Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    'wTt i yfri7:rr'WSr' v'y"
n$?; 'ww"-"", wTf
TTf r - r
a aWTiinii. j cmijm . .inan
Aycr's Hair Vigor, as now made from our
new improved formula, docs not stain or
color the hair even to the slightest degree.
Gray hair, white hair, blonde hair is not
made a shade darker. But it certainly does
stoD falllne hair. No question about that
ThU is a entirely neir prpr- a. C. ArtrOo.,
nit. ,
tlon. jmt pltofd on the mtrkct.
,v,r citr ocn,ut'"v
jrf rwr
rno uiiu-
thrce nunureui"
he nrst English Immigmn-
w ""Jrtter number of nowcom
: r . .. ., inn hns known.
tfjn8nrlnv neoplo that are
"erY L, there should bo fur-
frictions on Immigration and
ff1...!.. ond have been de-
Zi submitted to congress
-nr be needed In this way
rind assimilate many more u-
vi. aliens. i'e "
i tl be of some method of rcg-
1 the distribution of the
' that land at Ellis Island.
fcd$ tnai I .ccn
tWrto.tiriuB.., -"-". . co
,, to Induco iiiwo i' ; ;
II hey are most welcome. It is
? much for their own Interest
r"hat ef the country that they
Ltf be placed, not - -
over crowa mo m""
kith they may cuSb - -
L is a positive scarcity of such
! .. tmt'n in noil.
U.A IlltY 1IUIV w
(Recently the southern states have
L.... n rioalro that tho flow of
iLntion should turn In that dl-
Itlon. Thcro is no lack of ordinary
Lulled laborers. Tiio negroes any
the demand at a price wmsu
kite lor cannot iuii".- o""
t irlth tho remarknblo devolop
Ut nf manufacturers comes a con-
lion which makes Immigration de-
Me if not a necessity an inuus-
!:ooi and thlrfty clnss of workers
r a great variety of employment.
ross as aro tho nppoals from thnt
Uon they meet with llttio oncour-
hntnt, "ho fact ot uio presuncu
the south of millions of colored
ioreri Is fatal to a mero invltntion.
till be necessary for tho south to
ilntala agents at tho portB of nr-
Inl to represent tho situation as it
The northwest has boon n choson
htlnatlon for tho host clnss of Im-
t!pinti and they havo aided Im-
teasely In Its development. Of tho
tore recent comers, too Inrgo a part
:d lodgement in tho groat cities
there peoplo aro crowded into tono-
fcili and havo tho poorost chnnco to
EST the lest Trims' fif tho lifo of
tedom which this country affords
; A bill li now beforo tho logislnturo
k WlKonslrf which croatos n stnto
lard of Immigration. Its first duty
19 be to publish bulletins doscrlb-
t tho undeveloped resources of tho
Bmon wealth These are to bo
fm to the country advancement
iwlalions o be distributed accord-
r-f to their discretion. Also nn ngont
5 be maintained at Ellis Islnnd, Is
h elrmlato the bulletins among tho
piflng strangers. It is oxnoctod
pt through tho county soeletlos tho
My naturalized citizens who hnvo
fe to much to promoto tho proa-
Nty of the s'ato win 8end tho do-
scrlptivo matter, which will bo In
various tongues, to thoir former
homes abroad and will thus alluro
people of tho samo class. Periodic
ally n moro comprehensive pamphlet
will bo issued especially for circula
tion abroad. It Is through tho
agency of tho established Immigrants
that Wisconsin hopes to nttract n
most deslrablo addition to Its population.
Tho Guard is at a loss to under
stand why Govornor George Cham-,
berlain has so suddenly discovered
that ho is not in favor of higher edu
cation. Ho Is himself a university
man and has always given out tho
Impression that ho would in ovory
possible manner encourago tho build
ing up of nn institution horo that
would bo a credit to tho stnto and
moot its growing needs In ovory ro
spect, and yot he has blocked tho first
earnest effort to placo tho university
on a propor footing and makes tho
improvements necessary to tako caro
of tho Increasing enrollment.
Wo cannot bollovo that tho govorn
6r is playing politics with tho stnto
unlvorslty and that his veto is mcro
ly a gallery play to appeal to thoso
voters whoso stinginess oxecods their
lovo for education advantages and
nrido in tho highest Ideals of statr
development and character.
And yot this veto net hns that ap
pearance on Its faco.
Tho Btato university has been glvon
only moagor support slnco its foun
dation when cdmparcd with similar
institutions of other states. Its build
ings aro cheap and Inadequate, nnd
Its compnratlvoly high standing has
boon gained, undor ndvorso circum
stances, solely on account of thor
ough, conscientious work by its fac
ulty, desplto their undor pay and
lnck of encouragement. This con
dition can exist no longer, bocauso
the Increased population of Oregon
hns brought n larger enrollment in
nil departments, nnd created nlso a
demand for now departments that
call for a larger fnculty and better
salaries In many Instances, whoro
tho host of talont nnd scholarship Is
needed. Tho bonrd of regonts, com
posed of nlno of tho stnto's most
prominent citizens, realized that tho
tlo had como for proper recognition
on tho part of tho stnto and mndo
ostimatos of tho neoded appropria
tions fnr In oxcoss of tho amount
cnllod for In Mr. Eaton's bill. In
this view thoy wore supportod by nl
most tho ontlro momborshlp of both
LoiiHos of tho logislnturo who vlslt
od tho unlvorslty, inspected Its pros
ont fnollltios and cnrofully consider
ed Its nocossltlos. AgnlnBt tho con
victions of nil thoso men tho govorn
or sots his own personal opinion and
goos on record'ns opposing tho grant
lng of tho stmo advantages to tho
ambitious young mon nnd women of
Oregon, that ho wns nblo to acquire
" vmnmmm5n
'""'-' TMyspsi
A&fthUtPrcii AMI?. ( A
Siting teroodandHctJiita-
vBeataaads amlBcwcls cf
lW3TSfe;lUu CLK d.
or Narcotic.
film 4,
- rm
?Sfe Stature Pf
For Infants amd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
i mm. wt.
In tho heavily endowed university
of nnother state.
Of courso tho Salem Journal nnd
tho Salem state senator, Tom Kay,
oppose this appropriation. They want
to savo tho money of tho tnxpayors
so that most of It may biennially
bo spent on tho stnto institutions of
tho capital city. Tho bill for appro
priating $-10,000 for enlarging tho
capltol grounds nnd buying n man
sion for tho governor Is approved,
of course, and so Is every ono of the
other "grafts" that havo been from
tlmo Immemorial worked through
tho legislature- with clock-llko regu
larity. But tho Journal and Tom
Kay are shocked when a dollar is
"wasted" on education minds of
such men usually are, bocauso ail
tho education In tho world concen
trated upon them would fall to raise
them up to tho normnl calibre.
Thon wo havo tho morning pnpor
of Eugene. Only tho other day It
criticised tho governor nnd hold him
personally responsible for tho ox
cesslvo stato appropriations. If tho
govornor saw a copy of that lssuo ho
probably concluded to apply tho old
rule, "charity begins at homo." Tho
Guard deplored tho stand tnken by
Its contemporary at tho tlmo, bo
causo It Is not a good rulo In this cn
llghtoncd day to try to mako poli
tical capital out of tho serious busi
ness of government. Consistently,
tho morning paper should commend
tho governor for heeding its ndvlco
Tho peoplo of Eugene nro not In
terested In tho unlvoCsity mcroly as
a local Institution; thoy aro not ad
vocating largo appropriations In or
der to boom real cstato values or
build up business interests hero on
stato appropriations. Thoir lovo for
tho unlvorslty Is honost nnd slncorc,
bocauso closo association with its
membership and thorough knowledgo
of tho splendid work It hns dono
through yonrs of honest, conscien
tious effort has bred almost n rovor
onco for tho Institution that has Bout
so many students out Into tho world
to become useful, and In ninny In
stances, distinguished citizens of tho
stnto. Its work in tho pnst speaks
for Itsolf In ovory wnlk nnd calling
of Oregon's public and prlvato llfo -it
is that moro of this work may bo
dono that recognition Is nskod of tho
stnto government,
Hunting for Trouble.
"I'vo livod in California 20 years,
nnd am still huntinc for trouble In
tho way of burns. Bores, wounds,
bolls, cuts, sprntno, or a enso of piles
that Ducklon's Arnica Salvo won't
quickly euro," writes Charles Walt
ers, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use
hunting, Mr. Walters; It cures overy
enso. Gunranteod at J. C. .lorry's
drug store; 2fc.
rwiww iiiaimtiii-f iaiiif iittiiHi
Wntriftti XVhn 'MTabv XXTaII
faw years of married llfo often mako In I J
womerThhV'SIXlLffi I Si unit iim.mmwimiiiiiiiii
....... ... .: . . . ' i
brilliance vanish like- tho bloom from a
peach which Is rudely handled. The
matron is only a dim shadow, a faint echo
of tho charming maldon. There- nro two
reasons for this chnnco, lgnornco and
neglect. Few young womon appreciate
tho shock to tho system through tho
chango which ccmos with marrhigo and
motherhood. Many neglect to doul with
tho uupleasant pclvlo drains nnd weak
nesses which too often como with mar
riage nnd inothorhood, not understanding
that this secret drain U robbing tho check
of Its freshness and tho form of Its
As surely ns tho general hoalth sutlors
when thcro Is dOooment of tho health
of thodellcato woinuntK,organs, so surely
whertheso orgajis jmNnabllshcd In
hcalVh tho ro nmVtoRrvMOwro wltnoss
to tho Tact In fwwfrtd comcltrr Nearly
ftmllHon women hsjtofound health and
happiness mtho u?o of Dr. 1'leree'a fn
vorlto Prescription ., It makes weak wom
on strong and sick womon well. Ingredi
ents on label contains no alcohol or
harmful habit -forming drugs. Made
wholly of thoso native, American, medic
inal roots most highly recommended by
loading medical authorities of nil tho rev
cr&l schools of practlco for tho cure of
woman's peculiar ailments.
For nursing mothcrs,or for thoso hroken
down In health by too frequent bearing of
children, also for tho expectant mothers,
to proparo tho system for tho coming of
baby and making Its advent easy nnd
:ss, xin
can do no harm In any condition of the
almost nalnlcM. tlie.ro Is no medlclno
so good ns "Fa vorlto Proscription. It
system. It Is a most pbtont Invigorating
tonic and strengthening norvlno nicely
adapted to woman's dollcnto system by
physician of largn oxnerlouco In tho treat
ment of woman's peculiar allmonti.
Dr. Pierce; may Ni consul tod by letter
frcj of chunsR. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce,
invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
Uutfalo.N Y.
Popular George Ado Diniim Drew
Ijirj. Crowd LuhI Evening.
"Tho County Chairman." tho most
populnr and tho most American of
nny of tho plays writton by George
Ado wns the attraction Inst ovonlng
at tho Grand opora house It drew
ono of tho biggest nudloncos of tho
Boason and It was porhapa tho most
roprosontntlvo Salem nudlonco that
has been in tho opara houso this
year. It wns comnoeod nltogothor
of peoplo who wont to seo tho play
and enjoy themselves.
This dollghtful comedy hns been
west at least ouco during tho last
few yoars but until last ovonlng pass
ed Salem by. Mr. Merodlth was for
tunate in securing it this tlmo. It
was especially sultublo during tho
legislature Benson while the air is
rendolent of politics and tho play has
moro or less politics in it.
As is vory woll understood fio
play does not carry tho original cast
this season but tho peoplo sclcctod
to play tho leading parts woro woll
cast and aro actors and actresses
of more than mediocre ability. Dujr
Ing this tour of tho Pacific northwest
tho company suceeded in pleasing
ovorybody excopt the dramatic critic
of tho Portland Orogonlan, who by
tho way Is understood to be nn In
dlnnlan himself and perhaps may
feel a little local Jealousy on account
of tho growing popularity of the
playwright, now that Ado is being
heard from outsldo of his own town
ship. Nearly the entlro momborshlp of
(tin nrrxrnn lecfRlaturd was In tho
I audience last ovenlng and each" and
overy one of tho solons enjoyed the
play. This was marked on tho part
of the older men ns the scenes, ex
pressions, slang and muslo of tho
late '70s and early '80s appealed
strongly to them.
Salem Is getting better. It will
patronlao a good show and it will do
it two algkU la succwwioB as wa
tke cam tkl wfc.
Lh "v V fS ttfl ' i C t! it" viKt !
Tno above out shows our brick
llnod Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar-
nnteod gas and dust proof. Econom
ical nnd durable; for the particulars
lnqulro at
258 State Street,
For Salo. A five and a six-room
houso, with from one to six lota
with each, well located in East
Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah
Schonefleld, 21st and Marion Sts
Salem. 1-28-tt
For Salo. 34 ncroa of choice land,
good 9-room hoiiBo and barn and
outbuildings, Reed orchard and
well; 10 acres of hops; sltuatod
three-quarters of a mile from car
line; land all la cultivation and
will be divided If desired and sold
In two lots. Address W. A. Lis ton,
370 Court street. Salem. 1-26-lm
For Snlo. A complete box manufac
turing and planing mill plant Ad
dross E. Uurkholder, Albnny, Or.
For Snlcj Good, gontlo driving horso
with harness; nlso new rubbor
tired buggy at n bargain. In
dulro at Journal ofllco. 2-2 1-3 1
josu A miioago nook, sultaulo ro
wnrd It returned to Journal oIUco.
. 3-20-3t
Kor Hunt. Furnlshod rooms, 730
North Commercial street. Inquire
M. O. Dlco. 2-21-tf
For Kent. House keeping rooms,
furnlshc-d or unfurnished; hot
and cold water; gas and olcotrlo
light. lnqulro at 415 Court street
or phono 544. 2-15-tf
For Itent. .Nlco llttio CO-ncro farm,
woll located, 9120. Inquire of
Dorby & WllBon. 2-20-3t
For Itwit. 480-acro farm, good
houso, miles west of Wapato
Station, 45 ncrcs good farming
land, 10,000 strnwborry plants,
Bocond growth; GOO Logan lorry
plants, 2d year; largo barn full of
hay, good fonces and stockod with
tho follewing: Nlnoteon cows nnd
holfors, 15 hend young stock nnd
150 Angora goats; will ront nil on
shares or easy forms. W. II,
Egnn, Gervais, routo No. 2. Phono
Fnrmors 3C. 2-18-tC
This Is tho senson for select
ng your seeds. Wo havo a
largo cargo of
for early planting .nd make a
spoclalty of farm seeds, as well
as thoso for tho smaller cropc,
abovo all wo insist upon now
and pure seoda. Got our llstf.
151 High St,
t I1OT18MM
Gold Dust Flotfri
Ua4e far family see. Ask yearff
greeir Ut it. Bras aad tkertsf
always ea ksad.
P. B. Wallace
O. C. T. CO
l'orcHtcru or America Court Bn.r
wood Foresters, No. 10. Moots
Tuoiday In Hurst hall, Stato stroot
Loo Abblo, O. It.; A. L, Drown,
F. S.
Central Lodge No. IK, K. of P.
CaBtlo Hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stnto and Liberty Ntroota.
Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p.
m. E. W. Harard, C. O.; W. I.
Staloy, K. of It. and 8.
Modem Woodmen of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moots
overy Thursday ovonlng at S
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Clork.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall.
J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frarlor,
Lincoln' Annuity Union. Blck, acci
dent and ponslon Insurance; 2,
000,000 pledgod; every claim paid
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Montgomery, supremo organltor,
noz 432 Salem, Oregon. H. It.
Ityan, socrectary, 548 Stato stroot.
Piano Tunw L. L, Woods, piano ex
pert tuning, ropalrlng and polish
ing. Leave orders at Goo. C,
Wills' music store, Salem,
2- 9-lyr
Contractor and llullder A. J. Afe
dorson, contractor and builder, es
timates furnished froo. It will
pay you to boo mo before you
build. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call at 415 Court atreot, or phone
544. 2-16-tt
Now HHd Second-IIand Goods.
Bought and sold, also ranges,
stoves and cooking utensils, disk
08, granite and tinware of all klal
Give us a eall. O. L. McPeek, 179
South Commercial St. 8-lS-ly
Dr. D. R. GrlfllR, the 8pcillt n
Merphlae All drug and UaJMr
habits, which he cures In 3 days.
No money uatil cured, 214 Trade
St., 8alem, Ore. Phone 58. Jeka
Doyens, Business Masiagsr.
Dr. B. H. White Graduate ef Kkka-
Tille, Me., wader founder of Os
toepathy. Room 31, Breyaaa
building. Oewaaerslal atreet
Phoae 87. Ilesideaee 190 gtuamav
street, corner of Center. Pkons
1219. Treats acute and ckroabt
diseases. Bxaminatlon free.
Theo. M. ttnrr Plumbing, hot watsr
and stoau heating and Unalag,
164 Commercial street. Pke
Main 182. 9-1-ly
an tuvtnmAY ajsout r. M.
M. P. BAL&frmt A
A. M. Bunnell Wearer of portlers,
rag carpets and rugs, old lngrala
carpets made into rugs any site de
sired, alto rugs and carpets for
sale, in school room of Pentecostal
church, 194 South Twslftk street,
Bales, Oregon. 2-8-3w
Concrete Work. Got my price OS
sidewalks, curbs, septio tanks and
comont work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 66t.
It is wortk more than any other
bread, yet the price Is no higher.
For salo at your grocer's.
Thomas A Cooley, Props.
HutUt wMereh rise wines,
liquors and cigars. We handle the
celebrated Kellogg and Castle
whiskies. Cool and refreshiag beer
constantly oa drough. Sostb
Commercial street 9-8-lyr
Salem tnm Works. Kouaders, ma
chlnists sad blacksmiths. Maaa
factsrsrs ot sll kisds of sawmill
tsaefclaery, He a4 frK 4rylg
stsvss, U MaasfMtHrers f tas
ftOsm If Wsrks M9 Prsss.
M. J, Petssl Plumblag, itoam a4
gas fitting. Sticeettor to Knox H
Murphy, QC6 Commercial stmt.
'Phono Mala 17.
"'"I" IWM Ill llllllll
It. O. CunnnlaB Successor to Whits
Cummins, express, delivery aad
transfer llni. Prompt serviee Is
our motto. Furniture aad plane
moving a specialty. Stand at 118
South Commercial street. Phone
175. Kosldonce phone 968. 8-4-ti
Frank M. Rrown. Maaufaeturer f
sah, door, mouldings. All kinds ef
home flninh and hard wood werk.
Front stroot, bet. State and Osrt.
Wanted To buy balod straw, J.
Connor, Willamette hotel. 2-4-tf
Two Hoys WuntMl To coll papors.
Inquiro at Journal ofllco. 1-30-tf
WuutiHl to lluy Heavy draft horses,
wolght 1400 pounds nnd upward.
J. Connor, Willamette hotel,
Wanted. Strong, nctlvo boy. from
16 to 18 yours old, for delivery
work, Must know tho city and bo
able to drivo a homo. Inquiro at
Yokohama Ttoa Co, 2-20-3t
Wanted Good Bollcltor, lady or gon-
tlomou to tako ordora in tho city
for our goods, consisting of cof
foo, ton, etc. Good commission
paid. Nono but live, capablo por
sons doslred. Inquiro at Yokoha
ma Ton fltoro. 2-20-3t
Our moat markot on East State
streot has boon doubled in sito aad
wq aro bettor prepared than over ts
servo customers. Prompt service and
the best of meats our motto, Call
or phono 199. D. E. Edward, Prep
Wanted Placo to do housework by
Address "V.,M caro
WanttMl. Stenographic position by
young woman wishing to xnakq
chango tho flrnt of April. 8x
yoars' oxporiencp. Excellent ref
erences. Address "Stenographer,"
caro Capital Journal. 2-19-lm
Wanted Oontloman or lady to travel
for moroantllo houso of largo cap
ital. Territory at homo or abroad
to suit. If deslrablo tho homo may
bo used as headquarters. Weokty
salary of $1000 por year and ex
pcntsc. Address Joseph A. Alox
andor, Snlom, Oro. 2-19-lm
Wanted Throe salcsuon for oar sew
county, Township aad Railroad
Surveys of Oregon. Theso surveys
aro n splendid compilation of facts
figures and drawings, aad of won
derful value. Counties aad towns
are fully Indexed, and populations
of each aro given; railroad plain
ly shown and distances between all
stations also shows; congressional
districts outlined, numbered aad,
populatioas given. Other features
too atimsretts to meatlos. A sla
did ODiMw tusity for rtl .
Ra4, MsMUr ft Co., CWse, 11L