"i .wFtst TUILT CAPITA WCKXAH, BALf, OKlflON, rmtDAY. FBDIlUAnr 23, 100r The Saving of IwltfMl'V y e use ya A? MMi0Jr Baking Powder is con siderable. Royal is economical, because it pos sesses more leavening power and goes further. USUAL PETTY STEALING J DEAR OLD BETHEL INSTITUTE Saved From Being: Annexed to tfte Eugene Institution " 'Savo my mother's picture from tho sale,' " was In effect tho plaintive pica of HoproKontnllvo Jonos, of Lin coln and Polk. In tho Iioubo yester day afternoon, when ho wan defond Iiik with nil of lilft might nnd ninln tho attempted loKlslntlvo absorption of tho old and rovorod pioneer iichool of Ilotbol, known aa" Uothol InDtt tute, by tho KiiKono Divinity school, of tho Hiuno denomination, bag nnd baggage, and his effort proved moat Hiircoanfut to tho extent Hint tho Booth 1111, aonuto hill No 328, mot with n Miiddon and oxcood- InRly vlnlout death at tho hands of tho inombers of tho Iioubo, who mi ll oil vnllautly (o hi assistance In tho unequal rontoni of two man against throo or four, Tho llooth Mil, which wne passed hy tho hdimIu, contemplated (he transfer of tho proporty, both por Honnl and ronl nnd niwrogutlng n vol no of about $10,000, to tho Kit Kono Divinity mihool. of Kiikoiiq, of tho old plonoor Christian Uothol In tttlttito, near McCoy. Polk county, which Iirm been In oxWtonco since tho year 1852. nnd Is tho prldo of ovory cttlttit of onu of tho oldest Bottle incuts of the atuto, mid In today lookod upon nn ono of tho bout pub lic! hoIiooU In tho whol country. When tho bill cniuo up for consider- camel's back, nnd tho effect of It was eloquently rofloctod In tho thundor ous shout of approval tho ccliooa. of which revorbratod to tho uttormost recoMBoa of tho building. STATE BANKING MEASURE SUNDAY SERVICES Passes With a Few Amend ments Accepted by Senate When tho sonnto ronourrod In tho Iioubo amendments to tho Ilnluoa bill, providing for tho regulation of bnnkH In tho stato, tho quoatlon of tho adoption of a banking bill was Rottlod onco and for nil, at toast ho far a this loglslnturo la concorned, and now It romnliiB to ho Boon whoth or or not It la u Inw In tho Interest of tho banker or tho depositors, when It Ih put to tho toat within tho next two yonra. Tim principal nmondmontri, and. In fact tho only ouoh, that wnro mndo to tho hill na pnaaud by tho sennto wore to Hoctlnu 20, nnd tho effect Is that hills of lading and bills of ox chnnKO BunurltloH nro oxomptod from tho Hut of oxoinptloiiH upon which Iouiih of capital Btook nnd surplus fundH tuny ho mado. but tho offorta of Mr. McOallon, of Polk, to Innludo personal nnd ronl proporty securi ties In thla lint proved futile, na did ntxo tho propnsod umondmontH of Mr. Freeman, of Multnouinh, to re duce tho limit of lonttB to Investments on time dopnsltn to 10 and IK per oent. ro na to nniilv to banka In ntlon It seemed, ut llrat. ns though It ltl0H nf ar,i000 ,, oxw n8 wo would go tliroiiKh without n protest. . t,lOH0 ,)f HIimlop ,,0,luilUon, on ,. but It boou developed that thoro was oolmitlon tnilt l0 2fi per cent re vory strong opposition from tho dlreo illrletl0l, laoeil (m t!l0 forIltr tlou of Polk county, nnd. despite the oltlM( w,ol ,1 omimed, waa n din. oxplnnatlouH of th-tlHlegutlon from orlmlmilou nmlntl UlM mHUw. Lane county that It hub fur tin best ,makM of iiorltalM,t ,, ,n fuvor of the larger ones lutnrosta of tho Institute and the heart's dwdio nf Um dswrewt friends, tho motion for Indelliilu HHtpun mont curried almost unanimously nnd with n Mltout that made tho wel kin of tho state house fairly ring with echoes. "You may deprive ui of our old normal school and anything U wo have," said lltiprosoiitntlve II. 1 Jones, of Polk nnd Lincoln, during his appeal tor tho preservation of tho phi school, 'but. for (lod'a sake, don't take nwny our best and iihhI boloved sohnnl. This boIiooI was m (AblUlvtHl by tho onrlloMt of tho Ntnt' pluiUHr. who croitod the Rret plain with ox tonmi. nnd liraved thu daiiRora nnd prhntloiiH of tho dovort and hotllo Indlun-lufoat d HAnto to how out n home and commonwealth lth tho orudtwt of tooln Add machinery, and wHoo nahoa uow rrl In peuoo lthln thu very nhadown of tho old aohool whloh they routritititiHl o Renerounly to itablKU nnd inalutalu." ThU wa tho straw that broke tha Tfcc Folks TIIKV NAVK MUHK OK UiSH HUHINKMM WITH KANKH. MANV M' THKM CX)MK Tt) THIS HANK. WK API'KKCIATK THKIlt P.VTKO.VAOKt WK IK VITK OTHK'KM. NO MATTKIl HOW KMALli THKUt HUSINKHH, WK INVITK THKM TO COMt" AU, THANNAOrriONH WITH THtH WAMK AKK CX.Hll)KKht) OOXPIUKNTiA! Sltm State Bank h. K. PAGE, IV iitf mt 1. W HAZARD. CmUm Plcanant nnt! Moxt Kffrctlvo. T. J. Ohambora, Kd. Vindicator, Liberty, Texas, wrltoa Dee. 26, 1902: "With pleaiuro and unsolicited by you, I bear tontlmony to tho curative power of Hallard'a Ilorohound Syrup. I have used It lu my family nnd can cheerfully Affirm It Is tho mont ef fective nnd best remedy for couch nnd colds I have over used." 8old hy I). J. Pry. o i Canadian I'ur Cntrh Hnutll. OttAWA. Fob. 23. ThU seam" fur oatoh will probably be the small ml for a number of year. The trap pers eomplalu that snow has fallen every night durlnx the season ro ortuu the traps to suoh an oxtent ns to render them useless. Heports from the northern wilds In the early part of the season, before communi cation aa out off. showed fur bear. Iuk animals of all xlesorlptlons to be ery plentiful and a sod season would have resulted with a normal fall of snow, hut conditions are uow such that fur uf all kinds U sure to (msttly advance In prlso during tho next tew months. A Y&iuaMct Iuon, "8lx years aco I learned a valu able lesson," writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then becaa tak Ins Dr. KlnB'a New Life Pills, and tho longer I take them the hotter I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed at J. G. Perry's, drusriit lie 1 On ii limilmt HtnU l-rauk Blupfel. Max Mattl aud Ww. Dohler acttui; as apppaUers of the properly of Kruk Walker, a minor. Invoked hi onetlxth slian at 1K3. It's the hluhost standard of qual ity, U'a a. natural tonic, cleaas and tones your system, mdisas the cbcks, brlghtent the eyea, Kites flavor 9 Jl you et; HottUtofs llockr MeuaUlu Tea, do. For sle at Dr. aHe' store. -. FliHt l'lt'fdlcrlnii. Church Btroot near Chomokcta, Itov. Honry T. IJabcock, pnstor. Morning uorvlco 10:30 a. in. Addross by Prosldont H. M. Crooks of At bnny College, subject, "Tho Human Klomont." Sunday school at 12 in. C. B. at C:30 p. in. Evening sorvlco 7:30 p. in., proachlng by tho paBtor, subject "Chrlstlau PosltlvUm." Mid- wcok prayer mooting on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Subject "Almost Per- auadwl." Tho public nro cordially Invited to all of theso sorvlccs. W. C. T. U. Mrs. Blht MoBlroy will address tho Uospo! Tomplo mooting Sunday, February 21, at 1 p. m. A cordial Invitation to all Interested In the tompornnco cause. Lutbcnui St. JoIiii'h Hogulnr Sunday sorvlcos at 10:30 a. m. In tho Gorman Luthoran St. John's church, corner Center nnd Fourteenth stroots. Coo. Bugal, pus- tor. St. Patil'n Chomokota nnd Churoli Btroets Itev. Harr Q. Loo, rector. Usual ser vices at 7:30 a. in., 11 a. in., -1:30 p. m. Sunday school 10 u. in. Con tinuation Instruction t p. m. Week day sorvlcos during Lent 4 p. in., Woduosday, I mid 7:30 p. in. All cordially Invited. 1-YniUTN K. Wlllliml Momorlal Kervln. The Salem Womon'H ChrUtlan Tempni..nce union olmurved Francos K. Wlllard momorlal day Sunday, tho 17th, ut tholr hall. Tho addroes was delivered by Prof. C. O. lloyor Ho gave as an account of her Ideal life mill character, and especially her succetM ah n teacher nnd reformer, altoKethur It wns lmproevo nnd of feotlve, b vera 1 mouthers being add ed to the union ure hoiiio of tho re sultH. A Hood collection wna taken for the mhMMun fund to plant the work In unoiillured JlehU. (,0Kil CliaN. 'Fifteenth and Mill utmitti. Sun dny school 10 a. m. I'reoehlng 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Teelmoney service 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Friday evenliiK. Illhle study Tues day eveniUK at HIU Ferry street. W. N. McCnndlUh. riirlitlaii Scleiuo. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 410 Chemokota street. Services Sunday nt 10:30 n. m. nnd 7:30 p m Subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jobub." 8unday aohool nt 11:45 a. m The Wedneedny evening meeting Is held nt p. m. Heading room In tho churoli open ouch afternoon except 8unday. All are cordially In vited to attend tho services and tho rending room. Oititml Congrvgiitloiinl. N'lneteenth and Ferry streets, Bast Salem. Siirvloe at 7:30 p. m. con duotel by Itov. C. L. Cumy. No morning hervlee. Sunday sehool 10 A. ro. Hndeaver meeting 6:30 p. in. Moetlng for prayer And Illhle study Thursday evening. Tho Klrwt Oirlstlna. Hogulur sorvloee 10:30 a. m and 7:30 i m. lttiura tkems "Hlomonta of a Living Ohuroh." and The First Century Poa.M ntblo school 1! nt Christian Hsdeavor. '30 p. in. Udlos Aid wolety Wed nesday and Frldny. 2:38 p. m. iru)ljr meeting Thursday 7:3a j. m. D Hrrett. pastor. PI1 CongrcgailonaL Ceuter and Libera streets. F r Dell, pastor. At 19.30 . w. aml 7:30 . ui. the pastor wi prM0h The theme for the mornlag heur will be. "Svcret Fnults." SsWjeet for evening oonsldorAtlon. "Splrttual Ka sUtaneo." Sunday school at 12 ut Young peoples' meeung at 6.30 iv. . Praer meeting Thursday even ing at 7;30 o'oloek. Sunday school toaoher' meeting. In charge of Mr. Alleo I)ood. ltume,lUtly after prayor meeting. Visiting friends as well as local residents are most ktadiy vcel. come4 to all servlcta held Ut this "' I Legislative Halls Stripped of Numerous Articles Last Night The usual petty and contemptible theft of numerous articles belonging to tho state took placo on the last night of the legislative sossion. When the members assembled at 9 o'clock this morning they found that moat of tho waste baskets, mucilage bottlos, orasors and other small and comparatively valueloss desk articles that wore furnished by the stato had boon removed during tho night. ThlB Is nothing now, and has hap poned horo at ovory sossion of tho legislature It only made a slight Inconveni ence to tho senators and representa tives, and showed that all tho graft in the legislature was not confined to tho law ninkors thomsolvcs. SLATER AND KING NAMED Tea JJuoljsrM Tea I CEYLON K Satisfaction SF.VBM w .. . r w.w1 ruftvORJ (jblden Uatq Japan Golden Gate English j3r Golden Gate Oolong Golden Gate Fancy Blend vjuiuuu yjiv ounpowder I Golden Gafe Black and aJi VacitJ m FJavcr-TU C, j J.A.Folger&:Co.,sar, tM MWtMMM9M JOHN SHOLUND. i Tiie Opera Hoase MERCHANT TAlLno A I x Cleaning, jrressme: ana Keoa itlnv. ? TiinimiiniiiiimiiMimin Journal's Paedictons About Supreme Court Verified As was forecasted In the Capital Journal sevoral days ngo, Governor Chamberlain appointed to bo com missioners of the Supromo court Hon. William lhifus King, of Mal heur county, and Hon. W. P. Slator, of Marlon county. For all practical purposes theso appointees are JiuIkos of tho supromo court. The salary attached Is $0000 per annum, mid tho appolntmonts hold good for two years. FRANCHISE POWERS LIMITED Perpetual Charters are no Longer to be Granted A spirited debate occurred lu the house this morning over the somite amendments to the Coffee bill, re pealing the Portland Gas Company's porpetual frnnohlse, to provide for tho upprahwmeiit of the vnluo of the franchise nnd tho payment of tho company tho value useertnlnod, nnd to provide that the repeal dooe not become operative until December 31, 1907, and prnctleally rendered tho not Inoperative beoauso of the con flict of provisions. Mr. Freoman fouuht In favor of the amendment, but Speaker Davoy nnd Mr. Coffoy, the author, Btronu ously opposed tho proposed offort to kill the effect of the bllj and the house finally voted to not concur In the amend menu. Then Mr. Freo man moved to lay tho hill on tho table, but this proposal was also turned down decisively and tho bill wont hock to the senato In its orlg tnal condition for concurrence. fim K. .4a . ar m. in sb. iweu xxrc vreu JJtessej If They Have T&elr Clothes Made B SPRING FEVER: : : : : Delicate flavors in the atmos phere glvos us not only a spring fever, but a keen relish for sea sonablo pastry, if it j luaUa wUh Epplcys Perfection Batiftg: Powder It lll be good. It a Salm.maj0 product and as nMriy pure as can be produced. C. M. EPPJ.EY Manufacturer Saturn, Orafan Sonaui Itoutlnc Work. In tho sonato this morning tho fol lowing measures wero disposed ef: If. D. 299, relating to street nnd sower bonds In Pprtlnnd. Passed. II. I). 3G3, prohibiting soliciting business for tho purpose of bringing dnmngo suits. Passed. II. H. 181, Darrott, relating to Bell ing liquor to Indians. Passed. II. D. 2"il, Davoy, relalng to vu vncntlng proporty In unincorporated towns. II. I). 109, Jewell, fixing terms of county courts for probnto nnd civil business. Passed. H. D. 283, Donls, fixing method of taxing timber lands. Failed to pass. II. II. 393, providing for JurV lists. Passed. H. 13. 301, Dobbin, creating tenth Judicial district. Passed. H. II. 3G0, appropriating nionoy for tho mnlntonanco of orphans. Passed. HO. II. 270, Vnwtor, providing for nd mission to thu bar. Passed. II. D. 15C, Medio, prvldlng for tho sale, uso and disposition of milk cans. Passed. H. n. 83, to euro dofects In cer tain deeds. Passed. Prosldont Haines announced tho following commlttces: On providing dosks for tho sonnto cliRtnbor Mullt, Illngltnm and Hart. On ventilation of sonnto chamber Slchol, Mlllor of Linn and Bowor man. On moetlng with the Washington legislature to talk over fishery laws Schofleld, Cole nnd Wright. H. n. 19R, requiring county offi cers to turn over to tho tronsuror all fees derived from preparation of nbatnets. Failed to pass. Pass Appropriation Hills. After a short rocoss at 10:30 o'clock tho sonnto wont Into a com- mltee of tho whole, to tnko up and pass tho appropriation bills. These bills woro thon taken up. II. I). 423, ways nnd means, commltteo, appropriating $2500 for mnklng Improvements nt Champoeg. H. 11. 414, providing for payment of sundry clnlms. This Includes J60.000 In ono itom and $10,000 In nnothor for tho stato prlntor. H. U. 431, ways and moans com mltteo. appropriating $2C,000 for sundry claims. The commltteo of tho whole re ported favorably on theso bills: II. n. 432, 444 nud 431. Tho bills wore placed on their flnal passago and passed. H. II. 378, Freoman, relating to hanks. Indefinitely postponed. II. D. 210, relating to district at torneys In tho sovonth district. In definitely postponed. H. R. 437, relating to treasurer of Crook county. Passed. II. D. t47, relating to Judge of Klamath county. Passed. H. B. 422, relating to olosed sea son for salmon. Indefinitely postponed. H. n. 443, fixing salaries of co'nt- mlsstoners of Lane county. ludefl nltoly postponed. - 11. 11. 207, rolatlng to printing of opinions of supreme court. Indefi nitely postponed. H. B. 439. rolatlng to kllline of beaver. Indoflnltolv noninnnixi H. B. 442, rolatlng to salary of Judge of Wallowa county. Passed. rno thanks of tho senato were ctv- en for efficient sorvlco to Frank S. Grant, John P. Hunt, Prank k. Lovell and Frank Motter, clerks In the senate. The senate was especial ly enthusiastic in thanking Mr, Mot ter, the, reading clerk. Senator Skhel offered a resolutloa providing Jor paying f $ extra ta a numbor of clerks whatorkeii night In enrolling bllii. n,- nuii wns lost. MANY VETOES COffl But Not Until After 1H I Boys GoBok It Is given out on good m nun. uuvcrnor unaniDtruit a tho ofltcfal axe on Senator 1 bill providing for the uwoti machines. Tho bill passed both Lqwv llttlo or no opposition Ittuj orally considered to be onlrtii measure, applkablo only to tk 1 of Portland. Aftor the mensuro had tuuii houses, however, a Joker till to bo contained In thli ap?i harmless piece of leguliUos. alleged tliat, under the prorl tho bill, onl a certain Ihidi Ing machine may be used. 1 would make tho bill of greiti tago to the manufacturer! efj mnchlno. It la said that the gonrwl also veto house bill No 311 nn nmondment to the gtl nnd Is thought to be unfurM tnln soctlons of the state As wns to have be?n Govomor Chamberlain will M voto power to the protect) "j fenthorod sonRsters of OrffM. regarded as c rtnla that herij house bill No 3C7, whkaW" tho bars and makes It liW .... 1.I...1 nt ainf tllrdl. J iu; mini j w.. --. Hoiirosontntlvo Deal's bW. I Ing for a cheeso and cm5 spcotor, will also be taise ihn tOnnk bv the eevortor Governor Chanibcrlalnt,' sldorntlon quite a numDri nrlntton bills whlcHdOBMi approval. It Is quulM7 will veto a number joth boforo tho leglslatore a i... r.s...rl .Mob4J' city council u. -- -- Journed to Monday. Orangej Spccii 1 ckz.35c:Ori"J 1 doz. 50c Of' This U the beU V tieen mauo u : ! son. bona u -- ,i lino or ireoa ---- 0 I. lettuce. ullow. a i. nnmlM luruiiia, - ' Remember tne v Moir Gi CowpC 4MMMaaH. --J