- DAILY OAFETAIi JOURNAL, SALBM, OKMCON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1907. immiiMiniiim m im linn nun i ! The Cough of Consumption Your doctor will tell you that fresh air and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough Is very hard. Hence, we suggest that, you ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ws publish the fonauUs J.O.AycxCo., of ftll our preparations. Lowell, Mm. koFanity to be prohibited in oregon j introduced and Arguments Used to Discourage the spread ot vulgar and Profane Language .-... nt the legislature hns ABeD.uC. - -,- .. n. irtpartd a bill to pumu w -- - r..,, nmfano language, and Eo more .overopenanios for tho mte, whcl1 ,s oeco,I,1"B ",. )eommon in this country, me mw ..... i. . Btntutory oftenso has for g year8 been a dead letter, and Hi bill proposes to msiing""" -... .Mnntnl uso of such words Li their vicious and habitual om- l,...n It a so disunguiBiiua buwu i.,,.. ia tfhicn proianu iuukuobv piiue" - - .. u on certain occasions uo uuhjiw- -no author of the bill was Intor- L-ed this forenoon as to tho pur- of his raeasuro ana sniu: t .m vprv clnd to glvo you some ,( bit Wcas regarding tho way pro ... .n vnlcar laneungo has spread ai which Is most demoralizing and Striding. Tho youths of all ngos Lm n ho falling Into tho habit, and ) prercnt this thero should bo a troager law to dlscontlnuo Its ubo a tho streets and nt their homes. fit fiwn speeph of tho country Is fecomlng Jeopardised. You will hear -refine words from all classes of gple that you como In contact with. i nrcss can do n great deal to- Lirdi checking this evil, as it Is llko L culdlnc star townrds tho morals of the people, ris when an evil is pointed fat to them through tho press it win lire Its weight. Tho law that exists i most places throughout tho coun- Irr should bo vigorously enforced lit inch had been dono years ago h?n nrofanltv wns In Its infancy. lit disgraceful stnto of affairs would lr.ot exist as It does at tho present tine. It Is not only what It Is today mi vnat It will bo in tho futuro if moved to continue. I tnko plcasuro i firing you somo pross opinions in wpport of my bill." From tho Halifax Dally Recorder, fmiiT. 1907: It would bo well Indood If wo could utb a public crusado against tho use r Proiano lancunee. Wn dn nnt Ibow of anything much moro dls- isung; and saJdenlng thnn, as you H along tho street, to hour mnn. SB - -w - ----- .....( iToung and old, using profano words ' pue course of odlnnry conversation. SifWinE. VnetllPP nil Hin airnnf lit!-, jmS lads, or In public bodies-?' I wo bollovo was hoard on a recent oc casion by mon who should realize tho forco of their bad example; is something that should not bo toler ated. Tho EngllBh language Is full of tho choicest ot cxpresslvo torms without tho need to uso profano and vulgar ones. In fact, tho man who uses them only dlsplnys his own Ig norance, and his paucity of beautiful cxprosslvo words that might bo under his control. Much can tie dono by educating the youth of our land In our schools, and instilling In them a tnsta for tho uso of puro language. But much of tho good work of teachers is sot nt naught by thoso who In public places sot a bad example, and tho sorry part of it all Is by men who should prac tice hotter things. Tho Montronl Star, In a rocont edl torlal calls attention to this by say ing: "Every now and thon a crusado is started against profanity In somo of tho American cities. Tho shocking things about this development is that It Is needed at all. Why a city of ordinary decont peoplo should feel under tho necessity ot 'crusading' against tho uso of langungo on tho strcots and In public places which Is an offonso to ovory lady and most gontlomon wherovor heard to say nothing of .tho religious sldo of tho question must romaln ono of tho puzzling anomalies of modern life "Profanity 1b not clover. Tho most Ignorant peoplo swear with tho great est fluency. It Is not witty. It is not atrout;. It is only vulgar. A man who Iocs not lndulgo In pro fnnltyctm put into his clean, crisp sontonces much moro power thnn tho 'sweuror' can forco Into his outbursts with a dozon oaths. , Profanity may mark an gor, and Bound out as n signal of a loss of tompor; but neither ot these aro things which one- in his sober moments desires to advertise- to tho world. It Is tho restrained temper tho curbed nngor thnt nro tho signs of power. "Public profanity is akin to smok ing in a lady's drawing room. It thrwts into tho oars of unoffending o distasteful words which of- ir anmamthnumtiim vbSsb m M 1BT I Ml ". & - - ( 'Tywyni tt Afo table PrMiaMtlA. Gvlc. gtoNlteToodandBctfu1a-tofte5lowdi3arxlliWlscf JaTsiion.Ckttful S2ffiWss fteMtar Writorptoe norTdfoeraL wtNasootic. fUw rS!h.DuSrh, .T'T?IYtusons.feYerisri dLossopSlEEP. $& Sigriature of S5LVOHK. CASTORIA For Inf&ntg and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the At, Signature JP r Jjv In ntd' Use Ji For Over OFVtAmg. Thirty Years CASTORIA VBAB? BdSMBUAA AujiC aaau tftLAdl USV fend thorn as abad odor does their nostrils. They aro hurt and shocked by what tliey fiearj ahd they suffer this hurt on tho public streets, whero thoy havo ovorynrlght to bo protected. Thoy aro the victims of ungontlemanly conduct; and it is very seldom that they feol willing to tako tho troublo to punish, tho of fenders. Tho commoji knowledgo of this lends to tho offonso a color of cowardice. "Surely a pracltco which Is ungon tlemanly, which Is offensivo to all ladles, which Is vulgar, which has no redeeming virtue ot clQverness, which Is cowardly, should bo outlawed from tho streets and public places ot a civ ilized city." From Lowlstown, Pa., Press: "No doubt tho subject has been dealt with beforo but tho abuso has not grown less. This town Is and hns been peopled by thoso who aro re fined In their lives and tastes, who havo shown a desire that they and tho town Bhould compnro favorably with other towns of this wonderful stnto of Pennsylvania morally, socially and commercially. Churches havo boon built, old ones enlarged, business af fairs havo advanced surprisingly. Tho cause of tomporanco has,rocolved tho utmost efforts, but tho subject of blasphemous and bscono lnnguago aeoms to havo received but llttlo at tention." From Evansvillo, Ind., Newb: "TJnless something is dono to check tho evil Americans must soon bo como known as tho most foul-mouthed persons on earth. It will first bo necessary to dotormlno tho causo of tho uso of profane langungo beforo any real euro can bo applied." From Hamilton Tlmes: "A profane Bwonrer waB fined- $f and coBta tho other day. Hero ono can Bwsar till tho air Is bluo and no notlco Is taken of tho vllo net. No wonder children hardly ablo to walk aro heard taking their Mnkor's namo In vain." From Hartford Tlmes: "Evory community, big or llttlo, suffers from profanity. No town Is Immune. Somo mon swear as thoy breathe. Thero Is no maliciousness in it. 'If thero is ono thing worso thnn profanity it is filthy speech. Nolthor should bo permitted, and thero aro laws which might bo invoked whoro ono is Important ngalnst verbal garb ago. A few arrestB would soon glvo a different stone to somo men's lnn guago." From Hazclton, Pa., Sentinel: , "The uso of profano words seems to grow, particularly bo nmong tho youths of tho dlffe'ront towns. It' Is a vllo hnblt that grows upon thorn, but tho surprising thing is thoy uso It moro when In company with youths of tholr own ago, ovldontly having It j in mtna mat inoy cnnnoi oo mnmy without rostorlng to profanity. Thero Is n strict law ngalnst profanity ono that is not genernlly known, which Is as follews: " If a person shnll wilfully, pro moditately, and dosnltofully bias promo or speak loosoly and profano ly of Almighty God, Christ Jesus, tho Holy Spirit, or tho Scriptures of Truth such person on conviction thereof shall bo sontonccd to pny a flno not execoodlng ono hundred dol-' lars, and undorgo an Imprisonment not oxcecdlng thrco months, or either at tho discretion of tho court.' Act of March 31, 78C0. "that would indicnto that all vllo oaths wo must hear dally aro as Il legal as thoy aro ugly." From Brownsvlllo Tlmes: "By thoso who frequont tho river In summor tho annual complaint is made to tho Tlmos against tho foul mouthed persons who profano tho air with their had langungo. It is a dlsgrnco to tho town that tho attrac tions should bo Bpolled by tho foul langungo of a fow blackguards." If You Eoad Tliis It will be to learn that tho loading mttil cal writers and Vachers of all tho rovcrel schools of practlco rccommond, In tho strongest tcrnw possible, each and ovory Ingredient entering Into tho composition of Dr. Plorco's Golden Medical Dlscovory for the euro of woak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal dlsoases of whatever region, namo or nature It Is also a specific nunody for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal ntlec tlons and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung disease (except contutnn tlon) accompanied with sovero coughs. It Is not so Reed for acuto colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic cases it Is cspccldlly etllcaclous In producing per fect cures. Itcontalnslllack Cherry bark, Golden Seal root, IHoodroot, Stono root. Mandrake- root and Queon's root all of which aro h'phly pralsod as romedlos for all tho above mentioned affections by such minont medical writers and teachers as Prof, liartlu low, ofJofforson Med. Col lego; Prof, Harnjf tho Univ. of Pa.; Prof. Flnlov-rV r.igwood, M. D., of Hon nott Med. X,illcs, Chicago; Prof. John King, M. If. of Cincinnati ; Prof. Joho M. ScudiJcrrM. D., of Cincinnati; Prof. Edwin Aj-JWatt. M. D., of Hahnemann Med. Cpucj-f, Chicago, and scores of othcrvvatfally eminent In their sovcral ichoourGi nractlco. Jht! "Golden Medical piicovery wiHHwiiiiiaieieitiiiiiaiiBiiiiatti CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT iift i f f tii!Mtitaii-;emtf( FOR JtAXB NEW AND BECOND-nAND flOODflL For Sale. A flva and a six-room houso, -with from ono to six lota with each, wolt locatod In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st and Marion Sts., Salem. 1-28-tf my. niRK PMt tin tor IIKh nuriv mltclnd 1st Tor llkji nuiHoaj; rf?.Mnt etula & tnuro than anv nu .-enilfiptemy. u th nnrv UKr- rnTul& aiilLilA? tnj rv oLllilMa. UDon nubllcftr ol Its loi Is the bust posslblo guaranty of Its mcrlU, A glanco at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or habit forming drugs and no alcohol choralcally puro, trlplo-rotlnod glycorlno bolng used Instead. Glycorlno Is entirely unobjuc tlonablo and besides is a most useful agont In tho euro of all stomach as woll as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for its use In allsuch casos. Tho " Dlscovory "li a concentrated glycorlo oxtract of native, medicinal roots and Is safo and reliable. A booklet of extracts from omlnont, medical authorities, endorsing Its Ingre dients mulled Jrcc ot request. Addnut Dr. B. V. Plorco, Uulfalo, K. Y. IBs lawfc rvBBsBsHHSSaWflHivs For Sale. 34 acres ot choice land, good 9-room houso and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and woll; 10 acros of hops; situated thrco-qunrtors of a milo from car lino; land all in cultivation and will bo divided If desired and sold In two lots. AddrosB W. A. Llston, 370 Court atroot. Salem. l-2G-lm For Sa& A comploto box manufac turing and planing mill plant. Ad dress E. Durkholdor, Albany, Or. 2-20-tf LOST. iiost. A mtloago book. Sultablo re ward It returned to JournUl offlco. 2-20-3t FOR RENT. or item. iioubo kooplng rooms, furnlshod or unfurnlshod; hot and cold wator; gaa and olectrlo light. Inqulro at 4l5 Court stroot or "phono 544. 2-lG-tt For Rent. Nice llttlo CO-acro farm, woll locatod, 120. Inqulro of Dorhy & Wilson. 2-20-3t The above cut showa our brick llnod Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar anteed gaa and dust proof. Ecoriorn- Ical and durable; for the particular inqulro at A. L. FRASER Ma Stnto Street . Groat Political IIurloqu. The next attraction at tho Grand opera houso will bo George Ado's pictorial comedy, "Tho County Chair man," ono of tho most Important productions Hcmry W. Savage has made. "Tho County Chairman" was among tho most notablo successes of tho theatrical season In Now York wheu It ran for over 300 perform ances. Before that "Ttio uouniy Chairman" was played to largo audi ences in Chicago for ono hundred and ton times, and tho press of tho west ern city hailed it as tho great Ameri can play o tho period. Tho Chicago Daily News called it " a complete triumph In overy particular," and tho Now York World said: " 'Tho Coun ty Chairman' is tho laughing hit of tho year." George Ade, has long been recog nized as the foremost American hu morist of tho day and by many "Tho County Chairman" ia considered his greatest work. Tho cast and pro duction Is up to the standard main tained by George Ade In all bis offerings. I SEEDS This Is tho season for'solect 'ng your seeds. Wo havo a largo cargo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and niako a specialty of farm seeds, as well as thoso for tho smaller crops, above all wo insist upon now and pure seeds. Get our list. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, I. For Rent. 480-acre farm, good houBo, ; miles west of Wapato Station, 45 acres good farming land, 10,000 strawberry plants, second growth; BOO Logan borry plants, 2d yoar; largo barn full of hay, good fonccs and stocked with tho follewing: Nlnetcon cows and holfors, 15 head youug stock and 150 Angorn goats; will ront nil on shares or easy torms. W. II. Egs;n, Gorvnls, r'outo No. 2. Phono Farmers 36. 2-18-tf New aAd SecoHd.lIandl fliuuh. Bought and sold, also rang, stoves and cooking utensils, d lak es, granite and tinware ot alt kiaia Give us a call. O. L. McPeek, 17 South Commercial fft. 8-lS-ly, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. 1). n. Grimn, the Specialist em. Morphine All drug and llquer habits, which ho euros In 3 days. No monoy until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem. Ore. Phone GC8, Jetm DoyenB, Business Manager. i OSTBOFATHK. Dr. B. H. White Graduate ot Klrkt vllle, Uo., under fo wader ot Os teopathy. Room 21, Breyaa building. Commercial ttreet Phone 87. Residence S90 lumww street, corner ot Center. Phee 1219. Treats acuta and ekreale diseases. Hxamlaatlon free. 11-17-tf Thee. M. Brr Plumbing, hot wate and staam heating and tlaalMf, 164 Commercial street. Fhea Main 192. -l-ly -u M. J. Feteet PlumhiBK, iteiun aM gas fltUBg. Sueoeesor to Kaox 91 Murphy, 20 Coramerelal atmt, Thona Mala 17. dqfaw WW ww LODGES. Forcstcns of America Court Sh.r wood Foresters, No. 10. Moots Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato street Loo Abblo. C. R.; A, L. Brown, F. S. Central' Lodge No. 18, K. of 1. . Castle Hall In Ilolman block, cor ner Stnto and Llborty stroota.. Tuesday of oach wook at 7:30 p, m. .E. W. Hazard, C, C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore- sgon Cednr Camp No. 5246, Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at S o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill, V. 0.; F, A, Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory FrI day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dickoy, C. S.; P. L. Frazlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union.- Sick, acci dent and ponslon insurance; 2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid Gqod agents wanted, J. II. O. Montgomery, Bupromo orgnnlzor, Box 432 Snlom, Orogon, R. R. Ryan, socrectary, 546 Stnto stroot. MISCELLANEOUS. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ot- pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave orders at Goo, C, Wills' music store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr DRAYMEN. R. O. Cuiu'mias Successor to White Cummins, express, delivery ua transfer lini. Prompt service la our motto. Furniture and piaaa moving a specialty. Stand at 168 South Commercial street. Fhoas 175 Hcsldonce phone 968. 8-4-t SASH AJTC) DOOK rAOTOKDM. rrank M. BrowH. Manufacturer f Bash, doors, moulding. All kinds e4 house flnlih aad hard wood werk. Front sUoet, bet. Stato aa4 Oewrt. WANTBD. Wanted To buy balod straw, J. Connor, Wlllamotto bote). 2,4-tf Two Roys Wanted -To sell papers. Inquire at Journal office. 1-30-tC Wanted to liny Heavy draft horses, wolght 1400 pounds and upward. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotel, 1-28-tf Wanted, Strong, nctlvo boy, from 15 to 18 years old, for dollvory work. Must know tho city and bo ablo to drlvo n horse', Inqulro ut Yokohama Ttoa Co. 2-20-3t Wanted Oood Bollcltor, lady or gon tlomon to tnko ordors In tho city for our goods, consisting of cot foe, ten, otc. Good commission paid. Nono hut llvo, capablo por boiih dcslrod, Inqulro at Yokoha ma Ton Storo. 2-2Q-3t ! Gold Dust Flo 1 Hftde by TZDX BYDKBT FOW-i Bft OOMFAHY, kiMr, Oxcm, Made tr faaally ma. Xtk years ffrectf tat It. Bma aad aaorts always ea hand. P..B. Waikcc I AGENT MlllfMIMIWtMIW O. C. T. CO STEAMERS- pomona AND ORKGONA LEAVE PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND FRLOAY AT ID A. C rvnmvAX, thussday and SATURDAYS AT ; A, M. VOH oonvAum tunsday, thuiwday AND iATUXBAY ABOUT P. U. ML P. BALDWIN, Aft A. M. Bunnell Weaver of porttora, rag carpots and rugs, old ingrain carpets made Into rugs any also de sired, also rugs and carpots for salo. In school room ot Pontecoatul church, 194 South Twolfth street, Salem, Orogon. 2-8-3w Concroto Work. Got my prices on sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks aad ceniont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-claw. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 669. 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other broad, yet the price U no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas ft Cooloy, Props. IiHtto Wcadvrotli Flae wines, liqnors aad cigars. Wo handle the celebrated Kellogg and Caatln whiskies, Cool and refrcablag beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works, Fouaders, ma chinists and blacksmiths. Manu facturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers ot the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Contractor and Builder A. J. An derson, contractor and builder, es timates furnished freo, It will pay you to seo mo beforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call at 415 Court street, or phone 644. a-is-tf Enlarged Our moat market on East State stroot Iiiib boon doubled In slzu aud wo aro bottor proparod than over to sorvo customors, Prompt sorvlco and tho host of moats our motto. Call or phono 109. D. E, Edwards, Prop. Wanted. Ton mon to Work In hop yard at Kola. Inqulro of Thomas Holmnn, 434 High stroot. 2-19-3t Wanted. 8tonographlo position by young woman wishing to niaka chango tho first ot April. Six years' oxporionco. ExcoIIont ref oronces, Address "Stenographer," caro Capital Journal, 2-19-lm Wanted Oontloman or lady to travol for morcantllo houso of largo cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. If doslrablo the homo may ho used as headquarters. Wookly salary ot f 1000 por year and ex penses. Address Joseph A. Alex ander, Salem, Ore, 2-19-lm Wanted Throe salesmen for our now county, Township and Railroad Surveys or Orogon. Thoso survey! aro a splendid compilation of facta figures and drawings, aud of won derful value. Counties and towns . are fully Indexed, and populatloa ot each aro given; railroads plain ly shown and distances botweea all stations also shown; congressional districts outlined, numbered and populations given. Othor features too numorous to montlon. A splen did opportunity for onorgotio men. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, III, WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMIUNV , orrzo crnr HAii. Tor WW fltrlti ' tpf ly at eStat, Mile wiyahl mewkUy l advsaee, MS 4 SWS w 99m99fUA Bl sSS v'w tSP PWrswTe . t