Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 01, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    T '
f im 1 1 m h i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 1 n i n m 1 1
Tlio bacillus of tuberculoid Mnrtn tiilier-clcs In the lung. Tliewe
rnsefy, wfln unci are ejected from tin- limit ' coiinhlii A dry
cough lll spniy the nlr nil of thcw germ; n iwwe cough will lie
poult the Npiitiim on tho nltlciviiIkH, where It will dry, be trodden to
powder, whirl tl nlMiut In the wind for healthy people to breathe,
mid m lrt up ' plantation of thwo bacilli. Dr. Knopf wiy
thai nn advanced rase of coiiMiiupllnii will ojt. about hovcn bil
lions of these germs every twenty-four bourn.
It Is murderous prutitlre to spit whero others limy bring the
Infection Into tlio house, on lio or skirts, wbero It limy dry and
lteconio a powder, to lw went Into tlio nlr and breathed Into tlio
lungs. If tlio lungs nrw noro from colds or any oilier cause, these
gvrms sett lu.on tlio wire spot and net lip what Is culled a "mixed
Infection." TbN In the starting point of consumption, and prompt
treatment Is required.
Ait eminent authority on lung trouble advises the use of the fol
lowing simple formula, which can bo secured from nny good pre
scription druggist at small cest: Half ounce Vlritlu Oil of Pine
(I'ure), two ounceH of Glyccrlno and rt half pint of good Whisky.
Jlllx and iiso In teHspwiiiful dam every four hour.
It Is wild that the mixture, will break up a cold In twenty-four
bourn, and euro nny cough that 1m curable. The Ingredients should
Imi pHre, and to avoid nub-dilute, they should lie purchased xepur
Htely and mixed In tho homo of the patient The Virgin Oil of 1'lne
(I'Hro) should lie purchased In tho original half-ounce vials, put
up for drtiKKlntrt dispense. ICach vial Is securely wealed In a
round wooden rune, with tlio iin'ine Virgin Oil of 1'lne (I'ure)
Kiwranteed under tho Food and Drugs Act on Juno l, J 1)00, serial
iiHiuber tat, prepaid only by Ieach Chemical Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio plainly printed thereon. There are many rank ImltatloiiH of
Virgin Oil of I'luo (I'ure), which am put out under similar names
mid stylo of package. Never accept these us n substitute for
(bo l'uro Virgin Oil of I'lne, iin they will Invariably produce nausea
nnd never effect the desired result.
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 m m 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 ih n n m m h i h m 1 1 1 m 1 1
ular lntorvals for services; fixed reg
ular wagoa, aB by the year, quartor
or month, etc."
Attorney Gonoral Crawford, when
asked for his vIcwb Judging from
tlio wording of tho act, gavo as his
opinion that tho new officials would
only bo authorized to rocolvo the con
stitutionally provided amount
J2000, and, UiIb bolng the qaso and
both of tho appointee onjoylng prac
tices which nets thorn a revenue far
In oxcess of this amount, It Is- doubt
ful If they will accept the positions
If tlio strict letter of the constitution
Ib obsorvod and Insisted upon by
the secretary of state when ho conies
to auditing tholr claims and Issuing
wnrrnntB. Furthermore tho act
which croatos tho ofllcos provides
that tho cotnmliMlonars are to bo pnld
In the same manner In whloh n judge
of tho court Ib paid but falls to mnko
nn appropriation for tho additional
oxponso nnd It Is doubtful If tho
atnto troaBiiror will tako tho author-
It Itv imon hlmsolf to honor tholr wnr-
4'rnnto ntirilllll tllOV llO iKHIind.
No Provision Made for New
Supreme Court Commissioners
If tho two newly created ami np
jtelnted commissioners of tho Bit
promo court, W. T. Hlntor, of Halom,
and Will 11. King, of Ontario, ac
cepted tholr positions with tho Idea
that they woro to recolvo tho samo
unlary tuul nddltlonnl compensation
received by tho regular Justices of
tho supremo court, aggregating
14600 pur annum, oaoh. thoy will
probably ho doomed to disappoint
ment when Uioy call upon the secre
tary of statu to recolvo tholr war
rant n.
Tho constitution, article 13, spo
ctllcally provldos that wioli Justlau
of tho supremo court, shall receive
nn nununl salary of IS000 and no ad
ditional foes, umolumonts or per
qulsltes and any other sum allowed
tho now comiuWutouurB would he In
direct violation of tho fumlnmuntitt
law of tho state. Ami It nil huppuus
because of tho omission of tho word
"compensation" from the clause of
tho not which provide that they
ah all receive, a "salary" equal tho
"salary" of n Judge of said court,
In order Hint they bo entitled to
Dhicrliiiliiutlon Suits. .
Ilaltlmoro, Fob. 28. Tho actions
at tho suit of tho Pltcolrn Coal com
pany, of West Vlrginln, against tho
Ilnltlmoro nnd Ohio nnd tho Penn
sylvania railroads to compel tho
roadB to glvo It and other Independ
ent shippers on tho Monongnhola
section thonllotmont of enrs they ask
for, came up for hearing In tho Unl-
'tod StntoB circuit court today. The
I plaintiffs allege thnt tho railroad
discriminated In favor of tho Fair
mont Coal compnny, tho CoiiHolId
Coal company, the DnvlB Coko and
Conl company, nnd tho Maryland
Coko & Coal compnny. Tho dofond
1 tints In tholr answer Btato that their
mothods of distributing enrs was
folr. When tho Fairmont compnny
tho nddltlonnl pay recolvod by tho w 'ormod It bought about ninety
Justices of tho suiiroino court thlM1!'""" cent of tho mlneH of West Vlr-
arllclo of tho constitution will hnvo'Klnln, thoroforo It controlled 90 por
to ho ntnonded and no provision forwent of tho output nnd wns entitled
this wan innda by tho legislature and , t0 00 I'or cont of tu0 cnro- Now
cannot como before tho peaplo at tho ,nofl woro opened, until now It con
mat general oloctlon, oxcopt by In- tro'8 on 00 l,op cont of tho outUlt
vokluir tho Inltlntlvo. Tho Justices , "'"l B' only CO por cont of tho
Often The Kidneys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy KUnejs Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
Urinary and bladder troubles were to be
but now modem
science proves that
nearly all diseases
have their beginning
in the disorder of
these most important
The kidneys filter
and purify the blood
that is their work.
.. ...i.... vniirkiiluevsureweai:
or o t o orcle . o can understand hou
Soldkl yoS eVitle Inxly is affec ted land
?,ow every organ teems to fail to do its
duty. . , .. ,. i,-,1l II 1,,rin
If you are sicii or i' "u" v "&
tnk hiK the great kidney remedy, Dr.
KSfr'sS.nip-Root because as soon
ns your kidneys arc they will helj
II the other organs to health. A Uiai
will convince anyone. .
If you arc sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring your kidneys
The mild nnd the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Snamp-Root, the great
,.i.i ......mIv. in soon realized. It
fcUmds the highest fr its wonderful cures
of the most ifistresstng cases, and is sold
on its merits y nil
druggit in fifty-cent
nnd onctlolUr sic
iKittles. You may
.n,-n n enllinlc liOttlc tlnmncf DirUDD-noOt.
by mail free, alw a pamphlet telling you
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iling
Immton, N. Y. Don't make nny mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, IHngliamton, N. Y. , on every bottle.
Is. -ft
of tho nupromo court recolvo $2500
extra pay by vlrtuo of an act of tho
loglslaturo of 1003, which, In order
to technically ovado tho constitution-
cnrB. Kvldonco Ib bolng given.
Cured Luinlwigo.
. II, Canmnn, Chicago, wrltos
al restriction, directed tho court to Mnr. 4, 1003. "Having boon troubled
hold two Bosslons at Pendleton, in with Lumbago, at different times and
May and Novombor, und, In consider
ation for such nddltlonnl duties "and
oxpoiiBCH Incldont thereto" nn addi
tional "compensation" of $2500 por
annum was allowed! hut It Is not to
ho construed as n part of tholr sal
urloB. This act, too, In n technical
sense, Ib a violation of tho constitu
tion, nccordlng to tho opinions of uy r. j, pry
divert legal nuthnmleH, but It will
probably novor bo attaokod because
tho momberB of tho bar would hardly
hava tho temerity to tako tho ques
tion to tho Miipromo court for decision.
tried ono physician after another,
then dlfforont olntmentu and lini
ments, gavu It up altogether. So I
tried once moro, nnd got a bottlo of
UnUurd'fl Snow I.Inlmont, which gnvo
mo almost lustnut rollof. I can cheer
fully reclmmond It, nnd will add my
namo to your list of BUfforors." Sold
llarrluuui Oet New Line
KniiBaB City, Mnrch 1. The Union
Paoltlc today took over the Kansas
City, Oklahoma & Unit through Its
transfer to tho Missouri Hlvor &
Tho auostlon simply routs upon tho (lulf, a subsldnry lino. Tho change
liiturprotnUon of thu two words 1 oqulvnlont to a consolidation. It
"eomponsatlon" and "salary" from ,H n Projected lino doslgned to ox-
tjtmt frim it U'ntisum btnf u Mtiit ilun
dictionary, whloh Is a recognUed 1c S i ' ft nl "j
gal authority by all courts, gives the
legal dullnltlon of tho ward "com
pensation" as "Uiat whloh constitu
tes, or Is regarded as, nn equivalent:
that which makes good tho lack or
variation of something else," and
Territory to Houston. Connection
Is to bo made with the Union Paalflo
at Kansas City, Kan., and reach
Denlson, Tox., by n route -ISO mlliw
long. There Is to be a Junction with
tho Hnrrlmnn Texns system and n
Too much cnro can not bo taken In
tho selection of your flooring nnd
colling lumber, nnd as you know, wo
aro ready to fill tho largestas well
as tho sinnllcBt orders promptly with
tho best.
Phono 52 Main.
"a reoomponso or reward for somo urauch to Shrevoport, l.n
loss or service." Tho snmo author
ity detlnes "salary" as "tho rocom
ponsu or consideration paid; or stip
ulated to ho paid to a portion at reg-
Kidney Tnubl Attack Hnleiu Men
nnd Woiueii, Old and Young.
j Staple Dry
Goods Bargains j
' " ' - "
Corset Cover Embroidery, ysrd .............. , , ,85o
Ualuty Kmbrolderlca and Insortlon at 3a a yard and up.
Corsets, job lots, each ,, ,,.l9o
Hoys' Kueo Pants, pair , .....36e
Men's Mack ud White Twilled Overshirts, esch. 40o
Ijidlcs' Union SmIU. ach. ......,,, ............ ,,,,.... 45c
11.00 Wrappers, each , ..,,, ..,,. 63c
11.3d Wrappers, each ....,....,,,,, .......... ....... .75c
lOo doten &tfr(y pins, doiu t.... 3o
Small slip BAfety Pin, dosen .... , lo
Pins, paper j0
HeAvey Oray Hose, pair 10q
fjidles4 witr slio 11.00 Unlou 8ulU for, suit ,.T5c
Men's Cotton Drawers, special, pair .... 35c
Udles Ureas Skirls, good value, nt f . . . , 31.35
0c Outlnn Flanuel, yard ........ 7 He
Jood Fast Color Calico, yard ... ..,...,...60
8 our Ic, 3c, 5c and lOo assortments.
,,"SS i 11 1 in 1 11 1 i
iRostein &
Kidney Ills selto young and old.
Como ipitokly with little warutng.
Children suffer la tholr early
Can't control tho kidney score,
Girls aro languid, nervous, suffer
j Women worry, can't do dally work.
Men tiava tame and aching backs.
Tho euro for wan, woman or child.
Is to euro tho cause tho kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills euro sick kid
neys Cure all forms of kidney suffering
Balem testimony proves It.
William Stansell, of 250 Cottage
St., Balem, Oro., says: "For live or
six years kidney complaint and back
ache bothonvl uio. It was never bad
enough to lay me up but there vere
few times when I did not feel It stilt
there and I suffered a lot from tho
persistent aching over and through
the kidneys and from other symp
toms of kidney trouble. I was never
able to find anything to give me nny
permanent bonefU until 1 procured
Doan's Kidney Villa at Dr. Stone's
drug store. The effects of this rem
edy were 10 gratifying that I am
glad to let others know my satisfac
tory experience with your medicine,"
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents, Foster-MUburn Co., HusTalo,
New York, sole agents for tho Uni
ted States,
RaRiber tho name Doaat and
Uk m oilm.
Spent wisely Is tho sourco of much
satisfaction. Why not spend a little
of It wlsoly now buying groceries ol
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
8nccwsoni to lUrrltt & Xivrrencs
Two doors south of
Bush's Bank
Open Day and Night
The bst of everything.
Clean and quick service.
Salem Fence Wire
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Hop Wire. Darb Wlro. Poultrr
Netting, rickets, CUtes, Shingles and
i & B. Ready Roiflng.
All at lowest prices.
Walter Morley
250 Court St Salem. Or
f - w
Good Buys
in Real Estate
Buy Real Estate before tho Bar
gains are gone. Here are, theso are
Four good building lots will ex
change for n horse and buggy or will
soil on tho lnstnllernnt plan. Terms
to suit.
Six room house, 2 blocks from car
line; barn and fruit. EaBy payments.
Price $750.
Five room cottage, modern wood
shed, two lots 75x150, located near
car line and school. Fine location
Prlco ?1G50.
You should boo this placo before
you buy. Eight room modern houso
put up with tho very best of mater
ial on street car lino; good bnrn nnd
lot 142x240; good lawn;, plenty of
shrubbory. Prlco sco Radcllff Co.
Nino room houso, plaBtored, clos
ets, pantry, basement, soptlo tank,
barn 2Cx34, woodshed 18x22. This
placo Is three blocks from court
house. Prlco $2G25.
Eight room house on enr lino, all
modern, comont walks, bentlful oak
shndp, good barn, flno location, a
bargain at $2250.
Wo havo n beautiful 10 ncro tract
nenr tho city, fruit nnd tho beet of
Improvements. You should boo this.
Hero Is a snnp, 7 acres nil in culti
vation, new cottage, lnrgo woodshed,
ham 24x38, chicken houso, fruit,
Bhort dlstnnco from Snlem. Prlco
for 30 days nt $1200.
Ton ncros all In cultivation, good
fivo room house, barn and woodshed,
good mixed fruit, woll fenced, 7 acres
In oats, 2 miles from Snlom. Prlco
Ono hundred ncros, 3 Vt miles from
Salem, 70 ncros In cultivation, bnl
nnco In pnaturo nnd good timber; 7
wood shed, chicken house, "two
wells, 30 Royal Ann cherries, 1
ncro of npplos and other small fruit,
fonccs mostly wire, ono team, ono
cow, sot of buggy harness, hnrrow,
culttvntor nnd plow. Prlco $87.50
por ncro, or will trndo for city prop
erty. Eighty ncros, G7 In cultivation, 13
In pasturo nnd tlmbor, 30 acres In
wheat nnd cheat, 7 acres In clover;
5 room house, good bnrn nnd gran
ary; 4 horses, G head of cattlo, hogs,
chickens; 2 wagons, 3 Bets of har
ness, nil Implements, hay, grain, otc.
Prlco $8000.
Sovornl houses for rent. Cal if
you want anything In Insuranco or
notnry work.
Reliable Agents
Room 11, Moores Block, Salem, Or.
Roferenco, nny bank or business
houso In tho city of Salem.
Woolen Blanrw
Tho heavy ones that?,
uses during the ,....! ca-
clothing, are awkCl
uanaio at home. vt. "fl!
to the laundrv ,.. :. n-it
lng? "ut'Ni
You'll not only liT8TBn
of hard work. h "AtU
returned to vn., u . .wlllTtl
tban If you tried 0 SH
home. u4ttJ
We make them tlMBf.
fluffier, and do net .SjV
truth of the matter 1 T
man who will MM. ',uatl
blankot from ti,. b.V. - U
dry, and a homo Mht '"1
not holn hni ...l. ri
The homo uu "V4
streaked, feel sUckyjook
Btnell badly, wwt. .1. "
tho lnundrv win 1... a
swoet nnd fluffy. yJ,
work. ' "
Phono 25. inn., nfl 0 : ".
little iio-pi:i:i
But no ono need worry abottut
this tlmo of tho year, It tbtimd
dainty nnd delicious Sprint IuM
nn appetizing and nourliMi(S
mor monl. Wo have eTerjtil
cholco meats, and all the i6
of tho season In both (rttk
Btnokod meats that wlllplda:!
most critical epicure.
19. O. CHOW,
SUto Street Market ftmi
Wild Rose
This Is our high grado brand
of flour suitablo for all pur
poses. Out of It you can mnko
tho lightest loaf bread and also
th finest pastry. It la giving
better satisfaction than over
this yonr and Is without a
doubt tho best family flour on
tho market.
Olvo It a trial when you want
flour again. "
At All Grocers
tho highest award -to our tm
broad, pies, rolls, cai5i
'nnnnrnlll' And With reUOt I
J nothing better baked thUl
ductB from flour learwi
n.. iiini In aure the
ngroes with the hotuewtti'H
..! n.no (mm IDS
O. llle,rf-
267 CommercUrf St. I
Pfwnc 179 I
Cash Purchasers of
Eggs, and
All Farm Produce.
Tfec Fashion Stables
ftfwcis Mass4Hia MsMms.
T7jrv4a4 Uvtrj u) m Uh
JW1 taimt. a Mr, aMr
U r fimim art ssssuUaq. ft,,,
f trt M Kg sjiZ7
Orasr a package of tats
famous healtk and train
buUdIng lour and eajoy
some good old tashloaed
New Bagku4 Brawa
Bread. A ckaae at a
right hot loaf will suke
you think yon at ta
Boston. WHk AkW
Slf-rislBK B. B. . FTowr
yon can make bre4 t
like the Puritans used te
S Piwcake Ftowr
li also a pure food; self
rising and all ready te
aix wltk water and Wke
on a hot rid4l.
raesr, tu 3
Jioyt XH
Wri Jassta,
T&e ason -f
j .ihin 11 m "- . a
I BOUSQ uu m- fi
your plumbing n
there Is i,nJJi
range or ".m
pipes or gas pip--R)i
.,i.neod men to i'
a t T7RAS
9M Wl"
Km. O tfffJrZT-"
wmmmmmmz l