!1 ,DAUiY OAPIffAL JOURNAL, 8ALJM, OMMOK, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1007. iURANCE LICENSE TAX RAISED m .. liAtttc MaHofQ I aid Aj:Annrl MoofinP' Frirlav WW tO iujuuiiiw .....0 j evening ,, . i, nroB- It was tho Intent of tho Insurance rtBodgers c0 . I companies to nay theso taxes, as tho l'fcCftMvndllncd the honor. J city could keep up bettor lire nppara JfenoWW . nnwnlnK tus. t In as mayor pro torn j Mr. Qreonbaum asked for further '?Plf business mon was tlmo to roport. Tho cominltteo want- "'" I A.I in 1tr ttftint tltn liCfitftrtn tinh. ",'jirobs and Dayne were plo really proposed. Mr. Downing favored a tax on tho uked to have tue gross premiums, no citcci an agont Ijll who voted to uniform who did business for twclvo com- Urt read. Ho reciteu tut panics, wouiu no pay uuo tax or UJ Mia 11 "" . ..-..." .- ...., ...- ...... ,., ui the mayor had made a $100? lining It. Tho charter did j GcfliiiT Ro.iHts the Sharks. . cir the mayor to veto and jjr aosnor opposed referring tho 1U lad signed It. Ho moved ordlnanco back to tho committee. ieftmd to tho city attorney. i0 nindo somo extended romarks. It .cnbaum said the ordlnonco (wn8 imposslblo to roach theso monov inlid because It had no ponal-J gjmrka who bought bonds. Mr. Bided to, It was null and f Downing, ho snld, wns In error. Ills Xr Haas, chairman oi uio or- position was -wrong. "Mako those tommltteo disputed mis. corporations pay tholrjust shnro of ijittorney had drawn tho or- tno taxes. It Is n mlstako to lot thorn im ine cruinniiw iuu''- on ror loss tnan sou a company, we It good It won rofcrrcd to nre nWays favoring tho corporations tarter Condlt, and not lot 'cm csenpo. Tho people CrMBhaum reported on tho wm r0for0nd thoso things If wo don't at license tax The Insuranco tnko ,t no cnlIod for tho ay08 nnd iki were rebating rates and nnygt Tno ordlnanco was not re- to lower rates, no was in , forrC(i nyoa 8. noos C. Mr. Stolz said It ho had voted with corporations nil his llfotlmo as Mr. Gesner had, ho would try as hard ns ho could to reform tills Into In life. Any nttempt to enforco nn unjust tax would react on tho policy hold ers. This tax would only bo piled up on tho promlums wo pay. Mr. Stockton said If it was pro posed to cinch tho corporations take thorn all In. Tho corporations woro doing business hero and why not ask thorn all to pay. Theso corporations niado money fnstor thnn any mer chant and why should they not pay? If thoy did not wnnt to pay theso taxes lot thorn walk out. Tho city needed tho monoy. Wo needed bet ter flro apparatus. Wo needed bet stroots. Wo need parka and wo want to mako this tho nicest town In tho Btato and wo need this rovonuo. Tho business men wcro organizing mu tual Insurance companies all over tho wost. Mr. Low said at Portland ho had called oa "tho leading Insuranco man of tho world." Ho told him thoy wero putting in a flro alarm system and chemical onglno, nnd tho Insuranco man hnd nrnmlnn.1 him Wr rates oi Insuranco into , lower rates. n. -. - .. I . wBDaa oroinary prop- Mr. Dayno said after tho Insuranco ould have to put up for ( companies onco got tho mouoy they uuicr (Him uhck unytning. (i.augn- rcf Uking moro tlmo to gel t waits for tho business ninu .Cter demanded a report lull tb Insurance people woro 1 1 peat deal of money out of Ifcepl and wero paying practlc- iKabc, iGrwnbaum said tho commit- lanfl8 annual feo. ehiurance people wcro trying I ikit was right and ho was op- (to doing an Injustice to cor- W. JitatU Die Companies. a renewed his attacks on the Eti companies. They woro I aotblng on their franchises. itoetottop their taking largo Rt ot this city and mako them Iwi tates. Ho moved tho II- ibsU (10 for each Insurance .ltehdlng surety companies. ! til rich corporations ought uJito pay for spending tholr I la corrupt practices. i ft!i said It was not a auos- MitBexIng the taxpayer. Tho companies had tho whin RtH Hose who paid tho Insur- wB7 had to pay It oil. This J wall companies would tend tlon of light. Mr. Page was present and mado statement that his com pany was uuablo to got poles, lamps and glasswaro that had been ordered for months. It wns duo to Blow freight. City Attorney's Itcport. Reports on various matters by tho city attorney wcro read. Mr. Con dlt nskod furthor tlmo on various matters. Ho needed information on sovernl points. Mr. Bayno said the council had simply appropriated money to nlJ tho library as part of tho fixed chnrgo of tho city. Ho did not know whether it was an Incorporation or tho moro organization of tho Woman's club. .hiring nn engineer to lay grndes In all parts of tho city. It would cost moro than tho walk thcmsolves. Mr. Churchill snld out of 25 walks put down last year, but two had been paid for. He wanted ono built for himself on thoso terms. To 0:un Hi'sli Street. Mr. Bnyno moved that tho street commlttco nscertnln whether the west end of BubIi Btreot had been unlawfully closed up. Carried. Mr. Stolz was opposed to furnish ing any grades for wooden walks, or for any streets but permanent ones. Mr. Hnss reported on tho ordi nance fixing wator rates. Ho snld Ho asked that tho city attorney bring- It hnd been turned over to tho In a legal roport on form ot pro- plumbing commlttco of which ho was ceedure. In regard to tho concroto bridge on North Commercial Btrcet ho nsked moro time. Mr. Haas moved that tho city re corder bo requested to notify nil cor porations that tho polo painting or dlnanco hns passed and keep n car bon copy of same. An order was rend that Androw Osmundson bo Instructed to build a sidewalk on Wilson street, South Sa lem. Adopted. A rohato of $9 for lights not burn ed was allowed. Hnss Plead Guilty. Mr. Unas wanted to know if tho light committee had been religiously checking up tho light bills. Ha wnB on that commlttco and ho had not boon doing It, Ho wanted to know if tho rest of tho committee hnd done so. It appeared they had. Petitions woro rend asking for two now lights and n water hydrant. Mr. Rndcllff spoko ot tho neces sity of getting grades on Twelfth nvri Thirteenth streets In Yow Park, and that commlttco on printing hnvo au thority to employ n surveyor to es tablish tho grades. Mr. Prazor said ho was opposed to chairman. The city attornoy had In formed him that ho was not required to glvo It up to tho now committee. Renting of old flro department building to pnlnting firm at $10 a month, referred to commlttco on public building. Returns to the Water. Mr. Dnyno moved to return to commlttco on plumbing. Carried. Mr. Haas asked to roport on wator ordinance. It wns a tlo vote and tho chnlr nsked a vote. Ayes S, noes 5. It was continued to next mooting. An ordinance to Issuo ten year bonds for payment of unpaid assess ments on South Commercial street, road twice. Amount $2142.43. To run 15 years. Mr. Stockton asked that tho ordlnanco bo referred to tho city attorney. Mr. Downing snld tho city attorney had drawn this or dinance. Dut It wob referred. Adjourn to Friday. oors, by Mr. Qoodo, was read twlco and roforrod. Mr. Qreonbaum introduced nn or dinance, by request, relating to sa loon ltconscs. Passed over to Fri day. Resolution to creato a chnrtor commission, laid over to Friday. , Survey of North Snlem. Resolution by committee on streets, to provldo for survey of lots, blocks nnd grades ot tho Fifth ward. Adopted. To bo let to lowest blddor. Mr. dosnor said surveys and monu monts wero established In North Sn lem two years ago. The work was dono by himself nnd Mr. Dynrs. Mr. liny no said wo should hnvo n city engineer. , Mr. Qoodo said tho peoplo ot North Salem wanted tholr streets survoyed nnd grades established so as to per mit thorn to mako Improvements. Resolution adopted. The City Diimy Pile. Alderman Low said thoy woro hav ing a llttlo troubto about their dump pile. Ho wanted somo author ity about how to proceed. Tho chief ongincor had suggested that It be hauled awny onco or twlco n week. Mr. Stolz moved that tho street commissioner bo ordered to clean It up nnd keep It clean. Carried. Tho Insuranco tax ordlnanco was thon tnkon up nnd passed. Qreon baum and Downing nlono voted no. o i$&f tAJk.l &' lyfewgw8! THE BEST REMEDY, For cnt, burn, brutiet, torn, gall, bwbtd wlrt cut and all burn ot in in or beutlt Dean's King Caotus Oil th only llnlmcnl tbat heals without a aenr. lie.. BOc il, and 3 ttitt. Accent bo (ubilllult. Sold lr O. W. Putnam Co. l.'J5 N. Com. St. Snlem, Or. A Stitch In Tlmo Will savo nlno. So will a bottlo of Dallard's Horohound Syrup always kept on hand savo many a spell ot sickness. A euro euro for coughs, I colds, bronchitis and whooping Mr. Stolz moved thnt Stato street , cough. Mrs. S , Hot 8prlngs, Ark., paving ordlnanco nnd surveying of writes: "I keep n bottlo of Bnllnrd's Fifth ward bo takon up Friday ovon-' Horohound Syrup In my medicine lng. Cnnjed. Mr. Dnyno objected, (chest, and thank my forothought Mr. Stockton snld It was a paving or- many times. It has prevented many dlnanco and should not bo delayed sovoro spells ot sickncBS." An ordlnanco rcgulntlng auction- Sold by D. J.ry. Senate Monday Night. In tho senate last night S. C. R, 23, Schofleld, was adopted providing for a commlttco ot thrco souators and two representatives to meat with a like commlttco from Washington to consider tho Columbia river fisheries, to servo without pay and to roport to tho next legislature. S. D. 108, relating to the First Eastern Oregon Agricultural soctoty was enacted. 0. D. 228, rotating to Ilothol instt tuto was enacted. S. B. 234 for tho protection ot workmen. Unacted. S. D. 24 0, relative to lighting pub lic buildings. Enacted. S. H. 253, rolattvo to tho pay of tho commissioners ot Columbia county. Enacted. iHil a Don't Put OH Until tomorrow what you can do to day. If you aro suffering from a torpid liver, or constipation, don't wait until tomorrow to get holp. Duy a bottlo ot Horblno and get thnt llvor working right. Prompt ness about health savos many sick spoils. "Mrs. Ida Qrcshnm, Point, Tox , writes I used Horblno In my family for nix yenrs, and find it docs al It claims to do." Sold by D. J. Fry. (aSSSSSSrSfllsSSSBBSSSBBBT aBTTiViViViViVEiViViV R.sriduiTi1 VkLSJimM 'ktoij uM th0 flro eo 'lock out of this city annally 'WJ5B.O0O. Then thero was W plate glass and other ilMsrtnce. The reduction 'iW cent applied to policies lc January 1 All roimiH N tliat were short-rated and ' nothing almost. He was L? to Insurance companies. ugh. Grade fell Price- liFdM,ur,Bih, ? rlM F M Always the Same Sola1 on Merit ,A-Folger5cCo. W, wco jlB tor.) On substituting $50 for $18 as tho llconso tax ayes had 9, noes 5. Tho noes woro Groenbaum, Ooodo, Churchill, Stolz, Downing. All others voted for $50. Surety companies woro then added. Two Dead Horses. Mr. Churchill reported bills of Capital Improvement company for burying two dead horses. Thoro was a dispute as to ownership ot ono. Mr. Dayno mado tho point of or der that the person in possession of tho horse when it died ought to pay tho burial expenses. Mr. Gesner said there was a prin ciple involved in this and that- only the horse that died oa Twelfth street bo paid for. Ho moved to amend tho roport to only pay for burying one horse and finally It was o ordered. Licenses Issued. Liquor licenses was Issued to T. H. Collins. Tho committee on flro and water reported favorably on petiUon or Bullitt Bros for permit to erect a corrugated Iron building. Mr, Haas roported on screens for city Jail. Mr. Gesner said that tho committee of which Mr. Haas was chairman had no business -with it and he moved the matter be referred to tho committee on public build ings. About Lights. City Attorney Condlt said it tho General Electric company did not In stall lights In a reasonable time its contract could be cancelled. Mr. Stolz moved that the Citizens Electric company bo given 30 days to Install all lights ordered so far. Haas moved to amend that an ordii namce b drawn regulatlas Installa- mTssw Record of Mrs. Vrooman's Franquette Walnut Grove Since It Began Bearing OIUCGOX NUHSKUY CO., SALKM, OREGON. GENTLEMEN: YOU ASK MK TO GIVE YOU A REPORT OF THE INCREASE OF MY FRANQUETTE WALNUT TREES SINCE THEY REGAN TO HEAR. HAPPILY I HAVE THE FIGURES AT HAND. WHEN YEARS OLD, 1001 Ha LBS WHEN 1 YfeYHS OLD, 1001! ' BSO LBS WHEN B YEARS OLD, 100!! 0,700 LBS WHEN O YEARS OLD, 1004 ,, 0,000 LBS WHEN 7 YEARS OLD, 1005 12,1123 LBS WHEN 8 YEARS OLD, 1000 21,31 1 LBS THE OUT-PUT HAS PRACTICALLY DOUBLED EVERY YEAR SINCE THE TREES CAME INTO BEARING. , .MRS. E. M. VHOOMAN, WALNUTMERE SANTA ROSA, CALIF. NOV. 22, '00. THIS GROVE CONTAINS 8.1 ACRES AND IS PLANTED WITH 1,000 FIRST GENERATION GRAFTED FRANQUETTE WALNUT TREKS. AFTER FILLING ALL ORDERS TO DATE, WE STILL HAVE A FEW TREES OF THE VROOMAN STRAIN FRANQUETTE WALNUTS. THESE ARE ONIMTEAR, SECOND GENERATION FROM 1005 CROP OF NUTS. SA3D3 AS ON nOHDER. INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD WRITE FOR FREE BOOK ON WALNUT CULTURE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE THIS STOCK FOR THEMSELVES. WE PAID MRS. VROOMAN $0,110.55 FOR THE 1000 CROP OF NUTSOVER flOO.OO PER ACHE, THE 8TH YEAH FROM ILANT. ING. THIS IS THE VARIETY THAT IS DESTINED TO MAKE THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FAMOUS AS A WALNUT SECTION. GET STARTED RIGHT ITS MORE THAN HALF THE BATTLE AND USUAL LY ALL THE PROFIT. CALL AT OUR OFFICE ON 12TH STREET, OR ADDRESS Oregon Nursery Company SALEM, IK- OREGON - SJSJfc- 'pBBBP HHHr HHB'