DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1007. Free from Alcohol Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has hcen entirely free from alcohol. If you in poor health, weak, pale, nervous, Ik your doctor about taking this non alcoholic tonic and alterative. vers Sarsaparilla If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best, always. This is our advice. The new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. I C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mais. '' iw mil wi in m 1 raiMwrmmT nism mar ELOtS FKATS OF IDIOTS Minded Clilldivn. Perform lt Computations and Aro Walking Dictionaries. sAi. March 1 Tho Iowa stato mtion (or feeblo minded chll- lofited at Olenwood.i has sov- Idiot savants," who aro regard- ,j remaruauie, uuu mmuiu u a calendar and dato record, ttr Is uttlfzcd as a dictionary. la li employed as a ready rapid ilitor and others show tho .mar ii but unexnlatnablo traits of -learned Idiots." I . A. H. Chler, assistant super tient of tho Institution, has Just s hit report, as required by tho law Tho most astonishing i he reports Is that of John S., is Into tho Institution when ho 11 years of ago and who Ms h there 23 years. Ho Is tho men- ttcener of tho homo. lea tho date of any occurrenco :t the Institution Is desired m rffiition John S, glvos It. Ho re- i flthouC error tho dnto of tho tortwnt of any new hnnd or tho luce or discharge of any lnmnto be has seen a visitor at tho ike can recall tho exact date of riilt, the condition of tho wonth- it that time and so mo of th In ula connected therewith, ovon ten it occurred years boforo any IsOoa is asked him concerning it. rt?en tho day of tho month, tho tth of tho oar of nny occuronco forbade as 33 years John S. will, i out hesitation, toll unon what r of the week tho dato fell. Askod be does It ho ropllos that ho tot know. kurelous ability Is shown by n uunata about 16 years of ago. Ho can. neither road or wrlto, yet he can readily spoil any word given hlm, and as Dr. Schler says: "Ho has bcon tried with uncommon words tlmo and tlmo again and novor falls to spell thorn correctly. Ho is con stantly called upon to sottlo spelling disputes, and Is as reliable as a dic tionary." Doth his parents woro in snno. Q. F. II., ngdd IS, of Danish de cent, can multiply thrco figures by thrco figures as rapidly as they can bo written down. Ho ncvor falls in his multiplication feats, but his ad dition, substractlon and division aro not correct. A 17 year old boy, R. 0. L., with out education, Is ablo to mould tho forms of anlmnls with almost mirac ulous perfection. Otlior figures ho cannot mako. Ho has found ono day mixing sallvn with dust and moulding tho flguros of anlmnls, which from his first attempt wero perfect In al most ovory detail, o Worked Lllto u Cluiriu. Mr. D. N. Wnlkor, editor of that spicy journal, tho Enterprise, Loulsn, Vn., Bays: "I ran a nnll In my fool last week nnd nt onco applied Duck Ion's Arnica Salvo. No Inflammation followed; tho salvo simply henlod tho wound." Ilonls ovory Boro, burn nnd skin disease. Guaranteed at J. G. Perry, druggist. 25c. o Sporting Summary Racing. James R. Ilnggin has added noar ly GOO ncros moro to his Elmdorfo farm In Kontuoky, by buying 4 80 ncros from owners surrounding his training grounds so ho now owns G00O acres. Garth has a number of horses quartered at Donnlngs among thorn being thoBO of Paul J. Ratnoy. Nono ! 5? ?ta4 -You Uao Always Booslit, and wklds low baw M inr snm rti .. i .. ...i . - w.. uw JIBUTI, UHM UUITB IHO (UgllJllHro J. fY ,.q mm. and ka boea made under his per QGlXfirfgjt-fils sonalfiuprrlaloR slace ita laftwcy. t. 'T4cjw Alteij no one to deceive yon In tkte. JTwtcrrelts, Imitatieas and Jast-aa-good" w but J2 at trifle witk aad endanger the ke..i ? w sad Chiidnea-Exprice WKiust JSxped wt What is CASTOR1A JjJ ta araal8 mriMtltute for Castor Oil, Fre !!!?. " Hd SoetklKg- Syrup. It 1 PJeaaaat. It ZTT &aer Opium, Slorpklae nor other XarceUa Z!Z!!JU Iu 0 te Its trwtraatee. It destroys Woraw f FTcrigkaefis. It ceres Dlarrham aad flad ' T1- relievo Ttiiino rn-.uiia n..AU fxnntiui 'iulx' It Hdmllate the Feed, reflates the V cii Kowcl8 ?1 1HC healthy ami aataral adeep. lreag Paaaeea-the Metker'a Frleeael, m CASTORIA always ) Barg ikm Signature of s.m &d You Haro Always Boughi w use For Over 30 Years. r "" rj-f'-fi-7ri. S W MtrS ir Tm Jrff of tho Rnlney horses will bo started until tho Aqueduct meeting. . May 6 is the dato on which tho Kentucky derby will bo run nt tho Churchill Downs course. On account of tho abandonment of the Memphis mooting Hlldroth has decided to rcmnln nt Oakland until tho opening of tho. enstern sen son. It is probable ho may leavo somo of his horsos at California to raco after ho comes oast. J. 12. Madden has thrco distinct strings which he will rnco In tho east this season. Ho has twenty 2-yoar-olds at Bennlngs, a largo stable, In cluding Tangle, Dandelion and Salvl doro, and Bovcn 2-ycar-olds at Llttlo Rock, Ark., and n numbor of 3-yoar-olds at his homo In Kontucky. Andy Walsh of Hartford, Conn., owner of tho Onkloy rnco track, Cin cinnati, has sold tho property for building lots. As to tho grand cir cuit raco meeting ho said it would bo hold at Latonla track, it hold at all. W. Gould Brokaw has purchased Dolcanta from Cotton nnd tho horso is now at Shccpshcad Bay track whoro Mr. Brokaw has seven other horses which will carry his colors during tho coming season. Fred Ross, a crack Jockoy In tho oarly eighties, woa thrown from tho runaway horso Instructor nt Emors vlllo rnco meotlng In California and got his neck broken. Ho was sixty years old. For foul riding at Ascot park Jockey Koornor was fined $000. o $100 Reward, $100. Tho renders of this paper will bo pleased to learn that tliero Is at least on dreaded dlseaso that scionco has been ablo to euro In all its stages, nnd that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is tho only posltlvo euro now known to the medical frntornlty. Ca tarrh being a constitutional dlseaso, requires n constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Intor milly, nctlug directly upon tho blood nnd mucoiiB surfaces of tho Bystom, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho dlBenso, nnd giving tho patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nnturo In doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much fnlth In its curativo poword thnt thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollar Tor any caao that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addross F. J. CHENEY & CO., To ledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. -' O" ' ACQUITTED OF MURDER. ; Lucy Allen Fm-d from Charge Killing Ih'iiry Cmnow of IuwInIoii. of Within a fow minutes after the enso had bcon submitted to them for decision, tho Jury In tho district court yostordny afternoon roturnod n vor dlct of not guilty in tho enso of Lucy Allen, charged with murder by stub bing. Tho argumonts of tho nttor- hoys wero concluded about 3 o'clock and Judgo 8teolo thon gnvo his In Btructlons. All features of tho ovl denco woro rovlowed In detail by County Attornoy Neodhnm for tho stato and by Attorneys Clay Mc- Nnmeo nnd J. L. Harn for tho do- fonse. Tho nttornoys for tno ue fouso had handled tho caso through out with ability and In tho argu ments to tho Jury took tho position thnt It had not been provou Lucy Allen killed Henry Carssow, but that Instead tho ovldonco wont more directly to show that tho wound which caused Carssow'a death was probably inflicted by Smith L George. All tho parties concerned belug Indians. Lowiston Tribune. Glasa Factory Shut Down. Pittsburg, March 1. Nearly nil tho hand-roado window glass factor ies aro now closed down Whilo the tlmo for closing all factories for tho summer is, according to agreement, Juno 30 a number closed threo ago and only a fow flres now remain working in tho glass trado. This la taken as evldonco that tho window glass market Is in as poor shapo as ever It waB in tho history of tho in dustry. It ha transpirea mai ri- resentatlves of practically all tho handmaklng factorlos, outsldo tho trust, agreed upon a wholesalo cur tailment in production. Innumerable employ who expected steady worK until late In June have been laid ore until next September when tho Area will be etarted again. It is stated that the murket Is overstocked and that some curtailment Is necessary If present soiling prices are to be maintained. XXJL. at Ifctfvtt ktM MalwlE MB BUM W Wkw " i MTbo Blood Is Tho Ilfb." i nntiiof fiainii-tniiiii-4-i sSiKsSSSajj CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT glvon It a moanlmr over brrwulnnlm? with . . fWflWHIWHIlWHHWIWIHiWHHgfltlHHHW uuvcieu, anu nvany muisui-vjiaTTvoo ti tho increasing breadth of knowledjrc. When tho blood is "bad" or impuro it Is not alono tho body which sutTcrs through dlsoaeo. Tho brain la nlsn clouded, HllO Ulind and IlldirnmAn nri an evil deed or Impuro Irectlv traced to tho lmpyof tbo Groili Foul. Impart blood rail be miuli rum by tin n nr, PIrco'8Goi.J-n Mcrtlqal Dlicovqrv 1 cnrlcliM and nnrltiim ho Mood tlirrwlTv curlug, pimples, blotches, eruptions and oUier cutaneous atTectlons, aa eczoma, tetter, or salt-rhoum. hives and othor manifestations of Impuro blood. In tho curt of scrofulous swellings, on Urged glandi, open eating ulcers, or old sores, lho"Go!dtn Medical Discovery "ha? erformod tho most marvolous euros. In cases of old sorrs.or opon eating ulcers, it Is woll to npply to tho opon sorrn Dr. Plerco's All-lloallng Salvo, which pcm sesscs vondrful hoallug iotnncy when used as an application to tho sores In con junction with tho uso of "Golden Medical Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your" dniRKlst don't happen to havo tho "All-Healing Salvo" In sUvlt, you can easily procure it by inclosing flfty-fonr cents In postos Btamps to Dr. It. V. I'iorco, C03 Main St, Buffalo, N. Y., and It will como to you by return post Most druggets keep It as well as the "Golden Medical Discovery." Cs You can't afford to nccept any medicine of tnikmnrn cnmixuiUtrm an a sulwtltttta for "Golden Medical Discovery," which Is a medlclno ox known ooMrosmos, having a coinplota list of Ingredients Iu plain English on Ita bottlo-wrappcr, the inmo being attested as correct undor oath. Dr. Pterco's Pleasant Pellets rogulato nod Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Headquarters for Meats. Meat-eators who are ovor-partlcu-lar in tholr cholco of boef, mutton lamb, veal and pork aro invited to oome and examine our moats. It Is tho critical that wo cator to those jr li2immmmmmWB& FOX HAXB For Sale A five and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lots with each, woll located In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Sohonoflold, 21st and Marlon Sts., Salem. 1-23-tf lor Snl A comploto box manufac turing and planing mill plant. Ad dress E. Durkholdor, Albany, Or. 3-20-tt For Sale Twolvo good houses, somo with small tracts of land; nlBo good farm south and east of town. Enqulro 747 S. 12th St, J. 0. Shultz. 2-33-lwk For Sale Puro blood Plymouth Rock eggs, 50 cents a sotting. In qulro Mrs. O. Iroton, Salem, Routo 3, phono Fnrmors 369 2-28-lw Two liotfl for Sale Ono sot to fruit, woll Improved and foncod. For particulars sco John Redmond, Chomokota nnd 17th Btrocta. Sa eom. 2-23-Gt For Sale A B-yoar-old maro, gentle ..and woll broken, wolght 1100 pounds, at Oak and University Btroot, Yow Park. J. P. Emmott 2-27-3t FOR RENT. For Itent. Furnished rooms, 790 North Commercial street. Inquire M. A. Dlco. 2-21-tf m ".J' LODflMfi. Foresters of Amerlc- Court Sh.r- wood Foresters), No. 19. Meets Tuesday la Hurst hall, Stato Btroot Loo Abb to, O. R.; A. L. Drown, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of IV Castle Hall In Holmon block, cor nor Stato and Liberty stroots. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. E. W. Hazard, O. 0.; W. L Staley, K. of R. and B. Hnlr Drewser A flno assortment of goods consisting of first-class work Combings, rooted nnd put up nlco as cut hnlr. Old Switches dyed to nny shade. Shampooing n special ty. All work guaranteed. Will bo at Salem March 4. Call early. Mrs. C. A. Spauldlng, 65 N. Front St., Salem. 2-27-lw. 8Icm Iron Whi. Founders, ma chinists aad blacksmiths. Manu facturers of aH klnHs ot sawmill naehlaery. Hep mA fruit drying Btovea, ete. Maaufaeturers ot the Salem Iron Works Hen Pre. Coatrctor nad Ballder A. J. An derson, contractor and builder, -ttmatw furnished froe. It will pay you to see me before you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court street, or phone B44. 2-15-tf. NHW AND 8SOOND-MAND OOOB9, New nnd Secend-Hand tioodsv ' BsugHt and sold, also range, stoves aad cooking utensils, dlsa es, tavaaite and tinware ot all klade Give ua a e&ll. O. L. MoPeek, 179 South Comwereial St. 8-18-ly Modern Woodreea of America -Ore gon Codar Camp No. 5246. Meets ovory Thursday evonlng at S o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Tumor, Clerk. who always Insist on cuts of tho best qualltloa. Wo handlo only tho frosti est meats, and wa guarantoo it to bo tondcr and of flno eating quality. Our prlcos nro by no means as high as tho quality, either. V. A. KURTZ, Phono 205. 277 Coinl. St. Garden Seeds ! Wo havo a largo stock of Gordon Scods iu hulk. Our Boods aro all 1906 crop; no carry-over. ONION SETS. Ask for small onion sets. You got throo times as many to tho pound. FIELD SEEDS. Fancy Bluostom Whoat, Chovolln Barloy, Oats, Corn, Clovor, Alfalfa, Flold Poas, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agents for Coulson's Egg Foods, Coulson's Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powders. Tho largest wholesalo and retail doalors in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St wttiieaiiiei6aB66aennti ! Gold Dust Flow! Uade by D8 sTDtfXT ZOW' Mt COMPANY, SUuty, OffM. ICada it fatally nee. Ask yesrl grectr Cat it. Braa aad aaerts ahraya ea band. P. B. Wallace AjEJH mmmmmm99mm99MM9 0. C T. CO STEAMERS- POMONA AND ORHOONA LKAVK rC-MTIiAND MONDAY, WBONH0 DAY AN VmiDAY AT It A M., llOliPAY', TMUHsWAY ANB ATWWAY0 AX A. M. VOH OOMYALM 1 PIMU AY, TeWHAY AN tUULWmAX ABOW r, K. r Mu IB AY TTnrirTWy "tfi Woodmen of World Meot every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickey, C. 8.; P. L. Frailer, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and pension Insurance; 2, 000,000 pledgod; overy claim paid Good agents wantod. J. II. O, Montgomery, supremo organlror, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secrectary, 546 Stato street. MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jitutni Tunchor ot pi ano; touch, toohnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advancod studoutH prepared for public upponrauco. Rosldonco 653 Conter St. Tol. Main 520. 2-28-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. !i:to.)0 A month and board will ho paid for a good nirm hand, nillip , .Reoso.. Phono 98 Suburban, on JefforHOii road.. 2-28-3t Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave orders at Geo, C. Wills' music storo, Salem. 2- 9-lyr PgYaiCIANa AND HUKOMQNg. Merphlno All drug and Ue.er habits, whlck ke curee In 3 days, No money until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Ore. Pkeae 568. Jena Doyens, BuslneH Manager. OSnWPAWbS, Dr. H. H. White Graduate et Kirks vlllo, Mo., under founder of O teopathy. Reom 31, Breyman building. Commercial street. Phono 87. Residonco 589 comer Mill and Twonty-ilrst Sts. Phone 1219. Treats aeute and earonW diseases. Kxamlnattoa free. 11-17-tf PLUM81KJI. Thee. M. lUrr Plumbing, hot water nnd steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phone Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Petiel Plumbing, sterna aa gas fitting. SuceeMor te Knox li Murphy, 226 Coumorolal atreet, 'Phouo Mata 17. DMAYMBN. It, O. CuiiuiiIhs SuccosBor to White Cummins, express, dollvory and transfor line. Prompt service is our motto. Furnlturo nnd piano moving a spocialty. Stand at 151 South Commorolal street. Phone 175. Rosldonco phono 908, 8-4-tt dASII AND DOOR rAOTORXM. Frank M. Browa-Manuiacturer o aab, diors, mouldings. All kiada e house finish and bard wood work. Front etreet, bet. State and Court, WANTBD, A. M. Bwwell Weaver ot portiers, rag carpets aad rugs, old lagrala cantata made late rugs any slxe de sired, ako rugs and carpets for sale, la sthool ream of reateeeetal church, 194 South Twelfth street, Salem, Oregoa. 2-l-3w Ceaerete Werk. Get y arleea ea sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and ceaeat work et any kiad. All work guaranteed Urst-claw. M Ward, Higklaad add. Phone 669, 3-11-tf DUTTCRNUT BREAD It Is wertk mere taaa aay other ttreaal, yet the arlee U no klgker. Ker sale at year grecer'a. CALIPOKNIA NAKHRY. Themaa k. Ceetey, Preps. .tt A wetusereui nae wisiw, lietiors aad elgart. We handle the celebrated Kellegg and CaAtle wkUklee, Coel aad refreshing beer eoasUatly on drougb. Seatb Commerolal street 9--lyr Dn-AsmaklHg Plain or fancy dress making done by Portland lady of cxporlonce. Mrs. A. N. Munsoy, 356 Soveutoenth street. Phono 1171. 2-27'lwk y .,' '"""" ' 'Vissssgs tW P9aW 1 iW tPaJIP "asajpsai VanliWI Wi 1 III f I lAAtftf Hmifi ItiiMda ""- w jmi uwi j uiuu uuinoai weight 1400 pounds and upward. J. Conner, Willamette hotel, 1-28-tf Help Wanted. -A dozen good mon for work in nursory. O. F. Lans ing, Quaker Nursorles, on Garden road. Phono 666. 2-22-t Ii Urged Qur meat market on East State street has been doubled In site aad we are better prepared than ever ta serve customers, Prompt serrtee aad the beet of meats eur motto. Call or phoae 199, B, K. Edwards, Prep, Wanted. Stenographlo position by young woman wishing to maker change the Jlrat of April. S-lx years' exyerie&ee. Excellent ref erence. Address "Stenographer," caro Capital Journal. 2-19-lu Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel for morcaatlle house of large cap ital. Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used as headquarters. Weekly salary ot 11009 per year aad ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Ore. 2-19-lm SALEM WATER COMPANY orrxoB oxty xaxl. For water serrlse ts!y at emee. lUllf payable moaikjy ha advaao Make all eaaplalads at ttie ease. HOiiirrrn'H rvCK j WwiUnel I Wi tlsjmwVe) A Bur UsUUit kt Dm TmiU. XHsa 04m Italia aa4 Sm4 VIk. A ip-rrta far CouU(iMi0, IdMviHh. Llm mi KUiw TrotiU. hwjJ. PJeMM. lmup Wloo-J VmA rnth. Wttwl. Wool. Jktt oJ Vtckch. H.,0, !ky JtoiintaloTw I" l form. M cou ln. Orouioi jwnti f LKH NUQ0TS F0K SAIL9W WOf.-' 2u32S57 t&M&i IVi i rjl 4 ;