Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 27, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    irjuwr y ' Jog1 Muwt, ow ox
tinrnKiwnAY. FEDHPAliy g7, 107.
These Are Merely a Forerunner of What
Is Coming Today and Tomorrow
Tho Kovornor vetoed 12 bill yos- build a highway In any of the coun
iJUl B Zldes those printed in Tho tlei in tho state, neither have any of
Journnl which ho returned without
his disapproval boforo Tho Journal
'went to press, ho returtied Innt night
six other bills with tho omolal volo.
Theso are:
8. D. 77, Itodson, rolntlng to tho
itnlo of land undor tho Cnroy net.
8. I). 88, lklvorman, relntlng to
tho Hovcnth Agricultural District so
ciety. 8 ,11. 108, McDonald, rolntlng to
tho First Agricultural society.
8. 1). 00, Johnson road law.
8. I). ICO, rotating to Kastorn Ag
ricultural Bocloty.
H. II. 24C, cnuBlng partners to re
' veal Interest In bnslnoBB.
If. II. 2C0, Uotknap, First Oregon
Agricultural socloty.
In hlu mosingp tho governor gives
reasonfl for tho vetooM.
In hill 200 ho says:
"Tho further oxtonslon of thoso
Bocletlcu Is of doubtful propriety In
view of tho fact that thono already
created nro nHklngfor lncronscd ap
propriations at each recurring hos
slon of tho loglslnturo. If tho polloy
now In voguo of Incronslng thoso so
clutlos contlnuos, tho tlmo Is not far
distant whan ovory county will ho
created Into on ngrloultural society
district, and each will thorenftor bo
idcgo tho legislature for InoroitBod
"Tho purpose,' In part of thoso as
portations Is tho display of tho ngrl
cultural, horticultural and other ro
BOiircOH of tho stato, work which is
being dono most offeotunlly at Insti
tutes hold by tho farmers In all or
nearly all of tho counties in tho
iitato in tho courso of each yoar at
practically no expense to tho state."
Itegardlng II. II. 24G, ho says:
"Tho tondoncy In modern legisla
tion It scorns to mo, Is to Intorforo
too much with tho prlvnto bustnosn
and affairs of Individuals, nnd I can
not boo any reason why tho terms of
this act should bo made to apply to
v many old and well established busl-
lp nos houses In tho stato. Thoro aro
" mnny In ovory city that aro doing
business under some unmo or deslg
nation disclosing no mumbor or tho
firm or persons Interested therein,
nnd yot their financial standing Is
fixed deflulto nnd certain. It thoso
who nro doing business with tliom
desire to nscertnln the nam on of the
proprietors. It Is not dltllrult o ascer
tain them, uud In thoso few cttsi
whore this luformntloii Is refused no
prudfitt buslnetw muii oin or will
tin business with them or extend to
them credit; I do not see tho neces
sity tor such un nut either for tho
protection of tho people gonorolly or
tho business men In particular, nnd
1 therefore return tho same with my
8. II. 100, provldiw for the wtab
UsUmeut of an uKrloullural sooluty
Tho governor questions tho advisa
bility of thoso societies nnd snya In
"Tho further oxtonslon of these
aoeletlo U of doubtful propriety In
view of tho fast that those nlrettdy
crwrtfd aro asking for Increased up
proprlatlons at enoh recurring
Ion of tho legislators. It tho policy
now In vogue of ImM-wnsIng lhw mh
dotlos continue, the time Is not fur
distant when evory county will bo
woutud into an sgrloultwral soeloly
district, nnd wioh will thereafter be
siege the legislature for Ineronsed
"Tho purposes, In part, of these
association Is tho display of tho ng
rkuUurnl. horticultural and other
twourvr of ilm tnl. ork whloh U
bring dono most effectually at Instl
tuta held by tho farmers In nil or
nearly nil of the counties In tho stato
fn tho course of cac-H year .t prac
tically no expense to the stole Hut
bono racing Is usually made tho
most promlnont feature of many of
tho fair held under the auspices of
these societies, aud I question very
much It tho good dono by them In
tho way of displaying tho resource
of field, farm and rango Justine their
further extension, or tho constantly
increasing Appropriations asked for
their support M
HeuardlUR tho Johnson road law
tho governor says:
"First. There is no power otsd
oithor lu tho stste authorities
through tho highway commUtMou or
the engineer provided for la the act,
la Initiate proceedings, to Improve or
the county authorities powor to inl
tlato such proceedings. This powor
i rests nololy with tho proporty own
ers within two mllofl on oithor sldo
of tho highway proposed to bo im
proved nnd thoso within one mllo be
yond tho tormlnl of such highway.
Tho powor of inltlntlvo Bhould bo
vostod oithor In tho commission or
In tho coulnty authorities or In both
oh well oh In tho property ownors
nlong tho highway to bo Improved.
"Second. Deonuso of this lnck of
powor tho result may nnd probably
will bo that a largo fund will bo
drawn each year from tho tnxpnyors
nnd continue to bo nccumulntod In
tho valuta of the stcito trcnBiiry. It
mny safely ho prodlctod that, labor
ing under tho present honvy burden
of taxation, no proporty ownors In
tho stato along nny highway thore
of, will Book voluntarily to linposo
upon hlniBolf burdens In addition to
thoKO ho Is now compollod to boar
If tho law Is to remain In Hb present
shnpo a very much Binnllor tax should
havo boon lovlod to Inaugurate a
ayBtom which In tho very nnturo of
things miiBt bo problematical, leaving
room to extend this system If future
demnnds might Justify.
"Third. A moro Borlous objection
than thoso Btntod is to bo found In
tho fnot that when tho amount to be
assowied ngnlnst tho nbuttlng prop
orty owner Is dotormlnsd and be
come established as n fixed lion,
tho county tronBtiror upon nu order
of tho county court oxooutos non
taxablo cartlllonloB thorofor, certify
ing tho sum ossosBod ngalnflt each
trnct of lnnd, which certificate aro
payablo In InstnllmontB of ono, two,
three, four flvo nnd six years from
date with Intorost nt a rato not to
exceed bIx per cent per nnnum pny
ablo annually. If any Installment Is
not paid whon duo tho wholo certifi
cate becomes duo nnd puyublo nnd
tho holder thereof may sua to fore
close tho lion, rccovor hlu debt and
reasonable attorney fooa In nddltlon
"Money and ovldoncos of debt of
every kind oscapo largoiy mo inx
gntheror without laws of exemption
law which hnu for Its purpose the
raising of so largo n biiui of monoy
as that proposed to bo raised by tho
bill under consideration ought not to
exempt the Intorest bearing cortlfl-
rates Issued thereunder from taxa
tion. Thoso who onn nfford to buy
tho cortltlwttos ought to be willing to
hour their Just proportion of the
burdens of government. Any meas
ure which exempts sueli proporty , umdon. Feb. 87. In honor of the
from tnxatlon Is vicious In the very Longfellow centennial tho numbers
nature of things nnd I cannot glvojf tno nrltlBh Literary society will
my approval to It. hold n bnnouot tonight which will bo
"Tho taxes that have been Imposod uttonded by all tho prominent lltor
upon tho people by tho loglslnturo nry ,an n Hnglnnd. All over ho
which has Just adjourned aro larger county "livnngellno." "Tho Song of
than they ovor havo been In the hlB.!uwntim nnt "The Village Illnalc
tory of tho stato, now burdens hnvo'B,th" are known tho great pout's
been added and no new subjects memory Is bulne duly honored.
Tho Longfellow Centennial.
Cambridge, Mbbs,, Feb. 27. Tho
100th anniversary of tho birth of
Henry W. Longfellow is being cele
brated hero today with great cere
mony. Tho Historical society of
Cambrldgo has , planned extensive
memorial exercises and public exer
cises will bo held In Sanders theatre
tonight. Tho principal addresses will
bo dollvered by William Dean How
ells, President Charles W. Elliott of'
Harvard college, Colonol Thomns
"Wcntworth Hlgglnson and Prof.
Elliott Norton of Harvard. The
cantata, "Tho VUlago BlackBmlth,"
adapted from tho poem of Longfel
low, will bo sung by a chorus selected
frpm tho public schools of Cam
bridge Tho ontlro day in the public
bcIiooIb will be a "Longfellow Day,"
and appropriate exercises will bo
held In each Bchool, which will In
clude brief addroases and tho road
Ing of ossuya upon tho poets life and
work, written by tho BtudoutB. A
"Children's Hour" In tho now lecture
hall will Includo the children's, por
fellow oxhlbltlon was aponed In the
follow oxhlbltlon wnsoponod In the
Cambrldgo public library this 'morn
ing. It consists of portraits, early
nnd rnro editions from prlvnto collec
tions, nutogrnphs coplos of aomo of
the poot'B works and manuscripts,
an original oil painting of Longfol
low by Dndgor, about 1837, shoe of
Darlocarllun peasant, spokon of In
Frlthlnf'fl Sngn, brought by Longfol
low on his return fro Murope In 1837
and glvon to him by an English
noblomnn. Longfollow nftorwnrds
preflontod these to Prof Norton, who
now lends them for oxhlbltlon.
Thoro is also n hronzo pln'itio por
trait of Longfellow; n lottor to
JaiiiQH HiiHsell Lowell, accompany
ing Ills poem on Longfollow; 11 rut
edition of poems; bust of Longfol
low; orlglnnl portrlnt of Longfollow
nnd his daughter Edith, by Honey;
orlglnnl manuscript of "The Chil
dren's Hour"; orglnnl proof shoots
of "Hiawatha," with many correc
tions In Longfellow's handwriting;
"I'ooniH of Slavery," first edition,
1812, presentation copy glvon to
Nathnnlul Hawthorne; "Outro Mor,"
two volumes, 1865, Hawthorne's
copy, with nutugrnph In oaoh vol
ume; Honly'H portrait of Longfollow
nnd n portrait of tho first Mrs. Long
follow. A small commnmornttve
volumo was Issuod today containing
a hlthorto unpublished papor in the
nnturo of n skotch of tho poet, by
Prof. C. B. Norton, together with
somo of tho shortor poouiB of Long
follow, particularly buoIi as nro nuto
blographlcal In chnrnctor. A large
pnpor edition has been issued, limit
ed In numbor, but nu luoxponslve
popular ono Is also published to
bring tho work within tho grnsp of
Bohoot chlldron. A commomorntlvo
bronxo modal litis boon struck from
n design by llola L. Prntt nnd two
hundred coplos havo bcon Issued.
From this number n few copies ore
to ho roservod, so that horoaftor thoy
may be awarded, one ench yoar, un
der tho nusplcoH of tho Cambrldgo
. Historical society, us prize for eft
nays upon the poet's life and work
. to be written by the pupils of tho
schools of Cnmhrldge.
brought within thtr taxing powor and
heueo thoro Is all the mor eroason
for withholding my approval from
this hill In tho present omorgonoy."
The reason for vetoing S. I). IDS
were bused on S. H. ICQ.
The reason In S. 11. $8, wero also
contained In the veto 100.
8. H. 77 was also vetoed.
The governor said that In tho nb
sen of tho Irrigation oodo which
was defeated at the present sueslon
this taw is lll-advlsd.
We or On Hnn.IrM Dollars He
ward for say cso of Catarrh that
ctaaot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
T. J. C1IRNHY A CO, Toledo, O.
We, the uuferetxned, have known
F. J. Cheuey tor the lt II ywire.
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all buslaeM traaMotloas tad flaan
dally able to carry out any obliga
tions made by hl firm.
WaldloE, Klanin k Marvin.
WhoUMle DruidHs, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure h taken ia-
teraslty, acting directly upon the
blood and muoous surface ot the
system. TeetlmoaUlt ot fre
Price 7t cnVs pvr bottle. Bold by
all drurilm.
Take lUU'a Family rills for oon
o .. Mf oi awt.: jsjl. .
Propositions suppartel by tha
D O J won out In the liglila
turo, oxoeptlng the bill to hang
(IrotU Falht le U have a calmny
e6 feot high.
Bo many royal faiHlllee are taking
Uoosevolt's advice, the stork is
awaited In many parts of the world.
That was a fltro iMttle Sunday
between the saddle-eoloretl nrmlivi
ot Nicaragua and Honduras. Tbroa
gonorals lamed by tleree speeil on
retreat. Time our government wa
getting into the iHlx-ap.
a m m
Kvolyn Thaw t iwylng the awtul
prlco of notoriety.
Puget sound merohanU are adver
tising tho arrival ot six meaths be
lated shipments.
The California legttlatHre has
raised state taxes wvwn teats on tha
hundred dollars. They cem't hold
a caudlo to an Oregon legltlaturo,
Republicans who ar roaring at
having a Domoorattc governor should
romomber that the preferred Dr.
WUhycombo al tho inrimarlw over a
u u i,ns nhvnys been our policy to take tho people of Salem into our confident u .
JBllsiimni " - - - UJ jjji
tors pertaining to VINOL, it is with pleasure mat we are uIO uu. lu vibdi an Illustrated
the process through which VINOL passes In Its manufacture.
This exhibit not only demonstrates the fact that VINOL is a real scientific preparation made
cods' llvorB, but .hows by Illustration every Ingredient oi wn.cu viou u mnue. This prove, ,0 u, J
pie of Salem that VINOL not only compiles with nil conditions of tho new Pure Food and Drun Ut J
always has done bo, inasmuch as Its Ingredients havo always been made public and Its qualificaU
we nro Borry wo cannot print In tho Journal this exhibit in tho natural colors of tho material
... , u.... .ntMnf elimvlntr this exhibit llthogranhedMn colors, n. mnv i v. .
in the dinereni jars. vo nuu u u.v.w - . , wnicalia
i. clad to hand to anyone asking for It at our store. Theso newspaper Illustrations, however, m
to assure our customers nnd friends that VINOL is in no way a secret preparation, but Is as ethical n
. ... i
preparation put up or prescrioeu oy nnjuuu.
f-jiJ ' . BfcVA.
7hi Chopped Cod'i Lifer Showier tbt
6puUonot lh Oil
Exhiutttd Liver Shonlnj Three Lit
tri. Upper Liver Wtibid Oil.
Middle LiTer Exhiuited Liver and
Lower Layer Solution ol Mcdlclnil
Slat g
fee i. N
Miran ot Iron Peptonite (Oriiclt
Iron)Made brChemlctllrCoinlTciu
Iron Oxychlorldo with Uttt Peptooi
Fifteen Per Cent. Solution oi the Ins
Feptooate (Organic Iron)
The Concentrated Extract of the Liver
Showing the Medicinal Extractive!
louod In Cod's Lima
A Freth Five Pound Cod'a Liver Coo
talnlnc All III Natural Oil from
which ore procured the Valuable
Medicinal Extrartlvciutcdln maJdng
Vlnol the Flnlxhed PrfPg5.5?i
tainlns the Coocentreled Eitejrt"
the Cod'a Liver and-Soluden ol W
peptonata in pure netlre vriet
q In making VINOL, the Fresh Cod's Livers go through the several stages !$$
by these illustrations, reproduced from the originals, all of which proves that ",ISU
is a rea Cod Liver prcparalion, made by a scientific proccw which eliminates the ob
and retains the valuable medicinal extractives.
Wo ask you to study this oxhlblt so you will fully understand how tho valuablo medicinal i
nro recovered from gonulno frosh cods' llvorB and tho unnecossnry oil omitted. This will show jo
slvoly that V1NOI Is not made of drugs or chemicals which nro said to rsomblo tho medicinal cleme8!
in eod liver oil, but that VINOL actually does contain in a highly concentrated form all tho TaedIclR
tlvw of cod llvejr oil, nctunlly tnkun from genuine frosh cods' livers, togotlior with organic Iron-
oowtltuent for the blood dlseolved in a pure native wlno as n preservative. VINOL, unlike oily
tlons, Is onslly dlsented and agreeable to tho weakest stomnoh. For theso reasons wo believe
VINOL N far -npttrlor t old-fnMilomtl cotMlver oil nnd t-mulslons for cougli colds, brouchlti
thrwnt mid lung troubliM., uud s a lunly bttlliV and btivgnth creator for old people, delicate thU
rutt-duivn perons nnd after tdrknusx. 5L t ;
. Know, therofore, all psons who are In need of suob n medicine tbat wo wilt supply tn
i.... .,.-..... . ... ... ,. ntlre s3 l
v., ii suuiiwuuu inai u H aoeB not Buceoed in boneuttlng them, wo will reiunu iv
monoy paid us for the medicine.
You 8d OUR PA1T1I In VINOL. and you must admit that we know something about rildt
fore, whon wo toll you that VINOL is tho most valuablo Cod Liver preparation on tho orKei,
dorful tonlo-reeonstructor and rebtnldor of strength, nppetltto and health at tho same time delld
we aro not unreasonable to expect you to bellovo us.
G. W. PUTNAM CO., Piuwmacist
ahu at tne leading drug store In evory town and city In this tate w
it ma vuuu urug store where yon live.
man who was once a pretty good
Republican governor, and theu P.o
publloans preferred a Obamberlatn
to him.
Asse&eor Keeua, of Lane count)'.
Is writing long letters oxnlalnlnir
to said section lino, dividing sectjons
cause of high taxes.
Tha President told the Himni
JlHjtonU they shoutd all take a part
In tho work of self government.
Well, most of thm do come out west
and get Jobs la tho forestry, or re
clamation service.
a a
It cougress keeps on ripping up
the railroads It will not bo safe to
A Stitch t Tsssm.
Will save nine. So 'wliTaT bottle ot
Ballard's Horenoun Byf'up alwayi
kept on band .
alckns. A
coids. "rrfH
cougn. - - J
Horehound SyruP
cheat, as -
ixyUeae. "
lw m,j ltHt -M MfUUkU HtltH t
ISkAaiSaWtVli m .. ... .
iBSMSM(tJSMSaaaa 9 " "SbHBBVV; SUSplitM,
f& e tlMliilh. aAjA.