TWQifKl - w "ji-"iTTB ? ; fT? v 1 pAliY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, BALKM, ORKGOX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY SO, 1007. S TSTOCKTON THEOLD WHITE CORNHt. New Spring Suits ! THE DIS- . irroX 8UITS FOIt SPUING OF '07 ARE HERE. THB M ' chitiCAL WOMAN WILTi NOTICE IX OUR " "VY SPRING STYLES IS THE AIR OF DISTINCTION FLU l ISIVI'NKSS. SO DIFFERENT FROM THE ORDINARY VSTHVT LACK THAT INDISSOUUIABLB STYLE TOUCH ' iinKSSERS ALWAYS ADMIRE.' IIICII uw Wash Goods i DreW and beautiful, and ,t J welcome as aro nature's flowers. Hero arc somo of tie most popular. PARIS CHIFFON HIE DCCHKSS HtfE IK LINUB , PAXAJLV LIXBXK SHADOW Ml'Mi LI JLWUA TAFFETA XERCEIUZKD DIMITY OBQAXDIB VENICE. White Waists Now spring styles. Tho new waists aro coming In rapidly; In deed tho exhibit Is already rich in sthe choicest of tho new styles. , SPECIAL 81.00 WAISTS. Mado of a sheer finish lawn trim 'men with val. Insertion In either long or short slcovo styles. $1.00 )mi Opera House WO. F. OOnDRAY, Manager. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. leftrement Extraordinary! A Star Lot artists. Perec R. Benton and (tit production of "A Cowboy's Girl." A itory of tho plains. That good at Ono-half laugh, ono-half scn- tist Every act a most porfoct kcttre of western life! Irtoi 75c, 50c and 25c. kit on sale at box offlco Tuesday at 9 a. m. UNGER GRAND THEATRE iday, jWy. 25. hcon'a favorite young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer 3 ACT COMEDY IRS. TEMPLE'S TELEGRAM Mm, evenings, 15 and 25c. J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. JFuneral Director and X Erabalmcr, Gs answered day or - ragnt. ;; li?y.T.H Court St,. Salem ' ' H. S. Gile & Co. Wfidfesaic Gtoecrs and Com mission Merchants In tho markot at all times for dried fruit and farm produco of all kinds. SPECIAL Wo havo for salo a few applo par ing and slicing machines; equipment for a largo dryer; will mako a low price. CAPITAL COMMISSION CO. 267 Commercial St. Phone 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and , All Farm Produce. Salem Fence Wire Hendrjuftrters for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wiro, Barb Wire, Poultry Nottlng, Plckots, Gates, Shingles and P. & D; Ready Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore The Fashion Stables reraarly Btmpeoa'a Stable. Up-to-date livery and cab line Funeral turaoote a specialty. Tally ho for plcalca and excursions. Phon 44. CHAS. W YANNKE, Prop 247 and 240 High Street. . BULLOCH BROS. ..RESTAURANT.. Two doors south of Bush's Bank Open Day and Nfght The bMt of everything. Clean and quick service. Ndk-jT1! tho ourca ot much iHty,,, nnjr stipend & little r tow buying grocers of rfoUwrence&BaW "'I1ltM. 'J Lighthouse Washing Powder Two packages for 35 cents. The .best and cheapest. Now that tho legislators have gone you will be cleaning up and you will find this powder n i great help. For a short time. we will make this Special Offer - Moir Grocery Company SAYS KIDNEYS WEAR OUT FIRST How to Find Out If the Kid neys Are Affected A well known authority Btates that there aro moro enscs of kidney trouhlo hero now than ever beforo whllo recent reports show, that moro peoplo succumb enoh year to somo form of kidney dlscnso than any other cause. When, thoro Is sickness, examine tho urino. Rheumntlsm Is only a symptoms of kldnoy trouble It is nothing moro or less than excessive uric acid In tho blood, which the sulggtsh, Inactive kidneys havo fail ed to sift out, leaving It to decom pose and sottlo about tho Joints and muscles, causing Intonso sufforlng; frequently rosultlng In deformity; often reaching tho heart whon death onsucs. Pains across tho back, froquont, painful and suppressed urination nnd other symptoms of weak bladder are not tho only signs of kldnoy troublo; many cases of stomach dlscaso, head ache, pain In tho heart, Inactivo llv or, etc., aro but symptoms; tho cause of which can bo traced to feoblo, clogged kidneys. Tho physicians for tho Insurance companies always carefully examine and report on tho condition ot tho urino. It Is a certnln sign of sick ness or health of tho human body. A tost of tho urino should bo mado by ovory man and woman at least onco each year. A simple test Is to void a small quantty of urino In a bottlo or glass and let It Btnnd over night; next morning, If thoro Is a reddish brick-dust sediment, or whlto fleecy substanco present, cither con sult somo reputable physician, or tnkoi a- good vogotablo treatment. Tho following prescription Is rocom monded highly In theso ensos, nnd If' dcslrnblo tho suffcror can mix It at homo. Any good prescription phar macy has tho Ingredients which nre harmless and IncxponBlve: Com pound Knrgon, ono ounco; Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono-half ounco; Compound Syrup Sarsnparllla, threo ounces. Shako woll and uso In ten spoonful dosos nftor each meal nnd nt bodtlmo. Whoro nny of tho symp toms onumornted nbovo are present, good results aro suro to follow Imme diately tho uso of hls slmplo pro scription. o Acccyt Xo Hid. Washington, Fob. 20. Tho ad ministration has docldod not to no copt nny bids for tho construction of the Pnnnma cnnnl by contract. o OA.1STOIIIA.B Bui ti a Ito Wad Yoa Ihra Atoajs Bccjhl Don't Lose Sight Of the fttdt that wo havo a com ploto lenso grinding plant, and can grind your louses according to any prescription. Droken lonscs accu rately duplicated. DON'T LOSE YOUR SIGHT By woarlng poorly fitted glasses, Wo aro experts and graduato oyo specialists, and can fit you correctly. CHAS. H. HINGES Export watchmaker aad graduat optician, 123 Commercial street. Easy to And. next door to Capital bask. HOUSE FAILED TO CONCUR Normal School Combine Did Its Work Well in Lower House , It was generally understood thnt tho Vawter bill creating a board of rogeuts for tho normal schools con tained a clause that tho hoard should look over tho situation, Bolect two schools thnt should bo eliminated from tho normal Bchomo, report to tho next legislature, and put It up to thnt body to do tho decapitating act. When tho bill reached tho governor there was no such clause in tho measure A look over tho situation shows that tho house failed to con cur In tho sonnto amendment which placed In this saving clauso and tho noxt legislature will find Itself In ex actly tho snmo position as this, un less something Is dono by Initiative and referendum In tho meantime o - Circuit Court Business. Tho equity suit ' Hattlo E. Mans field, et nl to J. L. Hill, ot nl., wns this morning dismissed without prejudice In tho dlvorco suit of Ionn Jonos vs. n mu el E. Jonos, tho dofondant defaults, and tho caso was sot for hearing March Cth, at 1 p. mil March 8th, at 1 p. m., has boon sot1 as tho tlmo to hear tho forcclosuro Biilt ot M. Chrlstonson, ot nl., against Elvln Arnold, et nl. Tho trial of T. A. Llvosloy & Co. vs. A. D. Pettyjohn, et nl., has boon continued until March 7th at 1 p. ra. In tho dlvorco caso of Francis Brown against Edna Drown a motion to mako moro doflntto nnd certain "was ovorrulod. Tho dofondant wan given until Thursday, Fobruary 28, to filo an answer. "' "Vi March 8th has boon set as tho tlmo to hoar tho L. Edwin Rice vs. Jullott Rice dlvorco suit. In tho accounting suit ot Orovor' Todd against William Bingham, tho plaintiff wns this morning allowed to fllo an nmondod complaint, nnd do fondnnt's nnswor wns nllowed to ap ply to amended complaint, It do sired. March Cth, at 1 p. m., was sot ns tho tlmo to hear tho case Tho testimony In tho B. T.'Bognrd vs. A. Barhan caso has boon closod, nnd tho trial contlnuod until n lntor dato for oral argumont. and briefs. -scsnrEffr- Solo On'Mervt i 7Jnr urt - r in&w" (jojrfgaate IK 9'f) Ntri. r StapoWl Absolutely Pure NO ADULTERATION Pure Cream Tartar and jPur Bicarbonate Soda Only ISOLD on MERITS J. A. Folger & Co. s.BF,ao Spring Groceries mmmtmmmmMtmmmmmmmmn Wo aro always prepared for any occasion, and piir lino of '8prjfn eatables, aa 'Well as vege ta'Cloa and garden" seeds Is as .eoijpjqto ajpajf In the city. At tho earao old stand. Asp. Miwyey's .Cr, Omrt ami Wgtt W, Uim. t JblMPMv MW I'lnnl Acroimt Appropil Tho final account of Inezo Clnrke, ns administrator of tho catnto of John A. Rotnn, has lieon approved. Tho amount of money realized from tho salo of tho proporty of tho ostato' was $200.70. o Pleastuit nnd Most Effective. T. J. Chambers, Ed. Vindicator, Liberty, Toxas, writes Boc. 25, 1002: "With plcasuro and unsolicited by you, I boar testimony to tho curntlvo powor of Ballard's Horohound Syrup.. I havo uhoiI It In my family and can cheorfully nfflrm It Is tho moit of foctlvo and best romedy for coughs and colds I havo ovor usod." Sold by D. J. Fry. KELLIHER DECISON REVERSED Supreme Court Reverses De cision or Judge Burnett in Land Fraud Matter. Tho supremo court this morning rovorsod tho decision ot Judgo Bur nett, of tho district court ot Marlon county, In tho case ot tho State vs. A. T. Kolllhor, sentoncod to sorvo flvo yenra In tlo jipultontlary for forgery qf a deed In tfio mattor ot tho school land frauds. Kolllhor was tried In Judgo Burnett's court about IS montliB ago and wns convicted. 1 Ponding tho decision of tho supromoj court no nns uoon at llborty under bonds ot $3000. Tho ground for rovorsal was tho alleged lack ot corroboration. Tho opinion wib propnrcd by Judgo Eakln. Farmer Commits Suicide. A prosperous Cnrus fnrmor ending his Ilfo by taking carbollo acid from no known cnuso, was a startling shock to his family ns woll ns n wldo clrclo of friomlB and acquaintances. Joseph Porlngor, tho milcldo, Jlvcil In tho Cnrua neighborhood only a, tow miles from Oregon Glty. Tho can bo ot tho sutcldo's Act has been, a puzslo to tho nolghbors and to tho coroner, who was called to the spot Sunday, and who hold an In quoBt thoro. Tho body was not brought to this city but loft In charge ot tho family, an will be burled In tho comotory nt Cams. Porlngor was In Orogpn City lant week to pay his taxes and sqomed to bo In hln ordinary mood, but It Is thdught that whllo In town ho pur chased the bottlo ot carbollo acid with which ho ended his life Noth ing unusual was noon In his habits nftor ho reached homo, yot it la thought that soma small family troublo was tho roal causu that tempted ..tho man to tnko his l4fo. Porlngor was in good circumstances, having a Inrgo, woll kopt farm. That'B nil. 'Nut said, whon you say that IIolllstor'B Rocky Mountain ' Tea Is tho grcntost family romedy on earth. It does you good going and coming; 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For salo nt Dr. Stono's store o Mr. OiMlfwy 111 Mrs. James E. Godfroy, who has boon visiting In Portland, hns boon taken suddonly 111, and her dnughtor .Miss Emma, will leavo tomorrow morning for'tho metropolis, and will return In tho evening with hor moth er. It Is thought thnt tho Illness Is not Horjouo, nnd that tho patient will noon bo woll again. o , Record Lumber Cjirgo. Vnncouvor, H. C, Fob. 20. Tho stonmor Tottonham sallod for San Mnrquos, Mo.xlco, with tho largest cargo of lumber ovor tnkon out of nny port on tho Pnclflo const. Tho Tottenham's rocord-bronklng enrgo conslBts or 1,200,000 foot of lum bor. ties, beams and polos. Tho con signment Is for rnllroud construction work In Mexico. o Advlro to mothors. Don't lot your children wnsto away. Thoy can no strong, healthy nnd vigorous with, IIolllstor'B Rocky Mountain Ton. It's a awlft winged moBsougor of honlth; 35conts, Tea or Tablots. For salo at Dr. Stono'a store Even from UiRf ManaUlM. . Ballard's Show Liniment U iralad for tho good it doe. A aure cure far rheumatism and all plns.- Wrlgkt W. Loving, Orand JuMttlan, Coj . writes: "I used Ballard,' Saqw Llal tnent, last winter, for rketmattam and can recommend It as the b. Liniment on tho market, I thpufht, at tho tlmo I was taken down with this trouble that It would be a wee" boforo I could get about, but oa ap- . Plying your Liniment several tlmw f. during the sight, I waa about In 48 hours nn'd well In .three days:" Sold by D. J. Fry. Petition of Mllltlu Company. Orogon City, Fob. 2(1. A petition la being passed around among tho young man or tho town who take this means ot asking tho stato mili tary bonrd to establish n company of Infantry In this ulty. Thoro aro about (10 of the Spanish war votorans hero, nnd nil aro onthuslastlo ovor tho prospoct ot tho formntlon of n company. The Trxa IVcHiffer. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheuwatlo trouble; sold by all drag gists, or two months' treatment by mall for fl. Dr. H. W, Hall, 29J Olive atroet, St, Loula, Me. 8e4 for tostlmoalalB . Sold by Rtoaa'a drug atore. dwlyr immiinnnnwwwwwwwiwwww' iiwwwwniiiiirtWiaiiiitiitMtaiiiiiiBi The calf was grown The beef was kilted The hide was tanned The Shoe was made IN SALEM And it Will outwear any thing of the kind made at any place in the world. To see is to believe. So ex amine E. L Irvin & Cos $3.50 Hand Made MADE AND SOLD BY E. L IRVIN & CO. Practical Shoemen Repairing a .Specialty SALEM, OREGON lllil -'-i-ijinmi. ii iiiiiii ilmii imi ii inm-1- mmmmmmmimi'm -V