V DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MOXDAV, MARCH I, 100 Personals FOR YOUR BABY D "kiaj f(w ifjaffVll jw We have just received a full line of the famous HEYWOOD ADJUSTABLE GO-CARTS With the double ruffled Arabian net parasols and silk cushions. Thes arc without doubt the best go-carts on the market, and we invke you to inspect Uie line. In our large and varied assortment you are sure to find one which suits you, both as to price and style. Don't pay first class prices for inferior goods when for inferior prices you can get first class goods, as you do here. BUREN & HAMILTON a CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Mas a. i i ! i rgaauc i'rrpHivil for the Public School wml tho Futility Circle. Ptl.l.MAX WILL TAriCLi: OIlKHO.V liitllculhniM Are That the I'aiincr School of Washington Hum 'it it Strong Truck Tciini. Tlio llusMao parliament will as Homhlo at 81. Polomburg March G. Konutor Spouuer. o( Wisconsin. Into rolgned t lake tiffed Mny Int. A mountain In Italy Is slipping In to tho mm. carrying a village of 6000 people, who will liti homelea. The Oriental liner Dakota, from Konltl. U wrecked In the harbor of Toklo. Japan Hoary Van Dyke, prnfeMor of KiirIUIi lllarnluie In l'rlutMlun, linn resigned to 'devote li I ingulf onllrely to literary work. J. W. Hall. u iilonutir of Newport, Oregon, In dead. A Movoro earthquake wan felt In Southern Wyoming last Thursday. Tlio resignation at Governor Hwetteiihum, of Jumnlon. ha beuu brought about, unit he will leave Kingston soon. Tlio new statu of Oklahoma lin ml opted Hie Oiogou plan of the Ini tiative ntul referendum. lane Stephenson I likely to lift como the uoneor Htiuatur Spooner. of Wisconsin. i i ... i Valentino Winter, of Gonoordla, Knniiai. and wlfo aro vWltlng J. O. C. Wlmor and t It. Wlmor. ot thW city. Two Uter. Mr. Mnrl Wright, of Talent, ami Mr. Ilacbael Stone, of Central I'olnt. were alio horo ou a Ylllt. Washington college plainly be Hovoh that they havo a show for Ihw cliamploiiHlilp of tlio Northwest In traok work, for though la enrro a pond en co with Mnmigor Mccarty, of tlio 'varsity traok tuuni thuy oUtlui that thuy ilo not ronlly oxpuot to htat Oregon, who It Is generally believed haw tlio ohaniplonMhlp of the" North weet, niiil- perhnp of tbo oot, cinched, report from Pullman, and their great deal re to obtain a meet with Oregon, seem to ludlcnte that tholr team I very strong, and that thuy may become a fnotor In tlio ruot for the championship. No date ban linen nut for a mutit with tho Wnh Ingtnn farmers, hut It Ih practically certain thai ouo will ho mado whan tho other ilutoH lire arranged. California and Btanford have not yet settled what they will do con (lornlUK a moot with Oregon, nit their row ha mudo uoudltlom vary unset tied, and thoy do not know what time ohm he opuued for date. Tit exact date ha not been not yot (or tho IiIk trltat trunk muot at Boat tlo liotweiiu OroKou. Wuihlngtn and Idaho. May SO, 31 and Juno 1 All om likely to ho ohon. May 30 wtu thn day I ho moot ocourrtnt upon lait ytmr. hut VahlnRlon want to hanx thl ywir In nrdor to hold n rwpatta on that date. Many Men Out. A great many mon nru out for tho traok who havo not worked sortuu ty Uofor. and thl neion may kco moiiio BiirprlRoH whou tho tuiuu U rhoBoii. Tho froHlinion thlH yoar alo will ho oHpeclally promlnont. for thuro Ih inoro promlalnK mntorlal in that cIiihh than any provloua ono. HtiKono Iteglstot. We Offer You Exceptional Advantages for Yeur Checking Account mmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmammmmimmmmmmmmmmfmmmm A chooklng account U a ay tomatlc method of giving you at all tlMit4 a correct record of our dally builoM. KlKur aro exact tho amount you write oa the faco ot a ohook dou uot vary. In order to bo no curti Ik your monuy matter, pay by check. alway. W Iftvlto your account SUm Stutc Eafitc U X. PAGH, Ptiilfial K.W. HAZARD, Cfct SPRING POINTERS i Thoio light, and delightful bit cult, which are tho dollght of the- bouaokeeper' heart aro thj produet of Eppky's Pfffcctkxi Rjtkiajf Pawner Try It and ba coavlnwd. C M. EPPVLEY Kcol INdilo TnuiHffi-s. Tim following dood havo boon lllud for ruuord In tho olllao of tho Marlon county recorder: 0. W. Dlinmlok to Hlvn H. IlolBfortl. Iota 3 to 8, lilook 23. Nob Hill auimx to Salsm w 1 1 I., ami W. M. Slegmund to I. II. I'vuton, loll, block 13. Depot addition to Salem. i c d i I and 0. U. Kntuase to It. II. FlomliiK ot ox. Inud In lilook Tl, Salem. i o d i 8. T. and 8. I. HlohardHon to I.lhblto White, lot 4, blook -t. 8alom, i oil l W. J, llakur to DoftRlo A. Harrl- Hon, land In Marlon county. Mil j, 1 C. A. Tnlbot to J. 8. Talbot. 1H.07 aortw In t 9 , r 3 w, w 1 7100 M. U. and I. L. Patlorson t W. 1'. llaboook ot ux, lund In blook 42, 8nlom, w- d 2I0Q J. Ilarman ot ux to Loo llau manni land In I 1 mi 1 w, w d ..; ano H. 1). Woodworth ot a) to W. 1 llnhcook ot ux, land In bloek 32, Salem, W d 2000 C. 8. Uaskolt to J. a StapletOH ot ux, land lu Hlvorvlew Pork addition to Salem, w d 1600 Mattlo U KnlRhtllnRor to Star Lund Co., U aorec In t 7 a. r 3 w, w d 1200 A. Q. and J. T. Ho i Mary OUon. 4.34 aonM n t 6 a, r 1 o, w d ioo Hlliabeth Down, Uy Rttard, to a i. Coqlo' ot ux, U.77 uoros In t 6 , r 1 w, w d. . too a 8- Uavkett to J. C S(ai)ti et ux, lot 1, 3, 3 and 4. blook 13. HIvtM-vlew IHirk addition to Sal,RU w d . . . . i Aun Soott to J. M. Adkktt, I aoro In WoodbMrn. w d . . 7 K. Down ot al to O. J. OaoWy ot ax, 10.77 aafo la t ( s, r 1 w. w d C45 M. M. Whlto to Llbtrte Wall, " 1st blook 4, Salem, n c d. CQ5 J. K. Vetiol to a A. Utfael 4.65 aorv In t ( , r 3 v. 50 J. K. and J. K. Stalger t Star Ijiad Co.. tot ,27, WalWf' addition ta Salem, q c d 223 K, K. and M. P. Doanlt U T. ' L. William vt ux, lot 19 aRd 30 and ubdlvUloa 2 ad 30 Cajiltil Howe aJJi- Uoi to 8Ww, w d,,, ... , 209 Itollln K. Page wont to Portland today. , Judge Burnett wont to Eugene on Mildness todny. It O. Hunter wont to Woodburn on business today. O. P. Hopf left this morning for Albany on buslnoee. G. K. Oalo left this morning for Portland on business. Ed. Driver, of Bnker City, Is tho gupst of Salem friend. Bfn Tnmplln, of Portland, spont Sunday visiting Salem frlonds. Itcv. Father Mooro loft this morn ing for a short visit In Portlnnd. Elmer E. Smith, of La Granclo, Is visiting his brothor, W. P. It. Smith. S. K. Xool, of Klamath Falls, is In thr city, the guost of W. P. Babcock. Fred Ltgg. tho architect, Bpont Sunday visiting his family In this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Brooks left to day for Carlton, where thoy will re side. Web Holmos was among tho Portland-bound pnssongors this morn ing. Hon. T. O. Hnlloy, of Portlihid, spont Sunday visiting his fnmlly In this city. Hov. Murphy nnd Judgo .Cake, ot Portland, woro In tho city todny 011 a pardon mattor. Judgo S. T. Richardson, or Salem. was an Oregon City visitor Satur da -Oregon City Star. Mr and Mrs. V. O. Longworth, of Turner, are lu tho city todny on busi ness, nnd visiting frlonds. Miss Mabel Smith ruturnod to her home In Sllvorton toduy, nftor visit ing Salem frlonds and rolatlvos. Miss Mattlo Beatty and mother have returned from a sovoral months visit lu tho East and California. William Brokaw and family, of t'tah.arotlioguostHof Mr. Brokaw's brother, J. II. Brokaw, of Frultland. Clark Davis ami son, Chnru, af ter it few daya' visit lu this city, have r turned to their homo In Seat tle Itev. M. .1. Hicks, pastor or the Catholic church at Wusco, and edi tor of the Occidental Magazine, I visiting In the city. MIm Krnncos Howurd, aftor spend ing Sunday at her homo In this city, returned this morning to Chomnw'a, whuru she, Is omployod. Itov. Otto Losenor, wlto has boon hero to attend thu funeral or his futhor, the late Itov. 11. Loesuur, has returned to hi home In Buffalo. Mr. L. Andrews left this morning for Portland to vlalt her mothoi Mr. L. A. Armstrong, who Ih vary 111 Mr. Armstrong formerly lived lu Salem. Mia Bertha Lomuer, who ha been vlalUug Salem reJallre since the death of the late Itv. II. Ix)s ner. left thl morning for her home lu Chicago. Mlee Allhea Lm, sister ot Lee Brother, the Center atreet mar Qhanu. I back from u vUlt to hor paronts residing lu Portland. BnKer City Democrat. Homer Beuly, who ha been In tho employ ot the government at MHo. Washington, ha recently boon transferred to Chemnwa. He Is a former Salem boy, and I well-known horo. H. O. Hunter, manager of the Sa eom ofttoe ot the laternational corre spondence sehool. returned to that city this afternoon, after a short buslna trtfi to Eugene. Saturday's Iloglster. .'afaii : . .rm ,-r- ... : -fHi 20 PCK LCIli uiav.irumi ji ALL CUTrTA rtunno Ut entire, month of MnrM. ..""7 bk saving and would pay you to makeoLLis a m a w m m - rr m 1 furtlicr weddings, Ditttiday or anniversarv iT' SILVER DEPOSIT WARE also in this sa f i new cut and latest designs, and finest quality 2' and sHver deposit ever shown in Salem r ! Jeweler and Optician 123 CbmmSii, w rncu rn Tinii viii iiiiiii t. iiiiiii t-crmi "j tVtHtiHIUMItlltMIM'tlMtltMl! Don't Complain. , It your cheel halns and you are unable to Ioep beeauso at a cough. Buy a bottle ot Ballard' Horeftound Syrup, and you won't have any cough, (lot a bottle now and that cough will not last long. A cure for all pulmonary disease. Mr. J , Galvcaton, Toxai, write: "I can't say enough for Ballard' Harehound Syrup. Tho relief It has given mo is all that I necossary for me to say." Sotd by D. J. Fry. FARMERS WILL ORGANIZE t Continued from page ono.) X-RAYS I F Amoud the city charter. t I, 1 Ktiu&A k. .. . . .j, -. .f. mm prvtemee: a pjano to tae rommereiai dHB o( North Bend. v . Now tor that Inuimn mm ox ourslon. A man thaukl W ladlvtdual beforo be I a part. prices which havo been quoted wo are or tho opinion that snckB or tho charactor ordinarily used in Uma tilla county can bo laid down In Pendleton nt from nine to nlno and one-half cents each, and we assume that the delivery price nt other sta tions throughout tho county would not materially differ. Must Act Together. That It Is our opinion that If tho members of this organization will net together In tho purchase of the Backs required by each for the harvest of 1907, so that an order can bo placed covering from half n million to n million snckB, a set prico can bo ob tained which would bo of ndvnntngo to tho nurchnsors, and wo thoroforo recommend thnt tho ngreomonts which wo havo caused to bo pro parod, and which aro Herewith pre sented to bo signed by tho wheat growers or tho county ns Tar as pos sible, which ugrooments bind tho signatory partlos to nurchasa grain lings through this organization in ovont tho association shall doom Biich action ndvnntngoous. That wo aro or tho opinion that thoro should bo a logal organization completed nnd that tho Inland Grain Growers' Association should incor porate so that thoro may bo n logal entity equipped to donl with Jobbers and mnnufiicturors of sneks, nnd bo come a corporation under tho gonor al law or tho stnto, so that tho Indi vidual m'ombora or tho association, u'nnvcnnHtltutod, may not bocomo puraonnlly liable ror any obligations Incurred, ami lu this connection wo recommend tlmt tho articles of Incor poration shall Include powers which not only pormlt tho organization to act for tho Tarmors or tho county genornlly In tho purchnso or sacks and twine and othor mntorlal, but to not as soiling agont ror tho whoat product, and llkowlso, if It shall be come desirable to build nnd opornto warehousos, and In this connection we recommend thnt tho association authorise three members of this committee, who are residents of Unm till county, Oregon to tnko the noo eary stops to Incorporate this body under the corporate nnmo of tho In land Grain Growors' Association. Ktiindiml Oil Cases ou Trial. Chloago, III., March 4. Tho last technical objections to tho trlnl of the Standard Oil Company having been swept nwny boforo Judgo Lan dls on Fobruary ICth, when John S. Millar, nttornoy ror tho defondnnts, enter! tho ploas ot not guilty to the remaining Indictments returned by the fodoral Jury last summer, tho hearing of tho charges wore taken up today Tho ploas wero ontored by Win. Millar aftor ho liad boon as sured by District Attorney Sims, that the government would not contest the right ot tho defenco to demand n bill ot particulars providing this de mand Is mado within flvo days nftor the commencement ot any ono ot tho oasos. Tho corporation Is under In dictment charged with accepting re batos from railroads In violation of the Kiklns law. The Indictment contains 1900 counts alleging that tho corporations accepted rebates from tho Chicago & Alton railroad on shipments ot oil between Whiting, Indiana, and East St. Louis, Illinois. A very largo number of witnesses havo been subpoenaed and tho cases aro expected to last 20 days at least. ' Mt Gustlna IUndall. prlnolpal ot mo uanow jcuoot. same down Fri day ovontng to remain over 8unday t fcw homo here Oregon citr Btr. WOMEN WHO ARE SICKLY And anxious to bo mado well again should commence taking Hattetter's Stomach Hitter. ' We guarantee ev ery bottlo ot tho genulno to bo pure and In taking it you havo tho posi tive assurance that havlirg cured others. It will euro you, too. H0STETTERS STOMACH BITTtS Will strengthen and tono tho entire feminine organism and cure Mck acbe. Sick llemUche, Cm, IHxat. ee, DysfKOa, kMUNW, CJttfte, OoM or LaGriw, MARKET QUOTAS "Make OUIcra a 0oo4 Market." SALEM Junior Stclner's Mlr. Doalers in fl8h c.m, ... . Highest caBh prM niM . f Prompt delivery. Stat LocanVhoIieMwW Whoat E7c. Local wheat C 5c. Oato 40c. Darloy S22 0J23. Flout $3.25. Mill feed Dran, 19 $21.00. Hay Cheat and clover vt per ton; timothy, 110 per ton. T wggs nc, Hon lie; young ehldm, ! uucks ioc; geese, 3e; t latpiuc. DuttorT-3fic; butter fit, 1(1 unions aoc per ewt, toca, 83 85c per cwt. Hops Choice. He: mt. choice, 1313Hc; modluotj 10P12MlC. Chlttlm bark 5HC6c Tropical FrnlU. Bananas 5 He per lb. Oranges $2 75QS3.00. 'Lomons 4.00 $5 00 Retail Market Flour $1 por sack. Bran 65c per sack; JJltot por ton. Hay Timothy, 65e pw cheat and clover, GOG55e pert $9. GO por ton Onts $1.33 per cwt, wha !( roll(jl barloy, 126ff?28 perta Eggs 20c. Applos $1.00 to $1.(0, ao to quality. nutter Country, 35c; ctu: 40c. Llvcftotk. rnttln 1100 ir 1200 lb 2ic Llghtor steors 3HCt Cow and heifers 9OO01W' 3 4c. Stock hoKS 66ifc I Hogs 175 250 lb, ht,H $0.25. Sheep 5c. Lainbs 5 c. Voal Dressed, GCJSe. Hogs Drosaed, 8c, nniiTl.lVn M.IRM". 1 ... tj Whoat Club. 70C ..- bluo som. 72 Oata Choice white, ! xfiiiainfr Dran. $17 Hay Timothy, $14 H ....... .7 cnmt.Ot. veicu i-www t , . . nn. t1 00 Vt "'I i'otaioeBwu. - Ife-HrrHenl. HHf' chlckons, 13 013c; .JJ! turKoys. qr.- " Utf llvo, !;. "- pigeons, $1.00M-50 LOCAL TD T,a T1hm rd of Sotk P1 Kw at Sl S. 191' Towr4 !6 5 : ,' No. pre. No. IS 8 ,0 ' "' Faager. No. 122 45 p. ' pr4. 1 NO. 1 " ' No. -". "?- "':" P:r "s 11; 2 8, way frelg'- ., No. 11-11 U" pre. c No. 17-6 31 P-" Piiuarer. No, 15-3 5P.' Pre- - ., . MU' No. 13i KxprM. . .. . u No. 231 ft freight. jrik No. M "T- j ,ewKtirJ,'rL Aer ..-tl A