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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1907)
MILT CAW TAI. JMKM, , Oa.OO ac MOTHERHOOD MADAM TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM BUY YOUR GO-CART NOW It ' t h raaiaamaftf f urn . f fflilm i f1 ! ft I Ir U MwWm I Wf n. v J$mrf ' HI VSN MRS. DANIEL SULLIVAN Unquestionably preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by LydUB. I'lnkhnm's Vcgotablo Com pound mora successfully thnn byuny other medlolno, because it gives tono Hd strength to tho entire fcmlnina organism and renders it porfcotly Eorinal, A woman In rood physical condition transmits to her children the bless Injs of a Reed constitution. Koud what Lydla K. I'lakhaui's Vcgutablo Compound did for Mr. Sullivan, 680 X. 7th Street, fflatbush, Ni Y, "ft'bat a hloMtHK Lydla K. Plnkhsm's Vei&ht Compound it to motherhood, I mm you a ploture of my throe month' old baby-nttd rtiysnlf, ami tho photo nhows tho ptMfflld condition of our health. Tlint I am so wsll and tho baby so hualthr and happy U Mtlrdy dun to yotir excellent rmnodr LydtA K, Plnkham'a Vegetable CohiouimI, 1 took It for Rvs months Iwforn baby camo and It brought mo an easy, conilnmnnnt nnd kept ma strong, whorww I wan weak and In Irfctly tnlnorablo bonlth all tho tltnovrhon y flrst thruo children wens born," Mm. Quo Walters of Woodlawn, 111., nlso writes: "1 fenl It my duty to Ml of tho good Lydla X. I'Jnkham'a Vrgatablo Comiouml bin iIoha mm and to rauiiiuivud It to all ozjtoo- tant mother to Iniure a healthy child asd easy birth. I had lott threo children and was dUcoursRcd when a friend odvlted mo to try Lydla K. l'inkhamVcgotablo Com jiound. I did o and It not only kept in well and strong but I have a healthy a child a you will And anywhoro. I bopo other discouraged women may read this latter and Uko Lydla E. Plnlchntn's Vegetable Compound and bo bonoOUxl by It rut I hare been." Womon ahould remember that for more than thirty years Lydla B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has been without a rival In sustaining woman's hculth and curing nil thoso painful ailments peculiar to her sex. Its rec ord iihows that it lias cured almont every form of femnlo complaint, orgs nla troubles, inllatnmatlon and ulcer ation, fulling and displacements and consequent spinal weakness, and Is peculiarly adnptcd to the period of child-birth nnd chnugo of Ufa. It cures bneknuhu and all tlioso bcurlngdown scnsntlons. If there Is unythlng nbout your ciuio you do not understand wrlta to Mrs Plnkham, Lynn, Moss,, for advice. It Is absolutely free. Thou sands of women huvo done so and havo received help. PRICES WILL BE LOWER Wool Market Will Be Weaker Than Last Year That tho wool prices nt the upon liiK of the season this yonr will rnngu n tow ei)ntif.)owur than nl tho uorrtn spomllng tint liiMt souson, Is doolnr ud by George Abbott, roprusoutnllvv of ,tho Hotony Worntud mills, who liiia linen here for tho past fuw days. Mr. Abbott U the Unit of Iho wool buyliiK corps lo nrrlvs upon Ilia vcono (his ywr HUd at prwMiil lit mid K. II. Clttrktt Hre th only btiy tra livro. AewirdliiR to Mr. Abbott, lm cmn hr with a vlaw to buylntc some of the wool thai was earrlwl nvir fkt)iii last ywir, but thus far tk Krowora havt shown hut llttlw Incli nation to sell nt this time, "Thorn Is pmotliMilly no contrmt InK being do no for this swuon's wool," said Mr. Abbott this morn I UK, "and but little wool will cIihiik hnnds until after sharlnK. In wttst orn Idaho tliwro has not buun over a half million pounds eonlraetud so far. wjiurtmi Ity this tltiitt last ywr fully two ntid n half million pounds had beuu sold. Tho prions In Idaho hnvn rnnuud from 1? to IS cunts while Inst ywtr tho oponltiK I'rloo was 30 cents. From nil Indications th prlct-s hro this sonvon will ranic from 13 to to evuts." Rlnco tho close of the wool swt- Headquarters for Meats. Meat-eaters who ar ovor-partlou lar io their oholco of hoof, mutton lamb, veal and pork; ar Invited to camo and examttio our meats. It U tho crltlcAl (hat wo cater to those ho slwsys insist on cuts of tho boat qualltle. Wa haudle only tho frvsh tst mAts, and wo suarsnttja it to ho tendor and of fine eatlBg quality. Our prlc aro by no metos ti high M the quality, either. V, A. KUKTX, Vhone 90S. J?T Oml. m son last fnll tho hiiybrs huvo boon HcnttoMnK to tho four cornprs of tho Klob. At present DlnKhnm Is In tho AiKsntlno ropubllc, South Amorlon. Kllory Is In'lloHton, Gruono Is In Ban Francisco, whllo Iltirko Is now in Arlrona. Mr. Abbott himself cams hero direct from Hoston nnd with othors had hutm In London previous ly. The season In Arizona Is now wol. nmlor way and tho uoxt HhoarliiK will ouuur In Houthoni California nnd Utah. a Aftor llnlshliiK In thnso dis tricts thtt bttyurs wjll coimroKuto horo. o i PlciiNaut Surprise. A plsnsant surprlso party was giv en Friday ovenlng at tho homo of Mr. mid Mi-h. Josupli flinltli on UlKh land avenue, In honor of their son, Ollftou Hmlth. Tho ovsnluK whs Hfrint vory ploasnnily In khiuos and muslr. at tor which dainty refresh ments were aervad. Those present were: Misses Lulu ItHell, Mmlge Bnllsbnry. lSlate Col termnti, Alloa Wslr. Lillian Cllenxe. Vtda MuMellon.' Katie Wills, llaxel Cnoley, Vorn WalllUK, llelon Oarr; Messrs. Italph WallltiK. Hdwurd (liens, Claude Hill, I Missel Cooler, forest Davis. IMoyd Davis, Lester Watson, Clifton Smith. Itarl Irish. Joe WrlKht, Mrs. Oeurtte llaKemnn and sun, Kenneth, from llolse, Ida ho, who are vliltltm at the Cotter matt home ou Highland avenue, o IttdHtlllini In China. ahniiKhnl. Pih. ST. -Twenty thou sand trooi hnve been dliputchetl to the oeutrnl provinces to prevent n Junction between the rebels of Hu nan and KwnmtluitK. Hun Yet Ben I the KwatiKtunK rebel leader, who wattped from the Chlneso lunation In 1-ondoH u fuw years uko lu n sensa tional manner, Is In full charge of the rebels. . Tho moemettt Is dl- reeled nnslnst the present Manohu dynasty at Pehln, and Is assuming ularmluK pro tortious. Btgns of un rest are reported from all ovur tho country for It Is feared that the full etronuth of the Imperial forces will not h able lo wpe with the rebels. An outbreak la dally expected in Manchuria whoro a battalion of Chi aeso troops havo murdered Its ottl ror nnd Joined the rsbeU. Kxcop tloual precautions havo been taken at Ptiktu and tho royal palace Is doubly KuardtM. TorelKHers are ar rivtHK hero from nil the provtners. O ' lWt IHtt Off Until tomorrow wSat you can do to day. If you aro suffertnc from a torpid liver, or constipation, don't wait until tomorrow to st help. Iluy a bottlo of Herhluo and set that ltvr workluc rlcht Prompt ness about health sves many sick spells. 'Mr. Ida Orosham, Point, Tex., writes: I uae4 Kerblno In my fawily tor tit yars, an AM It does al it clalraate o." SoU hy D. J. Pry. A Fair Sized Audience Was at the Klinger Grand Last Night "Mrs. Templeton's Tologram," tho throe-act fnrco comedy, which Ib be ing prosontcd nt tho Kllngcr Grand this wook, is one of tho best bills that liasMieon prosontcd in tho little thentro. It Is full of refreshing com edy, nnd keeps tho audience In laugh tor from tho tlmo the, curtain goes tin until It drops nftor tho last net. Tho troublos of Mr. Templeton, and his method of freeing himself from tho woh of his misfortunes Is laugh ablo In tho extreme. Tho troublos nrlso ovor tho toll ing of ono llttlo "fib" which Is llko a rolling snowball thnt gathers In bIzo tho fnrthor and longor It rolls It was only a "flb" thnt stnrtod it all. Tcnrs, copious nnd blttor nro Bhed by Mrs Templeton over tho tcrrlblo times which have befallen her. MIbs Fischer, In tho rolo of "Mrs. Templeton," demonstrates tho fact that sho can hnndlo comedy equally as well as tho moro sorloua parte. o Wins Scholarship. Word waB received nt Eugene Tuosdny from Oxford Unlvorslty that all tho Oregon candidates for tho Ithodea scholarships had successful ly imBHod tho examinations. Tho candldatos woro LorlB Johnson, WIs- tor Johnson, Cecil Lyons nnd Charles Hamblo, of tho Uulvorslty of Oregon and 13. J. Wlnans, of Willamette Unlvorslty. From thoso llvo mon tho stato commlttoo, of which Prosldont Camphall Is chairman, and which has charge of tho Ithodos scholar ships, will soioct tho man who Is to go to Oxford. In tho soloctlon nth letlo ruoord, physical condition, pop ularity. Btudont honors, standing and a numbor of other things nro tnk on Into donaldi ration. It is tho aim to got from tho mon who nro nblo to pass tho examination tho host nil- round men. Mr. Wlnans, of Wlllamotto Unlvor- Blty, who was HiiccQasful, Is tho oldest of Hev. W. It. Wlnans, of this city. Plrnsntit nrui Mpst ICffcctire. T. J. Chnmbors, Ed. Vindicator, Liberty, Toxns, wrltoa Doc. 25, 1902: "With plonsuro and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony Jto tho curatlvo nownr of Ilnllard's Horohound Syrup. 1 havo usod It In my family and can ohoorfully nfllrm It Is tho .most of- feotlvo nnd best remedy for coughs nnd colds I havo ovor usod." Sold by I). J. Fry. o lyuvo off Syllable. An exchaiiKe has tin editorial headed "Discussing Speaker Davey." Most persons, however, are leaving off tho tlrsl syllable of the caption. Albany Democrat. A Vnrunbln Lrsson. "Six years ago I learned a valu able lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then hogan tak ing Dr. King's New Life Pills, and the loncor I take them tho bettor I find thorn." Thoy please everybody. Guaranteed at J. O. Perry's, druggist 36c o OABTOXIIA. SMntlt s) IK Bd M HM Alwrj EotuU rr ccxstwxft r, Bananas 1 5c a Dozen A chance to buy them at fust half of the regular prioc. Don't overlook this bargain ot the Moir Grocery Company 4M &ta4e S. Phoae 1M See Our I North Window i Display j iiiillllllllllHWyWWW RCSDV FOR USE. CLOSED. 1 and come in and get i if .a f our prices, ir you . Wo carry th0 ceicbratcd Aiiwin ; ; ; ; . . , m j interested, we can save:: ! Voiding cart. This you can fold ;; ;; ,asr 'ongatthes? S VOU bic money in "buy- ; ; Xtoa smnllor slzo than nny other '.'.'.' Www We have just received, the : : I J Finest Line of Go-Carts : : J ever shipped to this city : : J J Cosidering the PRICE. lltwmwHWHi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in-m i"in HHH v x Bia iB L ; ; : : ment as thev u .A (tab WKM Tn nnt-rv thn PolohmtOfl Attwtn . . II imti wn.u( v --. .. . . voiding uart. mis you mu iuiu -; you big money in "buy- ; ; Xtoa smnllor slzo than nny other j '. !. fwAm .ir- ' ' 'tnnu'n tnlAlnf rnrt. j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n m i ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 iii ' "i i n in 1 1 1 1 ii i i 1 1 1 ii h i nr Come Early 1 :: :: and get nrst cbokeoj : : : : of our large 9m, j ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J u i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 n i n n 1 1 1 1 n i n 1 1 1 1 1 H4 The House jjjj Furnishing j; Company. ;j I t The Big Furniture and Car-: : '. '. Ml guMtl pet Company 177 Liberty Street w T This Folding Cart Uh cut; spaclal price uj Wl Hl vhilo they last. ! im These Arc Left. The loglslnturo has adjourned and now about all thoro Is loft at Salem are the shades of dead hopes nnd the Insane asylum Eugene Guard. u Advlco to mothors. Don't lot your children waste away. Thoy can ho strong, healthy and vigorous with Holllstor'a Hooky Mountain Tea. It's a swift wlngod messongor of health; SGconts, Toa or Tablets. For salo at Dr. Stono's storo. o INDKPKNDKNCK STAGE. Dally except Sunday. Leaves Wll lamotto Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m., con nocts with motor for Monmouth and Dallas nt G:15 p. m. Leaves Indo pondonco at 8 a. m. Phono Main 173. RALPH DUDLONQ, Manager Pcoplo Will Chirp. 1 Most pooplo will chirp at tho gov ernor's voto of tho bill permitting tho killing of song birds. Albany Democrat. That's all. 'Nut said, when you say thnt Ilolliator's Rocky Mountain Ton Is tho grentost family rorocdy on earth. It does you good going and coming; 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For salo nt Dr. Stono's store. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho SiRniuuro of cCz, Uroke His Arm i'roi. rowers, supetlntetiai tho Snlom public schools, Juj'd misfortuno to break his ml dny of this week. Ho wu i blcyclo in front of the Htrrtfi In South Salem, when hit f recti caught In a loose board, tins him violently to tho walk, ta his right nrm. Medical as&i was secured ,and he Is nor tea along nicely. o Thoy scowled nnd look ictr! morn till night, Thoy never would agree; Now thoy nro healthy, ijppji bright. Thoy both take Hoeky Mor Tea nt night. For salo at Dr. Stone's itor TAKE A LOOK! Wc want every man who reads k to consider it a personal invitation come in and take a look. During special sale weVe pleased hundred people. Suits that were $1 0, $1 2, ft $18.50 and $25 are now going at $Si $10, $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18. COME IN AND TAKE A LOtf OUR LINE OF SPRING SHIFTS Are now raHv fnr vnur- insDCCtlO A collection of smart, new, stylish from the best known shirt mak J the land. Thev are made of Ma Oxfords and Percales in handsome, plain and fi patterns, rronts plain or pleated, cuffs attached '" 4 t 4 W m caofieq. Knees right. T. Moo of Spring Styles Best $3 H m Earth. ItVDL l I 3 Rlt $3 iiminniii.ii.,.,, "" utlff . I""iiiininnmiannnmii ROBERTS ip Mills m rf -mt rat HHKH. mt Mtrjr Ymgim, m 4kM ' Ji I :