CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAUMf, THURSDAY, FKimi'AIlY 21, 1007. 20. 40. TEAMER BERLIN WRECKED AIH iRIBLE 'RECK IN HARBOR Jteamer lost-ui . llflt of People Storm Breaks Vessel Two and Washes all Overboard Itiim, Feb 21 Tho Groat i luilway'a steamer Berlin is I mJ breaking up. Ono hun- U uty passengers and all of kt re rcporieu urownvu. t In Sltfit of Spectators. htewicr Berlin, bound from i. England, to Rottcrdnm, l uud bank outsldo of Rottor- krbor today Tho loss of llfo kited at 141. Peoplo nshoro ressel strike, and thought mM be able to rldo Bafoly un- ittoro would permit boata to her rescue, TremendouB ktlied over tho vessel and sho PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE EN SPENDING Ipricv. Read en: Goods Silks ads of Tarda nf nnw FfHistndnllkf sold at little If w only make five cents I Moor fine drees Eoods and AM thirn m. IrDfea Bilks, yd... 25c irr " " '"to", yd. 23c lHTWWaSilkii,yd..,.4c ' nra-jae Silks, yd...9c "r ui at the same ratei 'Hie. j? Dnm Goods, yd..3c r ureas Gooda, yd.. B0c ' Wesa Goods. 3rd. Se f t tmall prices. of Tarrft nt .. I lied nf T.4I. ii -- . muit linens, CiaV"". rood,, Naln- WJ"'M!?f' H tui. ", mourns toZr1 rtncy "d sheer , Hc India Linoa Vc nitauwn.iik. l - JJC aSLftesi r ' - .. ! in .- i - .i i. i ..I . , . . " 1 ii -.i.. , ,.. IM., i ., ,i,.i.M , ., , , , I, i,.,MiMMi,.(iii , i -i ,n-- ' ' I ie Hundred and Sixty Passengers and Entire Crew LostEyelyn I haw uuimaccnes Jerome Dingnam rorescry dim PassedMullan Claims Allowed began breaking up Immediately Sovoral Americans aro reported lost. Tho pnssongers ruBhed to tho deck nt tho ilrst shock, and tho waves hurled them Into tho sea immediate ly. It was impossible for llfo boats to livo In tho raging bob. All aid from tho lnnd was cut on. A full list of tho dead will never bo known, aa the Groat Eastern ofllclals say tho pnasongor list was lOBt with tho ship. Tho German Opera Company, re turning from an engagoment in Lon don, waa lost. The stoamor carried mails, which woro also gone. Ono Hundred and Sixty Lost. London, Feb. 21. Tho Exchango Telegraph Compnny announces thnt it has boon offlclnlly informed thnt 1G0 passengers and nil of tho crew woro drowned with tho Borlln. King's Messenger Lost. Arthur Horbert, tho king's mos songor, bearing, dispatches to tho British government from tho Brit ish embassy in Borlln, Is among tho lost. Cniihe of Catastrophe. Tho narrow entrnnco to tho harbor and tho terrific gnlo aro tho primary causes of tho wreck. Captain Precious -evidently miscalculated tho force of tho galo, and tho ship was literally blown onto tho bnnk. Tho Bteamcr crashed into tho A. y' Jj"1 (Continued on Page 5.) mm store YOUR MONEY j (Wider carefully whore is the best place to upend it. Wo can ' jw the convincing proof, mid that Is get our prices. You cannot I e CHICAGO STORE when you want reliable merchandise sold Wash Goods It is Impossible for us In such little apace, to give full particulars about thin wonderful .varied stock Wo aro here with the goods- and at tho right prices. 1000 yards Standard Calico, yard Hc 9c Linen ftnlsaed Percales, yard ,. Hc 12 Ho double width Percale?. yard 12 o Drew Qlaghams, yd...c I Millinery LADISg COAT AND BU1T8 We have bow ob ot the beat mllllnera la Sales to take care ot your rallliaery waata. Mist Radall.of OMs-Xlag's ot Portland This young lady had charge of their nUllBery department for four years. If you waat a trim med hat for 92.flA, $2.50, $3.50, $4.60. $6.68, $8.00, $10.00. $12.00 or .$16.60, yen caa rest as sured that yon will gat all that is coming to you in, style, workmaa shlp and artlsUe taste, and at about half what you have to pay eteewhere. IS S-alU, sale price .. $1S Ladle' Coats, 99X9, 7.M. C.5t Wife Petticoats, price. 9MS -.""a i Otrr af EVELYN THAW'S NERVE Meyer Shaken by the Prosecuting At torneys Cross-Examined All Day, But Seems to Hold Her Own Throughout New York, Fob. 21. When tho Thaw trial opened this morning thero wnB greater Interest than over, and Evelyn wns tho first witness called to tho stand. Evelyn Confident. Tho trial room ttllod rapidly, and Evelyn's appenranco didn't indlcato that sho had nny great fear of tho awaiting ordeal. Bho had evidently gained courngo by her hucccss yos torday. Joromo .preceded all tho other lnwyors and entered court J Bmlltnglybnndentr--Thaw' entered carrying- a hunch of newspaper cup pings of the provlous day's proceed ings. For tho first tlmo bIiico his arrest ho called n newspaper man to dlBcusH tho case nd moroly to protest ngalnst nn article which ap peared this morning, commenting on Evelyn's forgctfulness. "It'B not exactly JuHt to hor, you know," ho said. "Sho had llttlo to do with drawing thoso fundB from tho trust compnny." A brlof conBultntlon of tho attor neys on both sides was hold with tho court, when It wns announced thnt court would adjourn this after noon until aftor Washington's blrth- 1 day. Tho trial will probably not bo resumed boforo Mondny. I Evelyn was called aftor tho con ference and appeared In tho same bluo dress, her fnco slightly pulor. Her hair was Bomownai louBoieu, oui her volco was Btrongor and hor re plies moro certain. About the "Dead nut." Joromo road tho record of tho ex amination later yesterday to tho ef fect that Evolyn bolloved all women bad until Bho was 18 years old, until sho tnlked with Thaw, after refusing him on account of her own "unworthlness." "Did you over hear of tho "dead rat?" naked Jerome. "Yes, It's a, cafo In Paris." "Is It reputable?" ' "I do not know." "Woro you over there?" "Yes; people wero eating and drinking, and Borne danced. I think It roputablo. I was thero about 2 o'clock In tho morning. Tho dance was Russian." Jcromo questioned her further about the cafe. Evolyn Bald sho wns Buro she saw ono Russian dance. "Thero may have been a cakewalk, also." Jerome showed that ho had ob tained ono of Thaw's letters from Paris. The witness Bald that Bbubert and another theatrical manager wero with her and Thaw at tho "Dead Rat." Sho believed some women were with Shubert, Jeromo reading, evidently from Thaw's letter, aaked, "Do you know what is meant by 'Many of the bunch on tho tenderlola?' " "I think i do," said the witness. Bvelya MtmIcs Iqwn. Evelyn 1)roko dows and wept while telllag of her second vlalt to White's studio. She said it was against her will. Ha4 M KeUfffcHM Relief. Jornma hasted EvslVB the letter froa which he hd V reading & nsked hor It It was Thaw's handwrit ing. Sho Identified It ns Bitch. "When you wero in Paris aftor Thaw's proposal you had your opin ion chnngod, did you?" i "Yob, I knew peoplo thought It wnB wrong, but I suspuctod all women." Further questions brought tho ad mission thnt at tho tlmo she wns In Paris with Thaw sho had no re ligious belief, and that sho did not boltovo In tho existence- of n dlvlno being. She said that whllo sho was living In Pittsburg Bho neither at tended Sunday school nor church. She said thnt boforo leaving Pnrls alio hnd como to n full realization of tho awful character of tho wrong Whlto hnd dono to her, thnt hor ov ory womanly Instinct wns shocked by this realization. Termini Ik Outwitted. Delmns and Joromo had n llvoly tilt over what Delmns described iih a sneer In Jcromo's tono, nH he ques tioned Evelyn as to what prompted hor ronunclntlon of Thaw's love. "If this Is truo thero can bo no occnBlon for' a Bneor, for 1 never heard its oqiml." Jerome, resuming tho examina tion, naked: "Was your reason for renouncing Thaw's proposal morely becatiBO of a feeling thnt you were unvorthy?" ','It wnB bocause I was found out," Bald Evolyn, changing her tactics from tho day before, when Bho Bald it T&1i bccnus5rhVw. &s nm worthy! "Who, told found out?" "White," "When did oxtont of tho you you had been you first reallzo wronn dono you tho by Whlto?" "When Thaw told mo." Evolyn said sho quarreled with Whlto bocnuso after Thaw opened her-oyes uho realized what tho archi tect's treatment monnt to hor. Je romo questioned heY closoly nbout why Bho wrote Whlto from Boulogne Sho said her mother coerced hor to writ, and .thnt White's extraordinary personality had a fascinating effect upon her. "In ono way," alio snld, "hor mother didn't know of tho wrongs." Tour Disarm Jerome. Tho nnmo of tho man Evelyn mot In tho studio wns not mndo public, ns Jeromo was given It In a whisper. Ho said ho would call the mnn for n iprlvato examination, and establish tho dato. The prosecutor was ro lontfeas. Ho drew from Evelyn tho statement that sho wont to Whlto's studio nvithln a month after her ru ination, and continued hor relations with White until early In 1902. It was against her will, Bho Insisted. When Jeromo demanded the details of tho first occasion after tho origin al ono, tho girl broke down, covered her fnco with her handkerchief and cried. Jeromo wns disarmed. Sever al women writers left tho room af tor a short delay. In January, 1902, Evelyn said sho had no improper relations with White, and thereafter he alwayB treated her kindly, "But oh, not cour teously." Coerced by White. Tho girl Boon recovored hor com posure. Her husband strained to watch her as sho testified. Sho went ob saying Bho went Into tho stu dio against her will. Whlto mndo appointments by notes, sho said, and that she wanted to go homo aftor supper, but that Whlto Insisted up on going to his studio. Thero she (frequently became inebriated, and bocamo Irresponsible for her actions. "And you omitted this from your direct testimony," Interposed Je rome. Delawu. was on bla feet with an object! yhen Jerome dropped It. permlUJfttr tho effect ot tho question to work twos the jury. "Did you tell your mother what White waa doing?" "No." "Why sot?" , .) CHICAGO SPORT MURDEPtED Wife of a Millionaire Gambler Held as Witness Says She Loved Him and Goes Into Hysterics Oyer the Crime Chicago, Fob. 21. Wobater Ouor In ,nged 3H, was shot nnd Instantly killed In his ofllco In tho Oinnliu build ing on Van Buron and La Sal lo strcots, at noon today. Flora, wife of Michael McDonald. Chicago's former gnmbllug king and million aire, Is held ponding nn Investiga tion. Tho woman Is 25. A dotectlyo happened to bo on the samo floor, and arrested the woman giving tho nnmo of Flora McDonald. Sho said sho wns Mlchnol's wife, llys tericnlly trying to get through a glnBS door, oxclalmlng,".My qodt hoj una suoi,nimaeu. wnat snnu i no; I wouldn't buYUjImfl lovoi'hlm.'' A revolver was taken tram thq wo- ..,.. n l,nn,l "f ll'rv".tr.I-A.n1l urin' notified nnd hautened, to the collrof his wlfo. Sho. Jhr.ow. hersolf upon hor aged husband's ahouldorB nnd wopt. "It dou't matter, Bomethlng'B horribly wrong. You wouldn t llston to'iuo." Ho pushed hor baok Into a oholr. "Would you ho hotter off If I woro dond. I didn't wnnt to llvo another mlnuto. J yo)UI not allow nny man to talk to 'mo that way. Oh. tho roBt don't matter." McDonald Is over GO, but looks younger, despite tho storms and Btreas of mnny years' Bportlng llfo. Tho pollco any his wlfo wns formorly Flora Foldmnn, a childhood sweetheart of Guorln's. McDonald divorced hlB first wlfo, and Boon nftor married Flora. Tho pollco say that In her desper ation, wildly pacing hor coll, Mra. McDonald made tho assertion that Ouorln lins long blackmailed , hor, and that sho baa paid him thousands of dollars. MoDonnld told tho pollco that ho gavo hor largo suina ot mon ey frequently, asking nol questions as to tholr dlspoHuh Tho prlsonor declared that Ouertn followed hor to California once to bluckmull hor. Tho pollco assort that Oucrln had a strong hold on Mrs. McDonald through some ludlacretlon shu hud committed boforo sho married Mc Donald, and that ho pursued her re lentlessly with throats ot exposure, until sho was forced to a condition of mind thnt led to tho slaying. May Hetlru From AiKifttlcsldp. Provo, Utah, Fob, 31'.- It is re, ported upon uood 'authority that Smoot will resign thoapostleshlp of tho Konnon church. Tho young Mormons here hold a high' Jollifica tion over Smoot's victory last night. Students paraded tho'strootB bear ing a coffin containing tho efflgy of tho editor, of thd 8aU' Lake .papor who made tho bitter fight against - o Czar AfttwtlwMatlofl ituinor. Washington, Feb 21. A report is" current that tho Czar has been as sasslnaUd. There is no connnha tlon, but the rumors aro persistent. New York, Fob. 21. Tho rumor that tho Czar is auasNlnated ji pn Wall street, but it is thought to bo only a buckctshop report. ii Chicago JHferkrts. Chicago, Feb. 31Wheat 77 , cora H&4TKt oats 40tt4MlK' J HAINES BANKING BILL Tho statement Is mndo thai tho Haines banking bill, which pnasod tho Bonnto, has been nmonded , to mnko It Inconvenient foe n cortnln Cnllfornln Byndlcnto to op'on a lot ot banks In our state. If tnlB Is truo it Is n mlBtnke, -nnd tho bill ought to bo killed, for anything that Is lu tondod to prevent forolgn money from coming Into our Btnto la a det riment to It. In fact, ovory posnlblo effort should bo mndo to bring It effort should bo mndo to bring In way of loglslntlon to tho contrary should bo dropped. Tho fact that thoHO banks nro all Incorporated for $5000 need not prevent them from IncrcnHlng thnt, capital when thoy got ready to do business. Such In probably thel; expectation, and low capitalization In tho Btnrt 1b only to save tho tux until they got, ready for oporatlona,' FRE :-" LOCKS "' In tho sonata this afternoon tho Joiioh froo looks hill pnsaed with 21 nfllrmntl.VA voes o MILLIONAIKK WIFE AllltAIONKI) Held for I'olMtnliig Iter Aged Moth er to Cure Cancer. Now York, Fd. 21. Mtb. Lottn Wallau wiih formally nrralgned this aftornoon on tho charge of murder ing by pnlsdn her ngod mother, Mrs. Ida BlngB to rullovo tho latter ot a cancer, Hor husband Bald tho amount of ball was Immatorlnl) that ho wns propnrcd to furnish any amount up to two million dollars. o i Japan Hit t Ik (led. Washington, Feb. 21. Aokl called nt tho stuto department thin niter noon nnd expressed to Hoot tho sat isfaction of tho Jnpaneso govern ment with tho Immigration bill. Thero Is ovory reason to suspect that tho negotiations for a treaty will ro sult satisfactorily. JtrotlttTM on Triul for Murder, Culpeppo, W. Va Feb. 21. Tho Btrothur brothers woro placl on trial. Wo today for-llio murder df James, Dywa(ors whom they killed aftqr forcing hor to marry their sis ter. They claim it was necosunry for thou to hill Bywaters, and de clam tup brldogroom sought to leave hla wlfo Immediately following (ha coromony. O '' Train flnuifchup on U. I. SaH hako, Feb, 21. Tho oast, bound passenger and fust mail on tho Unpn Pacific ran into u rock slldo noar Morgan, Utah, thja mornr Ing, wrooklng tho engine and two cars. Tho engineer Ih reported un der tho onglno, and a number of pas sengers more or less hurt. Dr. J. F. COOK !MM) TO 49 XASfssWlT MWMNMTt tm mm rmmtmrn. vm mm MMtsWMW 4VLUU Mf HH. 4HC " ( ). :mm(wiL