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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1907)
SAL ORBGON, "" ""Y " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAG HOFER BROS., Pgto and p"pi!fi. THK JOUKNAL STANDS I'OIl PI.0GKK88, IlKVELOIWK&At GOVKUNMICNT. AM) NO DI.GKADHI) LAUOII. GOOD THK CHILI) TOILK1I8. IKdwIn Arnold HrciiholU In Tho Pilbllo.) O Ohlldron cntight beneath the burdened whoolH Of modern Business! noon the unpurchased bronth Of God shall movo tho gruodmlst which conceals Our bnsoness Hint wo profit by jour life-Ions death. Then ahull wo so ourselves as Justice sues: Blood-guilty of thoao Btuntod Uvea, thoeo grnvos, Then uhall wo ask eurselves: Whnt proflts knee Bent In God-worship whllo thoao live and tllo lllco slaves? Then ohnll wo know tho doom that has donlod Soul-growth to ua whllo antlBflcd with this. O yo chlld-tollcrflt' curat la wealth, and prldo Of placo and power, bo purchnaod by tho thing yo mUsN Tho BroMl-iiilt lift, for Uioho who bco, thank Oodl Loud voice now, upllftod 'gainst thla wrong! Yo aro avenged, O Children, for tho nod Of Business olny tho soula Hint olao woro Justice-strong. i AvonRod nro ye: tho final loaa la ours. Baso Blavea to Business, bollovlng wo aro froo, v Conatralnnd to oloao our oyes contlnunlly,. , Orced hnth ono gift for ua and with tho hnrd heart dowora, Avongod aro yol -slnco, sowing, wo must ronp, Accurut tho tall-worn coin accumulatoa, Wlood-Btrnlnod to bloodshed bring. Tho ond rolntoa To thoBO who mnko tholr aoula llko Child' forced labor ohlap. Hut DiiBlnoRa ahnM not blast Chlltl-llvna for nyo. Men ahnll bo Mnstor o'on of llualiiM, booh, Decreeing your rolunso from toll. Tho boon Yo pray for now ahull coino In Mnn'a wiuo Juallos-day. . n. ' TIIANJCH TO MKUI.I.ITII. Tho innnngvr of tho Grand Opora House probnbly aaved tho taxpayors half (v million In ono night. Tho political play, "Tho County Chnlrmnn," wn shrewdly advertised In Tho Capital Journal. Free coplM wuro put on tho doak of all tho moiubor of tho loglslu turo, WHO AUK NOT AMIKADV NUllHCIIIItltltfi. Doth hotiaoH hold vory abort hmhIoii nfler auppor, nnd. ndjourned to attend In a body. THK 1UI.I-H 8hTKI Hilt PASSAGE IN THK KVKN 1N(J WKHK IOHT HIOIIT OK. Many of tho monibor woro accompanied by tholr wives nnd daugh ter, and many of tho commltlou clerks nnd moinbora of tho third Imiiiho Tho hnxo were llllod In a very off eotlvo manner. l'roaldent of tho Honntu Halite had a box with u party of Mutator. Hon. II. V. June nnd Bonto of tho froe look lender ha danothor box. Hpunkor Vnwter nnd house nnd aonato lender nnd tholr wlvos had Boat In tho bnld-hunilod row. A now groups of tho legislator antintorod In tholr woro crlos of 'Speech," "Speech." "Cull tho of the Ikuii," "roghlnr order," oto. Heading of Tho Gnpltnl Journnl wna oallod for, and nn In.llgnnnt moni tor of tho uorinnl ohool combluo .MOVHH TO IHHI'KNHK WITH llltAI) I SCI, IT. Tho sergut-tit-ariii and forty doorkeeper could not bnvo held tho Jolly crowd down. All rare and anxiety about their little mtmauree were forgotten, AND I'UltK KNJOYMIINT lllllflNllli KUPIUUIII. The akarp bit of the lending nrUir The County Chairman were en Joyed, and went home a each member recelted hie own experience Ih hi own Individual campalSM. It would have beea a good thing for th whole state IK Til HI I It rairidi iiAvit mtit.N about tiihiiii good run's a wiihic hii wlnUr. hut Uie public bus enjoyed the faroa enacted at the big theatre up hi the OHDllel building finite hi much m the member enjurwt th lire laat tOttkt Ml the Omml. -.o kuui.i snows aiixnuAi.smr. HopreaenUUtve Kuull or Jtiekson ouunty akawad turn leadership In de featlng the machine Irrigation codo. It hiul the HtMte engineer, the refllnmattoa department. TIIIIQlMUCIAI. I'UHII OK XltAULY KINDS IIAOK t)K IT. Kuhll I an earuwi ajtimkwr. vIkIIhhi NHd (ettrleesnHd be Imd the reel of hl delnMRUnn Hd the nueHker uwlnit Itlm. Ho (ought iiMArly all one nftwrttooN In oomiHltWe of Hie wlittle U keep Iho hoUM from rtnwrtlttK the bill for twaea. Mr. Kuhll ha always been u UepHbllran leader In Mutborn Oregon. UK WAH HHVHHAL TIMMS COl'NTV CUAIUMA.V. Ho was ltarlily oouKratnlnttid oh hi auoeetefHl tlncUt In iMurlng the ftnl lttil4lluU piwtpttHentHttt of tJo hill. III!! . YOWII GAWKY HOY. That RttWky boy of yinim unjlujr. buuhI. shy, uHr4Kiwlng. as ha I, w-rllee Jloury A. Bhute In The Mureh Dellaeator. Yu ting him. You Uuih at him and rldlcHle him. DID YOU KVK ItlllMld.K HOW IT HHUTH? You ought to reallio It for It le nut loug alnoe yuu knew how It felt. You would Iirvo stood pnlti llko a man nnd o doe )-ur hoy. You would hat borno privations llko a atolo. and so do your hoy. nnd thoro would havo heen ft grim sort of onjoytueut In It for THK JOY OH IHWWTANt'K IH I'l'WA AWAKK AT KOUltTKlWC. Hut ou could not hear rtdloulo and ho cannot, and yeUhor U scarce ly e, day when you do not oauso hliw sharp dlsouuifurt. THK HOYS MOTIIItlt MIYKIl D01 THIS. 8ho lovee every awk ward movo men t of her hoy. Kite loxv hU loug logs attd she levee to hinr his raucoua voice. Slto imll At It. too, and nt him. anil tt U i atullv" of xeuulno nutuseuttntt. hut thero Is lovo In tho entile, and tax In hor fyo. and UK KNOWS IT. AND AIHIUKS 1IKII 1XH IT. If ho heconu doprktHl and desitondeut. ho oonndws his tmnhlea In hi dog, which U In frut of him gating at him WITH AN AMIDST HUMAN WXl'HKSSlOX Mf SYMPATHY and put hi paw oa his was tor kutfo. A h,U uufortunato, Un't It. tht nr wu hi)' U ohllQt to defend his mothor and hi dog for sympathy and arfeelkmT HK iiMTA NONK KUOM YOU nud hut little from hi Wwttore and sUUtrs. it Is true. Un't It? My friend. If you lld as wuek jwrwnal atlentloa Is Uui luonor devl opwoMt of your boy AS VOU DO I.V 1UMSUN0 THK TYOMINUTIt THOTTHK, or th hluorlhhon OHerner. or the IMaek Blrafn Jublle of Orpington, or In beating: bogy, r In jonr gmue of whlU you would be BKtowUltfrd at the result. tllU 8TKKN VOl'S MONTHLY. MW, uv. '-;'-",, .. GvncctationB. hTSru". .7iS remarkable resultant .tUle. M Slaughter by n' CONDI KKATION OK AMBIIICAN BTMATT-HAiun " ' . r anto. on the church in.nrvlow Cardinal Merry del Val, papal secru ., -"- ; ciuostlon In France "War Agnlnst "Tho NecdloBB PKUT CONHIDI TIONH. It conclusions aro eyc-oponlng. ,g nn nccount or "Tho Shadow of High Finance," by David Fergu on an tho entrance ot detectives Into prosent-uay - nta of j Olivia Howard Dunbar writes or tho woman a .rigM'" tho world In an article entitled "The VfroW '""" THK MACHINK IN OltKGON POLITICS. Tho ed.tor of the Statesman, who Is also the -P ' J takos needless offenso at tho comments of Tho Capital Journal about ma Tho'Sl'S Journal tried hard to exonerate tho Marlon county epre sontnttvo from tho charge of machine me 1, od. They Jj bt IN THIS LKOISLATUltK CONSl'ICCOl'S FOK TIIhIK AIIILITI AND J "EKa. a leglslaturo dominated U"!Z Independent mambors have had to how to machine methods almost from tho beginning. ..,,., mrm THK YIG- Tho reform Influoncoa that were sot at work CAMb K0 J1"' "J IIiANT PItKSS OK THK STATK. Koductlon In clerk hire and re framing from junkets woro made In deference to public "roata. They have mndo a necessity of virtue In small ways and enlarge d tho big gratis In the way of appropriations, now offices, commissions, salaries and Institutions. t.HnMnnq For Instance, doubling tho appropriation for tho higher ("""tutlonB of learning was purely tho result of mnchlno methods. T ho Stnto Unl- vlrslty already hid a fixed Income of SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS A YI' H This was Incronsod without show or needs or Justification or expen diture to $138,000 por nnnum. Tho Agricultural Collogo appropriations, thnt gets enough rrom tho fodornl govornmont to run It, was shoved up to nearly ?200,000. Under tltront of a voto tho mnchlno managers wont to Governor Clmm borlnln and cut this down to nbout fifty thousand dollnrs, and SA hi) TIIKMSKLYKS THK THOUHLK OK PASSING IT OVEIl A YKTO. Thoro Ib ono redeeming foaturo about this grab on tho treasury it will bo expended mostly for now buildings. Tho mnchlno will mako tho snmo gonerotiH provision for tho normal Bchools all four of them. Hut tho prosonco of n mnchlno Itepuhllcan Governor would have been tho signal KOIt TAKING TWICK AS MUCH MONKY FOR THKSK PUK POSKS. When this papor calls attontlon to thoRO things It Is chnrgod with printing Democratic odltorlals In a Itopubllcan nowspnpor. Well, wo can only Bay n groat many of tholr Hopubllcnn odltorlnls nro copied Into Democratic newspapers. THK MACHINK KNOWS NO POL ITICS. Tho Orogon political macblno Is brnlulesfl and conBcloncoloss. It hns no rry but thnt of tho hold-up when It Is glvon power. IT IS STAND AND DKLIVKH. YOUIt MONKY Oil YOUH LIKK. Tho Mnrlon county dologntlon, undor thla syBtom, Blmply did tho host thoy could. They hnd to voto for a grent deal thoy did not llko to got whnt thoy ngrood among themsolvos to domnnd for this county. Tho people mtiBt roallzo that therels but ono thing enn como from man Ifostatlon of macblno methods, whothor It bo In tho city council, tho county irovorttmont. tho Btnto or national legislation Increased tnxos, mnro olllcos, moro anlurloa, MOHK PLAtJIW OK PftOKlT KOK THK. MA CHINK. ' The counter tondonoloB to hold down prodatory ofllclallsm can como only from tho pooplo rognrdlofls of pnrty. Tho mnchlno fnttons on tho tnlso oy or loynlty to party, whon It Is loyal only to plunder. o m DANGHIt OK THK TAX COMMM1SSION. There Iiub been u commission nt work for the punt two years nt nn ox penee or $9000 drafting nn entirely new set of taxation laws for us. N'o ono knows what this oommlsslon has done for us. Their bills have Hone through the legislature AUMOST WITHOUT KKADING UY THK MliMDKHS. They have entirely reconstructed the whole taxation system of the atate, nud have probably crented a gnat deal of confusion. All thla hndxe-podK ot new leclslatlon I moetly the work ot an ex pert who wrs brought to Oregon three yenrtt ago nnd HAS HKKN KIIIT ON SAiaiUUS AND COMMISSION KVKIt SINCK. To onp the ell max a state taxation commlsalon Is to be created vest d with imwer to tax property not already taxed on whnt I termed public service tranchlee. THH SCIIHMK IS VKIIV PUVUSIDLIC Thla eommlaalon will demand reporta of the earning of water nnd light companion, power nnd dec ide onmimuleH, stoaut and trolley linen, and then nssees their franchises It will take the rarnlng of the Salem water corporation, or the Dal las & Falls Olty railroad, and figuro out what It has earned and then put adddltlonnl valued on the books to usee. This oan all be done by the neswsora now. Hut the power vested In tho state taxation commission la mttoh greater and MAKHS THKM DIC TATORS TO ANY SUCH PIHCK OK PROPHRTY. Such corjHtratlona cannot make up a favorable showing ot earnings on their itooks to secure large Investments of capital for extensions, with out being ponnllxed tor their enter prise. THK FINDINGS OK THIS COMMISSION CAN THHOTTLK OR PRO MOTK ANY HXTKRPRISK. For lnstunee. In a few years the Salem Water Company will have to build au entirely new plant, and may need a million dollars of money to put In a plant sntlable for the Capital City and the atato Institutions. With tkie power of IneNUttlon and auesement on earnings In tho hand of the state tax commission auoh corporations ARK HLOCKKR VHOM ANY KKKKDOM OK OPKHATION IN KXTKXDING THKIR SYS THM. Then tt U puldlc ownership or nothing. Rut all sttoh objections ought to be waived In an undeveloped state like Oregon, beoauso Borne thenretloal gentlemen want offices for llfu at big salaries. Tho atate tax commission makes positions for a number of persons who have college educations and oxpert abllltloa to soil to the people at high prko. MUX ARK 1.Y1NO I.V WAIT AT SALRM TOR THK PliAOKS. What da they cere for the development of the state? Salaries and per manent Incomes must be had, and tho taxpayers nr the surest guaranty Not one of this professional olass ever established au Industry, over built a mllo ot railroad, ever put a dollar Into a public service corpor ation, KVHU DID ANYTHING HUT 1WTTKN ON THK PURLIC FUNDS. Under those circumstances, of course, the tax commission goes. $$44f$$$$$$$$i Rapid changes of temperature are hJ on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the Wu inside of a trolley car to the icy temper i of the platrorm me canvasser spending J hour or so in a neaica Duuamg and Ih walking against & biting wind know Uh difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's Emtttsion strengthens 4, body so that it can better withstand tkt danger of cold from changes of temperature, It will help you to avoid taking cokL ALL DRUGGISTS I GOo. AND $1.00. AfraftflfrfrfrflfrfrfrffflvvvW 98ajtSSStgf 4 SS8S6H Staple Dry Goods Bargaii Corset Cover Embroidery, yard Dainty Embroldoriea and Insertion nt 3c a yard and up. Corsets, Job lotB, cacu i Boys' Kneo Pants, pnlr Mon'B Dlnck nnd Whlto Twlllod Overahlrts, each Ladlos' Union Suits, each SI. 00 Wrappers, each S1.2G Wrappers, each 10c dozen Safety pins, dozon Small Blzo Safoty Pine, dozon , ,.l PfnB, pnpor Ileavor Gray Hoso. pair . Ladles' oxtra Blzo $1.00 Union Suits for, suit Mon's Cotton Drawers, Bpoclnl, pair Ladles' Dress Skirts, good valuo, nt I n nutlnc Flnnnol. yard 1) 3ood Fast Color Calico, yard f Soo our lc, 3c, Gc and 10c nssortmonts. Rostein & Greenbaum COMMERCIAL STRELT uaMBMatMIMI HSlt8WC 9 9 I9M( .Jtst Received HHIIimillllllll M l-4-4--H-t-t-H-rttrn A Hne of Men's Heavy Working Shoes, have the latest In Men's and Women's uress Repairing neatlv done. 1 I I I I II M I II I I H 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 II r H-H JACOB TO 345 STATE ST. I4MI . ii .i j.....i nr. noAnnnt ot UtSl iiiuvniueiii lur n rucoiiBiuoruiioii wu cunuu u uvv . . nntunta.l I... nA...).Awa nt n nnrtnlh ilnrnnQflll fUHUt 19 BUU 1 V.kU...O J ...V.UUV.O U. U VV. ...... UW..V- ,M.i tlrm In Portland which has a mnchlno appropriation ot lB" rTj selling nt S500 and It wnuts tho though It roveris lu "" , limit ralsod to $750. tho state, that Mr Faj o raised his vole agsiw Kven from tho MoHntaJns. I ) rtnllunt'. Qnnn T Inlmunt t. n..l.lit PILES CURED I .1. j. .. ... . .. . t.n miMTMENT l t mr inn euou iv qops. a sure cure lor i i-zv.w .- uAM rheumatism and all palna. Wright to euro any cam y.jmjgii W. Loving, Grand Junction, Colo, Bleeding or ProUcdWj writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Lint-' 14 day or money rK ment, last winter, for rheumatism and can recommend It as the best ' Liniment on tho market, I thought, at the time I was taken down with this trouble that It would bo a week before I could get about, but oa ap plying your Liniment several time during the night, I was about In iS houra and well In thre days." Sold by D. J. Fry. o Tho March Jivarybody'a jtrerv Its atomary fair balanc between Information and entertainment. The informing artlclw are ot unusual slKalttcaa and tlweltaw. In ac0rRf Hh cable iuslructlowi, Yaaco Thoio, uadertook te boar4 to the purchase of machine Drown 1'IntU Joker. Actuated liy the belief that he had discovered a Joker Ih senate hill IS, providing for the adoption of vol lug maohlnea In oltWa ot over 100, 000 Inhabitants In the state. Drown, of Linn, .orvated a mild dMurbaneo In the house yesterday attrnoon by moving a recouildoratlon of the vote by which the bill was passed and when he waa asked to uxplaln his reasons therefor, stated that the bill coaflaed the county court aad state not to oxeeed la price the sum of $S09. aad he was given to under stand that there was only ono ma ohlae made tat earn within this limit and he though It was a discrim ination In faor ot a certain manu factory. When the uMon of re conslderatlea was pet to a vote, how ever, it was tost on a tie. it de veloped later, however, that contrary to the laforaaatloB Mr. Brown had gained, there are four machines on the market which caa be puchawd for lesa than $500 and that the I Puttly Fnvors Appropriation. Ono of tho most romarkablo things that has happened In tho houso dur ing tho session was the fact that there was an appropriation bill, In volving $1500, which passed last night without a dissenting voto from Mr. Purdy. ot Washington. This bill ' authorized tho OSChontini- v thn stato of tho pension money duo de-M ceased Inmates of the soldiers' homo and tho turnlni- nf onm .. .. commandant of ' that Institution to J oo appuea to tno support, repairs and improvement thereof. Mr. Tike, of hherman. Gilliam and Wheeler, ex- plained that there waa row la the. hands ot the commandant S1SB8 re-' Who Is the Poor IOl UK- -- .-KJ wheh null saury an' - nf It to Jio is getting ..i it I only """. "" . .. ke' i4iort time i-- i bor wuo u"" M MUU7W" ,.1 Wo pay lBtf,i" unv ww- SltTiNr TaaJa"1 OafaW