riWWWWFTew' "FifBf wThr-!? f; cvjr. DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAI, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1007. s TUNEfUL FARCE WELL WORTH SEEING i Forty-tlVe iyiihuuk MV.H ""uy Makes a I"'-dL oaLranHsiiiu i ,rft has adjourned. v..a fntieht their fights i ! blooming and hero . roaung ' ,,,tore to relievo ..- ... neople will "ok to the ;;cp,rahoi tonight. ... ii name by reason . of the town-New . "'orb Ivp minutes from I'l by a suburban trnln-for srtneu ...... .i oll. but Pw" v. vnrlr nrnkos It ir0" ' ; Vi ,...hlinr. gurgling rtt tome u on the local and Dean, who has n ma scarcely less dashing, with rich gowns, a supercil ious air and n rather metallic voice. Young Bennett, accompanied by his faithful follower, Kid Burns, and tho brldo-to-bo nnd tho mother and a dozen of bridesmaids, appears In the quiet precincts of Now Rochelle nnd begins to make things lively. Thoro is a housemaid, Mary, nnd she and Kid Burns fall in love. The "Kid" is given a suit of clothes which old Castlomnn left to the butler, nnd In nn inside pocket tho Kid presently flnds'tho old man's will. But ho says nothing about tho contents, because If ho did thero wouldn't bo any play, ly protests his innocenco nnd is sup ported in bis belief by his promised wife, Faith ,Fncnum. Her father does all in his power to diBcourngp tho love of the young peoplo, nnd around these two forces revolves tho numerous stirring situations. Tho lovo nffnlr of Frank Fnrnuni and Grnco Caldwell and tho attempt of Bishop Cannon to have Qrnce "sealed" to him In polygamy also servo to furnish some Interesting nnd amusing moments. In tho end jail tho tanglos nrostrnlghtonod out nnd tho young lovers are happy. j Miss Fischer as' Faith Farnttm nbly disposes of tho trying conditions , which surround hor life. Tho con flicting omotlons which might corao to any young girl who Is called upon to cbooso botweon hor lover and her father are nbly portrayed. The strong vein of comody which is Inter mixed with tho trnglc situations makes ono of tho most Interesting productions presented by tho Fischer compnny. Arrnngo to seo It. Go oarly seats are limited. It is the in tention of tho FlBcher company to 'Forty-Flvo Minutes From lironuwity," Act 1. b along the greensward In fluffy pmaer atttro and do numerous nt- ctlre stunts. A rich but close-fisted old chap ped Castleton, owning a flno man- on at New Rochollc, dies, nnd np- ntlr learo no will. A nephow, ta Bennett, Is his only relation, be li heir-apparent to tho old lu'i millions. He Is something of tender and In anticipation of his fulthy itako engages himself to a Wtl young actress, Flora Dora and young Bennett Is having tho tlmo of his llfo in expectation of hit, legacy. At last tho "Kid" makos known tho contents of tho will which gives tho Castlomnn millions to the housemaid Mary, nnd then tho Kid and Mary ngreo to marry and every body appears happy except the near lady of u disappointed mothor-ln-lnw nnd several other designing nnd vici ous porsons who don't deservo n bot tor fnto, anyhow. Seats now on sale at box office. Cs A T"kwWHBIHBKrMiB(Bi'i itTi kPPr ?'HIb: i ipx r "t I "JhldnHEHr d' joEKKvE i i"Wp?4 kkS .- w Kx YvfcJ9rVBkkkkklkkkkkkkkkkBHkkkkkkkkkkkkkB. 1 flkkkH J 1- W W9F1 Wi 1 1 ' .w?xnZK give tho peoplo tho bpst posslblo for their mony, In consideration of tho generous pntronngo which is bolng given them. o WEEKLY NEW YORK LETTER tr. la. "A Girl from It u .JStr Gruwi. JUlEr n j .l... xA.. y ,auti HT!: PBMi Mrck 4, fclkTt:?8 w mm 1 2f2?J6ht, M, "! W Iti.v i 7 uuv n Tcnnee," t th KUcr QrawJ. play deals largely with tho Mormon altuation asd coatrol In Utah, and Mrral.Yry iooi object lessons are U ct14m, Tk Bier im ivitla imm o DiaW liroBC from f'wkmi, vim 1m rTW4 tkrw ymn iwr Trtooy. Nc Mrwm- New York, March 2. During tho pTcsont universal wngo raising opl domio Signor Caruso, tho ronowned tonor, has caught tho infection, A labor union of ono, having n monop oly in n certain throat product that much dollghts tho glittering horse shoe, ho laid boforo Ilorr Conrled for slgnnturo n new scale. Art is nover commercial, novor knows how to drlvo bargains, bo nil ho of tho monkoy Iioubo nskod for was 3000 por performance, nnd a guarantee of fifty appearances per Benson, or $150,000 for six months work. His tory docs not Qtato what tho impres sario'B reply to tho first demand was, but It Is a significant coincident that soon after Caruso's domnnd word camo ott that Ilorr Conrled was not convalescing as speedily as his friends hoped ho would. To bo hold up or not to bo holdup that was tho question. la it bettor to give a $10 note, thought tho Improsaarlo, for each of thoso.saccharlno notes or try to get "along without them? Hammerateln terp was tho rub, for who know what ho would bo fool enough to offer tho hero of tho Sim Ian palace? " Conrled did not toko long to consider for after some bater Ing ho appeasod tho tenor with an offer of $2300 a performance and guarantee tho fifty appearances at this sum. ' Cocalno is blamed for a lot of hum an Ills by Dr. T, D. Crothors, an eminent physician, who has delivered a lecturo boforo the Medico-Legal society. He Bald that 15 years ago this country imported only 150,000 worth of tho drug as against $400. 000 last year. This increase was In face of tho fact that medical prac titioners were using little more than formerly. "Fiends," he Bald, were using part of the great Important aad patent jnedldne makers the rest. He described the first stages of the adilctio m traltful of a remarkable low of thoHkt an beauty of die Uo, a4 ! th rerktle state awt Hurt MWNW1 Hk Danderine Grew Miss Wallice's Hair AND WE CAN PROVE IT. EVERYBODY CAN HAVE NICE HAIR NOW, and you don't bnve to wait around weeks and months for results either. You will see improvements from tho very first application. tier lUlr Takci on New Ufa and Qrowi i Vttl Longer than It was Before. KNOWt.THW rANIl!INK Co. Gentlemen; Your Dnmlcrlnc lm mrule my tinlr urow over three feet Ioniser tlinu It wax when I bc nnn Its ue, It In noy over Ave fctt tons and Itrepa tight nn Kroulnc, It neemato Inlrly crnul outol my acnlp. It In nn ulomy nnd nlre too. Dander lue t 111 nlwnyn hn c my bent vi lultci. Sliictrcly, JltANItTTK WAI.MCH. JEANETTE WALLICE, 3i W. I4th Street. NEW YORK CITY. This QREAT llAIR-QROWINQ REMEDY can now bo hnd at all Druggists in three sites, 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. P t E7 I? To show liowqnlckly Uniidrrlnn M K p Wt acta rc will aeud n lorue amntile I 1 1 lav am Iter hy teturti mall to anyone who vrnda this Advcttlsriurnt to the Ktioulliin Dnndfrliin t'., CtilniKo, lth their name and nddrcn oud tcu cect lu ullvcr or atampa (o pay toitai:c. tlioso qunlltloH, which hnd attracted much nttontlou of Into, ho Raw tho results of tho drugs uso. Ho con sidered, too, that many of tho vacu ous nowspnper editorials of tho tiny could bo traced to cocalno, which was a nioro dangorous drug than mor phlno nnd moro harmful than al cohol. Ho declared that tho ubo of cocntno nnd alcohol, oven In tho smallest quantities led to Insanity. When tho doctor mndo tho last state ment ho becamo very vehement nnd someono In tho room created much amusement by remarking "physlclnn henl thysolf." A number of plain clothes pollco inon In Brooklyn hnvo boon suspend ed nnd nro awaiting chnrges of lovy Ing trlbuto from snloon kcopors Bight pollccmon will bo charged, and fourteen snloon keepers will glvo ovidonco of being blackmailed. Con ditions nro disgraceful ns certain plain -clothes men becamo so rnvon oub thnt they took as llttlo as half a dollar, and so during, thnU thoy started to lovy blackmail nil round Until rocontly thoy confined tholr operations to Polish, Italian nnd. Gorman snloon keepers, who could Bpoak vory llttlo English, but thoy hnvo Inrgoly extended their flold of oporntions. Somo of tho grafting policQinon nppolntod Itnllan frlonds to squcezo money out of tho Itnllan snloon keepers, Polish blnckmallora to look after tho PolUh saloon keep ers, nnd Hebrows to collect from tho Hebrews In tho saloon buBlnous Thoro is ono captain undor suspicion. 11 Is nald that ho spends moro than hlB salary In champagne, It In snld, too, thnt ho recently announced that ho would do his own collecting, ns ho fonrud his wardmon cribbed n lot of tho money. Ho didn't think It would do to muko thorn enrry cash roglstors nnd ring up tho receipts, it wouldn't look well nnd might cause somo comment. Tho Hotnll Liquor Deal ers association is helping tho district attorney In tho prosecutions. Though no montlon of tho vnluo of tho estate loft by tho late Qovcron or Hlgglns Is mentioned in his will tho publlo will probnblo bo surprised to henr thnt nn accurato estimate places It at about $10,000,000, Ho Inherited n smnll grocery business nnd his friends any thnt his enor mous fortuno was accumulated ns n result of fortunnto speculation. As n rule tho governors of this state havo not boon distinguished for wealth, but nono of thorn could bo snld to bo nnthlng Iohb than "ronv fortnbly well fixed," but aotno bosldot HlgglnB wore inon of wlint is doomed vnst fortunoB ovon in thoso dnyri of multl-mllllonnlros. Sainuol Tlldon, elected in 1874, wns vory wsnlthy, as his bcqtiost at $1,000,000 or moio for educational purposes showod; though it mny bo rocnllod in imsslntr thnt tho contOBt of IiIh will rosulted lu a compnmlBo which gave his rela tives, tho contestants, tho grontor pnrt of tho oatnto. Jloawoll Klowor, olectod In 1801, dlod worth Hovorul millions, nnd Levi P. Morton, elect od in 1894, is understood to bo a vory wonllhy man. Hlgglns only lonvos Biunll nmouuts to publlo Institution1! of uny sort, so thnt up to dnto Tlldon RtnndH nlono In thnt respect. In many wnyn tho people of Now York nro tho slowest lu tho country. Wo hnvo nt Inst decided to nwny with horsocnr trnitHlt. Wo sot tho faslilbiiB for tho west in somo things, nnd wo mnko tho puco too hot for London nnd tho towitB in whnt the would tolerate wo nccopt with thanks nnd apologl'.'H. In enlightened law making tho atato lags far behind hot slBtors. Wo hnvo not yet arrived, in ordering our elections, where Massa chusetts was years ago, That state, too, long slnco showed us tho' way to guard ngnlust Insurnnco frauds. Wo hnvo passed nn anti-lobby net which Wisconsin dlpcnrdod two years ago an out of date, nnd what the Iladgors undertook three years ngo lu tho way of supervising railroads Is hero only In tho stage of tho gov ernor's recommendation. Wo ap pear to bo Hlngulnrly cut off from tho rest of tho world especially from tho rest of Amorlcn. Apparently tho largo boodlo fund said to hnvo boon collected to bent Commissioner IJInghnm's pollco re organization plan has not yot turned up at Albany. Tho assembly cltloa com'mlttoo has ngrccd to rerommoud for pnsHiigu tho bill giving tho New York polled rommlsHlonor full power ov4-r his force or Inspectors and the central detective bureau. Thoro (Continued on pago nine.) ItiliWiWWWWtltlWWWWWiiWWWWWWliliWWWWW1 The calf was grown The beef was killed The hide was tanned The Shoe was made IN SALEM And if" will outwear any thing of the kind made at any place in the world. To see is to believe. So ex amine C. L Irvin & Co.'s $3.50 Hand Made MADE AND SOLD BY E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoemen Repairinj a Specialty SALEM, OREGON mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim !-: