Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 02, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    iAT.'WflF? VA .'""
Salem octai oo68tpj
I !i,
Tho Olrl People hike.
Sho has bo much to do that sho
has no tlmo for morbid thoughts.
Sho novor thinks for a moment
that sho Is no attractive, nor for
gets to look charming ns poBBlblo.
Sho Is conHldornto of tho happiness
of others, and It Is reflected back to
hur as from n looking-glass.
Sho novor pormlts horsolf to grow
old, for by cultivating nil tho grncos
of heart, brain and body, ago doos
not como to hor.
Sho awukonB cheerfully In tho
morning and closes hor oyos thank
fully nt night.
Sho bdllovos that life has some
norloiis work to do; that tho Borlous
Work Hub very oloso lo tho homoly,
ovory-day duties, and that kind
words cost nothing.
Sho is nlwnys willing to glvo biir
KOBtlons that will help hoiiio less for
tunato ono ovor (ho bad places In
llfo's Journoy. ,
Sim is hor own rnvcot, unaffected,
Womanly olf therein lias tho socrot
of her popularity, of hur buccchb.
Taking In llio City.
Judgo Galloway Friday nftcrnqon
nctod as nhnpurono for tho MoMlftn
vllto collogo crowd and took thorn
through tho public hulldlngfl of tho
city. Thoro woro about twonty-flvo
In tho pnrty and tho Judgo uoomod
to luivo about nil ho could hnndlo.
Visit Independence.
About twenty members of the I.
O. 0. I from Salem mado n frulor
nnl visit to tholr brathurH In Inde
pendence ThtirHdny night and mutini
ed in conferring degrees.
Ono of tho HiirprlHO fonturon of
tho ovunlng was "Maud on the road
to tho Mountain House' n vory
iimtiBltig and unjoynblo fnrco.
A substantial banquet was given
nt the close of tho work.
A return visit U expected hooii
when Home work will bo done for
tho brothers of Indepundenco by tho
local lodgo. Mora of Uioho fratornal
visits would bo of great lienoflt.
Mlinlo Maxims.
Uust kills rest,
Pcralstoncy Is a Jewel.
A difficulty Is a frlond.
Sharp men aoldnm cut Ice long.
A stingy man sloth hlmsolf uwny.
A long courtship makes it short
A wayward boy Is father to tho
'Wttysldu man.
Ho Is a wise- motorist who wonri
good walking shoes.
Slow freights should not attempt
express schedules.
Poverty of thought U worso than
poverty of pocket, From tho March
If n woman thought twice bofort
ho spoke, sho would have whlskurv
In n few yeurs.
Very few men, who climb high,
think of providing n way to ooiuo
down again.
Even tho homeliest rind Mine eoni
fort in a mirror.
Ixtva enslaves the lever, not the
HoltlihitoM is the root of all uvll.
The pretty woman knows it before
anybody tcljs r.
Vouth la the soda water of exist
Tho revivalist Is the butsniaw of
th chnreh. From the March llu
"VrilowV1 KnterlMltml ttrmts.'
The ladles of the local Y. M. 0. A
Wednesday evening served an excel
lent supper at the Y. M. d A. build
iHJT Sb henor of the "Yellows" who
iwently defeated the "flreona" in &
member contest. Tho tables timl
rooms wero prettily decorated with
Oregon grupo mid tho bill of faro ln
rludod everything that went to make.
up a hearty and eujoyablo meal.
Short addresses woro mado during
tho eu-nlng ou the future work of
tho club and a pleasant social tlmo
v enJoed.
rivn Humlml Quit.
WedHsday evening (he "Nemo"
COO" olub met at the homo of Mr.
Frank Meredith, and a very enjoy
able evening was spent, Mr. Harry
Oilnger raptured the first ladle
lrlie, nud Mr Meredith tho first
The club will hold their next meet
1S with Mrs. Harry Otlnger.
brought out.accordlng to tho project,
and they will turn tholr attention to
tho raising of wheat and tho cultiva
tion of sugar and anything clso
whloh will thrive in tho cllmnto. Tho
j nccoBsary negotiations nro bolng car
ried out by D. It. Nontngny, who
roprosonts n group of capitalists, and
lils proposal Is to purohaBo a tract of
SO, 000 ncrOB from tho Canadian Pa
cific Railway company for tho purpose
Corvallln Hop.
Tho collogo dnnco given by tho
endot offlcorfl, nt Corvallls last Sat
urday, was woll nttondod by many
out of town people. Among thoso
going from Salem wore tho MIbbob
Ityth Oatch, HcbbIo Schultr, Mary
"Wann and Messrs. Walluco IlenBon
and Connoll Dyer. Tho affair was
tho nnntinl George WiiBhlnglon ball
and was ono or tho most Bticcosflfu!
avontB of tho school year. Hxcellont
miiBlc was furnished by tho PoorloBB
orchoBtrn, of UiIb city.
A fioort ItelienrMil,
Tho big choniB whloh will npponr
TucHday ovenlng in tho "Pillar of
Flro," undor tho direction or Dr. H.
a ICplcy, hold n vory satisfactory ro
hearflal last night In tho FlrHt Chris
tian church, and will moot ror tho
final practice noxt Monday ovenlng.
Tho church nun boon wired and light
ed with colorod lights, which will bo,
used offoctlvoly In tho presentation
of tho cnutata. A most enjoynblu
ovonlng Ib promised.
Itecepllon for Mm. Hlgger.
Mrs. Cninpboll nnd dnughtor,
Irono, gavo n vory ploasant Informnl
New York, March 2. At present
black and whlto orfectB nro much l'i
voguo, OBpecIally In light, transpar
ent toxturos, as Inco, not gauze and
chiffon. Black chiffon olaboratoly
mndo ovor Bilk with lace, Jet om
broldory Bpangles makes a moBt ser
vloaablo dross and ono that will look
smart at any tlmo. Tho black nnd
whlto b tripped chiffons nro still Been
In grout numbers, but liavo lately
boon hoiiio what superseded by the
prlntod chiffons. Those gowns when
olnboratoly tuckod, with tho white
Bhowlng, so distinctly botweon the
tucks to lighten It nro indeed very
BtyllBh. Tho bodlco Is usunlly made
sultablo for tho ovenlng by a lace
collar nnd deep yoko with tho Bloeves
wholly of, In somo cases, tho lace
nnd whlto chiffon. Tho embroidery
on tho gown may bo ontlroly of black
nnd white, but n touoh of color lr
gold or Bllvor or light poBsumonterle
workod In Ib always In combination
with plain black Jet and paillettes
Bervo to mnko u black gown moro no
tlconblo, and for a hnndsomo dress
tho connplcIoiiB should nlways be
striven for bo lony as It koops with
in tho limits of good tnslo.
Tho Inevitable black dros an It Is
sometime callod, Is nlwnys n most
UBOful possession, and an Infinite
variety of offsets can bo had with the
different mntorlnls that aro to bo ob
tained. Soft clinging fnbrlos are
llrst In favor, as haB been Btated In
thoso lettorB boforo, but thoro are
ttx Colony for Canada,
Moutrl. Mart S. A stbewe Is
foot for OJf atlB largo Japttwe
potoajr 1 the heart of Alborta. Welt
,te do Jp fmr ar to to
reception Friday ovenlng In honor of
Mrs. J. H. Digger, of Portland, who
Is Ylsltlne tvt Salem. Sho was as
sisted by Mrs. Ohalaratt and MImou
HutQhlson ami Woods, and tho
guests, who wore nearly all Salem
people, were entertained with guesso
lug eames aud muilo. attar whloh ro-
freshmenta wer served. Mrs.
Campbell Is a dollghtful hostess,
and the party returned to Salem
about mtdnlcht by a 'ipeolal trolley.
Will Kntcrtw'm Club.
Monday evening Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Douglas will entertain the
1007 "500" Club at tholr homo on
High street
BOO rHy.
Mr and Mrs. Kadoe J. Higgs enter
tained about 45 friend last Tue
day evening at 500. Mltu Lillian
Metsohan, pt Portland, and Mr. P.
K. Lovell wow the prlie.
The decoratlous of the Itlggs home
were simple but very artistic In
numerous placev wn hung large
potted ferus la bra kettUs, and
tho ehandsllej were entwined with
Mr. Ktf was jUt4 la srv,
ls W Mrs, lUriuirA O, ikiacklaj
4Hl Mr. Josw MMrt.
alto heavier materials to bt had that
are Just as fashionable, while chif
fon velvet has lost none of its popu
larity. A most fasoluattng gown of
this description is In empire style,
but has panels let Into the skirt be
low tho hips. There Is a narrow
yoke of white laoe bordered with
embroidered bauds of velvet out on
the straight, llelow the yoke tho
material is draped Jest across the
bust in such fashion that it gives
the effect of folds of the material
taken from tho fronts under the
Arms to between tho shoulders where
there Is a fancy gold bueklo from
whloh falls tho long folds of velvet
to tho hem of the skirt. The sleeves
arc quite small, shirred puffs, with
embroidered, otitis to match tho yoke.
colur4 ohirfon velvet gowns are also
very fashionable tor wear at the
theater und restaurant dtsnor and
a uumber are to be seen every oven
Ins and the most fashionable model
seems to be the empire and princess
Moro and more are the yellow and
rusxtt shades coming to the tore,
and while It does eeem out of nlacst
in a whole dress, especially tbewe
aiiadei ot the more brilliant tints,
yet aa a trimming nothing xtvea such
a wholesome bit ot color. Two cos
tuna BOt4 duriac the n&gt vttli
em t Uluitrate the posstfcliitk of
.a Grippe Is Epidemic Catarrh.
THE disease now known ns 'grip'
used to bo called 'Influenza.'
1 1 very oloacly resembles a cold, but is
moro tenacious in its hold upon the
gj-itom and produces more profound dis
turbances. Urlp is in reality opldomlc catarrh.
When it once begins it spreads over the
country very rapidly.
People do not catch tho grip from etfch
other, but each ono catches it from tho
"Most Effective Medicine Ecr Tried
for La Grippe"
llobt. L. Madison, A. M., Principal of
Cullowhoo High School, Polntor, N. C,
Is chairman of tho JackBon County
Hoard of Kducation.
Ite is a writer of occasional verso and
has contributed to a number of loading
papers and magazlnos,-rollgiouB, edu
cational and secular.
Inspoaklng of Peruna, Mr. Madison
"I am hardly ovor without Peruna in
my homo. It Is tho most efloctlvo incdl
clno that 1 havo evdr tried for la grlppo.
"It also cured my wifo of nasal ca
tarrh. Hor condition at ono tlmo was
such that alio could not at night broatho
through hor nostrils.
"In conscquonco, an inflamed condi
tion of tho throat waa brought about,
getting worso and worso and yielding
to no remedy until Peruna was tried."
Healthy Mucous Membranes.
Thodo who aro fortunnto onotieh to
havo perfectly honlthy mucous mem
brnnos ordinarily do not catch tho grip.
Tho mucous membranes lining tho
noo, throat nnd lungs, when in a
normal stato, aro an effectual barrier
against tho lnvanlon of grip.
Hut, if thoro happous to bo tho sllght
ost oatarrhal dcrangomont of the
mucous mombranos, thon tho victim bo
comoB an oaslor prey to tho grip.
This in part explains why somo poo
plo got tho grip, while othors do-not.
Tho rational thing to do la to keop tho
systom frco from catarrh. In attempt
ing to do this most pcoplo havo found
Poruna to bo Invaluable.
Systemic Catarrh, the Result of La
Crlppc. Pc-ru-na Receives Credit
for Present Good Health.
Mrs. Jonnlo W, Gllmoro, Uox 41,
Whlto Oak, Ind. Tor., formorly Houbo
keopor for Indiana Ileform School for
Hoys, writes:
"Six years ago I had la grlppo, which
was followed by systomlo catarrh.
"Tho only thing I mod wsa Peruna
and Manalln, and I havo been in hotter
health tho last thrco years than for
years before
"1 gl vo F runa all tho credit for my
good health."
Mra i jr
ISA1J7 1 ' mr- i
n wi bcx ,,s
rfr Ji W liJs- c? tiysC V" SAM
SiSMMLilZMjBPW" -iir'T 1YT I'll
ut" - C II I
fonbtrt V
The Medical
The Grip as
During nu opldcmlo of grip Peruna
should bo used. Tho doses rccom
monded on tho bottlo nro Bufllclont.
Af tor tho grip has onco boon acquired,
Dr. Hartman recommends tho uso of
Peruna in tcaspoonful doses every hour
during tho ocuto Btogo, after which tho
directions on tho bottlo should bo fol
lowed. Expcrlonco has shown that tho peoplo
who uso Peruna an a remedy for grip
generally recover poonor and aro loss
llablo to tho distressing and long-continued
aftor-offects ot tho grip.
When Peruna has not been used dur
ing tho coursoof tho grip and tho patlont
finds hlmsolf suffering from tho af tor
effects ot thin dlscaso, a courso of Peruna
should bo resorted to.
Suffered Twelve Years From After
Effects of La Grippe.
Mr. Victor Patncaudo, 023 Madison
St.,Topoka,Kan., member of Knights
and Ladles ot Security, writes :
"Twelvo years ago 1 had a severe at
tack of la grlppo and 1 novor roally re
covered my health and strength bnt
grow weaker every year, until I was
una bio to work.
"Two years ago Ibcginuiii$r
and it built up my strength tot
couploof months I wsi able top J
work again.
"This wlntor I had anolltriiW I
la grlppo, but Porun&iooadronta
of my system. My wife sndle
Poruna a household remrdj."
Pneumonia Followed U I
Mr. T Harnecott, WtiUjIaM
tarlo, Can., writes:
"Last winter I wu ill irtli i
monla after having la grippe. Ik
Poruna for two montbi, vbtall
quito well, and I can s&y tbit ujo
can bo cured by it in s reuocuit I
at llttlo expense."
Pc-ru-na A Tonic After Ut
Mrs. Chas. E. Weill, Br, 1
Ohio, writes: "Afters wren t
la grippe, I took reruns mi i
vory good tonic."
Mrs. Jane Gift, Atheni, Ohio,?
I read a testimonial of s vcenf
had been cured of grip by Pens. 1
himhand boucht rae s botUi W I
I wan Boon ablo to do ray otx. I
tinuod using it ualUI wMcaBt'
this new noto in color combination
nnd Its demonstration of how yellow
may bo usod with rnro offect. Hoth
costumes were made with tho now
omptro skirts, the lator modifications
of which are so gracoful and becom
ing, and are In round longth. Tho
llrst gown waa In n luBtrous material
of tho shade known nB banana, und
Is mode with two plaits at tho Bide
gf the front and with embroidery on
the panel so formed, but otherwise
Is plain. There Is n skeleton or over
waist with big nrmholw, that are
Qharaatertl8tlc of the season, and
whloh Is out to form n very deep yoke
at baak and front, all tho edges ot
whloh are edged with embroidery, In
whloh heavy golUbtads are usod held
In place at their lower edge with
band! ot embroidery, aud there Is t
girdle of the draped soft velvet.
The second costume Is of cloth
combined with chiffon and is trim
med after an altogether novel man
ner with laee that Is crochetted from
heavy etlk thread In the exact color
of the cloth, the shade being one that
is almost an orange. The skirt is
made with a narrow front panel onto
whleh the circular skies are over
lapped and these over-lappings are
hold by crochetted buttons that are
set rathor close together from tho
belt tor a distance of aboat 10 to 12
Inches. There are also double In
verted plalu nt the back and these,
too, are hold by buttons. Theblouso
U nn entirely novel one with ono of
tho double ofeemleUes that are liked
so well and vo often to be noted and
which camhl&ee orange colored chif
fon with tacked white set. The little
waist Itself Is eat out very low and
la made with tlay, faaey toese sleeves
and is finished with the orochetted
edging while there are fascinating
little, pookels that have laps of the
ohoohotlng. The yeko is made of
tucked white net aad the lower po
tlon ot tho galmpe ot tucked chiffon
that Is loose at ite tower edee. whllo
there are tall sleeves of the tucked
chiffon with tiny- little undor onoa
ot the white net. the whole effM
being one ot gTat beauty. The deep
nca yeiiow is really moat exoulsite
In the finest eloth whn6 the chi
softens It most becoalnsly about thd
faco and tho touch ot white Just ro-
uevea tao monotony. After all It
Is la coaiblBatHm with the otw
fect, for Instance, when it is UBed
for walking nnd traveling drossoa
this summon In millinery its uso is
nssured and bonutlful birds, plumes,
wings quills nnd nlgrettos will bt
eeon ofton with nil the other Bhadcs
excopt rod and of tho latter tint
thoro Is only tho red known as Japa
noso rod thnt Boom to havo any af
finity to thoso brilliant sunlight
A vory charming gown of groy wn
made up In combination with n yel
low that might better bo called a
russot color. Tho grey was In n voile
mado up ovor a flowered Bilk showing
the yellow through slashes mad in
the yoke which was roally threo Vs,
ono very doop In front nnd two short
or ones on oach Bldo, whllo n deep
slash ornnmentod oach sleeve. Big
buttons onamolled In tho same color
nnd whlto form nn offectlvo bit of
docorntlon whoro tho Blashed parts
end. Tho sleovos nro cut short, fin
Uhod with bands of ombroldery re
penting tho colors ot tho gown. Tho
skirt is cut after tho gored circular
modol, which always fits well and
In this ease hangs well.
Another costume Intended for tho
Btroot was developed from checked
goods that followed the cut ot tho
Norfolk mode vory closely, and tho
bands over tho ahouldora, tho belt,
woro piped with yellow chiffon vel
vet, whllo tho black and whlto hat
was ornamented with a long nnd
heavy yellow aigrette.
Speaking ot skirts, to make it haug
well It la cut extereniely wldo and
full, but tho fullness la put in well
bolow the hips. As may be readily
understood, this is not an easy prob
lem to solve, but then tho dress
maker's nro Is today so woll de
veloped that any modlsto worthy of
.Eat in Haste
and repent with acute indlgettk.
heartburn, hiccoughs or Sat
lenee. Then resolve never ai
to bs without a box of these wo
dcriul digestive correctives.
Mm nnmo can make an eff
sign becoming alike to tkei
nenro nnd the slender, totleti
tho notlto. White chlffoa k
soft to bo oaslly embro!dtt
Tint a thnt nro 10 f aShlOOtW S
year nro many of them wcrti
In tholr elaborate hana trnw
All sorts of InnoTatlomlJP
nro developing dally la thi UU
gees that aro arming
among the new comers t'
border. Tho ground u
...i. . nnittn. o-ith nuarter-fe!
of greon, navy bluo or bUck j
border Is spattered iw -
discs of tho Bame ion ---ro
l., -I. l,!o S3 50 a Tin
., . Bi tu be fo!'
UUID HIV ...- jvfcfl
guazos. A particularly
- i ,hn rmnnn wv
with black and white, i
border made up of 6ori
of black and white orer
thrown a popy desicn.
8100 Howard, I
. j f this MP1
Tno renu - .
pleased to ... that jjj
on dreaded aiseas.
ana mai is .-' , -s
Cure is tb. only
ii (MA.iirai -
known to mo -
tarrh being a "
requires a "'"u1
Hall's catarm v -
nally. acting directly ,
and mucous su i.-
thereby aeaww ' i
tho dlseoso, anu -4
tuonuu -- -.rfjttrt)
Its work. ,no ' Ui
much faith w ; .
that they oner u M,
for any case JUs 1
Send for Ibt fffM
Address F J ctu- l
lcdo.O. . II.'
Sold by an
Take Hans
. . tl-
Fbuu ACW""
Cornelia 45,
yesterday ajf
tke Marion coaa'T
. .t- --nnt w
foods Out yellow kaa tti Wit ef
" jrwsfcfs. wt