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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1907)
7 DAILY CAPITA!. JOUKNAX, MAIM, OKIWOW, WKDNKSDAY, FEBRUARY 87, 1807. STOCKTON! THE OLD WHITE CORNER. New Spring Suits Iff jiimiHiiiiiniimiiin ARE HERB. THE I ,rnV STTITS FOR SPRING OF '07 , ir THING A CRITICAL WOMAN WILL NOTICE IX OUR DIS o VY SPRING STYLES IS THE AIR OF DISTINCTION VESS. SU UiM'iiHJinx 1'iiu.UTHK UllUIJTARY ..-r.ri'aiVH R.WI0XS THAT LACK THAT INDESCRIRAULB STYLE TOUCH Snril GOOD DBBSSKKS ALWAYS ADMIRE. Wash Goods i, orctty and beautiful, and lltrt M wciconio u - ofn flowers. Hero aru - tie most popular. riius ohffon soie Dl'niKSS DR-irEDKLlNDE MXAMA LINBXB attlMNV MULL tl XAIMTA TAFFETA MERCERIZED DIMITY WW.INDIB VENICE. White Waists Now spring styles. Tho now waists aro coming In rapidly; In deed tho exhibit is already rich in the choicest of tho now styles. SPECIAL $1.00 WAISTS. Mndo of a sheor finish lawn trim men with vnl. Insortion in either long or short sleeve styles. $1.00 jER GRAND THEATRE iday, Feb'y. 25, ?Ioa'i favorlto young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer 3 ACT COMEDY IRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM rlcci, evenings, 15 and 25c. HMHtWMW J. W. BOLLEN Managor Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmcr. CaWs answered day or night. none 70, 383 Court St., Salem T H8ttat BUY Sulphur, Blue Vitrol AND ALL Spray Material AT FRY'S Drug Store I Prices Absolutely Lowest ; ; TO RREAK UP A COLD. An eminent authority on ; ; lung trouble, who effected ; ; many remarkable cures In his . camp forrconsumptlves In tho ! i plno woods of Maine, advises tho use of tho following for fer mula: Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), one-half ounce; Gly-. cerlno, two ounces; good Whisky, one-hnlf pint. Shako well and take In tenspoonful , , doses every four hours. It ; ; will break up a cold In twenty- . lour nours and cure any cough I', that is curable. Tho lngre- ; ; dlents are not cxpenstvo and can bo secured from any good ! ! prescription druggist, but great ; ; care should bo exorcised to havo them pure, as thoro are '.'. many adulterated imitations ;; of this plno product which ; j create nausea and never effect . . tho desired result. ;: Virgin Oil of Plno (Puro) Is ; ; put up In half-ounce vials for druggists to dispense In filling prescriptions. Each vlnl Is se curoly sealed In a round wood en wrapper, with tho name '.'. Virgin Oil of Pine (Puro), ; ; guaranteed under tho Food ; and Drugs Act of Juno 30th, ! ". 1900, serial number 451, pro- I ; pnrod only by Leach Chemical ;; Co., Cincinnati, Ohio plainly . . printed thereon. To avoid sub- ; ; Btitutlon, it is best thnt tho ln- ; ; gredlonts bo purchnscd sopar ately and tho mlxturo prepared I nt home. I4W I I I I I I I M-H-W-HW State News icFashion Stables rwBly Btmpson'a BUbloa. ?t4it livery a&d cab lino ! toraouti a mlaltr. T.IIt. 1 for pterin and excursions. Phon CHAS. W YANNKE, Prop W iAd 249 nigh Street. H. S. Gile&Co. Wholesale Gr oecrs and Com mission Merchants In tho market at all times for drioi fruP. and farm produco of all kinds. SPECIAL , Wo htvo for salo a fow applo par ing and slicing machines; oquipmont for a largo dryer; will raako a low prJc-j. BULLOCK Rnns iESTAURANT.. Two doors south of Bush's Bank Day and Night or everything. ;w quick service. NL COMMISSION ce &7 Commercial St. Pfeene 179 Purchaser nf ftwicry, fegs, and I Produce. nceWire Woven vri 'Win, hkttiPii Poultry bu price,. cw ,T,uncy LmSt SaL, n -vii. VfTC, 2SCtKnivi, FOR CEILING AND FLOORING Too much caro can not bo taken In tho selection of your flooriug and colling lumber, and as you know, wo are roady to fill tho largest as well as the smallest orders promptly with tho best. GOOBALE LUMRER CO, Phono 52 Main. Don't Lose Sight Of the fact that wo havo a com plete lonso grinding plant, and can grind your lenses according to any prescription. Broken lenses accu rately duplicated. DONT LOSE' YOUR SIGHT By wearing poorly fitted glasses. Wo are experts and graduato oyo specialists, and can fit you correctly. CHAS. H. HINGES Expert watchmaker and graduate optician, 123 Commercial street Bay to find, next door to Capital bank. Ilnlvor Joldness, n prominent mor cliant of Astoria, died Tuesday. Tho city of Vale Is going to Install a flno electric light system soon. A hnndball tournament Is being hold at tho Portland nendomy this wook. Baker City Is boasting of tho Inrg ost transient population outside of Portland In Orogon. Jim Jeffries, tho big prlzo fighter, Is going to Bpond his vncntlon up on tho McKcnzio again this summer. Mnny of tho fnrmors about Au rora aro reporting that they nro los ing grnlu ovory night through thieves. Tho peoplo of Aurora, Cnnby, Bnrlow and Hubbard , havo beon promised electric lights ngnln. but nt an Incrcscd cont of ono-third. John Louis Lnughlln.'nn aged pioneer of 1SG0, living nt Forost Grove, died Tuesday, nged G7 years. Ho loavos n wlfo and two daughters. Tho Enstorn Orogon Poultry and Pot Stock Association hns beon or- gnnlzod nt Baker City. Tho object Is to promote tho poultry Industry in thnt pnrt of the state The city waterworks nt Aurora nro nt a standstill at prosont. ow ing to tho delny in gottlng tho big gnsollno onglno thnt wna ordered from Portland sovernl months ngo. Tho wintor in Harney county Is over, nnd tho snow In tho vnlloys around Hums hns gono off nftor a wnrm rain. Stookmon nro Jubilant, and say they will mnko n grent profit this season. A Good FlehU A flno flold for tho governor's veto hatchet. Albany Democrat. a Wjih Corporation Body. Evory effort to kill perpetual franchises failed In tho legislature It was a corporation body for sure Albany Democrat. .. o- CJ A. Ml KP O 3HLI L feuitfc. ) TKi KM Yen Hw Afwri UtjH k2 Spring I Goods StUkSdmhyDr.s.CShiK Big, Juicy oranges nt 30 cents S a dozen. Wo have that celebrated White Sago Honey; also fresh mackerel and smoked herring, and a full line of garden seeds Sporting Summary. Philip J. Dyer, tho popular horse man and president of tho Brooklyn Jockey Club, will rnco a promising string of 2-yenr-olds during tho coming season. Ho nurchnand nlrhr yearlings last summer, which cost mm ?H,500. It Is rop6rted that a now track will be laid out for horse racing nt uaKo view, Miss. So thoro Is an othor chanco for tho residents ot Momphls to enjoy their favorite sport. Tho now move la mnrtn n view of tho nctlbn of tho Tenncssco legislature In suppressing tho rnco tracks In that state. W. W. Evans hns sold for $2000 tho 10-mouths-old bay colt by Todd, dam by Salllo Taylor to F. C. Hehd rlck, of Falrmount, W. Vn. Tho colt has been sont to Marietta, Ohio, whore tho Hendricks stnblo is win tering. Herman Rndtke, who was sot down nt Jamaica on October 23d for foul riding of tho horso Tommy II Wnddoll, has again been granted a. Ucenso to ride. ThO lcclslntlirn nf ArUnnnnn lino ' sounded tho death knoll of racing In ' thnt state. Sam Doggett, who has beon racing a small stablo of thoroughbreds slnco ho gavo up riding threo years ago, has sold out nnd Intonds to go Into tho dry goods business In Don vor, Colorado. Dogett was ono of tho lending Jockeys In thd country, and brought out Wnlter Miller. In order to encourngo tho sport tho Ynlo-Corlnthlnn Yacht Club will glvo a special cup this season for competition among frshmon. Tho annual crulso of tho boats will tako placo at tho tlmo of tho Yalo-Har-vard boot raco at Now London. Ex-Commodoro Frodorlo Bourne, of tho Now York Yacht Club, has or dored a 45-foot powor boat, which will bo equipped with n slx-cyllndor spocdwny englno, which will drive hor 20 knots nn hour. B. B. Crownlnshleld has sont tho plans nnd specifications for tho two Sondcr-KlnBao boats, which woro or- dorcd by a mombor of tho Spnnlsh royal family, to tho king of Spain. Construction work hns commonccd on Yntos' now boat houso on tho Mill rlvor. It will bo 120 foot long nnd 00 wldo nnd modeled In tho fashion of nn old English rond houso with wings and two gables. Tho nonsonluirst Ynct Club have given nn order for n 15-footor to raco for tho cup which Sir Thomns Llptou liiia prosentcd to tho Crescent Yncht Club. Lord Dunrnvon will lonvo England this weok In his yncht Vnlkyrll for a crulso In tho West Indies. Tommy Murphy hnB n tltlo ns the llghtwolght chnmpiou of South Afrlcn. It was discovered that DIcU Cullon won thnt tltlo n yonr ago, Murphy knocked Cullon out In two rounds) nt Cholson. It will novor do to draw tho color lino In South Af rlcn. "Joo" Thomns. a Cnllfornln pugil ist, has sont a challongo to Hyiey Mollody, who rocantly shnttorod tho weltorwelght chninploiiHhlp implru tlons of "Wllllo" Lowls. ThomnH offors to moot Mollody In a limited round bout for n purso and a rUIp hot. Dlscouragod In his dofont In n ro- cont bout with Grovor Iluyos, "dnrk- oy," tho English fonthorwolght, pnekod his traps and returned to England. IHKlMlHMiMlBlMIMMIHIimMMlMlMtMlMlMMM GREAT QUANTITIES :OF: INEW SPRING GOODS ...ARE ARRIVING DAILY.... Everything has boon badly delayed, which makes somo linos a Itttlo lntor than usual, but they'll nil bo ready for you In n fow tlnys. 3 A Peculiar Condition Exists in the Dry Goods Market This Year Thoro la a groat shortago of doalrahlo merchandise not only In novelties but In many stnplo goods. Evry mall brings notlco of hoavy advances on nearly everything from Calico, Gingham, Muslin and Sheotlngup to tho high class dross goods, which nro all oxtrmoly senrco. Wo woro fortunato In plnclng hoavy ordors early and our goods which nro now arriving, nro from 10 to 20 per cont blow prosont mnrkot quotations. i J& tirs'Sieds or-z m r 4F (aa&jfotjsi .$$ryi'. s &se avsred. Is in a Position to Undersell 'Regular Stores. u RviHNI Jimmy Walsh and Frank Noll will moot In Tonoimh In March nnd do battle for tho bantam championship nnd a $0000 puroo. Tho fight between Tommy Burns nnd Mllco Schreck for tho hoavy- wotght championship will tako place in California or Novnda. Tho nurso will bo S20.000. Tho light will tako plnco about tho end of March. Pedlar Pn liner, tho English honvy woluht. will arrive In thlti country on March 2d. His llmt oucouiitor will bo with Mlko Sullivan. Ill Saulrof). who is coining to this country from Australia, will linmo dlntoly chnllongo Joffrlos, or the "best man In tho country," whon ho Inuds. . " Joo nnwker. tho Enullsh ohamnlon foiitliorwoluht. hns Issued n chnl longo to any fonthorwolght In Amorl ca. Ho will arrlvo In Now York March 5th. Ynlo has added a swimming conch to hor profosHlonnt Instructors Thomna O'Cnllnghnn, tho Amorlcnn champion dlvor, has boon chosen. Loon Sorpollot, tho well-known French automoblllst, hns died In, Pnrls from enncor of tho llvor. Ho' wna a famous uutomnhllo deslguor. J. H. White, of Morldlnn, Conn , drove n Wlutou cnr'l000 mllos at tho oxponso of only 00 conts for ropnlrs. IIo truvolod over nil kinds of roads. Automobllo bonoh races ure holnir I organized In Galveston, Toxaa. I Thore Is n sun frontago of 31 mllos, nnd In places It Is from 300 to 400 Jill lilt U1UU. A sum of $100,000 Ih to ho offered for nn uouronatlo races from Now York to Chicago. Particulars will bo announced noxt wook, A match has boon arranged be tween Miss Freda Moyor, tho young Enullsh exnert lawn tennis nlnver. and MIsh Melon Monnns, tho Amorl cnn national champion. iWWMIiWJWilW H. M. BRANSON STATE STREET t IHIIIIHHIIIIIHUHIM The calf was grown The beef was killed The hide was tanned The Shoe was made IN SALEM And it will outwear any thing of the kind made at any place in the world. To see is to believe. So ex amine E. L Irvin & Co.'s $3.50 wW MADE AND SOLD BY E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoemen Repairing a Specialty SALEM, OREGON II lWWlWqillwmNW Hli l truo jri ftirt mm, ysr 77rttwi & HWiiimiHtwii v ! t j f , i