DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SIAItCII 1, 1007. fcgft SS0ELAi5ENI CHOLS PERIODS OF PAIN While no womnn is entirely free from periodic suffering', it does not Bcera to bo tho plan of nature thut women should suffer so severely. Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that something is wrong which should be set right or it will lend to serious derangement of the feminine organism. Thousands of women, have, found relief from nil periodic suf fering by taking Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native roots and herbs, as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. It cures tfio condition which causes so much discomfort and robs (lie terrors women wno arc irouoieu wun painiui or lr lb,t period ' ,"s gh0U'a take immodlatc action to ward off the serious rcTU.ai i ..Mt,nwi tn tumuli una KLruuLTLii uv Luiunir hS.'Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ... Aolnldn Nichols of 334 "West 22nd Street, Hew iorlc Ulty, Miss Adelaide "'.,. womcn who suffer would only relv .. .iuai Air, i in n ----- ... . . . . . . Trriies. ; T'i.jiams Vegetable Compound their troubles would be .ocaLydiaB, lmKnta,?V,, ., n,iiV,l fr ilin r,...f nnd health qaWdr. "' lV?l brought tome by your inestimable remedy." wbicn n u" . . rfl vegotable Compound cures Female Complaihts J?Z ; MHnir and Displacements, and Organic uisenses. uenuae ,e. KS!ol!rStfl of the ms of either' sex Ll akbam's VegctaDic bompouuu v. .Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women SPEAKER DAYEY REPLIES Says He Had No Interest in the Monnniitr -Drain Nor mal Bill . suffering from any iorm oi icmiuu wcunnesa uru mtuiu lo Mrs i PInlchnmfnt Lynn.Mass.From the symptoms given, the i troublo '. ' . in.. .,tl,.Et nnA oiiroit vn.v of rncnvnrv ndviscd. bclocatcu anu wic iuivn" j iAYOR RODGERS VETOES . . k n uromance 10 naiae Li cense Fees of Insurance Companies to the Honorable Common Council cf tho City of Salem: "Toor ordlnanco Incronslng tho 11- sw fee for flro insurance ngents il cttablishlog a foo for life, acci- ist, marine, surety nnd plnto glass iitrinco agents doing business In L!m 1 return herewith my veto be Tint, It attempts to includo too cay classes of insurance undor tho 1st flat feo of $50 per annum. In kv ot the small amount of busl- writt n by suroty nnd plato Insuranco agents In Salem nn license feo ot $50 would, in V Judgment, forco the withdrawal ijencles here nnd roqulro thnt m ct business to be written olso- tttt thus depriving of their com- s!c:j c ..r i itiz. ns now engaged In lit ti 20 of imMneM; likewise do it cit of any license fee tTfr from this source. Thu a may bo said of accident lnsur- lt e- ms proper that tho city MM derive some revonuo from in- agncies of this character. Wt now pay no license fee, but should be cnlctilntod to keep tho business, howovcr Bmnll It may be, with our own people. "Second, ench flro Insurance agent now doing business in Salem is re quired to pay annunlly $18 for onch nnd overy company ho roprosents. To Incronse this nmount to $50 would roeult Jin taxing indirectly ev ery resident of Snlom who pays for flro Insurnnco. Tho history of ov ory axcossivc liconso requirement thnt has como to my notlco hns beon , ouo of rotnllatlon on tho pnrt of the Insurnnco underwriters in an In crease of Insuranco rntos to moot tho tax. "I realize thnt tho greater part of nil lnBurnnco premiums go to corpor ations outside of tho city, but, at tho samo time, wo must hnvo tho pro tection they afford, nnd should not add to tho cost of thnt protection In ordor thnt our treasury might be tho gainer thereby. "GEORGE RODGEUS, Mayor." r thirg Iirltuln's Oldest Inhabitant. Edinburgh, Fob. 28. John Grlovo n jintlvo of Ilorochllly, Glenquolch, la Glengarry, Is celebrating his JlOTth birthday todny. Ho is n shophord, halo nnd hearty, and greatly enjoys his "Woo drnp" punch nnd his plpo of tobacco. Ho lives very simply, mostly on ontmoal nnd milk, nnd sol do in oats moat. Ho still wears tho kilt which ho purchased 14 yonrs ago nnd could novtn bo porsunded to dpn tho orthodox trousors. Ho marrlod in 1822 nnd threo of his fourteen children. survive. Sir Androw Thompson, tho famous physician, who Is n porsonnl frlond of tho. old mnn, Btntos that ho Is physically per fect nnd may, with enro, attain tho ago of 125 years. Speaker Davsy was naturally wrought up at the severity ot the ve to message handed In by Governor Chamberlain Thursday, nnd it wits the political sensation of the session. Before printing Spenkor Dnvey's ex planation of his action- In reply to the governor, The Journal wishes to sny what it has said before, thnt there Is no evidence whatever thn) thpre was any corrupt motive nctunt- Ing tho speaker or nny member of the house In doing what ho did. Mr. Davoy used no concealment whotcv- (cr In tho stops ho took nt any time, i. naay evening or Saturday morn ing, nnd seemed to think ho Was do ing what was right undor tho cir cumstances. It was an orror of Judg ment, if nny, to tako tho flnnl voto tho wa ylt wns done. Tho reporter seemed to think ho wns reporting a mntter thnt. wns porfoctly straight nnd correct. Of course, Governor Chnmborlaln has n porfect right to quoto thnt roport from tho paper Mr. rjavey Is connected with, and the report is not disownod or denied by Mr. Davoy. Tho wholo leglslnturo laid Itself opon to consuro by tho cnrolosB dls rogard of parliamentary usngo man If os tod nt timos. Dut tho sins of tho wholo leglslnturo should not bo vIb ltod on tho head of Mr. Davoy. Still, ns tho pcoplo grow mora Intelligent they nro going to demand higher standards ot tho men who nro placed in positions to represent thorn and Bpcak for them. Tho leglslnturo Just adjourned broke the record for passing bills without rending them, and many roll callB wero tnkon whore it was almost imposslblo to discov er that n slnglo individual voted one way or tho other. Let thoso who will flatter tho legislature. Somo one should toll thorn tho truth plainly about their practices, that border on tho illegal and vicious. Dut, to ro-, turn to Mr. Davoy's reply to tho "I WAS AN INVALID." "Doctors Said That I Would Die, Cooper's New Discovery Cured Me. T w a. YOU WHO SUFFER REAI THIS LETTER The Cooper Medicine Company; Gentlemen I write to tell you the wonderful results that I h.ivc obtained from the use of the Cooper medi cines. For five years I was an invalid suffering- from a severe affection of the bowels. I was operated upon by skilled physicians five timos iu three years without any success and was given up to die. My weight dropped from 164 pounds to 100. I had heard so much of Cooper's New Discovery and Quick Kcllef but must ad mit I had but little faith in them. I decided however to give them a trial. The result was that in two weeks I was able to be out walking around. I continued the treatment until I was entirely well and now weigh 169 pounds. I cannot thank Mr. Cooper enough for his wonderful medicines. Signed: ZELMA MURPHY, 1719 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. Sinn $Jlffr5ncJ ld ftt4 Wtl A few bottles of these Marvelous DlscoverlM win ,, .r , . 7 w tw strengthen your stomach so that it can nronerlv digest your food. Undigested food ferments nnd causes gas on the stomach which poisons the entire system. Cooper's New Discovery makes rich pure blood. It nourishes and heals every organ of the body START TODAY AND BE WELL A DAY SOONER fif?y ccuu". NYpi?cangc?thcCmOff0r "C dllar bUIC' flV a0"n' CooPc,,, Qulck Rc"' H J. C PERRY gavel rnlBed,' ready to announco tho voto, and wero not on account of any caro on my part au to tho fata ot tho bill, in which I folt no personal in- governor, wheh, wo trust, will close t0l"08t wlmtovor. of nn auction, nnd copies tho re- Klch Tiny Saturday Night. Kovndn. Two partners, Cnlol) cltal of the newspaper reporter in One of tho most important amuse- Swan nnd Asia Illco, upon tho death support of his stntomont, mont ovonts on tho acnBon's calendnr of their old frlond, William Kent. "Tho renl truth is, ns can bo Bub- Is announced for Saturday night take It upon thomKelvcs to caro for Btantlnted by tho clerks of tho houso, when George M. Cohan's blggost Ms property, which consists of nnd by members, that my romarks buccoss "Korty-llvo Minutes from vnlunhlo gold mlno. This thoy do In as to tho number of votcH wero in' re- Broadway" will bo presented at tho the Interest of tholr old frlendX sponso to questions from vnrlouB Grand opera houso. This attrnctlon ' daughter, who Is way back In Ton parts of the houso, as I stood 'with cornea under tho managerial bnnnor ncsaoe. Tho girl wns named by hor of Khiw &. Elangor, wheh lendB to it fnthor after tho stnto In which sho tho prcstlgo ot this great theatrical lives. Thu fnthor and daughter love this Incident: Speaker Davey Replies. "Tho govornor of thlB Btnto soos fit to attack mo In a most unwarrant ed and unhonrd of mannor in his voto of tho normnl school bill, baB ing his attack upon a nowspaper ro portor's account of a clroiiniRtanco, and tho governor's studlod nnd in toutionnl misconception ot thnt ac count, In the face of his porsonal knowlcdgo ns to tho actual facts which occurred. Ho assorts thnt I, as speaker of tho houso, called for votos for tho bill, aftor tho mannor Lard is no respecter , 0ne on s S11 earth can eat nourishing and healthful qualities of M-soaked food day after day and not Cottolene. Even pie, that nightmare of its ill effects eventually. You may dyspeptics, becomes easily digestible when ,! one those iron-clad stomachs made with Cottolene, How many people aich Will nrn. m, . .. ...,! ,j - "As to tho correctness of my ac tion In reversing at tho earliest pos sible momont tho erroneous declara tion thnt tho hill hnd pnssod, nnd nn to tho prococditro Immediately fol lowing, In tho verification of tho roll call, nnd nllowlng n mombor to ehnngo his voto before n final and correct doclnrntlon, I hnve tho sane tlon of tho nttornoy-gonoral of this stato and ' tho dictates of common senso, both of which I consider su perior to tho roasonlug of tho govor nor In his prosont stato of mind, wherein angor, chagrin nnd disap pointment are tho ruling powors." prove unsusceptible for a time, can eat lard-laden pie? X . uuiiuo , og-fat and its accompanying Ask your regular grocer for a pail of soaoiuty vail do its work sooner or Cottolene and start tomorrow on the way 7 It is an absolute fact that lard to "lardless cookery." It will insure both tttr., .. . 6-. " mw " jrw-w . jrwv .j, .. .w-, "Tul lor uie human stomach. Cottolene, on the other hand, is made JT Pare, refined cotton seed oil a Tt of nature which is thoroughly digestible ad healthful No rWiWe, better digestion and better health. Cottolene shortens your food and lengthens your life. Try it according to directions for a few weeks and you'll jj o isu ueaimim. jno jew weeKs ana youu slorttning contains the digestible, never go back to lard. CfYTrwi . HuT"11" nud a GRAND PRIZE (kiUt rZZmtlZ) V9r " ceekin fats at tkm COTTOLENE MotlMr GRAND PRIZE. rj 'Mn" A 390 JWm rW. Af Z ''.f " t m2 mat Kmw, if M mf , mj? Wt W HVp7 m l "" rmftmk Campmmy, CMMf. wwa. mL. f ariflH. 1 fee, Gift from the Sunny Sputa Halo of SautoH Diimont'H Airship Now York, March 1. Tho aalo will tako place In tho custom houso this afternoon of tho airship which Santos Dumont exhibited at tho St. Louis exhibition In 190-1. Ah Ib cub- tomnry with exhibits of this kind, n bond was deposited with tho custom authorities whereby tho muchlno was granted free entry for a poriod ot six months, at tho expiration of which tlmo it was assumod tho ship would bo returned to Franco. Such, however, was not tho caso, and for somo reasons unknown to tho cus tom officials tho ship was stored in a warohouBO in St. Louis at tho close of tho exhibition. It remained there until last week, when It was forward ed to this city, consigned to the seizure room at tho appraisers ware house as abandoned merchandise It Is expected that tho machine will bo purchased by somo of tho members of tho Aero club, ' a Mexican OofTro Crop. Vera Cruz, Mot., March 1. Tho work of gathorlng tho coffee crop in this country is now in full operation and most of it will ha gathered be fore tho end of tho coming week. According to roports the crop will bo a good average one, but It will bo another month yet before accur ate" figures can bo given In regard to tho number of bags harvested, Tho price of Mexican coffee will bo in fluence to a considerable extent by prices that Brazilian coffeo will bring in the New York market. ColuuioNqiio (ItoriiN, with "15 Mini ton from Ilruuihuty." firm. It hI unifies u cast of proml oach other dearly, but aftpr tho nonce and a production that will death or thu father the friends, who leavo nothing to bo doslred. Tho do not wish to cAusu tho girl any company Is ono of tho largost and sorrow, keep writing letters to hor most expensive organizations on tour as If from hor fnthor. Hut sho bo thts senson. Its cast of principals 'comes Impatient to see him, and mi ls headed by Corinne, whoso prop- expected ly appears In thu mining Would 8tf OerrywuHder. Ono member from each county U sufficient representation In tbo Ore Kob stato senate. Boost- the matter along aa4 sW la fcavta ta rpnor tksat 4. Awi UU, Inrlty Is unbounded. There Is tho usual attractive nnd lively Cohunos quo ensemble and sevornl of the groatost song hits this popular young man has ever composed, notably fain oils of which are: "Ho Long Mary," "A Popular Millionaire." "Only 45 Mlnutos from Droudway and "Mary Is a Grand Old Namo." In writing this play Mr. Cohan has 'departed from his usual flold and stage a play abounding utent, pathos, dramatlo and fetching climaxes. Combined with tho usual musical background It has resulted Id an outertalnmept that will undoubtedly provo a last ing monument to tho KonUin of this young writer, whose witty lines and Cohanism have already Invaded threo continents and evoked laughter and comment wherever tho English lan guage is spoken. camp nt Bait Hill, sho having trav eled alone all tho way from Tennes see Sho learns the truth and thou finds lovo and friends lit tho now plnce. This sweet story will ho told by Miss Klsohur mid her company. wl(h Miss FUchor In tho lending rolo. It has beon tho policy of tho Mar garita Fischer Company to only put on plays which are thoroughly moral given tho In character and without n taint of In sontl-1 volyarlty or license, Tho plays thus situations for presented by the company hnvo had a moral to t(jll, as wull as to phnso and entertain. A spoolalty singer nnd dancer liau been, Iu tho person of Mlvw Kthcl Vlllnlr. added to tho strength of tho company. In hor appearanco of tho past week shu has made a very fa vorable and pleasing Impression. "A Girl From Tetiwswe." Tonight tho Margarita Fischer Company, under tho personal direc tion of Harry Dlanchard, will pre sent a four-act comedy drama en titled "A Girl from Tennessee," at tho Kllnger Orand theatre. This play has been selected by Miss Fisch er as In It sho will bo able to pre sent one of her strongest nnd fa- voriio roles. Tho scene Is laid iugold by D. J, Fry. Don't Complain. If your chest pains and yoi uro unable to sleep becauso of a coukIi. Duy a bottle of Uullard's Horohoutul Syrup, nnd you won't hvo any cough. Got a bottle now and that coubb will not last long. A cure for all pulmonary diseases, Mrs. J ., Galveston, Texas, writes; "I can't say enough for Uullard's Horchound Syrup. Tho rollof It has, given roe Is all that Is iecraiiary for. ue to say." A -" iM i z