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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
f a r i DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL, SALEM, OIlEGOX. wMi!,fP"",T " , FRIDAY, MARCH i, 1007. GOOD Goods Mc7fteiiei&&& (A mrnmmtmmmimmf" - i GOOD Goods I I- J.. I 'iS IP Y,f'M II 1 . ' .MM. .I A! ,' . f ' r Jf. vLjI $$$ -HvSNL Wach Goods You'll find cliooilng hero easy, pleasant nnd oconomlcnl. Wo nro Knowing what you want nt what you wAtit to pny. Novoltles and oxcluilvoncsso nro tho fenturcs of tho gatherings, nnd nomo o( tho rarest cornblnntloiiB of weaves colors and offocts over manufnc turod Included. Mako your Moloctiona early an tho varloty It bout at this tlino, CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES Another lot of ourtalm and (lrnl)orlcH cimio In yostordny. Coino today whllo tho nssortmont U bust vnluuu tho bout In tlw city. Prices rnngo from 75c to $15.00 HOUSE DRESSES Now styles In drcssoB for tho Iioiiho thoy, como In checks, strlpos nnd plain color, In medi um nnd dark shades. Also a full lino of new stylo wrappors and klmlnos, both long nnd Bhort. A groat varloty to chooso from. Infants' Wear Just Received Just oponcd nn oxtonslvo lino of Infant's wear tho nowest styles bIiowii for tho llttlo ones All gnrmonts thnt aro nocosBnry for nn Infant can bo found In a varloty largo enough to pleaso tho most pnrtlctilnr. Prices In each Inntanco aro much lower thnn you enn got oqunl grado for olsowhoro. Ladies' Suits Of distinctively now effects Thoy nro decidedly dlfforont from thoso of tho past fall. Tho protty light cloths, In checks, mixtures and plnln effects, aro greatly In ovldcnco, nnd thoy uro very smart and drossy. Tho Eton nnd Jacket Suit nro hero In a vnrloty to plonso you. Wo oro also show ing a pretty stilt for tho young MIbb which Ib tho host vnluo you will find anywhere. $11.85 to $40 I Spring Suits Wo aro showing tho nowest ad vance styles for spring wenr. They nro mndo up of tho latest fnbrlcs and colors. Among tho now olios Is tho YALE. Coat Is 33 inches long form fitting back with sldo plnlt, no vont, thrco button vcBt, trimmed with whlto nnd braid. sUuttons on alcoves nro put on diagonally, making n neat and nttractivo suit. Prices modest. Spring Oxfords Tho most wanted stylos In nil lanthors nro horo. Wo tnko spe cial prldo In our now Oxfords be rauno they lit, nro stylish nnd comfortable. None hotter Bhown In tblB city. I TODAY IB 1UJMNANT DAY. Bhort lengths of nmMonnblo nnd do pcnilahlo good nt Half Price CITY JNEWS , A Collection of Important I'nru gi-HhH for YoHr CouNldVrfttlon. Another I-'Jho Dhhc fllven tonight, starch 1st, nt Tio ga hall. Qood music. PeorleNs or chestra. Out Agnln Tho many friends of W. I R. Smith will bo pleased to know thnt ho In able to bo out ngnln after un nttnek of lugrlppo which confined hi in to hi homo for tho past week. m A lnrg Wmh1 Hcov Tho largo scow which U being constructed by tho Hpnuldlng 1.k King Company is giving employment to 10 or 15 muu, nnd will, when completed, bo tho largest bargo on tho upper river. It will bo 125 feet lung with n 33-foot beam. The scow will bo used to hnul wood, Hud n mkui ns this bnrgo U eompluted tho company will construct another. K. J. I hilly Tho black-faco king, will bo seen tonfght in comical plantation song &4 trick banjo playing. Don't fail to seo him, at tho Kllngor Oruud theatre. ko Iho Chlldmi T tho matinee nt tho Kllngor flraud theatre Baturday at 3:90 p. w., to seo "A Girl from Tvnnaueo." It ideas both old and young. Mfttfetat KUt Tho etato of How Mathlou, do f! will bo admluUtered by B, Invisible Bifocal OfJCCflrClCS U ft ratar new Invention. It en able you to eo near and far with lk Mine gUtMc and, has no unsight ly lino or edgo to catch, dirt and ob truct vUlou. If you nets) glauoa to ueur or far you will not Mud auy Wolutly satisfactory until you got a plr t tUwo bow Jeue, A competent optician lu charge of r optical department. BARRS JEWELRY STORE A. Mnthleu, who will bo required to furnish $10,000 bonds. John Mur ray, J. J. Ryan nnd Francis Follor woro appointed to nppralso tho prop erty belonging to tho estate. Don't MIhh n (Jowl Thing At reasonable prlcos. "A Olrl from TonuoBsec," nt tho Kllngor (Irnnd thoatro, starting tonight, mat luuo nt 2:30 Saturday, Sutuhlay nnd Suiulny nights. llOlxllgltcllllCr KtttutO Itov. A. Luliick was yesturday np polntod ndmlnlutrator of tho OBtuto of Mnry lloiHllghoimor, doceased, with bonds fixed nt, H'iOO, Tho oh tato Is to bo appraised by 11. 1. Bchntt, John Dltter nnd Qcurgo Hull. Curtnlit nt H1W p, in. , At tho rfqucut of many patron who nro compelled to work after G o'clock tho curtain nt tho (Irnnd Opera houso will bo hold until 8:35 p. m. tomorrow night, lu order thnt nil mny havo n cbnncu to seo "-(5 MluutvH from liroadway." AdiuliilxtrntrU' ApMlntctl County Judgo Hcott has appointed M. V. Corby admlnlRtrntrlx of tho otato of Mary J. Mltilur, deceaiod, her bond boing tlxod in tho turn of $750. I. W. Durant. 11. II. Scott and John K. Bteelhainmer, nil of Wowlburn, were named to apprnlso tho estato. Limit lUwnl lUHvhrri A largo board attached to a polo taller thau a giraffe was received by vxprvM at tho station hero this morning. In largo letter "City Umlts" is printed on tho board, so that tho Houthern Padua engineer may know when they get to Salem They havo learned whero our ener gotlo alderman's houso Is located, and go by with a tlger-llko tread, but havo sotuo troublo in determin ing Just wherv to open the throttle when they havo pasted this point. JU'ft for" Conalll- Tho debating team of the Willam ette Uulvorsltr, choten to meet O. A O. la au Intercollegiate debate, left this tuornlug for Corvallls, whero they will croas sword with the brainy farmer boy tonight. The question to bo dliaxtJ'-t "Uoaolvetl That tbo Mouroo loctriao Should bo DUcoatlnued as a lrt ot tho Volley of the Unit! State." The atKruu tlvo nldw will bo defended by Harry Rpauldlair, aorif WIIoa and Hoy 8to!! rvrBtta tk local school Jhm HHm4, 11m law t, do TWIpW JW ir W WWIW You Will Havo to G Iirly It you oxpect to secure Bents nt tho Kllngor Grand theatro tonight to soo "A Olrl From TonnosBoe." It Is n sweet story of enrly mining days, and plcuBou ovoryoue. To Deteriuluo Hlglitful On tier H. V. Herdlno hns filed nn action In department No. 2 of tho circuit court ngnlnst Q. W. Johnson, asking tho court for n decreo thnt certain lauds belong to tho plaintiff and thnt tho said dofondant hns no lutorest or claim In thorn whntsoovor. Tho com plaint uIbo asks for costs nnd dis bursements of the suit. U'Hon A Bohuobol appear ns nttornoys for tho plnlntirr. o l'runw (Ironom Meeting. At tho Snlom city hull Saturday there will bo n meeting of the prune growers to adopt different ruloa ot grading prunes, which, It is oxpoct ed, will glvo tho growers about a cent a pound additional for tholr crop, whloh will be worth about $100 per uoro to tho grower, if anything like that can bo accomplished thero ought to bo a crowd ut tho moutlng. o I,'ft Otr tlio Map. It Is tho worst deal llonton over got at tho. hands ot a legislature. Wo usod to havo a senator.a Joint ion ator and three representatives. Wo havo dwindled and dwindled through tho gerrymandering process at Salem until practically all we have left, after Senator Johnson's prosout term, will bo oao lone representative. What a commanding posltlou for an. old and rcspectablo county to occupy Corvallls Times. SPRING POINTERS Thao light, and delightful bis cuits, which aro tho delight ot tho housekeepers' heart are thj products of Eptafcy Prfacti Try it and bo convinced. RADCLIFF DEFENDS ORDINANCE Raising License Fees of In surance Companies to Fifty Dollars attlHIM9CtMt)M . ,-.- rMrmil.IT .. ... "tH4 20 PCK LQNi LuavuuiNi uin ALLftiT GlA '" During the entire month of March7Tk-T DlgbUYIli uuu ttuuim yiuj ;wu io make KotA.ii"s1 further weddings, birthday or anniversary! S ! sil VFR DtPOSIT WARE also in rhic eJi? Presn J new cut and latest designs, and finest quMtv and silver deposit ever shown in Salem ycli ' . . . -- i ...... jftjwft &E25u Lusy iu """'..jrH"""!--"1"-01 Dank. ' ssii ww-ww ..WW ww-,ww"''inrjii C. M. EPP.LEY Alderman RndclifT, author of tho insurance llconso ) ordinance, glvos out the following as to tho voto o.f the sumo oy Mayor Redgers: "Regarding Mayor Rodgors' veto ing tho ordinance introduced by my self, I was Informed yostordny morn ing that ono of the special agents had sooured a promise from tho may or thnt ho would voto tho ordinance. Howovor, I do not think tho council, being composed of business men, and some of thorn hoavy taxpayers, will sustain the veto. I havo this to say, that 1 anr writing flro Insur ance, but was not elected by them or any other corporation, aud ns long as I am ono of tho aldormon of tho council I shall stand for tho people thnt I represent,' rognrdlcss of my own lutorost, or tho Interests of cor porations, and i' am willing for tho public to sny who Is In tho right In this mnttor, myBelf and nlno other councllmon who, voted for tho ordi nance, or tho mayor and tho two aldormon who voted, against It. I nolo In his mossago to tho coun cil that each flro Insurnnce company pnys $18 por year for taking out of tho city a total amount of nbout 4B. noo, but he doos not stuto thnt llfo, accldont, surety nnd pinto gloss companlos do not pay ono cont to tho city, nnd still we havo an Inter view from an ngont of ono of tho llfo Insurnnco compnnlos, published a few da) s ago, In which ho stntos that his company pnld to tho state $1700 as a 2 por cont tax on tho buslnoss dono In tho stnt last year. In mak ing this statement ho probably did not consldor tho fnct that $1700 rop roBonts $85,000 that has been taken out of tho stato and Snlcm has not boon slow In contributing her part, nnd yet It Is clnlmcd to bo unjust to nsk tho poor, much-taxed companies to co-opornto with tho. taxpayers that aro paying tnxos to maintain tho city, to ask thorn to pay tho smnll sum of $50 por yonr. I nm Intorost- ed In Salem, aud what llttlo propor ty I havo Is hore, and I would only ho too glad to pay tho city a llconso of $D0 por yonr for tho prlvllogo of doing an Insurance buslnoss hero, nlthough my buslnoss Is very small. Tho mayor makes the statoment that It would force tho withdrawal of some of the companlos from tho city. 1 bag to ask It the nssossor, whon ho Is assessing the Individual proportv holder It ho considers whtthor ho will havo to withdraw from tho city? Why should Insurnnco companlos that overrun tho city havo any more favorable consideration than tho man who Inbors by tho day, and has his tax to pnyT "Uogardlng tho reduotlou of tho 25 por cont any Insurance agont of tho city knows that It is very arbi trary, und In short rating It Is 25 per cont In policies that were Issued during tho first part of tho sonson tho small porceutago Is paid to tho Insured. 1 do not think tho flro In surnnco companlos should bo com pelled to pay license nnd tho lire and other Insurance companlos that aro taking tho money out of Salem should havo nothing to pay whatev er. 1 hold that It ono company should pay a llconso all should. I do not believe thero Is a city In tho Pacific Northwest whero tho Insur ance companies aro making tho mon oy they do In Salem. I know of uo city where rates are as high and ns few losses as thero Is In this city. It Is well known thnt tho cltlions of our neighboring state, California, tell us that It rains nlno months In each year and yet through that board of flro underwriters of that state, tho rates are raised almost every threo months. I claim that tho flro department, tho streets and alarm systems, are maintained more directly in the Interests of tho fire Inauranco companies than of any In dividual, and they should pay their part ot th cost to maintain the same. They do not havo ono dollar of property in the city that Is reached ty direct tax. He also stated that the companies woutd Increase tho rate in order to weet tho additional tax. I do not understand that tho rates are ar rived at on this basis. A building Is rated accordinc to tho construction ad conditions ot the adjacent ulldlags, and it scms to me that an lamraaca company, placing them mIvm m rMl U thl naaatr is S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 II I I I e I 1 1 1 D M-H f CURRENT EVENTS OF HISTORICAL INTFRKi I Compiled by the Daily Journal For thePubfic; f-m 1 i IH IIII1IH H-H I 1 8 1H 1 1 I l-H-M" Tho executive nssembly of Porto Rice has abolished tho death penalty. Tho California legislature has passed a bill to submit tho question of removing the stato copltol from Sacramento to Derkoloy to a voto of tho people. Sonator Fulton Is championing an amendments to tho lnws to allow small plants to manufacture dona- turlzed alcohol. A bill has boon passed that 'no more forest reserves can bo created unlosB by net of congress. Tho Iown and Nebraska legisla tures nro enacting two-cont fnros on all railroads. At Manez. Okls i.. J. T.Manoz, was Indict l uuuuumng the g0Tma luiouii ruporiing stamp , A four-story hotel h to u. at Astoria. ' J. S. VanWlnklo v.. v pointed postmaster at A15,,, -I "".-. ,s "'"en complin , ociYitM in jno wnUo HClil regular. Tho Astoria & CnWi..' , railroad Is to be turned oterjjl t nt Mm nAA, v-i, M w- w..u v4,.Ufc urmern rafltjj', mm iuuiuii. i no ureal .orti building down tho CoihmM.. Portland, and will thuihtrul line, to tho Astoria harbor WILL DEBATE TONIGHT RAILROAD COMMISSIO! Acrn Willamette Co-Eds Will Meet .Has McMlnnville Girls in 'Varsity Chapel Tho second girls' Intcrcolleglato do bntc-.wlll tnko placo hero this even ing In tho University chapel, when tho ladles' dobatlng tenm ot tho Mc Minnvlllo collogo will meet tho girls who havo been chosen to represont Willamette. Tho local team Ib a strong ono, and hns worked hard on tho subject to bo considered. Tho visiting tenm arrived this morning. Thoy woro accompanied by a largo uumbor of rootors, nnd, judging from tholr nppoaranco nnd roputntlon ob debaters, thoy will nt least mako It Interosttng for tho local school. TJio quostlon which will bo dobnt ed is stated ns follews: "Resolved, That the municipality should pur chnso and operato Its street railways, wator and lighting plants." Tho W. U. will support tho affirmative while tho girls of McMlnnville will de fend tho nogatlvo. Tho Willamette team Is composed of tho following young ladles: Clara May, Helen Smith nnd Mabel Glover. They will speak In tho order in which tholr names appear. Tho members ot tho McMlnnville toam nro as follews: Anna Andrews, Lola Kubn and Stella Webster. Hearings Ob Two I ters of ImportaKt Tho railroad commission Ih ) cases for decision before It. TM plo of Fall City complain that i on logs havo been adreMri i January 1st. Tho law prorii9 tho rates In effect Jannarr 1, ) shnll bo prlmno facie, Jut tail sonublo, and tho commluloa vll dor thorn put back to that tp&i Tho Astoria & Columbia rimj road has a hearing today, a A! I commission to suspend thtnkl rntea can only be railed or k on ton days' notice, as thatiwM to compoto with steamVoiHi must meot competition on Ttrya notice. J. C. Mayo apptam tail company this afternoon. rot worthy of any business in any city, nnd should bo excluded from doing business hero I do not know from what sourco the mayor has so curod his Information as to tho ralso of rates. It may bo well founded. But personally I do not think thero will bo any Increase, only as there has been in tho past, which has been a gradual increase in rates, and will contlnuo until such time that tho in surnnco companies may seo that it will bo against tholr Interest to raise them regardless ot city license, but should there be a small increase In rates is it not a fact that this license tax will como directly to tho people. and they would be benefitted by it. I em sure the public has not forgot ten tho raise ot 25 per cent and the (city license was not the cause of this ralso) this went directly to the Insurance companies, and there were no managers, general or special agents sent to the city to lobby against this raise, and I bopo the city will find some way in which it may compell the many companies to equally bear their sharo of the taxes with tho people." 1)1 HI). LUTZ. At tho family hoc. & Trado street. Thursday. M 28, 1907, tho baby o( Mr ul W. II. Lutz. Tho body will bo shipped to1 non for burial. NowfchUokFfre Inaraftcf V.V Uriitku RMMtl ODcevll WBH"3 139 OewerJl strt. Wm. Lachner, of Baker City, Is the now postmaster there He la a young man ot German parentage. piratically self-made, and -wltk a tal ent for politics. He -will waka a creditable odl for tk ketaua mlalag towa at Otmu ..MONEY TO UN TH0aU-' OfarLaM A X NEW TODAY i- a-. rv.lwlnt WfH re w-. - . PrleeUOB. InQaJraat"" (Talrtaoath tre. - - . n milea iner awuc wu . j key and Durham aw. - gain. Call on or a Smith. 495 Winr jjJf, streets. -- CJar Vot nd fifcMnii good Caar posU aa celved. Get your or-- j Goodale wbw JFV Sale-Sllrer W eggs. 50 cenis --p of J. K. Howell. T 1" ---j 1W- - . - t.T Fr Sak, 3-awo -, Gardes Road. oa - Jt ,m limits. Well Jf' .. ...if Ina 1 man ai ai -.. Yaaake, Fashloa !. W l J-