'tfflfr--& DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATUIIPAV, MARCH 2, 1007. GOOD Goods $&7tjw vted& GOOD Goods Wach Goods You'll And choosing horo cnsy, pleasant and oconomlcnl, Wo nro showing what yqji wnnt ot what you wnnt to pay. Novelties nnd cxclusivonoasB nro tho features of tho gatherings, nnd Bomo ot tho rnroat combinations of weaves eolorH nnd effects over manufac tured Included. Mnko your selections enrly us tho vnrloty Is fjoat nt this tlmo. CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Anothor lot of curtains nnd drnporloa emtio In yoslordny. Como todny whlio tho nsBortmont la host vnltiOH tho host In tho city. Prices rnngo from 75c to $15.00 HOUSE DRESSES r Now stylos In dresses for tho houso thoy como In checks, Btrlpos nnd plain color, In medi um nnd dnrk shades. Also a full lino of now stylo wrappers nnd kltntnos, both long and short. A groat vnrloty to chooso from. Infants' Wear Just Received Just opened on oxtcnslvo lino of infant's woar tho nowest stylos shown for tho llttlo ones All gnrmonts thnt nro necessary for nu Infant can bo found in n vnrloty largo enough to please tho moBt particular. Prices In onch instnnco nro much lower thnn you can got equal grado for olsowhero. Ladies' Suits Of distinctively now effects They nro decidedly different from thoflo of tho pnot fall. Tho pretty light cloths, In checks, mixtures nnd plnln effects, nro greatly in ovldonco, nnd thoy nro very Htnnrt nnd droBsy. Tho Eton nnd Jacket Suit nro horo In n vnrloty to plonno you. Wo nro nlso show ing n protty suit fo- tho young MIhh which Is tho bust vnluo you will find nnywhore. $1 1 .85 to $40 fViiiiiBMvTZjp wXfr -aWo!l inKB LaLa ....MMinitMIIIIIIIIHMIIMH HffffVfVfVWVVVVV ( j; 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL im ula:o ;; . i U rxf Mnrrh ThlC will ho n Uunnguic enure muimi ;'- "-" r " " bte saving and would pay you to make selections for !! further weddings, birthday or anniversary presents. '.... ..-nstci-r- nunc i ! (.! nln Flnrlt ninrn !' SILVtK UUrUail ffftltL w m una bob w; kw ! new cut and latest designs, and finest quality cut glass jj and silver deposit ever shown in Salem. !! CHAS. H. HINGES, ! ! Jeweler and Optician, 1 23 Commercial st. ' Easy to find. Next door to Capital Bank. J MARKET Make Salem a h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 n n- . T Spring Suits Wo nro showing tho nowest ad vnnco Btylos for spring wear. They nro made up of tho latest fnbrlcs nnd colors. Among tho now ones Is tho YALE. Cont is 33 Inches long form fitting bnck with side plait, no vent, three button vest, trimmed with white and brnld. Buttons on sleeves nro put on dlngonnlly, making a neat and nttrnctlvo milt. Pricos modest. Spring Oxfords Tho most wanted Btylos in all loathors nro horo. Wo tako spe cial prldo In our now Oxfords bo causo they lit, nro stylish and comfortable. Nono hotter shown In this city. I CURRENT EVENTS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST j; ii ' ' ' "" - - - 9 : : Compiled by the Daily Journal for the Public Schools : t IH I It-H-i-H llllllll I II H'4 I IlllllillHlllllllllll I -r tho armies of Honduras nnd Nicnrn gun. A big battlo wns fought Yes- torday with victory for tho latter All but one of tho 100 paSBonger3 from the stranded steamer Corona, which went ashoro on tho bar nt Humboldt bay, wrro saved. Tho Jntmnoso Government lms floated a loan of $115,000,000 In Lon don nnd Paris, bonds bearing flvo per cont Intorost. Tho Ncbraskn legislature has passed a law prohibiting tho use of images. Postmnstor Busse, of Chicago, has boon nomlnnted for mayor on a mu nicipal ownorship platform. Flro has dostroyed prnctlcnlly ev ery business, houso In Lcltoy, Wis. A bill has boon Introduced In tho Kansas legislature to purcliaso Flvo Atlantic lino steamships arc hold outside of Now York harbor by a heavy fog. A conductor has been nrrested on tho NewHaven & Hartford railroad for carelessness that caused tho wrecking of a train and killing four. Tho Btrlko won by tho United Rail ways' employes, of San Francisco, nmounts to $1,044,000 nrinunlly. On Monday Secretary of tho Treas ury Shaw and Secretary of tho Inte rior Hitchcock will retire from tho Tho former will bo buc Market SAMDI MARKft Dealers in flsn " Prompt deliver J" ' -' "wteiuw Wheat 57o . Local wheat 65 Oats 40c. Barley-122 ?23. Flour -13 25 Mill feed Dran it. $21.00. ' W-M: Hny-Cheat and clover Jj Per ton; timothy, o ,N Eggs 14c """j nens lie; younE CM.U Ducks in. "lrt,.W 130166. ee,e'8C;t Butter 35c; butter j,U, J Onions 90g m. ... toes, 83 85c nerr.) ' Hops Cholco, nc. ... ! Mint n.' . ": rli i rr; 7"ci OMIna to Chlttlm btrk SHiJc. Tropical Fralu. uananoa 5c perU. j Oranges $2.75 0U.OO. Lemons 4.000 $5.00.' Flour- HftAll Market. -$1 per wck. "" . - . . . i i .nH.lnnn fn lm irivnrnni nnlilnnf noreeH anil ttiiiius" mi (,,.... .............. nnd a coat of arms. coodod by Cortelyou ana tno inuor There Is general fighting botwoen by Gnrflold. CITY JNCWS A Collodion of Important Pro KmHiM for YoHr Conslilenitloii. Will 8'll t Orrat Bscrlflro If taken nt onco, In ordur to In vest In homo town, my 80ncro farm t Liberty. Addross J. II. Danlol, Kgono. Phono 1344 or seo J. O. Johmon, constnblo, nt Hnlom. 3.2-3t Ihm't l-'nll to Oa T Tho Kllnger Ornnd tonight nnd sco, "A Ulrl from Tonnoiavo." Its good, roll worth your time nnd monoy. Two llour Hiitcrtnlninciit Spend Tuoidny ovonlng with tho c.hltdron ot lirnul, nt tho ChrUtlnn rnurcii. A4niuoiiiy Ir(im Profeimor II. C. Tlllnmn, of WJI lKHiotto Unlvuralty, will on nuxt Tuos lny ovcnliiK deliver it looturo In tho Unlvoraity olmpol. Tho aulijeot will lio "Astronomy." nod will bo mndo worn lutoroatlnK by tho uo of n terooptlcon. A nominal mlmUiton of IS conta la to bo ohargod, nnd tha um ralsvnl from tho leoturo Is to bo lined for tho benefit ot thu Ohlnoao utforar. lUrly CuHmIii Toiilglift To nccomiuod&to omplojtw In the tiutlnota hoiuea the ourtnln thU, Bt unlay ulght, nt tho Ornnd Opera Ifouao will not rlio until 8:35. nnd tho lay will tg preaeuted In full, to Kivo all an opiwrtuulty to nttund. lH't ronsrt Tho "Pillara of Klrrt Tuesday Avenlnif, ChrUtlnu church. Coiiimlttvil to Asylum O. Miller, of Mnrahllold, wns yos torday adjudgod Insana by County Judgo Scott nnd ordorod committed to tho asylum. Tho man wnn oxntn Inod on complaint of his brother, F. Miller, tho examination being mndo by Dr. F. K. Smith, upon whoso mil- davit tho order for coiumltmont wns mndo. Tho nflllctod mnn Is 30 years of ngo nnd n laborer by occupation. Tho unfortunate mnn has Buffered for tho past flvo months, ami shown n tendency nt times for personal vi olence, both townrd others nnd him self. K. J. Daily Thu banjo nnd blaolt-faco king, who mndo such a hit Inst night nt tho KlliiKor Ornnd. will ulve u cthtiugu of specialties this evening nt tho aocond porfoxmnnco ot "A Girt from TonnoBsoe." Help tho HulldltiK Ihinil And unjoy Tuesday evening tho First ChrUtlnn church. nt Personals Invisible Bifocal Spectacles Is a rather now Invention. It en blea you to bcu nnr nnd far with Mte aaino Elaiuoa and haa no unalghU 1 lino or odgtf to catch dirt and ob struct vliiou. If you hwU glnuoa to i auar or far you will not Hud any jiWolutcly utlafactory until you set ja HJr ot tli(o now louse. A competent optician In chare of r optical department. BARR'S JCWoLKY STORE Joo Adolph rtumd to Oorvnla todny. Julius Plnous, tho hop man, Is in Portland. . Wx-Mayor Waters wont to Port. laitd thU Hiernlng. v Mrs. O. O. Oliver, ot Jefferson, la visiting In tho oily. Mr. nnd Mm. Laud Hamilton wont to Portland today. Mr. J. 11. Craluhoad has returned from n vlt In Portland. Kd. lllrahbor;, tho hop man. wont to Portland tiiU morning. Oswald V?t left Inst ovonlng for a UualnM trip to CorvailU. Chkf Juitlco H. S. Mean left last evening for a vUlt In Kugone. Mr Jamea K. Oodfry haa ro-1 turned from a visit in Portland. Attorney lllchardaon left this morning for Portland ou bualnoM. Hon. T. O. Ha Hoy returned this morning to hit homo In Portland. Kx-Oovornor Moody left this morn ing for a buainesa trip to Portland Mr. and Mra, II. 11. Thlvtan left this morning for rUlt In Portland. MUa Holland left thU morniur xor Albany, to bo tho gueat ot relative, Kx-flovornor Lord wan among tho Portland-bound paasenger this morn Ing. Attorney J. It. Wyatt. of Albany. !wm In the city yeten1ay on bust Statu School Suihfrlnteadent J. H. Ackermaa returnod tkU wornlnx trow VaiKOuver. wnni 1m wu a J4m to tk IU4tl4Mr wstsat W. twtNa tW Vawc a4 U Dy. ton, Wnshlngton high schools. Af ter much dollhorntlon tho Judgos gnvo a decision In fnvor of Vnncouv or. Mrs. Kwnrd Hlrsch was nmong tho Portland-bound passongors this morning. Hon. and Mrs. Frank Mnvey loft this morning for n tew days' visit In Portlnnd. Mrs. A. Mlckol, who has been vis iting Salem friends, has returned to her homo in nervals. Julius Wolf, tho Sllvorton hop dealer, nftor a visit in this city, has returned to his homo. Miss Anna Wobor, of Portlnnd. nftor visiting friends In tho olty has roturnod to her homo. Miss Anna Webbor, who has been visiting Salem friends, roturnod to her homo lu Portlnnd yostordny. Mrs. 13. T. Osborne, of Portland, Is n guost for n wouk nt tho homo of A. W. Donnls, at 361 Twonty-flrst Btrtot Miss Hlono Fnwk ontortnlus a tow friends nt "hearts" this evening nt the residence, on Lincoln nnd Fir Btreots. II. Jonos, who wns formorly con- nealod with tho subscription depart ment of Tho Onpltnl Journal, loft lust evening for llolso, Idaho, whoro ho hns accepted a state position. Miss Lolo Nlcklln, who intended tho Cleaner concert, nnd has alnco boon visiting Salem relative haa ra it urnod to her homo In Forost Urovo, whoro she la n student In Pacific University. Hov. I). A. Hrrett loft todav for Albany, to attend a meeting ot tho executive commltteo ot tho Chris tian church for tho district com posed of Marlon, Linn, Uncoln. Lane and Uenton counties. CIRCUIT COURT DOINGS Divorce Mill Grinds -Department No. 2 Adjourned March 6 Judgo Galloway, after transacting tho following business, todav ad journed' dopartmont No. 2 of tho cir cuit court to convono nt 1 n. in. Wodnosdny, March Cth. In tho foroelosiiro Biilt of George P. Lout ngaiiiBt Chas. M. Uutlor, ot nl., tho dofondnnt dofaultod, nnd a docroo of foreclosure was glvon. In tho dlvorco ense of Francis fJn.mtU TTi T7i- Guardian Appointed. William II. Holmes wns this morn ing, In tho circuit court, appointed guardian nd libitum of Henry J. Johns, inBnno. Stcwnrt1lrora. County Clork Allen this morning Issued n mnrringo llcenso to Benja min F. Stewart, aged 48, nnd Sophia D. Brown, both of this cltyi W. II. Bradley acted ns witness. n HORN'. WILSON. At tho family homo, near Pop Corn, February 23, 1907, to the wife ot Frank .Wil son," n HVt'-pound boy. MUELLHAUPT. At tho family homo on Enst Chomckota street, Snlonr, Oregon, Frldny, Mnrch 1, 1907, to Mr. nnd. Mrs. Otto J. Muollhnupt, n son. Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent. Oince with Wm. Brown & Co., No 129 Commercial street. ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Lighthouse Washing Powder a 1MCKAGK8 KOU 33 CKNTS T1IK 11KST AM) CHKAPKST. Now that tho legislator havo gone yon will bo cleaning up and you will find this powder a groat hold. For a short Utno wo will make thU SPECIAL OFFKK. Moir Grocery Company sW RPVbjI fiK it sua lU.skellwill Tonlj-ht, What promlsoB to bo one of the fastest games of this season I. i k- Plnyod this ovoalng tho Willamette gymnasium, when tho Multnomah Amateur AthinH ... a ,. ,T v"uu m meets the atnlwarta ot "Old Wlllamotto " This gamo will decided whethor WIN lametto will hold acnnrf ,. ili.., i.. . ' iu riaru in mo league. Tho llno-up of the Willamette boys for tho game tonight la as follows Nelson. Forboa and Parcel, guards; Moorea and Simpson. for.H.i,. n. lard, center, with Price as sub.' Roforo tho blgr rauu tni...' .u... will Jio given, as a preliminary con teat, a game between th im..i ... lametto Juniors and the Y xr n " Junior. A largo crowd Is expected to bo present to wltnos the oio.lng of the league, and encourage tholr re spective aides n the last struggle. Crnno to Their Ala it vra tj.nA.a m-. . I-. " ..uvu jesienaay, almost at tho last hour, that It would bo m. Possible for one of the judges who u u,u cnoaen to decide tho Wll-lamette-McMlanvlllo debatl.g contest to bi prewnt. Judsa v e,.." who haa many tlma bfrlended the atudenta. waa asked ta nu ,.. caacy, and, notwlthBtandi- - vloua agagwent. came to the re. llrown vs. Kdim Ilrown the testimony wns taken and a decree of dlvorco granted as prnyod for. lonn Jones wns granted n docroo of dlvorco from Samuel K. Jonos. lu tho divorce enso of Frank P. Van Vlack vs. AIlvo L. Van Vluck, tho navmont of & -mm, ...... dorovl paid some tlmo ago, was con- Oror Lndd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. tluuod until March 20th. ' "" " A docroo of J 15 por month, and 15 por month theroaftor for the R.n.. port of tho minor child was glvon In mo Bun of Lonn Knppnhnn vs. E. L. Knppahnn. In the mandate suit nt iwi.i Forobrloh. ot nl., F. D. Lnno.vii mo tion to reconsider was donlod. William Holmes wns oppointed guardian of Honry F. Johns, an In sane person. Bran 65c per sack: tllwi, por ton. a Hay Timothy, 65c pw -J cneni nnu clover, G0O55cptttn $u.uu por ton. Oats $1.35 per cwf. wkt i rolled barley, ?2602S per la- Eggg 20c. Apples $1.00 to 11.50. it to aualltv. Butter Country, 35c; era 40c. Livestock. Cattle 1100 1!00 B 2 4c. Lighter steers 3H64e. Cows nnd heifers SOOflHt I 3 4c. Stock hogs 606Uc. Hogs 175 0250 lt, fit, Jlli $6.26. Sheop 5c uuuui oc i Voal Dressod, 6 6 It Hogs Dressed, 8c NEW TODAY For Snle Driving horse. Inquire C yoars old, weight 1150 pounds. Prlco $200. Inqulro nt 1107 South Thirteenth street. 2-25-3t For Sale? Ono flno milch cow, Jor soy nnd Durham stock, nt a bar gain. Call on or address W. O Smith, 495 Winter and Marlon streets. 3-l-lw Cedar Pcih nd Shakes A lot of good codnr posts and shakes ro colvod. Get your orders In early. Goodalo Lumber Co. 3-l-3t. For Sale Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs. 50 cents a settlwr. Inaulre of J. M. Howell, Yew Park, 12 th and Cross streets. 3-l-3t I For Sale. 34-acro farm north ot Garden Road, ono mile from city limits. Well Improved, 10 acres of hops, good house, all kinds of small fruit. Inquire ot C, W". Yannke, Fashion stables. a.i.w !w' Wanted A gtrl to do general housowork. Inqulro at 365 North High street. 3-t-3t For Sale At a bargain, a heavy team, with wagon and. harness, as good as now. On T. M, Smith's placo IK mile southeast of Salem oa tho Maclcay road. E. A. Autrance. 3-2-3t For SIe,-Three hons-s oa South Liberty street, and two on Soath High street and three In Universi ty addition, two on Smit. ii. street, two oa corner of Ferry aai ISta an two oa North Cemaw- POnTLAND HAKKR. Wheat Club, 70c; Tilltj.ts bluo siom. 72r. Oats Choice white, 2). Mlllstuff Bran. $17. Hay Timothy, $14flll;i $14. Vetch 17. BOO 18.00. Potatoes 90c $100 pr ot Poultry Hens. H0H.i rhlfknna 11(ffl1Sr' dresjed thi 14 15c: turkeys, lire. 1J turkeys, dressed, I8(?!0t; a llvo. 9 10c; ducks, HG .. ,. . ,, .. i pigeons, l.uuiu'fi uv. , roric uressea, wn Bcef Dressed, 5HeH. Tlfiiftnn fiflle. Hops 910Hc n, actor' quality. itr.,.1 ir.llv rntrtG tO 29 23c; eastern Oregoo, Jf' Butter Fancy cresawrj, 36c; store butter, 11 Mohair 2 6 0 2 tc rrhnt' nil. 'Not aaW. lS! AL.i tt.,ii...' PfvkT Us"1 Tea Is tho greatest tntiJ earth. It does you gooo i coming; 35 cents, Tea or T For ealo at Dr. 8tones sUrt, LOCAL TB& Tiaes Ckl o Sob ,, t la BaTecs at Towr FertMa . . r. a.. 0f fiO. !; j ratl Passsager. He. 122:45 p. "- pr uj No. 14 9; 25 P. r T" ....! N.. S32-ArrlvelljHtH & a a an m faaar v- part li:a, rviw- - 11:28, war freight. Tmmi Bs Na. 1111:18 s.--1 pre. Na, 17 8: J J P- V aaswPapBaJas a K. lk :5P.V arass. Ma. 18 l;JX laa. Ml 1:3 - ttt nau o, c Scaaita, 747 Soath Ma. 8 Arrlra " -I-lt atU:88.iMI