i05"W?rjt"-'!lsi'V"Ww'"fTi yjf 1 i;i ATTY APECAL JOURNAL SAIJMI. RIMIM1, SATURDAY, FKHRUARY US, 1007 NO. 48. NORMAL SCHOOLS WIN OUR IE fOUk NORMALS WIN OUT land and Weston Ian for a Scoop tt Let Down by Jones of ;Who Plays a Trump ill the beating tho bush. Las Plny'ns to tho gnllor- . fcdrinture provides for tno laucfe of four normal schools i nrloDi committees had nr- from tho start Tlio Ash- led Weston politicians had out- k(l thoso bnck of Drain and irath all along Aihland Plans Coup. ill wry clever coup Mint tho kers of the Ashland Weston I schools perpetrated upon Uaaipectlng rivals for cxlst- Itae mpportcrs of tho Mon- wd Drain normals, nnd it I aire terminated successfully tot boon that n mistake was i miring the vote on the last la thit was put beforo tho EUit nhjht before adjourn PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE rHEN SPENDING Ijricri. Head en: & Goods Silks & of yards of new Udillki sold at little U a only make Ave cents (etrlnedreai ennds nA ht them o. Dmm Silks, yd... 28c 1 Wkr all eolnm vt tc TUBllki. vd .IB -We Bilks, ,d...8c ,M the same rates Drew Ooodi, yd..8c la TV.. -. '"".uooa8,ya..5c 4 DrMA C.nA. J jv- ?Kimall price. t Tarda . . kw ;. ;""..""' r?, Soodi, Naln- "i Ftralan lawps, muAT7mruna mQHns n3T nd ,heer l c India Llaoa Kc Uwa.jg, Sn- ie aaaw --- jcrnber Deliberately Changes Front-Big Wreck On Pennsylvania iilroad--jorcie More ment: tho question of whether the sennto bill for tho support and main tenance of tho Monmouth normal with a "rider" attached making an additional appropriation of ?27,000 for tho support of tho Drain normal, would pass,' before adjournment was taken over night, It waa announced that tho bill lind received tho requi site number of votes to declare It passed (31), but a checking up'bf tho ballot afterward revealed that It had only received 30 nfllrmntlvo votes and had, therefore, failed to pass. Conference Favored Two. When tho question of two, three or four normal schools camo up In n now form beforo tho houso, yester day afternoon, through tho Insertion of nn amendment In tho Vnwter slnglo board of rogents bill, by tho sonnte, providing nn appropriation of $27,000 for tho support of tho Drnin normal, It looked ns though It was up to the houso for final deter mination. But tho houso proved itself equal to tho occasion; refused to concur in tho nmendment, nnd thon named a special commlttea on conferonco with a Uko commltteo from tho senate, but this conference failed to nrrlvo at a satisfactory agreement, except Mint tho confrer ecs woro In favor of but two normnl schools, without selection or dis crimination. This report wnB adopt ed by tho house, but It waB turned down In tho senato Into yesterday afternoon. Normal Roosters llnsy. It then becamo encumbent upon B 1CAG0 STOR YOUR MONEY OtuUtr carefully where Is tho best place to upend It. We can rMi the convincing proof, and MuU Jh get our prices. You cannot e CHICAGO STORE when you want reliable merchandise sold Wash Goods It Is Impossible for us in such little, space to give full particulars about this wonderful Yarled stock We are here with the goods and at the Tight prices. 1000 yards Standard Calico, yard Xc 9c Linen finished Percales, yard 4c 12 c double width Percales. yard 13 Vic Drees GlaghaBas, yd... 9c Millinery LADIB8 COATS AND SUITS We have bow oae of the beet mllltaera la Sales to take eare of your millinery waata. Miu Radall.ef Olda-Xlag'e of Fertlaad This young lady had charge of their BsUllaery department for four years. If yea waat a trim med hat for 12.10, 3.S, $3.60. S4.50, ji.st, $3.t, iie.ee, 312.ee er flS.ee, yea eaa reet as sured that ye win set all that is comlag te yew ia style, werkmaa ship aad artietle taete, aad at about halt what yes have to pay elsewhere. 15 SwKs, sale priee . .f.M 31 g Ladles' Ceats, U9, . tttk Fe4tsents, priM.S.t tigOS. Zp&XffZ oeriin rassengers aavea rrom tho supporters of tho several normal schools to solve tho problom, and, as later developments proved, tho Ash land normnl champions proceeded to get busy." Tho Ashland and Wes ton normals had alrondy been pro vided for, slnco sopnrato bills provid ing sufllcient funds for tholr respec tive support for the ensuing biennial term had passed the houso and also tho sennto, with tho understanding that sonato bUl No. i3, which hnd been passed by tho senate, should re ceive Uko consideration by tho lower branch of tho assembly. And It did, but it wns Jn such manner ns proved a complete surprlso nnd body blow to tho Monmouth supporters Mint their breaths were fairly takon away whon tho effect of tho final Issue dawned upon them. It was simply n question of annihilation for tho Monmouth normnl either way thoy voted, and there wns no alternative, so thoy concluded, nftar making a plaintlvo plen for mercy and fair play to tholr follow members of tho house, to tnko dospcrato chancos with tho governor, with the odds of but one chnnce In n thousand against them. Jones Asked Reduction. When tho Monmouth bill camo up In its turn for consideration n call of tho Iioubo wns ordered, and then the houso resolved Itself Into a commlt teo of tho whole to mnko a Blight amondmont In tho bill. This wns ac complished whon Mr. Jonos, of Lin coln nnd Polk, proposed to cut down tho amount of tho appropriation from S4G,00t) to 332,000, which wns choerfully accepted, and thon Mr. Vnwtor, of DouglnB nnd Jackson, In terposed nnother amondmont, which was, in effect, tho tacking on of nn othor section providing nn nppropri- wisiiS'isiiS'isisiS'f i Remember THE ANGELUS is sW! selling $1.25 j Meal Ticket for $1 . By using; one, regular 25c dinners cost you only 20c. buy a best Restaurant in the cRy. .tens-is sistsisfiS'S'raisiwf ie)iewissisiiiiejii atlon of 327,000 for tho support or tho Drain normnl. ThlB, too, wns adopted, boforo n full realization of the purposo nnd effect of tho change dawncl upon tho Monmouth support ers. Grent Silence Prevailed. Whon tho- bill, as amended, how ever, co mo up for final consideration beforo tho houso n solemn and op prcsBivo calm seemed to havo settled upon tho assembly, and whon Mr Vnwter aroso to speak a pin could al most have been heard to drop, had It not beon for tho carpeted floor. In cool and measured tones he recount ed tho scones enacted on the floors of both houses of tho assembly la wrestling with tho perplexing normal school question, and it had now sift ed down to tho question of two nor mnl schools, and, It tho bill as amended, should paBS tho effect would bo the same; That is to say, tho governor could either pass the choice up to the board of regants, or make tho choice himself, and ho had all of the schools separated, and this would bo an easy thing for him to decide. Mother and Ilaby Alive. Mr. Jones, of Lincoln and Polk, and Mr. McCallon, of Polk, did not boo lit to view tho matter In this light, however, and their lines of ar gument was of a different trend al togethen They called tho attention of the members of the house, In lan guage most eloquent and appealing, to the great sacrltee that was being made of the "mother" Institution, in the tacking on of this "fatal rider" to the only means of existence to their beloved iastltutlon, and their appeal was a pathetic one In tho ox remo; In fact, there la bo doubt that their argumeato, -which pleaded for honesty, stercy and fair play, touched a tead spot In many a heart, aad w.oa for the "old school" many vote that had probably been pledged to vote otherwise. When the result of the vote raa explalaed to Speaker Dawy Jaat evealsg.he aameedl that the caly lair thlag SERIOUS TRAIN WRECK Eighteen Hour Flier on Penn sylvania Roads .Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 23. Ten missing, half a dozen fatally hurt and over a scoro woro Injured In n wreck of the Pennsylvania's west bound lS-hour llyor No. 29, nt Mln oral Point, eight miles west of horo, early this morning. Fred A. Hubso, postmaster of Chicago, Is In . tho hos pital nt Altonn, Pa., not expected to recovor. Others fatally hurt arc: J. T. Kline, postmaster at Jollot, Illi nois; F. L. Drown, of San Francisco; J. E. Wilson, of Mnrion, Indiana; M. W. Rhono, n negro portor, and two unidentified. Holt llroku on Kiigluc. About G o'clock this morning a St. Louis special arrived at Pittsburg with survivors from tho Mineral Point wreck. Most of tho passengers werp In bod or partly undressed. Thoso, escaped with llttlo clothing. Mbro was given them horo. All who woro able wero sont on to Chicago on a Bpeclnl. Nearly all hnd moro or less serious wounds. Four of thorn wore tnkonJo Alleghany tg thotgcncrnl hospital, 'among "thom bolng W. H. Dakor, aged 28; mo chnnlcal engineer, 1441 Josophlno street, Denver. His rlbB woro broken nnd Ills left shoulder bruised, but not serious. Railroad officials Bay aisi sis !! esssneiseiij ucket today and eat at the CHICKEN DINNER Sunday tho canst wns a bolt snnppod and a brakc-Bhoo slipped under tho drlvo wheel nnd derailed tho engine, which pulled the three renr cars off with It. Chicago, Feb. 23. A long dlB tnnco phone from nn Altoona hospi tal snys Busso la not fatally hurt. His Injuries consist of a broken urm, an abrasion over his right eyo, lac erated Bcalp and flesh wound In the thigh. None Were Kllb-d. F. L. Drown, a wholesalo dry goods merchant of San Francisco, was crushed and had his head cut. It is now believed that nono wore killed outright. Tho first report that ten had gone through the ico Is generally discredited, and It Is believed that they left the eceno In the confusion. e NIcaragwiH Minister Weds Debutante Washington, Feb. 23. Sonor Lou is Corea, minister from Nicaragua to the United States, and Miss Ida Doll Fleming, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Robert J. Flemmlng, woro mar ried at noon today In the homo of tho bride's parents In this city. Whon announcement of tho engagement was made recently, Washington so ciety was surprised, as Miss Flem mlng, who is not 19 years old, has Just graduated from a fashionable seminary and was a debutante of the psesent season. Hiss Flemmlng who was as helreBS, waa one of tho most popular girls of the year's set, Is an acettplisbed liagulst and has already heem Involved is a romance dating baek to her school days. The romance ef the Niearaii and the beautiful Mrs. Dunlop Jordoa, of Ma coB, Oa., Is still a aufejeet of com ment. Beaor Core fat saM te he 22 year hie WHk'i sealer aad Is re garded as owe U the heads pi eel, ate la the dlpkwMUlc eoart at Wah- Jiatftoa. Roosevelt Syonks nt llurvm-d. lloston, Feb. 23. Tho Roosovolt party arrived hero at 8:30 this morn ing. Tho President will address a body of Harvard studouta this after noon, nnd wns vory much at homo In his alma muter. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 23. Roosovolt today doltvored hla ad dress at Harvard undor tho auspices of tho Harvard Union and Harvard Political Club. Tho subject dis cussed was "Athlotlcs and tho Du ties of Citizens." Ho snld ho favored all forms of nthlctlcs, but urged tho Btudonts not to dovoto nil tholr time to play. Ho told thorn to fit them selves for tho Borious work In llfo, nnd not bo faddists, "lie citizens," ho said, "who abhor corruption and Inoflloloncy, who wish to boo decent government provnil at homo, with gonulno equnllty of opportunity for all mou, mid who wish iib far as"for olgn matters aro concerned to soo this nation treat all othor nations, groat and small, with respect and, If neod be, with generosity, and at tho samo time show herself able to pro tect herself by hor own might from any wrong nt tho lunula of nn out Bide powor. lloston, Fob. 23. Tho President wont to tho homo of Dr. W. 8. Rlgo- low nnd Mrs. Roosovolt and daugh ters wcat to tho homo of Mrs. Goo. O. Lee, Alice's grnndmothor, At 11 o'clock tho President stood godfnthor -for-tho son of Captain Quy Murchlo, a lawyor, and a former Rough Ridor. j Boston, Fob. 23. Tho President I moved rapidly from placo to place Ho went ot his publishing houso and .took lunch with his son and a fow undergraduates of tho Bphynx Club, In 'Cambridge. lie addressed tho Harvard Union, and attended tho In itiation of his son into the Pnrcollnu ,Club. Ho will tako ton with nishnp Lawrence, of tho Episcopal dlocuso of Massachusetts, and will go to Gro ton tomorrow. EVELYN THAW BETTER Not Beinr Paid to Testify for Her Husband Now York, Fob. 23. It la reported today that tho Countess of Yarmouth has eliminated herself from the Thaw case. She haa not visited tho crjmlnal court slnco the day tho Judgo told nil womon to leavo dur ing tho unpleaBant testimony. As far as known sho has not visited her brother at the Tombs. It Is report ed that sho has rcturnod to Englaud Incognito, silenced. Tho disagree ablo notoriety Is snld to have dis gusted her. Kvolyn visited hor husband alone, today, and spent several hours with him. She looks much ' better, and has apparently rocovorcd from 7icr nervousness. She undoubtedly will bo ablo to TOturn to tho stand' Mon day. Attorney Hartrdlgd bnri Issued a statement In tho nanfo of Mrs, Wil liam Thaw, denying as "Untrue, un warranted and unjust" tho report that the family pald'Kvelyn to tes tify. Hartrldgo states ori his own account that ho would hover consent to a lunacy commission. e i ' gecrefAry Ho III. Secretary of State F. W. Benjon IS suffering a severe attack of rheu matic fever, with pnoumonla compll ca'tloas, and In coasequenco he has beea coafaed to his home and bed, for the pt 10 days, aad bis oce duties are being looked after by his brother, Jade If. L. Beaton, of Klamath rails, dariag Ma IftOtst aUea, tne ueep REACH BERLIN WRECK Most of tlie Surviving Pas' senders are Saved Rotterdam, Feb. 23. Throo moro havo bcou saved from tho wreck of tho Dprlln todny, making n total of 1C survivors. A ltmvo Swimmer. Rottordam, Fob. 23. llonts aro still unablo to roach to wreckage, but a Dutch iluhorman swam and carried a lino. This no nlllxcd to a raft bearing survivors', and his nmton drew them In. Tho swimmer's ef forts nro unrfurpuHsod, and ho llvod to overcomo tho waters in which no Rinall boat could live. r OLYMPIC BREWER KILLED Olympla, Wnsh., Fob. 23.--Frank W. Lamp, head brewer of tho Olym pla Ilrowlng Compnny, whllo on his wny homo last night, was Waylaldi and clubbed to death. Uoforo ho, died ho aceusod his bibthor-ln-lnw, Jobbo Wlnklo. Wlnklo was rocontly discharged from tho browcry, whofo ho had boon working undor Lamp. Ho hnd vowed vansoatice. No nr rostH havo boon made as yet. FLORA M'DONALD DYING Flora McDonald Dying. Chicago, Fob. 23. Flora McDon ald, acousod of killing Webster. Otiorln, Ib unconscious In tho pollco station, and tho phyttlclanB say hor condition is critical. Tho pollco phy sician, who wns with tho woman all night, HnyB it Is acuto hyatorln. RUSSIAN BOMB THROWER Odessa, Feb. 23, A bomb thrown beneath tho carrlsgo'of Colonel dors berg, chief of pollco, this uftoruoon resulted In sovorely Injuring tho chief nnd wrecking tho neighboring houses. Tho assassin escaped. IntiTHHtloMMl ANtfoclatlnp of Master 1'ftlHtt'r. Now York, Feb. 23. Important questions will bo discussed at tho annual convention of master paint ors, which will be hold tomorrow. Dolcgatea from all parts of tho statos will bo In attendance. It la stated tbat t will bo proposed to appeal to tho national government to compel manufacturers of paint to print on tho- labels wbnt the contents of tho Dackaaea are. ta as to prevent tho great adulteration which Is at pres no going oa. UfV j ,i vM- eoMiUTAwotr wtmm. W f I. M .. J ri