DAILY CAPITAL JOntNWSAJXM, OltKflOX. yATIKIY. MUK'" "' " W i I II I I I J t99999 !! MARRIAGE WHAT i ONE MAKES T By Helen CMdfield Ot I I t 1 1 ! rt ffr tVHK-Balf ri.lloMpl.om ln.1.1 that life I - 'J! '! one J J" nil men nnd most women, what they tliomelvos mitltn II. a theory which, whllo not nlwnya fonulile, la In the main trno. One may not rhoose tl.o mnterlnl; environment nnd lioroillly nro strong; novertlmlwa It always Is jwsslblo to do ntio.a bast, rather than worst, with tho irintorlnlB n, fonitnnmt, nnd th enl and lit of a gnrmetit oflon count for an much na, sometimes for even more than, lite ittuff whereof It la made. (MrriiiiiHlnnoM inny flghi for oba tnnn nnd ngalnBl another. InsomHnh Hint tharo tmeiiiB to ho ruflson In tho ronlplnlnt of him who mild that Ilia copy of Blinkmpenro road : "Thoro'B u divinity that hHlpnr ends reiiyh: Hew them a we inny." Vet tlu' mini or woman who battle bravely ngitlnsi nilvarsa rlrmiinatnii es In many time more llludy to win n tmfo hui hoi In tho long run than ho or alio who tnmoly milunlta to drift with wlrd nnd tldo. Tho ono mny ho wrecked, tho othor run scarcely fall lo bo. tu nothing In tho conduct of llff I tho oiilcoitio more it mnllor of In dividual ahniilmc thnu tu tnnrrlngo When n niiitrlnionlal venture prnviw unhappy II l lh fnult of tho pnrtloB to tho centract: nlwnytf of one. itaiinl y of lintli. Truo. thnro nre hoiiio purmuiH with whom It Ih wall nigh Impniwlhle to dwoll In iiaiico nnd un ity. Htiy. It nlwaya Ih oiio'm duty to ciuloavor to overcome ovll with good rndonlahly ono iloraoii may begin a iuirrl, hut It tnlce atvwi to con tlimo It, ami there nro few people who mny not ha mmlo the best of by iiotsIhIhiiI. ttudur charity whoh In morely uunl(lih love whlrb "eolotli not her own " There Ih more Ideal lovt and miir rlngc In ttn woitd than It la tin fnsh ton to beiue Tlu obsession of truu nnd lusting tonJiiKnl nffrcthni l not Infrequent, and when n on urn la u Jov to behold In tho Jo of tho (somewhat Irritating nlr of gentle condescension which the partnora In thrse marriages are prone lo adopt toward nil Hie rit or the world, an attitude of conscious vlrtun and merit the air of .lack Horner of nursery fahie. Surh couples aa (bene have no otcaslon for Hip pxprclse of iniitiifll forli nraucc, no iumhI In make the bwit of arh othor Dtitr and tttolluatloii run emoothly hand lit band and "Make of lire forever, oiip Rind. iroopt song." They are aatlslled supremely with ttleinatlvea and ono another, and tho letiat of their needs la advice conoornlnit their trenlinent of each other. Hut all married ooiiuIpb are uot so Inherently liarinonloUB, nnd tlioro la aouiid wladom In Iho Baying that nmrilnge la like government. In that 10 liu Biiroeaariil It miial ho n aertea of Judteloua coinprnmleea. The firat Important alep la In clioono well; the next, whim la of "even more moment,, la to mnko the heat of that cholre Btrem: mutual uttrartlon la the uaunl nnd most -natural motive for mar ring, hut tula la not or Itaelf anttl clant to Insure matrimonial happl nofla. II merely 1b a good start. Thoro miial be alinllarlr of. IubIpb, whoh linpMrB aytnpHthy, ami tlipre liimt. ahovp all. Wo the Blnrore dl poBltlon to think well, and II ml, or the oilier. "Iletter thai) t love invsolf Do I love my neighbor " ICvon a groat Ilfo doB nol bIwuh render ono unsolllBh CnBoinahneaa cornea naluinlly to no human bolng. 11 U n virtue whlrh miiMt hp Hc-qiihod, althoiiKh lovo In IIh IiohI Kim her Nillhfi Ih II liui' I hut lor make all thing pBy- It only makoa those who lovo wIIIIiikIv lo do that which Ib dlitluili, anil iiiool mou ronmblo tind In t tint tho lot a hfi'tiil kIm-i Cm mull- ib tlm s ln' iih h ir k Iiik nnd nii I hjivm thai ttlmt i n OE533SII23K33SS3: M High Grade kh H nce Tacit J m Full Ita$urehotilA J.A.I 10 r. mrratr GOLDgfj unit Vi ' Til H . II Oame i y I Sold Jf BMlA J. . r&CiQffc on i ,HM our hunger, bat our bread and our gourd. To make ih best of any llf. tiMir rleU or single, It la absolutely neees ury to cultivate a dlapoalttup for content. ContealmeHl I wuek less b matter of what we aver hew ntneh wo run Kit, IhaNi of wht we can do without. Birlfo and unrest, the reach ing artr. the longing for, the tUMt talnnble ar the greeteat Xoea to human happlnt'M. Which la the morn a pity, since tho things, covet -Inn which make a many wlve gnd liiiHlmnds thcniHPlvoHand each other M'Mb'tm anik nitsorablp ar really worth so little, ar' so .shallow, bo iiuniitUfvlnn ' Vnnttv nf v inltl h. all Ib vanlt." The kw eel chI the IHOBt Bdlll ftlllng iK( upBtl'Mi upniM'Nith Is tluvarncK end itvor lo makv Home ono olse hap ly rullier thuu oiirnolf In all mythl rul lore tho iior) Ib told of how hap iiIiwmm ilmli'n thotie bo ( i k her for HicnixlveN iilciite In null i in dwll Willi thime wlin vmiltd fain liemnw 1 1. 1. .IS. tlior are striving to Jo that other Sm .Ill not ah.de as perma ntt Kii-tHatthPlrflrealile. Tiunmairlaao dooa not COMlat In x rip,..IM of foellnga onlv but f dutlo also In marriage, as In rHiKh-n. 'Kalth Hhi ork Is dead it ought to bo a partnership l f. iiuont and ' of the a .tM,, pnmmnnlti el Intereat Wl " TP ih i.dwd wits pominuelty of dealrea I Blld rotniBtWlty of 8e,fl-h-MM. monepoly. attd exaction on one tatte or the other produce discord in the pbece ot harmony, and weaken If tBy do not actually kill the affec tion. Whlrh I the true bests for such union, which lirtB Hip marriage relu .i a i.ln.ie far above that or were bnnoBB and social necessity. . . ...... ...? ,.t iha rttvlne char- rne oi ,i" -- , trier of the Institution of marriage . i. thi fai-t that living togetner in this relation Is certelll to lmprov tnd ennoble both mdi and women. nrovld.il there Is good material In them ,tn work on. and often iranB ferum the hlvoloiw. thonghtlosB girl inL,. Ah tuadur. ertll-ggcrlflcliiK lfo urtl mother. ft rarcfll poor mnn'H lielpmwt. the BolBsh, Beir.nsBorttve .,... into the thoughfUl. considerate. devotod husband rfnd father; who find their best happiness la their home and In each other. Tho nntoa of the sexes upon some Imsln or otfcte natnrgl and Inevitable. Marriage Is the only one which has hern found to meet the exIgencleB of the cbp, and Its honor, Its safety, nnd Its happiness are all founded In Its permanence anil In the aenae of rcHiMmalbtllty and of duty which are Attached to It "Remember your vows to porform them" waa the h.ea hbko of tho prophet of obi. When people marry they ewear to love, to honor, and to cherish each other for hotter, for worse, In slckneaa and In health " Such vows should nut be taken Ughtly, end when they are taken ought to b kept to the iitnuiNt limit of onv's strength and nbllltv Seldom Wear Out t-.. -Arilne?' Anti-Pain ' jjr. ouxx --- -- , 0?ills xeneve i;uui uu j only oiice, but as many 45nioc us it. is necessary to . take them. Many persons -who suffer from chronic ailments find in them a source of great relief from the suffering which they would otherwise he com pelled to endure. Their soothing iiiflucnco uporf ihe nerves strengthen rather than weaken them. For this reason- they sel dom lose their effectivc- "css ,". , "t am C2 yoars old and hnvo Buffered for M yeBif 'rom neryotii troubles. rheuniatlBtn nnd nuuralKlu, palpitation of tlio lioart, shortnosu of breath, Blecpleiwimiw. and pain around tho liesrt. Tho Pr Mile Antl-I'aln IMIH hap lweii a bhwInK to mo. I don t Know wlmt I should do without them, nml they are the only rf nn'ily I huo eer um1 that either did not wwir nut In leBB time thnn I have been us III them, or i Ne the InJurloUM reiulta wra bikIi thnt I wuuld bo obllRed to wun th,',rMus' s r noniNsoN. J7 Carter St fhattunooga, 'J'enn. Dr. Miles Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druonlst. who will guarantee that the first packane will benefit. If It falls, he will return your money. 25 doses. 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind iiKKit to r.iturr aioiouv. OAS UmtsOm i Sifostn ; J lib jiiK nf ih Ih mil mil Ihlihl inn' , , - - . . J- Wsjbp deeaav4eajBBr sierjsBr' m A' - Jt . 3. J&. 1 i i , u , II.m.1 llmU t I i inn wmp uwpw rompniiy A Will Soon Hnvo n New nriopu TIioiimiiiiI Dollar Home. from this appropr'iir?5 $100,000 to bo 8pent; 1 l oi uto companies InthfJ,, " nnd towns thrnnB.l.!BlilI Tho companies, n Port, ?e i u lino nrmnrv .t.i.i. --i n coat of $C5,000, for ,hH business men of ihn J aln oils. -Soailli it Is not nrobniiia ... .. pnmrtnntna ttit l lft ' " "'" secure a ne soon as the leasn i,ui. .. does not oxnlrn t,n " armory Is satisfactory in spoct. nnd Is largo enong.? " "' iae iocl tmft.l n lone time tn mm -.ww where tho armories are lafJL DoKivon.thPlmmpdlatebDn, nimronrlntlnn aii.. . w0i " "any i n,. ,, will probnbly ho the n. .. . l tho money, ns the armory ES very poor and entirely J for tho noeds nf n.n 'l stationed nt thnt place Furs Atv Srnrcr. j A recent dispatch from EWj .. l..i. mi- iur cauhthijj has boon excoe.tln!, 11.1.1 .. tho hoavy fan or snow ThetnwJ 1.11111111.111, LI1IIL IIIllV nm ,!!.- ,. J " ""a s;Be uvurv nmiiL uimnr tim , tor. niakliit' their inn, .... I ' , ""' " UCkW; iih unniKii iiioy nau heta ipnw, iiuiruiia iiuiii Lin nnriiifi. iu . - ....viu uaia tho early part of tho seaton ibg, lur-ueanng animals of all dno UonB to bo plentiful, and a good . sou wouiu nao resulted wHai!, mnl fall nf unnvv. hut rmtJi Riir.li that fur nf nil Vin, m .1 . ,uu, am w vanco In price during the am fit I1IUIUIIH. An armoiy, anys tho linker City Herald. costliiK $ll,000 will probn bly be erected In Hnkor City for tho use of the locul mllttlnmon of com nanyA, by tho state, within tho cur rent year. This will he tho result or the psesnge of the appropriation bill for $100,000 for state mllltln ar mories. It la liellcved thnt local IhihIiiohs Interests will combine nnd puichnsoa Bite fur tho now armory, donntlnt! the laud m thnt tho entire sum j?lvon tu the lot ul I'ompam mny be expend- d In the erection of a building. I'm Hand will rereho no benefit Don't Complain. j If your chest palnB and joaw uunblc to sleep because cf a wyi Duy a bottlo of Ilallard's Horeloci Syrup, and you won't oars kj cough. Oct a bottle now m Us cough will not Inst long, Amr,h nil pulmonary diseases Mrt j4 Gnlvoston, Texas, writei 1 t& sny oiiough for Dullard s Horetadl Syrup. The relief It has cites a' all that Is necessary for w a' Sold by 1). J Fry o- OiVCJTOZrXA. Bsantbs 1ttmtCI M I'm fafrl Qlgmitt-a nf z tJUt fi&xMpi&fwjf itvzm&s K2SOSSSSX& iM&&4W<TgWM'trfJlJFl GQaCKJaSUO PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 240 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET m ikkkkkkkkBr V "'BeR bl r flkBH aValBkkL bhL kkiHkB. M U V IB VsH a fSi P r HlBslLkf Bp IK 9UKEr v "JFt J nBBE JaaflnasHkklkkkkkBH kkBaH krkrkrBpkv - E?kV'3BBTkL aTBHa1BL LiBA Bftl IfcW 0 jy jBBTjHBTBHWBHHa srJka flBrBBi TsS sTkrAkrkrkrkrkFkrkrkrkrkrksTkrkrBl k TkrHBrkr INTIRIOR Of IOICR ROOM PORTLAND (itNEKAL EILCTRIC (OMPN sTfAM PLANT SALFM ORFfifVN 800 HORblr POUR. Oil BLRMRx ' ' OKtGON ffi Il0i4mi?mm0m uwt 4 m vt - i n "iJfc'MA'--'"- Yzl r3trTrrrrrrj' wu'TTJi ccvT3TNSTS.rssri sWaraBkraiF Bp"VBHkF tKWtf 4aTBaWBr BW'aflPk-' fH9w9Wm9mrm BsfB"J","T aaWBBBBBBSBj