! DAILY CAPITAL JOURKAL, SALEM, OREGON', HATUBPAY. MAKCH S, 1007. uAKTNr: DIAL powder Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. ROYAL BAKINO POWOCn CO., NCWYgnK. Yachting News." REBUILDING OF SAN FRANCISCO (Correspondence of Tho Dnlly Capital Journal.) fian l'Vnnclnco, Mnrch 2. -Tho Wow Hnn rrnnclsco Is now boglnlng to show nbovo tho ruins of tho old. Nino months has boon . ,wtod2Fn Nino months' work has beon done to wnnJ clearing nwny debris, Inylng foundations and Htnrtlng up tho wnlls of tho big buildings which nro now shooting up nil ovor tho city. Whnt has boon dono, nud what Is now showing, Is nmplo ovldonco Hint tho poBslinUtlo nnsortlons of Uioho who mndo superficial obnorvntlon ol tho Rrowth of tho city nftor tho flro, woro based on fnlso promlRos, Morn thnn $70,000,000 tlollnrH hnvo boon oxpondod In reconstruction work, nnd tho work Is going on moro rnp Idly todny than at nny tlnui slnco tho pooplo of Han Francisco woro con fronted with tho gruntcHt problom that linn ovor boon placed tioforo tiny Itcoplo In tho world. Tho California Promotion commit too tins mndo n enroful can van of con ditions In Han Prnnclsco, nud fools tlmt tho pooplo of tho nation hnvo ood cnuao to rojolro over tho ro nulls which hnvo boon nchlovod slnco tho dlMiitttor which cumo last April Ono hundred and fifty claim A build ings nro under construction, or huvo bovu com)lotcd slnco tho flro, nil theso ranging fnnu llvo to twenty two stories In hulght. As It Is cull mated that It reaulres from eight months to two yonrs to complete this class of bulldlmsn nil of them will lio fully ocouplud within two yars from Junuury 1. 1007, and whllo tltecu nro building hundreds of othurs will bo orootod or started, and It may bo set down that In threo years from the day of tho llro, tho business heart of Ban I'rnurlsco not only will bo rebuilt but will lis bet tor thnn It was prior to tho llro. Apnrtmenl houses hotels, llutx and counts tire being erected all over the ell), to such mh extent that wltliln sixty da)i there wilt be ample room for nil who into oume The greatest dlitlrulty experienced In re coimUUlluK Hnn Pmitolsco has oomo from tlio fact that there was luade niiute house room for the nrtlsnus needed tu rebuild tho burned oily. rl.nl n.imllll.ltl llllH IlilUll H 1 1 T 111 f 1 11 11 1 ml. uml the elty Kunm today within , "" """J seventy-two thousand or lite numnor t "" " ;'7,v ;.,;.,; ''""'''" --- !,. J . lulmbllMU lh.r. "' " '"' .'"'i""- nnd it Is n noteworthy fact that thoy jnro nil routed boforo completion. According to Investigations mndo bv 'the rnmmlttoo thoro nro 40,000 skill ed artisans In tho building trades nt work In Ban Francisco. Thoro nro 14,000 tennis nt work linullng on reconstruction work, nnd 20,000 or dinary laborors In constant employ mont In tho samo lino. For" two Vcoks In tho latter pnrt of Jununry heavy and continuous rains hold back nomo of tho construc tion work, but slnco clear wonthor sot, In again tho tldo of building per mits hnn resumed Kb former magni tude. Moro thnn $40,000,000 Is tho vnlue represented In tho buildings for which pormlts hnvo boon Issued slnco tho flro, nnd when It Ib romom berod that in nearly ovory Instance the amount oxpondod on buildings Is nt least 2G per cont moro than tho amount estimated in tho pormlt, it will bo soon Hint these permits repre sent an outlay of fully $50,000,000. According to tho OHtlmnlcs of ar chitects nnd contractors thcro will bo fully $100,000,000 oxponded dur ing tho year 1007 for now buildings, ovor nnd nbovo Hiobo for which por mlts hnvo already boon issued. Ac cording to this estimate thoro will ho a totnl oxpondlturo for tho 20 months following tho llro of $160, 000,000 on buildings alone. Those figures givo somo comprehension of how rapidly Bnn Francisco Is recov ering from the effects of tho dlsnstor nud they nlso give a Hue' for compu tations ns to how long It will take to rebuild tho city. Iteasonlng from these llguros It mny bo stntod Hint tho Market street center, Including the dohouolilng streets of Butter, Post, floury. OTur- rell. Kills, Kddy, Turk, Third nnd Fourthaud Mission street from tho waterfront to Fourth stroot, will bo entirely rebuilt by Jnnuury 1, 1909. doing nt tho sumo rale the ontlro burned district , so fur ns tho princi pal sections lire concerned, will bo entirely reconstructed In llvo year from tho ditto of the llro. .lust how rapidly this roconatruo llnu Is going on mny be seon In that part of tho city lying between Tele graph nud Ituealan hills, and from titer over to North DomcU. All that vast section was entirely wilted out by the lire, not a single building re maining. Work of reconstruction bean there before the naho were cold, nud It may be stated now that the entire district Iiiib been rebuilt. Thoro appears some misapprehen sion regarding temporary buildings, of tho Inquiries whloh como to San Francisco regarding re construction ask how many tempo- The con- I - ..-. ,... .. t..tl...lililil.l. I.lllllllllf.lit ro nt present living In Hm l -run.." ' ; nitiiiti imv es --- -- oeasvd on June SO. 1900, and none risen 4SK.00O people, within In It nud the ud J no at oltlos about the buy there Is a total of 760,000 or &Q.000 moro than woro In the same territory before the flro. Inuulrlwi develop the fact that them are now located In tho sur rounding cities and towns fully S0 000 people Jho wilt come baok to Ban Krauclsco to make their homoi as soon ns house room Is provided. These houses are going up as rapid ly as men ran put material together. We Offer You Exceptional Advantages f r Yf Checking Account A checkluii accouut U a sys tematic method of giving you nt nil times n correct record of your dnlly buMttes. KUurs are exact- tho amount you write on the faro of a check doe not vary. In ordor to bo ac curate u your money matters, HT T check. nlwny. We luvll your nocouut. Skm State Bak E.W. HAZARD, Cwfciw have been ereoted In those limits stuoe that time. All the buildings whloh are being erected are of per manent ohnrnoior and must comply with all the provisions of the build ing ordinances. Bumo (,000 tempo rary buildings were erected Imme diately utter the Are. ns the people had to have some place to live In nnd do business In while they woro build ing tho permanent elty. All of theso temporary structures were permitted with the express provision that they would bo removed on sixty days no tice from tho board of works. Tho class of building that Is going on uow, and this Is especially true of tho heart of tho city, radiating from Market nnd Kearucy streets. It either A or 11. which means fire proof struc ture. Theso are either steel with brick or atone or cement fuclnc. or they are rvlnforcod concrete, and wnVe the best permanent buildings. Hotel facilities of Sun FrnnoUco nr now rapidly resuming normal oondltlnns. ns several large hotels nro uenrlng completion, find several have boon finished and nro. now open for business, lloth the SL Frauds nnd the Falrmouut will bo opu, within tho next ulnety days, and dosens of smaller hotels will como Into opera- tluu within the samo time. Two new class A theaters hare lieeu completed, nnd nro In operation, built op& and show I uk 8rtt cts attractions to bl hou. Nine tfcenter nro running nud nil attract lrg crow at every Paul J. Ralney, of tho New York Yacht club, has Bold his steam yacht to Theodore D. Ituhl, of Detroit. Sho measures 189 feet C inches over all. Com'modoro Wilson Marshall, of tho Larchmont Yacht club, has signi fied IiIb Intention of presenting the Club Mnutlque do Nice with n cup ot Amorlcan design, to bo competed for by motor boats in theso waters this spring. Tho steam yncht Owora,' which wa? built nt Lclth, Scotland, for Freder ick 11. Stevens, of tho Now York Yncht club, nttnlned n apoed of 1 knotB on her trial trip. She Is par ticularly roomy having slcoplng ac commodations for twelvo persons. C. W. HarknoHB, of New ,York hns had a steam yacht built abroad, which attained n spoed of 1C knots Sho monsuroB 214 feot, 27 foot 7 Inchoa nnd draws 10 fcot 9 nches He wll do soma cruising in tho Medi terranean during tho coming senson. Tito Horroshort Iloatbulldlng com pany haB launchod ono of tho two 57 footers ordorod by II. F. wppcu nnd Geo. M. Pynchon, of Now York, from their yard nt DroBton, P.. I., The now boat can Ho used ns n racor or crulsor nnd Cnptnln Mnt HorroBhoff BnyB Bho will bo romnrkably fust. Tho first entry for tho long dls tnnco powor boat from Now York to Mnrblohead Iiiib boon received from Waltor M. Illollng. Tho boat has beon built by J. S. Kills & Son, Btnton Island. Tho rnco will bo on July 20th, dlstnnco 280 mlos. Tho yncht rnco from San Pedro. Cal., to Honolulu which will Btnrt on Juno 11 will bo opon to nil ynohtB of not losv thnn forty foot wator line Advlco to mothors. Don't lot your children wnste nwny. Thoy can bo strong, hoalthy and vlgoroim with Holllstor'B Hocky Mountnlrr Ten U'b a swift wlngod moBsongor of hoalth; 35centB, Ton or Tablets. For nlo at Dr. Stono's store. a - Itcronler Kept llnsy. The amount of business that Is be ing dono nt prosont by tho county recorder not only domonstrntos that tlmoH hero nro prosporous, but nlso tho fact that ninny families nnd Hiobo who nro looking for homos nro buying Marlon county propurty. Tho following deods hnvo beon mod for record In tho olllco of the Marlon c unity recorder: J. M. Fre?l to K. Ii. 8tnnnrd, lot 1, block 8, Woodburn Packing Company ndd to Woodburn. w d $ 200 Lydla Uvosny to C. W. Llvo miy, et ux., lfulf noro, t 5 s, r 1 w, w d 1 ltlmor A. Lnwbnugh, ot ux., to llrayton & Lawbaugh, laud In Marlon county, d .. 100 William Lovelnoe to F. nnd S. Lund, lots 1. . 7. S. 9, 10. 11 and 1. block 81, Amos' add to Bllvorton, w d 77B William 11. Spencer, ot ux.. to Wm. Quartler, ot ux., lottr 31 nnd 49, Hnmpden 'ark, see. 29, t 7 s, r 2 w, w d .. 1 T. C. Smith, ot ux., to I. N. Harris, lots 10 and 11, block 21. Silver Falls City, w d 8. M. nnd 11. Fiotohor to L. M. VanCloave, 2 4-45 ncros In Marlon count)', w d II. Ilnumgnrdnor to L. M. VauCleavo, land In t 7 s, r 3 w, w d I P. Jensen, ot ux., to Hrlk Chrlstophorsonr 1 noro In t b s, r 1 w, w ft U. T. Oeorgo, ot ux., to W. 11. Hogan, land In Marlon coun ty, a o d - " I' - j SOMETHING NEW IN FINE DRESSER We have just re ceived a line of dressing tables that is entirely different than was ever be fore shown in Sa lem. See our south window. A fcSL. We also have large assortment ajl Cheap Drcssersj, ranging from 6.73 and up. I REMEMBER OUR Go-Carts are the best ever offered for the money. Buy now and get a good selection. 40 1C0 76 SO Notice, On tho first day of March. 1907. W. U. Wheeler sold one-hnlf share In his storo In Highland to H. D.Hawley, nnd hereafter tho firm will bo known as that of Wheetor & Hawley. All thoso Indobted to W. I). Wheeler will please call nnd settle, nlso thoso hav lng"elnlmB against him. as he wishes to commonco the new firm on a square business basis. Mr. Wheeler wishes to thank his customers tor their past patronage, and will still continue to furnish first-class goods at right pHoes. 3-3-3t They scowled nnd look sour from morn till night, They never would agrc; Now they nro healthy, happy and bright. They both take Hooky Mountain Tea at night. --For sale at Dr. Stone's store. CASTORIA Ivc laJsaU aai CklUrta. Tfci m Yk hn Akfijfs Im HOUSE CLEANING NEW WALL PAPER And wc have just what you want in the line of wall coverings from PER DOUBLE ROLL MEANS fN 10c Special prices on 1 906 stock THE Hi HOUSE FURNISHING 177 LIBERTY STREET Cottngo Orovo would have a mili tia company. Tho Newberg Kntorprlse Is pros pering undor O. A. Graves, u Found ui lust. J. A. Harmon, ot LUomoro, West Va., says: "At lost I havo found tho perfeot pill that novor disappoint) me; aud for the bonoflt ot others at dieted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say; tako Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills." Guaranteed satisfactory. 21c at J. C. Perry, drug-gist. StasMtt tefeft czrfm& A co-oporatlvo storo started at Oregon City. hns been CO! Listen And romombor tho next tlmo you suffer from pain causod by damp woathor when your head nearly bursts from nouralgln try Ballard's Snow Llnlmont. It will euro y$u. A promlnont business man of Hdrnp stead, Texas, writes; "I havo used your liniment. Provious to using It I was a great sufforcr from Rheuma tism and Neuralgia. I am pleased to say that now I am free from these complaints. I am sure I owo this to your liniment" Sold by D. J. Fry. g' U i SPRING POINTERS Thoso light, and dollshttul bis cuits, whloh are tho delight ot tho housekeepers' heart aro th products ot Eppky's Perfection Baking Powder Try It and bo convinced. C. M. EPP.LEY MaMftfacturcf OREGON STATE BANK Jftiargoa, Oftfoti CpHal $25,000 Bt kcilHtes know to ftlimUe smakteg oflW peitrooK. JftsWnoai Is a oosI tow, kA ptod atof goo4 milk, agceJ Vik, uad good fMOfsk. Come xmd nt w. Of ego State Bmk J. A. AUPPERLE, H. J. CAMPBELL, Old Trusty Incubators Dettor get In line. TMi Incubator on the market aJ f at a reasonable price. Gurw teed In every respect. 4 Free Test . Vour money back U "OiJjf ly as represented anil Uey: do tho work. Sweet Pes Now Is tho time to pJ peas for the early bloos etock Is tho finest f" pleases all. WeUW that you want D. A. WHITE V a SON 2C5 Commercial phone H S M WWrt6- . Gile & C J i la tho m dried fruP. Jnd fW kinds. . . - .fl Us-' se " . .. i W 1T K ls aai aUeli ti0 e? - for a tors 4