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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1907)
-flTTFpp'r v Hri;.wrw9 - "rwfrrrrTfwPfWWi DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON, MONDAY, MARCH -1, 1007. 5 J rSTOCKTON) THE OLD WHITE CORNER. COMENCING It TODAY ONLY. COMK.M'WU vr S I WIES 1'ANCY EMBROIDERED ,UBKnS T willLETHEY MOTAT: 15 A PAIR. AT 8:30 WE OFFER A 1ILACK HOSE IX XTRA GOOD VALUE AT SWHXO suits. . ,.. and satisfying assort- A. ., . soring stylos, made al Ul : . ,u,i,. shadow 'i iatba checks, . ...- .. atrlnc effects .mil ana iu- "'" g'i 'reals. showing the advance Early 1 earnestly avlseed. WASH GOODS. And endless variety of new !:,,. dimities, fancy lawns. 2'tUed checks, etc. The S and best selected stock rtown by this store Gomo JMd look them over. ou aro ,f ays welcome. NEW IUIJBOXS. i nst assortment of new spring rilbons. Tho most popular aro .Uldi and broken checks In unob bulre patterns and in both light Ud dark colorings on white pounds. Flounced nuuons mU !w popular. SHIRT WAISTS 1907 spring styles ready for your Inspection. An interesting display. SPECIAL 91.90 WAISTS. Mndo of a sheer finished lawn trimmed embroldory and val insertions; either long or short Bleovo styles. Most stores would ask $1.50 for this waist. OUR PRICE $1.00. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Another shipment of dainty whito undormuslins just reached us. Any of your undcrmuslln re quirements can bo filled hero and now. Never before at such an ndvantngo to you. Special offorts on our part glvo you special In ducements for buying. Tho qunl ity of the goods this season sur passes anything yet brought to Salem. All mndo under best of sanitary conditions. 9 MR GRAND THEATRE mday, March 4 )ron' favorito young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer IN i TAH" A Story of Mormonism To tho South Pole by Auto. Tho next attempt to reach tho South Polo is to bo mndo by automo bile, by n now British Antnrtlc expe dition undor Lieutenant . II. Shnck olton, which is to start in October. They will bo takon as far south ns possible by ship, and will thou start out on tho Ice, for traveling ovor which their nutomobllo Is ospeclnlly ndnptod. The ship will thou return to Now Zealand to escape being froz on In like tho "DIscov'ory," on a pre vious expedition. Pricts, evenings, 15 and 25c. HANI) COXCKUT. Jn Military Benders FIiio Pro- tram on the Streets Sunday Afternoon. , A large and appreciative crowd Altered on the corner of Stato and lamcrcial streets yesterday aftor- i tT enjo the sunshine and hear Mfirpn-nt open air concort glvon I' the Salem Military band. Tho tmber was Ideal and nearly ovory la came out In tholr "Sunday-go-to- FUa suits and covvna to onlov Th program rendered was a8 fUOTI fws- Cheyenne" Alstyno hKctlon- Peer Gvnt Suits". Orele ui "Morning". i Aim Death." picttrlstlc Maeh "Bucking Broncho" Hlldreth frt March-"Voddlng of M Winds". Hall f& Comedy -Sho Onn" T.tidnrH fwh-'star of Destiny".., Dewey aeuo Nyla Smith nStep-'sissie Giggles.'. .Howo Listen rtaember the next timo you frOta Dllll -T.ITIBiYrl liw ilnrnn titr-hea your head nearly 'from seuralH.i in noiinH. lialment. It will cure you. A at Dimness man of llomn. TtUI. wrltM! "1 tinvn n.o.1 fUalBJtat Prevlnua ln ...I... it But sutterer f-om Rheuma- -" htnz.i r am plo&sed "Jlaow I am freo from these l km ura j QW0 lh,8 'sat."SoldbyD.J. Fry. UY tyur, Vitrol ANOAIL AT Material ttig Store r Uwttt A Broad Statement. This announcement is mado with out any qualification. Horn-Hold is tho one preparation In tlo world that iriinrnntopfl It. Dr. Loonhardt's Hom-Roid will euro Piles. It Is In tho form of a tablot. It Is tho only Pllo remedy used In ternally. It Is Impossible to euro an coiao llohml nnso of Piles with olntmonts. BupporttorieB, injoctlons or outward appliances. A guarantee Is Issued with every packago of Dr. Leonhardt'a Hom-Rold. Go and talk to your druggist about it. Dr. r.nnnlmnU Co.. Niacnra Fulls. N. Y Proprietors. Sold by Dr. S. C Stone. Halum. Smiles Specials nro to bo appointed to wntch'tho Portlnnd police. Who will watch tho spoclnls? Marlon county still has sovoral normal schools whero teachors aro trained without nny Btato appropria tions whatever. Mrs. Eddy's affairs havo been threshed ovor onough in tho news papers, Qlvo us something fresh. Tho legislature should not havo raised Us pay to flO a day. Seven dollars and six-bits would have been ample It was a sober legislature. There was nothing "tight" about It. It would bo unkind to roprlnt what tho papers of tho stato aro saying about tho lato ,' but what's tho UBO? "Women cannot bo notaries la Washington. a a Has U'Ren joined the ranks of tho office-seekers. He praises tho legis lature so highly. Irving S. Bath, of Hlllsboro, suc ceers Geo. P. Laird on the Bandon Recorder. Mr. Laird gave tho poet city of Coqullle a llvo paper and has an able successor. Marshfleld has granted a 30-year gas franchise. It is not to a news paper. Personal and social Items solicited by telephone or mall, o - Your brain goes on a. strike when you overload your stomach; both need blood to do business wtb. Nu trltloa la what you want and cornea by taklst Holllster's Rock Mountain T: SS Mts. Te or Tablets. Sold at Dr. sre. SuJuldLiye 100 Years SIR JAMES bltlCHTOX BROWN'S OPINION Sir James Crlchton Brown, of Eng land, nt tho congress of tho Royal Institute of Public Health in London, gnve a lecturo on old age. Ho states that If ovory person should live right and take the proper enre, to llvo one hundred yonrsvould bo a matter of course. There Is no oxcuso for fcoblonoss nt the, ago of fifty, sixty or even soventy. In ovory person thoro is n constnnt chango taking place in tho system, and Just bo long ns tho sup ply equals or oxceeds tho wasto, just so long will old age be warded off. When one finds tholr oncrglcs flag ging, tho organs ncting slowly and less effectually, tho blood sluggish, and in fnct "feel old," then there Is nothing known to medicine that will restore elasticity to tho stop, bright ness to tho eyes, vigor to brain and muscle, and strength to every organ In tho body so surely ns our real cod liver preparation, Vlnol. Vinol contnlns In n conccnornted form nil of the medicinal body-build-lng elements of cod llvor oil actually taken from fresh cods' liver, the use less oil eliminated and tonic iron added. Wo ask every old porson In Salem to try Vlnol on our offor to return money Is not satisfied. O. W. Put mnn Co., druggists. Note. While wo nro solo ngonts for Vlnol In Suloin, It Is now for salo at tho leading drug store In noarly ovory town and city In tho country. Look for the Vlnol ngoncy In your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic Care of tho person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash Its cleansing,' germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities arc extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass. o UNDER THE DOME OK THE CAPITOL. Mirny Stato Hoards Slwt and Reports Aiv ElU'd Other Business. Tho nowly appointed commission ers of tho supremo court nro alarmed lost they got only tho compensation ($2000 a yonrl allowed tho Judges dnder tho constitution, nnd nro skirmishing around to soo if thoro Is not Boino way to got tho full amount ($4000 a yonr) allowod by the low crontlng tho nddltlon to tho supromo court. Thoy bollovo It onn bo flxod. Tho distinction Is botwoon tho words salary nnd compensation, and tho moaning thoroof. Socrotnry of Stato Benson, who has boon qulto 111, Is much Improved nnd nblo to bo about tho houso. Ho may tako a trip for his comploto res toration In n few days. His brothor, Judgo Bonson, is acting secretary of stato In his nbsonco. Ho has boon nttonding nil tho various board meet ings held on tho flrstof tho month, and which nro In session today. Tho asylum board has tho Important duty of rovlslng tho salary lists, as under tho act of tho legislature all salaries aro to bo incroascd, and tho adjust ment of this matter Is before tho board today. o- Phone girls havo many ills, For which they tako so mo nasty pills Ih a healthy and happy girl you'd bo Ring up for Rocky Mountain Tea. Sold at Dr. Stono'H store. o ' Spring i Goods Big, juicy oranges at 30 cents a dozen. Wo bavo that celebrated j White Sago Honey; also fresh mackerel and smoked herring, nnd a full lino of garden seeds H. M.BRANSON I STATE STREET flllllllMIIIIBIIIIIIIIH COURT HOUSE NEWS There is a largo attendance of tho taxpayors nt tho court house. Many complain nt higher taxes, whllo a fow soom to get off chonpor. This Is largoly tho result of Increased valu ations, nnd but one mpro nssessmont will bo required to got things equal ized. Tho regular March term of tho county commissioners' court will bo hold Wednesday. Tho commission ers will bo in tho city Tuesday nnd meet with Architect Knighton, and try to agrco on tho court houso Im provements. Tho county authorities will do well to keep down tho ox penso to actual necessities. Indica tions nro thnt tho taxes noxt year will bo much higher than this yonr on account of tho oxt-nvnganco of the legislature, and It this county could carry over a good surplus tho levy would bo kept down. Tho Jour nal believes that, by utilizing tho sheriff's quarters, and making tho basomont of tho court houso dcopor, putting In a concrcto floor nnd bet ter snnltnry arrangements, tho need ed Jail room could bo obtained with out adding wings to tho building. Thoro Is mora vnult room needed for some of tho ofllcos. But tho olovntor, offices on tho third floor nnd lavator ies nnd all fancy fixings should bo postponed to souio futuro day. About $20,000 outlay ought to put tho court houso In flno shape Judgo Galloway will bo horo to hold court on Wednesday. On Tucb day at 9 a. m. depositions will bo tnkon In tho case of Sears vs. Dunbar beforo R. D. Alton, county elork, In tho suit to recover to tho stato fees claimed to have boon collected and appropriated by Dunbar In violation of the constitution. BUSTER BROWN Blue Ribbon Shoes Tor Boys and Girls mark the high est standard of modern shoemaking Every pair combines snappy style with reliable wearing qualities. We carry them in VICI KID and PATENT KID uppers with light or medium soles for girls' dress wear. The "BOX CALF" uppers with heavy soles are especially suitable for harder service. The "LITTLE B GENT'S" and BOY'S SIZES are made from leather carefully selected to PYTHIAN ORDER HOLDS REGEPl'ION. Grand Program and Rofivslinii'ut.f to Bi Si'rvwl Tuesday Evening. Tho forty-third nnnlvcrsnry of tho order of KnlghtH of Pythias will bo colahratod nt tholr castle hall tiy Central lodgo Tuesday evening, nt 7:30. A beautiful nnd npproprlato program will bo rondorcd, containing tho following numbers: Anniversary Prognim. InHtrumoutnl solo, Miss Blnneho Brown. Addross, Govornor Quorgo E. Clmmhorlnln. Solo, Prof. E. IT, Anderson. ChronleloH of tho Pythian onlo. L. R. Stlnson. Addross, Frank S. Grant, Port lnnd. Recitation, "Damon and Pythias." MIhb Margarita Flsohor. Duot, Misses Vornnn and' Ednn Andorson. Refreshments will bo served Uv (ho Pythian sisters. All knights, former nnd visiting knights nnd friends nro Invited to attend. a ItUNAWAY WITH MILK WAOON. stand boys' wear. . RnM..V ...nlf IT- ltaJr"J",' fW'V. tvery Pair of m 4u . 4 SHOES IN SHANK is built to give satisfactory service. Our prices are based on the spot cash plan. D Undersells "regular stores" on Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ladies' and Men's Furnishings Everything for thq whole family. I Ernie Kchlndlrr Hns tho MlHfortuuu to Have Another Ruimwny. Notice. On tho first day of March, 1007, W. D. Wheeler sold ono-hnlf shnro In his storo In Highland to R. D.Hawloy, andvheronfter tho Arm will bo known ns that of Wheeler & Hawloy. All thoso Indobtod to W. D. Wheeler will ploaso call and settlo, nlso thoso linv tng'clnlms against him, ns ho wishes to co in men co tho now Arm on n sqttnro business basis. Mr. Wheeler wishes to ihnnk his customors for their past patronage, and will Btlll continue to furnish flrst-clnss goods at right prices. 3-2-3t o Nmvyort In Winter. Snlomltos returning from Newport say thoro nro many visitors thoro from tho valloy towns, and It Is bo coming more and moro n winter ro sort. o jk m f o at. i j. m HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. 3. II. Durhnm. J. W. Owon, Eugenu. Wnltor Lyon, Albany. M. Kargor, Milwaukee. D. O. Teal, flenttlo. Mr. and Mrs. J. aillltio. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Gordon, Chicago. C. M. Iloydlo, Portlnnd. C. B. King, Portland. II. Lin, Chlougn. Haleiii, Harry Wostfnll, Portland. Mnbel Orolghton, Spoknno. Perry Belmont, Now York, Clins. Hans, St. Paul. Cottage. W. II. Mixer, Now York. William Wntkor. Portland. II. IJ. Herrun, Bnlom, J. A. Macaulny, San Francisco. Molllo Kovor. Wallace Wyckoff. L. Kuhn. J. M. Rice. Portland. Whllo delivering milk this morn ing near tho stato houso tho horso hitched to tho wagon of Ernlo Schlndlor becamo frightened and ran down Stato street. Mr. Sohlndlor who was near, In trying to catch tho , Infuriated animal was thrown to tho ground, and ran ovor by one wheel pf tho wagon., which Inflicted ( n painful brulso on his leg. Tho horso ran to tho corner of Stato and High street, whoro ho was caught by John Holman. Tho milk cans wero gathered up, and Mr. Schlndler went on his way, Buffering financially only from tho milk that was lost. Tho Injuries, to his leg aro painful, but not of a serious nature. Clothe fop Xw Mulrtt. Jim Church, tho famous mountain teamster, who makes his headquar ters at Gates, was In tho city Satur day, and bought an entlro new set of heavy harness for his mules of V. W. Johns, tho State street manufac turer. Ho says tho 8antlam country Is prospering, and thero Is consider able business In tho mountains. Mining on Oglo creek, only 12 miles north of Gates, Is very projperous o Tt tetii Woefter. Cure all kidney, bladder a4 rkeuBMtle troufcU; vM. toy all drug gWif, or two month' trstt fcy mmU for $1. Dr. M. W. Hall, Jl C4lT attt, ML Lewie, M. Smi tor ttitlM Inli . U hf U'$ too . W-1T m 1 1 1 1 i M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I H I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M H f; Our Spring Bicycles are Here And wo Invito you to como nnd Inspect them In our largo, roomy quarters. Wo havo plenty of room to dUplay thorn, and wo want you to call and look them over. Wo havo tho RACYCLE YALE CORNELL Princeton Vantine Flyer They rango from tho highest-priced to tho ohoapeHt, hut nro all good wheels. This Is Salem's only excltis'tve bloyclo house. And In tho new store can glvo you tho host uttontlon and tho host ser vice Right From the Factory Wo bavo Just received a shipment of Urea which aro guaranteed ! '. new and tho best, Including Morgan & Wright, iiamoru, o, ft: ; ; J. tires. ; ; Come and see the now two-spoed coastor brake. It Is u duudy . . and makes hlll-cllnibliig and wlnd-breaklng a pleasure. FRANK J. MOORE Eiiwrt Bkyck New nMm447 Court St J IlimillMlllllllillt-ll'IMllHUIIIlUUIlililHH : r