r o 1U,-" V- -4 -L All OAT1TA WURKAI. SAW O, THURSDAY, FEMtPAnV 28, 100 v -""'' "ill1 ""L LLMMium , -f '- -- MMIIMIilWMHW I GOOD Goods tei&dSon&t GOOD Goods sprTncTreadiness VV AIIK ItKAllY WITH THIS JiAKOKST 8TOOKH AND 1IE8T VAL17KB HOB TUB HI'IIINO HKASOX. AH VHUAh WITH US YOU WIIA l'INI TUB GIIRATK8T A8HOIITMKNT8. ONLY WOItTIIY AND KKMAHMS MKKCIIANWHIS IS TO JIB FOUND IIBIIB. NO MATTHH HOW LOW TUB PRICK, QUALI- TV MUST ni IIIGIIT. IIBNCB OUU CONTINUALLY INCHBAHINO PATHOXAOB. Wach Goods You'll Hnd choosing hero onsy. pleasant mid economical. Wo nro showing what you wnnt nt what you wnnt to pny. Novoltlon nnd oxolimlvcuofms nro tho features of tho gntliorings, nnd somo of tho rnrust combinations of wonvoH colors nml offootH over manufac tured Included. MnUo your selections cmrly ns tho vnrloty 1b bout nt this tlino. bbbcbb mi mil i aBaa Infants' Wear Just Received Just oponod nu oxtonslvo lino Of lnfnnt's wonr tho newest stylos shown for tho llttlo onus All gnrmonts that nro noccsBnry for nn Infnnt can ho found In n vnrloty Inrgo enough to plonso tho mom particular. Prlcos In each Instnnco nro miioh lower thnn you can got cqitul grndo for olsowhoro. Ladies' Suits Of distinctively new effects Thoy nro decidedly dlrforont from tliOHO of tho piiHt fall. Tho pretty light clothH, In chcckH, nilxturoH nnd plain effects, nro groutly In ovldenco, nnd thoy nro vory mnurt nnd droHsy. Tho Hton nnd Jnokot Hult nro horo In n vnrloty to plonso you, Wo nro iiIho show ing n pretty hiiR for tho young Miss which Ib tho boat value you will find anywlioru. $1 1 .85 to $40 ! I Spring Suits Wo nro Bhowlng tho nowost nd vunco Btylua for spring wear. Thoy nro mndo up of tho lntdst fabrics nnd colors. Among tho now onofl Ib tho YALE. Coat Ib 33 Inches long form fitting hack with Bldo plait, no vont, tliroo button vont, trimmed with white nnd braid. Iiuttona on sloovos nro put on diagonally, making n n oat nnd nttrnctlvo suit. Prlcos modoRt. Tomorrow IS KKMNANT DAY. Hhort lengths of MCMMonnhlo nnd lc ppnrinhlo good nt Half Price IMMHHMHMWHgk CITY NEWS 4r "WiWWW wx Mr Tmmt SSSByPsrSWTv WBTWF Koformcd KvHHgcllrNl Horvlceo Sunday avenlng nt 7:30 o'clock, tit tho church, on tho corner t Capital nnd Marlon strcot. Rev. Kchnoullo will preach. All nermnns Invited. Heo Our lMamlvo Line Of linoleum, crockery, wall pnpor, glassware, etc. J. A. Patterson, Commercial street. A TrniimrMir Lewis Col Hum wnii oeWirntlng last nlglit, nnd after sampling nil tho bovarAgos thnt ho could eonvoiil etitly manage ho wan osoortod to tho city ball, where ho left bin remaining thru u inn, bat hnmlkorchlof nnd a number of pencils with "Dee" alb noil, nnd spent tho reit of tllo night In jnll. Tho Judge has not tu yet prescribed for his case, but. JudKlug from tho groans which en me through tho bar thin morning, tho patient hna a vory mo nnd aching head, nnd utter paying about IS Into tho city treasury will buy lumo broma solt er. . Help tho llulldlng Fund And attend tho "Pillar of Klro" nt tho ChrUtlun church Tuesday even ing. MoUiurtlVrry A marriage llcenso hat boon Is ued by Counly Clerk Allen to J. A. Mothow, of tfalcm, agd ST. and Alleo It. Terry, of Haletn, nged 80; O. A. Ilockhlll. witness. Pillar of Fire At tho First Christian church; 25 contH. Knullug Tlmo A groat mnny of tho farmora aro taking advantage of tho good wenth ed to put In their grain nnd farm needs. Owing to tho bad wentbor Innt fall which prevented many from Rowing nt thnt tlmo there Is grentor activity on tho farms nt present. Halem Military Hand At the Auditorium rink tonight. Irfiillfft Aid Hoelrty Meet Tho Udlos' Aid Hooloty of the l'lrst Pnwbytorlnn cburoh will moot Friday afternoon, March 1st, with Mm. Oeorgo J. 1'oaroo, at S o'olook. Kull attondanoo destrod. Itond KximIik And then bear tho Fire," Tuomlny evening. Tlllar of, I'nncy Hunting lly Will T. Curoy at tho Audltorl u in rink every afternoon nnd oven Inic thli. week. Kxhlbltlon after- Tonight In the IjinI Performance Of "MrB. Tomploton'a Tologrnm." Don't miss It If you want to forget your troubles. 0 Double Attraction Will T. Cnroy, tho premier fancy skater nnd tho. Salem Military Hand nt tho Auditorium rink tonight. AdmlHslon, 10c. 8nlemMiulo Paint Tho Oregon Blonnn l'nlnt Company Is vory busy these days at Its factory on Trade street, turning out nil kinds of paint for tho local and Job bing trade. They have out somo very attractive color sheots, nnd nro prepared to furnish tho boat palntB nt tho lowest jrlc. Call nnd wee tlfom boforo buying. Another Fine Dance Olvon Frldny evening, March 1st, nt Tioga hall. Good muslo. Peerless orchestra. At iw Hospital C. V. King, for sovornl yoara bookkeeper for tho Unlfour-Guthrlo Company, of this city, undorwont nu onarntlon for appendicitis yesterday nt tho Salem hospital, and is said lo u recoverinu iiuiu iiu nu;io noons, 3:30; evenings, No advance In prices. 0 o'olook. Ivory nicely F1U From ladder Comrade Long, th well-known worker In tho local corps of tho Sal vation Army, hnd tho misfortune last Tuesday, while pruning trees. In North Halem. to fall from his Udder Circuit Court. Judgo flalloway hold n short pos ition or court this attornoon, and trnnsnoted tho fallowing business: Tho contempt proceedings of T. Fleetwood against A. K. Doll wore settled on stipulation this morning. as Pacific Coast and Willamette River AGATES Wu grind, polish nnd mount ste Just a cheap as you can havtj K dona at Newport, and guaranti t(f action or uo pay. Wring your agates home with you Met tlmo and have them polished t jwy tlwo. ThU will ho a treat convenience Ut public nnd sustain a severe wrench of tho neither party to pny costs, nint. a nlivMiciun was summoned ' Tho anneal of F. P. Talklngton nnd It was found that no bones woro administrator of tho estato of Wrn. broken, but th Injuries are suobl Murray, decease!, ngalnst Kd. Her- thnt it will bo several weeks bofore tho unfortunate man wilt bo able to resunio hts work. CURRENT TOPICS TODAY Prepared for Uio Tublic Schools nnd the Family Circle. ,itm nt 30.000 railroad em ployes is Imminent in tho West. It will be left to n voto of the men. Mrs IluBSCll Sngc has donated $100,000 to establish tho Picrson High School nt Sag Harbor, Maine. A Now York firm has sold 50,000 tons of Bteel rails to the Manchur- Inn rnllroad. Tho Oakland constitutional con vention has voted down having bp arate cars on the rallrondB for n Br0P8 . ... Tho 100th nnnlversnry of tho birth of the poet Longfellow wob celebrated In many cities of New England yesterday. Tho government expects to locnto n mire food laboratory nt Portland. Tho United Statos sonate has votd not to nbandon tho Philippine Islands The Texas Ipgislature hna exoner ated Senntor Balloy from tho chnrgo of having received monoy Impropor iv from tho Standard Oil Compnny. The Southern Pacific railroad is planning to build n high bridge ovor the WJllnmetto river at Oswego. The Portland onion nnd potato markets aro in a very bad way. The United States 'Bonnte this af ternoon passed tho Alnsknn-Yukon-Paclflc exposition bill for a fair at Seattle. Paul Morton and other ofllcorB of tbo Etmllnblo Life In urnnco Com pany were re-olcctod today. . o Clinlrinnn of the Itnllroml Coininls hIoii Talks. riialrninn Cnmpboll of tho Oregon Itnllroml Commission, wob In tho citv todnv Ho snys tho commission will go slow In selecting n secrotnry, ns that position Is vory Important. He says he considers the commission is well equipped with legal and tech nical ability In tho persons of Com missioners Altchlson nnd West, who are both possessed of n gront deal of expert knowledgo, nnd enn seo through n proposition about as quickly ns nnyono In tho Htnto. He ns he hiiB done ovory thing on rnll rondlng, from handling n No. 1 Amos shovel to figuring crosssoctlons In the omco8 of tho onglnoors. Ho Iiiih hnd experlenco with ovory dopnrt mont of contrtictlng and purchasing of mntirlnU, to running sawmills and shipping lumbor nnd tlmbor on n largo scale. Ho was tho choice of tho lumbermen's organization for tho place. Nvd KMclont Secrelnry. "I roallro," said Commissioner Campbell, "that wo need n first class man for secrotnry. Ho will havo to conduct voluminous corre spondence. In my opinion ho should bo n man of somo education, and, besides, havo a practical knowledgo of rato-mnklng nnd classification of frolght. Ho should, It possible bo n mnn who hna grown up In tho rati roa dbuslness. Wo hnvo Bevornl such men In vlow, and will select n mnn who will make tho commission nn ef ficient working body, able to dispatch the public business creditably nnd correctly. We nre aware of tho fact that we shall nut b able to accom plish nil that Is expected of us, and It will take several months to as semble the Information and the foun dation nOcettwrv to get Into good working ordor." Mr. Cnmpboll udmlttod that an effort was mndo to capture the chair manship of tho commission nt Port land, nml, on motion of Mr. West, ho was mndo chairman, by unani mous voto of tho commission. Personals BARK'S JEWELRY STOW MtMdtm Circle Tho Woman's Missionary Circle of tho First llaptlnj; church will hold their quarterly tea nnd annual elec tion of otneors At tho homo of Mrs. 8. It. Vail, US Cottage street, Fri day. March Ut. at 2 o'clock. All Indies of tho congregation nro wel conu Accompany tho Children of Isrnel From tho laud of bondage- at tho First Christian church Tuesday ev ening. Tlu Human Top Seo him spin at the skating rink tonight. Kttfervlitt: Troln 14mlt Salem city official havo a letter from Superintendent U H. Field, saying tho signs r being mado and will bo erected at tho city limits, so that engineer will havo no trouble In knowing when they r In tho city limit, and that the speed limit will bo enforced. Tho pollw ar certain that the railroad oMclalt aro doing all In their power to have the ordi nance compiled with. ron nnd M. K. Decker has boon set for March 12th. at 9 a. m. In thu divorce stilt of Francis M. Drown vs. Kdna, Drown tho nmond od complaint was this morning HUM nnd , tho original withdrawn. SPRING POINTERS Those light, and delightful bis cuits, which are the delight of tho housekeepers'- heart are thj products of Eppky's Perfection Baking Powier Try It and bo convinced. C. M. EPP.LEY ajaiM. Don't Iut Off Until tomorrow what you can do to day. If you are suffering from a torpid liver, or constipation, don't wait until tomorrow to get help. Duy a bottle of Herblne and get that liver working rlcht. Prompt neas about health saves many sick spells. "Mrs. Ida dreaham, Tolnt, Tex., writes: I used Herblne In my family for six years, and 0nd It does al it claims to do." 8old by D. J. Fry. Xotlco to Wtomnn. Again wo aro called on to porform tho last rites over the remains of n true nnd tried comrado. Jacob C Whltmore. of Company I, 72d Ohio volunteer Infantry, and who. owing to his Buffering from paralysis for n scoro or more of years, was unnblo to mingle and associate with bis com rades of tho Civil War. died Wednes day evening. February 27th. Tho funeral will be held at his late resi dence, corner of South Thirteenth and Hlnes streets, two blocks south of tho Yew Park school house, at 2 o'clock p. m , Friday, March 1st. In terment will be In tho Q A. 11. circle City View cemetery. Members of Sedgwick Post aro rclally urged to attend. J. P. RORBUTSON. Cora. D. WEUSTEU. Adjutant. Kvst from tfee MoaafcUoA. Ballard's Bow Liniment Is praised tor tha reo4 It doss. A sure cure for rfctmautWra aad all pains. Wright W. LvvUg, Grand Jututtoa. Cole, wrMM: "I nl SAllard's Saow Lti. met, lat wlW, for rkeomatlesa us4 reeoatsafqU It u Us heet Ustlsaent en the market, I thenght at the ttsae I wa Uken 4ow vltki tMa IrsHkhVe tkt K woU he a VHk W4r I wU aWt, hat naw Hi4b yr Lsntsaini vm tiww J. A. Sellwood went to Portland to day on business. Mrs. A. E. Buoly left today for Tacoma to visit relatives. Mrs. lone Jones, of Washington, Is tho guest of Salem relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albert havo re turned from a visit in Portland. Miss Gertrude Carter Is the guest of Miss Graco Fowler, of Tumor. Mis3 Nettie LIndsey, after n visit bore, has returned to hor homo in Turner. Mrs. N. II. Looney, of tho roforrh school, was vhiting in tho city this morning. Miss Frances Brown, of Miles City, Montana, is tho guest of Sa eom relatives. Mrs. Will Jordan left todny for The Dalles, where she will visit rel atives and friends. EiT. Bell, tho nttendnut at tho asy lum, returned tills morning from Eugene with n patient. Suporlntondent and Mrs. C. Wv Jnmes, of the pcnltontlnry, left thla morning for Portland. Frank Hughes, tho well-known irrnrnrv man. returned today, from n business trip to Portland. Mrs. M. F. Lnntz hns gone to Portland to visit hor slstor, Mrs. R. L. Yoder, for a few dnyB. Miss Grace Apple, who has been the guost of Salem friends, left this morning for her homo In Stnyton. A. J. RIchnrdson, of Stnyton, wns In tho city todny on business, enjoy ing tho best of health and prosperi ty. Mrs. M. E. White, of Scotts Mills, who has boon visiting hor daughtor, Mrs. L. M. Dragor, of this city, loft this morning for hor homo. Albert Elinor, who hns boon visit ing his unclo, J. M. Blglor, will lenvo tonight for San Francisco, on route to Honolulu, whero ho will resldo. Homor Bouly, formorly of this city, who Is in tho government ser vice nt tho Indlnn training school nt Miles. Washington, arrived In tho city Inst ovonlng to visit relatives. w Railroad Commission Aro in the City. Rnllroad Commissioners Altchlson nnd West enmo up from Portlnnd to dny, nnd nro understood to be Btlll undecided ns to tho proper porson for Bocrctnry of tho commission. CommlBcsIonor Cnmpboll says ho hns no cnndldnto, but wnnts tho com mission to tnko plenty of tlmo to find the right kind of n man. It Is undorstood that tho governor con siders tho commission would hnvo boon stronger if there had been n mnn on It of flrst-dnss, nil-round exporlcnco ns n traffic man with rnllroad experience Ho would havo nppolntcd ono such mnn hnd the commission been left to him to ap point. Tho governor now thinks the commission would bo stronger if tho secretary wore n rnilroad man of railroad experience, with n knowl odgo of rates and oporatlon of traf fic In general. Tho rato-mnklng function Itself Is ono of tho hardest problems before tho commission. Cure Piles Before Too Pyramid pji0 ts,, """" ""WC. FsHWw.. I MT IrflA P Eillfi iiflBaHnilaMniBm sssssssl EMsaiBsPTst i sD iH bBnWV&'IssIissH The Famous Old Trusty Incubator Wo aro selling them by the doz on. If you want to mnko Bomo money in tho poultry business, you wnnt to get ono of tho "Old Trusty" lncubntora. Free Trial Our free trial plan makes it nn absolutely safo proposition to you Hens won't always set when you want them to. And It Is tho early chicks that bring tho big prices. Remember that the price Is within tho reach of every one, and they nro sold at bottom prices Clover Seed Our stock Is selected with great caro, and we nro making very low prices. Farm Seed A largo stock of the different field seodB for the farm. Somo choice field peas and vetch seed. Garden Seed in Bulk This Is our great specialty and we certainly make the price low. Compare our prices with somo of tho other dealers and see the cpt we havo made. Our catalogue is free for the asking. Wo know our seeds aro as good and usually better, D, A. WHITE &SON i TOpiSJ Pllo p,,tt l looked upon an operat,r! remedy, but thev w'a u . oven an operation L.1" Operation has eaBo, and the suffer;? ward with shrlnk!n;l00i when tho samo horflbi, 0 bo passed thmu "D70ri Tho Pyramid mfj, Why? Because, it J tho surface, lit?" tho swelling, at0pV J""' heals tho ulcer,, ., .' COsi is none of the form, or S, these little pyramids Jt to rectify. re t0 mo pyramid Pile Cur. i. hospital euro, i, . " X homo There Is no low S3 detention frnm ....,'" used for years and u. ,v 7 of tho profession . .. ? Piles of al, forms m Is no case of pcao 80 '' PvmwII Till-, rt ... ; '" 14,u ro win aolfc uoi, nnu tnero Is no man or too nnnr in cn ili .. . . bKV iuis reuer, ," 1B 4ur Bt' at nil rellatlti gists nt GOc nor hnr .-... for n freo trial package fa l chasing, it will bo lenttouf return mall upon your reqneu. j bonnfldo testimonial of us, vu.wu win 8now you whattiea pyramids really do. "I suffered untold mlHrrfofb months, when my wlfebeKHti send for a GOc box. When It m gono I know I was belter m didn't tnko nny begging to pti to send for n second box. I a I am about well now, bat ill nny symptoms of a return I ffi't dor nt once. Tell all about ti-iii romody for piles." Yours, J. J. 1 Elwco, Honoy drove, Tern B. v, r "P. S. I only used two lows don't think I will need tu as PIIor nf nrtvnn mnnlh'i ktiitit! f Pyramid Pllo Curo Just IfVt tsi sample, In GOc box, at all inm i-jruuiiu uruK iu., oi rjrasuai Marshall, Mich. 0 Prune Growers to Mt I'runo growers or wis tkw will hold n meeting at the city I In Salem next Snturdsy ftrm undor the nusDlces of the Ms Coifnty Horticultural Society f.U purpose of considering a net H of grades proposed by ftw growors. Tho Hoscdale Fw ndoptcd resolutions faroriaj 1 1 by which thero shall be thru m of dried prunos, those la the H slzo or larger, being knwvj "fancy," thoso from 40 to VJ cnlled "medium" nnd the ClttW "smnll." Tho Rosedsle Pl " Hovo thnt under such pw 3 would renllxo more on the fruit. 1 PIED. WIIITMORE. At the 'amdM on Tlilrteenin sireri, -;---Februnry 27, MOT.atIM Jacob Whltmore. 6.7'I Tho funeral wm 00 -- .1 family resldenco tomorrow . r Wliltmoro suffered 9 of paralysis twenty JJf 'i has been unable to wort rrfl death Is the result of ttW" grlppo. Ho leaves four wjjjgj, mm In Portland, a daush ter and Mra. Hnld, of thU cW-! Kotwk IWwi -u. ' rrxmk Merita. fX OstwllkWm. t C awwil rtrH- ..MONEY TO W OTer LA" & aB's NEW TODAY For Sle Drivin w 6 year old. welgni Prk200. InqnlwKJjy. Tbirtooath street ' 1 m.ikSi w- sl1a Pure P,oa Rock eggs. 50 wnu . ....- - ft TrtO. " 3, phone Frnierfr . A month 8' Sl' ' - . -..! rvrat 1 paw lor-a s" j ..Reese.. rB -- JesTersoB roa"j Two ! r "TCiu I - - Sk iM-df pm MFW et .". At tk First A aM. I m at hi 4t 4 waM lav Mtr 4kh.n CkrUUaR church. an wall lnsproT ftr Mww U, snlsW wf W. J. ay. 'at