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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
"T$ jf.y t"" fi Jw''frvftw w..,.1,l. " TJF" j? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8MM, ORHdON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1007. In vour comb? why so? Is not the head a much better place for it? Better keep what is left where it belongs 1 Ayer's Hair Vifjor, new improved for- f&muia) quicny siuys laiuug uitu. lucre J g '-. is not a particle of doubt about It. XC a lh "' " '"' KwilUMMi. ... " "'"""" ."PSSSgSSi i., . ftere s our. IRMAL SCHOOL BILLS (0 That Were Never Passed Legaiiy ... udc Annniinced P . .t... navAV arm a We? ESS Vine auuvv. . inna nassago of tho bill K ST . normal schools up- ; i3i" .. mnrn was .UiiUteiori -;-- .. , of a remarkable legislature . 8 Wl . ... u.i irrlilnv nleht. AVY MOTION TO BE. SIDEIl, could bo revived on a ceding day and a void uuuu-u w ' n Jho necessary 31 votes re- U by the constitution Is a sui- :, md mystery. ,.- nnrosantatlvo King, of Mal- "Ln . rilAXGKIl HIS VOTE feDAY AFTKll TIIK VOTE WAS KEN and thus mado tno iour ..t schools ngaln possible was litcd la Saturday's Journal. It should bo recalled that on n , Mrht tho nrogram for four nor- ';, WAS DKCLAHKD CAIUUED Sl'EAKKK DAVEY AFTKH INfilNO TWO VOTES, and tho se adjourned, but recount of tho iMhowed only 30 votes. Iterord Friday Night. he Portland Telegram tolls of miraculous pnssago of tho hill: Amid applause from every part the house, Speaker Davoy tonight JtXOUXCT.D THAT SENATOR UGHKHY'S HI Mi making an np sprlatlon for tho Monmouth and Ia normal schools HAD PASSED it body and that provision had Bra mado for four normals. That ii tho understanding whon tho jaw adjourned, but examination of If record of tho last roll call shows ftfonlr 30 voted for tho bill, and Km another veto dan Do secured aorrov morning tho bill will fall. When tho Laughcry bill camo up the houso tonight tho Drain nor- tl tu saddled on it. Tho Bonnto 1 houto havo herotoforo passed !s for the maintenance of Ashlnnd J Weston " Ilnd Only 28 Vetes: THs It from the Tolegrmn report Uia: 'Friday night the house took un ator Lauehary'B bill annrnnrlnt- K H5.000 for Monmouth. On mo- a of Jones, of Polk, tho amount J reduced to J3G.000 nnd Jackson opoied tho Insertion of n section providing for Drain. This amend ment was declared adopted upon a viva, voco vote and tho bill placed up on final passage. Tho voto when tho roll was called was: "Ayes Bolknnp, Bovorldgo, Burns, Carter, Coffey, Dobbin, Don nelly, Drlscoll, Eaton, Edwards, Gray, Hendricks, Jackson, Jewell, Jones of Polk and Lincoln, Knowles Kubli, McCallon, McCue, Perkins. Pike, Rodgers, Rothchlld, Slushcr, Steen, Vawter, Washburn, Davey 28. "Noes Adams, Barrett of Wash ington, Brlx, Bnyor, Beals, Brown, Beutgen, Campbell, Crawford, Dye, Holt, Huntley, Jones of Clackamas, King, Newell, Northup, Purdy, Sim mons, Upmeyer. 19. "Absent Bttrrett of Umatilla, Bones, Chapin, Chase, Connell, Far rell, Freoman, Merryninn, Moore, Rackleir, Reynolds, Sottlemier, Wil son 13." It will bo soon in tho Statesman account that Reynolds and Bayer were ndded to tho column of nyos making 30. Tho Sunday morning Statesmnn tolls how it was done and as a mat ter of history wo quote Its repert: The Procedure Erldny Night. (From report in Sunday States man, pago ono.) Whon tho voto was finished on tho bill Just beforo adjournment, thoro wero still two lacking of tho requir ed number. 'ONLY TWO MOItE NEEDED," shouted Davoy as ho hold his gnvejl suspended, and then Bayer changes I1I3 voto from no to yes. NOW," Bald Davoy, nnd Reynolds of NOW," snld Davoy, nad Roynolds of Marlon changed his vote, prcsumb ably carrying tho bill. After the houso had adjourned It was discov ered that still ono voto was lacking, as stated in tho Statesmnn yesterday morning, and it was thought for a tlmo that the bill would be defeated but yesterday morning THE QUES TION WAS REOPENED AGAIN AND, WITHOUT A NEW VOTE BE ING TAKEN, Dnvoy allowed King to change his" voto from no to yes nnd the Drain nnd Monmouth schools wero given n now lcnso of life. Tho Ballot Again Opened. From samo papor, Ib taken tho rec ord of this romarkable precedure: "When RoprcBontntlvo King changed his voto yesterday morning on'tho normal school bill, tho main tenance of Monmouth and Drain was assured, and this means all four of tho stato normnls will bo rotalnod nt Ashland, Weston, Monmouth and Drain. Sponkor Davoy announcod nftor the sosslon hnd convonod. THAT ONE VOTE WAS LACKING TO PASS HOUSE HILL Oil, nmond ed to provldo appropriations for Drain and Monmouth. King jumped up,, and signified his Intention to chnngo his voto. This mndo up itho nocossary 31, and tho bill VBalHHHHHHHttMHHHHHHHHHHWHHHHHHHMMNMHB Je Kind Yoa Ilavo Always Bought, and whick has beea - ior over ao years, has homo tho glgrHatnre of f& and has been mado uudcr his per- l&yffij?-&'A sonal supervision alnco Its iafaHcy. AiTn 't' AUowno one to deceive yon iu thtft. fCHiRterfelts, imitatloHa and"jHst-a8-gootl,ar fcuto gyyhacnts that trifle with and eudanffor the heai of " aad Children Experience against Experi -nt. What is CASTOR I A J a harmless substitute for Caster Oil, Par 2SSi p ud Soothln Syrups. It is Pleasant. It JTW'h aelther Opium, Morpkise nor other KarootkJ "Tce. iu ago in iu rtwrantee. It destroys Worm !J. wia-8 Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea aad "Via Jii L reMeves Teething Troubles, cures CoastlpaUoa mLil cncy Ifc liullati tho Food, regulates the VVriVit4 Rwels, ghiitg healthy and tural rfeep. U0reu'8 Panacea-The Mother's Frlead. aV CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears tht ifnatur of S TV in iid You Have Always Bought w um For Over 30 Yar. m , ...... , was declared passed. It is now up to tho governor to either sign tho hills, or veto them. It is rumorod that ho may do tho latter, in view of his well known views of onl two schools.' It Is nn open question if tho governor will bo called up to Voto a bill so defectively enacted as tho Monmouth-Draln normal school appropriations. Speaker Dnvey's Statement. Speaker Davey was seen this morning, nnd said tho record as pub Hshed In tho nowsnnners was sub stantially correct. - "Just boforo ad journment Friday night I declared tho -hill had passed, and tho houso adjourned at onco. It was then found on tallying up tho roll call that a voto was lacking. Noxt morn ing, boforo tho journal of tho houso was read, I called attention of tho houso to my error, and reversed tho declaration that tho hill wnB passed. Tho clerk was asked to read tho roll call, and whon he camo to tho nnmo of King, who hnd voted 'no,' that gentleman arose nnd changed his voto, which carrldd tho bill. MY DECLARATION OF THE NIGHT BEFORE WAS ILLEGAL, AS IT WAS NOT FOUNDED ON FACT. and King's nanio ndded to tho nyos passed tho bill, as his voto was changed beforo tho correct result of tho roll call on pnssago of tho bill wnct mmln " Mr. T)ftVOV snld ho an- prohended no trouble on account of tho matter. Tho normal schools nnd Institutions of higher education had a Btaunch frlond In tho person of the speaker. o- Huntlng for Trouble. "I'vo lived in California 20 yeare, and am still hunting for troublo in tho way of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a caeo of pllos that Bucklen'B Arnica Salvo won't quickly euro," wrltos Charles Walt ers, of Alloghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; It euros ovory caso. Guaranteed at J. C. Jorry s drug store; 25c. INDEPENDENCE STAGE. Dally excopt Sunday. Loaves WU lamotto Hotel, Salem at 3 p. m con ngcts with motor for Monmouth and Dallas at G:1G p. m. Loaves Inde pendence at 8 a. m. Phono Main 179. RALPH BUDLONQ, ' Manager. o A Profitable Performance Cooko Patton. tho accommodating book merchant, gave a very interest ing and profltnblo ontortnlnmont In tho Brooks hall liiBt Saturday ovon inc. Ono of tho largest crowds that tho ha'l ovor contained was present, and Cooko held it spollboundt for ovor two hours. Ills progrnm'-con-slstod of comic opera Bttimp spooch- os, clog dnncos and comedy of all kinds, ulvon by those who woro un der his control, nnd many now nnd mnrvolous spoclnltles porformod by hiniBolf. Tho object of tho perform ance wns to ralso money with which to buy a boll for tho Evangollcal church, and Mr. Patton, who is al ways ready to .do n good turn, fur nished tho attraction to got tho ma zuma. About ?30 was rnUed, ovory ono had a good tlmo, nnd Mr. Patton has tho good will of all who woro present, especially th-j commltteo of ladies whd hnd chargo of tho program. Additional Personals Arthur Boechen left this morning for Portland. Mrs. G. W. Chapman and Mrs. A. It. Smith went to Portland today. Louis Nerod, of Portland, spent Sunday in this city. Miss Mary Wain has returnod from a visit in Corvallls. Mrs. M. A. Pla'mondon left for a visit in Portland today. Dallas Gllmore, tho talented trom bonist, of Portland, was visiting in Salem last week. M. A. Lane, who has been visiting his cousin, Charles Davis, of this city, lef tthls morning for his homo In Tacoma. Will Zidoll, tho expert skater, loft last evening for San Francisco, wliero ho has accepted a position in tho largest rink of that city. Frances Howard, of Chemawa, spent Sunday vlsjling at her homo in this city. John Hunt, who has been in tho city, taking In the legislature, re turned yesterday to bis homo ia Woodhurn. Miss McCully, who has been visit ing Salem relatives, and taking in tho Auditorium masquerade, left yesterday for her homo in Portland, M, P. Davis, grand chancellor of tho K. Ps, left today for his horaa in Union. Robert Stewart, of Berkley, Cal., after visiting Salem friends, and transactlag basinew, left thU morn ing for Portland. "What Do They CureT The nbovo question Is often asked con cerning Dr. Ptcrco's two loading medi cines, "GoWon Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Proscription." Tho answer Is that "Golden Medical Discovery "Is a moat potent alterative ot blood-purlflcr, and tonic or Invlgoratoi and nets especially favorably In a cum tlvo way upo". all iho mucous Unlnn sur faces, ns of tho nasal passages, throat, bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels ano bladdeocurlnff a largo per cent of catar rhal caiM whether -tho disease atTccU tl" nasal piajw,, tho thwat, larynx, bron cula, storaaclMas catamul dyspepsia bowels. (m tnumwlfcrIi,jO. bladder uterus or other pelvic orgStr Evn!n "Jf-HIFW 1'r "'"nrntlyp ngo nf Ihnii alTectlntH. it u nftn pucccsslul In atfocV ."finCHF:?- -.. - . . ... .- jjio -1- a write. I'jesgrintion " ' ndyS'y; uin i-.iiivi'? nun class nl illspnsos lho. for llMvilUrttrtlpiio cfivsa oi dlsoasos -ihi lcUiliirVBjSji5SnTrTCr7g7rmmt Is a powertul i el grnuy uctliig lnvlOT ficj nf f 1 Icrtrt Ciei TV 1 t..-. MI,M -. ii v.v to niimi'l) iniiv.'l is a UOWcrliil liit . p?ntlv lu'tiiic inviiiriVnt. i"i ".. -.-.-' ---..........- idk sonic am nervine, hot weaK worn out, over-woikod women no mnttor what nos caused tho break-down, "Favorlt Proscription "will bo found most effective In building up tho Atrongth, roRUlutlnq tho womanly functions, subduing paU and bringing about a healthy, vigorou condition of tho wholo system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving tho formulm of both medicines and quoting what scorc3 ot eminent med ical authors, whoso works are consult? d by physicians of all tho schools ot practlo as guides In urescrlbtng, say of each In gredient entering Into these mcdlolnw Tho word of prnlso bestowed .on the sevoral Ingrrdlnnts entering Into Doctor Plorco's modiclnrs bv such writers should have mora m'Iv it than any amount o non - profcwiloiinl tMtlmonlals, becaue such men are writing for tho guidance ol their medlca brothron and know whoreof thoy qpoak. Both medicines aro non-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful hablt-formlngilri)f-i, being composed of glyceric extracts of tho roots of natlvo, American medicinal forest plants Thoy aro both sold by doalfra In modlclno. You can't afford to accept aa a substitute for ono Oi theso medicines of known composition, any secret nostrum. Dr. Pleivo'A Pellets, small, sugar-coo tod, easy to tako as candy, regulate and i vlgnrate stomach, llvor and bowols. n.4FjfvlMHK83SIIBHS 'T,i j-:ti-j: Jfj.iairwsr' Tho above cut shows our brick ltnod Torrid Zena Furnaco. Guar antood gas and dust proof. Econom ical and durablo; for tho particulars Inqulro at A. L. FRASER S58 State Street. riifitiifiiliiiitiniiiiitiiiinwi CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT tfj4llllliHli3tIHHllgIta FOX AXM. wK. For Sale. A five and a six-room houso, with from one to six lots with each, woll located in East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonefleld, 21st and Marion Sta., Snlom. 1-38-tf For Bale. 34 acres of cholco land, good 9-room houso and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and woll; 10 acres ot hops; situated three-quarters of a mllo from car line; land all in cultivation and will bo dlvldod it desired and Bold in two lots. Address W. A. Llston, 370 Court street. Salem, 1-26-lm For SaU A completo box manufac turing nnd planing mill plant. Ad dress E. Burkholder, Albany, Or, 2-20-tf For Sale. Twolvo good housos, somo with small tracts of land; nlso good farm south and oast ot town. Enqulro 747 S. 12th St. J. C. Shultz. 2-23-lwk For Sale Fresh Jorsoy mllcli cow. Enqulro J. II. Howell, 12th nnd Cross streot. 2-23-3t LOST. ijost uom bracolot, Bot with turrun linos, ono stono missing, on Court or Commercial streets. Roward if loft at this ofilco. 2-22-3t 1-XR RENT. k For Rout. FurniBhod rooms, 700 North Commercial street. Inqulro M. A. DIco. 2-21-tf For Itotit. 480-acro fnrm. good houso, Vi miles west of Wnpnto Station, 45 ncrcs good farming land, 10,000 strawberry plants, second growth; COO Logan borry plants, 2d year; largo barh hill of hny, good fonccs and stocked with tho follewing: NInotoon cows nnd helfors, 16 head young stock nnd J50 Angora goats; will ront nil on shares or easy terms. W. II, Egnn, Gervais, routo No, 2, Phono Farmors 3C. 2-18-tf Contractor anil Builder A. J. Aa dcrson, contractor and builder. -tlmatos furnished froo. It will pay you to sco mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court stroot, or phone 544. 2-15-tf NEW AND BKCOND-lfAND GOOD8, New and Second-iland Goods. Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utonslla, dlsa es, granito aad tiawara ot all klada Glvo us a eall. O. L. McPoek, 17 South Commercial St. 8-18-ly PHYSICIANS AND SURGKON8. Dr. D. R. GrlMn, tke Specialist ea MorFhkte All drug and llaar habits, whick he curea ia 3 day. No Money uatll cured. 214 Trad St., 8atem. Ore. Phone 568. Jsaa Doyens, BusIbms Haaager. OWafA.TMM. Dr. B. H. Whiie-araditats sf Kklct vllle, Me., uader teuader ot Oe teepatky. Room 21, Breymaa bulldlag, Couerolal street. Phoae 87. Residence 190 8uer street, corner ot Center. Pkeae 1219. Treats acute aad ckreate diaeasea. Examination tree. 11-17-U 3 J?LUMRBJUs, Theo. M. Ilarr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial street, Phoae Main 192. 9-1-ly Garden Seeds ! Wo Iinvo a largo Btoclc of Gardon Seeds In bulk. Our eoods aro all 100G crop; no carry-ovor. ONION RETS. Ask for Binnll onion sets. You got throo times as many to tho pound. field si:i:ns. Fancy Bliiosteui Whoat, Chovolin Bnrloy, Oats, Corn, Clover, Alfalfu, Field Peas, Land Plaster, etc. Distributing agonts for Coulson's Egg Foods, CoulBon'a Chick Foods, Coulson's Condition Powders, Tho largest wholosalo and retail dealers in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 Hijjh St LODGES. Foresters of Amorlea Court Sh.r wood Forostors, No. 19. Moots Tuosdny In Hurst hall, Stato stroot Leo Abblo. C. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. M. J, Petxol Plumbing, ttenro 4 gas fitting, Bnccfwor to Knox H Murphy, 220 Commercial atreat. 'Phono Mala 17. . R. O. CuinmlHH Buccoasor to White Cummins, oxpreoe, delivery and transfer line. Proaapt servlee te our motto. Furniture and plaao moving a specialty. Stand at 151 South Commercial stroot. Pkoae 175. Rculdonco phoae 968. 8-4-tf SASH AND DOOR FAOTOMM. Prank M, Brown. Manufacturer ef nth, doom, mouldings. All kind ef houso finiih and Hard wood work. Front street, bet, State and Court, Central Lodgo No. IB, K. of P. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty stroots, Tuesday ot each weok at 7:30 p. ra. K. W. Hazard, O. O.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and 8. I WmWIIIHIMMHIIWIII Gold Dust Flotir , ' - - i Ma4 by TKB 8TDKBT 70W- ! BK OOMPAXY, m4Mf, Oregea. M&de ter family dm. Ask yow igrecr far it. Brta aad skerts ' ahraye ea kaad. i P, B. Wallace ! ! AGENT J lnniionmiMnmniMH O. C T. CO -STEAMERS- pomona AND ORKGONA LKAVK PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. JC, TUWH)AY, THURSDAY AND RATUneAYI AT A. H. OU (XMYALM TVmnAY, THUWMDAt AND 1ATUIUIAY AHOUT P. K. 9m P B Al. fTWJUy Aft Modern Wooilmen of Ainerlca Ore gon Cedar Camp No, 5240. Moots ovory Thursduy ovonlng at 8 o'clock in Holman hall. W. W. Hill. V. C; F. A. Tumor, Ciork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, in Holman hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. 0.; P. L. Frailer, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, nccl dont and ponBlon insuranco; (2, 000,000 pledgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wanted. J, H. O, Montgomery, supromo organizor, Box 432 Snlom, Oregon, It. R. Ryan, socrectary, 646 Stato streot. MISCELLANEOUS. I'Juno Tuner L. L. woods, piano ex pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave orders at Goo, C, Wilis' music storo, Salotn. 2- 9-lyr A. M. BhhmcH Weaver of portiers, rag carpets and rugs, old ingrain carpets made into rugs any size de sired, also rugs and carpeU for sale, In school room of Pentecostal church, 194 South Twelfth street, Salem, Oregon. 2-S-3w Concrete Work. -Got my prices oa eldewalka, curbs, septio tanks and comest work of any kind, All work guaranteed nrst-claaj. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 569. 2-U-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more tkaa any otker bread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALDTORNIA BAKERY. Thomaa k Cooley, Props. Ilatto Wewioretii Fine wlnw, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly oa drougb. South Coinnercla! street 9-3-lyr ttalcm Iron Work. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Nana faeUrors of all kinds of sawmill macklaery. Hop and fruit drying atevee, eta, Haaufaaturer ottke gale Ira WrJw Me Preae, WANTSlD, Wnntetl To buy bnlod straw. J. Connor, Willnmotto hotel. 2-4-tf Two Hoys WiiiiUhI To soil papora. Inqulro at Journal ofllca. 1-30-tf Wmitcil to Buy Heavy draft horses, wolght 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Willnmotto liotol. 1-28-tf Wuuti'd A inlddlo-ngod lady to nt otnd to invalid, and do light housowork. Inqulro at 365 South 18th street. 2-23-3t Huli Wanted. A dbzon good mon for work in nursery. 0, F. Lans ing, Qunkor Nursorios, on Onrden rond. Phono 060, 2-22-f Enlarged Our moat markot on East State streot has been doubled In slzo and wo aro bettor proparod than over to servo customors. Prompt sorvlco and tho host of moats our motto, Call or phono 190. Ii. H. Edwards, Prop Wanted. Stunographlc position by young woman wishing to mako change tho II rat ot April, Six years' oxporlonco. Excellent rof oronces. Address "Stenographer," earn Capital Journal, 2-19-lm Wnntttl-A boy to learn good trade Apply at Capital Journal office. 3-22-3t Wanted Gentleman or Indy to travol for morcantilo houso of largo cap ital. Territory at home or abroad to suit. If dosirablo tho homo may bo usod aa headquarters. Weekly salary ot 11000 per year and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Oro. 2-1 9-1 ta WHted Throe salesmen tor our new county, Township and Railroad Surveys of Oregon. These surreys are a splendid compilation of facta figures and drawings, and ot won derful value. Countlea and towns aro fully indexed, and populations of each are given; railroads plain ly shown and distance betweoa all statious also shown; congressional districts outlined, numbered and populations given, Othor features too numerous to mention. A splen did opportunity for energetic men. Band, MoNatly Se Co., Chicago, III. SALEM WATER COMPANY otrtm ewrr xaxjl For water aerviff ayjdy at eHee, Mill waM Meat ta aite, t I o ;4yfytitji V'A .tfjWBt? . fi"..Jfl Jdj62te ftljilL1tWVJ.:vi A i