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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
i purs '7PKWW'y CAFWAL JOURNAL, SAMfH. OIWOON, FfllDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1007. DAILY !f - Lard has been in existence a time so has indigestion Human nature to hard to solve. People who are most particular about adapting: the weight of their wearine apparel to the season and its conditions, who never think of going out in a storm without an umbrella and rubbers, who would not sit in a draft for a farm, will calmly sit nt the table and stuff themselves with lard-soakcd food and not rcolizo for an instant that it is likely to give them a full-fledged case of indiges tion and clog their whole inner machinery. Lard is produced from hog-fats, some times impure, always indigestible, and there's a good day coming when no ono will think of using it for cooking. Coltolene is the only rational frying nnd shortening medium in tho world. It is made from refined vegetable oil and choice beef suet everything about it is digestible and condu cive to health. It Is a product of Nature. It will make pure, palatable, healthful food, and food which anyone can cat and enjoy without the after-pangs of a disordered stomach. Every good grocer sells Coltolene. It comes only in scaled white pails with a red label and band. In the center of the label is our trade mark a steer's head in cotton plant wreath. Try Coltolene onco and you'll never more be a friend to lard. COTTOLENE wan granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest pe4W) award) over all other cooking fats at the recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE "ems Htlpt" book of 300 chotca rectpet, edited by Mr: Rarer, h youre for a 2 cent atamp, if you addrett The N. AT. Fairbank Company, Chicago. A NEW FEATURE-Th patent alr-tlght top on thlj nail f for tho purpon of keeping COTTOLENE clean, freh and wnoleomo It alia prerenU It from absorbing all dUagrseablo odor of tha grocery, tuch a flili, oil, etc iHBtZl imaattm UbUMAiW Nature's Gift from the Sunny South Houno Thursday Afternoon. Culled to nnlur nt 2.10 Upon motion Campbell homo bill 427, for creating Hood Itlvor coun ty, tnkon from tho tnblo and passed to third rending. Fulled to pans; SO ayes nnd 31 noes. II. I). 413, Jackson, to doflno cor tain onconoinlc minerals for tho pur peso of flxliiK license foes. Passed. Jl. 1). 444, ways nnd monns com mlttco, to provldo payment of sundry claims. Considered In committee of wholo and ndoiitrd, Puusod. II. I). 445, ways and monns committee-, npproprlntltiK $1000 for stato exhibit nt National Irrigation congress nt Sacramento. Failed. II, 1). 440, Judlcjnry, to fix tlmo for holdlnK circuit court In Malheur county. Passed. II. I). 447. Crook, Klamath, Lake nnd Orant doloKntlon, fixing salary of county Juduo nt Knlnmth nt flQOO. Passed. II. 1). 431. Dobbin, to prohibit dooklnu of horses' lulls. II. 1). 430. Itothohlld, to oxoinpt Union oounty from law to prohibit killing of beaver. Passed. II. II. 435. I'd wards, to ro-estnbllsh nouthurn bouudnry lino of I.auu county, I.uld on tnblo. It. II. 437, llulknup, to fix salaries of JudKu.trftftsuror nnd coininlixlouorH of Crook county. Tasked. II. I). 400. Freeman, to rtiKulate tho trade of electrical workers, railed to jiim. II. II. 31R, Jones, Lincoln and Polk, to fix tlmo for holdltiK oourt In second Judicial dlstrlul. Honutu nmoiidcl to sot trm Lincoln county In July In which house refused to concur. Jl, U. 343, Colo and llowormun. prcsorlblnK tlm fur holding terms of county courts, rawed. II. It. 28, Hrown, authorising speaker, one member of house, chief stork nnd calendar dork to revise house journal nt $10 per day within not to uxeevd 30 days. Adopted. 8. U. 40, Ulnchnm, liens on logs, timber, etc. raised. 8, II. 363, Hodsou, filing salaries of commissioner of Columbia coun ty at 13 por do)-. PAKd. B. n. 1ST,, Ilodson, authorising clerk of Columbia county to employ deputies nt f 3 per day. Passed. H. II. 35, Hart, to regulate run ning or seepage, or drainage of water upon county roads. Passed, B, 11. 81, King, to purohsso prop. erty lying east of capital budding for state use. Committee, of whole ad Yro report ndotited. Indeflnltelr postponed. 8. n 340. Nottingham, relating to lighting of state building, etc Adopted lu committer at whole 8. Is, 94, Blohel. to provldo uni form contract or pollny of Are Insur ance. Passed. 0. )1. SIS, Hart, to redUtrlct the Mat Into uenatorlal district, etc Motlen to Indefinitely postpone, lost. . H. 347. Ulashsm. rotating to kMM4 seei for lon In Blutlaw ;rtrw Isk4 0. . XI, Wrijtat, to twt4 act rcKiilntliiB practice of optometry I'UHHt'd. 8. H. 187, JoliiiBon, rotating to Borvlco of citation upon holra by publication, authorising nppolntutont of Ktinrdtnn nd lltom for unknown minors, Passed. 8. II. 17C, Kay, by request, rotat ing to oxerclso of right of eminent domain, reported favorably by com mlttoo on rnllronds; nmonded to ex clude diking and drnlnngo districts. Hopoit ndopted. Pusiod. H. II. 00, Mntarkey, to authorise construction of brldgo across Wll Inmetto river nonr Oswego. Favor nblo report of railroad commlttoo with nmundmonts ndopted. 1'nsBod H. II. 18, lloaoh, to provldo for ubo of voting mnchlne. Motion to ro coiuldor vote by which It witH pnss od, by Ilrown, lost. Knows at 0 to 7:30 p. in. Hoiim) Iloiiutliio (Wrcnlug). Called to order nt 7:30 p. in. 8. II. ISO, Millar, rotating to pub tie record. Passed. Motion of Holt, of Linn, to muko house bill 17ft, speelal order for 10:30 a. m.. Inst (Hilt declares Ashland nnd Weston normal state normal sohoota.) fl. I). 100, Judiciary commlttoo, ro tating to payment of Intorost on county warrants. Pnssod. H. II. 104, Mularkoy, authorising tho orgnnUntlon of religious cor porntlanB. 8. II. SOU, judlolary committee, re lating to motions for new trial and nppeal. Passsd. 8. II. 334, Coshow, providing for escheating of pouslou mouoy to Ore gon soldiers' home. Posted. Iteeess at S to 9:30 a. m. MARION LOSES A JOINT Under the New Re-Apportionment of Legislators I.HUOV (11WNKH, VIOI.l.MHT. Home Noteworthy OpInloiiM KuniHui Critics. fmm l.elloy Cetner, a very talented lollnlt. played the Pku Mesta varia tions by Paganlnl with technical tin- Uh, leaving nothing to tho Irungina tlou Tagomlatt (Prag.) tjesner Is crtalnly a master vio linist, hut playing of the Hungarian airs s not to bo excelled. Norodnl LUty (llohemlan), Oesner does things which a genius alone can do. Ills tono Is uothlng leAs than divine, aud his technlc Is all that could bo deilred. Abend blatt (Prague). Udward Orleg's tribute to Hemier: "Ho has the Ideal tone nnd phrnift to perfection. I.elUvy Oesner a new star In the Seveik class played so elegantly that the audience was thrown Into pro longed applause which only oml aftttr the artist had returnevl to the stage rx time. Tag IHatt (Xbra- slav Pohemla). "' o Th IVsm Wa4ir, Cura all kUay, Tsladilkr aat rhsHnatle tr4k; aoU f alt r- gl, or two aQtW trsatwiat Tsy M4l tt 1, Dr. K, W, HM. JM w f t Mwev W en inug tMh, wlyr ' Tho anticipated tight on tho pnrt of tho Multnomah delegation of tho houno ngnlnRt tho Senator Hart re apportionment of senatorial districts bill did not mntorlnllzo yesterday afternoon nnd tho bill, when It was taken up from tho tablo nod plncud upon Its final passage, did not ro oelvs wrloti8 opposition but rooelved n large majority In Its favor. It de veloped Inter, however, that tha Mult nomah delegation hnd been forced to ngroe upon cutting the number of senatorial delegates from tholr dis trict down from seven mid one Joint to six nnd one Joint with Clncknmas and Columbia as the only compro mlso by which thuy could pilot the port of Columbia bill safely through senator. .. Twenty-first Union and Wallowa, ono senator Jointly. Twenty-second Orant Harney nnd Malheur, one senator Jointly. Twenty-third Baker, ono senator. Senator holding over, represent ing districts of more than one coun ty shall, when the districts have been changed, be considered senators of tho districts created by this act, In which they reside. n HBST OA31K 01' 9KASOX. Willamette Will Meet Dallas TonlBIit Miiy IMitihIiip State Chnin- plnithhlp. The game of basketball this ovon Ing promises to be tho hnrdost fought and most Interesting contest of the series. Should Willamette lose Dallas will have oarnod the state championship, nnd Bhould the local team win there will bo anoth er game to decide the victors of Or ogon. The W. U. team hns boen practicing hard and nro determined to put up the hardest fight of the season. The team is slightly hnndl capped owing to tho nbsenco of Whipple, the strong center, who graduated recently nnd roturnod to Ills home in Vancouver. Pollard, Willamette's "old stand by," has be.-n shifted from forward to cen ter, nnd Mooros hns boon placed In the position of forwnrd. Moores has mndo nn oxcellent rec ord this year. He won the Multno mah game for tho locnl team by his clever work 111 throwing fouls, nnd probably is the surest man on the foul line In the lenguo. The students nnd lovers of the sport are taking a great Interest In tlilu game, nnd he ond a doubt there will he a large crowd present, and the rooting will be nn esjieclal feature. The lineup Is as follews: Unlla Cnpt., Launor and Crnv en, forwards; Show, centor; Morton and Savey, guards, Willamette Mooro and Simpson, forwards; Pollard, conter; Nelson. Pnrwl nnd Forbes, gunrds. -o A LASTING KI'TKOT. Thin Kvldfiico Should Prove Kvcry Claim Made for Donn's Kidney Pills In SnltMti. Hollof from tho pains and nchos of n bnd back Is always welcomo to every backache sufferer; but to cure n lnino, wenk or aching back Is what's wanted. Cure It so it will stay cured It can bo done. Hero's tho strongest ovldonco to prove It: Jacob E. McCoy, retired, living on Capital St., beyond Mill Crook, Sa loin, Ohla, says; 'Thoro has boon no rouson for ins to chango my good opinion of Dunn's Kidney Pills which I expressed through our papors throe years ago. I procured the remody nt Dr. 8tono's drug store nt that time and received tho most gratifying re sults from Its uso. I was rollevod of kidney complaint of sovoral yoars standing. Tho prlnotpnl symptoms woro In counoctlon with tho kidnoy seorotlons nnd any strain or over exertion often caused hemorrhages of tho kidneys. Nothing I hnd found the sotiato nnd the house dulegntlon In tho way of medicine gnvo mo any was obliged to abide by the agree- sntlsfnctory relief until 1 got Doan'a ,uont I Kidnoy Pills. They gavo prompt and Tho ratio for tho apportionment of lasting benefit. I havo recommend tho state Into senatorial districts, as od them ever slnco thon when occa provlded by tho now law, which It slon has arlson." Is understood will not meet with the For sale by all doalors. Prlco 50 disapproval of tho governor. Is one oents. Poster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, senator for overy 15,484 white popu- Now York, solo agents for tho United latlon, or fraction thereof, oxeeedlng States. ouo half, In every senatorial dlstrlet, ltomember the nnmo Donns oud nnd tho effeet Is as follews: ! tako no other. First dlstrlot Marlon county, two - 0 senators. , Clnims Pnorty. 8cond IJnn county, one senator. Au action has been filed In de-' Third Lane county, ono senator. ' partment No. 2 of tho Marion coun- Fourth Douglas county, one ty circuit court by Alanson Mattlson "onator against Henry N. Mattlson praying Fifth Jackson county, ono sena- the court to decree that tho do-tor- fondant bo required to sot forth the Sixth Lane, Douglas and Joe- nature of his claim to lands and Phlne. ono senator Jointly. property of tho late Isaac Mattlson Seventh Coos and Gurry, one sen-.which wor. according to the com ntor .plaint, loft to tho plaintiff. The Klghth Benton, Lincoln and TUN court Is asked to decree that tho de aroook, one senator Jointly. jfendant has no right or Interest in Ninth Polk county, one senator. , tho proporty and that ho be enjoin- J Tenth Yamhill county, one soaa-, ed from leasing or attempting to tor- 'o tho premises and from collect- Kloventh, Washington oounty, one log and rents on same. c. M. In-' Mnfttor- I man appears as attorney f0r the ' Twelfth Clackamas oauuty. one nlalntlff. I senator. rvAW i DO YOTJ GST TJP WITH A TVAMB BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful ral'w mrM made bv Dr. II 0 ) 1 1 Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kiu ney, liver and blad der remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the r,.,i!iiptit Iridtiev and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing mnic uatK. uric ac, catarrh' o( the .Bladder and Slit's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rpot Is not rec ommended for everything but f you havo kidney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you need. It haa been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, nnd has Droved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle pent free by mail, also a book tell iwi more about Swamp-Root, and how to fimloutlfi-ouliavckldttey or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in uiispup ""i" " address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IJlnghaintoti, N. Y. The regular :r...n.if ni1 nnc- dollar si7e bottles are nomo of Snunp-Root. sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the nddrcss, Uitighamton, N. Y., ou every bottle. y& B JLJ ?:a".pa?i . ," ueaiia mj uB nonr m . ". Jjooa old fijv right hot in,. . K l S '""" 1 SM,..,.. '""". - OI1J1T SI I-I Tl you can make breauS llkathftD ""Mhi T m,b "" ,, i 3-11 Pflnr,t. t, , wmmmr Is also a pure fwj , I Trade rising and all C Mark mir !, .. .' "S """ "aiernjjy on a hot griddle, I ALLEN'S BBBfLOUR ro I Incinn rVinBt t?-. - VW'l .. lturyl . . Wnll Xfll r ""!' .... ......3( .uunaira, wh. m Those Woolen Blankets OUK MEATS ARH ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especial caro to buy none but tho bost, and our customers can always dopend upon getting tho best in tho market at right prices when they buy at our market. K. O. CROSS, State Street Market Phoao 201 Tlin linni'V nnna 41,-. l ..., ...,,, unto mm uTery ttiM uses during tho cool months for t4 uiuuwiiK, uro awKward ttlxo M handle at home. Why not Bead ty, to tho laundry when Uiojr need ii lng? 1 Y'ou'll not only save yourself tki of hard work, but you wlllbti4 roturned to you In a belter cotdldi thnn if you tried to waihthwi home. ' Wo mako them cleaner, netie flufflor, and do not shrink theaft, truth of tho matter is, thitiajl man who will compare a Unti blanket from Tho Salem Steam dry, nnd a homo washed one, not holp but notice the dtffm Tho horrio washed one will be streaked, feel sticky, look lanpr smell badly, whllo the oci Kit tho laundry will bo perfectly sweet and fluffy. Yours for iai work. , SALEM STEAM LATOMT, ; Phono 25. 180-160 B. Lifer rOU JOIST AND FLOORING The best place to ouy is whero the best stock of lumber Is carrlod. The entlro building trade know that thoro is not a finer stork of lumber than that carried by us. We are roady to All tho largest contract promptly. We don't koop the build er waiting. That's a Tory Important point. Near &. P, passenger depot GOODALK LUMBER CO. Phone 52 Mala. Thirteenth-Multnomah six senators. Fourteenth Cwliushl. mas and Multnomah, ono jointly. Fifteenth .QlaWop county, senator. Blxteeuth Wasco county. senator. Seventeenth Crook. Klamath and Lak, ono senator Jointly. KlgMeeath Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler, ono senator, jointly. Nlncteouth . Morrow, Umatilla and Union, ono senator Jointly TWtfMieiia Umatilla county, oa county, Clacka-senator ono one Neighbor ckn Fooler "t was literally ooughlnc myself to death, and had becomo too weak to leave my bed; and neighbors pre dicted that I would nrr I.. i. allro; but they got fooled, tor thanks do 10 uoa. i was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, n took Just four ono dollar bottles to euro the cough and mtore rao to good sound health," writes Mrs, Kva Uncapnsr, of Qrovertowu. Stark County, lad This Kln ot cough and cold cures. 4 healer ot throat and lunn U twntI by J a Perry, DmW. u ft.M. TrW bottU fr. It's Going Fast And dTM perfect saUafactloci. Every ack U guarastd, ad tkat aecotwta for tu rapid ierM in sales.. Alo R Is atiU u&4a of uOLD WHEAT and Is the bet Soar at aay pric. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all first class grocers. lky Tm m - . 7. fer Batr Kir" rui uua Hdt HW.4 Ylfw; i . Zi WL im af-wpauon, ladlaMUo IJa. tat Setm. SS ru a bat, S22. EiTJ "" -.. wiiMM. ms. Buent wisely is the lonrtecfi saUsfactlon. Why not spend 1 1 of It wisoly now buying groetrfri usT Baker, Lawrence & IW Bacceesors to Harritt a Usm H. S. Gile & Co. Wio!esafe Groecrs l mission Mcfckah ,t sU tawi i tn prodoeH In the uik' dried v v. S ocelli 4or sals a ' Inw ..n illrlnir maeklBSfi H for a lar dryer; wW pries. rAWTAi roMMISSIOK 267 Coyr.efc Phone 17 Cash Purchasers Poultry, Eggs, and AU Farm Pi Salem Fence - ua H44rtrt "" M wit. Hop WIro. " uM N4Unir. Pkkati, 0t. P. B Koaay '- aii at low rzz Walter Mofkf 250 CwtSt W hi i lif flittBvBB t?aJM u7 JSwhm trs ' xj emkA. W. W-l llansll rt Muir Hmj