DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALflM, ORBQON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 30, 1007. .T $yn the Hair Falls Stop it! And why not? Fall ing hair is a disease, a regular germ disease; and uar HairViaor J NEW IMPROVED FORMULA J quickly and completely destroys these germs. The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and dandruff disappears. An entirely new preparation. The New Kind woes not change the color of the hair , Qt AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemist, Lowell, Matt. immu imis .'in iwmim w w Pernor got OUT OF HOLE Bate Sustained His Veto of Normal School Measure 18 senate yesterday 'afternoon luiDcd tho governor In his vote of mrmnl school bill. S. B. 134, End. of Mnrlon. putting tho seloc- iaof the two normals provided for frtullr upon tll Bovornor. It wnB leinllr understood that this bill Li Introduced and enacted for po- tcil tffect, and to mako tho gov- feor assume tho leglslatlvo duties of reaeral assembly, to rondcr him Inonallr unpopular In tho two ti whoro tho normal schools wero I U killed, and to rebuko him for lilrlng to appoint tho railroad com buloo. This vlow was sustained by h fact that tho sennto failed to i the Miller bill, which designated h two normal schools that woro to fnpported, and further bu cortnln l.tattlc references mado by sonntoro i the floor. Ono sonntor, Coke, of Koi and Curry, was opposed to tho elth bill In tho first Instnnco. and tied against It. Howover, whon It s to sustaining tho govornor ho Jitd his views on tho bill vory :idtnly, and voted to pass tho bill itr tho veto. Oa motion of Dr. Smith, of Ma il, a committee of which ho was head was appointed to got nn Won from AUornev-fifinernl Craw. :ri5, saying that the bill was constl uonal and citing authorltlos. This 1 1 body blow when Smith, of Uma tilla, askod tho ombarasslng question, did not Mr. Crawford wrlto tho orig inal Smith bill? Senator Milt Miller spoko In op position to tho bill whon It camo up on lta passage over tho veto. Ha said ho was opposed to moro than two schools, and related how ho had Introducod n bill providing for two and that tho samo had boon killed In ordor that tho sonnto might shirk lta duty, and at tho samo tlmo "put It up to tho govornor." "Thoy have been trying to put tho governor In a holo for moro than four years," ho continued, "and they can't do It. Ho nlwaya comos out of tho big ond of tho holo. Ho will nl waya do that, gontlomon. You enn not get tho govornor In a holo by shirking your duty nnd responsibili ties." Hodges, who Is a lawyer nnd n Ynlo man, Bald tho bill was clearly unconstitutional, rcgnrdlosa of tho opinion of lta author, Mr. Crawford. Coshow favored tho bill. Whon It camo to n voto tho rosult was on tho quostlon, "Shall tlio bill pass regardless of tho govornor's voto?" Ayes Bnlley, Booth, Coke Colo, Coshow, Hodson, Johnson, Kny, Lnughory, Lnycock, Malarkoy, Mc Donald, Mlllor of Linn and Mnrlon. Schofleld, Smith of Marlon, Halnoa. Noes Beach, Bingham, Bower man, Caldwoll, Hart, Hodgos, Mlllor of Linn, Mullt, Nottingham, Sichol. Smith of Umatllln, Whcaldon nnd Wright. Boforo tho voto was nnnouncod, Smith of Mnrlon, got in tho bnnd wagon nnd changed his voto to "no." Tho University of Orogon appro priation bill was pnssod over tho govornor's voto, Just as It wns In tho houso cnrllor In tho day. as- nval'ntwwmniww.." VMH9 XtaUUcPrfHarat?rr-A:. JStWlteT80dfllBtita- Itf feStauds BodBeweU of JMtraRte&mjrUtirfiil- JMdiestCKahiSMief OTNACJOTin 9 tvfeuaxiHazmtMg fecthpmMv. f- r"omulsvoBS.reverish- "idLoss or Sleep. Sw Signature or SLPHK. CASTQRIA For Infants find Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Av rtJ Use s For Over wrorvtAwca. Thirty Years OASTORIA MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Salem a Good Home Market." SALEM MARKET. Stclncr's Market. Dealora In fish, camo and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. Local Wholesale Market. Whoat 67c Local whoat G5c. Oata 35c. Barley $24. Flour $3.25. Mill food Bran, 18.50; shorts, $20.50. Hay Cheat and clover, $7.00 per ton; timothy, $10.00 por too. Eggs 20c. Hen8 lie; young chickens, lie. Ducks 10c; geeso, 8c; turkeys, 13lGc. Butter 36c; buttor fat, 35 Vic. Onions 55 67c por cwt; pota toea, 83 86c por cwt. Hops Cholco, l4o; prlmo to choice, 13 (Q) 13 Vic; modlum to prlmo, 10012 Vic. Chittlm bark 5 Vi 6c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5Vo por lb. Oranges $2.75 $3.00. Lemons $4.00 $5,000. Retail Market, Flour $1 per sack. Bran G5c por sack; $21 por ton; ahorts, 90c per Back; $22 $24 per ton. Hay Timothy, C5o por cwt.; cheat and clover, 60c per owt; $9.50 per ton. ' Oats $1.35 por cwt; wheat, 75c; rolled barley, $2C$28 por ton. Eggs 25c. Appioa $1.00 to $1.50, according to quality. Buttor Country, 25 30c; cream ery, 40c. Livestock. Cattle 1100 01200 lb ataora, 3Vic Lightor atoors 2323c. Cowb and holfora 900 1000 lb, 3Vi4c. Stock hoga 6 6 Vic. Hoga 175250 lb, fat, $6.00 $5.25. Snoop 5c. , Lambs 5c. Veal Dressed, C8c. Hogs Dreasod, 8c. PORTLAND SIARKET. Whoat Club, C9 70c; vallby,, 70c; blue atom, 71 72c. ; Oata Cholco whlto, $29. Mlllatuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $14 $15; alfalfa, $14. Votch $7.50 $8.00. Potatoos $1.00 $1.25 por cwt. Poultry Hons, 13 14c; mixed chickens, 11 12c; droscd checkcnB, O" A ttssuo bulldor, roconstructor, builds up wnato force, makca strong norvea and musclon. Somo pooplo do not reallzo what a great remedy Hol llstor'a Rocky Mountain Ton la; 35 conts, Tea or Tablota. For aalo nt Dr. Stono's store LOCAL TIME TABLE. Tlmo Card of Southern Pacific Trains In Effect at Salem February 3, 1007. Toward Portland. No. 105:23 a. xn Orogon Ex press. No. 188:30 a. m., Cottage drove Paaaongor. No. 12 2:45 p. m 8haeta Ex press. No, 149:28 p. m., Portland Ex press. No. 222 Arrlvo 11:03 a. m., do part 11:38, Portland fast freight. No. 226 Arrlco 10:40, depart 11:28, way freight. Toward Baa Francisco. No. 1111:18 a. m Shaata Ex presa. No. 176:32 p. m., Cottago Grove Passenger. No. 159:56 p. m California Ex press. No. 131:31 a. tn., San Francisco Express. No. 221 "2:33 a. m Portland fast freight. No. 225 Arrlvo 11;55 a. in, depart at 12:28, way freight roosters, 12 13c; dressed chickens, 14 15c; turkeys, lire, 17 18c; turkeys, dreosed, 20022c; geoae, live, 10012c; ducks, 16018c; pigeons, $1.00. Pork Dresaed, 66c. Beef Dressed, 5 Vi 06 Vic. Mutton 607c. Hops 11014e lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 20031c; eastern Oregon, 13 018c Butter Fancy creamery, 32V40 3Cc; store butter, 18020c. I Meair Sf028c , A Woman's Back 1H&9 many aches and pains caused by weaknesses and falling, or other dlsplnco mont, of tho polvio organs. Othor symp toms of fomalo woakness aro frequent hoadacho, diulnoss, imaginary specks or dark spots floating boforo tho eyes, gnaw ing sensation in stomach, dragging or bearing down In lower abdominal or pel vie region, dlsagreeablo drains from pelvic organs, faint spoils with gonoral weakness. If any considerable number of tho above symptoms aro present there Is no remedy that wlHjjlvo quicker relief or a moro per manent rtHthan Dr. Pierce's Favorlto PrcsosA&Slt has a record of over forty years of cuft It Is thcmost potent InvlRornllnc tonlcantl stremnhenlrir tier- w known to medical selenpe. Itl3maila of tho glyceric extract? of native medici nal roots found In our forests and con tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or habit-forming drugs. Its Ingrcdlonta are all printed on tho bottle-wrapper and at tested under oath as correct. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa vorite Prescription " has tho written en dorsement of tho most eminent medical writers of all tho soveral schools of prac ticemore valuablo than any amount of non-professional testimonials though tho latter aro not lacking, having boon con trlbuted voluntarily by grateful patients In numbera to oxcocd tho endorsements given to any other mcdlclno extant for tho euro of woman's Ills. You cannot afford to nccopt any rnodlclno of unknown composition as a substitute for this well proven romedy or know.n composition, ovon though tho dealor may mako a ltttlo moro profit thereby. Tour Interest In regaining health Is paramount to any selDsh interest n his nnd it Is an Insult to your Intolllgenco for him to try to palm oil upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it Is his busi ness to supply tho artlclo called for. Dr. Plcrco's Pleasant Pollots aro tho original "Llttlo Liver Pills'' first put up Vy old Dr. Plorco over forty years ago, much Imitated but never equaled. Little B3gar-coaUd granules easy to take M ciudy. Tno abovo cut shows our brick lined Torrid Zone Furnace. Guar anteed gas and duet proof. Econom ical and durable; for the particulars lnqulro at A. L. FRASER 208 Stato Street. SEEDS This la tho season for solcct ng your Bocda. Wo havo a largo curgo of NEW SEEDS for early planting and mako a specialty of farm soeds, as woll ns thoso for tho smaller cropt, abovo all wo insist upon now and puro seeds. Get our llstf. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St, Gold Dat Float Mads by THB tYDKKT POW- ' I HK OOSaAXr, SUmtf, OvW. T Made for family um. Ask yoar greCK tt it. Braa aad sVorti always ea lutad. i i I P. B. Wallace ! AGENT j; winiaa O. C. T. CO -STEAMERS- pomoxa AXD OKEGONA LKAVK PORTLAND MONDAY, WENSe DAY AND FRIDAY AT 1 A. M., TUHSDAY, THURSDAY AND B&XVKDAXn AT t69 A. M. WOU OCmVAIM TDNSDAY, THUDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT P. M. U. P. BALDWIN, Act lTou9ltold Oool For snlo, com- ploto outfit nt a bargain. Philip Woods, 1895, Garden road. 2-lS-3t WWltt)Htf lfHHHflllilfHHmHllW CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT j mimiiif iiiiiiifiiff ifi(ii rOK 8AXB . i For Bale. A five and a six-room houso, with from one to six lotB with each, woll located In Eaat Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 2.1st and Marion Sta., Salem. 1-28-tf For Sale. 34 acres of cholco land, good 9 -room houso and barn and outbuildings, good orchard and well; 10 acres of hops; situated throc-quartora of a mile from car lino; land all In cultivation and will bo divided If desired and Bold tn two lota. Address W. A. Llaton, 370 Court street, Salem. 1-26-lm Second-Hand Safes Havo aovornl good as now, at bargains. Address J. L enro Journal, Salem. 2-l8-3t Found Ring containing largo bunch of keys. Owner enn havo aamo by calling nt this ofuco and paying for thia notice. FOR RENT. ta For Rent. Houso keeplnt: rooms. furntshod or unfurnlahod; hot and cold wator; gas and olectrlo light. lnqulro at 415 Court atroot or phono 544. 2-15-tt For Rout Dwelling and Btiltnblo out-bulldinga with 5 acres of good land, also abundant fruit trees Will ront 40 ncres for farming land If doalrod. All within n nhort dlstnuco from school nnd olectrlo car lino. Enqulro 818 N. Llborty St., Salem, Oro. Phono 472 or Fnrmor8 3C. 2-18-3t For Rent. 180-ncro farm, good ItouBo, mllOB west of Wapnto Station, 45 acres good farming land, 10,000 strawberry plants, Hocond growth; 500 Logan berry plants, 2d year; largo barn full of hay, good fences nnd atockod with tho follewing: Nlnetoon cows nnd holfora, 15 head young Btock nnd 150 Angora goats; will ront nil on nhnros or easy terms. W. II, Egnn, CJcrvnlB, routo No. 2. Phono Farmors 36. 2-18-tf LODGES. IMHSi Forcfitors of Anu-rlm Court Sh.r wood Forostora, No. 19. Moots Tuosdny In Hurst hall, Stnto stroot Loo Abblo. O. R.; A. L. Brown, F. S. Central Lodge No. IN, K. of 1'. Caotlo Hall In Holmnn block, cor ner Stato and Llborty stroots, TuoBdny of onch weok nt 7:30 p, m. E. W. Hazard, O. O.; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America -Oro gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Moots ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock in Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clork. Woodmen of World Moot every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. J. A. Dlckoy, C. 8.; P. L. Fratior, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci dent and ponalon lnsuranco; $2, 000,000 pledgod; overy claim paid Good agonts wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, Btipromo organiser, Box 432 Balom, Oregon. II. R. Ryau, secrectary, 546 State Btroot. 5U80ELLANROUS. Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano ox- port tuning-, ropalrlug and polish ing. Leavo ordors at Geo. O. Wills' muslo storo, Balera. 2- 9-lyr A. M. llHnaell Weaver of portion, rag carpots and rugs, old Ingrain carpets made Into rugs any size de sired, also ruga and carpets for salo, in school room of Pentecostal church, 194 South Twolfth street, Salem, Orogon. 2-8-3w Concrcto Work. Got my prioes oh sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 569, 2-11-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yot tho price Is no higher. For salo at your grocer s. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomas & Cooler, Props. IJutto A VesOcrotb Flue wines, liquors and cigars, We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing fcesr coBsUatly ob drougk. 8otk Cofisaercktl sir t-J-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, ma chinists and blacksmiths, Maaa facturers of all kinds of sawmill raachlaory. Hop and fruit dry!" Btovos, etc Manufacturers of Um Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Contractor and llHlldcr A. J. Aa dorson, contractor and bulldor, es timates furnished froo. It will pay you to sco mo boforo you build. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call nt 415 Court stroot, or phone 644. 2-15-tt til1 ". ... '.IJ, "."El!. '. '""IggB NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. New and SccomMIand Goods Bought and sold, also ranges, stoves and cooking utensils, disk os, grantto and tinware of all kla4e Glvo us a call. O. L, McPeek, 179 South Commercial St. 8-lJ-ly PHYSICIANS AND BURGEONS. DrDTraTlSRHTnTsTec MorpklHe All drug; and ltqur habits, which he cures In 3 days. No money until cured, 214 Trade St., Salem, Ore. Phone 668. Jobjh Doyens, Dullness Manager. OSTXOPATBS. Dr. I). 11. Whlto Graduate of Kirks- Tllle, Mo,, under founder of Os teopathy. Room 21, Breywaa building. Commercial street Phone 87. Residence 390 Summer stroot, corner of Center. Phoae 1219. Treats acute and ohroate dlioRBoa. Examination free. 11-17-tf PLUMBKM. Tlico.'M. llarr Plumbing, hot watar and stoam heating and tinnlai, 1G4 Commercial streot. Pks Main 192. B-l-ly M. J. Potzol Plumbing, touts A gas fitting. 8ucarior to Kaex A Murphy, C2fl Commorelat street Thono Main 17. DRAYMEN. R. O. Cummins Successor to White Cummins, oxproea, dolivery aad transfor linv. Prompt servlee Is our motto. Furnlturo and plane moving a specialty. Stand at 1R8 South Commercial street. Phoae 175. Roeldonce phone 968. 8-4-tf SASH AXD DOOR FAOTORDM. rrank M. Brown, Manufacturer of sash, divr, mouldings. All kinds ei houo finish and hard wood work. Front stroot, hot. State sad Court. WAKTltD. WnntcHl To buy baled Btraw. J, Connor, Wlllamotto hotol. 2-4-tf Two Roys Wanted To soil papors. lnqulro at Journal olllco. 1-30-tf Wunted to Buy Hoavy draft horses, weight 1400 pounds nnd upward. J. Connor, Wlllamotto hotol. 1-20-tf Enlarged Our meat markot on East State stroot haa been doubled In slzo and wo aro hotter proparod than evor to servo customers, Prompt sorvlco and tho host of meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E, Edwards, Prop Wanted. Ton mon to work In hop ynrd at Eola. lnqulro of Thomas Holman, 434 High streot. 2-19-St Wanted. Stonographlo position by young woman wishing to mako chango tho first of April. Six years' oxporlonco. Excollont ref erences. Addroas "Stenographer," caro Capital Journal. 2-19-lm" WanUxl Gontloman or lady to travel for morcantlla houso of largo1 cap ital. Territory at homo or abroad to suit. If dcslrablo tho homo may be usod as hoadquartor. Weekly salary of $1000 por year and ox oonsos. Address Joioph A, Alox andor, Salem, Oro. 2-19-lm Wantwl -Threo salcsmeu for our aew county, Township and Railroad Survoys of Oregon. Those surreys ore a splondld compilation of facta figures and drawings, and of won derful value. Counties and towns are fully indoxed, and populations of each are girou; railroads plain ly shown and distances botwoea all stations also shown; congresslosal districts outlined, nutnbored and populations giron, Other features too numerous to mention. A splon dld opportunity for enorgetlo moil. Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago, 111. WATsIK OOWiAWY. SALEM WATW COMPANY OmOK OtTY-XALL. For watsr servss - tpply at oes. Bills payable sseMU is sdvasss, Vake all etsfktata tki o 2- ti -4jBMx'i'-. ; ' t tuJ fe 1 . 1U t.jf .i -i i iet -rt.