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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
i XV GOOD Goods The t nt.mro with Uio most magnificent display of mirliiR merchandise wto lirtVo ever shown a Block (lint Is nMnse III uio ,no" ' n r ..rcvloiirt wimkiii Hint vies witlillia Inrcrst luidHliicflt fthown In Ore UouS iS t,,;"flior:,,c,..nt our price. In almost vcry franco nrc lower than the khiiio good mil lio bought elwnvlmre. (, ,.( Wash Goods Our assemblage Is varied. Kv- ory thing trom n wou-"k" mu" t0 (i wenr-reslstlng clmmbf ay. Lawns linens, ginghams, voiles, mohairs, orgnndloB, Mndrns, dlmltloa, por cales, Swisses, Ilatlstes nnd ninny olhors. Kverytlilng you wnnt nt less thnn you expect to pay. Spring Suits Wo sponk authoritatively whan wo sny that our suits correctly ex press tlio latest stylo Idcna. Wo havo studied tho stylo question Wo assured ourselves what was to bo IT boforo wo mndo our pur cliaso. You can buy hero with n certainty of being correctly and fashionably nttlrod. Tho newest, prettiest and most wanted styles, colors nnd fabrics nro hore, InoludlnR fiiBhlonnblo milts for misses, $11.85 10 $40 New Underwear Spring wolKhts and styles In tho celebrated Morcodo uiulor wear Just rocolvod. mmmgmmtmmmmmmmmmmmm CITY NEWS A flu I In iIImii cttf UUsiktti Pftr&4 TwntWWTI sl spe w sw PVfjHVJVS 'W M ! WSJ,lSBWBri TRW Itlnk Attraction-- Will T. Cory, Amorlcn'B trlok nnd fancy skater, lias been ongngqd by the mnnatiemont of tho Auditorium rink to glvo an exhibition In funcy skating iti tho ring each ovonlng of next week. Ho U known ns tho "Hu man Top," nnd bus Just finished u very successful wook In Portland. Garden Ncli Fn lly Courtesy of Senator Fulton tho Capital Journal has u largo lot of garden seed fur froo distribution. ' and persons who will cmll for thom can have a pnokago. Hand In and got n pnokngo snou, ns thoy will not last Ions. Nttes for Money A suit has boon filed In depart meat No. 1 by tho Doylo-Muuro Drug Company iimilnst Kdwnrd A. Clark and Myra K, Clark to oolloot certain notes amounting to JC82.C0. Hrowh-ldleuliie A marriage license has boon Is sued to Herbert M. Ilrown, aged S3, and Miss Dora idlewlnw, aged 18, both nt Balum, Joseph Founilor aot Ing an witness. To Collwt Note Tho Btato Land Hoard hat brought ault against Uoorgu W. Johns and O. It. Johns, his wife; Julia Johns, widow; Henry FV Johns nnd Ada Johns, hit wife In department No. 3. The coiuplalut sot forth that the do fendants tn )904 at BaUmi oieouttnl ani delivered to tho board for tho The Artist Who Paints on China Xbx. not transfer his subjects or trace them off printed aubjeel. It I nil fifo hand work. Tho tlowur look ao roal that any one can not1 they aro superior to any hand-paint -4 rfelaa on tho market in Baleiu or Portland. 8m them In our window. Tk pras aro a tow as thoso kvi for transfer work by other. BARtTS ICWCLKY STORE BJJK.T GAT Whole Stoe Shirt Waists They will Interest you. If you need waists nnd what woman over had too ninny, and thoy will lutorost you to tho buying point And It won't cost you much to buy either. Wo purohuBod thoso waists wonderfully advantageous ly and so will you wlion you buy thom. All wanted styles In plain laco and embroldory trliuined. 50c to $13.50 sale of school lands their promissory noto for ICBO for monoy borrowed. This was secured by mortage 911 cer tain real estate. Tho Hoard asks for n decree ngatst tho defendants for fGGO and MOO for attorney's fcos. nnd that tho mortgago bo foreclosed and tho promises sold. Miiltnoiiuili dives 91000 Word was received yesterday that Multnomah county had appropriated $1000 for an oxhlblt nt tho Oregon stnto fair, nnd many other coun ties nro getting In lino. Mnrlon hnn mado an appropriation, but will not compote for n prlzo. lKillaM WIiin Tho Dallas oollogo basketball team last evening defeated tho Wil lamette live by a score of 23 to 1G. The game was wltnwwed by 0110 of tho largest crowds thnt haa over boon in tho local gymnasium, and 1 was a hariUfought contest from ho ginning to end. , Personals Kdwnrd lltrsoh went to Portland today. Mrs. Lou llrttoh left today for a visit In Portland. Oldeon Htolta went to Portland on uwtnoss this morning. Mis T. G. Msher has roturued from a visit In Portland. Miss tlraoo Apple, of Staytou, is horo, tho guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kreoland. of Port land, uro visiting Salem relatives. Mrs. V. H. Forroll went to Port land this morning to visit friends. Mrs. Cooko Patton left this morn ing for Woodburn to visit friends. Mla Olrardln has returned from ft visit at her homo In Turner. Mrs. Lloyd UeynoUta Is visiting friends In Portland. Mrs. N. Whealdun and son, Alfred, who have been hero visiting and tak ing In tho Itgltlaturo. left today for their homo In The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitney wero among thoso going to Portland this morning. ""Miss Wtnnlfred Roman left today for Hood. Hlvcr, to visit relatives. Kx-Mayor KTank Waters left this morning for a business trip to Port land, Georgu II. Mine, secretary ot tho Oregon Plonovr Association, after a visit in the city, left today for his home in Portland. Attorney Richardson left this morning for Portland. Thomas ttruc, after a, buslnoss visit In the city, haa returaod to IMrtland. CooVe Patton, the woll-known bulnts was, left tbts worniss for llrooks, where he trill giro an eater tolbwtat this vaiic. Charla IMtldwor, a tamer ttu dt l Wlliw4t UfttvmMy, U Aty XHTJOLsXi. IAMM, GOOD Goods Last Day TODAY ' of Our Great i Suit Sale! Today closes our grand bnrgnln ovont In toon's high grado nil wool Hults. It Is your last oppor tunity to tako advantage or an oxcoptlonnl offer. Evory garmont in guaranteed nil wool. Latest modols, colors nnd fabrics. Plan to buy today. Values rango to $25. $14.85 Spring Oxfords Dnlnty In stylo and finish. Mndo from tho host leathers In wanted hIzoh. Wo mnko n spe cialty of fitting tho hard-to-llt Btep In and see tho protty now OxfordB wo show at $3.50 horo visiting friouds. Ho Is now em ployed by 11 lending grocery linn of Portlnnd. K. C. Armstrong returned Inst ov onlng from 11 biiBlucHS trip to Hub bard. MIsh Hhodn OcBiter returned last ovonlng from n visit In Portlnnd. Mtsu Gusslo llnndnll, of llnrlow, Is In tho city tho guest of friends. Miss Wlldn Rolnnd, ot tho St. Vincent hospital, Is visiting Salem friends. Mlus Mary Wann loft tills morn ing for Corvnllls, to bo tho guest of MIsh Mario Peoland. Mrs. M. J. Losley Is visiting hor sun In Kugeno. Mrs. M. Mlekenhnm wont to Tur ner this morning to visit friends nnd relatives. Mrs. S. L. Hayes, of Campbell, Cal ifornia, after a visit horo to her brother, Andrew Verolor and family. loft today fur n visit In Lebanon. Mrs. K. Klmmermnn loft this morning for Itosoburg, wluiru sho will visit for 11 few days. Miss Amniuln Thomas, who has been visiting Salem friends, bus re turned to her homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. vrnnk Whltnoy. who have boon visiting hore, loft today for Los Angelos. o Hee Confoti'iiro in tho South. Columbia, 8. C. Keb. 23. Thoro nro upwards of 3000 delegates from nil parts of tho country In this olty today to attend tho conference of tho colored people, which will he hold In tho First Cavalry llnptlst Church tonight. Rev. Hooker T. Washington nnd Rov. Richard Car roll will bo tho principal speakers. Matters of vital Importation to tho colored race will ho disouued, but It Is understood that sovornl ques tions beforo tho public nt present will not bo dealt with. Mayor Dunne Renominated. Chicago. Feb. 23. Tho Democrat ic city convention this afternoon unanimously nominated Dunno for ro-olectlon as mayor. Harrison's name was withdrawn early, and the convention adopted resolutions ot sympathy for Postmaster lluuo, who waa injured in tho wreck on tho Pennsylvania road this morning. Iliuso Is, almost certain to be Dunne's Republican opponent at the polls, m AnjIuui Atirudant Indicted. Athens, O., Feb. 23. The grand Jury today Indicted I. Woobo, Hoary Harklna and Hobart Reeder, former attendants at the Athens hospital for the Insane, charged with second de jw murder for killing W. J. llaroce, an Inwtie, ' ' IVkpWc Ktr Howe, K , Feb. 33. The plant Attorney Hartrldg haa luaed a of Auierk was destroyed by fire to day, Lo 1309,1 8ATUIU1AY, FEPnnAnr 23, 1007 I TUB TIH5.M) OP FASHION IX NEW IVIWii r Materials, yrinimliig". Styles for I"y fco-tumcH. ' Suit for ltorly Spring Wear, Xew ; AVoois, Hats nnl Garnitures. ' The shops are most alluring with their' dfsplays of new dress materi als All the silks, wools, mlxturos, cloths, cottons and linens are now on the counters rondy for tho buyors. The Demand for Cotton. Cotton materials wcro ,novor so protty fir shown In such variety at fabrics and pattern nor was tho do- mnmi fnr them ever beforo so gront. aimkwIv many of tho prottlest pat terns are sold out, nnd It is vory doubtful If manufacturers will dupli cate the orders, for the looms are im.v esttliiK out tho goods that will he shown In 1S0S. Thoro Is said to he a. scarcity ovon In shirtings and sheetings of standnrd makes. Mercerized Cottoiw ami Mixtures. Tho mercerized cottons, and silk nnd cotton mlxturos, as well as tho .new voiles that aro all cotton but 'look like mntorlals at sovornl times their cost, aro eagorly solzod by tho dressmakers and by women In prl vato life, who aro having them mndo up for Immodlnte use, with further wear In vlow whon wnr.m wonther comes. Tho woman who likes blnck should Invost In a bonnet Bilk this spring, for sho will havo a gown thnt will be ovon moro fnshlonablo thnn now, by tho tlmo the lonvos nro turn ing, and fiho can roly on the qunllty of tho material that lins that name on the selvage. New Wools. Tho most Important showing In dress goods) nro tho chocked, plaldod and striped wools, tho lnttar bolng somewhat novo, tho strlpos bolng for tho most part In contrast and Ilght-htiod. Tho Invlfllblo plaids and chocks of Inst sonson nro again brought forward with numerous chnnges, and It Is difficult to Imnglno the thousands of combinations of those fabrics. VoIIob follow suit, nl lowlng for tho dlfforonco In tho ma terial. Plain voiles nro also shown nnd It Is posslblo thnt Inter In the sonson thoro may bo n renctlon In favor of plnln stuffs. Similar checked, plnlded nnd striped de signs nro paramount In silks, nnd horo tho black nnd white fnd soems to have taken on now life. LlneiiH and Trimmings. Dnrk thin stuffs of wool, silk or cotton nro made ovor whlto silk lin ings for tho most pnrt, nnd contrast ing colors In linings nro tho rulo rather than tho oxceptlon. Tucks In ladder styles croee tucks of narrow width cut Into bands nra still vory much used by modish mnkers. Thoso nro edged with braid or with narrow folds of the material. Uralds of nil sorts nro very much In evidence, the nnrow soutache being especially well endorsed. This Is used In tunny different ways. Ono of tho nowest Is to out line figures in tho lnco usod for gar nitures. Thus n cream llnotv, cos tumo with Insorts of heavy cluny laco had nnrrow silk soutache In pnlo blue run In nnd out over the pnttorn of the laco, defining the prominent figures nnd nffordlng n pretty color contrast. Tho bolt, collar nnd ro vers of the little coat were of plain bluo llnon to match tho color of tho braid. Ot courso such costumes must go to the professional cleanor for renewal. Hats, SlmHN ami Trimmings. Tho fine smooth braids that are put togothor with machine stitching aro to be most worn whon the weathor permits wornon to don their new Btraw headgear. Shnpos are to bo continuations of the styles that were most smartly worn during tho Into winter months. Mushroom brlma nnd flat "Maud Muller" typos with garlands of roses ot many hues, natural and otherwise, hut harmon ising in color through all tholr varl atlons. LUCY CARTER. The above design Is by the MeCall Co., of New York, fashion publishers and manufacturers ot MeCall pat terns. Tho lVrprtual Fnuirhlxs RU1 Killed hi Scuate. After fighting among themselves all tho session over repealing the franchise of the Portland Gas Com pany, the Multnomah county delega tion could not agree on the measure, after It had been amended clear be yond recognition, and permitted It to t laid on the table In the senate this morning. Beaator Nottingham moved to re consider the tote whereby the bill was sed, This was lost ada even taally oa motion of Senator Hodson ELIJAH . SMITH LANDS For tfce Present Remain the Owner's Hands. in After passing tho house unani mously nnd being championed In the senate by attorneys wJth their pock ets full of applications to fllo on tho lands, the bill to dispossess Elijah Smith, of Boston, and his wagorf road lands In Coos and Curry, vtns killed' In the sonate; Tho committee unanimously rtported against, and It was indefinitely postponed. Sena tor Malnrkoj' always solicitous that no Injustice bo dono anyone, was vory much put out and trled"'(o get reconsideration In vain. It was charged that Portland lawyers wore horo lobbying for tho bill, who had n lot of filings assigned to them solvos, which would havo become val uable If the bill had passed. FOUR NORMALS WIN OUT (Continued from pago ono.) to do would bo to oxplnln tho situa tion to tho houso this morning, nnd havo nnothor voto taken upon tho quostlou. The Voto Xwdcil Showed Up. When tho house convened at 9 o'clock this morning Speaker Davoy called attention to tho mistnkon lm prosslon undor which it wob bollovod thnt tho Monmouth-Drnln normnl school bill has passed, whon In reali ty it had fallod to pass by ono voto, whoroupon King, of Harney nnd Malheur, changed his voto to nyo, thus assuring tho pnssage of tho bill with Its heavy handlcnp which, it is practically cortnln, will rldo tho bill to donth, as It stands a poor chnnco of rocolvlng tho approval of the gov ornor In this form. Treasure. In Heaven. Mr. King, who turned tho trick for tho normals mado a facetious expla nation of his voto, saying tho normnl school Interests notified him thnt thoy wero very hard up and had promised him their prayers and troasuros In honven, where moths did not corrupt nor thloves break In ns an Inducement to change. What King Said. Tho Capital Journal presents to Its rondors n vorbattm statement of oxnetly whnt Roprosontntlvo King said on changing his vote: "I votod no on this bill last bight, but If promises of prnyor for my wel fare In otornlty are of value, I have been 'touched.' And with tho fact that men nre prono to orr, nnd thnt WK AUK ILL RKADY TO SWAP OFF THKAKl'lttiS IX HKAVKX FOR CASH DOWN FULLY IX VIKW, I DF.SIRF. TO CHAXGK MY VOTK TO AYK." Tho offoct of this voto wbh to car ry tho npproprlntlons for tho four normnl schools through tho house. The Amounts Allowed. Monmouth sohool 336,000 Drnln School 27,Ot5o Weston School . . . . , , . . 35,000 Ashlnnd School 40,000 Tho now bonrd of nlno regents, that Is croated under houso bill No. 201 will, during tho next two years, Investigate the normnl school situa tion nnd report to tho next legisla ture which two of the four schoolB will bo ollmlnnted from tho offlclnl map. Tho normal school combine proved too strong this morning in both bronchos of the legislature and tho only legislation that could bo ennct ed under any conditions wns contin gent on big appropriations being al lowed for all four of the schools. B0Ttir HOUSES QUIT Tho senate and house both ad journed slno die about 2 o'clock, and there was a soeclal trnin wniinn. tako tho crowd to Portland. Nothing of any special Importance was, done during tho last hours, except to clear up uusiness. Trolley lino Promoter Charged. Boston, Feb. 33. The hearlag ot the charges against Arthur A. Apple yard, a trolley line promoter of this city, who secured control of the Ger man bank shortly beforo It failed, wero resumed hero today befor John Cumiaeen, a referee, A buss ber ot suits aro listed a galas Ate rard as a result ot the failure ei iu ,u ,v Charcoal stjjg ; " iourstoi U'riiwii.,. r..t 11.. . S , -3'V " .US()l Dili!? t. . coal WIici, Taken , Lozenge jDrall I.Hckng . Charcoal, pure. .1,.. - absorbs 100 times luo,. 3 gaB. Where dna ,. a , IB Just absorbed by thVt?,,r thb gas dlsanneaM .4 .rH a riure.. treah .. .. M!li . --, . '":ei aimosfc. . from all ImniiHtu. . FC i ' That's wWt hnnm,. .J" dch -when you take oaeT Quart's Charcoal Lo?.B J powerful prlfler8 8CIent; Ydu-'belchunsincoofcAi lu.n-a, uy nccment. Pr..rf .v 1 ... .. ' " i "uininniion. Thai in. there is a great amoufat 0! rj, formed in your stomach.. lng food. Your stouuuh ffl cestlTMr vnnr fnn,i ". "' coal Lozenges right after catt . vnn ...til l. . . .. ""fcl j.. .ii uu Hurjirisca Bow s llinv will x- . . ''' ..-, " -i.. io mors bIfiiu no moro Bour risings, fiif, wnt nnd what you want .'.i J if there is any gas colne t L i,j ed, ono of theso wonderfni ItttiJ sorocrs, a atuart Charcoal Lo will tako caro of all the ml And it will do more tk .u. Evory partlclo of ImourltT h ,- stomach nnd Intestines Is go!obl wiiiii-u awnjr oy mo cnarcoiUas soomB to know why It does tkl,I it noes and does It wonder, You notlco tho difference la run. petite, general good feeling, i:ij tno purity or your blood, right inj iouii nnvo no more bad uitia your mouth or bnd breath. from drinking, eating or imofcil vinur pcopio win notlco yow I breath quicker than you ill' splf. Mnko your breath pnr.tsKI nnd Bweot, so when you talk toe you won't djsgust thftn, Juti or two Stuart Charcoal Loiecgeti mako your breath sweet, and i you feel better all over for It Twl can cnt all tho onions and foods you want, and no one cut! tho difference I Besides, charcoal li the bW im tlvo known. You can take a fbtsJ boxful and no harm will rmlL 11 la a wonderfully easy regnUlcr, And then. too. it niters roar Mi every particle ot poison or lam Ity In your blood Is deitrojrt. asl you begin to notlco thedlffeM your fnco first thing jour dwl complexion. Stunrt'a Chnrceal Loiesmi mado from puro willow charcc4i Just a little honey is put la to w them palatable, but nottooiviA, They will work wonders U jl stomach, nnd mako jou feeiuiw fresh. Your blood and Drwuw bo purified. Wo want to prove all thlitoja. bo lust snnd for a free impltdSft Thon after you get It and umR,J ...III III.. , I. nn. on urnll thil 1M IKll Will JIIIU lUUIII PW nv. "" 1 nr n ..n.... ,li.ii.ifllt finil eft t li 0SS box of theso Stuart's L'narcwf ... ...MmI Ca .... nnmA anil XaaHHw day and wo will at once ecdr"r mall a cample package irw. " F. A. Stuart Co.. 54 Sluaii - Marshall, Mich. NortTkfcUakMFfee rk- Urllth. Kt( ' Cm irHh Was. Brewa ' 1J OemmrtA . ..mONEY TO LOJ THOIAl, Ot-t Ii '" "'m"' NEW T00AYI Dacks lV'ld-Wlll 17 ... .i la . ' .red to our place. Hea C""! lt snnrsfiiL uiu " .at. jo? auuiu o- - . 01 TSunlre guv pur cji;. w." - 1 .l .11 triet m some wiib du" "- , also gooa r .jp,' town. Enquire T4l&jJtt., u, onuii. , Fer Sale Fresn J"' ,: - -- Eaqulro J. i wf . .. I1.WJI. - L lbta sirei. - Watei-A mlddle-aW J g etad to invano, --- pp howework. Iolu1 t i mi u CHe Inevitable. Whoneverth&E JuBt take ono or two of Ri..L jak. n. 4. asm . V t.V , WM us IJKJ HQJg,