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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1907)
"iliWysWBWTOWF? TH? DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OnROON, MONHAV, FEimUAUVJ W mmi rtRglglBMfgfltfW--',1,-MWW,,,ll,IBI,llfci''""1" """" " "" """ . .0g .taawn .teiiai - '"""" M 0 3 n PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC 240 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET CO. I, . I JM I 1 . I 7" -BBPfl?Ii "'USB' iBllHili fijPBaeli lwWHiHl jH rgYV " t"PytoMm-. jV. r -ri , jBBbwwp v r 4 wm awS flag igejtta jamt JwWHBMBMBBi D ISHflflKHMSlrESTf I iffHBHDQHHln clBII MaaaaaaaaaflgK. INTERIOR OF E0)LER ROOM PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY STEAM PLANT, SALEM, OREGON. 800 HORSE POWER. OIL BURNERS. mS3SS3BBBOSSSSS3SSSSsss fRP 1iMfM0rSmSMimJmMMmrmr0MmMmtfamnr W ls-Ty ithX!. mm 1W -yw o rorxcn. mkktinu. Mayor Kay Ailjoiinicil MwIIiik Ar numl for 'I'liululit Will H IIIokiiI. At a ttiMtlNg of tit city rounrll l'rtilHy rnlHK. whH Imw ttntn k nuorniH n( uiiM)br wr tiroMNt, uit HiUuiirHWnt w bil until lo HlHli. Muyor UoilKrs tiiMrueUri the recorder lo .notify tlit intnlmri of tlio (H)iiuell Hint thra on b n titt-uUtiK. m Iimm than attorum mw not lis aajournil iHwtlng. without mtJuurnltiK tnm lny to tiny. UnltM tlioro uliouhl l n cnllml mwtliiK ly tliv tHuyor, tlro will not bit MHth orlnK of lit ully lnwiiiAUim until Mutulny. Mnralt Uk. A YmuaMo Ion, "Hlx ytstm rru I lenruo4 n yhIu ablii loflxflii," wrlUn John l'pannt, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then began tak ing Dr. KliiR'a Now I.lfe l'HU, and the loneor I tako them tha bettor I find thorn." Tboy nt ewybody. OuaranteJ at, J. 0. Terry', druccUt i 'O O JH. Ml S? Xt X JBU . WORK OF REVISING JOURNALS Preparation of Laws for Pub lication Left to Speaker Davey Tfcc Women Folks TI1KV HAVli MOUK OU LKS.H IlVHINtdiH WITH llANKrt. MANY CWTIIRM fX).MK IX) THIS HANK. WK API'KKCIATH THKlll iATKOSA(2K WK IN. 1TK OTIIKUH, NO MATTKIt MOW H.M.MJ, TUKIU UUtilNKKH, WK INV1TK THKM IX) CX)MK. ALL THAN8AOTI0NH WITH THM HANK AUK CONBinKUKO OOXl'iniiSTIAL. SIfi State Bank j S.WfKAZAJU)tCdte Tli work of irMirlK lb Jnr nala of tint siiat rooiliHi has bn tHlruatwt to Chlf Clork 1'rtmk S. Onuit HHd Oftlandnr Otwrk PrnMk K. U-ll, and lli tlm Itiultad to S I day. Th work In tht liutiw la undor tha direction of ltrra8Uttlr llniwn, or htnn eouuly. nud th work la UIhr doH by Chief Clork V. Ulr ThutniHWH. AiwIaUHt Clrk lrHKr and Oalandnr Clvrk lturry. timu UwltMd to twenty day. Rftftkr Prank Davy hna baon atolHUd by 8wertnry of Btato I'rank Uaiihih to n)are tho laws for iiHbllentlon a fmt as thoy are Med by the Korwnor. Ho will Uo luvo ohnrRo of nrwarlng th copy for thn hntuo uud Mate Jonrnnla tor tho irlntor He bxH work tht ttornluK with n aufiteiRt fore of olorka. ThU work hn btn dont in the rwt ty A. O. gondii, of (hla olty. The nHH)dntmont of Mr. Dnvey will niyt with general ntUfaclloH. ' O' cyclono time itrurk thv HoitUiern ml of thv I'lilllinilue UlHiula. Cafile oomiiiunidtiion iiu. bo'ii lnurruntU The ooi ur iicHin and milk hare IncreMHi In ur fount ty from SO to j 4 0 per cent. I Ail KuroiH U rlnKliiR with (trHliwa 'for Captain Bperllng for aavlug all j th people on board the wrecketl .ett'iuuehtn oily of Ilet'ltn. A bill wHi put through the lci iDtHre, which adjourned aaturdMy. lHoreeliic thv er cnpltn eehool ux lo T.OO for eitch child of eehool nx In Oroion. Ainerlonn oxtmrte of leather and leather iHiuiufueturiM renched the sum of $180,000,000 the past year Ttllummik orenmerlea nnd cheeae fnelorles hnndietl ten million pounds f wtik Inet yenr. H'V, 1. J. Rnvn at Siiluin ThU Kvatlemun. who reprentg . wht ha ooIIh rutluiml divine heallnK. leetHred Sunday afternoon at CoMutierolul hall, and will lecture JaRaln thla eH)nliiR at S o'clock, free to the public. He waa engaged In ,th work of the HvutiKelleal church ,for 12 yunr. atatloued at Albany and jrornand. For the patt thn years CURRENT TOPICS TODAY MiSRStiMhNhMami lYepaml for tho tublle HchooU ium! ihti IVmlly Clrcks Sunday tho arwy of NloaraRue in. vadctl llondurn. and a battle a fought. The bis ttkwralll at Kniplre. Coo county, owned by Klljah Smith, or Uostou, U to be got rvady for opnt Hon. Thouuda ronderd omelet and 390 reported V1U4 as rwult ot a SPRING PEVER ho lia adviitatcl a form of mental tin-ly intordtmominatlon, nnd hna na n public siuakcr. He tH acionro with which he clalma to have nothing to do with Christian Sclonce. nceompllihml healings or nil forma j The subject of hlr lectfhre tills evon- Of ltlft,A MHlflllir tllA lirnmlnAnt tnv lu "Ma hll.a lutl ami tlin GntHnt nt .-. -w ..v iMvii.iH.Ht .n T w.v.. .ivn.v .. ii.i vim uuviuv w i i vvri wm.."--. - business and profi-Hslonal people of HI I.onir Lifo." Ho u a sentlomnn ' ticnl In extending the pc o4oi ttrely int.-rd nomlnution and has ot pliasiitK pt'rurallt nnd ability tnl oxlstcnct- tonlttht Hint th. laws ti wlidj nntodoluvlnns prolonged l. boon redisfov rrd anl tniS Dollcato Davora In the atwo phero gives us net only a spring fever, but a keen reJUh fr ea. sonahlo pastry. U it Is made with Eppky's Perfection Bkkig Powder It will bo Reed, it a HuLm-maJa product and as nearly pure as ean be produoed. C. M. EPPLEY HMMfacturcr 0 .1 m I wriLg? H-lkv Ten Minutes Of Your Time Tomorrow or any time devoted toi carcTui ana critical invcsugduun rnnvinro vrhfi that frho cuil-Q fhat WC offering at our sale cannot bctw cated in the city. Every gamfcm ngnc up-co-tne-minuce in styi a ery one is a seasonable product, a look. B KpphiBf 4, c... Cl, Children's Clothing Hlin rhllrln'o nnn3frmOllf IS ftf teeming with the newest and bni things in little men's spring weari Furnishings Here's where the man who is particular abo furnishings can always get the thing. Salem Woolen Mills St 1 36 Comccii St. SjJcm, Oco - , ;