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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
DAILY OAMTAD JOURNAL, AIML OMflOK, OITOAr.,F"nV " 1P0T a ... i.. -1- & i f ! ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG HOFER BROS., " aat? P'pgfjgf TIIK JOUKN'AI. BTANIW FOll PIlOGIUiftS, DKVKLOPMENT, GOVKItNMHNT. AND NO PKOIIADISO LABOK. GOOD utti. uHVmVT.r.K4 XKWHPAPKH8. Somo of the leading newspapers of the state have boon as devoid of opinions during this legislature as tho dosert of Sahara Is of shrubbery nr Now York high society Is of virtue. ZZ of tho so-callcd MOMJHIIH OF PUBLIC THOUGHT have never In tho forty days denounced any of tho Krafts and bad j.leoos of nt- t0TlPKV VO?OIW TIIB VOICKI.KHS VOID of tho Intellectual vacuum In which their Intellects dwell. Thoy fluttered members, thoy holped boost somo things, but as ror HKLPING KILL A HI.VOI-K HAD DILL TIIKV WHUK NOLL. It was their busy day to koop mill. Tho people and tho members looked to thorn In vain for guidance, counsel or Biipport In any reform. Their reporters at Salem gave a great deal of news out grafts ond bad bills, but they gonorally Raro both sides equal spaco, AMI thai ONLY 1IKMW OONHJHK TUB HKADKHH. What Is to become of tho man who knows n thing Is wrong, but ib afraid to say so? Whoro will ho go to In tho noxt world? Tho sarno papors that failed to stand up oJltorlnlly agalnBt grnits nnd wrongdoing will now condemn tho wholo loBlsluturo. Thoy will doploro high taxes, useless offices, steals, combines and raids HUT WHAT DID TIIBV IK) TO 1'IIBVBXT THBMV Lot tho mon who right tho battles of reform In this stato understand that, oxcopt In a few of tho smallor nowspapors, thoy must fight their battles tinalded by any expression of editorial opinions. i.i -o KOKMAIj SCHOOLS WIN OUT. This was oxpoctod by thoso who atuJIod tho situation from tho start. Tho committees In both houses wore strong In their behalf dominat ed by their representatives and sonntors. ....... BY ACTING AH JOINT OOMMITTKKS TIIBV FULLY DOMINATBD. In tho house tho institutions of hlghor cdurntlon had throo out of lire places "9 both ways nnd menns nnd education committees. In tho ftitato two of tho strongost mombors from tho hlghor oducatlon -wY'Zo wero on the conimlttoos of oducntlon nnd ways nnd moans, and A TlilKD MAN OX BACH GOMMITTBK FltOM BAHTBII.V OBKGOX. This mndo tho combination easy to form, and whoro If ono of thoso nll-lmportntit committees would not net favorably the othor would. Jointly thoy always acted favorably. Is It nny wonder tho honest and disinterested representative of tho people WBItB U.VAIII.B TO ACCOMPLISH TUB HHI'OIIMS thoy want to 8anm pledged to accomplish? Tho machine wim mom powerful than the public sentiment of the wholo state. Senator Booth. In closing his debate for four telioiila admitted thnt In tho on.l the state would luivo to Hiippurt one llrst-eliwa Iiiitlttillrti. Tho plain truth Is that If these Institutions would charge n little tu ition they could till run nlniost without state nld. Tho State University nnd tho Agricultural Colloejo should do the same, and they would cost the state. NOT HAW WHAT TIIHY DO AT PHKS BNT. , , The govurnor Is In rooolpl of a lotter from n man who has moved to Lnnu couuty nnd Is sending his II vo children through the Htute University free, lie threatens that all tho votes of his family will be cast ngalnst the governor, for tho special privilege they enjoy AT TDK HXl'BNSB OK TUB (IH.NHIIAli TANI'AYKIt. Tho Issue Is not thnt the Institutions of hlghor oducntlon nro to bo abolished, but that thoy aro putting; n greater burden on the taxpayer than they should In proportion to tho population and wealth of tho stato. TIIBV IIAVB HBB.V OVBIMMIVKMIPIII) HV LOGHOLLINCI AND POLITICAL CO.MIIINKH. They threaten public men with defeat If their demands a if ih VnutHf bill noes Into offset the governor should i the ono board of rsKents to control the normal school IS NOT DOM I NATBD ItV TIIK IIIGHHIt HDUOATION'AL MAOIIINIL The iHilttlcnl machine and the educational machine ere a hard eoinbl nation for the people to contend with. They comitiUe the bright and predatory elements that always MANII MOIIIC KAI.AIIIKS AND APPHOPHIATIONS. This problem must bw met and fought by the whole state's beet lud nondent thought. opposed, to It teat DIC- mining claims. Indoflnltely post poned. H. D. 1G0, prohibiting tho mnklng of fnUo statements of mining claims. Indefinitely postponed. H. B. 297, Farrell, regulating the employment of females. Enacted. H. B. 417, regulating tho salaries of tho treasuror and school superin tendent of Multnomah. Enacted. H. B. 418, rogulntlng the salary of tho asBossor of Multnomah. Enacted. H. 11. 394, relating to regulation of Insuranco companies. Enacted. If. B. 364, regulating salary of district attorney In sixth district Enacted. II. II. 77, Fnrroll, rolatlng to tho ndoptlon of children. Enactod. II. II. 52, Northrup, rolatlng to tho ncknowledery deeds. Enacted. II. B. G2, Barrett, rolatlng to bribes. Passed. II. B. 410, Jewell, rclntlng to fish eries In Rogue rlvor. Passed. II. B. 10(1, Coffoy, fixing punish ment of folony. I'nsBod. II. B. 71, Burns, relating to gar nishment. Indefinitely postponed. II. B. 178, Vawtor, rolatlng to tes timony In criminal courts. Indefinite ly postponed. II. B. 84, Freeman, rotating to pro visions In wills. Passed. II. B. 27, Jackson, defining lawful wovon wlro fence. Pnsscd. H. B. 119, Carter, relating to tho rocovory of ronl cstato. Passed. II. B. ir.l, Bonos, rclntlng to the protection of door. Pnssod. 11. B. 332, Ptirdy, giving locoino tlvo onglnoors, shrievalty powors. powors. Pnssod. II. II. 217, Fnrroll, to protect train men nnd rogulnto wires norosB tracks Passed. II. B. 321, providing for the man agement of binds coming to tho state Handed. II. B. 8fi, providing for more equitable method of taxation. Passed. II. B. 80, providing for boards of equalization. Passod, II. II. 87, Freoman, providing for stato board of tax commissioners. Fullqd to ' ass. II. II. i ', Freeman, to provldo for lovylnr t?xos. Passed. II. It. SU, Freoman, providing for the collecting of taxos. Passed. . II. II. r7, providing for Increas ing and decreasing capital stock of corporations. Pnssod. H. II. 33(5, Cnrter, to rogulnto stock running at large. Passod. o Hunting for Trouble. HOUSE FRIDAY AFTERNOON Defeats the Famous Anti Tipplng Law Motion for reconBldoratlon vote . on lv. by which sonaio oiu ". " "' u'honldon. appropriating $60,000 for oxtonslon of tho portago road to Tho Dallos. Carried. Bill took plnco on calondar. S. B. 142, Malnrkey, to protect lives of traveling public. Passod. S. B. 234, Balloy, to provldo pro tection of workmen by covering ox posed machinery. Passed. S. B. 159, Judiciary committee, to authorlzo salaries and wages of pub lic offlcors and employes bo subject (o nttnehmont. Favorable roport of committee of wholo with amendment adopted. Failed to pass. S. il. 237, Kay, by requost, to regu late tho business of barbers. Pass ed. S. B. 249, Mullt, to fix tho salnry of tho prosecuting attornoy of tne Bocond prosecuting attorney district. Passed. Sonnto and houso In Joint assem bly to olect two commissioners oi port of Portland commission. Port Commissioner. In accordance with tho provisions of tho net undor which tho port of Portland commission wns croatcd tho houso and sennto mot in Joint ns sombly nt noon todny nnd olectod C. F. Swlgort and W. I). Wheelwright ns members of thnt commission to serve for four yonrs. Tho oloctlon was held to llll vacancies caused by the resignation of C. F. Thomns. Mr. Drlscnll, of Multnomah, placod the candidates In nomination and Senator llndson seconded. There were SS votes enst unani mously for the nominee who woro deolnred elected but there was a question or tho unanimity slnco thoro woro a numbor of votes for "Swcol wrlght and Wlgort," much to the nmusemont of tho mombors and spec tators whoso outbursts of morrlmont disturbed tho solomnlty nnd dignity of tho occasion. Prosldont Ilnlnos, however, ruled arlbtrary and declnr- ed the oloctlon of Swlgort and Whool rlght unanimous. I S. 11. 181, Johnson, by requost, to Semite- l'rlihiy Afternoon. II. B. 100. Cartvr, requiring the publication of notices. ludellnltely postponed. II. II. SIT. Knowl, relating to riotous conduct. Indefinitely iwst poned. 11 II 338. relating to punlshmeut for larceny. Indefinitely poatiHined. II U. 1. relating to the reckleee use or llrwiruiB. ludellnltely Mt pnaed. II. 11. 100. relative to the secret ing of a witness, ludellnltely post pnnml. 11 II 151. relating to liens on Blood Humors Persistent Eczema Druggist Advised Proper Medlclne-An'other Complote Cure. It mnkiw no tHttoroneo how twverv or long-KoatiHl t oso of bail blood, lauuufb, (KUdiiu ur sirofttla uuiy In?, HvxhI'h h.trK.iixinllA ctuxw Just tho hUMO. It haa tho KiNttat rvcortl of utiy mctllqluu ovor uuiilu. Hits tvcolvotl tho Ltrgvwt numbor of tiwtlinonUiU 40,8011 In two yiHtrs. It Is tho ono ntxwo till othont for you to tako If you luxnlrt thorough ly yxx inLHllctito for your blotnl. 1!m4 ti nUuwln trow Mr. C t lUtley, Htll'kitown pump numiUctursr, ot CuawiU, HI MvtMm 1 ktxt my dvxHor rbt that ctuivtlon wi Ukh otmo uiultr my riht tut, asul Uhii bJ rvtUMU lu ylM to home trMttuettt, Im mM It ws a U4 cam oi irfu it tltit It wouM Ukp a m time to cure It. A mUT itoctor Ut It xrm atxiut ttu urt roe be evrr mw. 1 fol I(aot tUIr etivkM tor W luontbt, and Kill U crouton wowU net twl. "OtteiUy I aKrJ tbo Utuilit It tte bd itytblnt be tbousbt wuuU da uie sl. lie Mtd tt snyttilnfi wouU cure tue It xrtt Hood's Sarsaparilla Will couvinoo and euro whoro giwm n fair trial. Uuy a bottlo today. OyjuuKTcso under tho Vood and Drufii Act, Juno $3, IWi. Kcs SSI, HflrH T-J C C thnt Iluaklen s Arnica Salvo won't quickly curt," write Charles Walt- era, of Alleghany, Slorra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walter; It euros every case. Guaranteed at J. C. Jerry's drug store; 21c Wll.l. MlWr .MO.YDAV. reiculnte sole of concent rn tod stork "I've, lived In California 20 yonru, foods. Passed, nnd nui still hunting ror trouble lu , S. B. 147, Kay, relating to fees of the way of burns, sores, wounds, the secretary of state. Paeeed. bolls, cute, sprains, or a caso of pile j S. II. 311, Coke, relating to rail road couatruotlng nnd muintniniuK bridges. Paaeed. S. B. 1S4, Haines, to dellne the crime of burxlnry. Passed. S. B. 193, committee on medicine, pharmacy and dentistry, to regulate the practice of osteopathy. Paseed. S. B. SIS. Mullt. to provldo for dlepoenl of 10 iver centum recolvad from United States government for est reserve rentals. Passed. HHrt of committee on clerks on salaries of clerks. Referred to reeo lutiun committee for revision. S. U. 100. Caldwell, relating to Itinerant vendors of medicines. Pass w. S. H. 34S, Cole, for enclosing and using of portions of the couuty roads within the Imlts of Irrigation pro Jeota under control of the reclama tion bureau. Pasted. A Teh-graph Joker. Senate bill 161, by Bingham, did not receive a very cordial reception at the hands of the house yoetordny afternoon nnd wont tho way of the ll.MLEY. Boost's HarMparllU,and advit thu I buy throe bottles, wtU the tvaulu, il b uventcvt anwrtllmsty. Ttwre wi aih docldcvt linpruTmt at the etui ot tbt lime that auditor K4tte rflxtcJ a cvmipWt eut.H l", C lUtly, id K. UatTertlly avut, CtuwpaUu, III, Itnlliimd ('iiinmKslttnci-s Will Orga nlo ami Hlwt SiT'tary, The newly nppolntod railroad commleslonera, met yoetordny and de rided to meet Monday niornlnjj to formally organize,, olect a president from one of the body and name n secretary at a salary of $3000 a year and a stenographer at $1300. The iHtmmleelon will begin active work Monday. o Slv Hny Ulcyilo llnw In Boston. Boston. Feb. 23. The six day team oyele race which commenced In the Park Sqaaro ring oh Monday will tlnlah tonight. The riders, who arc paired, have done six hour stunts each day threo In tho afternoon and three In the evening. Ten teams nro competing nnd all are expected to finish well. Tho track U of four laps to tho mile, banked, nnd with raised corners at en oh ond. All the best known oyolltts In the vicinity nro i competing as are also Hoot and .FolRor, MoKarland and the Bedells. To lrv!Hir HUlorlc Home. Whlto Plains, X. Y.. Feb. 33. Owing to tho efforts of the Daugh ters of tho Amorlean UeraUtlon an appropriation will be applied for from tho legislature for the purpose of purchasing the Flero homestead hero and trrviag It for tho na tion. It was In the Flero homestead tho constitution ot the Vnlted States was first road and close to It Is the site of tho famous old eeert houso which tt Is alto proposed to preserve as a memorial nnd as the birthplace ot tho United States. Senator Car penter has taken charge ot the'inat Her. vanquished because tho discovery was mado nnd exploded thnt Its pro visions would grant railroads tho In disputable right to run their tele graph linos through any strip of timber and mow down valuable mon archs of tho forest indiscriminately on both sides of tho lino until tho wires wero cleared. " Tho bill, osten sibly, simply glv0 tho railroads tho right to cut down such timber along tho lino of thoir rights of wny when Mm trees or thoir branches inter fere with the lino and tho electrical current but Bnrrott, of Washington, thought ho 'smollod a mouso" in ono particular lino which would givo tho railroads too much destructive power to tho detriment of tho state's forostry. Antl-TlppliiB Bill. "Anti-tlpping" is one of the many proposed reforms which tho houso will not put up for, as exemplified by the result of tho voto on sennto bill No. 151, by Balloy, which failed to meet with tho favorable consider ation of tho lower branch of tho as sembly when It camo up for final pnssago yostorday afternoon. Tho object of tho bill purported to bo "to prevent dishonesty in agents," nc cording to tho tltlo, and provided punishment for nny pdrson accept ing, soliciting, or giving nny consid eration for favors shown, omploycr, principle, etc., but when tho reading clerk finished rending tho bill It was "Jumped onto with both feet" by sov cral members of the houso as nn "anti-tlpping" bill rind, no sooner wns this suggestion sprung than n motion for lndoflnito postponement was offered nnd, desplto tho efforts of Northrup, of Multnomah, to ex plain that It wns moroly nn nntl brlbery bill, It was counted down and out on gcnornl principles, tho momborH preferring to tnko no chances. Xormtil School Action. Whon recoss wns taken nt noon todny tho normal school question watt still in tho nlr and no further action will bo tnkon until a Joint committee of thieo members from each brunch of tho nssombly will have hold n conforonco and nrrlvo nt a conclusion ns to whether or not thoro will bo throo or four schools, or whothor, If tho lnttor courso Is de cided upon, tho Drnln normal shall bo appropriated sulllclont money to carry It ovor two yours or only for tho completion of tho prosent year's work. Thoro Is a strong determination on the part of tho housu that tho Drain normal shall be abollshod unO lta wllllnguoss to pormlt of n suffi cient nllownnco to comploto this year's work but no more wns em phasised yesterday afternoon when the house positively nnd doolslvolv refused to concur In tho sonnto'a amendments to tho Vnwter bill, pro viding for the crontlon of ono bonrd of regents ror nil schools, Inserting a section appropriating $27,600 to support tho Drain school for tho on suing two yoars.. Another amend ment also passod It up to tho board thus created to select which of tho normal schools should remain In ex istence and roport its rocommondn tlons to tho noxt legislature. This provision was allowed to romatu lu the bill. The houso mndo an effort to on tagle the governor in tho mose ngnln by the Introduction of a resolution Inviting him to npponr boforo tho Joint assemblage of tho logislnturo and state his viows upon tho quos tlon and his opinion as to which of tho schools should bo retained. This resolution, howovor, was roforred to tho resolutions commltteo and. It is pretty woll understood that It will J noter again mako its appearanco up on the scone. h D&. BTONB'8 vtaa, vow a Btrictly cah bwl.u. . ono, and no one ow b, t,J tank? .,!..-. .. .,aa,H ,... , 4uiiUCU vritn inn notion a !! ..,.. " .. HWi nquors or an kinds for 1 In modicino nnd hti hidaya ' tllillfl flfA f.AA t).. .. w .,.v, ift!WpH0M ana only regular ptltei h, , Dr. Stono can bo found it , .vu., uiegon, iroal 4 rawainp until h at night fmtsusc'jx.jmmmmmm HADK TIIK MOl'I.OINn OF H.CH LN"S l-MltTUXK IS IX ins OW.V HANDS. YOl TAX ACCTMUI.ATK A COMPtn'KXl'K JUST AS K.SII,Y AS YOU CAX SgUAXDKH A I'OUTUNli. IT IS A MATTKIl OF HABIT O.NIjY. SIMPLY A Ql'MSTtOX OP SPKXDIXtl Al.t. YOU HAUX--Oil A l.llTLK l.KSS. ITS AM, IX THK STAHTIXO AXl) STICKIXr-SlUTlXO TO S.VVK AXD STICKING TO IT. YOVlt ACCOUNT SOMCITHO. Savings Departmat CaptAl National Bask f! WHISKY A DKLIGHTIlbllKVIJ A SAl'U STIMULIXT A GOOD MKDR'IXK For sale by A. si iiitHinra i TU h-M Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder aad rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treataeat fey mail for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 29S OUto street, BL Louis, Mo. Bd for testimonials. Sold by Stoae's drug store. dw-lyr -o Philadelphia Cricketers for Bermuda ni'n AUK "HtSVTOT! Bread and rolls. pl nn,l nil thf r St pf 0U' t Joy to over palate noorljWj strongth to .t.v ea' orn loaf of bu-ad In row ... i, on. .iii it taste It Ill ll, ainv mouthful and every ore triumph fo- our bakl r. ibl-OM. i.i. ho. . CpW DR. KUM Wonderful CHINCSE I m . ltk Ori or psic. n. Wnm Li know - . ... -J Ki33 "nt-H people nero. , lor au ! .v-al ssesmanymeJleln" doetora. snd wiw atanh, asthma, h msUss, sioni"t rn esse. vJiW r". t m- sad lemaie h , Philadelphia. Fob. 23. Tho Phil-1 euro private du4- wTu adolphla cricket team, accompanied ! "i1' He k by a targe part-, sallod on tho Ber-'19011 dS!l 7 lUUdlan todav for nrmiirin whom '7lMI .. -trf " they will arrive on the 25th Thrp P" . ..,- twntnv miitnhna ., ..i..., .. ' Ma1f. b0 Mttt& the island with tho iismiitnn nrioket I u yu Olub. the Army and Navy and thojH '"tKUMtO .ii-uuruiuun. I , i rMC 'l6T South Hlsh , W ,,i 1 I -I TO CUIIK A COLD nf ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qutalae TahUts. Druggists refund moaey U It fails ts cure. B. W. OROVll'8 signature oa esxk box. ate. -i 4l7? &.r - MMH4