E 1907. . i1 in , i ' - HSEI . . GOOD Goods & )cJlleifeMi&& i n i l i j i, y i d ij -TgTfni AIY OUUnWAI SOVXXJUb, liMM, OBJMOW, GOOD Goods ... -,r-rI?irATlV 20. , WEPSfcam f " n. .I" ; u i j. m i i Spring Suits ron ijajhes and susses Tho now stylos keep coming In by every express moro roeelvoJ yesterday. A great gathering of Spring' most favored stylos In tho correct shades and fabrics. You will do well to cliooso early. Wo nro also showing nomo exceed ingly flno values In MISSIS' SUITS. Sizes rango from 14 to 20 mado of pretty mixtures and chocks In tho nowest Eton Jacket, full satin lined, thrco-qunrjor sloores collar and cuffs neatly trimmed, skirt cut very full and pleated. This now suit wo aro of fering at tho prlco of.... $11. 85 Ladles' suits rango up to $40. WASH GOODS Ab usual this popular storo Is showing tho greatest nisortmont of spring dress fabrics to bo soon In tho Wtllnmotto valloy. Every doslrablo fabric, tho latest weaves tho nowest printings nro horo. Many style shown horo aro not to bo soon olsowhoro, nnd wo aro living up to, not upon, our repu tation m tho greatest value-giving storo in tho city. Muslin Underwear Como tomorrow If you hnvo not already inado your Spring pur chases from tho Attest assortment of good values to bo found in the city. All tho garments aro mndn In clean, healthful factories, and nro tho brightest, cleanest nnd best to bo hod at anywhoro near tho price, TODAY ONLY For today's special salo we offer White Suiting Sale Flno duality ot Suits, Skirts nnd nprons 34 Inches wide Irish Llnon finish n romarknble valuo at tho low prlco of 13 1-2c Yard No tolophono ordora taken. None sold until 8:30 n. in, tomorrow. Lace Curtains Tho first shipment of now cur tnlns reached us yostordny. Thoy comprlso tho newest Ideas in win dow drapery In both whlto nnd ecru both In flnt curtains nnd ruf fled. Wo nro showing somo now creations in ploco goods, notably In MADRAS nnd NUTTINGS. A visit to this department will glvo you ninny now Ideas, which will bo of gront bonoflt to you In Spring clennlng season. Second Floor. NEW SILKS Unquestionably tho most Im portant todny'B Htoro nowB. Tho varieties aro greater which In cludo tho Intest Now York nov elty JAP SILK. In tartar plaids and black and whlto chocks In nil sizes. Our prlco Is very modest, tho quality conildorod tZfl Special jUC MEN'S SUITS $1 485 Tho biggest bargain In men's clothing over showp In this city. Every garmont Is made of ALL WOOL GOODS Thoroughly hand-tnllored Into tho Intest fashions. All doslrablo patterns nro horo in a full rnngo of sizes. You can bo fitted, both In form nnd fnncy, nnd at tho samo tlmo your savings will bo conBlderablo. Ilonl $18. HO to $25.00 values aro bolng offered nt $14.85. Spring Oxfords Wo nro showing a decidedly now Oxford of deml-patont, which Ih bright, Btuooth, pllablo leather, eliminating tho dangor of crack ing enBlly cleaned dooa not burn tho foot. Wo havo this leather mado up In n nowly de signed last. Como in nnd boo this now Oxford - E( Ask for Btyio of 1001 .JJD.DU Shirts Waists Tho greatest nssortntont of dnlnty stylos In protty shlrtwnlstB for Spring wear. You cannot help but ndmlro thorn and wondor nt tho remnrknblo vnluos. Buying In largo quantities nnd tnklng nd- vantngo ot opportunities lo tho cnitBo. You sharo In qur fortunato purchases. Second Floor. 50c to $13.50 CITY NEWS A OeUef4n ef Iwyriowt Fur p far Yew Ow10rMtlwi A Kara OnportHtiMy Derby ft Wllsou havp tho Collins retldotico on Church street for salo nt raw bargain this week. Memnnut Wall paper. Co a roll. Hamilton. a-18-3t Huron & Klcui Military Hand Will furnUh music for tho mas querade at thu Auditorium rink Fri day evening, February 23d. AdmU Ion 9 Be. Iok, Iook, ItMik At l'atton Bros. oast window. P1oa1hk Iter Friend M(h4 Margarita Fischer, at tho Kllugrr araitd, Is playing to full aouacs, and It la generally conceded that alto U mora than uniting tho ex pectations of her friends, llooauso ko la a Marlon county girl, and be gat) young, nutty havo been Inclined MANY A MAN Is erltla ItMim he Ilk to be etrary. Toa cs go contrary to tfce WbH of jour own trleade aad MtfMHKS aa4 OH tlMHI get the fceei tkta but to contrary to the aUeOiM ot aaUre aad yo will al ways sM la wort ol It, If ftaeurt Say SfMKttxkA Way, pee4acl It must be. Nature wot accept Just spee- taetee taottgfc; taey uuit be right -aieUtlta. W ea gt the kind na wr Jemaada, and our price are Personals to look upon her work na that of an nmntour, but thoy nro happily disap pointed. Miss Fischer is really prov ing horaelf 'mi nrtlst nf iimmunl nliltl. ties. Tho character of her work Is I JuJk nml Mr8' T- - 1In,,0' wont similar to that of tho nlways popular , to ''ortlnnd today. Jesslo Shirley, but mnny who havo ' Mrs. C. P. nishop, of Portland, Ib onjoyod'tho playing of both cheerful- visiting In tho city. ly concede that Miss Fischer is far! Ilov. J. W. MoDougnl, of Albany, tho grcntor of tho two. When it is wits hero yesterday on buslnoBa. considered thnt tho former Is old j. KrK and BOn. ot silvorton. enough to bo tho lattor's mother, It woro visiting in Snlem yesterday. ueco.no. apparent utaLMtHSJisoner, wmia MoBlroy tho woU.known must havo n groat future In storo If ,,,, mnn ,. , .. ,,v vn . nil goes well. She appearH again In, ,,, ,. , "U Ilolle Mario" this evening, a part w; K. Wann, tho lusuranco man, which Is ono or her best. As tho , wu l, "?uwi" ll ' Fronoh adventuress Miss FlsoWer Is M ,ml lwnn ,ott todn' for oxeeptlonally olovor. and wouM " V.. ' ". .rrBnc,,TO' pleaso tho most exacting. MuMkcr, Attention Hescrvo your skates and get your tickets In advance fur tho Bkntlng utnsquorado at thu Auditorium Fri day evening, February 22d. Tlokets now on sntu. l:ture Iot Xlgltt- ' Although there wero several coun ter attractions Inst night tho crowd ; Miss Matnlo Stlllwoll left this morning for Illaok Ilutto. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Iloescheu loft today for a visit In Uosoburg. Hon. W. 11. Wohrutttf, of Illllsboro, was in Snlem yestordny on business. Mrs. Ilurd, who hns been vUltlng in tho olty, returned to Portland to day. " Arthur Ilocsohon, who has been quite 111 with fever, Is ablo to bo out again, Dr. nnd Mrs. a H. Kpley left this nt tho lecture In tho Tioga Hall was morning for a business trip to Port larger than usual. Miss Joau Morris land. Kills Is au Interesting speaker, and Mrs. W. L, llrown roturneU this her lecture last evening on "Signs morning to Marlon, after visiting Sa and Character Shown by tho Head 1cm friends. and Face" proved vulunblo from au Cooko Patton, tho progressive mor educatlonal standpoint. There will chant, went to Ilrooka today, where bo only ono moro lecture In Tioga ho will attend a fanners convention hall, to a mixed audience, which will " " " - occur tonight. Mrs. Kills will deliv er addresses to ladles only on Friday evening at tho First Christian church. MsMiucrado Pritwi Grander than over, on exhibition In Patton Urns,' east window. Itemuaut Wall paper, 5c a Hamilton. "O roll. Uureit BARITS JEWELRY STORE a'ssaflaf I IjftgfW Vf CuLyU rtcvuwMt ai Mo EoUte. T J. Chambers, K!l. YtndlcAtor, Liberty, Toxaa, writes Lhc, 36, ISO!: "With pleasure and unsolicited byi you, 1 bear testimony to tho curatlvo power of llallard'a Horehound Byrum I havo us4 It la my family aui can cheerfully afflrm It in tho mott ef fectlvo and bet remedy for cough and colds I ha yd ever uad.H Bold by D. J. Fry. - ' o aWtW lWaTWPilsfi The Effervescence Of spring Is upon us, and all nature is leavened with the magic of lite. That's what will happn to your baking and pastry It you uso Eppley'a P?fcctk BAfctafc Powder It's mado at home, and Its high est testimonial Is that It Is used at home by the great majority ot our beat housekeepers. C. M. EPPEY and also make arrangements for giv ing entertainment there Saturday S WwiheB left today for her home In Portland, after visiting Salem relatives. G W- Procbstcl, of Weston, Ib In tho city on business, and taking In Trmrlow. who has been visiting in tho city, loft today for her homo In Jefferson. . Mrs Ralph Watson, who has been visiting relatives here, hns returned to her homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Strange, of Boise, who have been attending the Friends' meeting loft today for Irv- ing. Fruit Inspector Armstrong wns among those who went to Brooks this morning. , Dr J. D. Olmsted, supremo medical director of the United Artisans, is In th city, the guost of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Watt. . o UMiop-Gnbrlelson A marrlnge llcenso wns this morn ing Issued to H. C. BiBhop, of this city, aged 24, and Miss Ruth da brle'lson, of Salem, ngod 21, C. M. Bishop nctlng as witness. Clerk's Salary IUihed The house passed tho sonato out Increasing the snlnry of tho Marlon county clerk from $1200 n year to 11800; but not to go Into oirectunui County Clerk Allon's term expires. o Young married pooplo nnd old ones too. That havo no chlldron to laugh and coo, Knd tholr troubles will "Little ones" be, Find tholr troubtOB will "Llttlo ones" be, Sold nt Dr. Stono'a Btorc. . y (.'rand MiiMiiuirndL And skating carnlvnl nt tho Audi torium rink Friday ovonlng, Febru ary 22d. Admission 25c. Don't Put Ol! Until tomorrow what you can do to day. If you aro suffering from u torpid liver, or constipation, don't wait until tomorrow to got holp. Buy u bottlo ot Horblne nnd get that llvor working right. Prompt ness about health saves many sick spells. "Mrs. Ida Qrcsham, Point, Tox., writes: I used Herblno In my family for six years, and find it docs al it clalmB to do." Sold by D. J. Fry. Heinnnnt Wall pupor, 5c a roll. Hamilton. n Huron & Hunting for Trouble. "I've llvod In California 20 years, and am still hunting for troublo lit tho wny of burns, sores, wounds, bolls, cuts, spralnB, or a caso of plloi thnt Ducklon'a Arnica Salvo won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walt ers, ot Alleghany, Slorrn Co. No use hunting, Mr. Waltors; It cures every case. Guaranteed at J. C. Jerry's drug store; 2Cc. EVELYN'S PAST LIFE (Continued from pago ono.) canto nudlble over tho room as he whispered: "Whlto stole thorn from me." Joromo paused and tttmod to ward the prlsonor. Ho said: "If you wish to testify wo will glvo you tho opportunity." Thaw kept still. So keen Is the Interest In the trial today that spectators having seats re fused to loavo the room nt tho uoon recoss. Large crowds blocked tho corridors this afternoon, clamoring for admission. Thaw nppoarcd this afternoon, carrying a noto book. Kvoljn was recalled. Joromo refer red to tho photographs, showing two to tho witness, who Identified them as tnken by White tho day preceedtng tho night of her ruin. Kvolyn prom ised Joromo to bring to court tomor row a book White mado containing favorlto poses. This book Is ono Whlto Is supposed to have paid $1000 for, and destroyed the plates aftor a fow copies wero made. Joromo passed tho photographs to the jury. He showed Evelyn n series ot checks, supposed to havo been paid by Whlto to her, when out of employment. Twenty-five dollars weekly was tho supposed tucomo tho architect pro vided. The Identified tho Indorse ments on soven as her own, and five boro her mother's signature. South Aim-rim Fights. Washington, Fob. 20. A stato de partment dispatch today confirmed tho roport of fighting botween Hon duras and Nlcaraguan troops. o ,-. A Valoable Leason. "Six yoara ago I learned a valu able Iomoo." writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, lad. "I then began tak ta Dr. Ktag'a New Life PiUs, an tk feacer I take tfceat the tetter I tod tka.M Tltey ! eTscykaAf. 0ate at J. a ferry's, trvfttet Ik SENATE ROUTINE TODAY Jones Free Locks Bill Reported Back From ways and Means II. B. 407, creating a commission for the Port of Columbia, wns taken from tho table nnd'enncted. S. B. 251, appropriating $250,000 for Coos Bay, was indefinitely postponed. Tho ways nnd monns commltteo re ported bnck tho Jones free lock bill, nnd It wont on the calendar. Tho commltoo mado favoriblo re ports en: II. B. 421, providing old for state institutions. Tho Seattle fair bill was reported bnck without recommendation. The report of tho ways and means commlttoo on salary nnd mileage of sonntors was road. Senators Cald well naked that his mllengo bo strlck on out. Full salnry and mllengo was mado out for F. P. Mays, who was not prosent during tho session. Co show called nttentlon to it, n,nd nsked unanimous consent to strike out tho Horn. This was done. II. B. 13, Barrett, to provide for maintenance for Eastern Oregon noN mal school nnd II. B. 232 relating to tho Southern Orogon normal school, woro brought up by Smith, of Unm tllla, who ondoavorod to havo them consldorod undor n susponBlon of tho rulos. Tho senate refused to consid er thorn. II. B. 223, for tho rcllof of tho Klamath Wator Usora' Association. Pnseed. II. B. 285, providing for compensa tion for Indian War VctornnB.. PnBscd. II. B. 23, Jnckson, permitting fish ing In the Umpqun for family ttso. Ennctod. II. B. 391, Rackleff, placing Cur ry county commissioners on snlary of $125 por annum. Pnsscd. II. B. 3SS, Jones, fixing tlmo for county court In Lincoln county. Pnsscd. II. B. 315, JonoB, fixing tlmo of cir cuit court in second district. Pnsscd. II. B. 102, McCtte, setting forth when districts are not entitled to school fund. II. B. 191, Freeman, nuthorlzlng county clorks to collect lnw llbrnry fees. Ennctcd. II. B. 242, Driscoll, relating to tho snlarlos of doputles of tho Multno mnh shorlff. Passed. II. B. 3S2, Boynolds, prohibiting selling liquor within two miles of any school maintained by tho United States government. Enacted. The normal school quostlon was made a special ordor for this nttor noon nt 4 o'clock. A Song Hit "Tho World Is n Good World Af tor All" Is tho tltlo of a now Bong which Is bolng Bung by Mr. Truman Do Home nt tho Klluger Grand this wcok. Mr. DoRomo possesses nn ex ceptionally clear tenor volco, nnd hla singing was among tho best specia lties of last evening's performanco. o ' Plntt A'our Costume. For tho masquerade at tho Audi torium rink Friday, February 22d. o Advance Sale - Tlokets for tho skating masquer ade, to bo given at tho Auditorium rink Friday evening, February 2 2d, aro now on Balo nt tho box offlco. Ad mission 25c, Bkatcs 25c. Token of Kitteem In tho houBo this afternoon Repre sentative Davoy, In behalf ot tho mouthers ot that body, presented Speaker Davey with a magnlflcont gold watch and chain as a token of regard for the speaker. Mr. Davoy rosponded in his Imppiest vein, and the lncldont resulted in a veritable lovo feast ot good fellowship and cordiality. Tl""n YouT into ft In n v n fn.. ftZ 'IIOJO of ( It takes sunshiT.. rose, n perfP3t rose i iiaurc which has no heaUhlS r,ru too many vlnoBar facM "Hi w-wiii ana strife. Th "" Joy, comfort, ttn2jJi ding to the man radiates giadnm urJ whornvni- hn i. . . " Wi cumstances. Usd , Somo noonlo t,0. . Bcokinc out tt, a,.. etitl crooked, tho TJT.- Thosfi nrn , ,i.... v uvairovfr, ,i. in echools, they herd toS? thev lnvn tt,i- ,.,.. wBbt! . vn niua, and ti i Jul part of tho world n,h ing to do with them " And why is it that 80Inuil disaster knowing , .... '' t fc VflB Urn, that if they do, their llrM.J ruined? Some people m ..., Ui iJUBBiiuigm usually coBii v..u oiuujucu. TJte tot Instnnco Is the most cauBO for discontent, sor lossncBS, disgust and hckTi .. tlon. A bad atomach thcrelstH "Ul Ul "" a intiure. Aaron , mivongoou atomach, ajtrosti ach, n stomach that catttito anything nnd ovorythlng tbi wL into it, no matter whether it very oau Biomacn now or not. why not havo It? Stuart'B Dyspepsia Tablets & e vory thing. Ono Ingredient clt llttlo tnblota digests 3000 of food, nnd no matter hov Hi a your dyspepsia or lndigettlon. t tnbletB will digest everything uj stomach.thorougbly and conf!? nnd bettor nnd quicker tui i healthy stomach can do the i thing. Stuart's Dyspopslt TtV will euro quickly loss ot i;p brnBh, lrritntlon, burning ttt nnitBon, heartburn, eruptiou, of vim nnd spirit, bad menorj.i dyspepsia and indigestion la i worst forms. No other llttlo tablets In the i enn do so much. You should t aiunri'B Dyspepsia Taoieu vv with you wherover you go asd t thorn after meals. Then cob; ' you reAUzo what it Is to njti meal, and what perfect dli moans. Your wholo body utj mind will feel tho effects; ynrt will Increase, you will bcaom lsfled with what tho world dots,? will think hnpplcr and be and your fnco will be one ot n contcntmont. That will brbj Buccess and then more success. Ta faco will bring you dollar. Try I It will cost you Just 50c for ai ngo of theso wonderful StuartTs I popsla Tablots, at any drugrtaia earth. . . Send us your name and ai day and wo will nt oace fi by mnll a sample packafe Addivfl F. A. Stuart Co 51 ! Hldg., Mjirwliftll, Mich. Norwich Unioa Fke Insrace Frank Meredith. RatletetJ Oslee wKh W. Brewa .' 139 Ooanaeretal street ..MONEY TO W THOaUlU Over Ladd ft Bash's Beak. NEWT0DA1 'tx d k umnll box ' luring anu iuuuiuj, " t dress E. Burknotuer, 7Jwyl D1KU. COX At tho family home In West Salem Tuesday, February 19, 1907, at p. m., Dally Cox, aged 31 years and 5 months, ot tuberculo sis. Tho deceased has resided In West Salem about four years, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his death. Several brothers and sisters reside in Indian Territory. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. PLANTNER. In East Salem, Febru ary 17, 1907, Peter Plantner, aged 4S years. A The remains will be sent to Peoria, Illinois, for burial. . .i ntttA O-acrt i?VV MCHW MCW - , . ...nil 1nt1- 1130. '"v. Derby & WJlson. J4' Waated. Strong. acUte J-j 15 to IS yeara ow. " ,. r.. Vnlt tB W able to drive a boe. IMJgl VnbnhnmA TtCa C -A . , i iixllnr. l4r"' Wanted uoou u.i.-. , tlemen to take oroV,,Vl9ti for our goods, com- u fee, tea, etc uw- j,i paid. None but lire. "fT eons desired, ma Tea Store. t a mileage boo. .g ' - - . , Ten' .1 ward If returned I- jJfr aafs?e V SjfrZaS rot ol vrwwy m, lS lwii4, V.Y. uimtmuymmmmmmmmmmmmmwimmammm Ilrajl ttt OH tvoy jl rm imm ' 41