tff. 'I1" K rfvLMwi , -v''i ' "- . THURSDAY, FEIinUAItY SI, 1007- 9AOX AWTAIi MUMTA! BAUbM, OMSGOX, ,. - , n Tvcyrj'!!! IN THE SPOUTING WOllM). Thcro will bo plenty of high class wrestling In nntl about New York city this year. Tho Metropolitan hbbo datlon will hold ItB championships Hino tlmo In March, and In all prob ability tho National Amateur Athletic nton championships, open to all reslstorcd amateurs of tho United States, will bo hold In Newark. Tho famous hackney show maro Mildred, which Bbon Jordan hns nhown at tho loading horse shows for tho past four yoarB with such notable success hna boon purchased by B. T Bedford, of Brooklyn, for his daugh ter, Mies Kmlly II. Bedford. The purchaso price Is stated to bo $20, 600. Bbcn Hyors, of Pltsburg, national nnuitour golf champion, has salletl for England to ploy In tho British amateur championship tournnment at St. Andrews courso In Scotland. London sports nro worked up over tho coming chnmplonshlp battle bo twoon "dunner" Molr nnd "Tlgor" 43inllli which In Mated to tako plnco beforo tho Nntlpnnl Sporting club on February 2G. rotor Mnher Is tho most unlucky flghtor In tho ring. Ho knocked out Ms mothcr-ln-law In ono punch nnd kail to go to Jail for It. Tho International dory rnco will take placo In Nova Scotia on July 1G It will bo hold undor tho auspices of tho Bholbourno Yacht club of Nova Scotia. Bill Baulros, tho champion lionvy wolght of Atistrnltn, hns sailed from Molbourno for San Francisco. Ho has Issued n chnllongo to nil Ameri can heavyweights. N. Dyment, n woll known Cnnn dlon turfnmn, Is dead. Ho was 74 years old nnd had nmnssod millions In tho lumber business. As a brocd or of thoroughbreds ho was known both in tho Dominion mid tho United States. Ills homos twice won tho kings pinto. Ho owned Fort Hunter, Klngley Dale, nnd other good racers nnd last yonr purchased tho two-year-old colt Tourono by Odnfollow for 110,000. Ho kopt up his largo stable -with no object to gain but solely for the oako of sport Horroshoff, of Bristol; tho builder M tho Itollnnco, Constitution, Colum bia and Defender, Is building a do fender for tho Cnnnda cup. Tho Harvard and Columbia crows oh tho Charles river on May 11. Harvard will not row Cornell on l.ako Cayuga on Memorial day unless tho Cornell Authorities glvo their ns tmranco that no stenmors will follow tho two crows over tho courso. Mldshlpmnn Snmuel I. Hondorson, of Imbodeu, Ark., tins boon appointed innnagor of tho naval uondnmy boat crow to succeed Mldshlpmnn Claudius It. Hyatt, of Joncsvlllo, Vn.. who has graduated C. H Dreuttor, one of tho best onrsmott over produced nt tho ncndeuiy. Is now rowing In the crow of Hit) University nf Wisconsin. Witney (.nngdnn, tho plunger, hns gone to tho wall again. During tho past season ho mndo I5&.000, but last week mot a run of hud luck nnd drop ped It nil. Tho fourth annual tourney of tho Indoor 32-CttUbro llltlo league of America will be' hold next In Itoches ter, N. Y. Tho date hns not yet been fixed. Uaekoniohmldt. tho wrestler, has written a book on wrwitllug which wilt bo published In a fuw days. Tho council of tho Kngllsh Hack ney Home society have offered to the Now York horse show society n ohnl lrng cup valued at 1(00 as a mark of tho friendly fooling of the Kngllsh breeders'. Pedlar Palmer, who was knocked out by McQovern by a punch nt Tuckahoo several years ago, wauts to iuvt Battling Nelson In a fifteen round bout at tho National Sporting club of London at 1S3 pounds. Nel son can hardly wrist such a chance to pick up a bunch of easy money. - Tom O'Hourke has taken J ask Mlackburn. another colored boxer of much skill under his wing. Tho Tonnpah club, of Nevada, has notified O'Hourke that Blackburn can havo HO match with Honey Mellodjr. Harry Lwo or Jimmy Gardner, providing that ono of this trio has been milded by many of the lightweights In tho past. He Is willing to fight any man In tho world up to 113 pounds, ring ldo. Hug Kelly, a Chicago mlddlo weight, It out with a ohalleuge to fight lluiltl rounds bouta with febrwk. Tummy Hyaa or "1'hlUdol' atH Jack OUrlou. Tto tBtallett dog In the world Is Uk Chicago and ts owned by Dr. A. L. D fcmefcet. It weigh but U ounces sunt ran St Into a child overcoat pwkvt without crowding. SUlt It Is k UMt iWihcit stasnUr of u Mr,H' a atrl tonic, cIhssm and 1t4ist jrfvr yJ, rM4tM the .niasm, Wrii taa tf , flt4 ton t U-yf Mtj Mlkitr' 4M t lSVMi.00 liort, Headache Sufferers , Do you -want reliefin just a few moments and no bad after-effects. If bo, you have only to take, Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. If subject to headache, havo them with you al ways. No harm can come from their use, if taken as directed, as they contain no opium, chloral, mor phine, cocaine, chloro form, heroin, alpha and beta oucaino, cannabis in dica or chloral hydrato, or their derivatives. Ask your druggist about them. "It Riven me great tileamire to bo nllo tfl refer to tho. tfr. Miles Antt I'nlrt Mils no tho twnt rcrneily wo havo over linil In our Iioum for tho preven tion nnd euro of headache. My wlfo who linn been a conmnnt uprcr ?' vM uini ihn nbovo complaint. Join fno In rrcomtnondlnir Dr. Jtllo AnU Uiln Win. hoeing- tlioy may fall Jnti nto lllO.Iiniliin " ""'; .'"VJil U V .. &f atl wl.n Milfrivr. nil J, L. JJUI1, wniorviou, i. . Dr. MlleV Antl-Pln Plllo ore told by your druoolit, who will pufijtot that (ho nrit packaa will benefit. IT It falli, ho will return your money. 25 doiei, 25 cent. Never aold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkliart, Ind DAYEY'S BIRD C0R0LS . . 'For tho spuco of about n half hour yusUmlny afternoon tho houso duvot- nd its nttuntloii to tho discussion of tho hvIIs and virtues of blrd-loro and Siiuaker Davuy took tho floor in do- fenso yf tho fcathorcd songsters and, nt one tlmo hla oloiiuonco soared so high thnt It rlvnlod tho ascent of tho skylark Una dizzy holght during Its warbllugs which ho so vividly do - scribed, but tho real question at ls- suo In tho dobnto was who'.hor thcao song birds, which tho houso proposes to havo Introduced into tho Btnto his body and mind havo boon wreck from nbrond to tho extent of tho ox- cd. His soul Is ns depondont on soul pondlturoof $2500 nro tho protoctors food for Its llfo nnd power ns is tho or destroyers of tho luscious fruits of body on that food on which It re tho vnlloy. TIiIb, too, in tho vory mnlns intact. faco of tho pasango of a bill giving Man Is n rollglous being, nnd In tho Mr. Perkins and tho other hortlcul- chief olomont of his bolng ho must turnllsts of tho Hoguo rlvor vnlloy, jmVo tho Sabbath for spiritual on the right to oxtormlnnto certain va largemont nnd preparation for nn rlstlM of warblers which praj' upon oternal dostlny of hnpplness, but tho thnlr products to a dnmnglng Uogroo 'only religion thnt affords that propar Mr. Perkins then took ndvnntnge ,,tlon Is tho Christian rollglon, tho of tho opportunity utfored him to ox- W)U1 of whloh is tho undeniable fact plain his position upon tho bird quos- nf Christ's rossurectlon from the lion nnd sot himself right before tho grave, this occurred on that day of public upon tho imprtxslon whloh tho weok whloh wo obsorvo ns Sab- stums to havo provniled to tho effect that hud boon branded n merciless of oruol wuold-bo sloyor of tho fenthor- ud fruit devourors. Mr. Perkins said thnt oortaln varieties of birds would peak around tho most luscious fruit upon tho trees Indiscriminately and would Inflict serious dnmngo on tho frult growor and thnt. ns n uiattor of self promotion ngalnsl this nnnual lois. tho farmors should be given the right to shoot thorn. Ho represented that ovor 110,00 Odamago had btMjn done tho KpttieuburK crop of the Hood Ither valley last year nnd that the robins and sap-suckers had prao- tleally put tho oherry growers of tho IUkuq Hlver valley out of business, To slow that he was conslstmt In his contention, howover. Mr. Por- kins said ho was wIlllnR to glvo all of the birds enumerated In the bill. including nlEhtlngalos. skylarks. t!mt CttP RJul tho lnJlw nm, KnUe. llnuiju, etc., a fair trial nud votod u.n ln tho onu? , aniwor the Chris for tho bill but ho wanted to r.ervoltlon innunci ln America, and thev the right unto himself and fellow BottWa tho Sabbath. Ood sent thorn grower to protect their lnterets'to ,t.arn tho trulh. Sat.a .. tpvlBL. ,,. from datuagn HK trt) the. bird. Mr.dMtroy ait Sabbnlh nnnnrtnnUI. . tHvoy gate a vory vlld description of the delightful warbllns of tho birds of the llrtttsh Isles and ox clalnul that their introduction Into the WlllanuMte valley was all that rwns necessary to transform It Into all that It uow of being a para dise a the Almighty certainly In tended It should be, 7l bill passed, by a tare majority. NrihlHtr OM Fk1hL "I was literally coughing myself to dtvtth, and had become too weak to leave my bM; and neighbor pro- dieted that 1 would never lef It alive; but they sot fooled, for thank be to God, 1 u latluc4 to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It took just four one tollr fcottk to cure tfct couh aad r 4sjr saa to ioo4 aouad heHt,M wrHM Hr, Ktx Usxapher, of qtvririi. oHatk; Cty, lad 4 h,Ar 9l tkrt k4 , to Irt4Md ky J, C. ry, DftMwiet Si. &Jb4 $1 M Triel tettl fr, j HUMAN NEED OF SABBATH Sermon on "the Sabbath a Human Necessity' By Rev. Mr. Leiper "Tho Sabbath a Human Xecoeslty," wna tho BUbJoct dlscusBod Sunday morning In tho pulpit of tlio Presby- terinn church, by llov. J. II. Lolpor, .. .. . . . ., field secretary of tho NorthwoBt Sab bath nssoolatlon. Ho took for his toxt, "Tho Sabbath 'was mndo for Man," ho snoko In his introduction of tho mlsiiBO that Is ofton made of tho toxt by thoBo who spend tho Sabbath In oxchnnBlng their world business, nnd by othors'who nro more Bonsuous pleasuro sookors on that day, ho nlso said that tho rofugo such pooplo try to make of tho net of Christ, and his disciples on tholr way to tho Bynngoguo on a Sabbath morn ing, not having bronkfnsttd, thoy pnasod through n grnlnflold nntj took of tho grain nnd nto, la tho merest subterfuge, nnd n porvorBlon of tho facts for unholy ends. Ho first stntod thnt tho Sabbath Is n physical nocoBBlty in that, without It hum nn llfo is shortoncd; men nnd womun hocomo promnturuly old. In parts of Franco whero nion work sovon days In tho week, thoy play completely out bofdro thoy ronch tholr Ilflleth yonr. fan montnlly nsods a wookly Sab bath, tho ovor workod brnln fro (iiontly lands Its ownor Into tho nsy lum for tho insane or brings on pros tration ofton pormunontly nnd disa bility for business nnd usofulnoss. Tho brightest and most Invontlvo peo- plo on earth nro tho Scotch nnd thoy nro known to bo tho host nnd most Intelligent Sabbath kcopors among tho nations of tho earth. Morso, n Scotchman, gnvo tho tolegrnph, Doll, n Scotchmnn, tho tolophono; Mc- Cormick stolo tho iden of his reaper whllo trftvollng nmong tho farmers 'of Scotlnnd, In tlmo of hnrvest. Thoso nro n fow snmplos of Snbbntn . keeping Scotch brnlnlncBB. Tho Sabbath Is ludlspensnblo to nmnkind morally It Is Impossible for mnn to bo his best-mornlly when imtli which Is Its memorial. Tho two ,0Bt profund ovonts thnt havo over transpired on tho planet wore the death anij rosurrectlon of tho Bon of man. of tho former tho Lord's sup- jmr ami 0f tho latter tho Lord's day nro tho momorlnls. Plot out either nf thosa memorials nnd you on- ghrowd In imponotrntnblo darkn a human hopes of otomnl life, and i,npplne bwanso with thorn will ,0,m ,k jt0 oblivion-tho mighty rnc,B whloh they keop In the human utlnd. -Soglnlly the Sabbath I a nee- 8jty, Mnwi tho minister, "I was once lir0ventod by the conductor from boarding a railroad coaoh tilled Itnl- jRn minors, 'beoauso,' said the urn- auotor. 'your llfo would not be safe ,,. lhat 00,0b.' " What made the dlt- fl,ronco bolwcon the occuiwnts of that newcomers may forelgnlxe Chris ---- '-- ,..,.--.,- tain Amerloa. Tho stato needs tho Sabbath. If ever tho politics of thli couatry are frwd tho iHwer of the. saloon, and other domoralUIng ageaaiea the teachings of Jeaus will have It to do. That means the pretext Ion of the church and her handmaid wall to.y prtimulgate Christ tevhlnss, and that means tho protection of the Sab bath against Us ononiIe. Thww are legion, but among them aro the San day saloon, and the Sunday theater Tho civil government that falls or ro fuses to do this cuts Its qwn throat and let out Us life blood. ' a i. ,. A Vltubk Ltooti. "Six yrr ago I learned a valu ablo toa.M vtUm Joha Pltuaat, of WwhwH. I a .J. i tU U& Uk la D. KlaVi New UH Pllla, tk ar 1 tk Un tU VH 4tW. Tty Pu omyW4r. wsnsMn M J. c Tm 4i: :: says this :. ; : itnLlBVKS BACKACHE ; ; ' a well known authority says ', '. ' that Backache Is often Nature's ;; ;: danger signal which notifies ;; ;: tho BUfferer that tho kidneys .. are sick. 1 '. The following simple homo- ; ; ;: ninde mixture Is said to relieve - backache nnd cleanse and build . . ' '. up the kidneys, If taken before ; J ;: the stage of Brlghfs dlBease: ; " Fluid Extract Dandelion, ono- I " . .. . r, ....... ,1 Vnrrtnn "T half ounce; wuiirumm ..D . 1 ounce; Compound Syrup . . one . Qarsanarllln, three ounces. Mix .. . ... ,..., .i by shaking wen in a uouiw u , . ! I take In teaspoonful doses after ; ; ;; meals and at bedtime. A well known local druggist ; ; 1 1 Is authority thnt those Ingredl- ; ; 1 1 cnts nre mnlnly of vogetable ex- . ; traction nnd harmloss to ubo, ', ', ' nnd can bo obtalnod nt small ; ; ! ! cost from uny good proscription . ; ; pharmncy. Thoso who think ', . ' thoy havo kidney trouble or ; ; '.'. suffer with lnmo bnck or weak ; bladder, should glvo this pro- '.'. ; scrlptlon a trial, as no harm ;; ' '- can possibly follow its ubo, nnd ; ; I! It Is said to do wonders for ; I gomo people. :'hiiii 1 1 muh-hmi n 1 1 n FREEMAN WAS NOT GUILTY When the rosolutloiiB commltteo of the houso prosentod Its report upon the Investigation of tho Freoman amemlmont of tho land codo, which creatod such a furor In tho houso last wook terminated Iiv tho Intro duction of a resolution by Mr. Freo mnn to havo ono of tho nowspnpor roportors oxcluded from the floor of tho houso, submitted n typowrlttou roport oxonerntlng Mr. Froomnn from nil Intention to commit wrong In tho nint tor and tho roport was unani mously ndoptcd by tho houso. Tho full toxt of tho roport follews: "In the mnttor of tho Introduction of tho amendments offered by Mr. Freeman to house bill Xo. 324, tho commute, after having mndo a care ful Investigation, finds thnt tho nmondmont offered by Mr. Frcomnn wns rond by tho clerk and stated by tho chnlrmnn In putting it to voto of tho house nnd was exactly tho samo as appoared In tho engrossing com mltteo nnd thnt no chnnge whntcvoi hnd been made In tho nmondmont from the time It left Mr. Froemnn's hands nt his desk until nftor tho bill had been recalled to the house. "Wo further roport that nftor a full and fair Investigation wo find that Mr. Freeman's notions woro honorable and free from nny wrong ful motive or Intent In all mnttars connected with tho said bill and that any stntemouts to the contrary havo no basts in tact." o Even from tho Mountains, nallard's Snow Liniment Is praised fortho good It docs. A suro cure for rheumatism and nil pains. Wright W. Loving, Orand Junction, Colo, writes: "I used Ballard's Snow Llnl mont, last wlntor. for rheumatism and can recommend It as the beat Unlment on the market. I thought, at tho time I was taken down with this trouble that It would be a week before I could get about, but on ap. plying your Liniment several time during the night, I wu bout in 48 hours and well in three day." 8old by D. J Fry. Headquarters for Meats. f Xleat-oaters who are OTer-partleu-lar In their choice of beef, mutton lamb, veal and pork ait Invited to come and examine our meats. It U the critical that we cater tothose wko alwaya tnsUt on cuU of tho beet ttlltle. Ve )mt only the fmli. t sbU, ud v suajBteo it to W4r Uofla eaUa owdHy 0r stket By no eaeaaa m alcci t .aiy, eltWr, "aft o52 ODK MEATS ARE ALWAYS THE BEST. For wo tako especial care to buy nono but tho bost, nnd our customers can always depond upon getting tho best In the market nt rlgnt prices when they buy at our market. E. O. CROSS, State Street Market Phono 201 irOR JOIST AND FLOORINQ Tho bcBt placo to Duy Is whoro tho best stock of lumber Is cnrrlcd. Tho cntlro building trndo know that thoro Is not n finer stock of lumbor thnn that carried by us, Wo nro rendy to fill the largest contract promptly. Wo don't keep tho build- or waiting. Thnt'a a very important point. Near S-. P. passongor dopot GOODALE LUMRBH CO. Phono 52 Main. It's Going Fast And gives perfect satisfaction. Every sack is guaranteed, and that accounts for tho rapid Increase la sales.. Also 'It is still made of OLD WHEAT nnd Is the beat flour at nny price. USE ONLY Wild Rose Flour At all first class grocers. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR WW treat yon with Oriental herb and cure any diseaae without operation or pain. Dr. Kum la known everywhere In Salem, and ha cured many promlaeat people here. Be has lived in Sales for 80 yeraa, and caa be trusted, U uit nuny medltlnea unknown to whit doetors, and with them caa ar oatarrh, aethma, lung trouble, tin matlrm, stomach, Uver, and kidaey dl eajea. Dr. Kum make a specialty of drepej aad famaU Woublea. His resteite cure private disease whei everytWg else t slk. He ha haadredo. t teti moaUl. ud civw eoaMtltatU fr Price for ssedlelaee very e4 I'ersew U ta eeaatry cam write blank. Scad stamp. If yea waat soaae extra flae t K from a. D. SCUM BOW WO OO- I0T Soatk Hlfk trt, Sales, Orotoa. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Seed 'siasvo for I'.wii. .j TctlmeaUIa of Uo resMdr Am. clcara tho Cotapktxion, Rotci Stkt Impcrtectloa, MaIm w Blood a4 luiproToa tho Health. If yoa t&ke .rBEAUTYSKIN bcncAcW rUta aro curaau w money rcrwuSed. CHICHESTER OIlEMIOAIi COn mo PUce, PtdUdelstUa, I. HWiTCT- M' . M.7!,tl'11' xr&S zrz?jrr-! . - -3gzrr i -airr. r-s e. wata. Mai " Tlif Oraerapack,Wot iamoUR hnlil. . srLA"T B B Trndo Mark """ "Ull Trills yu "link you J? ".uu. With a Sclf-rlslnc n. ti . you enn mv. 1 . 1,k0 the Puritan, 3-1J PanmV. t,. Is also a pnro food; nj "'u6 ana an reacr "" n water itit on a not griddle. ALIEN'S B B B FLOUR Q l'acinc uoast Factory, S. Cal. Eastern Factory, 1 won nuns, Jlanavra, Kk. Those Woolen Blankets Tho heavy ones that ererr 1 ubos during tho cool months for t clothing, nro awkward thlsnj hnndlo nt home. Why not Had t to tho laundry when they netii Ing? You'll not only savoyourullu of hnrd work, but you will hut roturncd to you ln a better cos&a than If you trlod to vaiatbai homo. Wo mnko them cleaner, ivn flu (Ilor, nnd do not shrink then. truth of the matter Is, that aay 1 mnn who will compare a Uuic blnnkot from Tho SalemSteial dry, nnd n home washed one, 1 not holp but notlco the dllm Tho homo wnshed one will be ( streaked, feol sticky, look lnnpri smoll badly, whllo the one mt! tho laundry will bo perfectly 1 swoot and fluffy. Yours for n? nui iv. , 1 SALEM STEAM LAUJiMT,; Phono SS. 180-196 S.,Lftr! Snent wlsolv is the sourcsofa ..M.ruHnn Whv not l?ed 1 of it wisely now buying grow' usT Rnts&r I nwrenc & BtiV Sseeessors to Hsrrttt l H. S. Gile&Cci Wholesale Gfoeapad mission MerciwH t .v. ttii." it all fjsjsjsf ' drlod a'm nraWa Spedil ,or salo a f H& u u..n ailplnir macblD, .toria largo dryerl vM ' prle. -aditai rnuM(SS)0r1 v"r" .- . 2fi7.Cennncfqs: PfKMic 175 n a' - . (.ACt - Last! rurcnaaw ,XUT Poultry, VW Eggs, and All Farm Pj Salem Fence WJ Fend l VIM. Hoi Wire. " oia' Netteswa;, Pkkets, Oat. T All at low2ZJ Walter MorW, cl 250 Cfift M. TiMSBbr Sss' TgnU mur Jt , Jtt Otsat, fx. luh ttmns ?3t mum is Ms mm w -