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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
Wi TT " " ' v I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAlJEM, QttBflQN, FRIDAY, FEI1RUARY 22, 1007. T.p "npT .tWFV' ' "" JLSTOCKTON THF OLD WIHl t LOKNtK. ftvTsPRING MERCHANDISE No more brilliant display Jot tresh Spring g GoodsJIias ever been seen in tbis city. The store throughout is aglow with freshness and newness, Muslin Drawers 50 Cents ...j. f cntt pvfra anal- ay musn,trimmed with lace art four rows 01 hc.. . .u nffiprs Irimmed ...hl -mKrnlderv with sev eral rows of fine tucks. You'M agree wrtn us uieyre c finest values shown for c price. 50c. Se Court Street Window for Display White Waists A beautiful array of fash ions. Latest creations await you here. We offer a spe cial value made of fine sheer lawn, trimmed with! with fine val. insertions and made in either long or short sleeve styles. $1.00 Little Ailments of tho Stomach, Ltvcr, Kidneys or Rowels, If neglected, will soon do velop Into ones of a moro sorlous na ture. Therororo wo urgo ovory rnnii or woman thus afflicted to resort to HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS at tho first sign of any dorangomont. It restores tho appetite, induces sound sleep, stcadlos tho nerves and cures Flatulency, Heartburn, Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Costtroncss, Chills, Colds or Grippe. SENATORS REFUSED PASSES Wm. D. Fenton of the Hani man System Notifies Sen ator Wright That Senators .Must Pay Fare or Walk PRESIDENT HAINES HONORED Senate Presents Presiding Officer With Collective Photograph of Members 9M ifand Opera House JOHN F. GOEDRAY, Mgr. )NDAY, FEBURARY 25 cRoy Gesner's RETURN FROM EUROPE 0NCERT ! ASSISTED BY !rs. Walter Reed, Contralto, of Portland. Von Jcssen, Pianist s. Silas H. Soule, of Port- lax! and Mrs. D. F. Carncs, Accompanists. HUNGER GRAND THEATRE :riday, Feb'y. 22. Bern's favorlto young actress. Miss Margarita Fischer In the Rural Comedy wn On the Farm y, Saturday, Sunday, also uraay Matinee Bakrate Wardrobe rrkti, aTentnss, 15 and 25c. SATURDAY Bfc' Last Day in Salem. 0Ug to thn Ha,-j - . Mai m ;:.,;: r lor. .p.nreno- E w remain m Salem until rtaLt m,M thu oPPortunl- 'WB4voup . Ktodty KmUst PhrenologlBU wul M are Blven w 'm". ". ea!iir- l confidential r lm...:;uv,f' ttna fiaa beon Urt.::. Uh th0 boat! ui:?i tftfsJL"'9. Anorlcan Institute &! ew York (Fowler J?.! TiSa Ha" l nL,nM 10 p.m. CASL "w oa health nn 1 L Uaurs k..i.. .. J3 a.i at :i Housu Friday Morning. Colled to order at 9:30 a. m. S. B. 252, Hart, creating tho olghth Judicial district. Passed. 3. B. 198, McDonald, establish ment and reorganization of First Eaatorn Orogon District Agricultural Society. S. B. 107, Bowbrman, to crcato a lien upon crops. Indefinitely post poned. S. B. 10G, Boworninn, to glvo a lion to fnrm liiborors. Indefinitely postponed. S. B. 191, Bingham and Coko, ro lntlng to lions upon mines and min ing proporty. Passed. S. B. 214, Harto, to regulate hours of employment of persons em ployed In underground work. Passed. S. B. 215,, Ilnrtc, relating to pro bato proceedings. Passed. S. B. 173, Schoflold, portainiug to enumeration of the Inhabitants and Industrial products. Passed. S. B. 2, Miller or Linn, to provldo for the disposition of public mon eys by tho stnto tronsuror, defining moro fully his dutlos. Special ordor for 10 a. in. Amended and adopted in commlttoo of the whole. S. B. 103, Halnos, nu act to rogu Into banks. Special ordor for 10 a. m. Amended and adoptod in commit too. S. B. 131, McDonnlJ, rolntlng to tho protection of deer. Passed. S. B. 250, Booth, relating to ship ping birds nnd dcor out of state. In definitely postponed. S. B. 228, Blnghnm, to nuthorlzo trustees of Bethel Instltuto to trans for to Eugene divinity school propor ty nnd funds. Indefinitely post poned. S. B. 90, Whealdon, appropriating $00,000 for extension of portage road from Big Eddy to Tho Dalles. Fallod to piiBB. S. B. 161, Molarkoy, rolatlng to appropriation of land by corporation. Indefinitely postponed. S. B. 153, Ways and means com mlttoo, to establish tho offlco of boatman, at Astoria. Passed. S. B-. 151, Bailey, to. prevent dis honesty In agents. Failed to pass. S. B. 14, Mullt, repealing publish ing of estray notices act. Passed. Tho members of tho legislature will havo to pay faro homo or walk. This also applies to all tho clorks and officers of tho body. Senator Wright, of tho railroad committco of tho senato, mado the usual request for transportation homo through tho lnw department of tho Ilarrlman system for nil mem bers, clerks nnd officers of the sen ate. Ho received n letter this morn ing from William D. Fontou, head of tho law department of tho system, to tho oftcct that tho Chapln law was In oftcct, nnd tho road was compolled to decline to Issuo any moro pnssos. 'Senator Hedges, who, in a Jocular mannor, offered to lond nny sonntor tho prlco of his faro homo, camo In for a lot of good-natured rnllory to day. It Is understood thnt a number of tho mombors of tho lcglslnturo and their families nnd clorks havo al ready beon Issued passes homo. It Is not known whother these will bo honored. Tho wlfo of ono senator camo to Salem this morning on a pnss, and It wns nccoptcd by tho conductor without question. Orange Special 1 doz. 35cJOr anges . . . 30c 1 doz. 50c Oranges. . .40c This is tho best price that has beon mado on oranges this sea son. Send or phone your order In early. .We also have a full lino of fresh vegetables Includ ln lettuce, caullttowec, cabbage, turnips, parsnips and carrots. Remember the place. Moif Grocery NORMAL SCHOOL STATUS Conference Will Probably Re port Favorably to Drain School Whon tho senate mot this morn ing n mossonger lugged Into tho hall n snlondld big gilt framed collection of tho photographs of tho officers and members of tho senato of tho Orogon loglslaturo of tho 24th blonnlnl ses sion. Sonntor Bingham, of Lane, took tho floor nnd said that on behalf of tho senators ho wished to donnto this splendid plcturo to tho presiding of ficer ns a smnll token of estcom nnd friendship. Mr. Blnghnm snld ho bo liovod tho work of tho body was such that all tho mombors would bo proud of It, and that this was In a largo mcasuro duo to tho uniform fairness and courtosy of tho president. President Unities was visibly moved by tho token of esteem, and In n few short sontonccs thanked tho senato heartily and sincerely for their kindness and consideration. Sonntor M, A. Miller thon offered S. It. No. 24, extonding to Prosldoat Haines tho thanks of tho sonato for his courtesy nnd fnlrneso In presid ing ovor nil tho deliberations of tho body. Tho resolution wns unani mously adopted amid applause o NO YEL LOW DOG BALLOT Senator Miller of Linn Makes Another Winning Fight Tho normal schools that havo ap propriations through both housos nre: Weston, $45,000; Monmouth. 144,000; Ashlnnd, 115,000 nnd $10. 000 for dormitory. Jones, of Polk, will movo to reduco Monmouth to $30,000. Tho Drain school gota $27,000 on an amendmont to tho Vawtor ono-board-of-rogonts bill which was hitched on in tho sonate. Tho liouso refused to concur and ap pointed Vawtor, Coffoy nnd Newell conforecB. Prosldent Halnos has named Smith of Umatilla, Miller of Linn and Wright as tho sonato con forces. It Is believed conforoos will Bupport Drain, nnd thus all four nor mal schools will bo sustained, await ing action of ono board of regents provided undor tho Vawtor bill. 0-- Young married people and old ones too, That have no children to laugh and' coo, Fnd their troubles will "Llttlo ones" be, Find their troubles will "Llttlo ones" be, Sold at Dr. Stone's store. . o MnMjuwnde - At tho Auditorium rink torilght. Admission, 25 cents. Senators Before going homo, why not let mo fit you with, a pair of good glasses. which will be a comfort and pleasuro to you? We can fit the moat com plicated eyes; nearly 30 years' ex perience. We do our own grinding, and lenses duplicated on short no tice. CHAS. H. HINGES Expert watchMkr and gradual eftkJaa, m CewcJal ato. Bwr fc . Mt t CKal II. B. 31, by Jackson, providing for voting u strnlght party ballot by mnklng ono cross nt tho head of tho column. Miller, of Linn, submitted n minority report that It do not pass-. Whoahlou and Bonch spoko In fnvor Nottingham, Miller, Malnrkoy and Kay against it. Hull cnll on substituting minority showed IS against tho bill ntid 11 for It, as follews: Balloy, Bunch, Booth, Boworman, Hudson, Johnson, Loughsry. Sohofluld, Slehol. Smith of Marlon, Whoajdon. This Is tho second ineffectual attempt In the Vcnnte to modify tho Australian bal lot law In fnvor of tho old-stylo yol low-dog ballot. . o ONLY STATU IlUKIXKHS. Now LawH do Not Apply to Inter htato ConuiH'rrc. At the roquost of tho secretary of stato, Attornoy-Qonornl Crawford haB formulatod an opinion of tho two Initlntlvo acts onnoted at tho last gonornl election providing for a tax on tho gross oarnings of telograph, tolophono, slooplng car, refrigerator, express companies, etc., to tho effect thnt. In his opinion, tho seorotary of stnto can only call on thoso corpora tions for tho stntomonts or their buslnoss dono wholly within iho stnto of Orogon, nnd that tho acts will, not apply to lntorstato buslnoss. Mr. Crawford says tho mattor will doubtlcsB havo to bo Bottled by tho courts, but ho Is of tho opinion that tho stato can only collect n tax on business dono wholly within this commonwealth. iwiMHwinnnimiminnnminnmiHmm !! Ladies Elbow Length i Silk Gloves JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS I These Gloves were ordered October 1 st nst year, since which time the prices have ad vanced fully 50 per cent. Long silk gloves are going to be as scarce this season as they were last summer, so if you want a pair you had belter buy them now. We are showing them in white and black at I $1.00 $1.25 $1.59 $1,85 1 ALL SIZES, 6 TO 8. Factories arc refusing all orders for long silk gloves for delivery during the next six or eight months, so we do not expect any more long gloves this season. M trsfzed inadJt a (.' 0jf6 " 'IT" rt - "id ' . ! cts'szca , jcys ,MflMMMMMllMIMtli.rH,M jr SPRING FEVER: Dollcato flavors In tho ntroos phoro gives us not only a spring fovor, but a keen relish for sea sonable postry. If it Is mado with . Epfrfey's PetJectloa Bkkfag Powder It will bo good, It a Salem-mado product and as nearly pure as can bo produced. C M. EPP.LEY MmMMM MfXUfQF 0 CONFERENCE ON BANK MEASURES House Passes Bill to Dispose of Surplus Funds Tho houso this morning passed Bonnto bill No. 2, by Miller of Linn, providing for tho depositing nil of tho stato funds on hand, oxcoptlng $100,000, but livid sonato bill No. 103, tho Haines bill for tho regula tion of banking buslnoss In tho stnto, on thu tnblo until 2 o'clock In ordor that a conforonco may bo hold botwoon tho house nnd sonato com mittees on certain nmomlmontfl ndopted by tho houso In committco of tho wholo, Tho most Important offorod woro by McCullon, who propoBOS to In clude ronl ostuto and personal prop orty In tho list of soourltlos upon which loans cannot bo mndo, which, It In coutondod, would bo In tho in- teroot of nntlonnl hanks, nnd a dis crimination against state banks and trust companion, also un nmondment by Chapln to oxtond this exemption to bill of lading nnd bills of ox- chango soourltlos, which would bo of benefit to stnto banks, which han dle n largo amount of this character of BOOIirltlUH. Mr. Frooman rnlsod nn oxcoptlon to tho sootlou which required banks In cltloB of moro than 2G.000 Inhabi tants to rotnln 25 por cent of tholr time dopofllts on hand, nnd restricted banks In towns of loss population to 10 nnd 16 por cont. Mr. Froomnn wnntod to amend so as not dlnorlm Innto agulnst tho small hanks in Portland, but his proposed nmond ment wns lost. Tho conroronco of tho commlttoos of tho two housos fallod to roaoh an agreomont this nftornoon, and both commlttoos havo so roportcd to tholr rcspectlvo bodlos. This throwH tho bill back to tho sonato, whoro nn effort will probnbly bo mado to amend It so as to niimt tho approval of tho houso, but owing to tho lato- ncs8 otf tho date tho houso passed tho bill without amendment CASTOR I A 7er laftmU and CUUrra. Tb KM Ym Hivi Always Befat J. W. DOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmer. A completo stock of th . most uo to data fuaeral goods at price tt wot reMaU. ; 1 la th Wustr MlMiiyp. I 7, J Court ft., tMm ', '. A Load of Salt nnd llooze. Ono of tho morchnnts of n neigh horlng town arrived In tho city yos tordny with a toam nnd wagon, nnd had tho Intention of returning In tho nftornoon with a lond of Bnlt Ills Intentions wero good, nnd ho procoodod to got his wagon loaded In good shnpo for tho homo run. AN tor this wns accomplished, holng aomowhnt fntlguod and warm, ho wont to n rofroBhmont Btand, whoro ho trontcd hlmsolf to a glass of lagor and thon sovoral layors of rock nnd ryo and good old wlno. Ho thon returned to his wagon load of salt and started on tils homownrd drlvo by tho way of Stnto stroot. Whon ho had procoodod ns far as th opost offlco his horsoa, Booing n stroot car coming towards them, took out Into thu grounds of Undo Snm, not stop ping for ourbs or waiting for tho drlvor to oxpi'oa& hlmsolf in the mut ter. ThlB did not soem to lltmtrnto tho londod morohant, who lay hnok on the snlt, nnd ntuok his feet up IIlio masts on n ship, while the horsos olrclod around tho troea nnd build ings. W. II, Downing, who wns nonr, ran and caught tho ruins, and, nttor holng dragged somo dlstnnco, finally brought th nnlmnls to n stop. Tho man, who' did not sooni to ap preciate having his rldo spoiled, nnd possibly his life saved In this man nor, with nu oath, nsked: "Who vn yor, anyvny. I vns going homo nil rloht.' Ho was taken hnok to tho stable, whoro his homos wero cared for, and whoro ho romnlned until nhlo to koop his soat on tho wagon and soo which direction ho wns going. MiiHqiii'nuli- At tho Auditorium rink tonight. Admission, 25 cents. o ' It's 'tho highest standard of qual ity, lt'4 a natural tonic, cloansoa and tonos your syctum, roddons the chooks, brightens tho eyea, gives flavor to all you oat; HollUter'a Hocky Mountain Tea dooa. For sale at Dr. Stono's store. Spring Groceries M We aro always proparod for any occasion, and our lino nt spring ontablcn, as well as vege tables and gardon seeds Is as complete as any In the city. At tho en mo old stand. 4. L. Harvey's OrtM .V'" "J1 ' ' II I