W1 CWPT' --- r w rj -Xf ti TTWignm DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1007. Fvneciall? Richt coughs. Nature needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the Inflammation, check the progress of the dis ease. Our advice is give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor If this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. Wa hare no imUI' Wo pobllih J.CA.jrrCo., thtformnlMoralloarprtpftr&tton. Lowll. ihn. acamn"HaniBHianaaaB SUNDAY SERVICES DiYm Think Or.dc For YMirsBlf 7 HEyV YORK LETTER ntlnncdjrompoEoJhco "be no doubt about the sue ,s. il8latlon In the lower L How the Bingham bill will , h lbe enate remains to -.... .... miMi thcro who trtre stui , w,tn McCarren nnu u.uu, . .. in tier cent gas and whoso Lni on that subject underwent LMMndunBccountoDiociiuHBB. . . .u to nn fonr of I tlU Instance iuc. - - Untlon In behalf of the uing- hemo by Governor iiuguea, )doeJnottneddIo with the logis- , lUSinCSS. UUt II Bliouiu uu , ,v. tho handling of a boodlo L la Albany under the sonrchtng Lf the resourceful Hughes would iittended with unusual hnznrdB. L u district attorney In Albany Ltr, and a grand Jury. And tho fjnior of New YorK can remove district attorney who uocs noi I oat and punish crime. announcement mado by Mr. that Mr. Rockefeller's fortune j not exceed $300,000,000 Una mui cuel blow to mnny citizens. flue Mr. Rockefeller sink to tho tplflcant level of half a dozen or U wealthy men Is sucn n disaster I rosslos and reformers that many I tie latter may bo driven to forc- riare and desperation. If Mr. tciefeller had renlly known how Ijrlr the brain work of thousands jpjople depends upon rumors nbout i wealth, ho would never hnvo ni ce! the facts to como to light. He fu!d have published somo ornculnr attment capable of sovon or olght cwfnt Interpretations, so that all tuner of men might construo It hr their personnl fnncies. Coming k unequivocally, though, with n lifeulon that classes htm nlong the lata Marshall Flold and er old school millionaires Mr. Kkefeller ruthlessly robs mnny n 1 soul of raw material for tabic CTersallon and takes tho zost out iniay a struggling periodical. WM. PARKINSON, o lluw to Iteiiuiln Young. I To continue joung In honlth nnd ptjth, do as Mrs. N. P. Rownn, ItDonough Ga did. She Bays: i bottles of Electric Dlttors 1 me of chronic liver and stom- u trouble, complicated with such i lnbMltby condition of tho blood I my skin turned red ns flannel. a now practically 20 yoars young- r wan before I took Electric Blttora. oa now do nil my work with oaso I atsUt in my husband's store." mteed at J C Perry, druggist. DUBLIN READY FOR IRISH FAIR Hotel Keepers Busy Preparing for Crowds Six Million Visitors Aro Expected. Dublin, Ireland, March 2. Elab orate preparntlons are being made here for tho Irish international ex hibition which is to opon In tho spring. Hotel keepers are bestirring themselves to provldo accommoda tions for tho crowds. Tho Hotel and Tourist association of Ireland Is Is- I suing lists of hotols and boarding houses, with information useful to visitors. Tho city's preparntlons In culdo provision for nn amplo food supply. Mr. James Shanks, tho chlof exec utive) ofllcer of tho exposition, esti mates t'lio attendanco at from 30,000 to 50,000 n day. "Wo aro well nhend of tlmo," said Mr. 'Shanks today.. "Wo have ten weeks hoforo tho opening day, nnd nro well satisfied with our progress so far. Tho exhibition will opon In tho first week of May and will re main -opon to tho public six months. During thnt time wo expect to have from 30,000 to 50,000 visitors dally, or a total of 6,000,000 people." Fivo hundred Irish workmen nro rapidly finishing tho magnlflcont buildings for housing tho exhibits. Sinco tho work began tho flfty-two-acro slto at Herbert Park has beon complotoly transformed. Dnrron wastes havo boon changed Into honrd walks, grassy lawns, flower beds and artificial lakes. Tho nttractlvonoss I of tho slto surrounded by hills nnd mountains, tho benuty of tho mnsslvo buildings, and tho enthusiasm of the pcoplo promlso to mnko tho exhibi tion tho grcntost ovent of tho kind that Ireland hns over known. . o Worked Like, u Clmrni. Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of that spicy Journal, tho Enterprise, Louisa, Vn., says: "I ran n nail In my foot Inst.wook and nt onco applied Buck lon'B Arnica Salvo. No Inflammation followed; tho salve simply healed tho wound." Heals every sore, hum nnd skin dlsonso. Guaranteed nt J. C. Perry, druggist. 25c. . o Emmett'n lilrtlulny. Brooklyn, March 2. Tho mom bors of tho Clnn-na-Gaol nnd other Irish Boclotlos will colobrnto Robert Emmet's birthday tomorrow by pub lic parados. In tho ovonlng thoro will bo n public banquot nt which Controllor Metz will preside. Tho orator on tho occasion will bo Judgo James J. Wulsh, of Manhattan. After thi banquot nn olnborato pro gram of music, by woll-known artists will bo gone through. fcKlnu"Yrtii YTni.n Al i- . .i !.!,. i. i . 'unnya juougui, ruu wuicu ihu uewi -7 lor vor no years, haa borne tlie slgmUnre 4T and has been mado under bis per- &ffi vfJZA&, Roiial supervision since Its Infiuicy. t 'yfU'vi in ... . i A.t.. H n auuwho oho to uocctve you m usm rwiutcrfclts, Imitations and JTust-as-icood" ar- but? Jjraeuts that trlllo with and endanger tlio hca u of smm and CbUditm-ExperieHCO against Expoxl .mU VWc is CASTORIA 2j is a harmless Bubstitute for Castor Oil, Par ?, Drops ,d Sootbingr ByrurMi. It la Tleawuit. It 22" neither Opium, Merpkiae nor other NarceUo "luiwe. Its nge la Its eaaraatee. It dcatrova "Worwa r FevcrJUhnesa. It cures DIarrkea ad Wlad relieves Teething Troubles, cares Coauti nation jjj - Avcinm(f xrouoieu, CHrw uwwuimvwu Jkiii i U nsstea tho Food, regulate the 'A riibi Bowclst giiing healthy and natural sdeei. auureu,s Panacea-The Mother's Friend. VtiNE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears tlis 8Ifsture of -A & I tZ An4 toa You Haie Always Boupt ' ue For over 80 Year. T"" 7V&VsJjJ9S m - umi .L-mj mM Lutheran St. John's. Regular Sundny service nt 10:30 n. m. In tho German Lutheran St. John's church, corner Center nnd Fourteenth stroets. Lenten service Wednesday ovenlns nt 7:30 p. m. Geo. Engol, pastor. Oospel Clinpel. .Fifteenth and Mill streets. Sun dny school nt 10 n. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Testimony service at C:30 p. m. Prayer moot ing Friday evening. Blblo study Tuesday evening 'nt 1450 Ferry street. W. N. McCandllsh. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 440 Chemoketn street. Services Sun day nt 19:30 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m Subject of lesson sermon, "Man." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Tho Wednesday evening meeting Is hold at 7:30 p. m. Reading room In tho church open each nftornoqn oxcopt Sundny. All are cordially Invited to attend the services nnd tho reading room. First Methodist Episcopal. Rov. W. II. Sollock will preach nt 10:30 a. m., "Launching Out nnd Lotting Down." At 7:30 p. m. Miss Clara Bnrgo, formerly of Tncomn, nnd now field workor of tho Wom an's Home Mlsslonnry Boclcty, will speak on "Womnn's Work for tho Redemption of America." Miss Bar ges travols throughout United Stntos nnd earnestly qualified nnd Interest ing In sponklng on hor choson thomo Special music both morning nnd evening. Reformed KviuineIlcI. Services Sundny ovonlng nt 7:30 o'clock nt the church on tho cornor of Cnpltal and Marlon streots. Rev. Schnoullo will pronch. All Gormnns Invited. Cent till Congregntlonul. Nineteenth nnd Forry streots, Rov. P. S. Knight, pastor. Regulnr ser vices nt 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Sundny school nt 10 u. m. Hndcnvor mooting C:30 p. in. Blblo study nnd prayer Thursday evening. Tho First Christ inn. Cornor of High nnd Centor streets. Preaching by tho pastor, Rov. D. Brrott, nt 10:30 n. in. and 7:30 p. in. Rospoctlvo themes, "Tho Torch of tho World," and "Tho First Cen tury Church Doctrine nnd Prnc tlce." Blblo Bchool 12 m. Christian Endeavor 0:30 p. in. Pruyor meet ing Thursday ovonlng. St. PjuiI'h. Chomokotn nnd Church streets. Rov. Bnrr G. Leo, rector. Third Sundny in 'Lout. Sorvlces nt 11 n m. nnd 4:30 p. in. Sundny school, 10 a. in. Dally sorvlco during Lont at 4 p. m. Wodnosdny 4 nnd 7:30 p. in. All welcome German F.vnngellcal. Thoro will bo English pronchlng Sundny nt 11 n. in. In tho Germnn Evangelical church, cornor of Liber ty nnd Center street by Rov. G. W. Plunior. W. O. T. U. Mm. Mnrv R. Geer will nddross tho gospel tomporanco moellng Sun day, March 3d, nt 4 p. m. A cor dial Invitation to all. Flint Presbyterian. Church stroot near Chomokotn. Rov. Henry T. Bnbcock, pastor. Morning service at 10:30 a. m Preaching by tho pastor. Subject- Hearing tho' Word." (Parablo of tho Savior. First of a series of fivo sormona on tho Parables. Mrs. Wig gins will sing, Sunday school nt 12 m. C. E. at G:30 p. m. Evening sorvlco nt 7:30 p. m. Preaching by tho pastor. Subject: "Rejected Lovo." Miss Margarot Flower will sing. Mid-week prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m. Subject: "Africa," mis sionary meeting. Public coidially In vited to all services. Irdi ilnei you ODftn rour mnniti l v v.nn rulp dorni vihatoTcr food or taoJl- I wuucrtujroui V n tit t AD lntplllrfnfc llilntrlniy trrtman In neCU 0 WlV'f from Wllnuu.nnnnn.nnM pln and suXcVnc, then It tnctn much to you that tbcrCsfy.n trlM and trjWhone- medicine nr n-v rornifT.iffr'i"'t b druggUt for t)n cr of womsnN IIIL Hi ' 4 Tho makers of Dr. rietw'a Farorlto Pw scrlDtlon, for tho euro of wok, ucrrousi, run down, over-worked, Uebllttatod, paln-rackcxl women, knowing thlatncdlclne to bo mnile Up of Incrcdtcnta, every ono of which has tho atroneost posstbto Indorsement Of th leadlns and staudinl authorities of tho oeTcral schools of practtpc, aro perfectly nllllntr, and In fact, aro only too clad to print, as they do. tho formula, or Ht of IneredlrnU, of which It U cotmxned, n plain i'tipICju on orery bottlo-wrtpptr. ti ti ti ti Tho formuU of Dr. Plerco'a Parorlto Pro scription will hoar tho most critical examina tion of medical ospcrti. for tt contain, no alcohol, narcotics, harmful.' or hablt-formtnc drusr. and no ovent entora Into It that Is not hlehly recommended by tho most advanced and lcadlne iredtcal toa'Chers and author ities of tholr jiovorali uphnnls nf nrxt1n Tlieso autliorltiw recowMBoh'd the Ingredients MaMaWMHkStarMMMkBHHBMaaMailM 'Wliiiiiiaiiitiiiiiitlif liflsili't CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT of Dr l'tt-rcof yalorTto Prccrltlon forthn Ciiroof e,ri'y tliey ailments for which worlil-famml medicine Is advloxl. tii tt t "It t No other medlclno for woman's Ills has any such professional endorsement as Dr. Pierce's FaTbrtto Proscription has rocelred. In tho un qualified recommendation of each of Us sororal IncrcdlenU by scores of loadlus' medi cal men of all tho schools of practice Ia such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration 1 ti tit 4r ti tit A hooVlet of inirrcdlcnts, with numoreai autboratlvo proteslonal em jrsomonts by Uio loading medical authorities of this country, will bo mailed frte to any one Mudlng namo and aridruits wth roiuest for same, Addreaa Dr. R V. Plorco. Duffalo, N. Y. HARPER WHISKYgl ifeill vssVMsbBRIssb 0 Hb c' !SaHsSSEsSSSH Cri3? 'IBvjIksssssssa A DELIGHTFUL UKVKRAGH t A SAI12 STIMULANT A GOOD MEDICINE For snlo by A. SCHREII1KR. Garden Seeds ! Wo havo a Inrgo stock of Gardon Seeds Ju bulk. Our scods aro all 1900 crop; no carry-over. ONION SETS. ABk for small onion sots. You got threo times as many to tho pound. FIELD SEEDS. Fancy Hluostom Whont, Chovolln Ilnrloy, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa, Field PeaH, Land Plastor, etc. Distributing ngonts for Coulson'8 Egg Foods, Coulson'fl Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powdors. Tho largost wholosalo and retail dealors in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St 1 I UiiM-omltigly Church Rov. Toronto, March 2.At Cayugn today the cubo nt tho suit of Rov. Dyke, pastor the Methodist church against Alexander Mitchell, ono of tho church trustees, whom h-i charges with assault and unseemly conduct in tho church, will ho invj tlcated. It anpears that at tho Sun day services tho pastor remonstrated with Mitchell and accused him of biding tho iilnto after collecting tho offertory. This lead tc a. set-to which broke up the service in confusjon. It Is alleged that tho pastor was paid more than his stipened last year, but this understanding was that his stipend had beon increased. This year tho Increase was not forth coming, and tho trustees accuse him of deducting tho amount ho consid ers coming to him from the collec tion plate, heace tho precaution or Wf MMWlsiMt Gold Dust Flour f ll Wl .1 ll I. I 1 1 i Md by TBX KTDKBY POW-I I XE OOMTANT, BUaajr, OrtfOii, f 3ad for family ue. ,Ak yourt 9 grocsr for it. Bran and worts I always oa hand. I P. B. Wallace ! ! AGENT OT O. C T. CO STEAMERS- POMONA AND OKKGONA LKAVK VOUTIiAW MONDAY, WKtOiW DAY AND FRIDAY AT 1 t M., TUJBWAV, THURSDAY AND SATUKDAYi AX A. K. COM COKVALW TGUmAY, TKUflDAY AND fUTUHOAY ABOUT I. M. P. K.s BALDWIN, At FOR flAlM For Sale. A fivo and a Btx-rqom houso, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located in East Salem. Good bnrgntns. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st and Marlon Sts., Saloiu. 1-28-tf For SjI A comploto box mnniifnc- turlng nnd planing mill plant. Ad dross E. Rurkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf For Sale Ptiro blood Plymouth Rock eggs, GO cents n sotting. In qulro Mrs. O. Iroton, Snlcm, Routo 3, phono Farmers 3G9 2-38-lw Two Lots for Snlc Ono sot to fruit, woll improved nnd fenced. For particulars soo Derby & Wilson, Salem. 2-28-Gt LODGES. Foresters of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 19, Moots Tuesdny in Hurst hall, Stato Btroot Loo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Drown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cnstlo Hall in Holmnn block, cor nor Stato and Llborty stroets. Tuosday of each week at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, O. 0.; W. I. Stnloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of AmerlcA Oro gon Cedar Camp No. G24G. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in Ifolmnn hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. S.; P. L. Fraslor, Clork. Llnrolu Annuity Union. Sick, nccl- dont nnd ponslon Insurance, $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Good nRonts wnntod. J. H. O. Montgomery, supromo orgnnUor, Box 432 Ualom, Oregon. R. R. Rynn, socroctnry, G40 Statq stroot. MUSICAL. Arthur Von .lessen Tonchor of pi ano; touch, technlch, Intorprota tlon. Thorough proparntory course Advanced students prepared for public appearance. Rosldouco CG8 Contor St. Tel. Main G20. 2-28-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. $:i(.0 A month nnd board will bo paid for a good farm hand. Philip . .HeoMo. . Phono 08 Suburban, on Jofroreoii road.. 2-28-3t Plnno Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox port tuning, repairing nnd poltith ing. Lonvo orders at Geo. C. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr A. M. Uunnell Voavor of portloro, rag enrpota and rugs, old Ingrain carpots mado Into rugs any slzo de sired, also rugs and carpots for salo, In school room of Pontocostul church, 194 South Twelfth stroot, Salem, Orogon. 2-8-3w Concrvto Work. Got my prlcoa on sldowalks, curbs, uoptlc tanks and comout work of any kind. All work guaranteed tlrat-claas. M Ward, Highland ndd. Phono 500. 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any other bread, yet tho price Is no hlghor. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA IIAXRIIY, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. lTutto & WcBtk'rotli Flno wines, liquors and cigars. Wo handle the colobratod Kellogg and Castln whiskies, Cool and rofrosblng boer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr DrewHifutklng Plain or fancy dross- making done uy roruana iauy oi exporlonco. Mrs. A. N, Munsoy, 35 C Sovcntoonth Btroot. Phono 1171. 2-27-lwk sm ssssslssssUtlHsls. ifull WOMEN - It nkkr rtoborMno lv what avary woman moat dslre prfot complexion It brlnx that soft smooth, fresh, .clear lint lo the cheek that inutes youthfuloeu". It will brlna- luty to thos who laek it. It will retain i' for thos who already posstss It It will enable you lo aurcossfully combat tho ravage of weather and llm Don t doubt-4on' arauo Just r rtnhertlna Your drUKslst wll' give you a freo aampl. All dru rlts xeep iipDeriiae. Hair Dresser A flno assortmont of - goods consisting of first-class work Combings, rooted and put up nice ns cut hnlr. Old Switches dyed to any Bhndo. Shampooing a. special ty. All work guarantood. Will ho nt Salem March 4. Call onrly. Mrs. C. A, Spauldlng, 46G N. Front St., Salem. 2-2 7-1 w. Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of Bawmlll machinery. Hop and fruit drying Btovos, oto. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Pross. Contractor nml Uullder A. J, An doraon, contractor and builder, es 'tlmatos furnished froo. It will pay you to bco mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 41G Court, stroot, or plume G44. 2-lG-tt NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New nnd 8ccon(l-IIatid Geo4s. nought and sold, also range, Btovos and cooking utensils, dish es, granite and tinware of all kluia Give us a call. O. L. MoPeek, 17$ South Commercial Bt. 8-lS-ly 1'IIYBIOfANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. D. II. Grinin, the Hiociallflt Monhlnc All drug and llquer habits, which he cures In 3 days. No monoy until cured. 214 Trade St., Salem. Ore. Phono GG8. Joaa Doyens, Duslnoss Manager. OSTEOPATH. Dr. II. 11. Wliito Graduate of Klrkt vlllo, Mo,, undor foundor of Os toopathy. Room 21, nreymaa building, Commercial street. Phono 87. Rosldouco G89 cornor Mill nnd Twonty-flrst Sta. Phone 1219. Treats acuto and chroals dlsoasos. Examination froo. 11-17-tf BI.I...I IB Ml,, I, Ml.,,1 I rLUMBBRa. Tlieo. M. llarr Plumbing, hot watsr and stontn heating and tlnnlag, 104 Commercial stroot. Phoae , Main 192. 9-1-ly la"BHS1SSSSaaMHiWtSMSIBSMSiaSiMBHMaaSSSSWiBSMiSBWBMSBSHBHM M. J. PeUel Plumbing, atoam aa4 gas fitting. SuccMUor to Knox H Murphy, "20 Commorclnl itrf. 'Phone Main 17. DRAYMEN. It. O. CtiiuinliiH Succossor to White Cummins, express, dollvory and transfer lint. Prompt sorvlco U our motto. Furnituro and piano moving a specialty. Stand at 156 South Commorclnl stroot. Phone 17G. Rcsldenco phono 908. 8-4-tt BASH AND DOOR FAOTORIS8, Frank M. Brown. Manufacturer aaah, d.vors, mouldings. All kinds of bouio finish and hard wood work, Front stroot, bet. State and Court. WANTBD. EjRKgj Wuiittxl to Jluy Huavy draft horses, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotol, 1-28-tt Help WniitiHl.- A doron good mou for work In nursery. O. F. Lans ing, Quaker NursorloB, on Gardon rond. Phono GGG. 2-22-f Enlarged , Our meat markot on East State struct has been doubled In alto and wo aro bettor prepared than ovor tp sorvo customers. Prompt sorvlco aud tho best of meats our motto, Call or phono 100. IJ. M. Edwards, Prop. WnntMl, Stenographic position by young woman wishing to mako ehanKO tho first of April, Six yoars' experience. JOxcollqnt ref oroncos. Address "Stenographer," caro Capital Journal. 2-19-lru Wanted Gentleman or lady to travol for mercantile houso of largo cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. If deslrablo tho homo may ho used as hoadquartors. Weekly salary of 11000 per year and ox ponsos. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Oro. 2-19-lm SALEM WATER COMPAM OFFICE CITY HALL. For water servlee epply at oaloa Dills payable monthly la advaaas Vake all complaints at tke oflce. HOLLHTCn A Bstr Madloia for Buy ?o?!. Irises QoUsa UtsJib. aid Kw4 Vlfsr. A ap-elflo for CnnsUruiUAn. Imllcwtloo. IJts and KWnoy TroubW, liit4f, Ktytnu, liupurw WaoJ 1U.I Unsalli, HlutnUli 0rl4, IfeailMk and lUckaclw), It'a liicby Mountain T4 lu Uh let form an cents t box Oemiibtf maJe tt i(OVISTK4 PstM (VlftNY.f )lMI. W(s, cettaff it. MJ