, DAILY OAPI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1807. FOR COUGHS THROAT J PR. KINO'S NEW FOR PREVENTS PNEUMONIA f Had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that ten I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, If thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's. New Discovery cured me so completely that I am jSwund and well.-MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Mtt 50c and $1.00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED I Trial Bstlli Fm J. C. itlllllll ll THEATER NO INSTRUCTOR FOR CHILD Iiy Ellniu Tcrrlss Tttro can bo no doubt that chll- r nowadays nro taken far more IrMoently to tho thentor thnn was t case somo ten or fifteen years o. When I was a child an nfter- ooa or evening at a theater was a bra of amusement that children cl- om wcro permitted to ejnoy, and know several pooplo who fm: saw mo insiuo ui u U; houso until they had nr- rlTtd at nn ago when thoy no longor we controlled by tholr pnrcnts or kurJIini. But nowndnys It would U difficult to flnd n child who has tot paid at least somo occasional mslti to a theater; and I think that lit Is (or many reasons nn excellent liMaj to permit children to enjoy bfcseUcs In this manner. But corn ea sonio dictates, or should dlc- ltt, to parents thnt discrimination feionld bo exercised In soleetlng tho ort o( theatrical ontortnlnmont Mch they take their chlldran to boo. Of course, a child novor should bo uhn to te n play that Is not wholo- staia la character It Is, Indeed, lirdljr necessary to say this, for I to not suppose any parent would ''tgly, at all event do so; but wenU ofton take their chlldron to pUys which the latter aro incap We of appreciating or undorstnnd lr, ind the result Is that tho poor Mile ones. Instead of bolng amused kMhejr visit to tho thoator, aro tottd and made unhappy. I remember onco nskinc a llttlo 1T of somo 7 summers If ho onjoy dsolng to tho theater, whore I know U parents used to tnko him fitlrly . "I hate It." ho ropllod with miction, "it Is n horrid old placo." to, this llttlo lad's paronts worn &xpearean enthuilasts, nnd had jUa him to sw Hamlet," "King w" "Othello, and "KlnB John." will wondr-r it was Hint thn lltttn tap bad formed a poor opinion of pleasure to be derived from HUIcal entertainments: for how M be be expected to undorstand '-Weclato the grandeur and beau- : V w these piay8 T nersundod his HMi a short time aftorward tb aim to a light musical piece, H9 little fellow, whon I "next Wlj tO him. hflll rlninr.1 1.1a ml.,. I tUw theaur bt-ing "a horrid old A blld should never be taken to ttHter with , ,a. . . . . --- ui instruct- ffl- Any attempt to do so from i Is bound lob. a failure. tt2? Slng chlldron to see trtcai entertainment should JJJ to Kl,e itm a few hour8. T enjoyment. Grown-up JJj etla, furMti , thnkt U.1 ,3 thal lnar anpar trivial Phi d(i . . . - i mem mny nffnrri n Uid T. . JOlneM to a ou,ld CbuT ' lf ' 8en8 ot ol LM rul a onlderabla hi ot " ,,ul always the tk. w!T ,htt delights him. -4aiI. W"M- bright seen- ca i 5J? BK- A child sees Wrt,l0Oe" nt mere ' t S,,Tma,nment bt ki. dreama.1 r ...... .v. . SIW! U slv Wii tho T grown-up neo- UT fSttea the daya ot KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER DISCOVERY COUGHS AND COLDS I SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY PERRY'S DRUG STORE tholr childhood find It dlfllctilt to sympnthlzo with. It Ian nitslnko to tnko tho child to tho thentor to In struct htm, but It Is not n mistake to tnko him there for his nmuso mont. It Is becoming-, I nm glnd to sny, ovory day mora genornlly recognized that a dull childhood Is n bad thing for a child. It Is unnatural. A. child Is by naturo meant to bo bright, Joy pus and hnppy. I linvo heard It Bald tho excitement which a theatrical performance affords n child Is a bad thing, because it Is unnatural; but that is exactly what it Is not. It Is not unnatural for n child to laugh and shout and clap his hands at a theatrical entertainment that pleases him, or to remain absorbed In tho do volopmont of somo story on tho stngo wliich Interests him. In both cases ho Is enjoying n thoroughly healthy form of amusomont, which Is good for him; but If ho "dislikes tho per formance If it wenrlos or tiros him then ho certainly will not dorlvo any benortt from It. Undor such cir cumstances It would ,bo much kinder to tako a child out of n theater thnn to koop him thoro against his will until tho plcco Is finished. o Cured Lumbago. A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes Mar. 4, 1003. "Having been troubled with Lumbago, at dtfforont times nnd tried ono physician nfter nnothor, thon dlfforent ointments and llnl monts, gnvo It up nltogothcr. So I trlod onco moro, and got n bottlo of Ballard's Snow Llnlmont, which gave mo almost Instant rollof. I can choor fully reclmmond It, and will add my namo to your list of sufforors." Sold by D. J. Fry. Smiles Now for tho roforondum. Tho grango Is an ordor tho polN tlclans must reckon with. Thoy will all bo making pllgrlmnges to Maclea'y horenftor. a Tho Dally Astorinn hnd about tho hottest dally special from tho stato capital. Benton county has boon wiped off tho map In tho senatorial represen tation. Albany Domoorat. But they hnvo a hold-over euator. So their votes will be countod In the election of another Republican senator. Qood for Governor Hughes of Now York. But ho would be read out of tha party hero. Yet bo was all that saved It thoro. r Chancellor Day says tho poor aro lazy and drink too much. Ho seems to consider everything outside of the minionalro set as "poor white trash any how Eugene Rcglstor. Tho Dallas Observer has become a semi-weekly. It wus a good local newspaper before. The Texas WonOcr. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two, inontha' treatment by mall for l. Dr. B. V. Hall. 2926 Olive street, St. Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr - a- TL- fc- -n. -1. .art. a SMtttlM 1!KWYHB&. IfBataM U FOR GOLDS J LUMPS EDEN WAS IN DIXIE Kansas Scientist Found Place Where Eve Handed Adam a Lemon Jnekson, Miss., March 2. Tho Garden of Eden- originally wns locat ed In Yazoo county, Mississippi, ac cording to Prof, Clinton McMIcklo, n Knnsus scientist. So conflidont Is ho that ho wautB to organlzo u stock company for tho purpose of making oxtonslvo excavations on tho farm of W. A. Honry, n woll known lawyer and plnntor. nbout sevon miles Bouth of Ynzoo City, for tho purposo of un onrthlng tho ruins of a onco splendid city orocted Bhortly nfter tho expul sion of Adam and Evo from tho Gar den. Prof. McPlcklo pasBOs lightly over tho theory of many brothor scientists thnt tho Garden ot Eden was n myth, and Is absolutely prosltlvo that on tho farm will bo found tho ruins of a mngnlflcont tomplo, tho doors of which nro ot puro gold. Ho has not visltod tho spot In person, but sovor al monthB ngo addressed a lottor to Governor Vardaman sotting forth his theories nnd nsked to bo furnish ed with a map of that portion of tho Doltn country. Tho govornor was unahlo to fur nish tho map, but roforrcd tho wrltor to Major Lamar Fontalno, of Lyons, Miss., tho woll known civil engineer, oxploror, scientist and rocountaur, who Immediately made an, Investiga tion nnd has publicly expressed his confidence in Prof McMlcklo'o theory. a Dlt. HELL PLAYED CHAZY. How Q. A. WugRoncr AkIbiicI to IIliu tho Hole of u Lunntlc. Dr. J. II. N. Bell has beon travel ing nbout tho stato recontly mow than hns beon his custom In nomu time, and tho nowspapors aro print ing stories In which ho is represent ed as tho central figuro. Hero Is ono which was brought to tho attention of tho Corvallls TImfcs a fow day ngo when tho doctor and G. A. Waggoner mot for tho first tlmo In years:' "Woll, Brother Wnggoner," said Dr. Bell, "I'll never forgot that Joku you had ou mo at Salem whon you put mo In tho role of a lunatic on tho way to tho asylum," and ho pro ceeded to explain to the bystanders. "You soo," ho said, "It was about my first visit to tho capital aftor I became dork of tho old railroad commlsHon, of which Brothor Wag conor was a member. Wo woro at tho Cromoketa hotel. As usual, you understand, I was having very little to say to anyone, and Brother Wag goner gave it out that I was a luna tic, whom he waB convoying to the asylum. "I remembered afterward that th people eyed mo askance and learn ed that thoy expressed very much sympathy for me, since I bad glvcu very little evidence of being mental ly unbalanced. "Brother Waggoner bad been prompted to his course by the fact that Hocky Earhart, then secretary of state, was to take us for a visit to tho asylum. When Earhart's car riage dravo up thoro were a good many people about who rubbored nt me to an extent thnt wnB displeasing to mo. I essayed to rebuko them, for their Impertinence, by romovlng my hnt and mnktng a low salam, nt tho samo tmo exclaiming, 'How do you do, gentlemen?' This act con firmed tho crowd In tho ldcn that I was really very much off, nnd I mis took their sympathetic mlon for evi dence that my romark and mnnner hnd reuderd thorn shnmo-faccd. "But wo had our visit to tho asy lum nn-I In tho menntlmo, I wns let Into tho secrot ot tho pcoplo's curi osity. We all enjoyed tho Joko nnd I decided to carry it a llttlo farther. So whon wo roturned to tho hotel It dovolvod upon Brother Waggoner to oxplnln that after a. brief examina tion by tho nBylum authorities as to my sanity, tho commltmont pnpors woro disregarded and that I was to bo takon homo. Brothor Waggoner tnkon homo. Brothor Wnggonor Btntcd that perhaps It was just na woll because whllo at times I wns very violent, ordinarily I was as harmless as a now born bnbo. "Nevertheless, I paced bnck and forth In tho hotol lobby, with n wlld Uko demeanor and I Bhall nlways ro mombcr with much plcasuro hor n big negro fled from tho room whon, as ho gazed at mo curiously, I made a sudden dart toward him. Aftor that I had plonty of room for exor cise. . "Tho hotol proprietor wns com pletely deceived and when ho lcarn od of tho deception ho wanted to buy tho clgarB for everybody In town. I don't boo how tho thing worked bo woll." "Oh," snld Waggoner, "It Isn't so strnngo, but I don't think that Joke could hnvo boon bo successful with anybody olso but you." ! Allco Iloosorrlt Wctldlng Was something to bo rocorded In the nnnnls of history. Horblno has beon ncknowoldged tho greatest of llvor regulators. A positive euro for bil ious hcadachos, constipation, Chlllo and Fovor, nnd nil llvor coinplalnfa. J. C. Smith, Llttlo Rock, Ark., writes. "Horblno Ib ho greatest llv or medlclno known. Hnvo used It fof years. It doos tho work." Sold by D. J. Fry. Spent wlsoly Is tho sourco of mucl satisfaction. Why not spend a little ot It wisely now buying groceries ol HS? Baker. Lawrence & Baker Ihtcc swore to Harrltt Lswxvsca. BULLOCK BROS. ..RESTAURANT.. Two doors sovih of Bush's Bank Open Day and Nigltt The best of everything. Clean and quick service. Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Nottlng, Plckots, Gates, Shingles and P. & B. Ready Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore CAPITAL COMMISSION 267 Commercial St. Phone 179 CO. Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. TjaeFjufwon Stables rsnsWly JMstyaoa'a UW. ! Df-t-4vt lirery and cab lint FwrsJ maout specialty. Tally ke tr flt.ml9 ad cxenralou. Paoa 44. OHIO, W. YANNKB, IVe? 4rw MB Mf JKXfW WKmw94 nfr Good Buys in Real Estate Buy Real Estato before tho Br.r gains nro gone. Hero arc, theso arc snaps: Four good building lots will cx chango for n horso nnd buggy or will soil on tho tnstnllcmnt plan. Terms to suit. Six room house, S blocks from enr lino; barn nnd fruit. Easy payments Prlco $730. Flvo loom cottngo, modern wood shed, two lots 7GslC0, loented near car lino nnd school. Flno location Prlco $1GG0. You should seo this placo before you buy. Eight room modern houso put up with the vary best of malar ial on street car line; good barn nnd lot 142x240; good lawn; plonty of shrubbory. Prlco seo Rndcllff Co. Nino room houso, plastered, cloa ots, pantry, basement, septic tank, barn 2Gx34, woodshed 1Sx22. This placo is thrco blocks from court hquso. Prlco I2C2C. Eight room houso ou car lino, nil modern, cement walks, bentlful oak shade, good barn, flno location, n bargain nt $2250. Wo hnvo n beautiful 10 aero tract near tho city, fruit and tho host of improvements. You should seo this. Hero Is n snap, 7 ncrcs nil In cuill Vutlon, now cottngo, largo woodshed, barn 24x38, chicken houso, fruit, short dlstnnco from Snlom. Price for .10 days at $1200. Ton ncrcs nil. In cultivation, good flvo rdoni houso, barn nnd woodshod, good mixed fruit, woll fenced, 7 ncros In onts, 2 Mi mllOB from Salem. Prlco $1900. Ono hundred ncros, 31& miles from Snlom, 70 acres In cultivation, bnl nnco In pnsturo and good tlmbor; 7 wood Bhed, chicken houso, two wells, 30 Royal Ann cherries, 1 aero of apples and othor sinnll fruit, foncos mostly wire, ono team, ono cow, aot of buggy harness, harrow, cultivator and plow. Prlco $87. GO por ncro, or will trndo for city prop erty. Eighty acres, C7 In cultivation, 13 In pnsturo nnd tlmbor, 30 ncrcs In whont nnd cheat, 7 acres In clover; G room houso, good barn and gran ary; 4 horses, G head ot cattle, hogs, chickens; 2 wngons, 3 sets ot har ness, nil implements, liny, grain, otc. Prlco $8000. Sovornl Iioubcb for rent. Cnl If you wnnt anything In Insurnnco or notary work. RADCUrT CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Mooros Block, Salem, Or. Roforonco, any bank or buslnosi houso lu tho city ot Snlom. Wild Rose Flour This Ih our high grado brand of flour suitable for all pur poses. Out of It you can make tho lightest lonf bread nnd also th finest pastry. It Is giving hotter satisfaction than over this year and Is without a doubt tho best family flour on tho tnnrkot. Glvo It n trial when you wnnt flour again. i At AH Grocers BOraor a package of this famous health and brain building flour and enjoy somo good old fashioned New England Brown Ilrt'ud. A chance at a Bright hot loaf will make you think you are In Boston. With Allen' Hclf.rlsliiK II. li. II. Flour you can mako bie?d Just llko tho Puritans used to Bmako. SMI I'anrake Flour la also a pure food; self Trade rising and all ready to Mark mix with water and bake on a hot grlddlo. ALLEN'S B B B f LOUR CO. I'aclHc Coafct Furtory, Ban Jose, Cnl. Kastcrn Factory, Ll(tl Wolf Mills, Manawa, WW. omri for Ceiling and fjooring Too much enre can not bo takon In tho selection of your flooring nnd celling lumber, nnd ns you know, wo nro ready to All tho largest ns woll as tho Btnallcat ordors promptly with tho best. GOODALE LITMHKK CO. Phono G2 Main. LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP But no ono need worry nbout mutton this tlmo of tho yoar, It thoy can got dainty and dollcloua Spring lamb on nu appetizing aiuf nourishing Sum mor monl. Wo hnvo ovorythlng In cholco meats, and nil tho dollcaclcs ot tho season In both fresh and smoked ments that will plenso tho moot critical epicure. R. O. CROSS, 4tato Street Market Pfnrne SMI THE HOUSEWIFE QIVKH IT tho hlghoat award to our first grade bread, plos, mils, enkos and pastry gonornlly. And with ronson. Thoro's nothing bettor baked than tho pro ducts from flour leaving our oven. Ono thing Is suro tho wholo family ngroos with tho housowlfo whon tho bread cumos from tho CAPITAL HAKEHY. O, Ulloin, Prop,, House Cleaning Time Tho season Is hero for cloanlng houso and whon It Is dono you want your plumbing put In ordor. If there Is uuythlng wrong with your range or wator tank, sowor, water pipes or gas pipes sond word and, an experienced men to put It In ordor. A. L. FRASER HSH HUto Htrcet. PI1OH0 11JS. arwaarasww naj jp - g g a pa iEw,Cu,tM low KttvmmnUu-mMOM. CJ? mWJflNh. ? irn dn.-7rrr--.Ti tr . i i k.MUt4. VuplMrm. "r -ir-f-vntnul-Mni Um Vum im4 jmiZitTU U " - w r.. nw. hm,m4II JjJIjMftt 8.. f4. U.M..H. . 9SUkMmbyDr.3.C3tmi' jff J i mt ' B I o I ! . a f ,., .