nv"WFTrwJ' "w"iw TfirT"wT - i-- p " i cvf. '" "TJr niprf T " r A DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALBM, ORHQON. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1007 The Family Physician The best medicines jn the world cannot take the place of the family physician Consult him early when taken ill. jjer s Cherry Pectoral If the trouble is with your throat, bron chial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Do 'as he says. i Jhe new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub i:.t, fk formulas of all our medicines. I C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Man. NATE RUSHED WORK hd on Fifty Two Bills in riiree and a Half Hours Itj aate did some notlvo, cnor- c work last night. In a session Lij three and n hnlf hours 52 I ro acted on. Most of thorn I enacted into laws; some wore tfcltelv postponed and a few to pass when tho voto was H taring the first hour of tho sea ls bills were disposed of and liw put through In tho next measures disponed of nt the titMlon follow D. 325, Newell, relating to poll Passed. :. B. 401, relating to dcpoalng targe in oyster bods. Pnssed. B. D. 412, relating to admissions IwWIm' home. Passed. m. B. S!, defining a publlcsonl. Hi. m. B. 137. Settlemler, appropriate 000 for Alnska-Yitkon-Pncl- eiposltlon Passed. L B. 3S0. Dobbin, relating to tho wwat of livestock. Passed. I B 3M, Knowles, providing a itr on cojotrn Passed. I B 22, preventing advertising earn Pasmd ! B 2S4. Paey, relating to tho printer Passed IB. 34S providing for comport- 1 -I count v surV'ors. Passed. H. D. 2GG, relating to lssunnco of rations at soldiers' home. Pnssed. H. D. 415, relating to officers nt soldiers' homo. Passed. II. B. 129, relating to sheriff's deeds. Passed. II. D. 302, abolishing payment of fees to district attornoy In divorce cases. II. D. 123, relating to form of inltlatlvo and referendum petitions. Passed. II. C. R. 21, adopted. H. D. 72, rolntivo to Information on indlctmont was lndoilnitoly post poned. H. D. 3G2, relative to dlvorco wa9 Indefinitely postponed. H. B. 130, creating office of mine inspector. Failed to pnss. II. B. 1G7, providing for registra tion. Passed. H. B. 33S, providing for the exe cution of sheriff's deeds. Passed. II. II. -123, relating to embezzle ment by employes. Enncted. II. B. 51, relating to dower to cure defoctlvo deeds. Passed. S. B. 0, relating to elk was in definitely postponed. II. B. 221, requiring judgment debtor to appear and answer under oath. Passed. II. B. 333, Reynolds, relating to mutual Insurance Failed to pass. II. B. 373, providing for Intorost on claims. Passed. II. B. 2G0, jycntlng First Control Orogon Agricultural district. Pnss od. II. B. 17, creating a bonrd of sheep commissioners. Passed. II. B. 17G, Barrett, providing how oxcoptions may bo tnkon. Passod. II. B. 49, Northrup, rotating to guardians' Bale of real property. Passed. Report of committoo allowing com pensation to dorks, officers, etc., 'was read nnd adopted. UMlImiB btoS ft, 'I i.i ii.Ti nrtaa. AfclaUePreparauflnlerAs- jwaiuigraeiooclfindReciuia. gfteStaaadfi aralBowcls cf n"d!festcontaIri5 ndBw t Narcotic. eu a-swazmvmji SmJ- fUmt I l-S.. "y fitiw: J AtafcftDinvH.. f .. i siic r.vu W'a"H- fc-7-uuln.yiartri1 "--Loss of sleep. ,lcSJe 5.tuturc of JYOHK. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V T -fie V II ' iURTfil Bin DUCTWPr WVHAFPEB. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA 1m MwTtva MMJrr. mimvtrtt H. B. 2G9, relating to bawdy houses was indeflnltefy postponed. IT. B. 239, Campbell, providing for commission to prepare fire Insurance code. Indefinitely postponed. H. B. 345, Vawter, providing for deputy flsh warden for southern Ore gon. Passed. H. B. 114, Jewell, rolating to fish ing In Rpguo river. Passed. H. B. 374, Coffey, providing for annulling tho franchise of tho Port land Gas company. Pnssed. H. B. 311, providing for salary of assessor of Sherman county. Pass ed. H. B. 327, Newell, to amend gambling code to prohibit nil gam bling. Failed to pass. H. B. 114, Jewell, to regulnto fish ing In Rogue river. Pnssed. II. B. 1SG, relating to will of tin married persons. Pnssod. II. B. 231, permitting to convoy ing real cstato by husband or wlto of Insane asylums. Passed. H. B. 1S9, providing for matrons In county jnlls. Passed. II. B. 245, causing partnerships to reveal real owners In Interest. Pass ed. H. B. 40, Northrup, rolating to tho redemption of real property. H, B. 44G, fixing time for circuit court In Malheur county. H. B. 3G, providing for tho lnbol ing of foods. Passed. II. B. 2 OS, limiting the hours or labor of employes of stato and coun ties. Pnssed. II. B. 220, to prevent fraud being porpotrnted on omployos. Passed. II. B. 44, providing for tho ex torpntlon of Russian and Chinese thistles. Passed. II. B. 341, to provido for JubUcoh, clorks and constables In Multnomah county. Passed. II. B. 222, rolating to Judgments whoro property Is nttnehod. Passed. II. B. 271, declaring dogs porsonnl property. Pnssod. II. B. 285, regulating mnnufneturo of foods and drinks. Pnssed. II. B. 250, to provido for perma nent record of elections. Passed. S. B. 248, to legalize public cor porations was Indoflnltoly postponed II. II. 334, Roynolds, relating to tho Hiipcrlntcndent nnd assistant physlclnn of tho state Insane asylum. Tho sonnto adjourned nt 11:15 o'clock. Even from the Mountains. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is praised for tho good It does. A sura euro for rheumatism nnd nil pains. Wright W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo , writes: "Pused Ballard's Snow Llnl niont, Inst winter, for rhoumatlsm and can recommend It as the best Liniment on tho market. I thought, at tho tlnio I was tnkon down with this troublo that It would bo a week boforo I could got about, but on ap plying your Liniment several tlmeu during tho night, I was nbout in 48 hours nnd well in thrco days." Sold by D. J, Fry. For Swimming Championship. Now York, Fob. 23. II. J. Hnndy, of Chicago, who holds most of the American swimming records not held by C. M. Daniels, will moot his rival nt 1000 yards at tho dual moot of tho Chicago Athletic Asoclatlon nnd tho Now York Athletlce Club horo tonight. Tho rivalry hetweon Hnndy and Daniels hns roaohod an ncuto stnge, and It Is cxpeutod that tho record will go. Daniels has few, If any, oqunls in tho world nt sprinting dlstnncos, whllo Handy Is bottor over tho distance. Thoro aro other Im portant events sohedulod for tho meot, Including 50 and 100 yards championship races. Tho ontrlos nro vory largo and, there Is llttlo doubt that tho event will bo tho grontest In tho history of American swimming. Cnnndti to Suspend Allen Labor Lntv. Ottawa, Ont, Fob. 23. Tho de partment of labor today is consider ing a petition for tho suspension of tho alien labor law in ordor that Americans may bo allowed to work lnCnnada in tho spring. This no tion is asked for becauso of tho scarcity of labor for railway con struction work, ns tho contractors cannot import enough laborers from Britain and othor parts of Europo. Tho application is being opposed by soveral Jnbor unions. Big pay is offered by many lines, especially in the northwest. o To Defend Alleged Murderers. Boston, Feb. 23. A mass meet ing of tho different labor organiza tions in this city will bo held tomor row for tho purposo of inaugurating a fund for tho defense of tho threo officials or tho Western Federation of Miners who bnvo been arrestd in Colorado Springs on a cbargo of murdering tho governor of Idaho. A fund of about 1100,000, it is expect ed, will bo collected by the labor onions of the country. A Lazy Liver Kay bo only a tired liver, or a starved llvor. It would bo a stupid as well nj savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because ho lagged in his work. So in treating tho lagging, torpid liver It Is a great mlstako to lash It with strong drastic drug. A torpid liver Is but an Indication of an Ill-nourished, enfeebled body whoso organs aro woary with over work. Start with tho stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put thom In working order and seo how quickly your liver will bocomo active. Dr. Plcrco's Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "llvor troublo" by Its wonderful control of tho organs of digestion nnd nutrition. It re stores tho normal nctlvlty of tho stornneh, increases tho secretions of tho blood-rnil;. Ing gland, riennsttt tho system from poi sonous accumulations, and so relieves thr llvor of tho burdons imposed upou it by the defection of other organs. If you havo bitter or bad tasloln tho morn Ire. poor orffaxlablo appetite coated tongue, foul breath, constipated or Irregular bowel feci weak. casUjt Urcd. Respondent, frequent headaches, pain !rdistrcsln "small of back." gnawing or dlsircucd leenuir in stomtcb, perhaps nausea.NjNJVwar "rlslngi" lr throat after eatlntr, and klnoil syroptocM of weak stomach and torpid llr no tnei'N cine wilt rcllcro row motn prompth' or cua M Sou roori iH-nnancnnr lnm Ioetor IMerrr'.i olilpn Mctlkal lmcoyery. l'crhaps only a part of liio above symptoms will bo present at ono ttmo and yet point to torpid llroror biliousness and weak etomacli. Avoid all hot bread and biscuits, nrlddlo cakes and other ImltcosiUilo food and tafco tho "Golden Medical Discovery " rccularlr and stick to ita usn until you aro vigorous and strong. Tho "Discovery" Is non-socrot, non-alcoholic Is n glyceric extract of nattromedlct nal roots with a full list of its Ingredient printed on oach bottle-wrappor and attested under oath. Its Ingredients aro endorsed and oxtoITcd by tho most eminent medical writers ot tho ago and aro recommended to cum tho diseases for which It la advised. Don't accept a substitute of unknown composition for this non-socrot ukdiclh or known couroamosr. fPavOCwSaffisBaKW rw'TlvMretciBiHSni iiiOiilliiifik rJWmM. 0MP i MJ ?-2! Ttto abovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zono Furnace. Guar anteed gas and dust proof. Econom ical and durablo; for tho particulars inqulro nt A. L. FRASER 258 Stato Street. Garden Seeds ! Wo havo a largo stock of Gnrdeu ScedH In bulk. Our soodH nro all 190G crop, no enrry-ovor. oxiox sins. Ask for small onion sets. You get threo times ns many to tho pound. FIl'Ll) RKHDH. Fancy Bluestem Whont, Chovolln Bnrloy, Oats, Com, Clovor, Alfalfa, Field Pons, Land Plaster, otc. Distributing ugonts for Coulson'a Egg Foods, Coupon's Chick Foods, Coulson'a Condition Powders. Tho largest wholosalo nnd retail doalors in tho city. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St. HI ! Gold Bust Floutl llad by THS STDKET TOW'S Bft COMPANY, lifl7, OrgOB. w lade far family u, Aak your Z groctr tot it, Bran and aortti kjwaya oa aaao. 1 P. B. Wallace 1 AGENT iiii(iajmnmai)a i(namiaiii'niiniiiiiiiniii CLASSIflED DEPARTMENT tw nnwtfwitttttw if Jimiaiiitw ro HAUI. fs For Sale. A five and a six-room houso, with from ono to bIx lots with oach, woll located in East Salem. Good barsaina. Isaiah Schonoileld, 21st and Marion Sts., Salem. 1-28-tt For Sale. 34 acres of choice land, good 9-room houBo and barn nnd outbuildings, good orchard and well; 10 acres ot hops; situated three-quarters of a mllo from car line; land nil in cultivation and will be dlvidod it desired and sold in two lots. Address W. A. Llston, 370 Court stroot. Salem. 1-26-lm For Snlx A complete box manufac turing nnd planing mill plant. Ad dross E. Burkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf For Sale Good, gontlo driving horso with harness; also now rubbor tired buggy nt a bargain. In qulro nt Journal office 2-21-3t Kost3cd"umMlBVtwK lines, ono stouo missing, on Court or Commercial stroots. Rownrd If left at this office. 2-22-3t FOR RKNT. Lor IVntt. Furnished rooms. 790 North Commercial street, Inqulro M. O. Dice. 2-21-tf For Kent. Houso koopiug rooms. furnished or unfurnished; hot nnd cold wntor; gas and olcctrlo light. Inqulro nt 415 Court stroot or phono 544. 2-15-tf For Rent, 480-ncro farm, good houso, 94 mlloa west of Wapato Station, 45 acres good farming Innd, 10,000 Btrawborry plants, second growth; 500 Logan borry plants, 2d year; largo barn full of liny, good fonces nnd stocked with tho follewing: Nlnotoon cows nnd holfors, 15 head young stock nnd 150 Angora goats; will ront nil on shares or easy terms. W. II. Egnn, nervals, route No. 2, Phono Fnrmors 3G. 2-18-tf Contractor and Builder- A. J. Aa dorBon, contractor and bulldor, s tlmates furnished free. It wilt pay you to soo mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court Btrcot, or phone 544. 2-15-tf NEW AND 8KCOND-1IAND GOODS. New ami Second-Hand Goods. Bought and sold, also rangM, stoves and cooking utensils, diss e9, granltb and tinwaro of all klad Give us a call. O. L. McPoek, 179 South Commercial St. 8-13-ly PHYSICIANS AND SURGRON8. Dr. D. n. Griffin, the Specialist ea Morphtec All drug and liquor habits, which he cures in 3 daya. No nonoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Ore. Phone 568. Jean Doyens, Buainees Maaager. LODGKS. IorNter of Amcrlott Court Sh.r wood Foroaters, No. 19, Moots Tuesday in Hurst hall, Stato street Loo Abblo. C. It.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodgo No. 18, 1C. of 1 Castle Hall in Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto and Llborty stroots. Tuesday of tjach weok at 7:30 p. m. K. W. Hazard. 0. O.; W. I. Staloy, Iv. of It. nnd S. Modern Woodmen of Aincrlrn Oro gou Cednr Cump No. 5240. Moots overy Thursday ovoning nt S o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Clork. O. C. T. CO -.STEAMERS- pomona AND OKKGON'A LEAVK rORTIiAND MONDAY, WKDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 1G A, MM TUKWDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT : A. M. FOR COKVAU8 TDRSDAY, TRTTRSDAY AND SATURDAY AHOUT P. M. M. P. BALDWIN, Atf Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holmnn hall. J. A. Dickey, C. 8.; P. L. Frastlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union.- Sick, nccl dont and poimlon insuranco; $2, 000,000 pledgod; overy claim paid Good ngonts wnnted, J. II. O. Montgomery, supromo organlzor, Box 432 Halom, Orogon. R. II. Ryan, socructnry. C4S Stnto stroot. MISCELLANEOUS. I'Jmiio Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leavo orders nt Geo. C. Wills' tnuilc storo, Salem. 2- 0-lyr A. M. Bunnell .Weaver of portlors, rag carpets and rugs, old ingrain carpets made into ruga any sixo de aired, alao rugs and carpets for sale, in school room of Pentocosta! church, 194 South Twelfth stroot, Salem, Oregon. 2-8-3w Concrete Work. Got my prices on sldowalks, curbs, aoptlo tanks and coinont work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-oluas. M Ward, Highland add. Phono C89. 2-U-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet tho price is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA HAKEItY. Thomas & Cooloy, Props. Butt & Wcnderotlt Fiae wlnej, liquors and cigars. Wo hsndle the colobrated Kellogg and Caatln whiskies. Cool and refreshing beor constantly on drougb. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr gle Iroa Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths, Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying Steves, etc, Maaufactursra ot the galea, Iros Wwk Mop Frees, OftTet?ATW. Dr. R. II. White Qraauate et Kirks- vllle, Mo., under founder ot O tcopatay. Room 21, Breysaaa building. Cenmereial street. Phone 87. Residence S90 Summer street, corner of Center. Pkoae 1219. Treats acute and earomle diseases. Examination free. 11-17-tf PLTJMBBRS. Theo. M, Rarr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 1G4 Commercial street. Passe Main 192. 9-1-ly M. J. Fetzol Plumbing, atonm aa4 gns fitting. Bucowor to Knox H Murjihy, C2G Commercial street. 'Phono Main 17. DRAYMEN. R. O. Cummins Successor to White -Cummins, oxproBs, dollvory and transfer llnv., Prompt survite Is our motto. Furnlturo and piano moving n specialty. Stnnd at 156 South Commercial street. Phone 175 Rosldonro phono 968. 8-4-tt 8ASH AKD DOOR rAOTORnW. rrnnk M. Brown, Manufacturer of nh, doors, inouldingt. All kinds ef housa finish nnd hard wood work. Front atrcet, bet. State and Court, WANTED. Wanted To buy balod straw. J. Connor, Willnmutto hotel. 2-4-tf Two Hoys Wiiutcd To soil papors. Inqulro at Journal oillco. 1-30-tf Wau(el to liny Hoavy draft hornoo, weight 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Wlllnmotto hotol. 1-28-tt Wmittsl. Strong, nctlvo boy, from 16 to 18 years old, for dollvory work. Must know tho olty and bo Hblo to drive a horso. Inqulro nt Yokohama Ttea Co. 2-20-3t Help Wanted. A doon good mou for work in nursery. C. F. Lans ing, Quaker Nursorlos, utt Gardou road. Phono GOO. 2-22-t Enlarged Our moat market on East Btato street has boon doublod In ilzo nnd wo are better preparod than ovor to sorvo customers. Prompt service nud the best of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. II. E. Edwards, Prop Wnnted Plauo to do housework by day or week. Address "W.," enro Journal. 2-21-3t Wanted. Stenographic position by young woman wishing to mako chnngo tho first of April. Six yours' experience. Excellent ref erences. Address "Stenographer," caro Capital Journal. 2-19-lm Wnnted A boy to learn good trndo. Apply at Cupltal Journal ofllcu. 2-22-3t Wanted Gentleman or lady to travpl for mercantile houso of largo enrr Itnl. Torrltory at homo or abroad to suit. If deslrahlo tho homo may bo uflod as headquarters. Woekly salary of f 1000 por yoar and ox ponses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Sttlom, Oro. 2-19'lm Wanted Throe salesmen for our now county, Township and Railroad Surveys of Oregon. These surreys aro a spjendld compilation ot facts figures and drawings, and of won derful value. Counties and towns aro fully Indexed, add populations of each aro given; railroads plain ly shown and distances botwoon all stations alio show's; congressional districts outlined, numbered and populations given. Other foaturoa too numerous. to raontiop, A splen did opportunity for energetic men, Hand, McNaliy ft Co., Chicago, III. sm: iJUAisjjuLjit iSSaft yy '.r!08"rLhjgrtUfcHt - J1.-. 4 w- itflJ1ntT,wl fy lJi fcjf TfJfJ'i iii'-'i n i fi!m --HftMiv,