical fratornlty. Ca- i belne a constitutional disease, -Srts a constitutional trcatmont. i Catarrh Curo Is tnkon Intor- t act ns oirecuy upon mo uiuuu nttcous surfaces of tho system, tbr destroying tho foundation of 1 disease, and giving tho patient fclih br building up tho constl- k'j and assisting naturo In doing 1ork Tho proprietors have so t faith In Its curatlvo powers t tier offer Ono Hundred DollnM j toy caso that It falls to cure. 1 (or Hit of testimonials. Una F J CHENEY &. CO., To-i,0. -ld by alt druggists, 75c. tit Hall's Family Pills for con- itloa. o miUnlllR for National Title. tr York, March 4 .Eight of KiJ'ng amateurs of the United pit Uard i)laers are competing a tb" LtPdorkraui club for ti na! ihamplomhlp title. T ra t bail. F Conklln and J Decar. -t both of Chicago f r ub Frank J Dreher and rd Helm, both of Clevalaml. T Murtiraor S Rolls, Belmont let t.ub I'hl'ldplnhln; Rilwnrit - drainer Vrquarkanonk club i To have tho pains and aches of a bnd back recomved; to bo entirely free from annoying, dangorous urin ary disorders Is enough to mako any kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how this great change can bo brought about will provo comfort ing words to hundreds of Snlcm readers. P. Pratt, proprietor of tho Red Front livery stable, 2C8 Front St, Snlcm, Ore, says: "Donn's Kidney Pills aro a remedy of exceptional merit and their valuo deserves to be known to all In need of a remedy for backache or kidndy trouble. I had suffered from a deranged stnto of tho kidnoys and heavy aching through my back and loins when I wont to Dr. Stono's drug storo for n supply of Donn's Kidney Pills. I rccolvcd prompt and effective reliof almost from tho first doso and In a short tlmo I wns In such good condi tion that I didn't fool any necessity to ubo them or nny other remedy of tho kind." For snlo by nil dealers. Price 50 conts. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Stntos. Romombcr tho name Donns nnd tnko not other. o 111k St. Patrick Celebration. Now York, March 4. It Is nn nouncotl by tho commlttco of tho Anqlont Order of Hibernians that 70,000 mon will march in tho St. Pntrick's day parado. Ab St. Pat rick's day falls on Sunday this yoar tho colobratlou will tnko plnco on Saturday, March 1C. o Worked Iilko ii Charm. Mr. D. N. Wnlkor, editor of that plcy Journal, tho Kntorprlse, Louisa, Va., Bays: "I ran n nail In my foot last weok and nt onco appllod Buck Ion's Arnica Salvo. No Inflammation followed; tho salvo simply lionlod tho wound." Hoals ovory soro, burn and skin diBonso. Guaranteed at J. C Perry, druggist. 2Gc. Mil L lift, uL, MI ' TTtr -----....,. fcfaLfePrefi.tri f. k iSfeToodaridRegula a5iada andJiawds ctf "BaMfcsTJi?"! r i. r, .i MHesLvonUlas odkv (""ilOSS OI Si vvn !Se Snahire of VQKK. Km Vl, CASTORIA For Infant aad Childron. i mm I The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of m i.r rr du In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Tho Ne.vt Cntn:migii Will Sec Tills the Great Issue Ilefore the People. Indications are that tho normal school question has not beon settled by tho veto of tho Monmouth and Drnln appropriations. Both schools will bo conducted on tho certiflcnto Plan, as the law under which thoy wore created has not beon repenldod. Furthermore the friends of both will orgnnlzo nnd try to enrry tho noxt state election. Tho people will thon lenm where all tho politicians stand on this matter. Tho strict lottor of tho constitution Invoked would ner- tnlt of but one state normal school nnd that nt the stato capital, tho only lawful plan until tho constitution enn bo amended and thnt may nover bo uone. Tho question will never bo settled until It has been mado sonaro- ly tho lssuo nnd settled by n direct voto of tho pooplo fully discussed nnd understood by them when they voto. Cnpt. Walter Lyon, who was Gov. Geer's private secretary, and for years ono of tho most careful and competent nowspnper men of tho state, says this in an editorial in tho Albany Herald: "Tho truth is the invontlon of tho two-school curo wns only a make shift. Tho normal school question Is not settled. It Is only moro chaotic than when tho loglslnturo mot. Tho underlying basis of tho trouble has not boon removed. Tho pernicious results nttoudlng tho swapping and bnrterlng of votos for tho stnto-nided schools, remain to obstruct tho work of another legislature. As long ns tho constitution rontnlns ns it is thoro Is but ono effective remedy, and that Is to abide by it and koop nil stato Instjtutlons within ono county. This applies as much to tho unlvor tural collego as to tho norma) schools 8lty and agricultural collego as to tho normal schools, for did not n roprosentntlvo publicly acknowledge tho Lnno county dele gation pledged votos for other meas ures, In return for votes for a quar ter of a million for tho university? Stnto nldod schools east of tho Cas cades, south of tho SIsklyoiiB, and throughout tho Willamette vnlloy, In tholr eagerness for appropriations, block honest legislation. All nrq trontod as local affairs. All llvo largoly as a result of trada and bnrtor In tho lcglslnturo. Tho election of U. S. senators in tho past has dis graced Oregon legislatures. Thnt question has been settled. Tho noxt grontost monaco to legislation Is tho stnto school question. It Is yet to bo hnndlod without slovos. Somo ono with norvo will some day got in to tho loglslnturo, clso through tho tnltlntlvo land tho way back to tho constitution or amendment of tho coutitltutlon to conform with n ron sonnblo distribution of sohools, but ono nominal bolng Inoludod in the list." To show how tho Roseburg Uo vlew, Damoorntlc, takes it, road thu follewing: "Now thnt tho govornor hnH votood tho Drnln-Monmoiith normal school appropriation bill, let tho reforon- d u m bo Invoked on tho enormous ap propriation for tho stato university which was passed ovor his voto. Thero Is no roason In spending ovor $250,000 on tho unlvorslty and at tho samo timo cut off two normal schools as a measure of economy, when tho expenditure for both of tho lattor amounted to only $63,000." Tho Drain and Monmouth schools will bo run on tho certificate plan. Tho Drain Nonparlol says: "As tho mattor now stands, tho Monmouth and Drain normals may continue for the noxt two years as they did during a llko period In the past on tho certificate plan. Npither school can bo abolished without re pealing tho law which created thorn, and this can be dono only by tha stato legislature. Since tho voters of tho stato at tho last election decided by an overwhelming majority to re tain all of tho four normal schools, It Is safo to conclude that the next election tho majority will still bo greater In favor of advancement and civilization. "Tho friends of education feel cer tain thnt had this bill beon vetoed beforo tho legislature adjourned, it would havo been promptly pawed over tho governor's veto." Found at Last. J. A, Harmon, of Llremore, West Va., says: MAt last I have found the perfect pill that never disappoint me; and for the benefit of others af flicted with torpid liver and chronic comUpatloa, will eay: take Dr. Klsg'a Neur Life Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. S5c at J. C. Perry, drus- Tke Story ofa Medicine. lis name" Golden Medical Discover" was suggested by ono of Its most Import ant and valuable. Ingredients Goldoa Seal root Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Plorco dlv covered that ho could, by tho uso of pure, triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cot tatn degree of constantly maintained heat and with tho aid of apparatus and appliances designed for that purpose, ex tract from our most valuablo native me dicinal roots their curatlvo properties much better than by tho uso of alcohp!, so gcncrall employed. So tho now world famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for tho euro of weak stomach. Indigestion, or dppcpjla. torpid liver, or biliousness and Kindred derangements was urst made, as It eycr slnto has bon, without a partlcla of alcohol li its mal-up. A glance VKthuU list of Its Ingredi ents, prlnti oh iVorv boulo-wrappcr. will show that It is haRAP from tho most valuable medicinal roomfound growing in our Amorlcan forcsQM All these In- gwiionn nave received the iitmnprMJi; jvii. sy'E ."'.' Mumaiiuiwjiivuiij! orMMuoin. irpm tnqJcii r;i nnil viritr" in. wnfrrja mfm $- ioTdtaTJuSij; ATTuToooir; mrrt tliJ-m a? tftpy 5"rHitM MT Y'l ycoverv" la A WoflT li-tn cndoranmpntA liii been comnllpd by Dr. It V. Plorco, ol Buffalo, N. Y and will bo mailed Jrtt to any ono asking same by postal card, or lottor nudresjied to tho Doctor as above, rrom tlinso nndorsenipiita. rnnlix! frnm standard medical books of all the, differ ent, schools of practice, It will bo found that tho Ingredients composing tho "Gold en Modlcul Discovery" aro advised ntft only for tlio curo of the abovo mentioned diseases, but a Wo for tho euro of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections, accompalnod with catarrhal discharge, hoarseness, soro throat, lingering, or hang-on-coughs, and all thoso wasting affections which, If not promptly and. properly treated aro llablo to terrnlnato In consumption. Tako Dr. Plcrco's Dis covery In tlmo and norsovoro In IU uso until you g!o It a fair trial and It Is not llkoiy to disappoint. Too much must not bo expected of It. It will not perform piracies. It will not curo consumption In Its advanced stages. No medlclno will. It trtU cum tho uffrctlons that load up to consumption, ( taken in t(m. Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll novor bothor with having it dono nt homo ngaln. Timo was whon ovory family could not afford to send tho washing to a laundry, but times havo changed so, too, havo tho mothodB and prices. Today you can better afford to sond the family washing horo than not to.' Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phono li3. llUI-lflO 8. Liberty St. Garden Seeds ! I Wo havo a largo stock of Garden Soods in bulk. Our soods aro all 100C crop; no enrry-ovor. onion sirrs. Ask for small onion sotB. You got thrco t linos na many io 11IU pouiui. niciii) si:i:ds. Fnncy Dluostom Whont, Chovolln Bnrley, Oats, Corn, Clovor, (Alfalfa, Flold PonB, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing ngonts for Coulson's Egg Foods, Coulson's Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powders. Tho largest wholosnlo and rotall dealers in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St ! Gold Dtist Flour I Made by THS 8TDXS7 POW- WL OOMPAKY, W4ay, Oroa, Made for family , Aak your grocer for it, Bras aad aborts alwiiya oa kL P. B. Wallace AGENT 1WM O. C T. CO -STEAMERS- pomoka AND OKEGONA LSAVK POKTLAND MONDAY, WKD.VK DAY AND FKIDAY AT 10 A. M TUMSDAY, THUK8DAY AND 8ATUKAY AX : A. M. VOtt COKYALM WWDOAt, TKUN6DAY AND 1ATUKDAY ABOUT P. M. P. Wf . BALDWIN, Aft rnmMHif g iniit iif titiimw CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT niiif iiiiiiagifmniiiiiiiiiiiinnw FOR AU8 , For Sale. A flvo and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lota with each, woll located in East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st nnd Marlon Sta., Snlom. 1-28-tt For Sale A comploto box manufac turing nnd planing mill plant. Ad dross E. Burkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf For Sale Puro blood Plymouth Hock eggs, 50 conts a sotting. In qulro Mrs. O. Iroton, Snlom, Itouto 3, phono Farmers 3G9 2-28-lw Two Tjot.s for Sale Ono Bet to fruit, woll Improved nnd fenced. For particulars seo Dorby & Wilson, Salem. 2-28-Gt Cedar Vcmtn and Shakes A lot of good cedar posts and shakos re ceived. Got your orders in early. Goodalo Lumber Co. 3-l-3t. For SaIc Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs, 50 cents a sotting. Inquire of J. M. Howell, Yew Park, 12th and Cross streets. 3-l-3t For Sale Ono lino milch cow, Jor- Boy and Durham stock, nt n bar gain, Cnll on or address W. C Smith, 495 Winter nnd Marlon streets. 3-1-lw For Sale. 34-ncro farm north of Gardon Road, ono mllo from city limits. Woll Improved, 10 ncroa of hops, good houso, nil kinds of small fruit. Inquire of O. W. Ynnnko, Fashion stables. 3-l-2w For Snlo At n bargain, a heavy team, with wagon nnd hnrnoss, as good an now. On T. M. Smith's plnco lVi miles southeast of Snlem on tho Mnclcny rond. E. A. Aufrnnco. 3-2-3t For Sale. Thrco hous8 on South Llborty street, nnd two on South High street nnd throo In Unlvorsl ty nddltlon, two on South 12th Btroot, two on cornor of Ferry and 13th nnd two on North Commer cial, a. O. Schultz, 747 South 12th. 3-2-3t LODGES. ForvHtcrN of America Court Bh.r wood Foresters, No. 10. Mooto Tuo8dny In Hurst hnll, Stato stroot Loo Abblo. O. It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hnll In Holmnn block, cor nor Stnto and Llborty stroots. Tuosdny of each wook nt 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hntnrd, C. O.; W. I. Stuloy, IC. of It. nnd B. Modern WotKlmen of America -Oro-gon Cedar Camp No, 5240. Moot overy Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A, Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. S. P. L. Frozlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. -Sick, nccl dont and ponslon Insurance; (2,. 000,000 pledgod; ovory claim paid Good ngonts wautod. J. II, G. Montgomery, supremo organltor, Box 432 Snlom, Oregon. It. It. Ityan, aocroctary, 540 Stnto stroot. MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Tuner L. L, Woods, piano ox port tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave ordors at Goo. O. Wills' music storo, Snlem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Got my prices oh sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and coment work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 569. 2-tl-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It ia worth more than any other bread, vet tho price is no higher. For salo at your grocer'a. CALU'Oll.NIA HAAUllX. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. iKuuT" Wesdcrotli Fine wines, liquors and cigars. Wo fcandlo tin celebrated Kellogg and Caatla whiskies. Cool aad refrwhlag ar MMcUatly oa drougtt. SMtk CoauHtreial trai l-lrr DressmakluK Plain or fancy drew mnklng dono by Portland lady of experience. Mrs. A. N. Munsey, 356 Sovontcenth atrcot. Phone 1171. 2-27-lwk Hair Dressei' A lino noBortmont of goods consisting of first-class work Combings, rooted and put up nlco as cut hair. Old Switches dyed to nny shndo. Shampooing a special ty. All work guaranteed. Will bo at Salem March 4. Call early. Mrs. C. A. Spauldlng, 465 N. Front St., Snlom. 2-27-lw. Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Worka Hop Pre. Contractor and lluilder A. J. Aa dorson, contractor and bulldor, es timates furnished froo. It wll' pay you to boo mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court stroot, or phone 544. 2-15-tf NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. Now and Second-Hand Good. Bought and sold, also rangea, atovos and cooking utensils, disk es, granite and tinware of all kinds Give us a call. O. L. McPeek, 11 South Commercial Bt. 8-13-ly H Y8ICIAN8 AND BUHQEONB. DrTDTHTIurtmny tlio Specialist 6h Morphine AH drug and liquor habits, which ho euros in 3 days. No monoy until curod, 214 Trads St., Salem, Ore. Phono 508. Joha Doyona, Business Mnnngor. OSTEOPATHS. Dr. II. II. Whlto Oraduate of Klrka vllle, Mo,, undor foundor of Oa toopathy. Room 21, Breymaa building. Commercial street. Phono 87. Ilesldonco 589 corner Mill nnd Twenty-first StR. Phone 1219, Treats aouto and chronic dlsonsos. Exnmtnatlon froo. 11-17-tf PLUMBBKa. Theo. M. Harr Plumbing, hot water and stonm heating and tinning, 164 Commercial stroot. Phoaa Mntn 192, 9-1-ly M. J, Potxel -IMumblng, stoam aa4 gns fitting, Succeasor to Knox A Murphy, C26 Commorelal itrt. 'Phono Main 17. DRAYMEN. II. O, Cuiiiiiiliia Successor to White Cummins, express, dollvory and transfer llnv Prompt sorvlco is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving a specialty. Stand at 168 South Commercial stroot, Phone 175. Itoaldonco phono 908. 8-4-tt HASH AND DOOR rAOTOKISg. Frauk M, Brown, Manufacturer o stub, (l.or, luouldlugi, All kinds ef house finish and hard wood work. Front street, hot, Stnto and Ooart MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jixwmui Teacher of pi ano; touch, teohnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students proparud for public nppouranco, Hesldenco 658 Center St. Tel. Main 526. 2-28-tf WANTBD, Waiiusl to iluy -Iioavy draft liorsoo, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J, Connor, Willamette hotel, 1-38-tf WniitiHl. A girl to do goneral housework. Inqulro at 365 North High street. 3-l-3t Help Wnntrd. A dozen good mon for work In nursory. O. F. Lans ing, Qunkor Nursorlos, on Garden road. Phono 066. 2-22-f EiihirgtHl Our moat market on East State street has been doubled in site nnd wo are hotter prepared than ever to servo customers. Prompt service and tho boat of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B, E. Edwards, Prop. Want 4x1. Stenographic position by young woman wishing to mako change tho first of April, Six years' oxperlonoo. Excellent rof oronces. Address "Stonographer," care Capital Journal. 2-19-lm Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel for mercantile houso ot largo cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit If doslrublo tho homo may bo used as headquarters. Weekly salary of $1000 per year and ex penses. Address Joseph A, Alex ander, Salem, Ore. 2-19-lm SALEM WATER COMPANY onvm jcty mall. For wcUr tfrU tffly at $, Bill payaM satMMr U a4raa