JOURNAL SAX1W, OMGON. TUESDAY, FEimUAnY 10. 1007. DAILY CAPITA! a ...CAPITAL JOURNAL'S EDITORIAL PAGE HOFER BROS., P"mhe and Proprietors THE JOUItNAL HTANDH KOIl PJIOGKBSS. DKVELOPMDNT, GOOD GO VKHNM ISN'T. AND NO DKGKADEI) LAllOIt. aiKS NU1TS WjANCIIKS (Viola Vlrglnlo Antley, In Now Orleans Tlmos-Domocrat.) Ah, but to livo again thoso silvery nights, Thoso summer nights besldo a murmuring sea, When earth seemed but a garden of delights, At nnturo'g chords ono glorious harmony; Whcro llko a beacon elionn the evening star, Trembling nbovo the cloudland's fleecy snows, And tho toft wind camo cano flroatlng from afar Ladon with scent of Jasmlno and of rose. Wosaw tho full moon rlso from out the deep, ' Her splendor trailing o'er tho roatlcss tide, ' Llko a fair quoon, whoso mnntlo's royal sweop Flows In Its shimmering beauty far and wldo; And In that shining path upon tho sea. A bar of sllvor on tho whtsporing waves. Wo scorned to hear tho fairy minstrelsy That floatB and ochoos In tho coral cavos. Wo saw tho necrots vast tho cavorns hold Oloso locked within tho ocean's mighty breast, Tho shcon of sllvor and tho gleam of gold, ' Whoro argosies of treasure anchored rest. Wo saw tho gllmmorlnB poarls llko moonbeams Ho, Mingled with rainbow Jowols rich and rare, That, mingled with tho drift-wood's russot dyo, Aro tanglod In tho sea-maid's goldon hair. Thoso halcyon moments haunt mo llko a strain Or softest music heard In far-off hours Whoso melody dlos not, but comos ngaln, Ilocnlllng a lost tlmo of lovo and flowers. And though tho coming yoars mny lonely bo, With sorrow fraught, frlcndloss nnd all forlorn, Thoso sllvory nights will llvo In memory Fair as tho portals of tho primal morn, o tiu: liiMittiiATimi: and hunting hkkohm. This IcKislntttro has postponed reform In the stnto printing ofllco for four years. Till! I'KOPLK MAY NOT POSTPONE IT THAT IflXfl, At tho tlmo tho prosont stato prlntor ond this legislature woro choson tho constitution was nmondod to put tho stnto prlntor on a flat salary. Tho omondmont to tho constitution was especially prepared and sub mitted at that tlmo TO GOVKIt.V THE IMtKHKNT 8TATK PItlNTKIt. That amondmont was adoptod and promulgated and In full forco nnd offect for months buforo tho stato prlntor-olect took his office It was understood that tho prosont leglslnturo would act undor that amondmont nnd carry Hint long-promised roform Into offect. Instead of that tho house has nmondod tho Davoy hill, which wns very llbornl, KO AS TO'llKI-'KIt TIIIH IIIXOHM l-'OUK YHAK8. It Is truo tho prosont stato printer Is Inclined to roduco tho printing bills. IT IK HTATIID THAT Hi: WILL HOLD TIIKM DOWN TO TIUHTY THOUSAND DOLLAHH. Hut that Is n rhnrlty tho people of Oregon will not rocolvo vory gra ciously -tlila idea of tho ofllclat himself being tho J ml go HOW MUCH ItKI'OltM TDK I'KOI'l.i: Allli KNTITI.KD TO. Ho mny hold tho work down tho Mrst jonr, but tho second or third or fourth years It may doublo and treblo. Ho may say. well 1 may bo holding this otlloe for tho. Inst tlmo, and I HAH llinTIHt SIAKK ALL I (UN OUT OF IT. Thtro Is tho temp tation. Ilo will got llttlo or no credit for his moderation In putting his hands In tho publlo treasury. Just as tho people were beginning to think tliy had done everything to make this reform polblo. hero (hey arc tricked out of It. Tho legislature has vlolnteil tho plain mnmlato of the constitution nnd tho Impllod AdllHMMKNT WITH TIIK IT.OPLIJ IN TIIK LAST (JAM PAWN. U Hoems reforms tiro not to come through tho loglsluturo. Tho peo ple must net ilndu? tho direct legislation elnuso If thoy get any roform. has IJY Its FII'TY YHAHH OF.10UUNAL1HM. Tho McClntohoy brothers devoted n pngo editorial, with linos cloar norosK tho page, to tho momory of their fnthor, In their llftleth anni versary'' number of tho Bnrramonto Ilea Theio Is groat Inspiration In tho memory of a good father1 a fnthor who always tried to do right. WHO NtfVKIt OONHCIOU8LY VHO.(ii:i ANY MAN. The record of such a life must accompany tho tons who conduct that newspaper llko a benediction, and they are Inspired to mnko n record for themselves that shall not suitor by contrast. TIIUH A GOOD MAN'H Ml-' I J KXTHNDS TIIK KVKIM.FAOTHF.NINO HAYS OF ITS INTLUKNCK INTO TIIK FITUIU:. While ho may often have failed In what ho uudortook. or fell short of .what ho aimed nt, hit character as n whole shines on. Tho fifty years' tabor In publlo affairs of tho Sacramento live beon a composlto work A MOSAICOF INTKIit.KCTVAIi HPTOIIT 1WTHKH AND 80NH. Tho Sacramento Dee how tho Ufa nnd snap of n roal newspaper. departments are woll organised. Its telegraphic news It put up In plcturosque and entertaining manner. The visually dramatic and panoramlo KNTKK8 INTO TIIK KNTIItK MAKK.U1' AND CABTK of Its dally play to tho public Tho editorial page is a symphony of Intellectual scintillations without anything stal6 or unprofitable It carrion out tho old theory of AN INTKNHU PKIUSONAL1TY AND CONVICTION 1WCK OF TIIK KD1YOHIAL IMUOV, It 8Miu to uitau sslmt It says every word of lt.,aud It Is not postur ng for political effect. There Is no city tho slio of Sacramento that hat at able a paper as tho Bacramclo Hoo. Newspapers at state and national capitals aro almost universally given TO MKHK FIiATTKUY OF TIIK ADMINISTRATION THAT HAPPUNS TO 11K IN PQWKIt. That charge raunnt bo brought against tho'Ucc. It It an ardent chain plon of human rights agalntt all comers high or low official or un oRlclal. It constantly seeks to put tho private and tho official wrone-door In tho limelight ot publicity tho official wrongdoer always preferred. iQQW$$$$WQ&$Q&Q$frb The effect of Scoffs Emulsion on thin, pale children is magical. It make them plump, rosy, active, happy. It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ALU DRUOQIST3I BOO. AND 8I.OO. WQQWQ4QQfQ&Q& ill I f IIouho Monday Afternoon. H. D. 10, Bovorldge, to amend hunters llconso law to give county clerks 10 per cent of foes. Lost. II. D. 269, Grey, to glvo Justices of tho peaco concurrent Jurisdiction over bawdy houses. Passed. H. D. 251, Davey, by request to amend law rotating to vacating streets, etc., In municipal towns. Passed. Tho majority committee on coun tlos roportcd adversely upon house bill 427, Moore, for creation of Hood Itlvor county nnd minority report fa vorablo to Its passage On motion of Knowles, of Wasco, tho bill was laid on tho tnblo Indoflnltoly, by a voto of 24 to 10. II. n. 3G2, Frcoman, rotating to convoynnco of mining property. Passed. H. n. 300, Upmoyer, by request, to rogulato carrying, transferring or distributing Intoxicating liquors In prohibited districts. Failed to pass. II. D. 331, Chaso, making nn ap propriation of $20,000 for hatchorlos on coast streams south ot tho Colum bia. ' Adoptod In commlttco ot tho whole. Failed to pass. II. I). 380, Dobbin, for nssossmont of livestock and division of tnxes be tween counties. Pnssed. II. I). 381, Simmons, to nmond sec tion 3 10C of tho codo to abolish the 3 por cont tax rebate, no-referred to commlttco on rovlslon of laws for correction of error with leavo to ro port at nny tlmo. Itoported back nnd passed. H. II. 390, Hums, nmondlng codo relating llconso for keeping cows nnd correcting error In prosont puro food law rolatlng to vlnouar. Indefinitely postponed. II. II. 385, Hums, regulating man ufacture nnd salo of foods and drinks requiring guarantee of qual ity and goods from manufacturer. Passed. II. II. 380, Hums, requiring dairy nnd food rommlsslonor to publish monthly bullotlu of analyses of food products. Pniwod. II. n. US. IlenlB, providing for pay ment Into general fund 10 por cont of, feus for license for thn snlo of liquors Isautd by counties, cities nnd towns. Indefinitely postponed. II. II. 339, Northup, rolatlng to appointment of notarlou public. In doflnltoly postponed. II. II. 332, Purdy. giving conduc tors and engineers tho authority ot sheriffs In tho rospectlvo countlos. Passed. II. II. 217, Fnrroll, to protect train men and rcgulnto wires crossing railroad tracks. II. I). 33, Jackson I rolntlng to samn subject, considered Jointly. II. 11. 33, Indoflnltoly post poned. II. 11. 217, passed. I II. I). 3S3, Northrup, amending rode Increasing Multnomah county Jury list from G00 to 5000. Passod II. II. 384, Knowles, levying ono tenth to ono mill tax for creating ot coyoto bounty fund. Passed II. n. 192, Newell, to croato ofllco of state oxamlnor ot public officers nnd otUcft, doflultiK duties and tUlny compensation. Withdrawn. II. 11. 183, Steon, making It un lawful for persons to become habit ual drunkards. Indoflnltoly post poned. 11. D. 322, Edwards, nntl-treatlng In saloons. Indefinitely postponed. H. U. 287, Purdy, to prohibit hunt ing gnmo birds with dogs. Indefinite ly postponed. H. D. 28, Jackson, amending elec tion 2044 of codo abolishing $1 resi dent hunters' llconso and raising non resident llconso to $25. Failed to pass. H. 1). 333, Reynolds, regulating mutunl insuranco companies. Pass ed. 11. H. 305, Dobbin, relating to scrcons at Inlets of ditches. Passod. II. I). 289, Chase, rotating to catching and holding logs floating out to sea. Passed. H. II. 1C2, Nowcll, to rcgulnto granting of wntor powors. Indefinite ly postponed. o Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Wo, tho undorslgncd, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, nnd bollovo him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nnd finan cially ablo to carry out any obliga tions raado by his firm. Wnldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In ternally, acting dlroctly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot tho system. TostlmonlalB sent froo. Prlco 75 cents l;or bottlo. Sold by alt druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Itegiirdlug Senator Kay. Hut tho Herald never accused Mr. ICny ot displaying tho elements ot statesmanship, nor chnrgod that his motlvoH woro as high as tho skies. Far bo It from such. Tho Horald vould not wilfully nnd knowingly mlsroprooont tho senator from Ma rlon. It rather will bo ohnrltnblo and nny that ho la nn avornge legis lator. Of course, he has not the ed ucational finish to properly grace a place In the upper house ot the leg islature, but that Is only a disad vantage, not duo to neglect ot his good old fnthor, hut to tho pure cus sod I10S3 ot Senator Tom's boyhood ablo to outgrow or overcome. In tho senato Mr. Kay has a deslrd to ehlno. Ho has nn ambition to bo known nB tho watchdog ot tho treasury. Any thing carrying nn appropriation ho would Bhako as a dog would a rnt. Ho has dovcloped a disposition to tear things to pieces. Ho grows Im patient thnt bills do not conio up fast enough for him to tight on with his over-rendy trilbies. Albany Horald. Hoostlng Walter. IloportB from Salem nro to tho of fect that Representative Mooro la making a splendid record, and is a power In tho lcglslatlvo body. Bak er City Democrat. s' o A Valuable Lesson. "Six yoara ago I learned a valu ablo lesson." wrltea John Pleasant, of Mngnolla, Ind. "I thon began tak ing Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, and tho longer I tako thorn tho bettor I And thorn." They pleaBo everybody. Guaranteed nt J. C. Perry's, druggist 25c o The Host Wny. If tho Republican legislature does not wnnt to play Into tho hands ot tho Domocratlc governor, let no vic ious nor extravagant bill pass to bo votood. Albany Horald. , o Tho Texas Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladdor and rhoumatlo trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' trcatmont by mall for $1. Dr. B. W. Hall, 2026 Ollvo stroot, St. Louis, Mo. Send tor testimonials. Sold by Stono'a drug ttoro. dw-lyr o Not Fit to Print. Urothor Geer saya tho "staff corre spondent" of tho Portland Journal Is nlnotcon different kinds of a liar. Wo have not henrd tho responso ot 'tho correspondent, but no doubt his prl vuto opinion would bo unfit to print. Dallas Optimist, o A tlssuo builder, rcconstructor, builds up wobIo force, mnkes strong norves and muscles. Somo pooplo do not rcnllzo what a great remedy Hot lister's Rocky Mountain Tea 'is; 35 cents, Ton or Tablet s. For salo at Dr. Stone's store So Do the Unllromls. When tho.nppolntlvo advocates In tho liouso found thoy woro bonton they Jumped Into tho band wagon, nnd inn do It unanimous for nn oloc tivo commission. It Is well enough that thoy did, for It Is an oloctlvo commission the people want. Eu Kdie Register. TO CUIMi A COLD IN ONK DAY. Tako LAXATIVB DROMO Qulnlno Tablots. DrugglBts rotund monoy If It falls to curo. B. W. GROVE'S days, which ho has not been wholly slgnaturo on each box. 21c, MMMMMMIMMMMMMWMIIMMII I1IIHHI liSSUMSiMUUIAUUliUUMUUHAIUIUMlUU1 a VMVHWBVHVBVSV ... GRAND OPERA HOUSE... JOHN F. COUDRAY, Up, I Who is the Poor Man? do o Work. Now that tho railroad commission bill It out ot tha way tho legislature should set down to b tineas and do como effective work curio theio rioting days ot Ik seMlon, So tar uo more legislation has bocu enacted than usually takes place, during a senatorial contest, Tho coinululon bill wai about aa bis a bone ot con tention at a senatorial elccttop, and vraa about as great a. hindrance to legislation as (ho usual senatorial muddle. KttBO Remitter. Not tho iiuui who U getting n smalt salary d rvgularly putting; n part ot It lit thn tunings Uuik 4io Is gt'ltlng rlrlter in cry day, nnd It U only n que.tloit ot a short tlmo when ho ran "buy and vU" liU inoru unfortunate neigh bor who U now drawing n largo salary and spending It all, Ik'ghi now to ae part of your earnings and deposit ullh us. Wo miy littercM on of ono dollar or more. S&viags Departmeat Casd Natloaal Bak u JssfSPfisssinK KMm&Sb ""lsism oBsisisisisH umiimmmmmf lis iniwsy. ONE NIGHT ONLY' Fetmiaty 2 J tMBIMSRiSMiMltSSSMNSMHMSMKIM See How Candidates Are Nominated " and Elected The Great Political Play ""ftff'rMMBtatatM8tta8tBm8MBtBBB THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN Hy George Ade, Author of t!u "College Widow." The plaj that has made all America laugh. Produced with all the mawlva elaboration ot scenic nppolntrnent aud accuracy of detail enacted by A Cast of Famous Players Seats on sale Thursday 9 a. in. Prices 1 60, 100, 75c, 50c n" miiimim ( MARKET QUOTATIOl "Make "" a Good Market," SALEM SLVRKEj, Hti-lti'. t. . . Dealera In flat, Highest e.h ::: ",4i Prnmt Jll... ' M1 ' - v..,ury. BtateiUert w,caun,0,,eJ Local wheat 66c. Oats 35c. Darloy $24. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Uran. ibsa. 120.50. Hay Cheat and i.t... ..J .. .. .... " . .-"-". (.a vuu, Muioiny, IIQ.OO per toa. i liiBBB iJOC. I Hens lie; young chlckeaJ uuckB 10c: cee. .. . ins ' ' lBS01 .LOIU'iUC. i Duttor 35c; butter fat, is Unions OOftlBTfi nor . i , ... '" "l iuu, oowouc por cwt. 1IOPB CUO CO. Up- ,.-. ritWfB cnoico, iapi3c; modlnmtoi 1U4P12C. Chlttlm bark 5 06c. Tropical Frnlti. Dananaa 5V4o per lb. Orange $2.76 $J.OO. Lomons $4.00015.00. Itotnll Matktt. Flour $1 por sack. Dran 05c por sack, $21 kJ shorts, 90c per sack; $22Q$: ton. ny nmoiny, 65c p cheat and clover, 50c perctt; por ton. Oats r$ 1.35 per cwt; btt rolled barley, $2C$28 per toaj Eggs 25c. Apples $1.00 to $1.60, HtM to quality. Uuttor Country, 26t710e; ory, 40c. Llveitock. Cattle 110001800 tt 3Hc. Llghtor steors 230!Hc. Cows and heifers 9000101 3tf 4c. Stock hogs G6Nc Hogs 175 260, ID, fit, l!j $0.25. Sheep 5c. Lambs 5 c, Veal Dressed, 608e. Hogs Dressod, 8c PORTLAND JIAllKET. wi.nnt riiih. 9&70e: 70c: uiuo stem, iw. , . ...- ...VII. 11 UaiS v-uoice uuc, i Yflllotnir Ilrnn. 117 Hoy Timothy, $14 ; $14. Vntxli 17.GO fff IB 00. Potatoes $1.00011.35 W n..1(rv Hnn 13k6H(il chickens, 11 W 12c drerdeljj roostors, 12 13c, areata w-i nffMGc. turkeys, n "i lii.lmva rir-.fld. 20fll't ,...- infflio. ililfVl. HI IJYC. iU'"i ' pigeons, $1.0" Xinrir nrAnafld. DUn- Doef Dresied, 5W'Htj Hops 11014c ,' utotfm quality. .1I..I VnllV lDKIB r 1YUUI ,.,W, j 20021c; oastern Oreton, .....- rnnitv rrr&wi.ji 35c; storo butter, 1SG!- Mohair 26W5SC LOCAL TIMKWWi Tlmo Card of SouUicm I" 1 " In Effect at &dn a i Oftl. No. 165.23 a. n-i Dre? . .. .CWIfl NO. 18 B.JV - B fasaenger. ' x i i 45 P. -,--- .I PrNo.l4-9 2$P-3-?rjl nress. . .. . isfl No. 222 Arrive L hii partll8,PortlaMr' No. 226 Arrlco 1-H' 11:28, way freis, Toward 6 "TZ, . No. 11-11" -" PrN::iT-6p,..0- Passenger rWi press. - asti No. 13-1 Jl rnu. NO, zsi - - fast freight U -W No. 225-ArrIr " dart at 12 .?