Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1907, Image 1

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NO. 47.
3punds to Be Loaned for Benefit of Publk$60,000 Portage
Bill Kilied-AustraHan Ballot Law Preserved by Senate
Passed the Senate
fithODt Formid-
Eable Opposition
(test Achievement of the
ession for Shippers or
Whole State
interesting struggle ended in
Mite Thursday nfternoon with
tail passage, of tho Jones bill
;?rlatlng 300,oOO for tho con-
iloa or purchnso and mnlnte-
of locks at the Willamette
lit Oregon City, contingent on
Ltlcnal government taking like
i tad appropriating a like sum.
kill bad already passed tho
alter a considerable struggle
ni now be signed by Governor
berlaln. The bill la considered
Hitep In the right direction,
(111 ultimately lead to an open
Ifromthe mountains to tho sen.
whes wero mado in favor of
the pnBSngo of tho measurp by Senn
tors Johnson, Whealdon, M. A. Mil
ler and Hodson. No ouo made any
offectlvo opposition. Senator Bailey
spoko against tho bill,. Ho claimed
to be in favor of free -locks, but did
not beliovo tho JonoB bill would' ac
complish anything, and that It Is not
On Its final passago tho voto stood
as follews:
Ayes Bingham, Booth, Bower
man, Caldwell, Colo, Coshow, Hedg
es, Hodson, Johnson, Kay, Laughery,
Lnycock, Mnlarkey, Miller of Linn,
Miller of Linn and Mnrlon, Notting
ham, Schofleld, SIchol, Smith of
Marlon, Smith of Umatilla, "Wheal
don, Wright,
Noes Bailey, Beach, Coko, Unities
Hart, McDonnld, Mullt.
Tho bill was prepared under the
direction of tho Opon Rlvor Associa
tion, 'organized "at Albany, and had
"tho support of tho shippers of
wholo Btato.
Judge of Court Thinks Charge
Alust Be Dismissed
Stole Jewelry nntl Cash.
Sacrnmento, Cal., Feb. 22. Tho
residence of P. C. Droscher, n wenl
thy wholesale grocer, was robbed
Inst night, while the family wns at
dinner., Jewels worth $3000 and
$50 In cash wcro taken,
Ono Hundred Bodies Kxluuncd.
Englo Pubs, Texas, Feb. 22. Ono
hundred bodies, B0 of them Jnpnn
cso, hnvo boon taken from tho mlno
at Los Esperanzos, Mexico.
iiicago sim
Consider carefully where is tho best place to spend It. "Wo can
'you tho convincing proof, nud that Is act our price. You cannot
' tb CHICAGO STORE when you want reliable merchandise sold
U prices. Ild en:
"css boods
ds of yards of nv
lieodaindsllka sold at little
U we only make five cents
l on oar fine dress goods and
! let thera ea.
ft7 Drew 811ks. vrt. . k
tk4k silks, all colors, yd. 23c
f Hrd-wide Bilk. A "bs.
SllkS nt tHft IAMA -
pwwm. ""
' & Drees nnnU v to
'Setfif DM Rf. .. " ..
"W Drew Goods, yd. 65c
" t small prices.
yards of Avorv
kind nf iai. ii
Uu. ' "" ini,
I U H,7r .WB,DJ,e. muslins
. U of fancy ., .v.
W "Hc Llnoa
, 7Xc
, .JOf
It Is Impossible for us In such
llttlo spaco to glvo full particulars
about this -wonderful varied stock
We aro hero with tho goods and
at the right prices.
1000 yards Standard Calico,
yard Hc
9c Linen finished Percales,
yard Hc
12 He double width Percales,
yard c
12 c Dress Ginghams, yd... 9c
We have now one of the beat
milliners la Salem to take care of
your millinery waats. Miss
Rndall.of Olds-Kiag's o! Portlaad
This young lady aad charge of
their millinery departsaeat for
four years. If you. iraat a trim
med hat for $2.00, $2.60, $3.50,
$4,50, $6,50, $8.00. $10.00.
$12.00 or $15.00, you can rest as
sured that you -will get all that is
coming to you ia style, workman
ship and artistic taste, and at
about naif what you .have to pay
15 Suits, Bale price ..9CMW
$15 Ladies' Cots, fsUM, $7JW.
$C.5 Silk PottiaoaU, price. $.M
Washington, Fob. 22. Counsel
for Ropresontntlvo Hermann sprang
a surprl"o Into yostorday by sub
mitting n motion In court asking
that the lotter-book caso bo taken
from tho Jury, nnd that tho churgo
against tho defendant be dismissed,
maintaining that thoro was a fatal
varlanco between tho Indictment and
tho evidence offered. After nrgu
mont tho court nnnouncod that it
would tnko tho motion under con
sideration, nnd adjournment wns tak
on until Monday. Prior to tho argu
ment the Jury was dismissed for tho
Mr. Worthlngton, In offorlng tho
motion, declnrod thnt neither tho
district attornoy nor tho grand Jury
haJ shown duo diligence In securing
ovldcnco upon which to base n valid
indictment, nud that tho govern
ment's proof so far submitted did
not prove tho contention of tho pros
ecution that tho destroyed letter
books woro of an ofllclal charactor.
Don't Like Our School and
Labor Laws-Observe
George's Birthday
Senttle, Feb. 22. Tho Jnpanoso
Association, representing 5000 Jap
anese In this stnto, have ohterod n
vigorous protest to tho homo govern
ment against the proposed settle
ment of the Jnpanoso school and
labor questions, claiming It Is Im
practicuhjo and unjust,
Tho district nttornoy nnd IiIb as-' domandod roll call.
Japs Pay Honor to Washington.
Toklo, Fob. 22. Tho reception of
tho American ombassy In honor of
Washington's birthday was tho most
brilliantly successful event in tho
history of tho delegation.
1 o .
i To Sell l'lilllppliH'H.
Washington, Feb. 22. Clatk, of
Florida, In tho Iioubo today, dis
cussed tho resolution for tho salo of
tho Philippines to Japan. Tho Re
publicans sought to lay tho matter
on tho table, whllo tho Democrats
Church and Stores Blown Up
for Revenge of blind
Sandford, Ind., Fob. 22. A dynn
mlto explosion this morning wrecked
tho Methodist church nnd tho gen
eral stores of J. W Reese and
Schickel & JoluiBon. Many citizens
nllogo that tho dynamiting was dono
for rovongo for tho sheriff's raid on
a blind tiger. This town is tho plnco
where tho Big Four train was
wrockod by dynamlto rocantly.
Thaw In Hotter Spirits.
Now York, Fob. 22. Thnw's tem
porary bronkdown during hla wlto'8
recital of tho hidden pngcH of hor
lifo hna gono with n night's sloop
Ho aroso In bettor spirits this morn
ing, took-a bath and nto n substan
tial breakfnBt and wroto somo lot
torn. Visitors tiro not permitted at
tho Tombs on holidays.
AtormwM lit Conference,
(larvln has not nppenrod In tho
criminal courts building today. It
Is understood thnt Joromo litis gono
,to his homo nt , Lnkovlllo, Court.
' Dohnns, Hnrtrldgo, O'Reilly nnd Mc
j Plko hnvo had a conforonco nt tho
Hotol Lornlno today, going ovor Eve
lyn's toHtlmouy, and preparing, to
bolBtor tip stioh parts us woro woak
'onod by Jeromo.
Ctoly s Few Escape With Lives
From Wreckage
i-i 1 1 1 1 HH-a i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 ij ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 m ii m i in i u 4
In the University Gymnasium
-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi immimt
:: TO Nlfc.1l
M II Ml M I M M I M I I M II Ml I M M II 1 1 II I H I II I M
4. 4.
CifHf tf
cfcjl w4 Owwrt Wbmto
l' '
alstnnt defended tho Indictment
Baker declarlng:
"You cannot take a technicality .to
get tho dofondant off."
After henrlng argument Justico
StnforJ mudo this, teatatlvo an
nouncement to the district atterney:
Court BtnteH Dltllculty.
"Tho lcttors woro destroyed. Can
you show that tho lettor, If not de
stroyed, would have provon a con
spiracy? If it comes to that ques
tion, you say you cannot. Theso
letters need explanation to show
criminality. When letters aro of a
criminal naturo they would show a
motive. I think you must find some
other Bourco evidence that thero was
a conspiracy between Hermann and
the parties mentioned in tho letters,
or to whom they were written. I
cannot boo how tho Jury Is to infer
that the letters wore criminal, no
such lottors being shown, from tho
fact that an alleged conspiracy exist
ed, tind that somo letters woro writ
ten to men accused of this crime.
Would you have tho Jury Infer that
somo Incriminating letters wero in
the destroyed books, other letters
apparently innocent oolng shown
here? I think not. However, I will
not decldo tho point."
Montana Printers' Strike.
' Butte, Mont., Feb. 22. At a con
ference between Organircr Baker,
for tho Typographical Union, and
the Publishers' Association today,
the 'publishers notified the printers
that they could only return to work
. at the wages prevailing at tho time
of tho lockout. Tho matter of tho
removal of certain restrictions im
posed upon the publishers by tho
printers will be considered further,
and a committed of (fib union will
meet the publishers tonight. The
printers will ls out with a publica
tion of their bw within a week. In
the eveat the publishers are still
closed sIowb.
Tho Bfnnto bill to loan state funds
to banking Institutions, thnt paused
tho Iioubo this morning, provides
that tho stuto treasurer shall loan
all unemployed funds upon collater
al security, consisting of government
city, county or school bonds, in such
amounts as ho shall see fit, and the
samo to draw Interest at 2 per cent
as dally cash balances. Tho bill is
tho commltteo f)lll, roodolod aftor
tho act that Is In forco in tho city
of Portland for loaning city funds.
Smallpox In Lcglftlaturt.
Jefferson City, Mo., Fob. 22. The
leglslaturo adjourned this afternoon
until Mondny on account of tho
smallpox scare. A numbor of the
members were strlckon In tho cham
ber and havo been taken to tho pest
house. Tho governor says tho strick
en members shall be- taken Into tho
executlvo mansion, if they aro not
comfortably quartered elBOwhero.
TerrorisUi Maku n Haul.
Warsaw, Feb. 22. Tho terrorists
here robbed a branch postofflce last
night and got away with many thou
sands of dollars in cash. They killed
tho postmaster and two postofflce
clerks. Two soldiers got away with
tho money.
H :
''She imn ago I learsd a Talis-able-ifsisna,"
wrKee Joka- Fl ,
of M.aVslU, I. "J tWwi !aa tak
is Dr, Kiss's Kew Life Vim. aai
U lswsjsr I taJt tMsa tk tetter T
J AAuusjss f 1"kdP nljUaJ -- sV
Qamn4si M J. O, Tmrj', VvsjM
Rotterdam, Fob. 22. Nono hnvo
lJcen'ablo to ronch tho wrock of tho
Berlin up to 10. o'clock this tnonilng,
nlthough a numbor of living persona
woro dlucornnblo floating on t)io Uo
brls. , ." '
Ton porsona who pnssed tho lilght
on tho wreckugo of tho Borllu Iiuvo
been saved.
Rottordnm, Fob. 22. Henry,
prlnco consort, Joined tho llfosnvors
today, and twlco went In n tug" on
tho raging sons to tho rosoue, tlnu
Inspiring tho sonman to groator efforts.
Pittsburg, Fob. 22. A represen
tative of Joromo again nppronctiod
, MrB. Holman In an effort to get hor
testimony, hut her husband objects.
Tho womnn said teday: "My hus
band not only forbids mo to tnlk
about tho enso to anyone, but ro-r
fUBos to permit mo tho newspapers
In tho hoiiHe. I do not know what
has occurred tho last 'few days.
The Fx-Prestdent Celebrates
Washington's Birthday
in Chicago
Chicago, Fob. 22. Cleveland had
a strsnuous day, despite his apparent
frail health. Ho attended tho school
children's colobratton at tho Audi
torium this morning, and spoko at
tho samo place under tho auspices of
tho Union League Club this nftor
noon. Ho 'will bo n guest to dinner
tonight nt tho same club. Business
generally Is suspended In honor of
Washington's birthday, even' the
weather bureau Is closed, although
most of tho department stores aro
open. .
Chicago,- Feb. 22. Cleveland
made an unexpected speech at tho
Auditorium this rriornlug. 'He said
ho had given' much consideration to
a lotter written him, advocating a
marrlngo qualification for suffrage,
permitting peoplo of both soxos who
havo homes td protect to vote, and
to-disfranchise unmarried men and
women. He said ho thought thoro
was much virtue in tho scheme.
' ' ' '
Polygamy lleuolutfoH,
Washington, Feb. 22. The son
ato today referred to tho Judiciary
commltteo tho Dubois resolution pro
hibiting polygamy in tbo United
States. Spooncr asked for the ref
erence, but ho did so in no spirit of
hostility, a he favored such a con
stitutional privilege, but tfaatigkt the
cowmUtee should consider it.
Ktfolyn romnlnctrin hen- npnrjt
inentH at tho Lorraine until Int'o'thls
nfternoon, nnd Is 'much JiidlspWod.
It Is not behoved that Bhefwlll'leavo
tho hotel nt all ' today. IlSrtrldgo
says tho girl passod a bad night, na
tho dread of a conllntinnco' of tho
ordeal unnerved hor. Nonrly ovory
mombor of the Thaw family Is India
nobod. All nro suffering with colds,
Mrs. Thaw's dread of examination Is
trying to hor. Tho effect upon tho
aged womnn Is npprohonslvo to hor
relatives. Tho lawyom all ussort
thnt tho ftunlly Is Hiiro tho prisoner
will bo acquitted.
In rcsponso to an urgent call from
hor husbya. I3volyn hastened to tho
Tomhn Into this afternoon, accom
panied by O'Rollloy.
Evelyn carries a special pormlt to
soo hor hushnud on hollduys. Tho
two run to each other's arms In fond
embrace. Evelyn Is palo nnd worn,
and fnr from well. Clasping hla wlfo
In his arms, Thaw exclaimed: "My
uoor, bravo llttlo wlfo" repoatodly.
Honoring WnNhliiKtoii,
WaahiuKtan, Fob. 22. Believing
that tho host honor to Washlngton'H
momory would be legislation for tho
country's good, tho legislature re
mained In session today. All gov
ernment departments wero olosod,
Tho sonata opened with tho reading
of Washington's furcwull addross.
Teddy TnkcN a Varalon.
Washlugton, Fob. 22. I'resldont
and Mrs. Roosovelt left today for
Massachusetts, where they will spend
two days vlsltlug tholr sens, Theo
dore at Harvard, and Kermlt at Oro
ton. Tholr daughter, Ethel, and
Mr. Longworth nnd wlfo accompan
ied them. Tho President will spoak
at Harvard tomorrow.
A Thratro Fire,
Cleveland, O., Feb. 22. A flro
broke out in the Empire thoatro dur
ing a variety performance this af
ternoon. Nobody was hurt, and tho
manager continued tho performance,
assuring those remaining after tho
panic that tho flro was In nn adjoin
ing building. In reality It was (n tho
theatre building, but was fully can
trolled. A cigarette In a waste bas
ket was tho cause,
Dr. J. F. COOK
moto t c udtBurr sfjwwr,